Dermatology Notes

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Table Of Contents:
What’s included: Ready-to-study anatomy, physiology and pathology notes of the
integumentary system presented in succinct, intuitive and richly illustrated downloadable PDF
documents. Once downloaded, you may choose to either print and bind them, or make
annotations digitally on your ipad or tablet PC.

Free bonus:
• Fitzpatrick’s Colour Atlas And Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology – 8 Edition

File List:
• Principals of Dermatology
• Skin Structure & Function - Basic
• Skin Structure & Function - Detailed
• Acne
• Allergic Skin Conditions
• Blistering Diseases
• Lichen Planus
• Malignant Ulcers
• Procedural Dermatology - GP
• Psoriasis
• Rosacea
• Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
• Skin Infections - Bacterial
• Skin Infections - Fungal
• Skin Infections - Parasitic
• Skin Infections - Viral
• Skin Lesions - Benign
• Skin Lesions - Malignant
• Skin Pathology & Histology
• Summary of Paediatric Rashes
• Summary of Pre-Malignant & Malignant Skin Lesions
• Summary of Pre-Malignant & Malignant Skin Lesions 2
NB Y d eed k a ea e f De a l gical C di i i hi c e
NB: ALL EXAM QUESTIONS for Dermatology will come from:

Wk 1
Skin & Special Senses Notes
General Principals of Dermatology

Key words + Definitions:

- Primary Lesion:
o The initial lesion that characterizes a condition.
- Secondary Lesion:
o Over time, the primary lesion may continue to develop or be modified by regression/trauma,
producing a secondary lesion

Morphology Terminology Primary Lesions:

Lesion Name: Lesion Description: Picture:

Erythema Redness due to vascular dilation. (Eg. Cellulitis)

Erythroderma Red rash covering >90% of the Body

Telangiectasia Permanently dilated dermal blood vessels to the point of

being visible; Blanches under pressure

Macule A macule is a small, flat are of altered colour, without

elevation or depression (nonpalpable). (Eg. Lentigo
Simplex, Eg. Freckles)

Patch A patch is a large Macule

Petechiae Tiny macules of blood in the skin; Small, non blanching

Extravasated RBC s

Purpura A Large Macule or Patch of blood in the skin Doesn t

(May Be blanch under pressure. (Eg. A Hickey)
Palpable) Larger area of RBC extravasation

(The hallmark of vasculitis severe inflammation of the

blood vessels If it is this bad in the skin it s probably this
bad elsewhere in the body)

Ecchymosis/ A Larger subcutaneous bleed. The resultant swelling = a

Haematoma Haematoma
Micropapule A Very Small raised lesion 1-2mm in diameter.

Papule A small raised lesion (less than 0.5cm)

Plaque Flat-topped, raised area of the skin. (Usually dermal

A large Papule more than 2cm in width but NO depth.
(Eg. Psoriasis)
Papilloma A nipple-like mass projecting from the skin

Burrow A linear Papule caused by a burrowing organism. Eg.


Nodule A raised, solid lesion greater than 0.5cm in width AND

depth. (Eg. Keloid Scar)

Tumour A mass of enlarged tissues of more than 1cm diameter

Vesicle A clear, fluid-containing elevation of less than 5mm in

diameter. (Eg. Chickenpox)
(Typically appear clear, but can fill with pus to become a
Bulla A large Vesicle more than 0.5cm in diameter

Pustule A small Pus-filled vesicle of less than 5mm in diameter

Impetiginised Covered in Crust, Pustules, & Often Weeping


Cyst A cavity containing liquid, semisolid, or solid material

Abscess A Pus-containing cavity of more than 1cm in diameter.

(NB: a cyst can become infected and fill with pus,
becoming an abscess)
Excoriation A Scratch - May be Epidermal or may extend down into
the Dermis
- Often linear
- Often Covered with Crust
Fissure A deep crack - extends down to the dermis & blood

Erosion A superficial incomplete loss of the epidermis. Eg.

Superficial Burn

Ulcer An area of complete loss of the epidermis and often

portions of the dermis and even subcutaneous fat.

Wheal A wheal is an elevated, white, compressible area

produced by dermal oedema. It typically disappears
within 24 to 48 hours
Angioedema Oedema which extends to the subcutaneous tissue

Comedone A plug of keratin or sebum blocking a sebaceous orifice


Alopecia Can be:

(Hair Loss) - Scarring (Permanent loss of hair follicles)
- Or Non-Scarring (follicles are still alive and well)

Eschar Patch of Dead Skin (necrosis) A Thick Crust over an

(Necrosis) Ulcer or Erosion:
Typically black; Full-thickness skin loss
(Dead skin = something bad RED FLAG)(Implies
something vascular Ischaemic Necrosis)
Morphology Terminology Secondary Lesions:

Lesion Name: Lesion Description: Picture:

Scale Dry, laminated masses of keratin that represent
thickened stratum corneum. Eg. Psoriasis

Keratosis Thickening of the skin. Eg. Solar Keratosis

Hyperkeratosis Large are of Thickened skin Thick Scale.

Verrucous Very Hyperkeratotic Similar to a Wart

Lichenification Palpable epidermal thickening of the skin usually due to

friction. Eg. Lichen Simplex

Crust Dried serum, pus, or blood usually mixed with epithelial

and sometimes bacterial debris

Atrophy Thinning of the skin (epidermal, dermal, or


Erosion A superficial incomplete loss of the epidermis. Eg.

Superficial Burn
Ulcer An area of complete loss of the epidermis and often
portions of the dermis and even subcutaneous fat. Eg.
Excoriation A superficial loss of epidermis from scratching or picking,
therefore often linear and often covered by crust

Scar A pale, firm raised or depressed lesion resulting from skin

injury. Eg. Keloid Scar

Stria Streak-like, linear, pink/purple/white marks due to

(Stretch Marks) changes in Connective Tissue

Pigmentation An Increase or Decrease in skin pigmentation. Eg.

Other Descriptors:
- Colour:
o Erythema = Red
o Violaceous = Purple
o Slate = Gray
o Hyperpigmented = Darker than surrounding skin
o Hypopigmented = Lighter than surrounding skin
o Bronze = Red-Brown
o Dusky = Purple-Grey
o Variegated = Many different Colours

- Relating to Edge of Rash:

o Definition:
Eg. Well Defined
Eg. Ill/Poorly Defined
o Geometric Shape:
Nummular = Round
Annular = Rink-like
Circinate = Circular
Arcuate = Curved
Discoid = Disc-like
Gyrate/Serpiginous = Wave-like
Polycyclic = Edge is like a number of overlapping circles

- Surface Contour:

- Relating to Symptoms:
o Weeping = Oozing clear fluid from the skin surface
o Crusted = Covered in scabs
o Pruritis = Itchy
o Dysaesthesia = Tingling, Burning, Numbness
- Symmetry:
o Eg. Dermatitis is typically symmetrical.
o Eg. An infective lesion (Eg. Abscess) is likely to be Unilateral.

- Is it in Typical Distribution:
o Eg. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (Dandruff) typically occurs on the scalp, forehead, eyebrows & chest.
o Eg. Atopic Dermatitis typically in the cubital & popliteal fossae.

- Localised or Universal:
o Universal Eg. Chicken Pox.
o Localised Eg. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) localised to a dermatome.

Functions of Normal Skin:

• Mechanical barrier
• Chemical barrier
• Prevent Fluid Loss (Overlapping Cells & Intercellular Lipid Minimises loss of Water)
• Defence against micro-organisms
• Immunological barrier
• Endocrine organ (Produces Vitamin-D under UV)
• Vit. D Main ain Calci m Homeo a i Ca+ Ab o ion in G Renal Ca+ Retention)
• Melanin Protects against UV
• Thermoregulation (Varying blood flow Allows heat Conservation or Evaporative Cooling)
• Sensory organ

Basic Structure of Normal Skin:

- 3 Layers:
o Epidermis (Top Cellular Layer):
The 5 Layers of the Epidermis:
1. Stratum Germinativum/Basale:
o Single layer of cuboidal/columnar cells
2. Stratum Spinosum (Prickle Cell layer):
o Several layers of polyhedral cells
3. Stratum Granulosum:
o 3-5 layers flattened cells
4. Stratum Lucidum:
o (Present only on very thick layers of epidermis (Eg. Glabrous Skin
o = The Lucid layer of Flattened Cells before Stratum Corneum.
5. Stratum Corneum:
o 5-50 layers of Flattened, Dead Cells (Squames)
o Protective Barrier; Holds in Moisture
o Cytoplasm is filled with keratin & keratohyalin granules
o Dermis (Middle Fibrous Layer):
Connective Tissue
Blood Vessels
Nerves (Sensory Receptors & Free Nerve Endings)
Hair Follicles + Arrector Pili (the Smooth Muscle)
NB: Skin without hair (Eg. Palms & Soles) = “Glabrous Skin”.
NB: Skin With Hair (Ie. Rest of the body) = “Non-Glabrous Skin”.
Glands (Sweat, Sebaceous)
Contains Some Cells:
Fibroblasts: Synthesis and degradation of connective tissue
Histiocytes/Macrophages: Phagocytic cells
Mast cells: Secretory cells Vasoactive Mediators (histamine) Skin Allergies.
Lymphocytes: Small number collect around blood vessels in normal skin
2 Layers:
(R) - Reticular Layer (thick Collagen, lower layer) - much stronger
(P) - Papillary layer (fine Collagen, upper layer) - weaker
o Hypodermis (Fat Layer):
Adipose Tissue
Insulates the body
Stores Energy
- Glands:
o Sebaceous (Sebum) Glands:
Associated with hair follicles (The Pilosebaceous Unit)
(:. Not found on Palms/Soles)(Most found on Face & Scalp)
Holocrine Secretion:
(Ie. Secretion via complete destruction of cells)
Produce oily sebum:
Stimulated by Androgens:
Very Active at puberty
o Eccrine (Sweat) Glands:
On most of the body (Scarce on the back)
Simple, Coiled Tubular Glands:
Secretory Coil (deep in Dermis) Secrete the Water & Electrolytes
Sweat Duct Reabsorb Na+ Ions from the sweat.
Clear watery secretion
Person can perspire several liters per hour
Stimulated by High Temperature and Stress
o Apocrine (Pheromone) Glands:
Associated with hair follicles
Large complex gland:
Located in Dermis
Duct Opens into Hair Follicle.
Viscous, Milky Secretion (protein and cellular debris):
Produces pheromones
o Bacterial action is required for odor production
Stimulated by Androgens:
Most Active at puberty
Causes of Skin Injury:
- Physical Agents:
o Mechanical trauma
o Thermal Burns
o Cold
o Electrical
o Radiation (Eg. In Radiotherapy)
- Hypoxia:
o Ischaemia (Eg. In Peripheral Vascular Disease)
- Chemicals:
o Acid/Alkali
o Phosphorus
- Infectious:
o Bacteria
o Vicuses
- Autoimmune:
o Scleroderma
o Lupus Erythematosis
- Genetic:
o Histiocytosis X

Mechanisms of Healing:
- Acute Inflammation:
o Vasodilation
o Increased Permeability Stasis
o Leukocyte Margination/Migration
o Phagocytosis of Damaged/Dead Tissue/Organisms. + Enzyme Release
- Granulation Tissue:
o 3-5 Days After Injury
o Occurs only in Deeper Cuts/Injuries. (Not Superficial Injuries)
o Angiogenesis (Migration + Proliferation of Endothelial Cells)
Driven by FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor) + VEGF (Vasculo-Endothelial Growth Factor)
o Fibrosis - Fibroblast Migration + Proliferation
Driven by PDGF (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor) + TGFB (Transforming Growth Factor-B)

- Collagen Synthesis:
o A Triple Helix Protein
o Synthesis is Vit.C Dependent.
o As time goes by, the Collagen Scar gets Stronger:
At 1wk, the scar is weak.
Strengths peaks @ 3mths.
o Metalloproteinases (collagenases, Gelatinases) Degrade Collagen.

Healing By Primary Intention Vs. Secondary Intention:

- Primary Intention:
o Wound edges are CLOSE together
o Tends to be Quick
o Cells of the Basal Layer of the Epidermis lines the Surface of the Wound (within 1-2 Days)
- Secondary Intention:
o Wide, open wound. (Edges are FAR apart)
o Takes a lot Longer
o Granulation Tissue Fills the Wound Epithelialisation from Wound Margins
Skin Grafts Vs. Skin Flaps:
- Skin Grafts:
o Has been totally detatched from its original location
o :. Has NO intrinsic Blood Supply
:. Must be grafted onto Vascularised Tissue
It will initially survive via Simple Diffusion of Nutrients
Eventially, Neovascularisation New Blood Supply.
o Types:
Full Thickness Graft (FTG)
All of the Dermis & Epidermis
or Split Skin Graft (SSG)
All of the Epidermis & some of the Superficial Dermis
- Skin Flaps:
o Has NOT been detached from its original location
o :. Still Has Intrinsic Blood Supply
o Indications:
Poor Vascularity of Location (eg. Bare bone, Bare tendons)
Vital Structures (Eg. Exposed Vessels/joints)
Cosmetics (Eg. Face) Usually gives a better result than a skin graft.
o 3 Basic Types:
- Free Flaps
o = Basically a Skin Graft, but the Blood Supply is Reconstituted using Microsurgery to reconnect the
Artery and Vein.

