Drexel FL40-60 EX Drivers Guide 1417197 05-2006

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Lift Truck

EX Series


Material Handling Products Group

1900 North Street
Marysville, Kansas 66508
Telephone (785)562-5381· FAX: (785)562-4853
www.Landoll.com · [email protected]

All items of technical information, advice, knowhow, drawings,

designs, specifications and other items communicated in this
document are confidential and remain the property of Landoll
Corporation and shall not be disclosed to a third party, photocop-
ied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the
prior written permission of:

Landoll Corporation
Drexel Division
1900 North Street
Marysville, KS 66508 U.S.A.
Telephone:.. ............ (785) 562-5381
Fax: ......................... (785) 562-4853
Web:....................... www.drexeltrucks.com

Landoll Corporation is pleased to provide detailed specifica-

tions of its products in this manual, but reserves the right to vary
these at its discretion at any time without notice. This manual is
for general guidance only. The Landoll Corporation cannot
accept any financial or other responsibility that may be the result
of your use of the information contained herein; including direct,
indirect, special or consequential damages. All recommendations
and suggestions issued by or on behalf of the Company in
whatever form, are subject to the Company’s terms and condi-
tions of sales, a copy of which will be supplied upon request.
This document is not part of a contract or license, save insofar as
may be expressly agreed.

p/n: 1417197, -c, 05/03 © Landoll Corporation, Drexel Division 2003

All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents ❑

contents page
Safety precautions
safety ...................................................................................................................... 5
1. Site supervision ...................................................................................................... 5
2. Operator .................................................................................................................. 7
3. Tipping hazards .................................................................................................... 11
4. Traveling and load handling .................................................................................. 13
5. Speed ................................................................................................................... 15
6. Visibility ................................................................................................................. 15
7. Battery care .......................................................................................................... 15
8. Service repair ........................................................................................................ 17
9. Safety labels ......................................................................................................... 19
10. Available options ................................................................................................... 21

truck layout ......................................................................................................... 23
introduction ........................................................................................................... 24
overview ................................................................................................................ 26
1. Driver’s cab .......................................................................................................... 26
2. Lift and tilt, and shift .............................................................................................. 29
3. Mast assemblies ................................................................................................... 29
4. Specifications ........................................................................................................ 30

to begin operating... ............................................................................................. 31
1. Pre-operation checklist ......................................................................................... 31
2. Adjusting the driver’s seat ..................................................................................... 31
3. Fork adjustment .................................................................................................... 33
driving the truck ................................................................................................... 35
1. Practice session .................................................................................................... 35
the mast ................................................................................................................ 37
1. Practice session .................................................................................................... 37
handling loads ...................................................................................................... 39
1. To pick up the load .............................................................................................. 39
2. To deliver a load ................................................................................................... 43

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 3

❑ Table of Contents

contents - continued page

Routine maintenance
general .................................................................................................................. 47
1. Visual checks ........................................................................................................ 47
2. Routine checks ..................................................................................................... 48
3. Towing the truck ................................................................................................... 54
driver’s log .......................................................................................................... 55
driver’s log ........................................................................................................... 56

available options................................................................................................... 57
1. Back up alarms ..................................................................................................... 57
2. Fork positioner - non-side shifting ......................................................................... 57
3. Folding forks ......................................................................................................... 58
4. Lift limit interlock ................................................................................................... 59
5. Side shifting option ............................................................................................... 60
6. Strobe light ............................................................................................................ 60

index ...................................................................................................................... 61

4 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑


The Drexel FL-EX 1 Series Explosion Proof 2 trucks have

been designed for optimum safety of their operators. They
are designed to be safe and effective when operating in
environments containing specifically named flammable
gases or vapors and combustible dusts.

Please follow the safety guidelines listed in this section

and adhere to all Warning, Danger, Caution and Important
notes found within this manual. When the truck is in oper-
ation, always keep loose clothing, jewelry, hair and fingers
out of the restricted areas (especially pinch areas) as
labeled on the truck.

This chapter on Safety must be carefully read, understood

and adhered to strictly by all operators and service per-
sonnel using the Drexel FL-EX Series Lift Trucks. Do not
use this truck until you have thoroughly read this manual.
Failure to comply could cause risk of death or serious
injury to yourself and others.

Drexel SwingMast trucks meet or exceed ASME B56.1 - Part III,

Safety for Powered Industrial Trucks.

1. Site supervision
Supervision is an essential element in the safe operation of
powered industrial lift trucks.

The site supervisor must check that the driver’s guide is

with the truck at all times. Operators must be trained on the
use, maintenance and safety aspects of the FL-EX series
trucks under the supervision of a trained and experienced

1 “FL EX” Series includes Drexel Models FL40-EX and FL60-EX “Explosion Proof”
lift trucks.
“Explosion proof” - See inside front cover for regulations and rating specifications.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 5

❑ Safety precautions

Only those individuals trained to operate and/or service this

truck may do so. Familiarization and driving practice with a
new truck must be arranged in a safe area, away from other
trucks, obstacles and people. The training program must
be applied to all new operators, regardless of previous

Operator performance must be evaluated to ensure he/she

has the proper skills and knowledge to operate the truck.
Operators must be re-trained when new equipment is intro-
duced, existing equipment is modified, operating conditions
change, or an operator’s performance is determined unsat-





Any of the above could affect truck capacity and/or safe

operation of the truck. It is a serious safety violation
which could cause personal injury, could weaken the con-
struction of the truck, or could affect the safe operation of
the truck.



Landoll Corporation
Drexel Division
1900 North Street
Marysville, KS 66508 U.S.A.
Telephone: ......(785) 562-5381
Fax: .................(785) 562-4853

Modifications and/or additions to an EX fork lift truck must

be performed by Landoll Corporation either at the factory
or in a non-volatile service area and performed by an
authorized Landoll representative in accordance with
ANSI/UL 583 Standard.

6 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

WARNING ! - continued

All truck modifications must be examined, tested and

approved by (in the case of Landoll Corporation) Under-
writers Laboratories, Inc.

The truck must be inspected daily for problems or damage

risking the safety of the driver, any people in the work area,
or possible damage to the truck and the load being moved.
When trucks are used on a round-the-clock basis, they
must be inspected after each shift. Problems found must
be reported and corrected. The truck must be taken out of
operation until all repairs have been made and the truck has
been reinspected for safety.

2. Operator


Check that all directional and operational controls and

levers are in their NEUTRAL, or center position, the brakes
are set and your seat belt is fastened before setting the
key switch to ON. (See heading, ‘Seat belt,’ on page 9.)

To avoid personal injury when operating the truck, be

extremely careful that NO part of your body (head, feet,
arms, legs, fingers) is outside the operator’s cab where it
could be subject to injury by aisle supports, other trucks
or any obstacle in the area.

Know the location of and be especially careful of all pinch

points, as indicated by the WARNING and DANGER labels
on the truck.

Be especially careful when there are other people or mov-

ing or fixed objects in the working area, or when the load
reduces visibility. (See heading, ‘Visibility,’ on page 15.)
Never drive a truck up to anyone standing in front of an
object. Check that people stand clear of the rear swing
area before making turns.



“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 7

❑ Safety precautions

WARNING ! - continued


When driving in narrow aisles,

make sure there is enough space for the truck and the
load, travel at reduced speeds, and where applicable,
request a helper to guide you safely through the area.

❑ The operator is responsible for observing all instruc-

tions and safety regulations in his or her daily work
routine related to the use of this truck.
❑ Be careful at cross aisles, doorways and other loca-
tions where people may step into the path of travel of
the truck.
❑ He/she must check the condition of the truck at the
start of each work shift. In particular, he/she must
check the operation of the steering and brakes; the
directional control lever; the tilt, lift and lower (and
shift - optional) joysticks; the condition of the batter-
ies, parking brake, horn, and signaling devices,
where applicable.
❑ Make sure all access/service panels, doors and cov-
ers are installed, closed and latched tight. Do not
operate the truck with panels, doors and covers
removed, opened or unlatched.
❑ Keep the truck clean and in good working order.
Report any problems or damage risking the safety of
the driver and any people in the work area.
Problems found must be reported and corrected.
The truck must be taken out of operation until all
repairs have been made and the truck has been rein-
spected for safety.
❑ Always start, stop, change direction, travel and brake
smoothly so as not to shift the load and/or overturn
the truck.
❑ Do not indulge in stunt driving or horseplay.
❑ Drive carefully and slowly onto dock boards and
bridge plates. Do not exceed the rated capacity of
the dock boards or bridge plates.

