Leadership 80/20 Rule

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Understanding 8 the 20 Rule What is the 80, rule? 80% of the effects result from — 20% Of input ——Vitiedo Paio dt developed the uk, 20% of the causes. (time, resources, effort) or “Pareto’s Principle,” in 1895 when he discovered that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the popula- Businesses can benefit from tion. Since then, businesses along with the rule by focusing on the eee — indi. viduals have applied this rule in various 20% that really matters. Seen 80% of output (results, rewards, revenue) How the rule fits into small business The universality of the 80/20 rule proves to be a powerful guide for a EIA a Ue eS 7 PROM eco ca Oe Na eae ce} aa tet POUR UAC ag CPN ae oe) Tan OnLGn TIC bee ar Cd PU nue cle 80% of sales PUR acer Oued 80% of customers PUNO R Ur Ce eee) EO OeC NEL PARRA er ead Pa etc Mire Roto ac eg PUTA ered business's profit Haw can the 804, rulebe Steve Strauss from USA Today states, hich vot “The important thing is to begin to notice in your business implemented in 20% of activities / people / products are responsi your business strategy? your suocess, Spending more time on the things th best chance of making the biggest difference ca to making you more successful, with less effort. or have the 0 a Jong way 4 steps to take for a business to succeed: Have a product range With a good pesibitiy Once you discover Check which top 20% and pat your eff into 80% of sales come where the sas are of keywords catch the 2096 that give you from 20% of your coming from, identi ‘engines, and websites 80% of your sales customers it is hey to the advertisements that, are bringing your cherish the big work and strategically ‘business the most traffic purchasers andl repeat place them where they and build on those buyers. really produce. strengths, for marketers: Focus 20% of sales pitches and presentations on the best buyers, Focus on your best cusiomers oa because 80% of profits are Even if what is said does produced by 20% of your cus- not connect with 80% tomers. of people, that's ok cause it resonates with the best Le eae aed HOTT SE shouldbe focused on this 20% Focus on your best subscribers. The 80% majority will not be buying or investing in the business, but the 20% who are invest- ing should be the focus of the marketing strategy. Emails sent fo subscribers should be created wannseingseingcom # woenaeromloncons in such a way that they relate to the top 20%. Girly raiimtodycoeenierydonige

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