Wk 2
Skin Structure & Function - Detailed
Skin & Special Senses Notes
Lecture Summary: Skin Structure & Function

Functions of Normal Skin:
• Mechanical barrier
• Chemical barrier
• Prevent Fluid Loss (Overlapping Cells & Intercellular Lipid à Minimises loss of Water)
• Defence against micro-organisms
• Immunological barrier
• Endocrine organ – (Produces Vitamin-D under UV)
• Vit. D à Maintains Calcium Homeostasis (↑Ca+ Absorption in Gut & ↑Renal Ca+ Retention)
• Melanin à Protects against UV
• Thermoregulation – (Varying blood flow àAllows heat Conservation or Evaporative Cooling)
• Sensory organ

Basic Structure of Normal Skin:
- 3 Layers:
o Epidermis (Top Cellular Layer):
§ Keratinocytes
§ Melanocytes
o Dermis (Middle Fibrous Layer):
§ Connective Tissue
§ Blood Vessels
§ Nerves (Sensory Receptors & Free Nerve Endings)
§ Hair Follicles + Arrector Pili (the Smooth Muscle)
• NB: Skin without hair – (Eg. Palms & Soles) = “Glabrous Skin”.
• NB: Skin With Hair – (Ie. Rest of the body) = “Non-Glabrous Skin”.
§ Glands (Sweat, Sebaceous)
o Hypodermis (Fat Layer):
§ Adipose Tissue
Structure of Skin


- Structure of the Epidermis:
o Most Superficial Layer of Stratified Squamous Keratinised Epithelium.
o Avascular
o Almost Entirely Cellular:
§ 95% of Epidermal Cells are Keratinocytes. (Produce Keratin)
§ Other Cells include: Melanocytes, Merkel Cells & Langerhans Cells.
§ Continually regenerating (Rate is just sufficient to replace cells lost from the surface)
o Protective barrier
o Approximately 0.1 to 1mm thick

- The 5 Layers of the Epidermis:
o 1. Stratum Germinativum/Basale:
§ Single layer of cuboidal/columnar cells
§ Basal Cells take 14 days to differentiate à Keratinocytes
§ Keratinocytes take 14 days to be shed off.
§ Strongly adherent to the Basement Membrane by Hemidesmosomes.

o 2. Stratum Spinosum (Prickle Cell layer):
§ Several layers of polyhedral cells
§ Keratin-Tonofibrils Insert into interconnecting desmosomes from adjacent cells.
§ Keratinocytes Contain ‘Lamellar (lipid containing) bodies’:
• Are Secreted into the Extracellular spaces (Sticks Cells Together)
o à Forms a water-barrier.
o àAlso acts to cement keratinized squames together in Stratum Corneum
§ Langerhans Cells:
• Like Macrophages
• Have Antigen Presenting Capacity.
o 3. Stratum Granulosum:
§ 3-5 layers flattened cells
§ Loss of nuclei
§ Keratinocytes:
• Keratohyalin granules (Composed of Profilaggrin, Keratin Filaments, & Loricrin)
o Keratohyalin = Protein involved in Keratinisation.
o NB: Eczema is probably due to a mutation in Profilaggrin.
• Lamellar Body secretions:
o Lamellar Body Contents Discharged into Intracellular Spaces
§ (Lipids, Enzymes)
o – Acts like the “Mortar” between the cellular “Bricks”.

o 4. Stratum Lucidum:
§ (Present only on very thick layers of epidermis (Eg. Glabrous Skin [palms/feet]))
§ = The Lucid layer of Flattened Cells before Stratum Corneum.
• Cells have No nuclei or organelles.
o 5. Stratum Corneum:
§ 5-50 layers of Flattened, Dead Cells (Squames)
• Devoid of Nuclei & Organelles.
§ Protective Barrier; Holds in Moisture
§ Cytoplasm is filled with keratin & keratohyalin granules
§ Cells are stuck together by contents of Lamellar Bodies.
§ Thicker on Glabrous Skin (Palms and soles)

C = Corneum; L = Lucideum; G = Granulosum; S = Spinosum; B = Basale
- Cellular Component of the Epidermis:
o Keratinocytes – (In all Layers):
§ Form the Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium
§ Contain Keratin (Protein) Intermediate Filaments in the Cytoplasm
§ Keratin:
• Two types of epithelial keratins:
o Type I (acidic)
o Type II (basic)
o (NB: Each are produced in Equal Amounts)
• Keratin Proteins Polymerise as Heterodimers:
o Type 1 + type 2 à Polymers
• Keratin Polymers aggregate à Keratin Filaments
• Keratin Filaments aggregate à Tonofilaments
§ “Keratinisation” – Keratinocytes Differentiate as they Migrate Upwards:
• Formation of Keratin proteins in Cytoplasm.
• àAggregation of the Keratin Filaments into ‘Tonofilaments’. (Like a rope)
o (Tonofilaments àAnchor Desmosomes to the Cytoskeleton)
§ Join to Adjacent Cells via:
• Desmosomes:
o Intercellular attachments between keratinocytes
• Hemidesmosomes:
o Attachment of the Basal Keratinocytes (Epidermis) to the Basement
Membrane (Dermis)
o Very Tight Connection
o Melanocytes – (In Stratum Basale):
§ Pigment Cells – Synthesise Melanin Pigment
• Melanin contained in Melanosomes
• Transferred to keratinocytes via Dendritic Processes.
• Melanin Absorbs UV radiation
§ Located in Stratum Basale, Dermis and Hair Follicles.
§ NB: Differences in Racial Pigmentation:
• Due to ↑Melanocyte Activity (NOT Melanocyte Number)

o Merkel Cells – (In Stratum Basale):
§ Nerve Ending Associated
§ Contain small, dense Granules of Catecholamines
§ Located in Stratum Basale
§ - Probably Neuro-Endocrine Function
• Sensory mechanoreceptors
• Closely associated with Nerve Terminal Filaments (free nerve endings)

o Langerhans Cells – (In Stratum Spinosum):
§ Antigen Presenting Cells of the Immune System
§ Have long Dendritic Processes that radiate through the Epidermis.
§ Located in the Stratum Spinosum
§ Migrate through Epidermis and Dermis to Lymph Nodes
§ - Immune Function.
- Epidermopoiesis (Epidermal Renewal) & Desquamation (Shedding of Skin):
• (NB: Rate of Epidermopoiesis must = Rate of Desquamation.)
o Stimulated by Growth Factors:
§ Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
§ Transforming Growth Factor a (TGFa)
§ Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
o Inhibited by Cytokines:
§ Interferon Gamma (IFNy)
§ Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)

o Epidermopoiesis (Epidermal Renewal):
§ Epidermis continually renews itself
§ - by Basal (Columnar) Cell Division
§ Turnover rate ≈6 Weeks
§ Basal Cells Become à Keratinocytes (Epidermal Cells):
• Via Keratinization = Synthesis of Keratin Protein.
§ Transit time to the stratum corneum is approx. 14 days

o Desquamation (Shedding of the Skin):
§ Occurs when desmosomes are degraded (Mediated by Cholesterol Sulphatase)
§ Or by Wear & Tear.
§ Desquamation requires another 14 days

- Dermal-Epidermal Junction (Statum Basale : Basement Membrane):
o Where the Stratum Basale of the Epidermis attaches to the Basement Membrane.
o Stratum Basale:
§ Basal Cells (Basal Keratinocytes)
• Hemidesmosomes on Basal Cells attach the Epidermis to the Basement
§ Melanocytes are Interspersed amongst the Basal Cells.
• Large Dendritic Cells
• Responsible for Melanin Pigment Production.
§ Merkel Cells:
• - Probably Neuro-Endocrine Function
• Contain small, dense Granules of Catecholamines
o Basement Membrane:
§ Lamina Lucida - anchoring transmembrane filaments of the Hemidesmosomes.
§ Lamina Densa - (Lattice structure of type IV Collagen)

o Hemidesmosomes:
§ Important in maintaining adhesion between Dermis & Epidermis.
§ Associated with Keratin Filaments & Keratin Tonofibrils

o Epidermis & Dermis join in a ripple-like fashion for extra strength (in addition to desmosomes):
§ Rete Ridges (Epidermis)
§ Dermal Papilla (Dermis)

- Structure of the Dermis:
o Mostly Extracellular Matrix:
§ Extracellular Collagen
§ Elastin
o Contains Some Cells:
§ Fibroblasts: Synthesis and degradation of connective tissue
§ Histiocytes/Macrophages: Phagocytic cells
§ Mast cells: Secretory cells àVasoactive Mediators (histamine) à Skin Allergies.
§ Lymphocytes: Small number collect around blood vessels in normal skin
o Also contains Neurovascular & Other Auxillary Skin Structures:
§ Blood Vessels
§ Nerves
§ Sweat Glands
§ Hair Follicles (And Arrector Pili – The Smooth Muscle of the Hair Follicle)
o 2 Layers:
§ (R) - Reticular Layer (thick Collagen, lower layer) - much stronger
§ (P) - Papillary layer (fine Collagen, upper layer) - weaker
o Connective Tissue of the Dermis:
§ #1 Collagen = Very tough, fibrous protein – High Tensile Strength
• The Predominant Protein of the Dermis (As opposed to Keratin of the Epidermis)
§ Elastin = Provides Elasticity to Skin. – Deformity with Memory.

§ Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) = Absorb water – Provide Viscosity.
• Hyaluronan backbone with glycoprotein branches.

- Structure of The Hypodermis:
o Composition:
§ Mostly Fat (Adipose Cells)-(Thickest in Abdomen)
§ Blood Vessels
§ Nerves
o Functions:
§ Insulates the body
§ Stores Energy

- Vasculature:
o Abundant network of dermal vessels
o Functions:
§ Nutrition of Skin Tissue:
§ Regulation of Body Temperature:
• Conducts heat from Interior to Exterior à Heat loss to Environment
• Vasodilation/constriction Important in Thermoregulation
§ Blood Reservoir:
• Under conditions of circulatory stress (Eg. Exercise/Haemorrhage/Shock),
Sympathetic Stimulation à Vasoconstriction à ↑Circulating Blood Volume.

o Cutaneous Circulatory Apparatus – 2 Types of Vessels:
§ 1. Nutritive Vessels:
• Arteries
• Capillaries
• Veins
• (Organised into a horizontal Subdermal Plexus):
o Ascending arterioles extend towards the epidermis
§ Subpapillary Plexus (In the Papilary Dermis)
• Capillaries loop into the dermal papilla

§ 2. Vascular Structures for Heat Regulation:
• Extensive Subcutaneous Venous Plexi:
o Can hold Large quantities of blood
• Arteriovenous Anastomoses:
o Only present in areas of Maximal Cooling (Hands, Feet, Lips, Nose & Ears)
• NB: BOTH Innervated by Sympathetic Adrenergic Vasoconstrictor Fibres:
o Sympathetic NS à Vasoconstriction à Minimal Heat Loss.
o (No Stimulation à Vasodilation à Maximal Heat Loss)
- Lymphatic Drainage:
o Each dermal papilla has a single lymphatic capillary à subpapillary plexus à regional lymph
o Carry langerhans cells, interstitial fluid, debris, lymphocytesàLymph Nodes àBlood

(Yellow is Lympatic Vessels)
- Cutaneous Sensory System:
o Sensory Apparatus of the Skin:
§ Most afferent nerve fibres terminate the Face & Extremities. (Few on back)
o Sensory receptors:
§ Receptors of touch, pain, temperature, itch and mechanical stimuli
§ Nerve fibers enter the dermis from the underlying adipose tissue
§ 1. Unencapsulated:
• Free Nerve Endings:
o In Superficial Dermis & Epidermis.
o Receptors for Pain, Touch, Pressure, & Temperature.
o Incl. Nociceptors:
§ A-Delta Fibres:
• Fast, Sharp, Pricking Pain.
• Thick, Myelinated à Fast Conduction.
§ C-Fibres:
• Slow, Dull, Aching, Burning Pain.
• Thin, Unmyelinated à Slow Conduction
• Merkel Cell Discs (Merkel Touch Spots):
o Found in the Stratum Basale of the Epidermis.
o Receptors for Light Touch
• Hair-Follicle Receptors:
o In & Surrounding Hair Follicles
o Mechanoreceptors.
§ 2. Encapsulated (Lamellated Capsule):
• Meissner Corpuscles:
o In Dermal Papillae
o Fine Touch receptors
• Pacinian Corpuscle:
o In Deep Dermis & Hypodermis
o Deep Pressure Sensors
• Ruffini Endings:
o In Deep Dermis & Hypodermis
o Directly Associated with Collagen Fibrils à Stretch Receptors
o Physiology of Sensory Receptors:
§ Concept of Adaption:
• Adaption: Under a maintained stimulus of constant strength, the frequency of
action potentials declines over time.
• Slowly-Adapting Receptors (Eg. Nociceptors):
o Continue to Transmit Impulses to the brain as long as the Stimulus is
• Rapidly-Adapting Receptors (Eg. Pacinian Corpuscles):
o Receptors Rapidly Adapt & are stimulated only when the Stimulus
Strength has Changed.
o Connection to the CNS:
§ First Order Neuron:
• Sensory Neuron Nucleus is in the Dorsal Root Ganglion.
• Its axon extends from periphery to Dorsal Horn of the Dorsal Root Gangion.
§ Second Order Neuron:
• Neuronal Nucleus is in the Substantia Gelatinosa
• Its axon Decussates, Then it Ascends in the Spinothalamic Tracts à Thalamus
§ Third Order Neuron (Thalamus):
• Neuronal Nucleus is in the Thalamus
• Its axon passes through the Internal Capsule (behind Pyramidal Fibres) à
Sensory Cortex
- Glands:
o Sebaceous (Sebum) Glands:
§ Associated with hair follicles (The Pilosebaceous Unit)
• (:. Not found on Palms/Soles)(Most found on Face & Scalp)
§ Holocrine Secretion:
• (Ie. Secretion via complete destruction of cells)
• Produce oily sebum:
o Triglycerides
o Fatty Acids
o Wax Esters
o Cholesterol
o (Also Antibacterial/Antifungal Action)
§ Stimulated by Androgens:
• Stimulated by Androgens. (Inhibited by Estrogens)
• Very Active at puberty

o Eccrine (Sweat) Glands:
§ On most of the body (Scarce on the back)
§ Simple, Coiled Tubular Glands:
• Secretory Coil (deep in Dermis) – Secrete the Water & Electrolytes
• Sweat Duct – Reabsorb Na+ Ions from the sweat.
§ Clear watery secretion
• Person can perspire several liters per hour
• Process:
o 1. Secretion of Electrolyte-Rich Fluid
o 2. Reabsorption of excess Na+ by the Duct.
§ Stimulated by High Temperature and Stress
• Emotional Sweating doesn’t occur during sleep
• Thermal sweating does occur during sleep
• Innervated by Sympathetic Nerves