8 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

Ensure dock boards or bridge plates are properly

secured, either by being anchored or by being
equipped with devices that will prevent slipping.
❑ Check that dock boards have substantial contact with
both the dock and the carrier, preventing them from
rocking or sliding.
❑ Maintain a safe distance from the edge of ramps,
platforms and other similar working surfaces.
❑ When leaving the driver’s cab, the forks must be low-
ered to the floor, the mast must be placed in a verti-
cal position, all controls must be in a NEUTRAL, or
center position, the parking brake must be set and
the key switch must be set to the OFF position.
Truck wheels must be blocked if the truck is parked
on an incline.

Note: A powered industrial truck is considered unattended

when the operator is 25 feet (7.6 m) or more away from the
truck which still remains in his/her view...
...whenever the operator leaves the truck and it is not in view.

Seat belt

The driver’s seat belt must always be worn when driving

this truck.

❑ First, sit up straight in the driver’s seat.

❑ Pull the belt across you. Do not let the belt twist.


You can be seriously injured by a twisted belt. In a crash

or a tip-over, the full width of the belt would not be avail-
able to take up the impact forces.

❑ Push the latch plate into the buckle until it clicks. Pull
up on the latch plate to make sure it is secure.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 9

❑ Safety precautions

❑ If the belt stops before it reaches the buckle, press

the release button on the left side and let it go back
all the way and start again. (See Figure 1: ‘Belt
release button.’)

Figure 1: Belt release button

❑ The lap part of

the belt must be

worn low and
snug on the hips,
just touching the


Make sure the release button on the buckle is positioned

so you can unbuckle the seat belt quickly in an

Seat safety switch and brake switch

If the operator leaves the driver’s seat, a limit switch is

released and the spring-loaded mechanical brake is
engaged. The drive and power steering motors are dis-
abled and the parking brake energizes to prevent further
truck movement.

To continue, you must first sit in the seat to actuate both

switches, set the direction control lever in NEUTRAL, then
select the direction of travel.

Parking brake

The parking brake lever mechanically activates the brake

by pulling up on the lever until it snaps into place. Push
down on the lever to release the brake. The parking brake
must be set (engaged) when leaving the driver’s seat.

10 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

3. Tipping hazards


Lift truck tip-over can cause serious injury or death to the

operator or others in the area. Every operator must be
thoroughly familiar with the tipping hazards listed in this
section and must always avoid any operation of the truck
which is likely to result in tipping.

All lift trucks that elevate and tilt loads are subject to the
risk of tipping over, especially when accelerating or when
applying the brakes abruptly. Transporting loads off-cen-
ter increases the risk of tip-over.

If a tip-over occurs, the operator should follow these


Do not jump........................................

Brace your feet firmly........................

Hold on tight ......................................

Lean away from the tip......................

The most likely causes of tip-over are listed beginning on

the next page. However, the operator must use good
judgement based on proper training and experience to
determine turning sharpness and speed for the load being
handled and the operating surface (or road) conditions.

A truck can tip longitudinally (tipping over the front or rear

wheels) or laterally (tipping either to the left or right side).

Longitudinal tipping can occur when:

❑ the truck is overloaded.

❑ the mast is tilted forward excessively, with or without
a load.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 11

❑ Safety precautions

❑ the load is raised and brakes are applied while the

truck is traveling forward or backward.
❑ the load is raised and the truck is accelerated while it
is traveling forward or backward.
❑ the truck is driven forward down a steep incline with
a load.

Lateral tipping can occur when:

❑ the truck is turned sharply while traveling rapidly in

either direction, with or without a load. An unloaded
truck can tip easier than a loaded truck (with the load
in the lowered position).
❑ the load is raised and the truck is being turned while
traveling in either direction.
❑ the load is raised and the truck is being turned and
accelerated or braked while traveling forward or
❑ the truck is turned while traveling on a ramp or other
inclined surface.
❑ a load heavier than the rated truck capacity is lifted,
especially when picking up a load.

Tipping over in these conditions is made more likely by

overloading, excessive mast tilt, or off-center positioning of
the load.

Soft tires can also reduce stability. The truck is equipped

with tires of a size and hardness that will provide the neces-
sary traction and maintain a proper shape to minimize

Always replace tires with the type originally supplied by the

manufacturer. (See Figure 2: ‘Capacity plate location,’ on
page 14.)

The truck can be tipped either longitudinally or laterally if it

is driven:

❑ over objects on the floor or ground.

❑ off the edge of a paved surface.

12 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

❑ into a pothole in a paved surface.

❑ off the edge of a loading dock, or off the edge of a
loading ramp. (It is important to avoid driving too
close to the edge of a dock or ramp).

When loading or unloading a highway truck or trailer, make

sure the highway truck cannot move away from a dock
while loading is in process. Make sure the highway truck or
trailer has its brakes applied, engine turned off and, if on an
incline, has the wheels blocked.

Tipping can also occur if the truck collides with another

truck or other vehicle, or if the mast runs into an overhead

4. Traveling and load handling

❑ Observe all traffic regulations. Keep to the right and
maintain a safe distance from the truck ahead based
on speed of travel. Keep the truck under control at
all times.
❑ Yield the right of way to other people in the area.
❑ Slow down and sound the horn at cross aisles and
other locations where visibility is obstructed.
❑ Keep a clear view of the path of travel and be alert for
other traffic, people and safe clearances.
❑ Under all travel conditions, operate the truck at a
speed that permits you to bring the truck to a com-
plete stop in a safe manner.
❑ Do not handle unstable loads. Use care when tilting
forward or backward, when stacking, depositing, or
retrieving a load. Never travel with the mast tilted
❑ Never exceed the truck’s maximum lifting capacity.
(See Figure 2: ‘Capacity plate location,’ on page 14.)
Truck stability and handling may be adversely
Refer to heading Specifications in this manual and
the capacity plate, located in the operator’s cab.)

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 13

❑ Safety precautions

Figure 2: Capacity plate location

Pay particular
attention when
picking up a load,
to ensure the load
weight and height
requirements are
within the trucks
❑ Do not transport
loads or other
items within the
driver’s cab or other areas of the truck.
❑ Check that the load is properly positioned on the
forks before lifting.
❑ Spread forks as far apart as the load permits and
push completely under the load. Check that forks
and loads are centered. Use care if conditions
require handling off-center loads.
❑ Travel with forks straight ahead, and the mast tilted
backward and shifted as far as possible to the right.
❑ Travel with forks or load 8” to 12” (203 mm to
305 mm) above travel surface.
❑ Elevate mast or load only to pick up or deposit a
load. Watch out for obstructions, especially over-
head. Watch all clearances.
❑ Tilt a loaded mast slowly.
❑ Do not release the lift control lever suddenly when
lowering loads. This may cause bouncing of the car-
riage which could dump the load.
❑ Do not allow anyone, under any circumstances, to
walk or stand under the forks or any part of the load.
❑ Never place any part of your body between the mast
structures or any moving part of the truck.
❑ Do not turn when traveling on ramps. When
descending ramps, travel forward (forks facing down-
hill) when empty, and travel backward (forks facing
uphill) when carrying a load.
❑ Use care even when traveling without a load. Avoid
high speeds, sharp turns and abrupt stops.

14 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

5. Speed
Travel speed must be chosen according to the situation,
such as, the load being handled, road surface conditions,
visibility, people working in the area, moving and fixed
objects in the area, cross aisles, and so on.

Always operate the truck at a speed that will permit it to be

brought to a stop in a safe manner.


Careless driving, such as, fast starts or abrupt braking,

excessive speed at turns or through cross aisles, sudden
stops, or hard turns at high speeds can all lead to serious
personal injury and damage to the truck and load.



6. Visibility
Where visibility is restricted, travel at very slow speed and
use the horn frequently.

Always ask for a helper to guide you safely through the


Always rotate in the driver’s seat to face in the direction you

are traveling.

7. Battery care
The truck battery contains concentrated sulfuric acid which
can cause severe chemical burns. When the battery is
charging, it releases hydrogen, a colorless, odorless and
highly explosive gas which can be ignited by a spark. Elim-
inate all sparks or flames from the charging area.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 15

❑ Safety precautions

Shorting battery terminals can release enormous amounts

of energy, causing sparks or flame, or heating nearby com-
ponents to dangerous temperatures.

The battery is also very heavy, and if restraints are not

replaced after maintenance, the battery could slide out of
the truck causing electrical shorts or spilling acid - or it
could cause the truck to tip over.

The battery is also used as a counterweight. A different

size or weight battery could cause the truck to become
unstable and tip. Use batteries that meet the weight and
size specifications shown on the capacity plate in the oper-
ator’s cab.


