Talislanta Book - 07 - Wilderlands - Module

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To Ride With Giants John Steele

Book Seven of the Lost Books of Talislanta

The Talislanta game and fantasy world are the creations of Stephan Michael Sechi. Talislanta is a trademark of SMS, and is used here with permission.
Writing: John Steele. Editing, Kaya Kurdak

First Printing, May 2021. This book may be reprinted for personal use only. For more information about the world of Talislanta, visit talislanta.com.
To Ride With Giants
that characters with Wilderness skills be given
Overview additional consideration. Game Masters are
A grand journey across the wastelands, encouraged to create as much “wastelands
starting in Akmir, then traveling to the Hadjin ambiance” as possible, as appropriate for each
Ruins, next the Library at Jalaad, and finally chapter, perhaps with music in the back-
to the Kharakhan Ruins. A quest for ground.
something lost, something Archaen, some-
thing very valuable in a practical sense. This In the first few chapters, water will be a
journey will familiarize the intrepid with large concern for most PCs and their mounts
much of the Wilderlands landscape, and as they travel through the hot desert lands.
provide plenty of opportunity to tempt those GMs are encouraged to keep this in mind
who might waver from the path. This module when equipping the party and keeping those
could be part of a larger campaign in which a PCs with appropriate experience in these
successful conclusion could initiate consid- matters informed about the water needs of the
erable changes in the favor of whomever ends group. In the latter portions of the module,
up with the final prize at the end. Along the aberrant weather will become a factor, and
way, the Player Characters will encounter GMs should take time to familiarize them-
famous personages, dichotomy of civilization, selves with the details of such from the 4th
and unhealthy portions of dangers native to edition book.
the central lands of Talislanta.
GMs should also take time to familiarize
Player Characters of all levels are themselves with any additional material they
suggested for this module, with the under- have on the Wilderlands, including the entries
standing that the base PCs given in the 4th present in 4th edition Talislanta core book.
edition Talislanta core book will likely have a Note that the module starts in a remote
very difficult challenge ahead of them. More location, so some amount of background
experienced PCs will have considerably less information on how the PCs got there is
trouble at the beginning, but even they will be important. Note that area descriptions also
sorely tested by the end. The Non-Player speak of additional wildlife that is not part of
Characters presented are already set up to the planned encounters in this module.
participate in the adventure, though they are There is every possibility that experienced
presented in very basic format for maximum PCs may have been through the Wilderlands
flexibility. Game Masters should read through before, and GMs should take the character’s
each Chapter before running them, and work previous experiences into account when
closely with players to introduce them into running the module at any given point. This
this module. Experience for each chapter could include the knowledge of where to find
should be awarded before the next chapter resources (like water, shelter, etc.) that are not
begins so PCs can fill in any gaps in their normally found by those simply wandering
abilities or skills. about.
There are several possible conclusions to
Suggestions this module, and a great deal of flexibility has
been included for ease of Game Mastering,
While portions of this module concern
and experience should be awarded after each
happenings within the safety of city walls,
most of the module will be spent out in the
wilds. Therefore, it is suggested to the GM


Chapter One
“Humble first steps”
Here the story begins, and GMs should be a chaotic feeling here, including dangerous
ready to introduce the PCs to each other, or people and rough living. By far the most
should have already. The game mechanic is obvious form of order here will be squads of
left to the GM, and should fit as well as Jhangaran patrolling what few streets there
possible into their character concept. The are, assisted by the occasional mercenary
exact date has also been left nebulous, so (Arimite or Ur) or Thrall Warrior. All patrol
GMs may fit this module into their existing members will use the base archetype as their
games without issue. template. The following reading will help set
the scene for the players.
The Wilderlands Road: This ancient and
decrepit thoroughfare runs the length of the Akmir is like no civilized city, and while the
Wilderlands of Zaran, from Kasmir in the walls are thick, the hospitality is very thin.
west to the Quan Empire. Once paved with Rough figures of unsavory types move about
sturdy hexagonal stones, the roadway now in the cramped and dusty streets, and most
lies in ruins. It is unsafe in many places, smell worse than they look. The eyes of
and is often rendered impassable during the those met are filled with pain, some from
time of the spring rains.
obvious problems like crippling wounds or
disease, and others with something more
Easternmost of the Seven Kingdoms’ wild- spiritually disturbing. The background of
erlands outposts, Akmir stands at the grumbled words and angry shouts often
crossroads between the city-states of Maruk drowns out normal conversation.
and Hadj. This archaic, walled fortress is Everywhere there are weapons, dangerous
regarded by professional men-at-arms as persons, gloomy doorways, and the
the most dismal of assignments. Situated far unimaginably filthy alleyway.
from civilization, Akmir is beset by harsh
climatic conditions, wild beasts (such as
omnivrax and malathropes), and clans of By now the PCs should at least be in the
marauding bandits. Consequently, the same general location, either moving through
fortress is manned by the dregs of the street, at a nearby merchant’s stand, or
Talislantan society: Jhangaran mercen- something like that. Note that while
aries, Arimite knife-fighters, renegade Ur conditions are generally unclean, the majority
clansmen, half-men, exiles, and so forth. of disease is kept in check by the local
Akmir also serves as a way-station for healers, but it is still not a very healthy place
travelers in need of shelter, and is regularly to be. Some attempt should be made to avoid
frequented by Djaffir merchant tribes and the over-used meeting in a tavern stereotype,
Orgovian traders.
all too common a place for drunken
vagabonds to plan their next crime against all
This covers the general location, and creation. Ensure that all PCs have complete
should give the players a point of reference, character sheets, including gear, skills, and at
having the Talislanta map open (or at least least some idea of their backgrounds in place
visible) will help even more. Be sure to impart by now. A good idea would be to include


some Akmir-resident NPCs that some of the Cryptomantic spells, but is otherwise
PCs are already familiar with, or have at least destitute.
had some dealings with. Encourage some
introductory role-play here, to help the players • Crytoculous needs someone willing to
get acquainted with each other’s PCs, though take him to Hadj, so he can go back to
obviously depending on the way you set the “the dig” and retrieve some tome he
situation up not all the PCs may actually be in seeks there.
each other’s presence when the first encounter
occurs. When you feel the time is right, and • None of the caravans headed that way will
the players are ready to begin in earnest, move let him tag along, given the ominous
on to the “hook” reading below... nature of Crytoculous’ past, his need for
constant supervision, complete lack of
funds, and his endless chatter about all
First Encounter: manner of obscure subjects.
“The rabble parts nearby, as a ranting
Cymrilian in dusty green robes begs for If the PCs question Crytoculous at length,
help from anyone who might pause to listen. they can discover some interesting facts
Something about his aging physique (which he’ll be more than glad to submit to
suggests he once led a softer life than the spells of truth-seeking in order to validate
rest of the exiles here, and his words are his belief of these bit of information).
those of an educated man. He rambles on
about some great treasure that he knows • Role-play Crytoculous as marginally
how to find, though by the reaction of the insane, with strong hints of manic
crowd it’s obvious they do not believe a obsession concerning his quest, and the
word of it. Many shake their heads, insurmountable fear of being alone for any
murmuring about madness inflicted upon reason. Crytoculous is a good man who
those who dabble in strange magical has experienced terrible things, and seeks
pursuits, and they turn away. Spotting your to redeem himself.
hesitation, the grubby babbler lurches in
your direction...” • Crytoculous knows the location of a
casket that holds the ancient tome,
describing in detail the whereabouts of
Enter “Crytoculous,” the crazed certain ancient Archaen artifacts. The
Cymrilian in the street, who is the “hook” personage was the record keeper for his
for the module to begin. He is not a threat noble lord, and had the book buried with
to the party, and will flee if attacked him in the hopes that in the afterlife he
screaming for help. This will attract the could help his dabbling master regain
attention of a few squads on patrol, should those lost artifacts. These items were the
the players decide to start some trouble. inventions of an obscure Archaen seer
who sought to create a means of limitless
• Obviously, the crowd has heard his insane communications between distant places.
babbling before, and none are willing to While Crytoculous will admit the artifacts
waste their time listening to the sordid are not likely to be anywhere near Hadj,
details that Crytoculous desperately wants he is vehement that the tome is the
to be heard. He can barely survive genuine article, and that the catalogue was
providing minor boons in the form of created after the Great Disaster (so the