o Apocrine (Pheromone) Glands:
§ Associated with hair follicles
§ Large complex gland:
• Located in Dermis
• Duct Opens into Hair Follicle.
§ Viscous, Milky Secretion – (protein and cellular debris):
• Produces pheromones
o Bacterial action is required for odor production
o Thought to have or had a role as a sexual attractant in humans
o Respond to emotive stimuli
§ Stimulated by Androgens:
• Most Active at puberty
- Nails (“Ungals”):
o Composition:
§ Plate of hardened and densely packed keratin (Protein)
o Functions:
§ Protect distal phalanges of fingers and toes
§ Aid in picking up objects
§ Efficient natural weapon
o Structural Landmarks:
§ Nail Plate:
• Fully keratinized structure
• Firmly attached to the nail bed
§ Nail Bed: Skin underneath the nail
§ Lunula: Proximal whitish half moon-shaped area on Nail Plate
§ Cuticle: The dorsal part of the proximal nail fold
§ Nail Matrix: Nail growth occurs From Here - by proliferation and differentiation of the
nail matrix
§ Paranychium: The Skin around the Nail
§ Hyponychium: The area where the nail plate detaches from the digit
§ Proxymal Nail Fold: The fold at the Proximal Edge of the nail (Covers ≈1/4 of the nail)
§ Lateral Nail Folds: The folds of skin at the Lateral Edges of the Nail
- Hair/The ‘Pilosebaceous Unit’:
o The Pilosebaceous Unit:
§ Hair Shaft
§ + Sebaceous/apocrine ducts empty into hair follicles
o Arrector Pili Muscle:
§ Smooth Muscle
§ Supplied by Adrenergic Nerves
§ à Erection of the Hair during Cold/Emotional Stress (Goose-Bumps)
o 2 Types of Hair:
§ Vellus:
• Fine, Short & Almost invisible
• (All over the body)
§ Terminal:
• Thick, coloured & Visible
• (Scalp, beard, axilla, genital area)
o Hair Follicles Respond to Androgen:
§ Pre-pubertal children don’t have Terminal Hair in Axilla/Genital Area/Facial Hair.
§ During Puberty, hair grows in these areas
§ With age, androgen stimulation decreases à Terminal Hair on scalp reverts from
Terminal to Vellus hair. (Hair follicles aren’t lost, but change to Vellus hair)
o Hair follicles undergo cycles of Growth, Resting and Shedding:
§ Anagen (growing):
• Lasts 3 Years
• Keratinocytes in the follicular bulb proliferate to form the hair shaft
§ Catagen (Resting):
• Lasts 2 Weeks
• The keratinocytes and melanocytes undergo programmed cell death
§ Telogen (Shedding):
• Last 3 Months
• Hair but does not grow.
• May Remain Anchored, or Be Shed.
• Following telogen a new growth cycle will begin (ie anagen)
o Hair Pigmentation:
§ Colour of hair is determined by the melanocytes – actively pigmented only in Anagen.
§ Absence of pigment àwhite hair
§ Diminished pigment àgrey hair

o What is it?:
Common Skin Condition in Teenagers (Although Can occur at any age)
Most Severe in Males
o Aetiology & Pathogenesis:
Genetic Basis (Familial)
Chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands
Abnormalities of the Pilosebaceous Unit:
Blockage of the Sebaceous Duct By Keratin Duct Opening
Increased Sebum Production Often under influence of Androgen
Bacterial Infection of the Pilosebaceous Unit (Proprionibacterium Acnes)
Rupture of the Sebaceous Duct
Inflammatory Effects.
NB: Combined Oral Contraceptives (Ie. With Progesterone) can contribute to Acne.
(IF Severe, Damage to Dermis Occurs Scarring. NB: Scarring is a FAILURE of the Doctor to
Adequately treat Acne)
o Presentation:
Wide Variation in Severity
Most often on Face, Upper Chest & Back.
**Presence of Comedones – Both Open (Blackheads) & Closed (Whiteheads)
(NB: If no comedones are present, consider Differential Diagnoses)
Inflammatory Papules & Pustules
Severe Cases
Scarring (Hypertrophic or Atrophic)
o Diagnosis:
The Ac e T ad
Papules + Pustules + Comedones = ACNE
Possible Differential Diagnoses:
o Treatment:
Topical Anti-inflammatories & Antiseptics.
Antiseptics (Eg. Benzoyl Peroxide)
Antibiotics (If Severe)(NB: Tetracycline also has an Anti-Inflammatory Effect – Good)
Keratolytics To the overproduction of keratin – Eg. Salicylic acid)
Retinoids (Derived from Vit.A) (Isotretinoin/Roaccutane) (In Severe Nodulo-Cystic Acne)
yr after symptoms disappear
o Prognosis:
Usually Good. (Most cases are Self-Limiting)
Treatments are safe & well-tolerated
NO Pt. should have to Suffer!
Allergic Skin Conditions

Exogenous (Atopic) Eczema:

o A common Paediatric condition, however it may persist into adult life.
o Family history (in 70% of cases)
o Genetics (50% of pts have a deficiency of the Epidermal Protein “Filaggrin”.)
o Hypersensitivity (Associated with other Atopies (Hay Fever [Allergic Rhinitis], and Asthma))
o Severe Itching
o Patchy, Erythematous, Poorly Defined Rash.
Usually in the Popliteal/Cubital Fossae & Face
Can be Generalised
o Dry Skin
o Excoriation (loss of the surface of the skin from scratching) due to itching and scratching.
o Lichenification (thickening of the skin with accentuated skin lines)
o Crusting (scabbing) and weeping (loss of fluid through the surface of the skin) due to bacterial
o Modification of lifestyle to avoid exacerbating factors.
o Use of moisturisers and bath additives.
o Avoid Soaps
o Use of mild topical corticosteroids.

Urticaria (Hives):
- Aetiology:
o Type I hypersensitivity Allergy (Food/drug/plant/etc)
- Pathogenesis:
o Antigen is Re-Exposed to a sensitized Mast-Cell/Basophil IgE-Bound Mast Cell Degranulates:
Releasing Inflammatory Mediators (Histamine) of Type-1-Hypersensitivity Reactions.
Perivascular inflammatory infiltrate: lymphocytes, neutrophils or eosinophils.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Erythematous Papules & Plaques (Reddish, raised areas).
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Usually on trunk and extremities.
o Individual lesions are transient, usually resolve in 24 hr, but entire episode may last for days.
o All ages, more in 20 40y.
Acute Eczema:
- Types of Acute Eczema:
o Contact dermatitis (Due to prolonged exposure to allergen)
o Atopic dermatitis
- Aetiology:
o Type IV Hypersensitivity (T-Cell Mediated) to Allergen.
o Prolonged Contact with Allergen - Urine, Soaps, Antiseptics, Deodorants, Creams, Foreign Body,
- Pathogenesis:
o Initial/Acute/Re-Exposure:
Type IV Hypersensitivity (T-Cell Mediated) to Prolonged Contact with Allergen Epidermal
Oedema + Small Blisters Wet Ec ema
o Chronic Exposure:
Hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis (lichenification) Dry Eczema .
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
Small Blisters (Weeping & Crusting Blisters, Papules and Plaques.)
Hyperkeratosis (If Chronic)
- Clinical Features:
o Most Common in Children
o Often has a regular shape (Eg. Square from bandaid)
- Treatment:
o Remove Allergen
o Treated with Corticosteroids (Symptomatic)
o Antihistamies (For Itch)
Erythema Multiforme:
- Aetiology:
o Hypersensitivity
- Pathogenesis:
o Hypersensitivity Response to:
Infections (Herpes simplex, Mycoplasma)
Drugs (Sulfonamides, penicillin, barbiturates)
Malignancy (Carcinoma, lymphoma)
Auto-Immune (Eg. Lupus, SS, Dermatomyositis)
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
Variable Lesions: Papules/Plaques/Nodules/Blisters/Ulcers
Characteristic “Targetoid” Lesions
Central Grey Necrosis
Erythematous raised border.
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
Blistering Diseases


Pemphigus (Pemphigus Vulgaris):

- Aetiology:
o Autoimmune
- Pathogenesis:
o Antibodies against Desmosomes Destroys Desmosomes Acantholysis (Intraepidermal Blisters)
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Thin, Flaccid Blisters (Easily Popped)
o Look similar to burns
o Many have popped Crusting
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):

Bullous Pemphigoid:
- Aetiology:
o Autoimmune
- Pathogenesis:
o Antibody against Basal Layer Destroys Sub-Epidermal Anchoring Proteins.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Large, Tense, Subepidermal Bullae
o Sometimes Haemorrhagic Blisters
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):

Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
- Aetiology:
o Associated with Coeliac Disease (Gluten Sensitivity)
- Pathogenesis:
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o VERY Itchy, Small, Erythematous Papules
o Vesicles
o Occasional Bullae
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Associated with Coeliac Disease
Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus:
- Aetiology:
o Unknown (not pathogenic or infectious)
- Pathogenesis:
o Similar to Erythema Multiforme (Hypersensitivity), but more chronic.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
Purple, polygonal, planar, Papules & Plaques.
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Itchy, Purple Rash
o on Skin (commonly wrists & ankles), Mucosa, Genitals, Oral.
o Self-limiting (1-2 yrs)
Malignant Ulcers

- Malignant Ulcers:
o SCC Squamous Cell Carcinoma:
Chronically Sun-Damaged Skin Skin Cancer
Squamous Cell Mutation Dysplasia Neoplasia
o Typically Tender Papules/Nodules with ROUGH, ADHERENT SCALE.
o Often Ulcerate Centrally
o Often Present as Ulcers on Lips/Mucosa
o Keratin production by Pleomorphic Squamous Cells
***Presence of Keratin “Pearls”
Pink on microscopy due to lots of keratin
o Whorls & Nests (Clusters) of malignant cells
Clinical Features:
o Wide excision
o Radiotherapy in Elderly

o BCC Basal Cell Carcinoma AKA “Rodent Ulcer” :

Chronically Sun-Damaged Skin Skin Cancer
Basal Cell Mutation Dysplasia Neoplasia
o Shiny, Nodular with Overlying telangiectasia.
o Can be Ulcerative (appear as ulcers with pearly or indurated edge)
o Clusters of blue Basal Cells
o Basal cells are pleomorphic
o Burrows Deep into the Dermis
o “Palisading” appearance around the edge of the clusters of Basal cells (like
the walls of a palace)
Clinical Features:
Excisional surgery : Still the gold standard treatment of BCC’s.
Procedural Dermatology – GP

Local Anaesthetic:
- Mechanism of Action:
o Use-Dependent blockade of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels on Nerves
Prevents Action Potential Conduction along Sensory Nerves.
o NB: Very Quick Onset of Action
o NB: Also causes vasodilation Short Duration of Action (If without adrenaline)
- Lignocaine – Most Common:
o Rapid Onset (1-5mins)
o Medium (30-120mins)
o Max Dose: 4mg/kg
≈ 50mL @ 1% Lignocaine
o (NB: 1% Lignocaine = 1g/1000mL)
- + Adrenaline:
o Improves Haemostasis
o ↓Systemic Absorption
↓Risk of systemic toxicity
Prolonged Effect
o Max Dose: 7mg/kg (Higher Dose than without adrenaline)
o NB: DO NOT USE IN DIGITS OR PENIS (Or anywhere else with “End Arteries”)
o NB: DO NOT USE in LONG QT-Syndrome.
- Naropin (Ropivicaine):
o Longer onset of action
o Longer acting than lignocaine
o Max Dose: 2-3mg/kg
- Topical Anaesthetic:
o Xylocaine Gel - Useful for Mucosal Surfaces (eg. Oral Mucosa)
o ELMA Cream – Useful for topical anaesthesia of skin.
- Nerve Blocks:
o Digital Block (Ring Block)
(Most Common)
Blocks Digital Nerves
Use 2% Lignocaine (Because you want to inject as little as possible)
o Wrist Blocks:
Blocks Radial, Median, & Ulnar Nerves
Totally anaesthetizes the hand.

Curettage & Electrocautery:

- Indications:
o Warts
o Keratoses
o Molluscum contagiosum
o Curettes can also be used for curette biopsy.
- Wound Healing
o The curette wound can take some time to heal.
o If it is just a light curette such as tiny seborrhoeic keratoses with no cautery they can heal in a few
o A full curettage and electrodessication on the trunk might take 4 to 6 weeks to heal
- Cryotherapy is a very useful form of treatment for a number of benign skin lesions and few pre-malignant
and malignant skin lesions.
- Liquid Nitrogen = The gold standard
- Indications:
o Benign lesions:
Molluscum contagiosum
Seborrhoeic keratosis
Skin tags
o Premalignant lesions:
Actinic keratoses
Actinic cheilitis
o Malignant lesions:
Superficial BCC
- Effects of Cryotherapy – 3 Main Groups:
o 1. Those responses we expect to happen:
Pain on treatment and for a period afterwards
Oedema and swelling of the treated site and the surrounding tissue (e.g. periorbital
swelling after treatment of lesions on the forehead)
Vesicle and bulla formation
Exudation weeping and crust formation
o 2. Temporary Adverse Outcomes:
Secondary Infection
o 3. Permanent Adverse Outcomes:
Permanent Hypopigmentation
Scarring + Possible Retraction
Nail Dystrophy

Biopsy Techniques:
- Many different Techniques
- Technique depends on the Nature of the Lesion & Information Required.
- Types:
o Punch biopsy [View Video Clip]
Leaves Minimal Scarring
Best for Cosmetically Sensitive Areas – (Eg. Face)
o Shave Biopsy [View Video Clip]
Fast and easy to perform.
Requires little equipment.
A shave biopsy is excellent for nodular bulky lesions which are easy to shave off for
o Curette biopsy [View Video Clip]
Fast and easy to perform.
Requires little equipment.
A shave biopsy is excellent for nodular bulky lesions which are easy to shave off for
o Incision Biopsy [View Video Clip]
A biopsy set is required with scalpel, forceps, needle holders and fine scissors as well as a
suture to perform a small incisional ellipse. Be sure to go through the dermis to get a full
thickness specimen.
Provides the best specimen for the pathologist to assess the tissue adequately
o Excision biopsy [View Video Clip in the Basic Cutaneous Surgery section]
Similar to an incisional biopsy but the whole lesion is excised.
Good pathology specimen.

Wound Design:
- Wounds should be designed so that scars sit in or parallel with the relaxed skin tension lines or the
cosmetic junction lines.
- Excision margins are important to ensure complete removal of the lesion. For benign lesions the margins
are usually 2mm to 5 mm. For malignant lesions the margins can vary from 3mm up to 2 cm depending on
the nature of the pathology.

Surgical Wound Repair:

- Suture Materials:
o Synthetic Non-Absorbable:
(Used on external surfaces where they are easily removed)
o Synthetic Absorbable:
Vicryl (Polylactin)
(Broken down by the body via Hydrolysis &/or Proteolytic Enzymatic Degradation)
o Non-Synthetic Non-Absorbable:
o Non-Synthetic Absorbable:
Catgut (Being Phased out)
- Suture Sizes:
o Scale from 1-6 (1 = Thinnest (0.4mm); 2 = Thickest (0.8mm)
- Surgical Wound Repair:
o Primary Repair:
o Delayed Primary Repair
In 72hrs
In surgical conditions
o Secondary Repair:
After 72hrs
In surgical conditions
- Important Pre-Requisites:
o Wound needs to be CLEAN!
Eliminate Dead Tissue/Dead Space/Haematoma/Foreign Bodies
o Finest Suture Material
o Minimise Tension
o Suture Removal @ Appropriate time for site of injury.
1-2 wks.