❑ NEVER plug the battery charger directly to the EX

❑ Always assume the battery is emitting hydrogen
and employ proper safety precautions.
❑ Do not smoke, use an open flame, or create arcs or
sparks near the battery.
❑ Do not charge the battery at a finish current that
exceeds the rate on the battery’s nameplate.
❑ Consult the label on your battery for information on
cell-type, ampere-hour capacity, charge rate and
normal full-charge voltage. Do not charge the bat-
tery at a current greater than 1.5 amp per 100 amp-
hours capacity at the end of charge.
❑ Packaged with every battery are specific instruc-
tions for battery safety, care and use, and a Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Read these documents
thoroughly before performing any service to the
❑ Always disconnect the battery before performing
any truck maintenance and be sure to wear protec-
tive clothing and safety glasses when working with
battery acid or the battery in general.
❑ Neutralize acid spills immediately with Bicarbonate
of Soda! If acid contacts the skin or eyes, wash
with water immediately and seek medical help at

16 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

WARNING ! - continued

❑ Use caution when changing battery connectors to

ensure that the polarity is not reversed.
❑ Keep vent plugs in place and clean at all times.
❑ Never place a tool or any metal object
on top of the battery where it could
possibly touch battery terminals
causing a short or serious electrical
❑ When replacing this battery, use the
same type battery as specified on the truck rating
nameplate. Failure to comply could result in an
unbalanced condition, resulting in tipping the truck
and possible personal injury or loss of life.
❑ Be sure to replace, close and/or retighten any bat-
tery restraints which have been installed on the

8. Service repair
When it becomes necessary to do any service repair or
maintenance to the truck, it is important to first review the
following safety guidelines.


You could be injured and the truck could be damaged if

you try to do service work without proper training or

1. Be sure you have sufficient knowledge, experience and

the proper tools and replacement parts before you
attempt any truck maintenance.

2. Be sure to use the proper nuts, bolts and other fasteners.

Many are specifically rated; that is, SAE Grade 5, SAE
Grade 8, ISO Prop Class 8.8, etc., and must be replaced
with the identical type. It is recommended to use only
Landoll authorized replacement parts.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 17

❑ Safety precautions


If you use the wrong nuts, bolts or other fasteners, parts

can later break or loosen. Serious injury could occur.

3. Whenever possible, return the truck to a service area

having sufficient lighting, work space and an assortment
of tools needed to complete the service.

4. Set the key switch to OFF and set the control lever to
NEUTRAL and set the parking brake.

5. Disconnect the battery.

6. Never place a tool or any metal object on

top of the battery where it could possibly
touch battery terminals causing a short or
serious electrical shock.

7. Make sure all lifting devices and supports,

such as, a jack or support stand, are capable of handling
the weight of the load being applied.


To be certain the truck will not move, place wedges (or

blocks of wood) at the front and back of the tires.

If you are servicing the brakes or tires, place the block at

the front and rear of the tire farthest away from the one
being serviced. (That would be the tire on the opposite
side of the truck and at the opposite end.)

8. Always place an appropriate support stand under the

truck if it is being lifted, then lower the truck to the stand,
having the lifting device and stand both supporting the
weight of the truck.




18 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

9. Fully open the required truck covers and be sure they are
braced to prevent accidental closing.

9. Safety labels
For operator safety, a number of WARNING, DANGER and
CAUTION plates are attached to the truck, including the
CAPACITY nameplate within the driver’s cab.

plates describe condi-
tions or practices which, !
if not strictly observed,
could result in personal
injury or possible loss of

lists the load weights Division

allowable for vari-

ous fork heights, bat- MODEL NO. SERIAL NO.

tery information, and EXPLOSION PROOF TRUCK TYPE: EX DIV 1

also lists the truck 1. A TYPE EX BATTERY IS REQUIRED
model number, serial
basic truck data. CARRIAGE TYPE: I.T.A. CLASS DATE:

This plate is located BACK TILT : DEG. LOAD TIRE SIZE


in the operator’s cab, CAPACITY RATINGS FOR EVENLY

next to the driver’s FORKS: C
(MM) (MM) (MM)
describe conditions
or practices which if
not strictly observed
or remedied, could
result in damage to,
or destruction of the
equipment or

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 19

❑ Safety precautions

Fire extinguisher

The fire extinguisher should be inspected monthly

or more frequently if circumstances dictate. The
extinguisher should be checked to see that:

❑ it is not damaged
❑ the discharge outlet is not blocked
❑ it is fully charged
❑ the seal is not broken
❑ the instruction pamphlet is clearly visible


Dry-powder extinguishers are shipped fully charged. Do

not experiment with your extinguisher since even a small
amount of discharge could cause it to slowly lose the rest
of its pressure, rendering the extinguisher useless.

In case of a fire

The following directions are for general use only, intended

to familiarize you with the key functions and procedure of
the fire extinguisher. Always check the extinguisher label
for specific techniques and starting distances.

1. Have everyone vacate the area immediately.

2. Hold the extinguisher upright and pull the pin.

3. Stand back from the fire the minimum distance indicated

on the extinguisher label.

4. Continue to keep the extinguisher upright, compress the

handles together to discharge while sweeping the extin-
guisher from side to side over the fire.

5. Move closer to the areas as the fire is extinguished, BUT


20 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Safety precautions ❑

6. When the fire is extinguished, beware of re-ignition.

7. Vacate and ventilate the area immediately after use.

8. Be equipped to leave the area in the event the fire cannot

be controlled immediately.

10. Available options

Fork positioner, non-side shifting

Lift trucks using automatic non-side shifting fork positioners

require additional safety attention.


❑ Pay strict attention to all safety labels affixed to the

fork positioner and backrest.
❑ No riding or standing under any part of the load or
on the forks.
❑ NEVER reach through the backrest or between the
fork positioner mechanism.
❑ The top of the load must not extend above the top of
the backrest.
❑ The load must never Upper hook
exceed the capacity
of the fork positioner
as stated on the
capacity plate affixed
within the operator’s

Daily, check the upper hook Fastener

engagement, the fasten-

ers, the lower hook engage-
ment and inspect for Leaks
hydraulic oil leaks.
Lower hook
Figure 3: Fork check points

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 21

❑ Safety precautions

Report any problems to your supervisor and remove

the truck from service until the problem is corrected.

Lift limit interlock option

The lift limit interlock Left Hand Side

Of Mast
option adds an addi-
tional limit switch to
the mast. (See Fig-
ure 4: ‘Lift limit inter-
lock.’) Its purpose is Lift Limit
to restrict the maxi-
mum lift height of the
mast when working in
areas having low ceil- Flag
ing heights.

Figure 4: Lift limit interlock

Check the capacity

plate for the required
lift limit restrictions. Front Of Truck
(See Figure 2:
‘Capacity plate loca-
tion,’ on page 14.)

22 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Overview ❑

truck layout


1. Mast
2. Driver’s Cab
3. Overhead guard
4. Battery connector conduit
5. Battery compartment
6. Load backrest extension
7. Forks
8. Drive axle, tires and wheels
9. Main electrical enclosure
10. Steer axle, tires and wheels

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 23

❑ Overview

This manual provides operating and routine maintenance instruc-
tions for Drexel FL-EX 1 * Series Explosion Proof 2 Lift Trucks. FL-
EX series lift trucks are designed to be safe and effective when used
in hazardous areas and are UL 583 approved, EX-rated. All electri-
cal components are contained with enclosures which have been
tested to control sources of ignition in environments containing
explosive mixtures of gasses and dusts without representing a haz-
ard to the surrounding environment.

1 FL EX Series includes Drexel Models FL40-EX and FL60-EX Explosion Proof

lift trucks.
2 Explosion proof - See inside front cover for regulations and rating specifications.

The FL-EX series trucks also offer:

❑ Four wheel, front drive configuration.

❑ SCR controller with hour meter, battery discharge
indicator and lift interrupt.
❑ Control lever operation for load functions.
❑ 36 volt DC battery specifically rated for Class I, Divi-
sion 1, Group D (operating gas or vapor environ-
ments) and Class II, Division 1, Group G (operating
combustible dust environments) applications.
❑ Battery restraints and an Anderson type N150 con-
nector (complying to EX application rating).
❑ Static conductive rubber steer tires and ground
❑ Bronze clad forks and load backrest and aluminum
bumper strips around the truck.
❑ Duplex and triplex mast configurations.
❑ Safety interlocks - key switch activation and operator
seat safety switches, plus an electrical lockout requir-
ing the control lever to be in the NEUTRAL position
before power can be restored.

