JEE Main 2022 July Session 2 Shift-2 (DT 26-07-2022) Chemistry

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JEE (Main)


Memory Based Questions & Solutions
Date: 26 July, 2022 (SHIFT-2) | TIME : (3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m)

Duration: 3 Hours | Max. Marks: 300


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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

1. For the reaction at 27°C
H2F2(g) H2(g) + F2(g)
U = –59.6 KJ/mole, then value of H is –X KJ/mole. The value of X is:
[Report your answer to nearest integer]
Ans. (57)
Sol. H = U + ngRT
= –59.6 +
= –59.6 + 2.49
= –57.11 KJ/mole

2. Which metal is not obtained form sulphide ore ?

(1) Al (2) Fe (3) Zn (4) Cu
Ans. (1)
Sol. Al is not obtained from sulphide ore.

3. Which of the following metal have low melting point and it is closer to metalloid in periodic table
(1) Al (2) Ga (3) In (4) Tl
Ans. (2)
Sol. 13th group MP
B 2453 K
A   933 K
Ga 303 K
In 430 K
T 576 K
Ga have low meting point and it is closer to metalloid in periodic table.

4. 10 gram gaseous mixture of H2 and He at 6 bar pressure have volume 0.0125 m 3 at 300 k temperature.
Find weight of Helium in mixture (in gram).
Ans. (8)
Sol. PV = nRT
[6 × 0.0125 × 103 ] = ntotal × 0.082 × 300
ntotal = 3 mole
 3
2 4
2 WH2 + WHe = 12 ……………(1)
WH2 + WHe = 10 ……………(2)
On solving
WH2 = 2 & WHe = 8

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

5. A solute 'X' dissolve in a solvent at molality 1m then elevation in boiling point is 3°C while at molality 2m,
depression in freezing point is 6°C, then ratio of b is 1 : X, then value of X is _________________
Ans. (1)
Sol. Tb  kb  m
Tf  k f  m
3 kb 1
  
6 kf 2
kb 1

kf 1
So, X=1

6. In the following reaction sequence.
PCl3 + C2H5OH A
A + PCl3 B
How many non-ionisable H atom are present in B.
Ans. (2)
Sol. 3C2H5OH + PCl3 3C2H5Cl + H3PO3
H3PO3 + PCl3 H4P2O5
Pyrophosphorous acid

No. of non-ionisable hydrogen atoms are two.

7. Identify diamagnetic species from following.

(1) K3[Cu(CN)4] (2) K2[Cu(CN)4] (3) K3[Fe(CN)6] (4) K4[FeCl6]
Ans. (1)
Sol. Complex No. of unpaired
(i) K3[Cu(CN)4] Cu+1 = 3d10 0 DM
(ii) K2[Cu(CN)4] Cu2+ = 3d9 1 PM
(iii) K3[Fe(CN)6] Fe3+ = 3d5 5 PM
(iv) K4[FeCl6] Fe2+ = 3d6 4 PM

8. We have to prepare a buffer solution of NH3 and NH4Cl which have pH = 8.26. For this initially we have
1 litre 0.2 M ammonia solution, then how much amount of NH 4Cl in gram is added for this [pkb = 4.74 &
GMM of NH4Cl = 53.5 g]
Ans. (107)

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Ph. No.: +91-744-2777777, 2777700 | FAX No. : +91-022-39167222
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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

Sol. pH = 8.26 pOH = 5.74

NH3 + NH4Cl  Basic buffer solution.
[NH4 Cl]
pOH = pkb + log
[NH3 ]
[NH4 Cl]
5.74 = 4.74 + log
[NH3 ]
[NH4 Cl]
= 10
[NH3 ]
nNH4Cl = nNH3 = 2 mole
= 2×53.5 = 107 gram.

