Pretest: Name: Angela Corine U. Dela Cruz Section: BSN 3-C

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Section: BSN 3-C


Write TRUE inside the box if the statement is correct. Write FALSE inside the box if
the statement is incorrect then change the underline word or group of words into the right one to make
the statement true.

1. The front crawl (also often called the freestyle stroke) is the fastest of the competitive

swimming strokes.


2. The backstroke is swum in a horizontal position with the body facing down.



3. Breaststroke is the most popular swimming stroke of all.


ACTIVITY 3.1- Crawl/Freestyle

Directions: Describe how a crawl/freestyle is done based on your lesson. Complete the table
below by supplying the needed information. Submit your output to me properly labeled
as PED 3 – Activity 3.1 Crawl/Freestyle.

Arm Movement Leg Movement Body Movement Breathing

In the freestyle stroke, The legs perform fast, The freestyle stroke is To breathe, the swimmer
the arms execute compact movements, swum in a horizontal turns his head to the side
alternating movements. alternating up and down
with outstretched feet position with the body during the arm recovery
While one arm moves until the mouth is above
(flutter kick). facing down. The body
and pulls underwater the water surface. The
from an extended rolls from one side to the swimmer breathes in
forward position to the other, always turning to quickly, then turns his
hip, the other arm the side of the arm that is head back down.
recovers above water currently pulling in the
from the hip to the water. The exhalation begins as
extended forward soon as the mouth is
position. The head remains in a under the water surface
neutral position, face again and continues until
down, except when the next breathing arm
breathing. To enable recovery
breathing, the body rolls
a little further to the side
during the arm recovery,
and the head also turns to
the side until the mouth
is above the water

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