Two standard models are offered and described in this manual:

❑ Model FL40-EX:....... having a maximum lift capacity
of 4,000 lbs. at 24” Load Centers (1,815 Kg. at
600 mm L.C.).

24 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Overview ❑

❑ Model FL60-EX: .......having a maximum lift capacity

of 6,000 lbs. at 24” Load Centers (2,721 Kg. at
600 mm L.C.)

The FL-EX Series trucks are the direct result of over 20 years’ expe-
rience in designing, manufacturing and distributing world class lift
trucks. Drexel trucks are noted for their exceptional resale value,
low maintenance costs, and our one person - one truck - one move
concept (providing high density storage with value added flexibility).

Drexel trucks meet or exceed AMSE B56.1 - Part III, Safety for Pow-
ered Industrial Trucks and are FMRC approved by meeting or
exceeding requirements of FMRC Class 7820, ANSI/UL-583 stan-
dard for Battery Powered Industrial Trucks, Types E and EE. The
electrical system complies with UL-583 requirements for type E and
type EE (optional) Electrical Battery-Powered, Industrial Truck

Machine model, serial and

option numbers (where applica-
ble) are stamped on the capac-
ity nameplate affixed to the
driver’s cab, next to the driver’s

Figure 5: Capacity nameplate loca-



FL-EX series truck

operators and service personnel must familiarize them-
selves with this manual and the FL-EX series truck to pro-
vide safe and efficient operation. Practice runs in a
controlled and safe area, away from obstacles and other
personnel, are recommended.

Unauthorized driving by untrained or unskilled personnel

must be strictly prohibited.

All safety notices in this manual, those found in heading

Safety of this manual and the safety regulations or stan-
dards valid in your local area must be strictly enforced.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 25

❑ Overview

FL-EX series trucks are four-wheeled front loading trucks, having
two load drive wheels in the front and two steerable wheels in the
rear. The traction drive system uses a DC electric motor, controlled
by an SCR motor controller.

The front wheels are equipped with hydraulically-actuated drum and

shoe brakes - typical automotive brake system. The system is a
dedicated system using standard DOT-3 brake fluid and non-asbes-
tos brake shoes.

A parking brake is hand lever actuated. The parking brake is

engaged by pulling up on the lever and disengaged by pushing

An operator’s seat switch and spring-loaded brake release must be

activated before the truck can move. Both seat switches are acti-
vated when the operator is seated.

A lead-acid battery (36 V) is used to provide drive power, as well as

power for the hydraulic system, and power for lights and other auxil-
iary equipment.

1. Driver’s cab
(Also see Figure 7: ‘Driver’s cab’ on page 27.)

❑ Battery connector
latch and fuse box
- Both items are pro-
vided by the battery
manufacturer and
vary in design and
location. See manu- Lock
facturer’s data for
additional informa-
tion. (See Figure 6:
‘Battery connector/ Fuse
fuse box.’) Box

Figure 6: Battery connector/fuse box

26 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Overview ❑

Steering Wheel

Battery Accelerator
Indicator Pedal
Meter Brake
Directional Lever
Emergency Stop
Brake Seat Belt

Figure 7: Driver’s cab

❑ Steering wheel - turns the rear wheels left or right.

(See Figure 7: ‘Driver’s cab,’ on page 27.)

❑ Horn button - is press down to sound

the horn. (See Figure 8: ‘Horn button.’)
(Also see Figure 7: ‘Driver’s cab’ on page

Figure 8: Horn button

❑ Direction control - selects the

direction of travel of the truck (for-
ward or reverse).
Figure 9: Direction control lever

Accelerator pedal - is pressed by
the driver’s right foot to control the
speed of the truck. (See Figure 7:
‘Driver’s cab.’)
FL-EX trucks offer a maximum speed of 4 mph
(6.44 kph) loaded.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 27

❑ Overview


Driving speed of the truck must be governed by your work

environment, such as, slippery floors, cross aisles,
slanted driving surfaces, load size, visibility or other peo-
ple working in the area.

Never travel at speeds with or without a load that could be

dangerous to yourself or others. Also see separate head-
ing Safety, in the beginning of this manual.

❑ Brake pedal - when pressed, applies the service

brakes bringing the truck to a safe STOP. (See Fig-
ure 7: ‘Driver’s cab,’ on page 27.)
❑ Parking brake - engages the mechanical brake
when the lever is pulled upwards.
❑ Hourmeter (4- Battery
digits) - accu- Indicator
rately accumu- BATTERY CAPACITY

lates the active

working time (in
hours) of the
truck. 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 10: BDI and hour meter Hour

sight glass Meter

❑ Battery discharge indicator (BDI) - is located

behind the sight glass in the electrical enclosure.
(See Figure 10: ‘BDI and hour meter sight glass.’)
The BDI monitors the capacity (or percentage) of the
battery remaining. An LED flashes when the battery
drops to 20% of full charge.

Note: If the battery drops to 20% of full charge, the lift function
is disabled. The operator must return the truck to the charging
station. This prevents a deep discharge of the battery (which
shortens battery life), and also protects the electric motors and
other electrical components from damage caused by low

❑ Emergency push/pull button - is a dual purpose

button, 1.) powers the truck ON and OFF and 2.) in
emergencies, STOPS the truck and all functions.
(See Figure 11: ‘Emergency push/pull button,’ on
page 29.)

28 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Overview ❑

Figure 11: Emergency push/pull button

Pull up to start the truck. (See Figure

11: ‘Emergency push/pull button,’ on
page 29.) Push down to immediately
shut down the drive and power steer-
ing motors and all mast movement.
The truck drifts to a STOP. Immediately set the park-
ing brake.
To continue, pull up on the button to reset the switch.

Use this button:

❑ to set the truck ON and OFF

❑ in case of fire, smoke or overheating
❑ if a person comes between the truck and a fixed
❑ in case an accident occurs
❑ in case of a short circuit or other electrical problem;
for example, if the pump motor is on continuously

2. Lift and tilt, and shift

Lift, tilt, (and shift - optional) movements of the mast and
forks are accomplished using three function levers. Each
lever provides independent movement and each is marked
with a graphic icon to represent the function it controls.
(Also see heading, ‘the mast’ on page 37.)

3. Mast assemblies
Various mast assembly configurations can be applied to the
FL-EX series trucks to provide both lowered and extended
heights suitable for most customer requirements. Check
the capacity plate in the driver’s cab for the maximum lifting
capabilities based on the particular truck model and mast

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 29

❑ Overview

4. Specifications
See your Service Manual for a complete listing for Model
FL40-EX and FL60-EX technical specifications. (Also see
Figure 5: ‘Capacity nameplate location’ on page 25.)

30 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

to begin operating...

The FL-EX series lift trucks are heavy and powerful

machines, capable of causing injury or death to its opera-
tor and nearby people if they are improperly or carelessly
operated. Only those individuals trained by an experi-
enced instructor may operate and/or service these trucks.
Practice runs in a controlled and safe area, away from
other people and obstacles, are recommended. Unautho-
rized driving by untrained or unskilled people must be
strictly prohibited.

Do not operate this truck until this manual has been read
in its entirety, especially the section devoted to SAFETY.

1. Pre-operation checklist
Perform a pre-operation inspection of the FL-EX series lift
truck daily, before beginning your work shift. Report all prob-
lems to your immediate supervisor. (See ‘Routine checks’ on
page 48.)

2. Adjusting the driver’s seat


Adjust the driver’s seat only when the truck is NOT mov-
ing. You could lose control or the sudden movement
could cause you to push a wrong pedal if you attempt to
adjust the seat with the truck moving.

1. Push the lever to one side and slide the seat forward or
backward as needed. Release the lever and try to move
the seat slightly to make sure that it is locked. (See Fig-
ure 12: ‘Driver’s seat adjust,’ on page 32.)

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 31

❑ Operation

Figure 12: Driver’s seat adjust


If the seat is not locked, it

could slide forward in a sud-
den stop or crash which
could cause injury to the

2. Fasten the seat belt - see

heading “Seat Belt” which follows.

3. To dismount, release the seat belt and dismount using

the side panel step.

Seat belt

The seat belt must always be worn when driving this truck.

1. First, sit up straight in the driver’s seat.

2. Pull the belt across you. Do not let the belt twist.


You can be seriously injured by a twisted belt. In a crash

or a tip-over, the full width of the belt would not be avail-
able to take up the impact forces.

3. Push the latch

plate into the
buckle until it
clicks. Pull up on

the latch plate to

make sure it is
secure. (See
Figure 13: ‘Belt
release button.’)

