City/Municipal Committee On Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children Functionality Assessment Form
City/Municipal Committee On Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children Functionality Assessment Form
City/Municipal Committee On Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children Functionality Assessment Form
City/Municipality: _________________________
Province: ________________________________
Region: _________________________________
Year Under Review:________________________
Functionality Level: _______________________
Organization 10%
a. LCAT-VAWC is organized 5%
▪ Yes (5%)
▪ No (0%)
▪ Yes (5%)
▪ No (0%)
Bonus points: Add 2% for expanded membership other than the prescribed
members per JMC 2010-1
Meetings 10%
a. LCAT-VAWC Annual Work and Financial Plan (AWFP) reflecting PPPAs to 10%
address TIP and VAWC developed
▪ Yes (10%)
▪ No (0%)
▪ Yes (10%)
▪ No (0%)
▪ Yes (10%)
▪ No (0%)
Accomplishments 50%
▪ Yes (10%)
▪ No (0%)
b. Information, education and advocacy campaign against TIP and VAWC conducted 10%
▪ Yes (10%)
▪ No (0%)
c. Capacity-building activities for all stakeholders involved in handling TIP and 15%
VAWC cases conducted
▪ Yes (15%)
▪ No (0%)
▪ Yes (5%)
▪ No (0%)
▪ Yes (5%)
▪ No (0%)
Bonus points: Add 2% for two (2) or more relevant PPAs fully implemented, or 1% for
one (1) relevant PPA fully implemented