9. A compound AB2 dissociate with half-life 200 sec and half-life is independent of concentration of AB2,
find time taken for 80% dissociation of AB2.
(1) 467 sec (2) 100 sec (3) 326 sec (4) 587 sec
Ans. (1)

Sol. As is independent an initial concentration so reaction is 1st order.
2.303  100 
t= log 
k  100  % 
2.303  100 
t=  200 log 
0.693  20 
2.303  200
=  log5
= 664.65 ×0.7 = 466.66 ≈ 467 sec
10. Find correct order of covalent character in
CaF2, CaCl2, CaBr2, CaI2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) a < b < c < d (2) b < c < a < d (3) c < c < b < a (4) d < c < a < b
Ans. (1)
Sol. As per Fazan rule as the size of anion increases covalent character increase.
So order of covalent character is
 CaF2 < CaCl2 < CaBr2 < CaI2

11. Assertion : LiF is less soluble in water

Reason: Li+ has small size, thus it has very low hydration enthalpy.
(1) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion
(2) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
(3) Assertion is true and Reason is false
(4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
Ans. (3)
Sol. LiF is less soluble due to high value of lattice energy.
Li+ has small size and has very high hydration enthalpy.

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Ph. No.: +91-744-2777777, 2777700 | FAX No. : +91-022-39167222
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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

12. Assertion : Boric acid is a weak acid.

Reason: Boric acid does not release its own H+, but it accepts OH– from water and release H+ from water.
(1) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion
(2) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
(3) Assertion is true and Reason is false
(4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
Ans. (1)
Sol. It is a weak monobasic acid, soluble in water and in aqueous solution the boron atom completes its octet
by accepting OH– from water molecules:
B(OH)3(aq) + 2H2O() [B(OH)4]– (aq) + H3O+(aq). pK = 9.25.
It, therefore, functions as a Lewis acid and not as a proton donor like most acids.
Since B(OH)3 only partially reacts with water to form H3O+ and [B(OH)4]–, it behaves as a weak acid.

13. For three compounds of Mn

MnF2, MnF3, MnF4
Find magnetic moment (Spin only) for the compound which has highest oxidising tendency.
[Report your answer to nearest integer]
Ans. (5)
Sol. the change from Mn2+ to Mn3+ results in the half-filled (d5) configuration which has extra stability.
So, MnF3 has most oxidising tendency.
MnF3 Mn3+ 3d4 n = 4
= 4( 4  2)  24 B M = 4.89 BM ≈ 5BM

14. Assertion : Finely divided gold particles are red in colour as concentration increase colour changes from
purple to blue and finally Golden.
Reason: The colour particle depends on wave length of light scattered.
(1) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion
(2) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
(3) Assertion is true and Reason is false
(4) Assertion is false and Reason is true
Ans. (1)
Sol. The colour of colloidal solution depends on the wavelength of light scattered by the dispersed particles.
The wavelength of light further depends on the size and nature of the particles. The colour of colloidal
solution also changes with the manner in which the observer receives the light. For example, a mixture
of milk and water appears blue when viewed by the reflected light and red when viewed by the
transmitted light. Finest gold sol is red in colour; as the size of particles increases, it appears purple,
then blue and finally golden

15. Assertion : Phenolphthalein is a pH dependent indicator which is colourless in acidic medium and
change its colour to pink in basic medium.
Reason: Phenolphthalein is weak acid that does not dissociate in basic medium.
(1) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion
(2) Assertion is true, Reason is true and Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
(3) Assertion is true and Reason is false
(4) Assertion is false and Reason is true

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Ph. No.: +91-744-2777777, 2777700 | FAX No. : +91-022-39167222
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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

Ans. (3)
Sol. HPh ⇋ H+ + Ph–
Colourless Pink colour
(acidic medium) (Basic medium)