Figure 13: Belt release button

32 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

4. If the belt stops before it reaches the buckle, press the

release button on the left side and let it go back all the
way and start again. (See Figure 13: ‘Belt release button,’
on page 32.)

The lap part of the belt must be worn low and snug on the
hips, just touching the thighs.


Make sure the release button on the buckle is positioned

so you could unbuckle the seat belt quickly in an

3. Fork adjustment
For some loads, it may be necessary to adjust the position of
the forks by moving them sideways on the fork carriage.


Review heading Safety with regards to fork positioners for

proper safety precautions when adjusting the location of
the forks on the carriage.

Before you begin, raise the forks to about waist high to

protect your back from possible awkward bending while
moving heavy objects.

Make certain the truck key switch is in the OFF position

and that the parking brake is set.

The forks must be set equal distance from the center of

the fork carriage. Setting them too far to the left or right
could cause a load to unbalance and tip the truck.

Be sure the forks do not extend beyond any load, causing

damage or tipping of other adjacent loads or materials
behind the load being moved.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 33

❑ Operation

Manual fork adjust

1. The forks are locked in position by a spring-loaded latch

pin. To release them, reach behind the top of each fork,
and pull up on the latch knob. (See Figure 14: ‘Unlocking
the forks,’ on page 34.)

Figure 14: Unlocking the forks

2. First raise the forks to To

about waist high.
Slide the forks in the
desired direction,
using your hand to
push at the top, and
your foot to push
against the tines at
the bottom. A stub-
born fork may be dis-
lodged by alternating
a push at the top and
at the bottom.


Never pull a fork towards you as this places your hands in

a possible pinch position which could cause serious
injury. Always push the fork away from your body.

3. When the fork is in position, push the knob down. If nec-

essary, push the fork a little more to make sure the pin
falls into a notch at the top of the carriage bar locking the
fork in position. (See Figure 14: ‘Unlocking the forks.’)

Fork positioner option - automatic

Automatic fork positioners are an option on FL-EX series

trucks. If your truck includes a fork positioner, see the Appen-
dix section of this manual, heading Fork positioner for more

34 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

driving the truck


Only those individuals trained by an experienced instruc-

tor or operator may operate and/or service this truck.
Familiarization and driving practice with a new truck must
be arranged in a safe and protected area, away from other
personnel and obstacles.

Check that all directional and operational controls and

levers are in the NEUTRAL position, the brakes are set and
your seat belt is fastened before setting the key switch to
on. (See ‘Seat belt’ on page 32.)

To avoid personal injury when operating the truck, be

extremely careful that NO part of your body (head, feet,
arms, legs, fingers) is outside the operator’s compartment
where it could be subject to injury by aisle supports, other
trucks, the mast raising or lowering, or any obstacle in the

As the truck operator, you are responsible for observing all speed
restrictions and traveling in accordance with aisle and work area
conditions. You are responsible for observing all instructions and
safety regulations during your daily work routine related to the use of
this truck. It is your responsibility to thoroughly read this Driver’s
Guide, paying particular attention to the chapter devoted to Safety,
before attempting to operate this lift truck.

Under normal driving conditions, speed must be chosen according

to the situation, such as, surface conditions, visibility, people work-
ing in the area, moving and fixed objects in the area, cross aisles,
etc. Where visibility is a problem, always travel at very slow speed
and ask for a helper to guide you through the area. Always rotate in
your seat to face in the direction your are traveling.

1. Practice session
1. Pull the emergency push/pull button UP to start the truck.

2. Release the hand parking brake.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 35

❑ Operation

3. Move the directional control lever to the FORWARD


Note: If you push the emergency button down (OFF position)

or leave your driver’s seat while the truck is in a drive mode,
the truck automatically reverts to the NEUTRAL mode and the
mechanical brake is applied to immediately STOP the truck.
The directional control lever must then be returned to NEU-
TRAL, before selecting the desired driving direction.

4. Slowly press the accelerator pedal. The truck begins to

move in the selected direction. Pressing the pedal pro-
duces the same effect as in an automobile; the further the
pedal is pressed, the faster the speed of travel.

5. Steer the truck in a straight path while traveling at a

SLOW speed. Practice in a straight path and at slow
speed until you are thoroughly comfortable with the
action and feel of the truck.

6. Turn right at a slow speed. Although the truck includes

power steering, you must manually return the wheel to
the straight-ahead or center position.

7. Turn left at a slow speed.

8. Bring the truck to a full and smooth stop.


Careless driving, such as, fast starts or abrupt braking,

excessive speed at turns or through cross aisles, sudden
stops, or hard turns at high speeds can all lead to serious
injury and damage to the truck and load. Do not indulge in
stunt driving or horseplay.



9. Now move the directional control lever to the REVERSE

position and repeat steps 4 through 8, at reduced speed.

Note: As an option, an audible alarm may be added to sound

(beep) while you are traveling in reverse or anytime a direction
of travel is selected.

36 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

10. Continue practicing until you are comfortable with forward

and reverse driving at slow speed. When you feel you
have mastered driving the truck, proceed to the next
heading the mast.

the mast
1. Practice session
1. Slowly pull the LIFT lever towards you
to raise the forks. Lift the forks only
one or two feet for practice.

Figure 15: Lift lever icon

2. Push the LIFT lever away to lower the


3. Push the TILT lever forward to tilt the

mast forward, as shown in the bottom
portion of the icon.

Figure 16: Tilt lever icon

4. Pull the TILT lever back to move the

mast back, or to return the forks to their horizontal posi-

5. Practice tilting the mast slowly by feathering in the

desired direction. Feathering is the process of moving the
lever ever so slowly in the required direction to very
slowly move the load into position.


Avoid jerky movements of the mast, especially when the

load is raised. Jerky movements with the mast raised
could tip the truck or allow the load to slip from the forks,
causing serious injury and/or damage.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 37

❑ Operation

WARNING ! - continued

You should tilt the mast only at the floor level or at the load
level in the rack when depositing or picking up a load. At
any other time, forward tilting could cause the truck to tip
forward or cause the load to slide off the forks causing
serious injury to yourself or anyone in the area.

6. Tilting a loaded mast forward should be done slowly by

feathering the tilt lever. Rapid tilting might jostle a load off
the forks prematurely.

Side shift option

The side shift option allows the carriage (forks) to be moved

approximately 4” (102 mm) from center to either side. Make
sure the area to the right or left of the truck is clear.

❑ Push the SHIFT lever forward to

shift the forks up to 4” (102 mm)
from center to the driver’s left.

Figure 17: Shift lever icon

❑ Pull the SHIFT lever back to shift

the forks up to 4” (102 mm) from center to the
driver’s right.
7. When you are thoroughly familiar with all of the control
movements of the levers, practice depositing and retriev-
ing a load under the supervision of an experienced
instructor or operator.


NEVER handle loads in excess of the specified rating on

the capacity plate located in the driver’s cab. Do not han-
dle unstable or loosely stacked loads.

Too heavy a load may tip the truck, causing injury to the
operator. Unstable loads may fall off, injuring people

38 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

handling loads
Drexel SwingMast trucks require no more than two movements at a
time to maneuver a load. This ensures that the driver always has
one hand on the wheel, the other hand for one of the levers.


Unless you are moving the load immediately to another

nearby location that is on the same side of the aisle, you
must lower the load to about 12” (305 mm) from the floor.

Lowering the mast improves driver visibility, and improves

the stability of the truck by reducing the possibility of per-
sonal injury or damage to the load if it were to slip from
the forks.

1. To pick up the load

1. With the forks lowered (normal driving position), and the
mast shifted to the center of the truck (if shift option is
included), somewhat center the truck in the aisle, then
drive to the rack location. (See Figure 18: ‘Normal driving

Figure 18: Normal driving position

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 39

❑ Operation

2. When near the pallet (rack location), turn the steering

wheel and center the forks to the pallet opening. (See
Figure 19: ‘Aligning the truck to the pallet opening.’)

Figure 19: Aligning the truck to the pallet opening

3. As you slowly approach the rack, raise the forks to the

required level of the load.

4. Carefully turn and drive forward as needed to align the

right fork to the opening in the pallet. Make sure you do
not strike any racks or objects on either side of the load.

Note: If your truck is equipped with the shift option, you can
shift the forks to the left or right to assist with the alignment.

5. Bring the truck to a smooth stop when centered in front of

the pallet or rack. (See Figure 20: ‘Aligning the forks to
the pallet,’ on page 41.)


