Certificado de Calibração - Validador (2022)

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Certificate Number 1110013.202007021042

Manufacturer Model S5X216431 This calibration certificate documents the

traceability to national standards, which realize
Serial Number S5N908365 the units of measure according to the
International System of Units (SI).
Customer VALIDAC This calibration certificate may not be
R. Edna, 52 reproduced other than in full, except with the
CEP. 06730-000 permission of the issuing laboratory.
Calibration certificates without signature are
Vargem Grande Paulista - SP not valid. The recommended Calibration
Brasil interval for this instrument is 12 months.

Order Number ATBR - OS. 1803

Date of Calibration 04-jan-2022

Assinado de forma digital por
Rodrigo Tomaz Ike
Dados: 2020.07.02 16:47:14 -03'00'
Location of Calibration Laboratório Telstar Calibrated by:
Rodrigo T Ike
Condition of Equipment Conforme Assinado de forma digital por
Kleber Gomes dos Santos
Dados: 2020.07.06 10:06:51
Firmware Version 3.60.0001 Reviewed by:
Kleber Gomes

1. Instrument of calibration:

The Validator provides high accuracy sensor measurement by converting voltage to temperature, or by
converting voltage to user-defined standard measurements.

2. Calibration method:

The Validator has internal references which are used to provide offset and gain correction for the high
precision measurements. The internal voltage references and the 100 ohm reference resistor on the Yokogawa
Validator are calibrated using a voltage source and ICAL SIM. When calibration is complete, the voltage
calibration is checked and the As Shipped voltages documented at the required ranges to verify the readings
are within the specified tolerances of the Validator.

3. Environmental conditions:

Room temperature: 23€ C • 2€C

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4. Result of calibration:

Serial #
Kaye Validator S5X216431
Measurement Board 0611067

Voltage Voltage 1 Year Calibration

As Found As Shipped
Range Setting Tolerances Tolerances
10V 0V ±0.0004V 0,0004 PASS ±0.0004V 0,0003 PASS
5V ±0.0007V 5,0005 PASS ±0.0004V 5,0003 PASS
7.5V ±0.0008V 7,5005 PASS ±0.0004V 7,5004 PASS
30mV 0mV ±0.005mV -0,0008 PASS ±0.005mV 0,0015 PASS
22.5mV ±0.007mV 22,4996 PASS ±0.005mV 22,5001 PASS
60mV 0mV ±0.006mV 0,003 PASS ±0.006mV 0,001 PASS
45mV ±0.009mV 45,002 PASS ±0.006mV 45,000 PASS
300mV 0mV ±0.015mV 0,008 PASS ±0.015mV 0,008 PASS
225mV ±0.03mV 225,024 PASS ±0.015mV 225,004 PASS

Reference Resistor ±0.04 ohm 100,01 PASS ±0.03 ohm 100,01 PASS

The recommended calibration interval is one year.

Test Equipment Date

Model Serial
Used Calibrated
Voltage Source 7526A 4163157 11-mar-2021 NIST LE-251 903
ICAL Module V2020 1105007 22-jun-2021 Resistor (Ohm) 100,02

The internal clock has been checked and found within specification.
Z2030 Rev C 3.50 Date: 04-jan-2022

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