locations of the items would still be in PCs have the choice of either brutally
existence). extracting the information they need from
Crytoculous (not very heroic), or taking him
• The dig Crytoculous was on was ended by to Hadj where he can lead them to tome (the
some terrible assault, resulting in the focus of this the first section of this module).
complete decimation of the crew save
Crytoculous himself. The victims were • Torture is not an accepted form of
found killed in all manner of horrific and entertainment in Akmir, so the first option
imaginative ways, and some members of holds considerable risk for the offender
the dig are still unaccounted for. (death by torture). The second option is
Crytoculous was technically cleared of perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged
responsibility for the murders, as many by the local authorities as they tire of
were committed by means unavailable to Crytoculous a little more each day.
him. The only seer to actually visit the site Crytoculous also wants to uncover the
was driven completely mad by what was tome and the artifacts in person, as proof
sensed, and then brutally killed the next that he was right all along, and thus regain
night by Astral Stalkers. Suspicion and his status as a respected Archeologist.
fear still follow the old man about; most
consider him cursed at best, and a mad • If the PCs agree to help Crytoculous, then
killer at worst. Crytoculous has no it’s just a matter of getting to Hadj. Let the
conscious memory of the event, and was PCs make the arrangements, perhaps with
not allowed to return to the site. some vaguely helpful suggestions from
Crytoculous who will be exuberant about
• The particular tomb Crytoculous was the prospect. Presuming none of the PCs
helping to investigate belonged to a have a windship in their back pocket,
certain ancient noble who supposedly likely the trip will be made on the ground
dabbled in arcane things, and came to a to Hadj. Patrols in the immediate vicinity
sticky end by such. Heavy tolls were paid of Akmir are heavily armed and numerous,
to the living descendants for the privilege so chance encounters with all but the most
of opening the tomb, the exact amount elusive and fearsome opponents are slim
never having been revealed. There are still at best. Perhaps a full day or two of travel
rumors of unquiet spirits, which may out from Akmir, the party will have its first
haunt that tower. The family has barred run in with the local inhabitants of this
further digs for the time being, so area...
Crytoculous expects some difficulty there.

Ravenger Encounter:

He is completely oblivious of the political
damage that ensued after his departure
from Hadj...
“You start awake to the hissing and
Obviously, while Crytoculous himself thumping of landing creatures in the dead
does not possess the vital information, he of night, their lithe shapes loping into your
knows where to find it. midst. Terror drives your sleepy limbs into
action as the Ravengers seek out and attack
The ability for any nation to communicate their chosen prey, while others lurk nearby
instantly over limitless distances would be an as if studying the unfolding assault. There is
immense advantage, and so Crytoculous holds no time to prepare, only the sudden struggle
extremely valuable information. So now the to survive. Are you predator, or prey?”


“The Desertlands: This stretch of parched
Include one Ravenger per mount, beast of terrain, located to the southeast of the City
burden, and PC in the party. Adjust ability State of Danuvia, is one of the most
level of Ravengers, as the GM deems desolate regions on the continent. Nothing
necessary. grows here, for there is no water. The only
The Ravengers will concentrate half their creatures who can tolerate these environs
number on keeping the combatants busy, are horned devil-men and sand demons,
while the rest attempt to drag away some of neither of which require moisture to
the mounts and any beasts of burden loaded survive. Both require sustenance, however,
with food. As this encounter occurs at night, and so hunt each other relentlessly.
be sure to include modifiers for fighting at Scattered across the landscape are the
remnants of several ancient civilizations,
night for all combatants.
along with the skeletons of unlucky
Once the Ravengers have lost half their travelers and their beasts; all almost
number and/or hit points, they must pass a perfectly preserved due to the excessively
WILLPOWER check to continue the attack hot and dry climate.”
each round. Those who fail will steal
something resembling food if they can, and Here is a particularly good place to
then seek easier prey elsewhere. have the PCs meet up with some of the
Once the pests are driven off or slain, let main local merchant-types, the Djaffir.
the PCs do as they please, since to the victor A typical Caravan will include roughly
go the spoils of conflict. Once the watch is twenty one to thirty (20+d20) Aht-Ra carrying
reset, allow whomever is on guard to make a goods (cloth, precious stones, herbs, red iron,
PER check at –7, with Stealth or Guard as the art, books, etc.) and supplies (water, weapons,
base skill used. Success will spot the dark and food). There will be at least one Djaffir
leathery shape loping away into the night, per two Aht-Ra, and these caravans will
Partial will get the feeling that something else usually be guarded by half their number again
is out there (for a short while), Failure or in troops (20+d20 divided by two, round
worse notices nothing. A Critical Success will down), most likely mounted on their own Aht-
note the backward-curved white horns of a Ra or Equs (usually a mix of the two).
Malathrope on the fleeing beast... All Djaffir will use the standard base
archetype, with roughly one third their total
number being female (the Djaffir generally
A few more days of travel will bring the
keep the womenfolk away from dangerous
group to the border of a particularly desolate
pursuits as best they can, and riding with a
region of Talislanta, on the southwestern side
caravan in Talislanta is dangerous business).
of the road. While it is not the party’s
The encounter should be relatively sedate
destination, it bears attention as an area to be
unless the PCs provoke the Djaffir
carefully avoided:
intentionally, and the GM is encouraged to
have the Djaffir relieve the PCs of some loose
cash for anything they might need.

A day or two along this stretch of the

road, a terrible calamity will strike the party,
the Malathrope is back, and this time he
brought bigger friends:


cackle with glee at the resulting carnage, and
Omnivrax Encounter:
 then go find a not too distant perch to sit and
“From out of the darkened east comes the stare at the party from. Any attempted
sound of swift and heavy paws racing along approach or attack will result in the
the ground, and an evil gleeful cackling! Malathrope fleeing to a safe distance, and then
Before you can draw breath, the long lurking around until just before dawn. The
sinuous shape of a Malathrope streaks Malathrope will then go hide far off in the
through your troupe, leaving foul spoor in Desert Lands until the next night...
its wake. Then they come, a pack of the
feared predators, Omnivrax! The Mala-
Presuming the party survives the
thrope led them to you, of that you are
certain, whether or not you will survive the Omnivrax pack attack; the Malathrope will
evil prank you are not sure...” now follow the group along. It will plot and
scheme, aloud and close enough to be faintly
Include one Omnivrax per two PCs in the heard by the group. The Malathrope will try
party. Adjust their ability level as the GM to guide other dangerous creatures (Lopers
cares to. Make PER checks for the Omnivrax, and Enim being the most likely) into the
a Full Success indicates that Omnivrax party’s path, testing the PCs defenses,
notices something worth investigating among seeking weakness. The rest of the trip is open
the party (wagon wheel, shiny shield, dung, for additional encounters as decided by the
etc.). Critical Success means the Omnivrax in GM, though it is suggested that they not be
question attacks the party; any random victim quite as deadly as the encounters already
will do nicely, mounts and beasts of burden given. Each night, the Malathrope slowly
included. A Partial Success means that refines the plan to kill the party, and then feast
Omnivrax noticed the party, but is simply too upon their still- beating hearts...
focused on the Malathrope to stop for a bite.
Failure means the beast is oblivious to
anything but the fleeing Malathrope, and The City State of Hadj:
Mishap indicates the Omnivrax turn away Days later, after the road splits off
completely and runs off into the night alone. towards Carantheum, the City State of Hadj
Any Omnivrax engaged in combat fight until will come into view to the south. If the PCs
dead. have not eliminated the Malathrope, it will
hound them until they reach the city. The
The Malathrope will continue to lead Malathrope will cackle, chattering that no city
straying Omnivrax from this pack back to the is safe from it, but that it would rather play
party until there are none left, whether having with the party undisturbed. It will wait for the
been slain or gotten lost. Any direct assault party, watching for them to emerge from the
upon the Malathrope will incur its personal city, and plan for their return...
wrath, woe be to the attacker for they will
suffer this horrible creature’s attentions until it “The independent City State of Hadj is
is slain. It will shadow that person for the rest located south of Djaffa, in the Wilderlands
of it’s unnatural life, causing mayhem and of Zaran. It is home to the Hadjin, a
terror all around the person until it finds a way fabulously wealthy people of lofty and
to ensure the prey dies before it does. elevated airs. The Hadjin Ruins, situated
Malathropes are highly intelligent and adjacent to the city, are a great attraction to
cunning; so this could be the start of a most itinerant adventurers, who come here in
unfortunate relationship. If the group kills off droves to tour or explore the ruins (the
Hadjin charge a fee for such privileges,
all the Omnivrax present, the Malathrope will
which do not come cheaply).”