When handling loads, it is always important to position the

forks with respect to the center of gravity of the load to
maintain an even balance when the load is lifted.

6. Adjust the fork spread to accommodate the center of the

load. (See ‘Fork adjustment’ on page 33.)

40 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

Figure 20: Aligning the forks to the pallet

7. Gradually drive forward, inserting the forks all the way

into the pallet. (See Figure 21: ‘Inserting the forks into
the pallet.’)

Figure 21: Inserting the forks into the pallet

Note: Be sure the forks do not extend beyond the load, caus-
ing damage or tipping of other adjacent loads or materials
behind the load being moved.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 41

❑ Operation

8. Raise the load above the rack about 2” (51 mm) to clear
the rack horizontal members. Be careful of any cross
members above the load.

Also make sure the load is centered and appears bal-

anced before you move it any distance.

9. Tilt the mast back to make sure

the load will not slide off the forks.
(See Figure 22: ‘Tilting the load.’)

Figure 22: Tilting the load

You may have to wait until the

load has been withdrawn some-
what before you can tilt it com-
pletely without striking any cross
members above it.

10. Check your travel path, then very slowly move the truck
in reverse, at the same time turning the wheel to pivot the
load (approximately 45°) and to rotate it out of the rack
area, or drive straight back until the load clears the rack.
(See Figure 23: ‘Retrieving the load.’)

Figure 23: Retrieving the load

11. When you are sure the pallet clears the rack completely,
continue backing out until the load is completely away
from the rack.

42 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

12. As soon as possible, lower the forks to about 6” to 12”

(152 mm - 305 mm) from the floor. (See Figure 18: ‘Nor-
mal driving position,’ on page 39.)


Lowering the mast improves driver visibility, and improves

the stability of the truck by reducing the possibility of per-
sonal injury or damage to the load if it were to slip from
the forks.

2. To deliver a load
1. When transporting a load, travel with the forks 6” to 12”
(152 mm - 305 mm) maximum from the floor and travel at
reduced speed, comparable to your work environment.

2. Always tilt the mast back slightly

to make sure the load will not
slide off the forks. (See Figure
24: ‘Tilting the load.’)

Figure 24: Tilting the load

3. With the load centered and the

forks lowered (normal driving
position), somewhat center the
truck in the aisle, then drive to
the rack opening.

4. As you approach the opening, turn the steering wheel to

rotate the load into the rack opening. (See Figure 19:
‘Aligning the truck to the pallet opening,’ on page 40.)

5. Raise the load to the proper height making sure you do

not strike any cross members that may be above it.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 43

❑ Operation

Figure 25: Aligning the load to the rack opening

6. Gradually drive forward, inserting the load all the way into
the opening. (See Figure 26: ‘Delivering the load.’)

Figure 26: Delivering the load


Be careful that the load does not hit the side of the rack as
it is inserted. You may have to move the truck forward or
backward to help provide clearance for the load to swing
into the rack. Also make sure the load is a few inches
above the bottom rail of the rack and that it does not strike
any cross members above.

44 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Operation ❑

Note: If your truck is equipped with the shift option, you can
shift the forks to the left or right to assist with the alignment.

7. Tilt the mast forward so the

load is level with respect to
the rack, then carefully lower
the load onto the rack. (See
Figure 27: ‘Positioning load
for stacking.’)

Figure 27: Positioning load for stacking

8. Lower the forks a little more to

make sure they are clear of
the pallet.

Do not lower them so far that they strike the bottom of the
pallet or a cross member below the load.

9. Check your travel path, then very slowly move the truck
in reverse, at the same time turning the wheel (approxi-
mately 45°) to rotate the forks out of the rack area. (See
Figure 28: ‘Backing out.’)

Figure 28: Backing out

10. Be careful that the forks do not hit the side of the rack or
pallet as they emerge.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 45

❑ Operation

11. When you are sure the pallet clears the rack completely,
continue backing out until the load is completely away
from the rack.

12. As soon as possible, lower the forks to about 6” to 12”

(152 mm - 305 mm) from the floor. (See Figure 18: ‘Nor-
mal driving position,’ on page 39.)


Lowering the mast improves driver visibility and improves

the stability of the truck by reducing the possibility of per-
sonal injury or damage to the load if it were to slip from
the forks.

46 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Routine maintenance ❑

This section provides general information about the inspection and
care of your Drexel FL-EX Lift Truck. Detailed inspection and ser-
vice work must be performed by your trained service personnel or
an authorized Landoll Service Representative. A separate Service
Manual, supplied with every truck, details preventive maintenance
schedules and troubleshooting procedures and should be kept on
file with your immediate supervisor or in your service department.

Keep a log for each truck at your site, listing all services, repairs and
adjustments performed, as well as equipment or operation problems
and when they are performed (hour meter reading). Permanent logs
serve as a checklist to show maintenance and repair history and to
record whether problems have been corrected.

The following general procedures must also be observed:

❑ Perform all inspections with the emergency switch

set to OFF, the direction control lever in the NEU-
TRAL position the parking brake set (activated).
❑ Always pay strict attention to all WARNING, DAN-
GER and CAUTION nameplates affixed to the truck
and thoroughly read Safety portion of this manual.
❑ Try to perform your routine maintenance checks in
the same order, if possible. This will make the rou-
tine more familiar, and problems will more likely be
❑ If you notice or suspect a problem, immediately
report it to your supervisor and/or service personnel,
record it in the truck log book and have it checked
and/or repaired before driving the truck.

1. Visual checks
Many problems can be spotted by a simple visual inspec-
tion of the truck; such as, oil leaks, damaged tires, cracks in
welds or forks, damaged covers, etc.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 47

❑ Routine maintenance

However, dirt, grease, oil and debris can mask some prob-
lems. If possible, the truck should be washed on a regular
basis. To remove stubborn grease, a grease-dissolving sol-
vent may be required. Make sure the solvent is not harmful
to painted surfaces.


❑ Grease solvents are often toxic and may be flamma-

ble. Use only in accordance with the solvent manu-
facturer’s recommendations supplied with the
❑ For example, use only in a well-ventilated area. Do
not breathe vapors. Wear protective goggles,
aprons, and gloves. Avoid contact with skin, eyes
and clothes. Keep away from heat and flame. Do
not smoke when using solvents or in the area where
solvents are stored. Failure to observe these pre-
cautions may result in death or injury.
❑ If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvents,
get fresh air and medical help immediately. If sol-
vent contacts your eyes, immediately treat in accor-
dance with the manufacturer’s recommendations on
the container.
❑ Always read the label affixed to the solvent con-
tainer for all safety information before use.

2. Routine checks
With the truck emergency switch set to OFF, perform a
walk-around inspection. Check for obvious damage that
would require more detailed inspection. If any of the follow-
ing is apparent during your walk-around, record it in the log
book for the truck and immediately notify your supervisor
and/or service personnel.

Battery connector latch -

Check that the battery connector latch is locked in
position whenever a battery is connected to the
truck. (See Figure 29: ‘Batter latch and hold-down
hardware,’ on page 49.)

48 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Routine maintenance ❑

Figure 29: Batter latch and

hold-down hardware
Battery Connector
Battery hold- Latch
down -
Check that Battery
the battery Latch
is in posi-
tion and
tight to
secure the
battery to the truck. (See Figure 29: ‘Batter latch and
hold-down hardware.’)
Brakes, parking - Drive forward slowly while steadily
applying (pulling up) the parking brake lever. The
truck should stop smoothly without noticeable side
pull or vibration.
Brakes, pedal - Check the operation of the brake pedal
for smooth, firm, unobstructed movement when
pressed and released.
Any problems with the brake system must be
repaired immediately by service. Do not use the
Brakes, service - With the key emergency button set to
ON, drive forward slowly while steadily applying the
brake pedal. The truck should stop smoothly without
noticeable side pull or vibration.
Any problems with the brake system must be
repaired immediately. Do not use the truck.
Connectors, damaged wires, etc. - Look for cracked or
broken insulation, bare wires showing, loose or bro-
ken connectors. If electrical problems are found,
have service make repairs immediately. Do not use
the truck.
Driver’s seat - Check the seat covering for rips or cuts.
Check seat belt straps for worn or frayed areas or
cuts. Check that the seat belt is firmly attached and
that the buckle is not damaged. Check that the seat
belt works properly.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 49

❑ Routine maintenance

Driver’s seat mechanical brake - To check the seat

spring-loaded mechanical brake it is recommended
to carry a load close to the rated capacity of the
❑ While driving the truck down an approximate
15% grade and with a load, apply the service
brakes and STOP the truck on the grade.
❑ While holding pressure on the foot brake pedal,
lift yourself from the driver’s seat enough to
release the spring-loaded mechanical brake
❑ Slowly release pressure on the foot brake pedal.


