Severity of Disease Associated With Omicron Variant As Compared With Delta Variant in Hospitalized Patients
Severity of Disease Associated With Omicron Variant As Compared With Delta Variant in Hospitalized Patients
Severity of Disease Associated With Omicron Variant As Compared With Delta Variant in Hospitalized Patients
• Pendahuluan
• Mikroba
• Pertahanan Hidup Mikroba
• Mekanisme Resistensi
• Multi-drugs resistant organisms (MDRO)
• Mikroba dan HAIs
• Microbiology
is the study of
microorganisms or
microbes, such as
bacteria, viruses, archaea,
fungi and protozoa. This
discipline includes
fundamental research on
the biochemistry,
physiology, cell biology,
ecology, evolution and
clinical aspects of
microorganisms, including
the host response to these
What is the difference between a
cells and a virus ?
Most fungal pathogens are opportunists that preferentially invade hosts with immune defects.
Pathogenesis of Fungal Infection
Localized disease (left) is caused by local trauma
or the superficial invasion of flora resident on the
oropharyngeal (thrush), gastrointestinal, or vaginal
Systemic disease (right) begins with inhalation of
conidia followed by dissemination to other sites.
Environmental conidia are inhaled or injected
Endogenous yeasts may invade
Citation: Chapter 43 Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Fungal Infection, Ryan KJ, Ray C. Sherris Medical Microbiology, 6e; 2014. Available at:§ionId=56968786 Accessed: May 22, 2022
Copyright © 2022 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved
Makhluk hidup:
1. Tubuhnya terstruktur
2. Komposisi kimia yang stabil
3. Membuat energi dan menggunakannya
4. Merespon rangsangan
5. Tumbuh dan berkembang
6. Dapat berkembang biak (seksual atau non-seksual)
7. Terdapat variasi genetik
8. Beradaptasi pada lingkungan
• All living cells have RNA and DNA, can carry out chemical reactions,
and reproduce as self sufficient units, viruses have only RNA or
DNA and can reproduce only by using the cellular machinery of
other organisms
• Viruses are NOT A CELLS, non cellular infectious agent,
submicroscopic, obligate intracellular parasites.
• Virus definition : A virus is a very small, non-cellular parasite of
cells. Its genome, which is composed of either DNA or RNA, is
enclosed in a protein coat.
Virus is an agent smaller
than bacterium, that most
cannot be seen by light
Comparison of the size of selected viruses to E. coli and a human red blood cell
Baumann, RW. Microbiology with Diseasesby taxonomy 3rd ed. Pearson International . 2011
Structure : size, morphology,
and nucleic acid
Biochemical characteristics :
structure and mode of
Diseases : encephalitis,
hepatitis viruses
Means of transmission :
arbovirus spread by insects
Varian2 baru
Morfologi Sel Bakteri
• Bentuk Bacteria
• Batang
• Kokus
• Spiral
G+ G- Acid Wall Intra
• Filamen fast less cellular
• Pada isolat
• Kemurnian isolat
• Identifikasi untuk menentukan uji lanjutan
Pertumbuhan Populasi Bakteri
Kecepatan tumbuh
Strategi pertahanan hidup
• Extreme temperature
• Thermophiles: >450C
• Mesophiles: 200C – 400C (human pathogens)
• Exception: Legionella sp.
• Psychrophiles : <10C – 200C
• Chemical Extremes: Extreme Acidophiles; Alkaliphiles; Halophiles
Bacterial communication: Quorum Sensing
Evolution of Microbes
Mechanisms of Antibiotics
Klasifikasi Berdasarkan Kebutuhan O2
• Resisten terhadap
• kering, panas, radiasi, dan
zat kimia yang mematikan
• Perlakuan yang dapat
menghambat pertumbuhan
mikroba lain
Evolution of Microbe
• Bacteria are very adaptable. The short generation span of
bacteria helps them adapt to changing environments
• This is true in the evolutionary sense of adaptation via
natural selection and the physiological sense of adjustment
to changes in the environment by individual bacteria
• Disinfeksi
proses menghilangkan (remove) mikroba, tidak
termasuk spora
disinfectant ; germicide ; antiseptic ; sanitizer
Cara Pemusnahan Mikroba
• Fisik:
• Sinar Ultraviolet
• Pemanasan:
• Boiling: suhu tinggi
• Pasteurisasi: suhu rendah, beberapa kali
• Kimia:
• Desinfeksi
• antiseptik
• Sterilisasi
Ketahanan Mikroba
1) The presence of microbes in the body
2) The symptoms of disease
The presence of microbes in the body does not always result in symptoms of disease
Faktor yang menentukan bakteri adalah