watch will call out for help, d20/5 rounds
Outside the city, there are very few patrols later a squad of Farad Mercenaries lead by
(Jhangaran warriors usually), but a small a Farad Mage will arrive as a stalling
crude stockade surrounding numerous tents force. Then, d20/4 rounds later, some
lies near the northern gate. It has no name, but squads of twenty Jhangaran Archers (led
is somewhat safer than sleeping in the wild by a Virago) will appear, followed each
should the party arrive after suns-down, and round by another identical squad until ten
the Gates of Hadj are closed until sunsrise. squads are engaged. As this is now a major
Here the merchants provide their own threat to Hadj security, the gladiators will
security, likely consisting of a few Dracartans be called out, a mob of exceedingly lethal
(Scout archetype) or Djaffir (standard warriors of all stripes, including the near-
Merchant/Bandit archetype). Here the legendary Saurian Gladiators. At this
accommodations are spare, but the nightlife point, if the party has not been subdued,
somewhat vibrant, and the food or wine is then everyone else flees their presence for
cheap. The hosts make most of their money as long as they are in Hadj.
caring for the beasts which for any reason
must remain outside the walls of Hadj for a “The walls of Hadj hide the splendor of the
time. city from the surrounding regions, all the
more certain to draw coin from a traveler’s
At the gate, once the PCs wait in line to purse just to see the awe-inspiring interior.
get in, an entry fee of one gold lumen is being Here many of the inner streets are swept
charged for each sentient humanoid and beast twice daily, while the slums breed all
entering the city. This is a new development, manner of diseased parasites in the filth
galling to more than one person wishing to settled there. From portions of the city,
enter Hadj. The guards are completely great cheers of joy and excitement echo off
unforgiving however, and will simply not the buildings, filling the air with their
allow anyone to enter who has not paid the power. Yet not far away in rude dungeons,
fee. the moans for the dying are the only song to
The guards consist of a few Mercenary be heard. In Hadj one can garner a king’s
Thralls (base archetype), a couple of ransom, or die slowly in a filthy gutter,
Danuvian Viragos (base archetype), a forgotten like so many others.”
gaggle of Jhangaran Spearmen (spear,
leather armor), and the leader, a Farad Now the PCs can experience the
gate master (Procurer template). The GM dichotomy of civilization at its peak, lavish
decides their exact numbers, which probably mansions, diseased gutters, fine discussions of
vary a little from day to day. philosophy, gladiatorial arenas, perfumed
masquerades, and back alley stabbings.
• If they are assaulted by superior force, the
Farad will call for aid from the city watch. • Crytoculous will want to seek out the
Then, d20/4 rounds later, a few squads of “Great House of Baloniste” immediately,
the city watch will arrive to assist. Some and his Urban Background will lead him
squads will be led by a Thrall in full kit, straight to the Noble Quarter, where the
and followed by ten Jhangaran Spearmen. guards will halt the party. The guards are
The others will be led by a Danuvian humorless Arimites, who insist that no
Virago in full gear, and followed by Baloniste house is present in the Noble
another ten Jhangaran Spearmen. If this is Quarter. Trouble here will be answered
not enough to quell the problem, the city by city watch guards, in a matter of just a


couple of rounds by many squads of • If the worst occurs, Hajourn will order
various sorts, so forcing the way in is his troops to kill Crytoculous, and
inadvisable. anyone who dares to defend him.
Hajourn will then retreat to the balcony
• Some asking around of the local above (with Loke and some Jhangaran
populace will reveal that the Baloniste Spearmen), and be ready to summon the
are now “Hajan,” having lost their City Watch if his guards are obviously
nobility to some sort of scandal losing the fight. The fight will be a source
involving their ancestral tombs a while of great amusement for Hajourn, if the
back. They were removed from the Noble house guards are winning. Hajourn has no
Quarter, and sent to live among the reservations about having any survivors
common Hajan in the Residential Quarter. thrown in the dungeons of Hadj for
This will come as a complete shock to spilling blood in his house (a legitimate
Crytoculous of course, but he will not give crime in Hadj), truly a terrible fate indeed.
up so easily. While the Baloniste House Inmates are often dead from any number
still retains control over the tombs, their of causes long before their case is heard in
loss of face may take generations to the Hadj courts, and a common sentence is
regain. Obviously, the party is in the to be allowed to fight for freedom in the
wrong place, and will need to go to the Gladiatorial Pits...
Residential Quarter to find House
Baloniste. “The nobility of Hadj have taken recently to
betting heavily on gladiatorial combats,
Once found, the still lavish manse retains and the most outrageous sums can be had
no small amount of décor, with a garden, on the more impressive fights. Those nobles
tapestries, potted plants, and the like all about. with the best betting instincts or advisors
Wealthy personages in other lands live like can gain great social rewards, as well as
this, and call their lives good; one can only wealth.”
imagine what the Hadjin live like. The party
will be met at the door by Arimite guards • If the party manages to cool off the
(standard Knife-fighter template), who will situation, likely through the fact that
alert the residents of visitors, including the Crytoculous is essentially innocent of
visitor’s identity. Initially, the group will be any wrongdoing, then perhaps a deal
invited in, and asked to wait in the foyer. Here can be made. The party must prove to
ample seating and a stone table await guests, Hajourn they can uncover the truth about
along with a ceramic pitcher of water and what happened at the tomb, and end the
some glasses to drink from. Then, in a few mystery that essentially demoted his
minutes, several Jhangaran Spearmen and the family. Hajourn will permit a return trip to
Arimites will enter, flanking Hajourn. Fury the tomb in this case, for a fee of one
will be obvious on Hajourn’s face, and he is thousand gold lumens (or treasure of equal
quite ready to have the entire party value, his Kasmiran Moneylender
slaughtered in cruel revenge. This is a very accountant will Appraise any items as
tense situation, and should be handled needed), and he reserves the right to claim
carefully, or dire consequences will almost any items brought forth from the tomb.
certainly ensue. The party has little choice but to pay the
fee and journey to the tomb, especially as
Hajourn will insist that an “observer” is to
go with the group to the Ruins of Hadjin.


If the party cannot raise the funds set out. Here in the desert region between
immediately, then they will either have to Hadj and its tombs, it is extremely hot and
go earn the money or leave poor old dry, so some care must be taken by the PCs to
Crytoculous in Hadj. ensure the party does not suffer overly much
Once terms are agreed upon, before even reaching the tomb in question.
Hajourn’s Farad Litigator will draw up the Once the area is reached, then read the
contract, which all parties involved must following...
sign, and payment must be made then.
Loke will be the Observer, along with “The area comprising the Hadjin Ruins is
several Jhangaran Spearmen as guards actually a vast burial ground littered with
(total number at least equal to the number stone towers, each a mausoleum, in which
of PCs). The party is left to it’s own are interred the remains of the Hadjin’s
devices to gather what tools and resources early ancestors. The Hadjin provide tours
they require for the dig, but the contract is of the ruins, and allow individuals to
clear that the dig must start within the explore the mausoleum towers should they
week, and end no more the three weeks choose to do so. In either case, a fee must
after it starts at the tomb. be paid to the City State of Hadj.”

• Astute PCs might try to contact some of This area is well patrolled by mercenaries
the surviving investigators who often mounted on Winged Aht-Ra, so there
previously inspected the site; they have should be few if any encounters on the way to
all met their ends in various messy and/or the tomb. However, this will grant the party a
painful ways shortly after the Baloniste chance to get to know one of Hajourn’s closer
family was ejected from the Noble allies, Loke. This will unlikely be a pleasant
Quarter. This list includes at least twenty experience though, as the rugged Ur
unnamed Jhangaran Spearmen, A Sindaran mercenary has little more than contempt for
Investigator, two Yitek, several Danelek most beings, and she much enjoys her ability
slaves, and a Monad. No direct ties to to physically intimidate humanoid males of
these events can be traced back to most kinds. Overall, none of Hajourn’s
House Baloniste, all of the bodies were employees are inclined to talk much, and most
reduced to ashes, and those remains certainly not interested in conversation about
scattered to the wind. This is very their employer. Loke will do her best not to
suspicious, but the lack of a demonstrable start any trouble for now.
evidence trail keeps Hajourn safely out of
the courts. Worse, even attempting to
contact the spirits of the investigators
proves futile, as they have been destroyed
after leaving their bodies by means

Presuming there will be at least one

wagon or cart (to carry food, water, camping
gear, and digging tools) in the group, the
journey will take at least two days to make,
possibly more depending on the weather.
Make sure the dig fee has been paid (1000
gold lumens) before the party is allowed to


Considering the local weather conditions
The Tomb: out here, the stone towers are often extremely
hot, enough to burn those unprotected who
“The tomb itself is a large weathered spire touch the stone (DR 1). Just standing close to
of dark gray rock; relatively unimpressive a tower is enough to see the heat waves
when compared to its much larger rippling on their surfaces.
neighbors, thrusting up through the sandy
ground some fifty feet or so. Its surface was Once the party gets their camp laid down,
once a mosaic of bas-relief and carvings, they can open the tomb with a special gold
now long since weathered into unidenti- “key” which Loke holds. The portal is
fiable irregular surfaces. The entrance is
otherwise impossible to force aside with brute
being covered by a large round disk of
black stone set upon a ledge at ten feet strength, and warded on the inner surface
above the surrounding ground. It seems to against all manner of assault. Touching the
be merely resting on the ledge, only the key to the door rolls the stone aside, revealing
stone’s immense weight holding it in place. the dusty seven-foot high passage within. The
The ramshackle remains of a wooden ramp passage is littered with shards of broken wood
lead up to the closed portal, barely wide dowels, which were used to disable the traps
enough to admit one person along its that are now active once more.
length. The wind blows almost constantly, Hopefully the party has brought someone
lashing everything around with grit and familiar with the Traps Skill, or something
dust. Framing the family tombs lie the close to it, since the variety of slashing blades,
mountains beyond...” spring loaded spikes, and ankle crushing foot
falls inflict d20 damage each (some traps are
deteriorating, others are still strong).
“The Topaz Mountains run for hundreds of
Another danger here is the possibility of
miles in a wavering line of cliffs and
precipitous peaks, separating the Dark disease, as many of the traps have never been
Coast form the Wilderlands of Zaran. cleaned, unspeakable filth still clings to many
Covered in thick jungle along the lower of them.
altitudes, the mountains are home to The entrance passage is some thirty feet
numerous strange creatures and beings, deep, and lined with these deadly devices (the
including batranc, manrak, chasm vipers, exact number is left to the GM), so care must
Nagra spirit trackers, and satada; the latter, be taken. The inner stone door must be
having made their way into the region via manually pushed aside (total STR +10, or 350
the Dead River, a dry gorge which extends pounds of pressure) to reveal the entry
like an ugly scar across half the continent. chamber. Additionally, there are no ready
Topaz crystals weighing up to twenty handholds, but a few cleverly disguised holes
pounds have been found in these moun-
provide places to insert bars that could be
used for such a purpose. There are no lights in
this area of the tomb, so the party must
provide all illumination.