16. 10 ml of CuSO4 solution is treated with excess of KI solution, thus the liberated I2 required 20 ml, 0.02 M
hypo solution find the molarity of CuSO4 solution using following reactions.
2Cu2+ + 4I–  Cu2I2 + I2
I2 + 2S2O3 2–  2I– + S4O62–
Then molarity of CuSO4 solution is ________× 10–2M
Ans. (4)
Sol. Mili eq. of Cu2+ = mili eq. of I2 = mili eq. of Hypo
1[M×10] = 1[0.02×20]
M = 4×10–2

17. EtO–C–CH2–CH2–

H–C–CH2–CH2– H–C–CH2–CH2–
(1) (2)

(3) EtO–C–CH2–CH2– (4) EtO–C–CH2–CH2–

Ans. (1)

18. Match the following

(1) Plant Nutrient (A) Domestic sewage
(2) Heavy toxic metals (B) Chemical fertilizers
(3) Microbes (C) Chemical factory
(4) Sediments (D) Strip mining
(1) (1) – (B), (2) – (C), (3) – (A), (4) – (D) (2) (1) – (C), (2) – (B), (3) – (A), (4) – (D)
(3) (1) – (B), (2) – (C), (3) – (D), (4) – (A) (4) (1) – (D), (2) – (C), (3) – (A), (4) – (B)
Ans. (1)
Sol. From NCERT

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Ph. No.: +91-744-2777777, 2777700 | FAX No. : +91-022-39167222
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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

19. The reagents required for the following conversions is



(1) HNO2 , KI, Fe/H+, HNO2, Warm water (2) KI, HNO2, Fe/H+, HNO2, Warm water
(3) Fe/H+, HNO2 , KI, HNO2, Warm water (4) HNO2, Fe/H+, KI, Warm water, HNO2
Ans. (1)
1. HNO2 1. Fe/H+
2. KI 2. HNO2,
Sol. 3. Warm Water

20. Which is not a benzenoid compound


(1) (2) (3) (4)

Ans. (1)

Sol. is not a benzenoid compound

21. __________ on hydrolyses produce carbolic acid .

(1) Cumene (2) Benzene diazonium chloride
(3) Benzyl chloride (4) Ethyl ketal
Ans. (2)


22. Methylcyclohexane on mono-chlorination gives how many product (including stereoisomers).

Ans. (12)
CH3 CH2–Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
Cl Cl
* *
Sol. Cl
1 1 4 4 2

Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Ph. No.: +91-744-2777777, 2777700 | FAX No. : +91-022-39167222
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| JEE MAIN-2022 | DATE : 26-07-2022 (SHIFT-2) | PAPER-1 | MEMORY BASED | CHEMISTRY

23. Ethylmagnesium bromide with methanol gives 2.24 ml gas at STP. Weight of the gas in mg.
Ans. (3)
Sol. C2H5MgBr + CH3OH  C2H6(g) + CH3OMgBr
Volume of ethane = 2.24 ml
2.24 2.24
Mole of ethane = =
22400 2.24  10 4
2.24 30
Weight of ethane =  = 3  10-3 gm = 3 mg
2.24 104

24. How many of the given is a broad spectrum antibiotic.

Peniciline G, Ofloxacin, Terpinol, Salvarsan
Ans. (1)
Sol. Ofloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic.

25. Which of the following is animal starch:

(1) Glycogen (2) Amylose (3) Amylopectin (4) Cellobiose
Ans. (1)
Sol. Glycogen is an animal starch:

26. Which is correct order of priority of functional groups as per IUPAC

(3) RCOOH > RCOCl > NH2 > C=O (4) RCOOR > RSO3H > RCOCl > RCONH2
Ans. (1)
Sol. The correct order of priority of functional groups as per IUPAC is

27. Which process takes place in vulcanisation of rubber

(1) Neoprene is heated with sulphur (2) Isoprene is heated with sulphur
(3) Isoprene is heated with styrene (4) Neoprene is heated with Styrene
Ans. (2)


Resonance Eduventures Ltd.

Reg. Office & Corp. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Resonance Eduventures Ltd.
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To Know more : sms RESO at 56677 | Website : | E-mail : [email protected] | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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