BE ALERT ! If the mechanical brake is defective or out of

adjustment, the truck will begin to move forward. You
must immediately press the foot brake pedal to STOP the
truck and return the truck to service for immediate repair.

❑ The truck should hold on the grade with the rated

load in a carry position on the forks.
❑ If the truck moves forward, it must be removed
from operation and the brake mechanism must
be repaired.
Driver’s seat limit switch system - includes a
safety interlock that shuts down the drive and power
steering motors and disables the direction control
(resets to NEUTRAL) bringing the truck to a smooth
STOP. The mast remains operable.
Inspect the seat safety limit switch, located under the
back portion of the seat. The limit switch plunger
must move up and down freely and a click is heard
as the switch is actuated.
To check the safety interlock,
❑ Sit in the driver’s seat, set the emergency button
to ON and release the parking brake.
❑ Set the control lever to FORWARD and slowly
increase motor speed until the truck begins to

50 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Routine maintenance ❑

❑ Lift yourself from the seat far enough to release

the seat switch. The truck must immediately
slow to a STOP, and power steering is disabled.
❑ If the truck continued moving forward, it must be
removed from operation and the seat switch
must be replaced.
Any problems with the parking brake must be
repaired immediately. Do not use the truck.
Fasteners, damaged - Check for loose or missing
screws and nuts. Tighten and/or have service
replace as needed.
Horn, Lights, etc. - Check for proper on/off operation
and that the horn sounds when cover is pressed.
Hourmeter / Battery discharge (BDI) - Inspect these
gauges for damaged or malfunction. These require
the key switch to be ON and can be checked prior to
beginning your daily work routine.
Hydraulic lines, worn, loose fittings - Check under-
neath the truck for evidence of fluid leaks. Look for
hydraulic hose wear, damage and leaks. Make sure
clamps and fittings are tight. If leaks are found, have
service repair all leaks immediately and check the
hydraulic fluid level. Do not use the truck.
Hydraulic oil level - Check the oil level weekly. Low oil
can cause operational problems. See your Service
Manual, Chapter: Preventive maintenance and check
the oil level.


It is important that proper fluid levels be maintained at all

times. Failure to check the oil level as recommended
could cause serious damage and would not be covered
under your truck warranty.

Never overfill the reservoir.

Clean all caps and the surrounding areas before

opening them to prevent dirt contamination.
Low fluid level can cause safety and operational
problems, plus premature wear, which can be very

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 51

❑ Routine maintenance

Lift limit interlock, option -

Check by attempting to lift a load above the setting of
the lift limit interlock. The lift must STOP at the lift
limit interlock. (See Figure 30: ‘Lift limit interlock
option,’ on page 52.)

Note: Inertia may cause the mast to drift upwards a few addi-
tional inches (millimeters) before it actually stops.

Figure 30: Lift limit interlock Left Hand Side

Of Mast

If the interlock is
not working
Lift Limit
properly, repair Switch
and/or have ser-
vice replace
Do not use the
Mast operation -
With the key
switch set to
ON, raise the
mast. Check Front Of Truck
that the primary
cylinder extends
fully and that the lift carriage raises to the top of the
inner rails before the secondary cylinders begin to


Never place your head, hands, arms or feet in the mast area!

When the lift carriage reaches the top of the inner

rails, the secondary cylinders and middle rails begin
lifting. Check to make sure the rails travel smoothly
and that there is no chatter or visible binding.
With the mast fully extended, begin lowering the
mast. The secondary cylinders and middle rails fully
lower first, followed by the primary cylinder and the
lift carriage. Check for smooth travel with no chatter-
ing or visible binding.

52 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Routine maintenance ❑

If there is noticeable chatter or binding, immediately

notify your immediate supervisor or service person-
nel. DO NOT attempt to repair the mast or operate
the truck until the problem is corrected.


If the mast does not raise or lower properly or shows signs

of binding it may release or stop suddenly or move with a
jerky motion and allow the load or carriage to drop.

This could result in death or serious injury to the operator

or nearby persons and/or damage the load.

Overhead Guard - Check the overhead guard and make

sure that it is firmly attached to the truck and that all
fasteners are secured.
Rust or corrosion - Check the truck frame, side and
floor panels for rust and corrosion. Clean rusty or
corroded areas and repaint if applicable. Apply a thin
coat of oil to any bare metal surface.
Safety decals, data plates, etc. - Check for damage and
missing decals. Check that the decals are legible.
Clean and/or replace as needed.
Static discharge strap - make sure the static discharge
straps (2) are dragging (touching) the ground. Both
straps are located on the front of the truck, between
the front wheels.
Tires and wheels - Check tires for cuts or chunking, oil
slicks, embedded foreign material or excessive wear.
Check wheels for missing lug nuts. Repair and/or
have service replace immediately. Do not use the
Welds, cracked or broken - Check for damage and reli-
ability. Clean and repair as necessary.

Remember, a complete service manual is included with your FL-EX

series truck containing additional service procedures that must be
periodically performed by a trained service technician or your autho-
rized Landoll Service Representative.

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 53

❑ Routine maintenance

3. Towing the truck


❑ Make sure the towing equipment is capable of han-

dling the weight of the truck being towed. (See Fig-
ure 2: ‘Capacity plate location,’ on page 14.)
❑ NEVER lift a truck using straps, chains or hoists of
any type.
❑ NEVER connect lifting equipment to the operator’s
compartment overhead guards.
❑ NEVER use the truck to tow materials.
❑ NEVER tow a truck that is carrying a load.
❑ NEVER connect towing equipment to the mast.
❑ DO NOT tow a truck if there is a problem with the
brakes or tires, the steering cannot be operated.
❑ DO NOT tow with the direction control in either FOR-
WARD or REVERSE. Always tow with the truck in

If the truck breaks down and cannot be repaired at that

location, it may be towed using another truck of equal or
larger size by attaching a suitable hook and chain to the tow
pin located at the lower rear of the truck. (See Figure 2-31:
‘Towing pin,’ on page 54.)

Figure 2-31: Towing pin

Note: It is recommended to
partially load the truck doing
the towing for better traction.
Tow Pin
Also, the power steering on the
disabled truck does not oper-
ate when the power steer
motor is not running, which
makes the steering wheel diffi-
cult to turn.

Carefully and slowly tow the

truck backwards to your ser-
vice repair area. An operator must be on the towed truck,
wearing a seat belt.

54 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Routine maintenance ❑

driver’s log

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 55

❑ Routine maintenance

driver’s log

56 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Appendix ❑

available options
1. Back up alarms
The back up alarm beeps continu-
ously for as long as the truck is in
reverse. (See Figure 32: ‘Back up

Figure 32: Back up alarm

Optionally, the alarm can be used as

a motion alarm; in which case, the
alarm beeps while the truck is in forward or reverse and it
can also be used together with flashing tail lights.

2. Fork positioner - non-side shifting

Fork positioner options are either hydraulic or electrically
driven units that allow the forks to move equal distance
from each other to accommodate the size of the load
being moved. (See Figure 33: ‘Fork positioner layout and



Figure 33: Fork positioner layout and setting

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 57

❑ Appendix

The forks start at the center of the carriage and move

equal distance to the outside and back again as indicated
by C and D. (See Figure 33: ‘Fork positioner layout and
setting,’ on page 57.) l

The third ever is used to control fork

positioning. (See Figure 34: ‘Fork
positioner lever.’)

Figure 34: Fork positioner lever

Push forward to separate the forks to

the outside (D). Pull back to bring
the forks together (C). (See Figure 33: ‘Fork positioner
layout and setting.’)

3. Folding forks
For the convenience of truck stor-
age and/or transport, folding
forks are available. (See Figure
35: ‘Folding forks.’)

Figure 35: Folding forks

When the forks are raised, they

must be secured with a chain
wrapped around each fork and
the backrest horizontal cross
member. (See Figure 35: ‘Fold-
ing forks.’)


When lowering folding forks without a load, should they

strike an object on the way down, they will fold. Once
clear of the object, they will free-fall to the horizontal
position which could cause serious injury or damage.

58 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Appendix ❑

4. Lift limit interlock

The lift limit inter- Left Hand Side
Of Mast
lock adds a limit
switch to the
mast. (See Fig-
ure 36: ‘Lift limit
Lift Limit
interlock.’) Its Switch
purpose is to
restrict the maxi-
mum lift height of
the mast when Flag

working in areas
having low ceil-
ing heights.