7 - 10
Manrak Encounter:

“This octagonal room contains no less than
seven doors, each one covered in arcane
symbols. The smooth stone floor is bare, as
“The only warning comes in the droning
are the finished walls. Even here, the
sound of wide insect wings, and then they
sounds from outside are muted. The ceiling
are upon you. Out of the blazing suns they
is painted with an amazingly intricate
dive down to their food, you. Chitin covered
pattern of astromantic significance; it is a
hides and faceted eyes travel in a blur of
representation of the various known dimen-
motion, the Manrak have come. With no
sions in relation to each other. The cold
real cover for you to hide in, they have the
floor tiles are carved from basalt, lending
advantage of mobility and blinding speed.
an eerie feeling of walking upon the night
The rasping sound of those hungry
sky, littered with a sea of tiny white flecks
poisoned mandibles and creaking claws are
resembling stars. Crytoculous will insist
things you can only hope you live to forget
upon studying all seven doors and the
painting before proceeding onward into the
tomb from here. He says he remembers that
the whole room is one big trap, and the Include one Manrak per three PCs,
correct door must be used if the tome is to rounding up. They will attempt to paralyze
be found, or be hurled into another any combatants before chasing down any
fleeing animals. If at any time, they suffer a
total of half of their initial hit points, roll a
This process will take the rest of the day, WIL check for them each round:
and deep into the night. Crytoculous will want • Critical Success sends them into a blind
most of the party to remain outside until he rage, fighting until they die (no further
deciphers the puzzle, and finds the correct WIL checks).
door. • Full Success means they will fight for one
• Attempting to push open any one of the more round.
doors activates the trap, a mighty arcane • Partial Success prompts them to back off
vortex (Arkon’s Twister) that sweeps for one round before returning; but this
everything in the room into another time seeking wounded prey only.
dimension (GMs choice)! • Failure indicates the Manrak in question
• Attempting to open more than one door is will go after a non-combatant mount
fruitless (the doors will not open and are instead.
warded in similar fashion to the main • Mishaps ensure that Manrak will flee the
entrance), but does not activate the fight, and return to its hive to heal.
magical trap.
Some time deep in the night, the old fellow Surviving party members will note that
will fall asleep, and will remain so until nearly Loke ran into the tomb just before the attack,
high suns the next day... and will be found in the passage with her
weapons drawn. She does not bother to
explain anything, but simply stows her
weapons, and goes to roughly wake Cryto-
culous. He awakes with a start, exclaiming
that he has the answer, and calls for the rest of
the party to join him in the entry chamber.
When the PCs arrive, he’ll ensure that only
seven additional persons are in the chamber,
allowing no others to remain or enter. He then


7 - 11
arranges everyone into a particular pattern in Crytoculous knows the noble lord and his
the room (a total of seven positions), and immediate family will be located “upstairs,”
stands near the exit. and suspects the loyal recorder’s vault is
actually below among what would be the
“Crytoculous speaks particular phrases in revered servant’s graves. PCs may want to go
Archaen describing the various dimensions up in the hopes of finding some valuables (or
in relation to one another, and the corresp- “investigating past events,” as they may
onding representations over each person’s claim), but Crytoculous urges a trip into the
head begins to glow softly. The chant grows lower chambers instead.
louder as Crytoculous intones the ancient
family name of Baloniste, and the symbols
on the painting drift into a sort of vaguely “Down Below...”
recognizable pattern which points to a This section describes the areas below
particular door. Crytoculous cackles with the octagonal chamber, and should only be
glee, and strides proudly over to the door used if the players proceed down the stairs.
which was indicated by the pattern, his eyes You may skip forward to the next section
all a- twinkle.” labeled “Up Above...,” should the PCs turn in
that direction first. Those who follow
He will tell the party to be on their guard, Crytoculous into the lower chambers will find
as he fears whatever may have attacked his the following:
compatriots before may still lie within the
tomb itself, and does not want to repeat his “At the bottom of the twisting steps, a small
previous experiences of the results of that landing ends abruptly in a heavily
attack. He’ll insist the party be ready for decorated door. The silvery tracings bear
work, including any tools they brought along out a once beautiful design, but it has been
for the dig, and plea for care to be taken not to terribly marred long ago by what appear to
set off any mechanisms which may block off be claw marks of some kind. Closer
parts of the tomb – particularly the exit. Loke inspection reveals the markings to have
will choose to remain here “as backup,” and been made by mannish hands and ferocious
has the Jhangarans stay in the camp to guard intention. On the left, a large silvery wheel
is set into the wall, obviously meant for
opening and closing the door. The floor
here is smeared with something tarry, black,
“Once his statements are acknowledged, and exceptionally foul smelling.”
Crytoculous will trace a previously invisible
rune upon the door, and it will vanish into
thin air! Beyond the doorway is a spiraling Those experienced with the undead will
stair, leading both up and down. The stair recognize the “tell tale signs” of a
itself is easily five feet wide, with roughly Necrophage’s attempt to break into the
seven feet of headroom throughout, and chamber beyond (PER and applicable Skill
carved of the same dark gray stone that check). The wheel requires a STR check to
appears on the outside of the tomb. The turn, but still functions well enough to get the
dank cool air of the dark stair seems faintly door to open enough to squeeze an average
tinged with some vaguely unpleasant scent, sized humanoid between the stone doors
the exact nature of which escapes identi- (about a foot or so). Large humanoids (GMs
fication.” call) and objects at least two feet in all
dimensions cannot pass through the partially
open doorway.


7 - 12
“Within the doorway, a roughly hewn stone statue, on the opposite wall from the
hall splits off away from the door in two doorway, where the two halls meet. It is a
directions. The floor is smooth, but vertical niche, in which the record keeper’s
unfinished. Where the two halls meet, about coffin is hidden behind a permanent
fifteen feet in front of the door, is a large illusion (about Level 10) made to look and
statue of an ancient Archaen warrior or feel exactly like the surrounding wall.
guard, girded for battle. The statue is PCs should be encouraged to poke about
dusted with age, but is completely intact, on their own in the search for the record
and very heavy. The decorative painting on keeper’s grave, as leaving the servant’s
it has faded almost completely, but the faint mausoleum only ensures it will not be found.
shades are still visible. The walls and roof
If the PCs’ find the niche, read the following
are simply unfinished, but both are of solid
stone. The halls are some forty feet wide, to whoever peeks behind the illusion:
ninety feet deep, and roughly ten feet tall.
The same interior stone is found here as “A large white marble sarcophagus stands
above in all cases. Lining the walls are before you, it’s cover engraved to appear as
horizontal niches, the majority of them a tall stern Hadjin dressed in luxurious
occupied by only remains of the dead. In the ancient garb, resplendent with detailed
middle of each hall, a procession of carved jewelry and a large tome in his hands. This
sarcophagi hold the centerline; most are pristine image is unmarred by time or even
carefully inscribed with ancient runes and dust, and appears to have been freshly
decorations. Each one is topped with a polished to your eyes.”
heavy and thick stone lid, and all appear to
be undisturbed. The faint musty smell of the
long dead drifts in the stale air here, and The grave does actually contain the
only your own sounds break the pervading Record Keeper, and the tome Crytoculous
silence.” spoke so often of. Indeed, it seems the record
keeper was also buried with some rather
expensive jewelry (several hundred gold
Crytoculous will insist no one touch
lumens worth) and a magical writing pen of
anything until he is sure the statue is
antiquity (also worth some considerable coin,
deactivated, it seems it is enchanted to “come
especially to the right collector).
alive,” and kill all intruders if a certain
Unfortunately, there was a magical rune
command phrase is not spoken before it.
inscribed upon the inner surface of the
Crytoculous knows the phrase, and
sarcophagus cover that reactivates the statue if
deactivates the statue at the first opportunity.
the cover is removed from the sarcophagus!
The graves contain only the most simple of
treasures of metal and stone (only a few gold
lumens worth at best), as all else has long
since rotted into dust.
Statue Encounter:

