RAND Standards For High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

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RAND Standards
for High-Quality and
Objective Research
and Analysis
RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

describes how RAND’s research embodies the organization’s core values of quality and
objectivity. The standards should be evident in the conduct of our research and analysis
and in our research products. They substantiate our commitment to producing high-
caliber, high-utility policy research and analysis.

First launched in 1997, the standards were updated in 1999, 2003, 2009, and, most
recently, in 2022. In the latest revision, the standards draw greater attention to relevance
and new attention to transparency, legitimacy, engagement, and inclusion. The wording
of the standards has been streamlined and modified so that the standards can be
applied to both research products and research activities throughout the project life
cycle. The 2022 revision was informed by studies on research quality1 and extensive
input from the RAND community.

The 2022 standards are framed as commitments to principles and actions that advance
quality. They are mutually reinforcing, albeit with some intentional overlap among them.
The standards are coupled with guidance about how to apply them in the review of
research products, at project kick-off, and during in-progress review. This guidance
helps harmonize our quality assurance and other research-support activities across
project life cycles.

We revisit these standards periodically based on information collected from within and
outside RAND.

Brian M. Belcher, Katherine E. Rasmussen, Matthew R. Kemshaw, and Deborah A. Zornes, “Defining and Assessing Research
Quality in a Transdisciplinary Context,” Research Evaluation, Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2016, pp. 1–17.

This revision was informed less directly by Bridget C. O’Brien, Ilene B. Harris, Thomas J. Beckman, Darcy A. Reed, and David A.
Cook, “Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research: A Synthesis of Recommendations,” Academic Medicine, Vol. 89, No. 9,
2014, pp. 1245–1251.

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We interact with those

who have a stake in how
our research is conducted, Engagement
interpreted, and applied.

We seek to inform
and influence
effective and
timely solutions to
important policy

We explain our research,

analysis, findings, and
recommendations in ways
that are understandable Transparency
and usable.

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We intentionally include
all important perspectives
Inclusion throughout the research

We conduct objective
analyses grounded
in a clear purpose
Rigor using sound logic and
the most-appropriate
theories, methods,
and data sources

We conduct research
ethically, avoid conflicts
of interest, and maintain
Legitimacy independence and

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We interact with those who have
a stake in how our research is
conducted, interpreted, and applied.

Z contributes to a better understanding Z ensures that RAND research is

of the problem and its context, as accessible, whenever possible, to
well as a robust research design a diverse group of stakeholders
beyond those who request or
Z informs the assessment of possible
sponsor the research, act on its
solutions and lays the groundwork
recommendations, or undertake its
for successful implementation
Z involves seeking out and engaging
Z can occur throughout the research
a variety of relevant, diverse
life cycle through formal and informal
perspectives to support rigor; guards
activities, such as discussions,
against unintended bias as we
interviews, focus groups, surveys,
design, conduct, and disseminate
advisory panels, presentations, and
our research; and ensures that our
community meetings.
findings are relevant and understood
by key stakeholders

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We intentionally include all
important perspectives throughout
the research process.

Z focuses on obtaining and Z incorporates important perspectives

accounting for a variety of important not only through diversifying
perspectives throughout the research the composition of research
process in order to objectively teams but also through engaging
balance them in a fair manner numerous other parties in projects,
including reviewers, partners, and
Z promotes awareness about the full
spectrum of scientific and policy
perspectives on complex issues Z enhances the ability of research
teams to understand the policy
Z ensures that these varied
context and the generalizability of
perspectives are treated fairly
findings and conclusions.
throughout the research process,
portrayed accurately, and weighed
according to evidence

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We seek to inform and influence
effective and timely solutions to
important policy problems.

Z focuses on the usefulness and Z requires that research teams

significance of research and analysis articulate the scope and purpose of
and the potential for impact research to ensure that the work is
timely, feasible, and useful
Z comprises many research
characteristics, including important, Z might demand that research teams
useful, timely, actionable, adapt elements of their research
practicable, applicable, feasible, plans—such as research questions,
innovative, adaptable, and impactful data sources, and methods—to
new information or changing

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We conduct objective analyses grounded
in a clear purpose using sound logic and
the most-appropriate theories, methods,
and data sources available.

Z focuses on doing good, replicable experimentation. Implications and

science to uncover facts and recommendations follow logically
insights that enable evidence- from these findings
based decisionmaking, help
Z comprises many research
unify stakeholders, and galvanize
characteristics, including valid,
implementation efforts
reliable, credible, systematic,
Z is guided by a clear purpose creative, compelling, logical, state-
and well-formulated questions. of-the-art, innovative, authoritative,
Rigorous research generates robust, replicable, defensible, and
findings that are grounded in sound adaptable
approaches that make sense
Z requires RAND researchers to stay
according to the purpose and
current with and possibly contribute
questions. These approaches might
to advances in theories, methods,
involve the application of tried-
and data sources.
and-true methods, new ideas, or

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We explain our research, analysis,
findings, and recommendations in ways
that are understandable and usable.

Z focuses on the sufficient, effective, limitations, findings, and policy

and appropriate documentation recommendations clearly and to
and communication of the research the greatest extent feasible to meet
process (design, development, the needs of those who manage,
execution, and support) and evaluate, use, replicate, and might be
research outcomes (findings and affected by the research
Z can be supported by supplementary
Z comprises many research products, such as research plans,
characteristics, including protocols, tools, code, data sets,
accountability, reporting, replicability, reports, presentations, infographics,
and data-sharing translations, and videos

Z requires that research teams Z calls for RAND documents and other
document and report their products to have a clear purpose, be
purpose, scope, sources accessible and easily located, and be
of support, assumptions, useful and tailored to their intended
activities, data, methods, results, audiences.

RAND Standards for High-Quality and Objective Research and Analysis

We conduct research ethically, avoid
conflicts of interest, and maintain
independence and objectivity.

Z focuses on the ethical, fair, Z is further advanced through

independent, and objective conduct authentic familiarity with stakeholder
of research values and norms and by attention to
diversity, equity, and inclusion in all
Z contributes to the validity, credibility,
aspects of the research.
reception, and uptake of research

Z is supported by institutional
principles, policies, procedures, and
oversight bodies


The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve

policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis.

Image credit: pickup/Adobe Stock.

www.rand.org CP-A1927-1

For more information on this publication, visit www.rand.org/t/CPA1927-1

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