Figure 36: Lift limit inter-

Front Of Truck
In addition, a two-
position key lock
switch - BYPASS/
RESTRICTED, and a red indicator light may be added.

In the RESTRICTED mode, the mast lift height is

restricted, as recorded on the capacity nameplate.

When working in areas with higher ceiling heights, select

BYPASS. The red lift limit indicator lights and the mast
overrides the lift limit safety switch. The operator may
now lift a load to the maximum allowable height, as
recorded on the capacity nameplate.




“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 59

❑ Appendix

5. Side shifting option

The side shift option moves
the load sideways (left-to-
right and back again). (See
Figure 37: ‘Side shift.’)

Figure 37: Side shift

Push forward to shift the car-

riage/load to the right, as
view from the driver’s cab.
Pull back to shift the load
back to the left. (See Figure
38: ‘Side shift lever.’)

Figure 38: Side shift lever


Operate the side shift only when the

load is raised from the floor.

6. Strobe light
Strobe light
are designed Strobe
to warn oth-
ers that the
EX truck is in
the area. The
strobe light
also includes EX

a blackout
for operator

Figure 39: Sample: Strobe light

Strobe lights include easy-access for changing light bulbs.

(See Figure 39: ‘Sample: Strobe light.’)

60 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Index ❑

A D - continued
Aisle space ............................................. 8 Driver’s seat - continued
Alarm .................................................... 57 Seat belt ........................................ 9, 32
Back up .......................................36, 57 Important ! ..................................... 10
Align the load ........................................40 Release button .................. 10, 32, 33
Warning ! ................................. 32, 33
B Warning ! ...................................... 9, 31
Battery ........................................ 8, 15, 26 Driving the truck ......................... 8, 35–37
Care ............................................15–17 Important ! ......................................... 25
Connector latch ................................. 48 Practice session ................................ 35
Connector lock ..................................26 Emergency button ......................... 35
Discharge indicator (BDI) .................. 28 Speed ............................................... 15
Fuse box ........................................... 26 Training ............................................. 35
Hold-down hardware ......................... 49 Warning ! .................................... 35, 36
Warning ! ....................................16, 17
Brakes .................................................. 26 E
Driver’s seat switch, mechanical .10, 50 Emergency stop ............................. 28, 29
Parking .............................. 7, 10, 35, 49 Uses .................................................. 29
Service ........................ 8, 11, 12, 18, 49
C Feathering ............................................ 37
Cab, driver’s ............................... 9, 26–29 Fire extinguisher ................................... 20
Accelerator ........................................27 Dry powder ....................................... 20
Battery discharge (BDI) ..................... 28 Important ! ......................................... 20
Brake, Service ..................................28 In case of fire .................................... 20
Direction control ................................ 27 Fork positioner, non-side shifting ......... 57
Emergency button .............................28 Daily checks ...................................... 21
Fuse box, battery .............................. 26 Folding .............................................. 58
Horn .................................................. 27 Setting ............................................... 58
Hourmeter ......................................... 28 Warning ! .......................................... 58
Key switch ......................................... 26 Forks .................................................... 33
Service brake .................................... 28 Automatic .......................................... 34
Steering wheel ..................................27 Centering .......................................... 40
Unattended ......................................... 9 Manual adjust ................................... 34
Checklist, pre-operation ........................ 31 Warning ! .......................................... 33

Direction control ............... 7, 8, 10, 27, 35, Handling loads ................................ 39–46
36, 50, 54 Deliver a load .............................. 43–46
Driver’s log ............................................ 55 Pick up a load ............................. 39–43
Driver’s seat .......................... 9, 31, 32, 49 Traveling ..................................... 39, 43
Lever, adjust ..................................... 31 Warning ! ........................ 39, 43, 44, 46

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 Index - 61

❑ Index

L M - continued
Labels .................................................. 19 Maintenance - continued
Capacity ........................................... 19 Visual checks ................................... 47
Caution ............................................. 19 Grease .......................................... 48
Warning ............................................ 19 Warning ! .................................... 50, 52
Lever .................................................... 29 Mast ............................................... 37–38
Feathering ........................................ 37 Configuration .................................... 29
Forks ................................................ 58 Practice session ............................... 37
Lift ............................................... 14, 37 Servicing ........................................... 52
Side shift, optional ............................ 38 Warning ! .................................... 37, 38
Tilt ........................................... 8, 37, 38 Models
Lift limit ..................................... 22, 52, 59 FL40-EX (4,000 lbs.) ........................ 24
Important ! ........................................ 59 FL60-EX (6,000 lbs.) ........................ 25
Lights Modifications .......................................... 6
Strobe ............................................... 60
M Nameplate
Maintenance .................................. 47–53 Capacity ............................... 13, 19, 38
Caution ! ........................................... 51 Model, serial and option ................... 25
Driver’s log ........................................ 47
Inspection ......................................... 47 O
Procedures ....................................... 47 Operating your truck ...................... 31–46
Routine checks ........................... 48–53 Warning ! .......................................... 31
Battery connector latch ................. 48
Battery discharge (BDI) ................. 51 P
Battery hold-down studs ............... 49 Pedals
Brake pedal ................................... 49 Accelerator ................................. 27, 36
Brakes, parking ............................. 49 Parking ............................................. 28
Brakes, service ............................. 49 Service ............................................. 28
Cracked welds .............................. 53 Practice session
Decals and plates ......................... 53 Driving ........................................ 35–37
Driver’s seat .................................. 49 Mast ............................................ 37–38
Brake, mechanical ..................... 50
Limit switch ................................ 50 R
Fasteners ...................................... 51 Responsibilities
Ground strap ................................. 53 Operator ..................... 7–10, 35, 47–54
Horn .............................................. 51 Service ............................................. 47
Hourmeter ..................................... 51 Supervision ..................................... 5–7
Hydraulic lines and fittings ............ 51 Routine checks. See Maintenance
Inspection ....................................... 7
Lift limit interlock ........................... 52 S
Lights ............................................ 51 Safety ............................................... 5–22
Mast .............................................. 52 Battery. See Battery
Oil level ......................................... 51 Capacity plate ............................. 13, 14
Overhead guard ............................ 53 Fire extinguisher ............................... 20
Rust and corrosion ........................ 53 In case of fire ................................ 20
Tires .............................................. 53 Fork positioner, non-side shifting ..... 21
Wires and connectors ................... 49 Warning ! ...................................... 21

Index - 62 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03

Index ❑

S - continued T
Safety - continued Tipping hazards. See Safety
Forks ................................................. 14 Tires ............................................... 12, 53
Important ! ........................................... 5 Towing the truck ................................... 54
Load handling .............................13–15 Warning ! .......................................... 54
Modifications ....................................... 6 Training program .................................... 6
Operator .............................................. 7 Evaluation ........................................... 6
Riders, transport ................................. 7 Traveling. See Safety
Riders, transporting ............................. 8 Truck overview ..................................... 23
Seat belt. See Driver’s seat
Service repair .................................... 17 V
Danger ! ........................................18 Ventilation ............................................. 48
Warning ! .................................17, 18 Visibility. See Safety
Speed. See Speed Visual checks. See Maintenance
Supervision ......................................... 5
Tipping hazards ..........................11–13
Causes .......................................... 11
Driving surface .............................. 12
Guidelines ..................................... 11
Lateral ........................................... 12
Longitudinal ................................... 11
Tires .............................................. 12
Warning ! ....................................... 11
Traveling .....................................13–14
Visibility .............................................15
Warning ! ....................................6, 7, 8
Seat belt. See Driver’s seat
Service repair .................................17–19
Side shift, optional ....................38, 40, 45
Lever ................................................. 38
Side shifting .......................................... 60
Control lever ..................................... 60
Explosion proof ................................. 24
FL-EX series ..................................... 30
Models ........................................24, 25
Overview ........................................... 24
Rating ........................................... 5, 25
Speed .............................................15, 27
Warning ! ....................................15, 28
Battery connector lock ...................... 26
Driver’s seat ...................................... 10
Seat, safety ....................................... 26

“FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03 Index - 63

❑ Index

Index - 64 “FL-EX” Series Explosion Proof, p/n: 1417197, -c 05/03


Landoll Corporation
Drexel Division Additional copies of this Driver's Guide
1900 North Street may be purchased from your authorized
Marysville, KS 66508 U.S.A. Landoll Dealer.
Telephone: ................... 785-562-5381
Fax: .............................. 785-562-4853 Driver's Guide p/n:1417197, -c 05/03
Web: ............... www.drexeltrucks.com

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