- Aetiology:
o Multifactorial (Genetic & Immune)
- Pathogenesis:
o not completely understood
o Important role of T-cell immunity is recognised.
o Emotional stress and physical trauma both exacerbate and precipitate psoriasis.
o Strongly Familial
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Plaque covered with Silvery Scales (Due to Hyperkeratosis & Parakeratosis)
Erythematous Based
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Psoriasis may present at any age from infancy onwards.
o Chronic Condition
o Red (Erythematous Base)
o Scaly
o Well-Defined Plaques (Differentiates it from Dermatitis)
o NOT itchy
o Associated Psoriatic Arthritis
o Abnormalities of the Nails (Dystrophy/Pitting/Onycholysis)
o Auspitz Sign - Microbleeding when crusts are removed.

clinical diagnosis made on the basis of morphology
Topical Anti-Inflammatory Agents.
Topical Steroids
Topical Tar-Containing Creams/Shampoo/Moisturisers.
Dithranol (NB: Stains Brown)
Methotrexate (Suppresses bone marrow)
NOT Curable
Can be exacerbated by Stress

- What is it?:
o Predominantly a Facial Rash easily confused with Acne.
o = Pustules and Papular Rash on Face
o Typically a Disease of Middle Age (30-40yrs).
- Aetiology:
o Unknown
o (But Familial Association)
o Aggregating Factors:
Heat and steam
Hot, spicy food
Alcohol consumption
Emotional stress
Sun exposure
- Presentation:
o Wide Variation in Severity
o Initial Signs:
Tendency to Flush easily + Burning/Stinging/Itching.
o Distinguishing Features:
Facial Flushing (Erythema)
Dilated, visible Capillaries (Telangiectasia)
But NOT Comedoens
o If Severe:
Disfiguring Facial Rash
+ Bulbous Enlargement of the Nose
Possible Facial Oedema
o NO Comedones (:. NOT Acne)
o Does not cause Scarring
o Very Chronic (Not Self Limiting – May last for many years)
o (NB: Often significant Psychosocial Impact – Eg. Depression)
- Diagnosis:
o Differential Diagnoses:
Acne (has all features + Comedones)
Sun Damage (has Telangiectasia, but No other Features)
Lupus Erythematosus (Have Telangiectasia & Erythema, But NO Pustules or Papules)
Menopause (Flushing)
- Treatment:
o Avoidance of Aggravating Factors
o Similar Treatment to Acne.
Antibiotics (Some have Anti-Inflammatory Effects)
o Laser surgery (for Telangiectasia & Erythema)
o Topical corticosteroids make rosacea worse and should never be used to treat it!
Cause Perioral Dermatitis (Should NEVER be used in Rosacea)
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis – 2 Forms:

Infantile Seborrhoeic Dermatitis:
o Clinical Presentation:
Numerous Dermatoses in the 1st 3 Months of Life.
Erythematous but Non-Itchy Rash involving the face, scalp, neck, axillae and nappy area.
The lesions are well defined and covered in greasy scale.
Adult Seborrhoeic Dermatitis:
o Clinical Presentation:
o Erythema and fine, greasy scale on the cheeks, nose and nasolabial folds.
o Scale and itching of the scalp and eyebrows.
o Well defined but non scaly erythema of the axillae, groin, scrotum and perianal skin.
Skin Infections Bacterial


- Impetigo (AKA School Scores ):
o What is it?
Superficial Bacterial Skin Infection
Most Common in school kids
Very Contagious (Spread by Close Contact & Poor Hygeine)
Usually resolves slowly
o Organism:
Mostly Staphylococcus Aureus
Sometimes Streptococcus Pyogenes
Can lead to Glomerulonephritis or Rheumatic Fever if i S e
Staph. Aureus (Bullous) - (Pic 1)
Streptococcus (Non-bullous) (Pic 2)

o Presentations:
Occur most commonly on face
Fragile vesicles rupture & crust
Can be confused with HSV
1. Nonbullous/Crusted Impetigo:
(Most common)
Yellow crusts and erosions
Itchy/Irritating (but not painful).
2. Bullous impetigo:
Always due to S. Aureus
Mildly irritating blisters that erode rapidly leaving a brown crust.
3. Ulcerative lesions:
Always due to S.pyogenes.
Most common in Aboriginal Communities
o Very Infectious
Epidemic in young children
Transmitted through skin contact
Outbreaks associated with poor hygiene / crowded living conditions
o Treatment:
Cover Affected Areas
Abstain from School
Systemic or Topical Antibiotics
- Folliculitis & Furunculosis (Boils):
o What is it?
Acute pustular infection of a hair follicle
Commonly after Waxing/Shaving
Boil F r ncle
A deep form of folliculitis.
o Organism:
Staphylococcus Aureus
o Presentation:
Folliculitis: An Erythematous Pustule centered on a Hair Follicle.
Boil F r ncle Tender, red nodule which enlarges & may later discharge pus
o Treatment:
Treated aggressively with antibiotics and drainage.

- Abscesses:
o Usually Staphylococcus Aureus
o Begin as superficial infections of hair follicles (folliculitis)
Organisms travel down Hair Follicles following Disruption (Eg. After Shaving)
Development of boils (furuncles)
o Number of boils cluster together = Carbuncle aka Ab ce

- Cellulitis:
o What is it?
Bacterial infection of the Dermis and Sub-Cutaneous Tissues
o Organism:
Adults: 90% due to Staph.Aureus/GAS
Children: H. influenzae b
Associated with cat/dog bite: Pasturella multocida
o Presentation:
Painful, raised and Oedematous Erythema. (Most commonly on Lower Leg)
Possible Blistering
Lymphadeopathy - & Malaise & Fever.
o Distribution:
Children Periorbital Area
Adults Lower Legs
o There picall an nderl ing ca e
Tinea, Herpes simplex infection, Chronic sinus infection
Chronic dermatitis
Poor lower leg circulation
o Treatment:
- Erysipelas:
o (2) Dermal Lymphatic Infection: Erysipelas:
Group A Strep (GAS)
(Looks like a bad case of Sunburn)
rash that is red, slightly swollen,
very defined, warm, and tender
Usually Unilateral
may spread to deeper lymphatics (lymphangitis)
may produce systemic symptoms (fever & chills)

- Necrotising Fasciitis:
o Medical Emergency - Often needs Radical Debridement of Necrotic Tissue
o Organisms:
Group A Strep (GAS)
Staph. Aureus
(Both cause severe, systemic toxicity)
Others (Vibrio, Clostridium, Bacteroides)
o Pathogenesis:
The Necrosis is Toxin-Mediated Ca j ea i h A ibi ic
(NOT d e Fle h-Ea ing Bac e ia )
o Types:
Type I Polymicrobial Infection
Type II Monomicrobial Infection

- Gas Gangrene:
o Organism:
Clostridium perfringens
o Pathogenesis:
Generally occurs at site of trauma or recent surgical wound
Usually only occurs with Poor Blood Supply (Eg. Diabetes)
Anaerobic conditions
Toxins are produced Cause the Tissue Death and associated Symptoms
o Presentation:
Inflammation @ Site of Infection
Brownish-red and extremely painful tissue swelling
Gas may be felt in the tissue when the swollen area is pressed
Margins of the infected area expand rapidly (Within a few minutes)
o Prognosis:
The involved tissue is completely destroyed (Toxin-Mediated Destruction)
- Mycobacterial Infections:
o Leprosy:
Tuberculoid and lepromatous forms
Mainly affect skin and nerves

o Tuberculosis:
Skin manifestations include lupus vulgaris, hypersensitivity reactions, warty plaques
Buruli Ulce Dai ee Ulce
Skin Infections – Fungal

Fungal Infections:
- Fungal Nail Infections (Dermatophytes, Candida Albicans, or Moulds)
- Superficial (skin, nails and hair):
- Dermatophytes (Tinea):
o Eg. Ringworm Fungi.
2 Common Genuses - (Tricophyton & Microsporum)
Infection Restricted to the Superficial Keratinised Layers of the skin
NB: Keratin is the Fungi’s food source.
Can Evoke Cellular immune responses
- Pathogenesis:
o Fungi ONLY Metabolizes Keratin:
:. Only infect the Stratum Corneum
NB: Can Also Invade Hair Shafts
- Presentation:
o Annular eruption with Irregular edge
o Central clearing Peripheral scaling.
o Focal hair loss due to infection of Hair Follicle.
o Focal pityriasis (Skin Flaking)
o Usually not pruritic
o “Tinea Versicolor Depigmentation of the Skin)
- Conditions Named Based On Location of Infection:
o Tinea Corporis (On Body)
o Tinea Capitis (On Head)
o Tinea Crura (Pubic Area)
- Diagnosis:
o Clinical Diagnosis
o Woods lamp only Microsporum canis fluoresces
o Microscopy of hairs/nail shavings/skin shavings
- Treatment:
o Topical Antifungals:
o Oral Antifungals:
- Yeasts (Eg. Candida):
o Cutaneous Candidiasis – (Candida Albicans):
(= Overgrowth of Normal Commensal of the mouth, vagina, or lower GIT.)
Only infects the outer layers of the epithelium of mucous membrane or skin.
Red, macerated area
Glistening Surface
Scaling along the advancing border.
The initial lesion is a papule that then becomes a pustule.
Important clinical feature presence of ‘satellite’ pustules beyond the border of
the main infection.
Topical Therapy

o Oral Candidiasis – (Candida Albicans):

Presents as:
White Patches easily scraped off to leave a red, raw base.
Chronic red, raw gums, tongue and buccal mucosa.
Treatment: Topical or Systemic Therapy

o Pityriasis versicolour – (Candida Albicans):

Caused by normal Commensals Eg. yeasts (Candida).
Common Superficial Fungal-Induced Rash
flaky discoloured patches on chest & back.
Small, well defined, slightly scaly patches
Either Hyperpigmented or Hypopigmented
Skin Infections – Parasitic

- Scabies:
o Organism:
Sarcoptes scabiei (Scabies Mite)
o Epidemiology:
Human infestations originating from pigs, horses and dogs are mild and self limiting.
Scabies infestations from other humans never cure without intervention.
o Ecology:
Mites live in stratum corneum (Don’t get any deeper
Eat stratum corneal Keratinocytes
Make “tunnels” by eating
Mating occurs on the hosts skin
Fertilized Female Mites Burrow into the Stratum Corneum (1 mm deep)
Salivary Secretions contain Proteolytic Enzymes Digest Keratinocytes.
o Transmission:
High prevalence in children (50%) and adults (25%) in tropical remote communities
Spread by close physical contact
o Presentation:
Itch (Exacerbated at night and after hot showers).
Itchy, Excoriated Rash on Trunk, associated with Scaly Burrows on the fingers and wrists.
Often vesicles and pustules on the palms and soles and sometimes on the scalp.
o Diagnosis:
Clinical Diagnosis:
Chronic itch with Symmetrical Rassh
Skin Scraping - Look for Scabies Mites:
Intact larvae, nymphs or adults
Unhatched or hatched eggs
Moulted skins of mites
Fragments of moulted skins
Mite faeces

o Treatment:
Topical Permethrin
Or Oral Ivermectin (But not on PBS – Very Expensive)
Environmental Measures:
Mites can contaminate bedding, chairs, floors, and even walls
o (Usually only a problem with crusted scabies)
Wash, sun, vacuum, surface insecticide
Community Prevention:
Treat all close contacts – Esp. in Indigenous Communities
Simultaneous Effective Treatment
- Head Lice:
o 3 Types:
1. Head Lice: Pediculus Humanus Capitis
o Common in Primary School Children in the Tropics
o Higher prevalence in Aboriginal Children
o Conditioner + Fine-Tooth Come
o Wipe combings on white tissue paper
2. Body Lice: Pediculus Humanus Corporis
Live on clothes, and come to the body to feed.
3. Pubic Lice: Phthirus Pubis
Largely sexually transmitted
Blood Feeder
Can infect any Body Hair (Pubic/Trunk/Legs/Axilla/Beard) but rarely head.
o Lifecycle:
Eggs laid in hair (knits)
Larvae grow into adults
Adults – blood sucking (live in hair)
o Transmission:
head-head contact.
o Presentation:
Scalp and Neck can be Itchy
Nits are noticeable on the hairs.
o Diagnosis:
Best Method = Conditioner Comb Technique :
Very Practical for parents
Cost Effective
High Sensitivity
Conditioner ‘Stuns’ the lice by suffocating them Prevents them from running
o Management/Treatment:
Conditioner & Nit Comb
Physical Removal
Cut Hair
Topical Insecticidal Cream
Good idea to wash pillows and hats though – Hot Wash
(Treat all body hair – for Pubic lice)
Reasons for Treatment Failure:
Inadequate application of the product
Lice are resistant to insecticide
Failure to retreat to kill nymphs emerged from eggs
Skin Infections – Viral

Viral Infections:
- Viral Warts
o What are They?
= Benign Tumours of the skin
Common in children
Infectious (Spread by direct contact)
o Organism:
Typically from HPV (human papilloma viruses)
HPV 6 & 11 Genital & Cutaneous Warts
HPV 16 & 18 Cervical & Penile Ca
o Appearance:
Verrucuous surface
Can often see a tiny black dot in the middle due to thrombosed capillary blood vessels
o Presentation:
Common on back of fingers, toes and knees
Common Warts (Skin/Plantar/Palmar)
Genital Warts (Cervix, Vulva, Penis)
NB: Cervical Papillomas Can cause cervical cancer.
Laryngeal Papilloma
o No Reliable Treatment:
50% of childhood warts disappear within 6mths; 90% are gone in 2 years.
Man don bo her i h treatment.
Surgical Excision/Chemical Treatment/Cryotherapy/Electrosurgery (Cauterise)
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Contagious
o Central blood vessels Bleed profusely when the surface is broken.