Crytoculous will closely inspect each of “Even as you rejoice in your find, the sound
the sarcophagi, and will declare much of grinding stone interrupts your celeb-
frustration when he does not find the final ration, and the rune upon the inner surface
resting place of the record keeper! It seems to of the sarcophagus lid fades from view. The
Crytoculous the record keeper’s grave may statue turns upon your number hefting its
have had special significance, and is probably deadly weapon in righteous fury, and
located elsewhere. unfeeling eyes seek out the first victim!”
Crytoculous is wrong though; the
record keeper’s grave is actually behind the


7 - 13
The statue will have the same abilities as rest is merely drifts of dust on the floor. The
an Earth Demon, except it will lack any Third Floor is a little more interesting:
Geomantic Order spell ability. It is less than “The next door adjoining the long stairwell
twenty feet from the sarcophagus when it is is forged of black iron, although it seems to
activated. The GM, in accordance with the be slightly open, as though someone forgot
overall strength of the party, should determine to close it completely. The sturdy portal
its level. This guardian will fight until all creaks open to reveal a large two- tiered
intruders in the halls are dead, or it is gallery, a singular tall chamber packed
destroyed. It has no black diamond heart to with moldering relics of a bygone age. The
reward the victor with though. dull gleam of gold and gems catch the eye,
peeking out from the decrepit remains of
There is nothing else of interest in the various gaudy works of art. A fine layer of
lower chambers unless the GM chooses to dust clings to everything, and only a single
shattered goblet on the floor betrays any
place something there, and the PCs are free to
disturbance of this chamber in many long
exit the tomb immediately if they so choose. years.”
Loud altercations may alert the possible
inhabitants of the upper levels.
The goblet was dropped by a previous
digger, an act of shock and horror at the scene
“Up Above...” of a compatriot being ravenously
If the party chooses to explore the upper disemboweled and eaten by two Necrophages.
areas of the tomb, they are well within the Magical investigation might reveal this,
bounds of the contract to do so. The upper depending on the magical options available to
levels are presented in the order they would the PCs. The chamber does hold some
be encountered as one moved up the stairwell. considerable treasure in the form of precious
metals and stones, all must be dug out of the
Second Floor: here are the graves of the rotting materials surrounding them, and the
important servants of the house. exact amount is left to the GM.
“There is a door leading off the stairwell, Among the treasure lies a small collection
which is not barred of locked in any way. of mostly broken clockwork devices, many
Beyond is a small sort of “common room,” shaped like small animals (like avir mostly).
decorated with the remnants of tattered One of them still functions, a wind-up avir,
hangings, all far beyond proper viewing. which when activated flies in a circle which
Several open arches lead into the side chirping an ancient tune. Another is some sort
chambers, each holding a servant’s coffin. of wide-eyed lizard caricature, which is not
In the ancient tradition, each one was laid functioning but could be repaired by a skill
to rest with the tools of their trade. The technomancer (- say- difficulty rating 10).
cook lies in a small room with a wide When functioning, it detects movement within
variety of utensils, knives, ladles, and such. 75 feet, and lets out a chime like sound as an
The next chamber holds a gardener, along
alert. The other exact details of the devices are
with shears and clippers, trowels and long
dead potted plants.” up to the GM.

One item of interest lies in a small

The GM is encouraged to come up with a golden box, a magical brass urn – the result
few other servants as well, but there is of the Imprisonment Sigil of the Seven
unlikely to be anything of value here. In Sigils of Power (“Imprisonment” from the
general most items are decayed nearly to dust
or beyond, some are unrecognizable, and the


7 - 14
Sorcerer’s Guide). It contains an ancient from doing so. The GM is encouraged to
Enim, who is quite mad by now. introduce the party to a favorite extra
If the PCs find a way to free him, he will dimensional beastie of their choice. Some
simply run screaming out of the tomb, suggestions include, Necrophages, Ghasts,
knocking anyone in his path aside, and fleeing Erx, and Astral Stalkers.
into the desert never to be seen again. The urn The mirror is firmly set into the wall, but
will vanish into thin air if the Enim is freed. could be freed with considerable effort, and is
Otherwise this curio is quite valuable, in an worth a small fortune to some. The source of
arcane sense, and could fetch a handsome the lights and sound are a variety of enchanted
price in many places... crystals in the chandelier, items of some worth
to certain collectors.
“The spiraling stairs finally end in two
large brass and silver bound black iron Presuming the party has located the tome,
doors, each one with a large black iron ring Loke will urge them to return to Hadj within a
as a handle. The doors are not barred, and day of finding it, at spear point if need be.
open silently with but a gentle push. Within, Since Loke has the authority to call upon the
a swirling pattern of colored lights and services of the mercenary patrols, and even
sound assaults the senses, and ancient tune the City Guard of Hadj in the name of her
bleating eternally to pulsing lights all master, any attempt at delays of escape will
around. The large chamber is three levels likely prove dangerous as well as
tall, and beyond gaudy in décor. It seems to unsuccessful (remember, Loke can usually tell
be some sort of ancient ballroom, and the
if the PCs are lying to her, or if they are about
party is still going on. As if frozen in time,
dancers stand all about in mid motion, fully to attack). She also has no reservations about
bedecked in all their finery. Fully a third or attacking Crytoculous as well, so that no one
more of the dancers are dressed up in present will be able to translate the tome’s
artistic interpretations of extra dimensional contents. The return journey should be
entities of every stripe. Even ancient and relatively swift and uneventful, taking roughly
moldering as they are, the costumes are three more days depending upon weather.
magnificent, and richly detailed. Oddly, the
desiccated corpses are relatively pristine,
unmarred by the horrible habits of Conclusion:
Necrophages. Decorative tables laden with Back at the House of Baloniste, Hajourn
decanters and glasses are all about. Rich will insist on seeing EVERYTHING the party
tapestries have long since fallen to the floor gathered from the tomb, including the tome.
and rotted into dusty messes, but the huge Loke will attest to the tomb being cleared of
hanging crystal and silver chandelier is in dangerous creatures, thus opening the way for
perfect condition, lacking even corrosion.”
further digs. If the brass urn is present,
Hajourn will take custody of it, along with
It is here that the party must take the some of the most expensive intact jewelry. At
most care, for at the opposite side of the first he will also take possession of the
ballroom on the top level is a huge black tome, an act which will send Crytoculous
obsidian mirror trimmed in brass and into a frenzy to regain the tome, if only
silver. This ancient item has been left “on,” verbally.
and occasionally denizens of other Knowing the tome has immense value to
dimensions wander in. the old Cymrilian, Hajourn will savor the
They do not often escape though, as the moment, and then make an offer to the party:
solid walls and bound door tend to keep them if they swear to take Loke with them in their


7 - 15
search for the fabled items listed within the which could control the weather within many
tome, and send Loke back with at least one of miles, a magical windship which could
the items they find, Hajourn will return the change in size from a skiff to a windship of
book to Crytoculous. Loke will know if they war, a powerful seeing stone which can be
make any false statements, so they have little used to communicate with other seeing stones,
choice. several legendary weapons, and a tome which
Crytoculous will agree of course, since he supposedly held the secrets to utilizing the
needs more time to study the tome. The Witchgates..!
remaining party may choose to decline, but
this leaves the old mage alone with Loke, Hajourn will then offer the party the
obviously a very dangerous thing for old services of a windship, run by an old
Crytoculous. He will plead with any hesitant Cymrilian “friend” of his. Since this is a rare
PCs to come with him, as much to ensure chance to possibly cut a great deal of time off
some of the treasures listed in the tome come the trip, it will be almost certain the party will
back to civilization as to protect him from accept, especially since the captain is a
Loke, who will doubtless take everything. sincere fellow unlike Hajourn.
PCs are of course free to end this module The introduction to Captain Cylostion
here, leaving poor old Crytoculous to his fate will be a simple affair, and the captain will
at Loke’s hands, and spend their gains in Hadj take on “this little errand” for Hajourn without
as they see fit. hesitation, apparently to pay back some favor
to Hajourn. Cylostion will seem to be most
Hajourn will be glad to hear the gracious to Hajourn, but Loke knows he hates
acceptance of his conditions, and says he Hajourn, and perceptive PCs may pick that
would like to make arrangements to hasten the up.
party on to its next destination. He will invite
the PCs to stay in his home, while Hajourn “The Soaring Avir is the main transport for
attends to the matter and Crytoculous studies traveling Hadjin dignitaries, and is crewed
the text. The PCs now have a few days to by a much talked about Cymrilian crew.
explore the City of Hadj, until the GM feels Their exploits of years gone by are the stuff
it’s time for Crytoculous to be done. In Hadj of legends and lore in the Seven Kingdoms,
practically anything is available for a price, if and wind ship crews everywhere seek to
you know where to find it, or know someone achieve such feats. They have braved the
who does. icy winds of the north while traveling to
places like Altan and Rhin, rescued
At the appointed time, Crytoculous will endangered citizens of the Seven Kingdoms
from various places and perils, and won
assemble the PCs, and tell them they must
several of the most coveted prizes in the
travel to the Library at Jalaad. There he Windship Races during past Magical Fairs.
says the tome will guide them to several The captain himself is said to have earned
works that detail the exact locations of the lost the favor of the Wizard King for certain
treasures, which include a fabulous magical covert services to the crown.”
arch mage’s robe (said to confer great arcane
knowledge upon the wearer), a bountiful
cauldron which could make endless food, one Within hours, the party will be packed up
of the lost tomes of Sorcery (a work of and on the Soaring Avir, introduced to the
immense magical significance, a work derived crew, and off to Jalaad and the adventures
directly from some of the missing pages of the there...
Archaen Codex), a mighty crystal globe


