Lecture 11

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By Prof. C. Radhakrishna

Modelling of HVDC systems Representation for power flow solution AC/DC interface at the HT bus Power Flow Analysis in AC/DC Systems Solution of DC Load Flow Solution of AC-DC power flow Comparison Between Simultaneous and Sequential Methods Control for enhancement of AC System Performance

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Modelling of HVDC systems

The representation of the dc systems requires consideration of the following: Converter model DC transmission line/network model Interface between ac and dc systems DC system controls model Representation of the converters is based on basic assumptions

Representation for power flow solution

From the analysis presented earlier the converter equations may be summarized as follows: Vdo = 32 BTEac Vd = Vdo Cos 3 Xc Id B Vd = Vdo Cos - 3 Xc Id B = Cos-1 (Vd / Vdo)
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P = Vd Id = Pac Q = P tan where Eac = RMS lineto-line voltage on HT bus T = transformer turns ratio B = no. of bridges in series P = active power Q = reactive power Xc =Lc =commutating reactance per bridge/phase Vd , Id= direct voltage and current per pole For the purpose of illustration, we will consider a two terminal dc link. Using the subscripts r and i to denote rectifier and inverter quantities, respectively, the equation for a DC line having resistance RL is given by Vdr = Vdi + R L Id
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AC/DC interface at the HT bus

Figure. 8
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AC/DC interface at the HT bus cont

Here Eacr and Eaci are considered to be input quantities for the solution of dc system equations. They are known from the previous step in ac solution. Variables Pr ,Qr, Pi and Qi are considered to be the outputs from the solution of the dc system equations. They are used in the next iteration for solving the ac system equations. The dependent and independent variables in the solution of DC equations depend on rectifier and inverter control modes. The three possible modes of operation are: Mode 1: rectifier on CC control; inverter on CEA control Mode 2: inverter on CC control; rectifier on CIA control Mode 3: rectifier on CIA control; inverter on modified characteristic. In mode1, alternative inverter control functions are constant voltage control and constant- control.
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Power Flow Analysis in AC/DC Systems

The computations are further simplified using fast decoupled load flow method in which the corrections to the bus voltage estimates are found from solving the following equations: P/V = [B] Q/V = [B] V where Pi, Qi are mismatches of real and reactive powers at bus i, and V are the correction vectors to bus angles and voltages magnitudes. B and B are constant matrices of appropriate sizes and consist of elements that are related to the reactances of the elements of the network. While the modelling of DC systems for power flow is fairly standard, the solution methodology varies. The sequential or alternating method which does not require major changes in the software available for the power flow analysis of AC systems, is widely used.
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Solution of DC Load Flow

There are four basic variables per converter, Vd , Id , () and T. If the voltages at all the converters that form tree branches (in addition to the conductances of the network) are specified, currents at the remaining converters are specified, then it is possible to solve for the remaining variables (voltages at the current controlled converters and currents at the voltage controlled converters ). Once this is done ,the power factor is computed from the appropriate equations. The power and reactive power at each converter station are then obtained from the use of corresponding equations. The knowledge of the AC voltages allows the calculation of taps.

Solution of AC-DC power flow

The solution methodology for AC-DC power flow can be classified as Simultaneous or unified Sequential or alternating
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Here x is the vector of dependent variables for DC system and R is the vector of mismatches of DC system equations. In the second approach, the AC and DC system equations are solved separately and sequentially. The AC system is solved to some degree of convergence using a simple model for the DC system based on its last solution. The DC system is then solved using a simplified representation of the AC system. There are many variations of this approach
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Represent the AC system as a constant voltage, constant angle model at every converter and the DC system as a constant active and reactive power source (or load) during the AC solution. b) Represent the AC system by an uncoupled or coupled Thevenins equivalent model during DC solution. c) Represent the DC network as a P-Q load model with a Jacobian term contribution that will adjust the expected injection from DC system for variations in the converter bus AC voltages during AC solution. In this context, it may be mentioned that constant current type of load representation (rather than constant P, Q) is found to be satisfactory. It is to be noted that if the taps are continuous and unlimited, then there is no need for iteration between AC and DC solutions. The initial calculations of P and Q at each converter are final and used for AC solution. The voltages calculated from AC power flow are then used to calculate transformer taps.
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If the taps are fixed or discrete and limited, the power flow solution has to be carried out for the DC system to re-compute P and Q which is then used for the AC solution. The tolerance for the largest mismatch S1 and S2 are different and S2<S1.

Fig.9: Flow Chart of AC/DC Load Flow

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Comparison between Simultaneous and Sequential Methods Control for enhancement of AC System Performance
o The converters in effect appear to the AC systems as frequencyinsensitive load and this may contribute to negative damping of system swings. o Further, the DC links may contribute to voltage collapse during swings by drawing excessive reactive power. o Supplementary controls are therefore often required to exploit the controllability of DC links for enhancing the AC system dynamic performance. Following are the major reasons for using supplementary control of DC link: Improvement of damping of ac system electromechanical oscillations. Improvement of transient stability. Isolation of system disturbance. Frequency control of small isolated systems. Reactive power regulation and dynamic voltage support.
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The supplementary controls use signals derived from the AC systems to modulate the DC quantities. The modulating signals can be frequency, voltage magnitude and angle, and line flows. The particular choice depends on the system characteristics and the desired results.

[1] Prabha Kundur: Power System Stability and control, The EPRI Power System Engineering Series, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994. [2] K. R. Padiyar: HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and System Interaction, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1996.

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