- Molluscum Contagiosum:
o Aetiology:
o Transmission:
Skin to Skin Contact
o Epidemiology:
Most Common in Children
Also Sexually-Active People
o Lesions:
Dome Shaped Papules
*Dimpled Centre (Centrally Umbilicated)
Not Painful, but may Itch.
o Treatment:
Often Unnecessary - May Resolve on its Own.
May Require Antibiotic Treatment if Secondary Bacterial Infection Occurs.
o Prognosis:
Once Resolved, the virus is GONE.
(No Latent Stage like Herpes Viruses)
However, there is NO permanent Immunity Can catch it again.
- Herpes Simplex (Cold Sores/Genital Lesions):
o What is it?
Common Mucosal Viral Infection that presents with localised blistering
Can reside in a latent state
o 2 Types:
Type 1: Typcially facial/oral infections (Cold sores/fever blisters)
Occur mainly in infants & young kids
Type 2: Mainly Genital
Occur after puberty (often transmitted sexually)
o Presentation:
Stages of Infection:
1. Prodromal Stage Vesicle or "blister" stage
2. Ulcer stage
3. Crust stage

The virus grows down the nerves and out into the skin Localised Blistering
High Fever
o Recurrences can be triggered by:
Minor trauma/Other infections/UV radiation/Hormonal factors/Emotional
stress/Operations/procedures on face
o Treatment:
Mild cases require no treatment
Sun protection to prevent
Oral Antiviral Drugs (Stop the virus multiplying)
o Complications:
Trigeminal Neuralgia (Neurogenic Pain)
- Chicken pox (Herpes Varicella Zoster):
o What is it?
Highly contagious disease
Typically childhood disease (before 10yrs)
One infection thought to confer lifelong immunity
o Organism:
Varicella zoster virus (HHV3) (AKA: Chicken Pox Virus, Varicella, Zoster)
o Transmission:
Highly Infectious
From person to person
Aerosol Droplets
Direct contact with fluid from open sore.
o Pathophysiology:
Inc ba ion Period ks
(Chicken Pox) Initial Mucosal Infection Viraemia Epidermal Lesions
May lead to Latent infection of Dorsal Ganglion Cells of Sensory Nerves.
(Shingles) Reactivation of latent Varicella Zoster Virus in Peripheral Nerves
o Signs/symptoms:
Itchy rash or red papules
Begins on the Trunk Face and Extremities
May cover entire body
High fever/headache/cold-like symptoms/vomiting/diarrhoea.
o Diagnosis:
Clinical Diagnosis
Test for Elevated VZV-Specific Antibodies
(IgM Primary Infection; IgG Second Infection)
o Treatment:
Resolves on its own.
o Complications:
Varicella During Pregnancy can Congenital Varicella Syndrome:
Spontaneous Abortion (3-8% in 1st Trimester) or IUGR
Skin: Cutaneous Defects, Hypopigmentation
Neuro: Intrauterine Encephalitis, Brain Damage, Seizures, Developmental Delay
Eye: Chorioretinitis, Cataracts, Anisocoria
MSK: Limb Hypoplasia
Systemic: cerebral cortical atrophy
Renal: Hydronephrosis, Hydroureter
CVS: Congenital Heart Defects
Perinatal Varicella Infection:
severe mortality rate of 30%
- Shingles (Herpes Varicella zoster):
o What is it?
Reactivation of Latent Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus.
o Pathophysiology:
Inc ba ion Period ks
(Shingles) Reactivation of latent Varicella Zoster Virus in Peripheral Nerves
o Presentation:
Painful blistering rash along 1/more Dermatomes.
Virus is seeded to nerve cells in spinal cord
Fever, malaise and headache
Lymph nodes draining affected area are often enlarged/tender
Can also result in nerve palsy
o Diagnosis:
Clinical Diagnosis
Test for Elevated VZV-Specific Antibodies
o Transmission:
Shingles are infectious
From person to person
Direct contact with fluid from open sore.
o Treatment:
Antiviral treatment
Rest & analgesia
Oral Antiviral
Skin Lesions - Benign

- Skin Tags:
• These harmless lesions
• They are pedunculated and have a narrow pedicle. They are usually skin coloured to brown.
Common sites are the intertriginous areas (axilla and groin) and the neck.

- Dermatofibromas:
• This is a harmless and common lesion found in adults and children. It presents as a skin coloured to
light brown firm papule which is asymptomatic.

- Nevi:
• Aetiology:
- Congenital (After Birth)
• Pathogenesis:
- Freckles = Excess Pigment
1. Arise in response to UV-Radiation Exposure.
1. May Regress if Exposure is Avoided.
- Moles (Lentigo) = Excess Melanocytes
1. These are benign tumours of melanocytes
2. Are normal.
3. The average number (that are > 2mm in diameter) found on the skin of Australians
is close to 100.
4. They present as discrete, light to dark brown lesions and are mostly 2-5 mm in

- Birthmark = Excess Melanocytes AND Excess Pigment

1. Small, Flat, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions
2. Cluster of Clear Cells (Melanocytes) @ the Dermo-Epidermal Junction
3. NB: Proliferation below Basal Layer.
- Compound Nevus:
1. Small, Raised, Dome-Shaped, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions.
2. Big Clusters of Melanocytes in Dermis & Dero-Epidermal Junction.

- Dysplastic Nevus:
1. Pigmented, Raised Lesion, with Central Darker Shade.
2. DE-Junctional Cluster of Dysplastic (Larger/Irregular/Darker) Melanocytes.
3. NB: Can Progress to Melanoma:
1. Once the Dysplastic Melanocytes begin Infiltrating UP into the Epidermis.
- Actinic Keratosis (Sun Damage):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
• Pathogenesis:
- = Damage to the skin from UV (wrinkling, pigmentary change, actinic keratoses and cancer)
- Sun Damage due to Chronic Exposure to UV Radiation
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Red/Tan, Irregular, Scaly Plaques
- Hyperkeratosis
- Inflammation/Ulceration/Crusting
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- The earliest sign = Freckling.
- A Pre-Cancerous Skin-Growth

- Seborrheic Keratosis:
• Aetiology:
- Totally Benign Tumour in Old Age (Common in >40yrs)
• Pathogenesis:
- Unknown
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Sticky, Oily Plaques
- Round, Flat, Velvety Plaques
- May be Pigmented
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Treated only if inflamed
- No Malignant Potential
Skin Lesions – Malignant

- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC):
• 2nd commonest skin cancer after BCC
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Industrial Carcinogens
- Tobacco
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Squamous Epithelial Cells.
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Nodule
- Hyperkeratosis
- Sometimes Erythematous base.
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Malignant (Early Treatment via Excision is Essential)
- Highly Variable Appearance
- Typically Tender Papules/Nodules with ROUGH, ADHERENT SCALE.
- Often Ulcerate Centrally
- Often Present as Ulcers on Lips/Mucosa
- They frequently grow rapidly and may be painful.
• Treatment:
- Wide excision
- Cryotherapy
- Radiotherapy in Elderly

- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC):

• Aetiology:
- Sun Exposure
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Basal Epithelial Cells.
- Slow Growing
- Rarely Metastasises (Locally Infiltrative, but don’t often Metastasise)
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Nodular/Papular
- Blood Vessels
- Pearly/Shiny crust over the lesion.
- Large Tumours may Ulcerate.
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- #1 Commonest skin cancer in Aus
- Good prognosis if treated early
- Treatment:
1. Excisional surgery : Still the gold standard treatment of BCC’s.
2. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
3. Curettage and Cautery
4. Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
5. Radiation treatment
- Melanoma:
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Congenital
• Risk Factors:
- Family history
- Tendency to burn (Fitzpatrick type I/II skin)
- Severe Childhood Sunburn (Solar Skin Damage)
- Immunosuppression
- High number of common acquired naevi
• Pathogenesis:
- Tumorigenesis of Melanocytes
- Most develop in an existing Naevus
- Superficial Spreading melanomas grow Laterally Initially, then begin to grow downwards.
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Grow & Change Colour
- Maculo-Papular Lesion
- Irregular Shape, Colour & Depth – Distinguishing Features.
- Pigmented
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Malignant
• Prognostic Factor:
- Breslow Thickness
- Clark Levels
- TNM Staging:
1. T = Size/Depth
2. N = Nodal Involvement
3. M = Distant Metastasis?
• Diagnosis:
- Dermoscopy is ESSENTIAL!!
- ABCD’s of melanoma:
1. A – Asymmetry of Shape and Structure.
2. B – Border Irregularity. The edges are ragged, blotched, or blurred.
3. C – Colour Variability. The pigmentation is not uniform.
4. D – Diameter Increasing. A width >6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser).
5. E – Evolving/Elevated
6. F – Firm/Friable
7. G – Growing. Signs of growth (Slow/Rapid) should raise concern.
3 Point Checklist (>2 = Malignant):
1. Assymmetry of Colour/Structure?
2. Atypical Network?
3. Blue-White Structures?
• Treatment:
- Early Detection & Removal = The Only Reliable Curative Treatment.
- Followup = Those who have had a melanoma, have a 13% risk of another.

Asymmetry, Borders (Irregular), Colour (Varied), Diameter (Greater than 6mm), Evolving over time.
NB: You don’t need to know any treatments for Dermatological Conditions in this course.
NB: ALL EXAM QUESTIONS for Dermatology will come from:

Skin Pathology & Histology
Wk 5
Skin & Special Senses Notes
Skin Pathology – Under a Microscope

- Anatomy/Histology/Physiology
- *Pathology of Major Disorders
o Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology

Principles of Pathology – Things to know for each of the presented conditions:
- 1. What Caused the Disease (Aetiology)
- 2. How does it Occur/Progress? (Pathogenesis)
- 3. What are the Gross/Microscopic Changes? (Morphology)
- 4. Clinical Significance (Complications, prognosis, etc)

Example Exam Question:
- Given a Picture (Macro & Micro):

- Given a Case:
o 19yr old female presents with chronic skin lesions – Flared up in winter months – responds
partially to topical steroid ointment
- Describe the appearance of the lesion:
o Eg. Macroscopic Features: Bilateral, scaly, flaking, raised plaques on erythematous base
o Eg. Histological Features: Inflammatory infiltrate, Deep Rete Ridges, Raised Dermal Papillae.
- What is the most likely diagnosis?
o Psoriasis
- Describe the “Koebner Phenomenon”?
o The development of isomorphic psoriatic lesions immediately subsequent to, and at the site of, a
cutaneous injury;
- What is Auspitz sign? What is its significance?
o Pinpoint Bleeding following Removal of the scales because of increased vascularity under focal
areas of epidermal thinning. (This feature occurs only in psoriasis)
- Identify any 4 histopathological features shown.
o Hyperkeratosis
o Parakeratosis
o Regular elongation of the rete ridges
o Diminished granular layer
o Tortuous papillary dermal blood vessels
o Inflammatory cells in the superficial dermis.
- You are prescribing a medication for her, what type of base would be suitable for her and why?
o Water soluble Cream base with keratolytic agent such as urea, for hydration and good
penetration as the lesion is dry & scaly.
Common Histopathological Terms:
• Hyperkeratosis:
o Hyperplasia of the Stratum Corneum
o NB: Also Thickening of the Dermis & Rete ridges
o Clinical appearance = scaling
§ Psoariasis, eczema.

• Parakeratosis:
o A Pattern of Keratinization Characterized by Retention of Nuclei in the stratum corneum (due to
very very rapid keratinisation –no chance to mature & lose the nucleus)
§ (NB: This is normal on mucous membranes)
o Seen in many cases of hyperkeratosis
o Clinical appearance = Scaling

• Papillomatosis:
o Hyperplasia of the Papillary Dermis
o (The whole skin becomes folded – Papillar Projections – Typical in infections)
o Caused by Neoplastic-verrucous ca, venous stasis, viral.
• Dyskeratosis:
o Abnormal Keratinization due to Carcinoma.
§ Very typical of malignancy
o Cells containing high amounts of keratin beneath the Stratum Corneum
§ à Keratin Cysts
o NB: Also many inflammatory cells

• Acanthosis:
o Epidermal Hyperplasia (Increased number of epidermal cells, deepening of rete ridges) à
Thickening of the Epidermis.
o Seen in: Eczema, psoriasis

o Types of Acanthosis:
§ Psoriasiform (Regular) Acanthosis
§ Irregular Acanthosis
§ Papillated Acanthosis (Epidermal Growth goes above the normal level)
§ Pseudoepitheliomatous/pseudocarcinomatous (Epidermal Growth Infiltrates into the
• Acantholysis:
o Loss of Intercellular Connections.
§ Antibody-Mediated Destruction Against Desmosomes
§ à “Breaking down of brick wall” à Blisters
o Seen in: Pemphigus (a group of Blistering Autoimmune Diseases)

• Spongiosis:
o Inflammation and Intercellular Epidermal Oedema.
o àSeparation of cells without breakdown of cell-junctions (Not like Acantholysis)
o Aetiology: The initial response to any damage to the epidermis (scratching/irritants/Etc.)
o Seen in: Eczema, Pempigus, Seborrheic dermatitis.

Principles of Pathology – Things to know for each of the presented conditions:
- 1. (Aetiology) What Caused the Disease?:
- 2. (Pathogenesis) How does it Occur/Progress?
- 3. (Morphology) What are the Gross/Microscopic Changes?
o List 3x Gross Features
o List 3x Microscopic Features
- 4. Clinical Significance (Clinical Features, Complications, Prognosis, etc):
o List 3x Clinical Features

Skin Pathologies – Conditions To Know:
1. Acute Inflammations:
• Urticaria,
• Acute Eczema,
• Erythema Multiforme.
2. Chronic Inflammations:
• Psoriasis,
• Chronic Eczema,
• Lichen planus.
3. Infections:
• Bacterial (Impetigo),
• Fungal(tinea) &
• Viral(warts).
4. Blistering Diseases:
• Pemphigus,
• Pemphigoid,
• Dermatitis herpetiformis.
5. Neoplastic:
• Benign:
- Nevi,
- Actinic Keratosis,
- Seborrheic Keratosis.
• Malignant:
- Melanoma

Urticaria (Hives):
- Aetiology:
o Type I hypersensitivity – Allergy (Food/drug/plant/etc)
- Pathogenesis:
o Antigen is Re-Exposed to a sensitized Mast-Cell/Basophil à IgE-Bound Mast Cell Degranulates:
§ à Releasing Inflammatory Mediators (Histamine) of Type-1-Hypersensitivity Reactions.
§ àPerivascular inflammatory infiltrate: lymphocytes, neutrophils or eosinophils.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Erythematous Papules & Plaques (Reddish, raised areas).
o Microscopic:
§ 1. Dermal Oedema (Not Spongiosis – which is Epidermal Oedema)
§ 2. Dilated Dermal Blood Vessels (With Perivascular Inflammatory Cells)
§ 3. Dermal Inflammatory Infiltrate (Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, Eosinophils)
§ (Normal Epidermis – No Spongiosis or Hyperplasia)
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Usually on trunk and extremities.
o Individual lesions are transient, usually resolve in 24 hr, but entire episode may last for days.
o All ages, more in 20 – 40y.
Acute Eczema:
- Types of Acute Eczema:
o Contact dermatitis (Due to prolonged exposure to allergen)
o Atopic dermatitis
o (Drug eczema)
o (Photoeczema)
o (Primary irritant dermatitis)
- Aetiology:
o Type IV Hypersensitivity (T-Cell Mediated) to Allergen.
- Pathogenesis:
o Initial Exposure:
§ Ag Processed by Langerhans Cells àPresented to T-Cells in LN à T-Cell Activation
o Upon Re-Exposure:
§ Memory T cells produce Quick & strong inflammatory response.
§ àEpidermal Oedema + Forms small blisters à Wet Eczema

o Chronic Exposure:
§ àHyperplasia, hyperkeratosis (lichenification) – Dry Eczema.

- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Small Blisters
§ Erythema
§ Hyperkeratosis (If Chronic)
o Microscopic:
§ Intra-Epidermal Oedema (Spongiosis)
§ Epidermal Blistering
§ Perivascular Inflammatory Infiltrate
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Often has a regular shape (Eg. Square from bandaid)
o Treated with Corticosteroids (Smptomatic)
o Antihistamies (For Itch)
Erythema Multiforme:
- Aetiology:
o Hypersensitivity
- Pathogenesis:
o Hypersensitivity Response to:
§ Infections (Herpes simplex, Mycoplasma)
§ Drugs (Sulfonamides, penicillin, barbiturates)
§ Malignancy (Carcinoma, lymphoma)
§ Auto-Immune (Eg. Lupus, SS, Dermatomyositis)
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Variable Lesions: Papules/Plaques/Nodules/Blisters/Ulcers
§ Characteristic “Targetoid” Lesions
• Central Grey Necrosis
• Erythematous raised border.
o Microscopic:
§ Dyskeratosis
§ Necrotic Keratinocytes
§ Spongiosis (Epidermal Oedema)
§ Epidermal Lymphocytes
§ Destruction of Basal Epidermal Layer
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):

Chronic Eczema:
- Aetiology:
- Pathogenesis:
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Dry Eczema
o Hyperkeratosis
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Aetiology:
o Multifactorial (Genetic & Immune)
- Pathogenesis:
o Sensitized T cells infiltrate the skin and secrete cytokines and growth factors
§ àContinuous stimulation of basal cells à Increased cell turnover
§ + àInflammation, Vascular Proliferation Angiogenesis
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Plaque covered with Silvery Scales (Due to Hyperkeratosis & Parakeratosis)
• Bilateral
• Well-Demarcated
• Erythematous Based
o Microscopic:
§ Acanthosis (Deepening of Rete Ridges & Thickening of the Epidermis)
§ Parakeratosis (Stratum Corneum still has Nuclei)
§ Neutrophilic Microabsceses in the Epidermis
§ Tortuous Papillar Dermal Vessels
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Can cause Multi-System Disorder:
§ Arthritis
§ Myopathy
§ Enteropathy
§ Immunodeficiency
o Nail Pitting
o Auspitz Sign:
§ Microbleeding when crusts are removed.
Lichen Planus:
- Aetiology:
o Unknown (not pathogenic or infectious)
- Pathogenesis:
o Similar to Erythema Multiforme (Hypersensitivity), but more chronic.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Purple, polygonal, planar, Papules & Plaques.
o Microscopic:
§ Anucleate Dead Cells in Basal Layer (“Civatte Bodies”)
§ Hyperplasia
§ Hyperkeratosis (Scaling)
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Itchy, Purple Rash
o on Skin (commonly wrists & ankles), Mucosa, Genitals, Oral.
o Self-limiting (1-2 yrs)
Bacterial (Impetigo)[School Sores]:
- Aetiology:
o Overgrowth of Bacteria (Normal/Abnormal)
§ Staph or Strep
§ Superficial, Bacterial
- Pathogenesis:
o Overgrowth of Bacteria à Inflammation
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Oozing, Pustular & Crusting Lesions
o Microscopic:
§ Spongiosis
§ Neutrophils
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o School Sores
o Contagious
o Regardless of Age
Bacterial (Acne):
- Aetiology:
o Bacterial Infection of Pilosebaceous Units
o Hormonal influences
- Pathogenesis:
o 4 Factors:
§ Excessive Sebum Production (Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia)
§ Hyperkeratinisation
§ Comedones (Obstructed Pores)
§ Accumulation of Lipids & Cellular Debris
o Inflammation is Enhanced by Follicular Rupture
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Comedones
§ Pustules
o Microscopic:
§ Infected Hair Follicle
§ Neutrophil Abscess
§ Comedones
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
Fungal (Tinea):
- Aetiology:
o Fungal Infection
- Pathogenesis:
o Superficial Fungal Infection à Inflammatory Rash à Dermatitis
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Rash:
• Round
• Scaly
• Itchy
§ Spreading out with Central Clearing
o Microscopic:
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
Viral (Warts):
- Aetiology:
o Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
o Herpes (Zoster/Shingles)
o DNA Pox Virus (àMolluscum Contagiosum)
- Pathogenesis:
o HPV à Cellular Mutation à Hyper/Neo-Plasia
o à Wart Formation (Mostly Benign)
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Verrucous Warts
§ Intradermal Hard Cysts
o Microscopic:
§ Inward Growth Deep into the Skin
§ Koilocytic Keratinocytes (Dysplastic Squamous cells)
§ Central Blood Vessels
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Contagious
o Central blood vessels à Bleed profusely when the surface is broken.

Pemphigus (Pemphigus Vulgaris):
- Aetiology:
o Autoimmune
- Pathogenesis:
o Antibodies against Desmosomes à Destroys Desmosomes à Acantholysis (Intraepidermal
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Thin, Flaccid Blisters (Easily Popped)
§ Look similar to burns
§ Many have popped à Crusting
o Microscopic:
§ Acantholysis (Intraepidermal Bullae)
§ Loose cells inside the Bullae
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
Bullous Pemphigoid:
- Aetiology:
o Autoimmune
- Pathogenesis:
o Antibody against Basal Layer à Destroys Sub-Epidermal Anchoring Proteins.
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ Large, Tense, Subepidermal Bullae
§ Sometimes Haemorrhagic Blisters
o Microscopic:
§ NO Acantholysis
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):

Dermatitis herpetiformis.
- Aetiology:
o Associated with Coeliac Disease (Gluten Sensitivity)
- Pathogenesis:
- Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
o Gross:
§ VERY Itchy, Small, Erythematous Papules
§ Vesicles
§ Occasional Bullae
o Microscopic:
§ Subepithelial, Neutrophilic Microabscesses in Dermal Papila
- Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
o Associated with Coeliac Disease
- Nevi:
• Aetiology:
- Congenital (After Birth)
• Pathogenesis:
- Freckles = Excess Pigment
- Moles (Lentigo) = Excess Melanocytes
- Junctional Naevus (Typical Birthmark) = Excess Melanocytes AND Excess Pigment
1. Small, Flat, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions
2. Cluster of Clear Cells (Melanocytes) @ the Dermo-Epidermal Junction
3. NB: Proliferation below Basal Layer.

- Compound Nevus:
1. Small, Raised, Dome-Shaped, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions.
2. Big Clusters of Melanocytes in Dermis & Dero-Epidermal Junction.

- Dysplastic Nevus:
1. Pigmented, Raised Lesion, with Central Darker Shade.
2. DE-Junctional Cluster of Dysplastic (Larger/Irregular/Darker) Melanocytes.
3. NB: Can Progress to Melanoma:
1. Once the Dysplastic Melanocytes begin Infiltrating UP into the Epidermis.
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Usually Benign (But can become malignant)
- Actinic Keratosis (Sun Damage):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
• Pathogenesis:
- Sun Damage due to Chronic Exposure to UV Radiation
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Red/Tan, Irregular, Scaly Plaques
2. Hyperkeratosis
3. Inflammation/Ulceration/Crusting
- Microscopic:
1. Dysplasia (Pre-Cancerous) & Atrophy
2. Inflammation
3. Hyperkeratosis AND Parakeratosis
4. Loss of Papillary Dermis & Rete Ridges
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- A Pre-Cancerous Skin-Growth
- Seborrheic Keratosis:
• Aetiology:
- Totally Benign Tumour in Old Age
• Pathogenesis:
- Unknown
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Sticky, Oily Plaques
2. Round, Flat, Velvety Plaques
3. May be Pigmented
- Microscopic:
1. Thick Hyperplastic Epidermis
2. Keratin Cysts

• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Treated only if inflamed
- No Malignant Potential
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Industrial Carcinogens
- Tobacco
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Squamous Epithelial Cells.
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Nodule
2. Hyperkeratosis
3. Sometimes Erythematous base.
- Microscopy:
1. Dyskeratosis
2. Epithelial Keratin Pearls
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Malignant (Early Treatment via Excision is Essential)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Exposure
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Basal Epithelial Cells.
- Slow Growing
- Rarely Metastasises (Locally Infiltrative, but don’t often Metastasise)
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Nodular/Papular
2. Blood Vessels
3. Pearly/Shiny crust over the lesion.
4. Large Tumours may Ulcerate.
- Microscopy:
1. Basal Cell Proliferation (Infiltrates the Dermis)
2. Malignant Squamous Cells extend deep, Penetrating the Basement Membrane.
3. Presence of Squamous Eddies or “Epithelial Pearls”
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Melanoma:
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Congenital
• Pathogenesis:
- Tumorigenesis of Melanocytes
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Grow & Change Colour
2. Maculo-Papular Lesion
3. Irregular Shape, Colour & Depth – Distinguishing Features.
4. Pigmented
- Microscopic:
1. Diagnostic Feature: Atypical (Dysplastic) Melanocytes ABOVE The Epidermis
1. Also Invade down into the Dermis
2. Nests/Clusters of Atypical Melanocytes
3. Inflammatory Cells
4. Mitotic Figures (Due to High Replication Rates)
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Malignant

Asymmetry, Borders (Irregular), Colour (Varied), Diameter (Greater than 6mm), Evolving over time.

NB: Just realise that despite subtle changes in appearance, the actual size and infiltration of the Melanoma can
be quite significant.
Wk 5 SSS
Synthesis Session:

Bullous Pemphigoid:
- Tense Bullae
- Old Age Patients
- Separation of the whole epidermis from teh dermis
- Antibodies against anchoring proteins which hold the dermal-epidermal layer

Seborrheic Keratosis:
- Similar to SCC, but is more regular (as it is benign)
- Grows above the skin
Actinic Keratosis (Sun Damage):
- Hyperkeratosis & Parakeratosis (Visible Nucleus)
- Atrophy of the Epithelium
- Very Large & Irregular Nuclei of Epidermal Cells.
- Thick & irregular collagen bundles

Compound Nevus (Junctional Nevus + Intradermal Nevus):
- Looks very similar to Melanoma (but the distinguishing feature is the location of the melanocytes – which
are all maintained within the dermis.)
- Nuclei of Melanocytes are round and regular
Squamous Cell Carcinoma:
- Abnormal Clusters of Keratinisation within the tumour (below the level of the stratum corneum)
o Central area of necrosis with just keratin plaques
- Degeneration of subdermal collagen
- Irregularity of the nuclei (Dysplasia)

- NB: on the Mid-right aspect, notice the clusters of Melanocytes invading both down into the Dermis and
up into the Epidermis. (Melanocytes are normally confined to the basement membrane)
- The Left-Mid aspect is normal skin.
Dermatology Self Assessment Quiz:
1. Lesions following viral fever & sore throat. Lesions have a central clearing (Target-eyed Lesinos), are
red. Diagnosis?
a. Erythema Multiforme
2. Itchy, lesion on wrist for 3 days following wearing new bracelet. Microscopy shows spongiosis
(intraepidermal oedema) Diagnosis?
a. Acute Eczema/Contact Dermatitis (Due to allergy against material in bracelet)
b. (Not Urticaria – would present within hours, and doesn’t have spongiosis)
3. 84yr old, scalp lesions. (It is Actinic Keratosis) What is the diagnostic feature you would see under the
a. Solar Elastosis (Very specific to solar damage)
b. Also have Parakeratosis (but is also seen in other conditions)
4. 41 yr old male, generalised very itchy rash, swollen lips. Diagnosis?
a. Urticaria
5. What is the characteristic microscopic feature of Urticaria?
a. Dermal Oedema (As opposed to Spongiosis, which occurs after 3-4 days) due to mast cell
6. Rash 6 days after giving blood @ the site of the bandaid. Diagnosis?
a. Contact Dermatitis
7. What is the microscopic characteristics of Acanthosis:
a. diffuse epidermal hyperplasia.[1] Acanthosis implies increased thickness of stratum spinosum
8. 82 yr male, lesions on hand and ear. Microscopy shows irregularity of cells, and the lesion is shiny,
erythromatous plaques. Diagnosis?
a. Squamous Cell carcinoma
9. 48yr female, large flaccid blisters. Some broken with crusting. Diagnosis?
a. Pemphigus (As opposed to Bullous Pemphigoid)
10. 28yr male, asymptomaic lesions for 3 weeks on chest & back. Diagnosis?
a. Tinea Versicolor
11. 81yr male, surfing enthusiast, lesions on cheek or 3 years. Slowly increasing. Diagnosis?
a. Actinic Keratosis (Sun damage)
12. 21yr male, lesions on face since 4 weeks. Slowly increasing. Itchy, but no pain. Diagnosis?
a. Impetigo (Staphylococcal)
13. 71yr female, recurrent flaccid blisters. Diagnosis?
a. Pemphigus Vulgaris
14. Asymptomatic mole. Growing. Diagnosis?
a. Melanoma
15. 3yrs lip licking à Crusting. Diagnosis?
a. Impetigo
16. 13 yr girl. Allopecia, Erythema. Diagnosis?
a. Tinea Capitis Infection
17. 83yr nodular lesion on face for 2 years. Diagnosis?
a. BCC
18. Recurrent small itchy vesicles. Lesinos exacerbate following eating bread.
a. Dermatitis herpetiformis
Paediatric Rashes Trigger Sheet

Measles Virus:
– Morbillivirus
– Respiratory Route (Aerosol)
– Contact with fluids from infected person s nose mouth
– Typically a Respiratory Infection
– Produces a Viraemia Rash
– Fever
– URTI - Cough, Rhinorrhoea, Red Eyes
– Maculopapular Erythematous (Morbilliform) Rash
– Koplik s Spots Seen on the Inside of the Mouth