7 - 16
and the lucrative business such associations
NPC List: bring. Cylostion is a Swordsmage, though
Crytoculous these skills are somewhat neglected. While he
An older Cymrilian mage, a graduate of may seem to be happy with ferrying the
the Lyceaum, Master of Runic Ciphers and wealthy on tours of the Ruins and Tombs, he
Arcane Lore, and a dabbler in Archeology. secretly longs for adventures of days gone by.
His world was shattered by some encounter he His act as the dashing captain is becoming
had while on a dig in the Hadjin Ruins. His tired routine, and his crew are beginning to
discovery both ensured the horrible death of see through the lie.
his crew, and shattered his sanity. A passing Cylostion’s manners are perfect, his
mercenary patrol found Crytoculous clothes the height of fashion, and ludicrously
wandering alone, and brought him back to the expensive jewelry adorns his features. His
City of Hadj. A source of embarrassment, he Cymrilian roots are strong and pure, his
was sent away, ending up in Akmir destitute family is well known for having taken part in
and alone. the coupe that drove out the Tanasians. As
Occasionally, his madness gets the better such, he still holds his rank in Cymril, and is
of him, and he entreats all who just might currently assigned to Hadj for “diplomatic
listen to his ranting about the great treasure courtesy”.
hinted at in his infamous dig.
INT +1 PER +1
INT +4 PER +2
WIL 0 CHA +1
STR +1 DEX +1
STR -1 DEX -1
CON +1 SPD 0
CON -1 SPD -1
CR +3 MR +3
CR -1 MR +6
Hit Points: 23
Hit Points: 18 Skills: Urban Background +8, Climbing +6,
Skills: Arcane Lore +10, Etiquette +6, Swim +3, High Talislan +9, Low Talislan
Fashion +5, Ride (Equs) +6, High +10, Archaen +9, Etiquette +8, Fashion
Talislan +10, Low Talislan +7, Archaen +6, Ride (Equs) +6, Longsword +6,
Language +7, Nomadic Language +4, Dagger +4, Brawling +3, Evade +3,
Urban Background +7, Barter +4, Haggle Guard +3, Tactics +5, Cartography +3,
+4, Analysis +5, Antiquarian +5, Cultures (Seven Kingdoms, Desert
Cartography +3, Cryptography +5, Kingdoms) +5, Diplomacy +3, Espionage
Geography +3, History +5 +3, Appraiser +3, Merchant +3, Pilot
Cryptomancy: Reveal +9, Ward +12, and (Windship)+10, Arcane Lore+8
Defend +3 Wizardry: Alter +4, Heal +4, Illusion +4,
Wizardry: Alter +3, and Illusion +2. Aeromancy: Move +7, Conjure +7, Attack
Gear: ragged robes, ragged hooded cloak, +4.
worn leather shoes, cracked leather belt Gear: Expensive/Fashionable Clothes,
and pouch. Lightening Longsword (Aeromantic
Attack +10, 3/day, 50ft range Red Iron),
Cylostion Soaring Avir Windship, Spyglass,
The dashing older captain of the “Soaring Medallion of Arcane Shields (Wizardry
Avir,” a fine windship in his service. He Defend Aura +10, 5 round duration, 3/
enjoys the company of the royalty of Hadj,


7 - 17
day, silver), and Spangalor Tunic (Red some trinket, her job is to ensure Crytoculous
Iron). is brought back to Hadj for Hajourn to use or
kill as he sees fit.
Loke enjoys brawling in particular, a skill
Antagonists: well developed, and much feared by witnesses
Hajourn Baloniste to her prowess. Worse, Loke’s opening move
His once Hadjin family reduced painfully is almost always a crippling blow of some sort
to Hajan status, Hajourn seeks elevation at (eye jab, knee kick, dislocated joint, etc.), and
any cost. As the eldest surviving male, he still “Dirty Tricks” is her best game. Loke displays
holds sway over the tombs of his ancestors, an almost pathological dislike of insects of all
and will only allow them to be reopened if kinds, a trait that she refuses to discuss the
proof of the perspective diggers skill to origins of. Naturally, Loke’s pay will be
elevate him once more is absolute. He most considerable, and doubled if whatever
certainly would not normally let Crytoculous Crytoculous seeks is brought back as well...
embarrass him again, and will scheme INT -2 PER 0
relentlessly to kill the old mage if he should
return to Hadj. Hajourn keeps a number of WIL 0 CHA -2
unsavory thugs in his employ for such dirty
work. STR +5 DEX -1
INT +2 PER +2 CON +5 SPD -1
WIL 0 CHA -1 CR +5 MR -1
STR -1 DEX 0 Hit Points: 39
Skills: Ur Club +4, War Axe +8, Dagger +6,
CON -1 SPD 0
Brawling +8, Mounted Combat +2,
CR -3 MR +1 Command +4, Engineer (Siege) +4,
Coerce +4, Underworld +7, Ride
Hit Points: 17 (Ogriphant) +5, Northern Language +10,
Skills: Administrator +12, Etiquette +8, Low Talislan +9, Wandering Background
Fashion +9, Arcane Lore +3, Antiquarian +7, Climbing +3, Swim +3, Evade +5,
+7, Appraiser +8, Diplomacy +7, Shield +5, Tracking +5, Survival (Desert,
Litigator +6, Cook +7, Ride (Equs) +5, Wastelands, Mountains) +5.
High Talislan +10, Urban Background +7, Gear: Black Iron Shield (DR 30), Partial
Barter +5, Haggle +5, History +5, Black Iron Plate (PR 6), Leather Halter
Gambling +5, Underworld +5. and Loincloth, Red Iron War Axe, Arimite
Gear: Costly Silk Clothes, Heinous amounts Luckstone, Firewalker Ring (Wizardry
of cash, slaves, and employees, Mansion Ward vs. Fire and Heat, Continuous,
in Hadjan Quarter of Hadj. Silver w/small Firegem), and Hunter’s
Charm (Shamanism Conceal +10, 3/day
Loke for 5 rounds).
An Ur renegade bounty huntress with a
reputation for bringing prey back alive, if
perhaps somewhat damaged. She will be a
growing thorn in the PC’s side, as Hajourn
insists that Loke be part of the expedition, or
no dig will occur. Loke could care less about


7 - 18
Concluding thoughts:
The feel of this adventure will be one of
grand traveling adventure, with elements of
cloak and dagger, as well as a surprise ending
The first portion will be getting to know
Crytoculous, and getting him safely to Hadj.
Next will be the challenge of getting past
Hajourn, and investigating the tomb. Then the
PCs turn north, and via wind ship fly to
Maruk, where the wind ship must stop for
various reasons. From there, the journey goes
towards Jalaad, where the final clue will lead
the party towards the mysterious Kharakhan
The Hadjin tomb will likely be haunted
by some Necrophages, and a Ghast which
have staked out the tomb as a lair, relatively
isolated from the Underworld, but accessible
through an Obsidian Mirror present in the
upper tomb. The Ghast might actually have
the spirit of the Hadjin noble records-keeper
bound as a plaything, only to be set free once
the Ghast is slain. Clues gained here will lead
to Jalaad, and creepiness will be the main
To get to Jalaad, the PCs will board a
wind ship headed for Maruk, and become
involved in further plots with the wind ship’s
crew. Aerial encounters, grand vistas, and
shadowy dealings will be strong here. Award
experience as needed after the first chapter,
and encourage that it is to be used before
starting the second chapter.


7 - 19
Chapter Two
“Danger on high...”