penyebab infeksi
• Lokasi pengambilan specimen (organ atau sistem)
IDSA Guidelines. Clin. Inf. Diseases Advance Access published July 10, 2013
IDSA Guidelines. Clin. Inf. Diseases Advance Access published July 10, 2013
Alur Prosedur Laboratorium
Mikrobiologi Klinik
Patient/Client Prep
Sample Collection
Personnel Competency
•Data & Test Evaluations
•Customer Sample Receipt and
Service Accessioning
Record Keeping
biochemical tubes
Molecular testing
Hasil Pemeriksaan Mikrobiologi
Tatalaksana Pasien dengan Infeksi
• Terapi antibiotik empirik berdasarkan antibiogram
• Didapat:
• Bacteria yang bersifat sensitif terhadap suatu antibiotik
kemudian menjadi resisten
• Terjadi akibat mutasi atau mendapatkan materi genetik
• Mutasi kromosomal dan seleksi: vertical evolution
• Mendapatkan materi genetik baru dari bakteri lain yang
resisten: horizontal evolution
Tenover, FC. The American Journal of Medicine (2006) Vol 119 (6A), S3–S10
Hawkey, P. M BMJ 1998;317:657-660
Mekanisme Resistensi
• Bakteri menghasilkan enzim
yang dapat menghancurkan
antibiotik sebelum terikat
• Pompa efluks: bakteri
mengeluarkan molekul
antibiotik yang masuk ke
sitoplasma sebelum terikat
pada target
Araos, R., et al.. In: Antimicrobial Stewardship: Principles and Practice. CAB International. 2017.
How does antibiotic resistance
Bagaimana Sifat Resistensi Dipindahkan?
• Mendapatkan gen pengkode sifat resistensi dari sel
bakteri lain Horizontal Gene Transfer
Microorganism Resistance ….
• MDR (multidrug-resistant)
Resisten terhadap 3 kelas antimikroba
• XDR (extensively drug-resistant )
Resisten terhadap semua kecuali 1 - 2 (colistin /tigecycline)
• PDR (pandrug-resistant)
Resisten terhadap semua AB yang ada
• CR (carbapenems resistant)
Resisten to imipenem or meropenem
Overbed Table:
C. Difficile 41%
MRSA 40%
VRE 20% Patient Gowns:
MRSA 51%
MRSA 29% Floors:
MRSA 53%
Did you know that every time you get a new roommate, there is an increase of
VRE 40%
3-10% that you will acquire an HAI.
Huang SS, Datta R, Platt R. Risk of acquiring antibiotic-resistant bacteria from prior room occupants. Arch Intern Med. 2006 Oct
Boyce J.M. et al.: Environmental contamination due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Possible infection control implications. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
18:622-627, Sep. 1997.
Slaughter S., et al.: A comparison of the effect of universal use of gloves and gowns with that of glove use alone on acquisition of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in a
medical intensive care unit. Ann Intern Med 125: 448-456, Sep 15, 1996.
Samore M.H., et al.: Clinical and molecular epidemiology of sporadic and clustered cases of nosocomial Clostridium difficile diarrhea. Am J Med 100:32-40, Jan. 1996.
Survival times of nosocomial pathogens on environmental surfaces
Serratia marcescens Potable water; Contaminated antiseptics (i.e., benzalkonium chloride and chlorhexidine);
Contaminated disinfectants (i.e., quaternary ammonium compounds and glutaraldehyde)
Acinetobacter spp. Medical equipment that collects moisture (e.g., mechanical ventilators, cool mist humidifiers,
vaporizers, and mist tents);
Room humidifiers; Environmental surfaces
Enterobacter spp. Humidifier water; Intravenous fluids; Unsterilized cotton swabs; Ventilators; Rubber piping on a
suctioning machine;
Blood gas analyzers
• Physical:
• Ultraviolet Light
• Heat:
• Boiling: high
• Pasteurization:
low temperature,
several times
• Chemical:
• Disinfection
• Antiseptic
• Sterilization
Antibiotic Isolation/
Management Barrier
Hand Hygiene
PPRA Komite/Tim
Eradication Surveillance
Emergence Transmission
Perl TM. Gram Negative Bacterial Resistance in Healthcare: The Brave New World Healthcare
• Mikroba meliputi bakteri, virus, jamur, parasit, amuba,
cacing dan protozoa
• Mikroba yang terkait HAIs umumnya bakteri dan virus
• Pertahanan hidup mikroba : Extremophiles, Sporulasi,
Pembentukan biofilm, Evolusi, Mekanisme resistensi
• Kualitas hasil pemeriksaan mikrobiologi tergantung fase
pre-analitik, analitik, pasca-analitik
• MDRO meningkat di Indonesia dan Dunia, memerlukan
pencegahan terjadi infeksi dan pemberian antimikroba
yang bijak serta pengendalian penyebaran infeksinya.
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# Stay Safe
# Vaccination