Complications Include:
– Croup
– Otitis Media
– Enteritis with diarrhoea
– Febrile convulsions
– Encephalitis (Serious)
– Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (very rare)
(Chronic, progressive Encephalitis caused by persistent infection with immune-resistant
Measles Virus)
No Cure
– Clinical Diagnosis (Genearlised Maculopapular Rash + Fever)
– Presence of Measles IgM Antibodies
– PCR of Respiratory Specimens.
– No Specific Treatment
– Prevented by MMR Vaccine
– Attenuated MMR Vaccine (Admin at 12mths & 4yrs)
– Developing Countries: Low Herd Immunity Higher Pervalence
Relatively High Death-Rates in Non-Immune.
Rubella Virus Aka “German Measles :
o Rubella Virus
o Respiratory Route
o (Human Reservoir Only)
o Initial Flu-Like Symptoms
o * Rash on Face Spreads to Trunk & Limbs
Pink-Red, Itchy
o Low-grade Fever, Lymphadenopathy, Joint Pains, Headache, Conjunctivitis.
o Typically Benign
o Typically Lasts 1-3 Days (Children Recover Quicker)
o Complications may include arthritis, thrombocytopaenia purpura, and encephalitis
o *HOWEVER, Maternal Infection During PREGNANCY can be SERIOUS!!
If Infected in the 1st 20wks of Pregnancy Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Cardiac/Cerebral/Opthalmic/Auditory Defects
Specific Foetal Damage Depends on Organ Development @ the Time:
The 1st Trimester is Worst, as Organ Development occurs during this time
After 1st Trimester, Organ Growth is the main process.
o Clinical Diagnosis
o Presence of Virus-Specific IgM Antibodies
o No Specific Treatment
o Controlled in Australia by vaccination (MMR Vaccine)
o Test pregnant women for immunity early.
o (NB: Rubella Itself is relatively Benign, so why bother Vaccinating?)
o MMR Vaccine:
(Live Attenuated)
#1 Aim: Prevent Rubella in Pregnant Women Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Aimed at BOTH Males Females to Male Transmission to Pregnant Females
Human Parvovirus B19 Childhood Rash called “ th Disease”:
o Parvovirus B19
o Respiratory Droplet
o Blood-Borne
o Virus Replicates in Rapidly-Dividing Cells (Eg. Bone Marrow RBC Precursors)
RBC Haemolysis
Severe Anaemia
Can Result in Haemolytic Crisis
o The receptor for the virus is a globoside, which is abundant on tissues of mesodermal origin
o Can cross the placenta into the foetus
Foetal Anaemia
o Fever/Malaise
o Characteristic Rash
Teenagers Papular Purpuric Gloves Socks Syndrome
Children Slapped Cheek Syndrome
NB: Foetal Infection Foetal Damage or Abortion
Purpura (Secondary To Septicaemia Meningococcaemia (N.Meningitis)):
o Due to extravasation of RBCs
o Vessel wall defects (vasculitis)
o Toxins (Endo/Exo) Clotting defects (DIC, thrombocytopaenia, abnormal platelet function)

o Scarlet Fever “Strawberry Tongue” :
Certain strains of Strep pyogenes (Which carry a Bacteriophage – A virus infecting
the bacteria Produce an Eruthrogenic toxin)
GAS infection of Tonsils/Pharynx/Skin
Exotoxin Released by Strep. Pyogenes Local effect on Tonsils/Pharynx/Skin
Abnormalities of tongue
o Initially covered with white exudate
o Exudate is shed
o inflammation of underlying tissue
Diffuse, Erythematous Exanthem

o Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSS) (Staphylococcus Aureus):

S. Aureus Releases two Exotoxins (epidermolytic toxins A and B) from toxigenic
Toxins Degrade Desmosomes Acantholysis
Widespread Red Blistering Skin that looks like a burn or scald
occurs mostly in children younger than 5 years, particularly neonates
o Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS):
TSST-1-producing Staph. aureus
or TSST-1-producing Strep. pyogenes
Gram Positive Organisms release Exotoxins (Superantigens)
Mass, Non-Specific activation of T-Cells Overproduction of Cytokines
Systemic Vasodilation Shock
Cutaneous Response to toxins = Sunburn-like Rash + Desquamation
Rapid Onset Fever
Generalised Skin/Mucosal Erythema
Shock Hypotension & Multi-System Failure
NB: You don’t need to know any treatments for Dermatological Conditions in this course.
NB: ALL EXAM QUESTIONS for Dermatology will come from:

Summary ofWk 9
Pre-Malignant &
Malignant Skin Lesions
Skin & Special Senses Notes
Skin Cancers

Module Overview
• The majority of skin cancers are related to sun exposure and UV light which is a known carcinogen.
• Commonest skin cancers in Australia:
o #1. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
o Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
o (Neither have a high risk of metastasis if diagnosed and treated early.)
o Melanoma is less common but much more serious because of its metastatic potential

Sun Sensitivity
• Susceptibility of an individual to the effects of solar radiation.
o Genetically determined
o Related to skin colour.
• Measured by how quickly an individual develops redness (or sunburn) on exposure to ultraviolet light.
• Patients who are sun sensitive:
o Burn easily
o Are not able to tan
o Show signs of solar damage earlier than normal
o Are susceptible to skin cancer
o Often have fair or red hair and freckles.

• Sunburn is an acute erythematous reaction to ultraviolet light and is usually induced by UVB radiation.
• Within 2 to 6 hours à painful erythema à may progress to blistering.
• The redness resolves over 4 to 7 days usually with peeling.

Actinic Damage (Sun-Damage):
• = Damage to the skin from ultraviolet (wrinkling, pigmentary change, actinic keratoses and skin cancer)
• UV radiation contributes to skin cancer and also has immunosuppressive effects
• The earliest sign = Freckling.
o Babies are born without any freckles
• As patients age the following solar induced changes may occur:
o Facial wrinkling
o Telangiectasia
o Yellow nodularity (solar elastosis)
o Comedones not associated with acne (solar comedones)
o Solar keratoses
o Brown macules (solar lentigos) (“Sun-Freckles”)
o Cutaneous fragility and easy bruising
o White patches (guttate hypomelanosis)

Solar keratoses (Sunspots)
• Solar keratoses are erythematous, scaly lesions located on sun exposed skin. They are most common on
the face, back of the hands and forearms.
• Solar keratoses are NOT cancer, however they are a sign of significant sun damage and are therefore an
indicator of higher risk for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancer.

Freckles (ephelides):
• Tan macules up to 1cm Diameter.
• Arise in response to UV-Radiation Exposure.
o May Regress if Exposure is Avoided.
• Freckles are normal in fair skinned people and appear for the first time in childhood as small, pale brown
macules on the face and other sun exposed areas.

Solar Lentigo (Larger Freckles):
• Solar lentigines are extremely common in middle aged to elderly fair skinned people and are often found
in association with sun damage.
• They present as brown, well-defined macules on sun exposed skin.
Seborrhoeic Keratoses:
• These benign lesions are very common after the age of 40.
• They are often referred to as "old-age warts" because they do look very much like common warts.
• They have a rough, warty surface and colour ranges from skin coloured to black
• Sharply Defined Borders
• Raised, ‘Stuck-on’ Appearance.
Skin Tags:
• These harmless lesions
• They are pedunculated and have a narrow pedicle. They are usually skin coloured to brown. Common
sites are the intertriginous areas (axilla and groin) and the neck.

• This is a harmless and common lesion found in adults and children. It presents as a skin coloured to light
brown firm papule which is asymptomatic.

Common acquired Melanocytic Naevi (Moles):
• These are benign tumours of melanocytes
• Are normal.
• The average number (that are > 2mm in diameter) found on the skin of Australians is close to 100.
• They present as discrete, light to dark brown lesions and are mostly 2-5 mm in diameter.

Dysplastic Naevi:
• These naevi present clinically and histologically as intermediates between normal naevi and melanoma
• most dysplastic naevi carry only a small risk of transformation to melanoma (about 1 in 1000)
Basal Cell Carcinomas
• (BCCs) are the commonest form of skin malignancy
• Commonest Subtypes:
o Superficial BCC’s
§ Flat Red/Pink Shiny Macules or patches
§ Indistinct Borders
§ Short, Fine Telangiectasia (on Dermoscopy)
§ Can be Ulcerative (appear as ulcers with pearly or indurated edge)
o Nodular BCC's
§ Pearly/red/translucent Nodules
§ Overlying telangiectasia.
§ Central Ulceration
• Treatment:
o Excisional surgery : Still the gold standard treatment of BCC’s.
o Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
o Curettage and Cautery
o Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
o Radiation treatment
• Criteria For Basal Cell Carcinoma:
o Important Stuff:
§ Blood Vessels (Telangiectasia)
§ Blue-Grey Ovoid Nests
Squamous Cell Carcinomas:
• Invasive Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin malignancy after BCC.
o Well differentiated tumours present on chronically sun damaged skin, as indurated nodules with
a keratotic (norny growth)surface, (squamous cells produce keratin).
o They frequently grow rapidly and may be painful.
• Aetiology:
o The vast majority of SCC’s occur on Sun-Exposed Areas
o Associated with Chronic Sun Exposure
• Clinical Presentation:
o Highly Variable Appearance
o Typically Tender Papules/Nodules with ROUGH, ADHERENT SCALE.
o Symmetrical
o Often Ulcerate Centrally
o Often Present as Ulcers on Lips/Mucosa
• Treatment:
o Wide excision
o Radiotherapy in Elderly
• Epidemiology:
o Australia - highest incidence of melanoma in the world
o Most common cancer in northern Aus
o incidence is higher in the elderly
o 3rd Most Common Cancer in Both Men & Women
o Risk:
§ 1/23 for Females
§ 1/14 for Males
• Risk Factors:
o Family history
o Fair complexion
o Freckles
o Tendency to burn (Fitzpatrick type I/II skin)
o Severe Childhood Sunburn (Solar Skin Damage)
o Immunosuppression
o High number of common acquired naevi
o Large (>10cm) Congenital Naevi
o Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome (5 or more dysplastic naevi)
• Pathways to Melanoma:
o Most develop in an existing Naevus
o Superficial Spreading melanomas grow Laterally Initially, then begin to grow downwards.
• Types of Melanoma:
o “Superficial Spreading Malignant Melanomas” - linked to intermittent intense sun exposure
§ Presents with a flat, usually pigmented, asymmetric macule that is changing is size, shape
or colour
§ Slow Growing

o “Lentigo maligna melanoma” – linked to high doses of cumulative sun exposure
§ presents as an unevenly pigmented, asymmetric facial freckle that is changing in size,
shape or colour

o “Nodular Melanoma” – Due to Medium Sun Exposure
§ Tends to grow more rapidly in depth than other melanomas.
§ The majority of deeply invasive, High-risk Melanomas
o “Lentigo Melanoma” – On Skin of Face & Neck
o “Acral Lentiginous Melanoma” – NOT due to sun exposure.
§ Affects soles of the feet, palms of the hands, toes, and fingers, and occurs in the nail
o “Amelanotic Melanoma”- Red Patches on the Skin
§ Many melanomas are partially non-pigmented and up to 20% are almost completely
without pigmentation. Amelanotic melanomas generally present as a red, changing
lesion though they can be skin coloured.
• Presentation:
o Begin with a Radial Growth Phase (RGP)
§ Grow wider (↑Diameter)
o Vertical growth Phase Melanoma (VGP)
§ VGP will eventually supervene within most RGP melanomas and typically presents as a
raised area that is progressively growing
• Diagnosis:
o Dermoscopy is ESSENTIAL!!
o Skin exam without dermoscopy will only pick 60% of melanomas.
o How long has it been there?
o ABCD’s of melanoma:
§ A – Asymmetry of Shape and Structure.
• Ie. One half doesn't match the other half (border/colour/structure within the
§ B – Border Irregularity. The edges are ragged, blotched, or blurred.
§ C – Colour Variability. The pigmentation is not uniform. Shades of tan, brown, and black
may be present and red, white, grey and blue may add to the mottled appearance.
§ D – Diameter Increasing. A width >6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser).
• NB: Any growth of a mole should be of concern.
§ E –
• Evolving - any lesion that is changing or enlarging
• Elevated - Different elevations/contours OR ANY change from flat to elevated is
of concern.
§ F – Firm. A lesion that is firm, and also ones that are friable (easily damaged) are more
likely to be malignant. Whilst benign moles are raised, soft and “wobble” like jelly with
§ G – Growing. Signs of growth (Slow/Rapid) should raise concern.
o 3 Point Checklist:
§ 1. Assymmetry of Colour/Structure?
§ 2. Atypical Network?
§ 3. Blue-White Structures?
§ (Malignant Diagnosis Requires at least 2 of the above)

o Additional Dermoscopic Features:
§ Multiple colours
§ Irregular distribution of dots & Globules
§ Streaks at the edges
§ Blotches
o Prognostic Factor:
§ Breslow Thickness:
• Tumour thickness measured from the granular layer of the epidermis to the
deepest identified tumour cell
• Best Available predictor of Prognosis
§ Poor Prognostic Factors:
• Ulceration
• High Mitotic Rate
• Signs of Regression = Bad
§ Clark Levels:
• Relateds to the Deepest invasive tumour cells
• Levels 1 – 5
• (Not the same as TNM Staging)
§ TNM Staging:
• T = Size/Depth
• N = Nodal Involvement
• M = Distant Metastasis?
• History:
o vital when assessing a pigmented lesion
o Melanomas are progressively changing lesions
o Change in Size, Shape or Colour?
• Treatment:
o Early Detection & Removal = The Only Reliable Curative Treatment.
o Followup = Those who have had a melanoma, have a 13% risk of another.
Clinical Diagnosis – Screening For Malignancy:
• Use the ABCDE and EFG rule

• Dermoscopy:
o Hand-Held
o 10x Magnification
o Eliminates Surface Reflection (Allows viewing of Deeper Structures)
§ Via Polarised Lens
§ Non Polarised Lenses require a fluid layer between plate & skin. (Oil, Alcohol, Handwash
Gel, KY lube, Ultrasound Gel)
o 3 Point Checklist in Dermoscopy:
§ (A Screening tool for Malignancy)
§ High Sensitivity, But Low Specifictiy (Many benign lesions score higher than 1)
§ 1. Asymmetry of Colour and /or Structure
• Judge by symmetry of Structre/Pattern, not outline.

§ 2. Atypical Pigment Network:
• NB: Typical Pigment Network Grids correspond to Rete Ridges in the Dermis.

