Contoh Report Post Processing

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ISM Report
Project name: 20220722_EST
Project folder: C:\Users\User\Documents\MAGNET Tools Jobs
Creation time: 7/23/2022 7:22:09 AM
Created by: Fahrin Ilham
Linear unit: Meters
Angular unit: DMS
Projection: UTMSouth-Zone_50 : 114E to 120E
Datum: WGS84
Time Zone: (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore

Occupation View

Observation View


Control Tie Analysis: success

Adjustment type: Plane + Height, Minimal constraint
Adjustment type: Plane + Height, Minimal constraint
Confidence level: 95 %
Number of adjusted points: 3
Number of plane control points: 1
Number of used GPS vectors: 2
A posteriori plane or 3D UWE: 1 , Bounds: ( 1 , 1 )
Number of height control points: 1
A posteriori height UWE: 1 , Bounds: ( 1 , 1 )

GPS Observations
Name dN (m) dE (m) dHt (m) Horz RMS Vert RMS Azimuth Distance (m) Solution Type Status PDOP HDOP VDOP
CEST0314−TGS25 2223.289 -1247.400 31.200 0.004 0.006 330°42'20.3227" 2550.534 Fixed Adjusted 2.464 1.279 2.106
CEST0314S−TGS25 2222.445 -1248.731 31.084 0.002 0.003 330°40'13.0243" 2550.449 Fixed Adjusted 2.458 1.354 2.052

GPS Occupations
Antenna Antenna Height Antenna Height
Point Name Note Original Name Duration Start Time Stop Time NEpoch RMS RMS
Type Vertical (m) Slant (m)
(m) (m)
7/22/2022 7/22/2022
TGS25 GRX3 lga0722b_P6AO 1.215 1.218 02:08:42 7722 4.282 5.634
9:46:53 AM 11:55:35 AM
CEST0314S GRX3 CEST0314S 1.685 1.687 00:25:14 7/22/2022 7/22/2022 1514 15.022 17.354
10:25:13 AM 10:50:27 AM
7/22/2022 7/22/2022
CEST0314 GRX3 CEST0314 1.700 1.702 00:25:24 1524 13.586 15.532
10:52:31 AM 11:17:55 AM

Point Summary
Grid Grid Std Std Std Std Combined Ground
Elevation WGS84 WGS84
Name Northing Easting Code Control Dev n Dev e Dev Dev u to Grid Scale
(m) Latitude Longitude
(m) (m) (m) (m) Hz (m) (m) Factor
CEST0314 9933497.885 492205.618 3.186 11151 None 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.007 0°36'05.99335"S 116°55'47.82015"E 0.999600252180527
CEST0314S 9933498.729 492206.949 3.302 11151 None 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0°36'05.96588"S 116°55'47.86320"E 0.999600233635113
TGS25 9935721.174 490958.218 34.386 11180 Both 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0°34'53.57969"S 116°55'07.46277"E 0.999595616914167

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