“The cool air drives the windship north- Batranc Encounter:

ward; passing far above the dangerous
lands below, and yet threatens to tear the “The dreamy kite-like shapes of the Batranc
thin sails at any moment if it chooses to. To seemed to float so lazy in the distance a
the north, far over the Sanctuary Moun- moment ago, and now more akin to some
tains, the sweeping vista is lost in the demon-spawned spearheads they streak
perpetual storms with ravage far away down towards your flimsy vessel. From on
lands. As a sailing ship would pass by an high they seem to shriek in anger at the
island, so the windship flies near huge clumsy and soft prey who would dare to fly
clouds, so close you could almost reach out in their sky, and you know instinctively they
and touch them. From here the heavens are intend to teach you a lesson in respect.”
truly more vast and amazing than anywhere
else. Few would wonder why windship
crews are almost always fully manned; little Include at least one Batranc per three PCs,
you could imagine can equal this fantastic with a minimum of three total. These
view from the sky.” creatures are defending territory they intend to
use for mating, but are not driven by their full
Here in the vast sky, the PCs and mating instincts just yet. They will need to
Crytoculous will have some time to rest and make a WIL check once half of their hit points
study as they see fit, and get to know the crew are gone, and every round thereafter to
of the Soaring Avir a little better. Loke will continue the fight. Those who fail will dive
spend much of her time “wind sick,” either away from the windship, a sign of defeat well
expelling her previous meal or trying to lie known by the crew. GM should determine the
very still in her bunk. The crew is hearty and Ability Levels of the Batrancs as needed.
comfortable with guests onboard, they seem
to just be glad to be in the air again.
Once these beasts are dealt with, if the
Cyrstania the First Mate will attempt to
PCs acquitted themselves well against the
be the party’s hostess, seeing to the guest’s
attackers, Cylostion will take them aside. He
reasonable needs as she can. She seems to be
will explain that while it is possible for the
a capable and perceptive woman, one who
windship to get to Jalaad, it would be very
could be trusted in a time of need. Amorous
unlikely to return at all or land anywhere safe.
advances in her direction will be deflected by
Cylostion plans to drop off the party in
her personal interest in Cytrosos (a member
Maruk, and apologizes for not telling them
of the crew), and her immovable stance on
“dallying with customers”.
• If the PCs made a poor show of assisting
The first day or two should be spent
in driving off the Batranc, Cylostion will
getting settled on the windship, and generally
simply drop the party off in Maruk, and
pass without major incident. Be sure to
flatly state that this is as far as his
include CON checks for those unused to
windship can go.
windship travel, and keep the crew fairly
• If the PCs show that they are now more
cheerful and helpful to engender a sense of
closely allied with Cylostion, a new
security in the players.


7 - 20
enemy will mark them for death, “The one thing that recalls this place most
Cytrosos. He has several days left to to the mind is that almost unidentifiable
knock off (perhaps literally) at least one of smell of impending decay and waste. As
the PCs or Crytoculous, and implicate though nothing fresh existed there, and yet
Cylostion. Cytrosos is no fool; he will the horrid stench of death has yet to fully
likely wait until both the Captain and First mature. It hangs, subtle in the air, an
Mate are not around to make his move inescapable oppressive scent. All around
against the party. The GM is encouraged the rotting city bathes in it, and the pathetic
to be as devious as possible, remembering people breathe it. Filth is caked on
that Cytrosos is an experienced operative everywhere, dirt and mud creeping into
everything, and the relentless dust is in the
who rarely makes mistakes of any kind.
air. Only the powerful stench of Ogront
dung can truly overpower it, and here such
It is likely some “unfortunate events” may is plentiful, and the inhabitants are hawking
befall the party and or crew on this journey, this merchandise. You long for the endless
setting the stage for Cytrosos to discredit the fresh breeze of the sky aboard the wind-
captain. These might include one of the ship.”
crewmen falling overboard due to a poorly
tied safety line, someone being blown
overboard by an unexplained “blast of wind,” The Soaring Avir will be present for a few
an unexplained problem with the ship’s days while repairs are made, and then will
levitational gear, one of the crew who was not return to Hadj. This will give the PCS a little
well-liked by the captain is found brutally extra time to nail down Cytrosos if they have
slain, or some other dire omen which foretells not already. The reverse is also true, so if
of certain terrible calamity to come. These are Cytrosos has not been identified as the culprit,
just a few suggestions for the GM to use... the PCs will still be in danger.
Since the journey to Jalaad is a
While not in a direct combat situation, dangerous one, the PCs will likely need a
unprepared PCs are in very real danger of guide, someone who knows the surrounding
being killed while Cytrosos is near them. The lands well, particularly towards the east.
results of these attempts are best left to the None of the locals will be interested in
role-playing of said events. Even if the entire crossing the ancestral lands of the Za, but they
affair does not play out before the windship say there is someone who travels that stretch
reaches Maruk, read the following to the of land here in the city. Those of low
players: Constitution beware, Maruk harbors a high
likelihood of diseased contact for the group,
“The City State of Maruk purportedly
lingers under an age-old curse, a theory and the GM should make that fact plain as a
that cannot easily be dismissed. The city is warning.
a shambles: its once-prosperous orchards,
and farmlands are barren; its people, The party will be directed to a crumbling
forced to sell ogront dung in order to earn a building with no small number of smelly
living, are all destitute and dispirited. The drunks inside. In the far back corner, the
ruling council of Maruk has offered a singular large grim figure steadily chugging
reward of one hundred thousand gold grog awaits them. His pale features and long
lumens to anyone who can remove the ragged black hair do little to liven his sullen
curse, if indeed there is one. To date, all countenance. His well-worn and scarred chain
attempts to rectify the situation have been
and plate armor have seen better days, and a
for naught.”
lethal looking broadsword lies sheathed on his


7 - 21
table alongside several empty tankards. If fresh faces like the PCs die foolishly, and
asked about him, the bar tender will even though that has hardened his heart, Rune
effectively relate: is still essentially a good man forced to do
“The inhabitants of Maruk are extremely terrible violence on occasion.
cautious around the bounty hunter called
“Rune,” it seems he completed a hunt here, Rune will agree to take the party across
and the resulting carnage is still whispered the “Bandit Lands,” for the meager price of
about. As proof, a mass grave containing at one gold lumen per day, per person. He’ll
least a dozen locals lies just outside the city want at least twenty gold lumens up front, just
walls. Rune would not speak of the incident, to cover his bar tab, and then he’ll be ready to
saying only that it was a matter of go. He’ll show the party to the only Equs
“unfinished business”. Eyewitnesses will Trader in town (a grubby Marukan of dour
say he chased a figure in black robes over disposition), where they can get mounts to
the eastern wall into a slum area, and then
ride, and to pick up his ragged old Greymane.
into a small crowd. Those in the crowd are
now residents in the mass grave, and the From here he’ll go to “pick up a few things,”
few who witnessed the final confrontation and will meet the party at the Eastern Gate
have nightmares about that which they will when they are ready. One glare will be given
not speak of. Some have been unable to as the only warning not to follow him, and
speak ever since, and a few others have then he leaves.
fallen into trances that they have not Rune probably agreed to take on this job
recovered from. Rune has been in his because he needs the money: hunting
tankards for some time now, and shows no reincarnators doesn't exactly pay very well. A
sign of leaving yet. No one has dared to try loner, Rune will not socialize with the
to throw him out of the city, although they characters. In the main journey, he would
would be glad to see him go.” prefer to eat/sleep/ride apart from the PCs. If
addressed, he answers in as few words as
It seems Rune is a Xambrian, and a possible. If Rune has any sense of humor at
particularly frightening one at that. He knows all, it is definitely black humor.
his way across this area well, and can be
“hired as a guide and bodyguard, if the price Once the party is ready to go, having
is right,” but none of the locals know what bought what meager supplies they can from
Rune charges for such services. This leaves the scant market square in Maruk, they should
the players to ask Rune what he wants in be easily be able to find the East Gate. Note
exchange, encourage lots of role-playing here, that one of the vendors (a Pharesian Peddler)
as the players try to lure Rune out of his is selling an item of some note, a small non-
tankards. magical Archaen clockwork device made
Rune is of course trying to keep silent the mainly of brass which always points north,
voices in his head in the simplest way he and has various navigational uses built into it
seems to know how, barrels of strong drink. (say +5 on all Guide/Navigation type checks).
However once Rune understands where the The peddler will charge what ever he thinks
PCs want to go he’ll sober quickly, deciding he can get from the party for this item; the
to silence the voices by dropping off these exact amount to be charged is left to the GM.
fools at Jalaad, and then going on to Mount The Gates will be open during the day, and
Omen. Rune will be waiting from the party outside
Rune should be role-played as rather the city walls. About three days of travel
gruff and grim, but not actually rude. He is across fairly rugged terrain lie ahead, and
a grizzled veteran who has seen too many GMs are encouraged to throw in several of