• Atypical Networks = Lines are of different thickness & sizes of ‘holes’ are varied.
§ 3. Blue-White Structures:
• Any White and/or Blue colour present in the lesions.
• Include:
o ‘Peppering’ (Melanophages)
o Blue-white Veil (Orthokeratotic Hyperkeratosis overlying the Pigmented
o Whitish Scar (Fibrosis)
Case 1.

Clinical Description:
- Small, brown papule
- 9mm diameter
- Irregular shape
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Assymetrical
- Border Irregularity
- Colour Variability
- Diameter increasing unknown.
- Don’t know if Evolving
- Elevated
Three Point Checklist Score (Malignant):
- Assymmetry?
o Yes
- Atypical Network?
o No
- Blue-white Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Potentially malignant BCC
- Excision
Case 2.

Clinical Description:
- 5mm diameter
- Papular-Plaque
- Brown
- Well defined border
- Regular shape & Pigment distribution
- Has ridges & fissures/como-like openings
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical
- Regular borders
- Regular Colour
- Diameter not increasing
- Not evolving
- Elevated
- Not growing
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry?
o No
- Atypical Network?
o No
- Blue-White Structures?
o No
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Benign Seborrheic Keratosis
- Monitor
- No management needed.
Case 3.

Clinical Description:
- 1cm wide plaque
- Well defined border
- Regular shape
- Regular pigmentation
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical
- Well defined border
- Regular Colour
- No history of change (diameter/evolution)
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry?
o No
- Atypical Network?
o No
- Blue-Grey Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Benign
- Blue Naevus
- Monitor
- No Management Needed
Case 4.

Clinical Description:
- Small pigmented lesion
- Macule (not raised)
- Irregular border
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical pattern, asymmetrical shape
- Irregular Border
- Consistent Colour
- No history of increasing Diameter/Evolution
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry?
o No
- Irregular Network?
o No
- Blue-Grey Structures?
o No
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Benign
- Ink-Spot Lentigo
- No management needed
Case 5.

Clinical Description:
- Scaly raised, erythematous Macule
- Poorly defined border
- Erythematous base
- scaling
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Assymmetrical
- Irregular border
- Consistent Colour
- Increasing Diameter
- Evolving
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymetry?
o Yes
- Irregular Network?
o No
- Blue-Grey Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Malignant
- Amelanotic Melanomas
- Excision
Case 6.

Clinical Description:
- Large pigmented plaque
- Warty surface
- No history of change
- Well defined border
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical in shape but asymmetrical in structure
- Well defined Border
- Consistent Colour except for area of white regression
- Constant diameter
- No history of evolution
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetry?
o No
- Irregular Network?
o No
- Blue-White Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Benign
- Birth Mark (congenital Naevus)
- None needed
Case 7.

Clinical Description:
- Asymmetrical macula-papular lesion
- Crusted surface
- Large
- Pigmented
- Milia like cysts, comedo-like openings.
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
- Assymmetrical
- Well-Defined Borders
- Regular Colour
- Diameter ≈ 1cm
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetry?
o Yes
- Irregular Network?
o No
- Blue White Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Seborrheic Keratosis
- Benign
- None Needed
Case 8.

Clinical Description:
- Papular lesion on chest
- 7mm diameter
- Well defined borders
- Regular shape
- Increasing in size over 12 mths
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetry in shape, but Assymmetry in colour
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry?
o Yes
- Irregular Network?
o No Network (Many melanomas don’t have network)
- Blue White Structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Malignant
- Invasive Melanoma
- Excision
Case 9.

Clinical Description:
- Pigmented macule
- Symmetrical
- Well defined, regular border
- Enlarging
- 1cm diameter
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical
- Regular, well defined borders
- Regular consistent colour
- Diameter 10mm
- Evolving? Growing
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry?
o No
- Irregular network?
o No
- Blue-white structures?
o No
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Solar Lentigo
- None Needed
Case 10.

Clinical Description:
- Pigmented Macule
- Irregular Colour & Border
- Assymmetrical
- Long-Standing
- Regression in the centre à white area
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Assymmetrical
- Irregular Border
- Irregular Colour
- Diameter 9mm
- Evolving? NO
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical?
o Yes
- Irregular Network?
o Yes
- Blue white structures?
o Yes
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Melanoma evolving inside a dysplastic naevi
- Excision
Case 11.

Clinical Description:
- Enlaring Macule
- Iregular Border
- Consistent Colour
- Symmetrical
- Faint Network
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Symmetrical
- Irregular Borders
- Consistent Colour
- 1cm diameter
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical?
o Yes
- Blue white Structures?
o No
- Irregular Pigment Network?
o No
Provisional Diagnosis
- Solar Lentigo
- None
Case 12.

Clinical Description
- Pigmented papule
- Irregular Border
- Assymmetrical
- Irregular colour pattern
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
- Assymmetrical
- Irregular Border
- Irregular Colour
- Diameter – Not Growing
- Evolving? no
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical
o Yes
- Blue white structures
o Yes
- Atypical Network
o yes
Provisional Diagnosis
- Melanoma
- Excision
Case 13.

Clinical Description:
- Telangiectasia
ABCD (EFG) Criteria:
- Asymmetrical
- Ill defined border
- Irregular colours
- Diameter – 5mm
- Evolving - unknown
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical:
o Yes
- Blue White Structures?
o Yes
- Irregular network?
o no
Provisional Diagnosis:
Case 14.

Clinical Description
- Ugly duckling
- Poorly defined border
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score
- Irregular Netowrk
o yes
Provisional Diagnosis
- Invasive Melanoma

Case 15.

Clinical Description:
- Diffuse,
- Assymmetrical
- Pigmented lesion
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical
- Irregular network
- White structures
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Melanoma Insitu
Case 16.

Clinical Description:
- Glomerular Vessels
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetry
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Bowens Disease (Intraepidermal Carcinoma)

Case 17.

Clinical Description
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Irregular network
- Assymmetrical
- Inverse pigment Network
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Melanoma
- Excision
Case 18.

Clinical Description
- Fine telangiectasia
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical
- Blue white structures
Provisional Diagnosis:

Case 19.

Clinical Description
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score
- Assymmetrical
- Blue white structures
- Irregular Pigment Network
Provisional Diagnosis
- Melanoma
- Excision
Case 20.

Clinical Description
ABCD (EFG) Criteria
Three Point Checklist Score:
- Assymmetrical
- White Structures
Provisional Diagnosis:
- Melanoma

Conclusion – You should be able to describe lesions in depth. Not expected to make diagnosis:
- Where the lesion is
- Shape
- Size
- Colours
- Type of lesion (macule/papule/etc)
PATH Dr Heal
Skin Cancer WOY
Pre-Malignant & Malignant Skin Lesions
- Nevi:
• Aetiology:
- Congenital (After Birth)
• Pathogenesis:
- Freckles = Excess Pigment
- Moles (Lentigo) = Excess Melanocytes
- Junctional Naevus (Typical Birthmark) = Excess Melanocytes AND Excess Pigment
1. Small, Flat, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions
2. Cluster of Clear Cells (Melanocytes) @ the Dermo-Epidermal Junction
3. NB: Proliferation below Basal Layer.

- Compound Nevus:
1. Small, Raised, Dome-Shaped, Symmetric, Uniform Lesions.
2. Big Clusters of Melanocytes in Dermis & Dero-Epidermal Junction.

- Dysplastic Nevus:
1. Pigmented, Raised Lesion, with Central Darker Shade.
2. DE-Junctional Cluster of Dysplastic (Larger/Irregular/Darker) Melanocytes.
3. NB: Can Progress to Melanoma:
1. Once the Dysplastic Melanocytes begin Infiltrating UP into the Epidermis.
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Usually Benign (But can become malignant)

- Skin Tags:
• These harmless lesions
• They are pedunculated and have a narrow pedicle. They are usually skin coloured to brown.
Common sites are the intertriginous areas (axilla and groin) and the neck.

- Dermatofibromas:
• This is a harmless and common lesion found in adults and children. It presents as a skin coloured to
light brown firm papule which is asymptomatic.
- Actinic Keratosis (Sun Damage):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
• Pathogenesis:
- Sun Damage due to Chronic Exposure to UV Radiation
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Red/Tan, Irregular, Scaly Plaques
2. Hyperkeratosis
3. Inflammation/Ulceration/Crusting
- Microscopic:
1. Dysplasia (Pre-Cancerous) & Atrophy
2. Inflammation
3. Hyperkeratosis AND Parakeratosis
4. Loss of Papillary Dermis & Rete Ridges
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- A Pre-Cancerous Skin-Growth
- Seborrheic Keratosis:
• Aetiology:
- Old Age
• Pathogenesis:
- Unknown
- Totally Benign
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Sticky, Oily Plaques
2. Round, Flat, Velvety Plaques
3. May be Pigmented
4. rough, warty surface
5. Rai ed S ck-on Appea ance
- Microscopic:
1. Thick Hyperplastic Epidermis
2. Keratin Cysts

• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):

- Treated only if inflamed
- No Malignant Potential
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Industrial Carcinogens
- Tobacco
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Squamous Epithelial Cells.
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Nodule
2. Hyperkeratosis
3. Sometimes Erythematous base.
- Microscopy:
1. Dyskeratosis
2. Epithelial Keratin Pearls
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
- Malignant (Early Treatment via Excision is Essential)
• Treatment:
- Wide excision
- Radiotherapy in Elderly
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC):
• Aetiology:
- Sun Exposure
• Pathogenesis:
- Dysplasia & Tumorigenesis of Basal Epithelial Cells.
- Slow Growing
- Rarely Me a a i e Locall Infil a i e b don of en Me a a i e
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Nodular/Papular
2. Blood Vessels (telangiectasia)
3. Pearly/Shiny crust over the lesion.
4. Ulcerations.
- Microscopy:
1. Basal Cell Proliferation (Infiltrates the Dermis)
2. Malignant Squamous Cells extend deep, Penetrating the Basement Membrane.
3. P e ence of Sq amo Eddie o Epi helial Pea l
• Clinical Significance (List 3x Clinical Features):
• Treatment:
- Excisional surgery : S ill he gold anda d ea men of BCC
- Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
- Curettage and Cautery
- Melanoma:
• Aetiology:
- Sun Damage
- Congenital
• Risk Factors:
- Family history
- Fair complexion
- Freckles
- Tendency to burn (Fitzpatrick type I/II skin)
- Severe Childhood Sunburn (Solar Skin Damage)
- Immunosuppression
- High number of common acquired naevi
• Pathogenesis:
- Tumorigenesis of Melanocytes in an existing Naevus
• Types of Melanoma:
- “Superficial Spreading Malignant Melanomas - linked to intermittent intense sun exposure
1. Presents with a flat, usually pigmented, asymmetric macule that is changing is size,
shape or colour
2. Slow Growing

- “Lentigo maligna melanoma linked to high doses of cumulative sun exposure

1. presents as an unevenly pigmented, asymmetric facial freckle that is changing in size,
shape or colour

- “Nodular Melanoma Due to Medium Sun Exposure

1. Tends to grow more rapidly in depth than other melanomas.
2. The majority of deeply invasive, High-risk Melanomas

- “Lentigo Melanoma On Skin of Face & Neck

- “Acral Lentiginous Melanoma NOT due to sun exposure.
1. Affects soles of the feet, palms of the hands, toes, and fingers, and occurs in the nail
- Amelanotic Melanoma - Red Patches on the Skin
1. Many melanomas are partially non-pigmented and up to 20% are almost completely
without pigmentation. Amelanotic melanomas generally present as a red, changing
lesion though they can be skin coloured.
• Morphology (List 3x Gross & 3x Microscopic Features):
- Gross:
1. Grow & Change Colour
2. Maculo-Papular Lesion
3. Irregular Shape, Colour & Depth – Distinguishing Features.
4. Pigmented
- Microscopic:
1. Diagnostic Feature: Atypical (Dysplastic) Melanocytes ABOVE The Epidermis
1. Also Invade down into the Dermis
2. Nests/Clusters of Atypical Melanocytes
3. Inflammatory Cells
4. Mitotic Figures (Due to High Replication Rates)
• Diagnosis:
- Dermoscopy is ESSENTIAL!!
- Skin exam without dermoscopy will only pick 60% of melanomas.
- How long has it been there?
- ABCD’s of melanoma:
1. A Asymmetry of Shape and Structure.
1. Ie. One half doesn't match the other half (border/colour/structure within the
2. B Border Irregularity. The edges are ragged, blotched, or blurred.
3. C Colour Variability. The pigmentation is not uniform. Shades of tan, brown, and
black may be present and red, white, grey and blue may add to the mottled
4. D Diameter Increasing. A width >6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser).
1. NB: Any growth of a mole should be of concern.
5. E
1. Evolving - any lesion that is changing or enlarging
2. Elevated - Different elevations/contours OR ANY change f om fla o
elevated is of concern.
6. F Firm. A le ion ha i fi m and al o one ha a e f iable ea il damaged a e
mo e likel o be malignan Whil benign mole a e ai ed of and obble like
jelly with pressure.
7. G Growing. Signs of growth (Slow/Rapid) should raise concern.
3 Point Checklist of Melanoma:
(A Screening tool for Malignancy)
High Sensitivity, But Low Specifictiy (Many benign lesions score higher than 1)
1. Asymmetry of Colour and /or Structure
o Judge by symmetry of Structre/Pattern, not outline.

2. Atypical Pigment Network:

o NB: Typical Pigment Network Grids correspond to Rete Ridges in the Dermis.

o A pical Ne ok Line a e of diffe en hickne i e of hole a e


3. Blue-White Structures:
o Any White and/or Blue colour present in the lesions.
o Include:
Peppe ing Melanophage
Blue-white Veil (Orthokeratotic Hyperkeratosis overlying the
Pigmented Tumour)
Whitish Scar (Fibrosis)
• Prognostic Factors:
- Poor Prognostic Factors:
1. Ulceration
2. High Mitotic Rate
3. Signs of Regression = Bad
- TNM Staging:
1. T = Size/Depth
2. N = Nodal Involvement
3. M = Distant Metastasis?
- Breslow Thickness:
1. Tumour thickness measured from the granular layer of the epidermis to the deepest
identified tumour cell
2. Best Available predictor of Prognosis
- Clark Levels:
1. Relateds to the Deepest invasive tumour cells
2. Levels 1 5
3. (Not the same as TNM Staging)

NB: Just realise that despite subtle changes in appearance, the actual size and infiltration of the Melanoma can be
quite significant.

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