7 - 22
their own encounters in this area, with the only speaks to Rune in low tones so as not to
intention of providing only very light be overheard. Rune keeps a round shield of
challenges. some kind, but it is always covered with a
ragged cloth, and he never seems to use the
shield for anything. Questions regarding these
“The wind-worn peaks of the Maruk
things will only be met with a gruff: “None of
Mountains, lying to the north of the City
your business.”-type response.
State of Maruk, are believed to be rich in
precious stones, such as black opal. The At the end of the three or so days, and
folk of Maruk will not enter these regions, perhaps a pause in the random encounters,
which they say are haunted by Kharakhan read the following:
giants, manrak, and bandit tribes.”
“The Oracle is a sheer pinnacle of blue and
Note that a few lone Kharakhan Giants violet porphyry which overlooks Serpent
are likely to be about, and only of the most Pass, in the Wilderlands of Zaran. Accord-
unsociable and or insane sorts. Manrak will ing to legend, an ancient mystic lives high
likely provide the most dangerous encounters, atop the summit of the Oracle, at a point
as the main Za encounter lies further ahead. obscured from view by a bank of clouds, or
mist. Three trails lead up to the top of the
Rune will be remarkably unsocial, and
mount, each affording potential climbers
will only intervene in a fight when a party with its own distinct set of hazards and
member is in mortal danger. At this time, disadvantages (the aerial route, while
Rune will move with superhuman speed and seemingly more direct, is considered ill-
power to subdue the attacker in question, advised due to the presence of wind
utilizing his considerable Mystical powers to demons). It is widely believed that the great
impressive effect. Oddly though, he does not mystic who lives atop the Oracle knows the
kill anything that he does not have to (i.e., he answer to all questions; past, present and
will kill Manraks who refuse to leave the future.”
party alone, but most others will likely be
influenced into simply seeking easier prey or Rune will actually nod reverently once
rendered VERY unconscious). towards the pinnacle of rock, and then ride on
Under no circumstances will Rune even even more grimly than before, as though
draw his Soul Blade in defense of the party. expecting something bad to happen. He will
The lone exception to this rule is his mount, if not speak of the significance of his act,
Rune’s beloved Greymane is attacked, Rune replying only with stony silence or a hard
will not hesitate to “transcend” the offender glare. Rune senses the approaching battle,
by any means at his disposal. Rune will and is trying not to make any attachments
decline any treasure gained after any combat, to the party, even though he may actually
but will except food offered to him. appreciate the party in some way by now.
Crytoculous would never be able to survive
During this time, observant PCs may such a climb anyway, so any thoughts of
notice some things about Rune. He does not actually visiting the Oracle will have to wait
seem to actually sleep, and will be alert at all for another day.
times. Rune barely eats, will always choose to
remain downwind of any fire, and too far to
utilize the fire’s warmth. Rune never removes Za Encounter:
his armor, and his only sword is kept within Now the journey to Jalaad begins, and the
easy reach day and night. Rune’s graymane terrain looks to be getting a little easier to
does not socialize with the other Equs, and cover, so it should take about two days to


7 - 23
reach Jalaad. But before the suns have set on Should the party try to assist Rune, they will
the same day as the party passes by the find the Za to be very dangerous veterans of
Oracle: impressive skill and fortitude (double all
archetype skills).
“The thunder of charging Equs draws your
eyes to the swiftly approaching dust cloud The other Za will not interfere, but will
and line of equs, each one bearing a attack the remaining party members instead.
yellowish savage figure. Bandits or raiders, They will circle the group, raining arrows
it matters little, as the Za rarely take upon them until either they run out of shots
prisoners and none you know of have lived (each Za carries d20 arrows), or they see that
long enough to tell of such an ordeal. You their arrows are not causing any visible
know you have scant time in which to damage (perhaps the party hides behind
prepare a defense, as any equs in full something or erects a Barrier spell). Then they
charge covers much ground in mere will switch to their swords, and close in for
moments. The attackers split at a distance,
the kill. They will gladly gang up against
intent upon preventing your escape as their
archers draw out many bone bows. Za those who stand forth, mercilessly slaying
always “feather their prey” first, and then everyone they can. They will try to take pains
close in for the kill, you have been told at not to outright slaughter stray Equs, but an
least that much. Crude shouted derisions fly Equs who gets in their way will be rewarded
even faster than the arrows, which now arc with a slash as a dire and singular warning.
toward your flesh. In the face if this Za suffering more than half their hit
oncoming storm, Rune stands forth. points lost must make a WIL check to remain
Dismounted, he steps to the fore, and like in the fight, or “go back for reinforcements” if
some waking dream slowly draws the they fail. Overall though, the Za Ability Level
ominous blade from its sheath, his face dark and numbers should be roughly equal to the
with anger. The screeching sound of its party, ensuring a tough and telling battle.
razor edge being drawn slices through the
din, a terrible sound none of you shall ever
forget.” Rune can only come to the party’s aid
after he has dealt with his own attackers, but
depending on how the party’s battle is going,
The Za raiding party numbers at least one the GM could bring Rune in as needed.
mounted Za Raider per party member (NPCs Optionally, the GM is welcome to let the
and PCs included), and an additional twenty PCs fight for themselves, taking the chance
Za warriors have come for Rune! The Za that this could very well be their last
warriors are intent upon Rune, they will only encounter. Rune’s survival is “in the script,”
defend themselves if attacked by party as he has no qualms about retreating when he
members, but will concentrate upon killing is in danger of being killed, and his access to
Rune otherwise. Even as they approach, they impressive mystical powers ensures
will shout: “Blood for Blood!” and charge successful combat all the more (although he
Rune directly. Each one of these Za will fight would never use those powers to directly kill
Rune to the death, ignoring the most grievous a foe, he will use his powers to defend and
of wounds until death claims them. Those heal himself or others). Obviously, the PCs
with the time to observe Rune in combat will should be protecting Crytoculous, as he is
see him fight like a demon possessed vital to the research at Jalaad.
madman, as though he had somehow
unleashed an unspeakable fury from within,
his foes will gain no mercy at all this day.


7 - 24
Presuming the PCs survive this “The rugged peaks of the Zaran Mountains
encounter, those left alive are likely to have are the refuge of the Za bandit tribes, who
earned some visible respect in Rune’s eyes, hole-up in these parts in order to elude
and he will be a little more open with them. patrolling Dracartan desert scouts. The Za
Given, Rune will still be a bit grim and are believed to have numerous hideouts in
abrupt, but at least he will be willing to t h e Z a r a n M o u n t a i n s , w h e re t h e y
engage in some brief conversation now. Rune temporarily store excess loot, equipment,
is haunted, hard-bitten, distant, and he drinks/ and slaves. The region is rich in black iron
takes intoxicants to try to keep from hearing ore and certain, small types of semi-
the voices of his ancestors in his head, but his precious stones. Vasps and manrak from the
unsociable nature will lighten perceptibly. nearby Volcanic Hills are also fairly
common here.”
If the group lingers, they will spot the
approaching scavengers that will likely be Once safely within the Ruins, and near
showing up soon. Vile Avir and Ravengers the Library (one of the few intact
will descend upon the dead within hours, structures), Rune will bid farewell to the
leaving bones in their wake at best. party. Depending on how well the PCs got
along with Rune, Rune may simply decline
Roughly two days later, the Ruins of the remainder of his payment, saying his poor
Jalaad will come into view at the southern old graymane can’t carry much more anyway.
end of some extremely rough terrain, to the Otherwise, he expects to be paid, and will
north the landscape seems to grow very take by force what he is owed if the party
rugged indeed, perhaps even tortured by refuses to do so. He needs to travel to Omen,
unnatural forces: but says no more on the matter, and departs.

“The crumbling ruins of the ancient city of This leaves the party alone at the
Jaalad are located near the Zaran Library of Jalaad, where they will find a
Mountains, in the Wilderlands of Zaran. small encampment in an adjacent building.
Though long since stripped of most of its A few Djaffir Merchants, a couple of
hidden treasures by many generations of Dracartan Scouts, and some Yitek are present.
Yitek tomb-robbers and Za bandits, the The camp is well established, and has
Library at Jalaad remains relatively intact. obviously been here for several weeks at least.
This is primarily due to the efforts of a Various members of the Djaffir and Yitek are
cabal of Callidian cryptomancers, who here studying at the Library, and the
have endeavored to protect the facility's Dracartans are providing protection (for the
store of iron tablets since the time of The Djaffir specifically, though they are on good
Great Disaster. Individuals who wish to terms with the Yitek as well). Aside from the
explore the Library may do so only under
Yitek, this is a lively bunch, glad to receive
the watchful eyes of the Callidians, who
deal sternly with looters and vandals.” weary travelers as guests, campmates, and
potential customers. The GM is encouraged to
create a few personalities of their own to
populate the camp and interact with the PCs.
In the distance to the east, a smoldering
country looms:


7 - 25
“The Volcanic Hills: This region is marked suggestion of doing so is likely to cause the
by twisted mounds of stone, craters, rivers doors to be closed for the remainder of the
of fiery magma, and both dormant and day, and will attract the ire of both
active volcanoes. The race of Saurans Crytoculous and the camp’s inhabitants.
inhabits this area, which is also home to the Those unable to control their urges will likely
hive-colonies of Raknids (deadly enemies of die upon those warded doors or at the hands
the Saurans), land dragons, azoryl, of those from the camp, whichever comes
fearsome vasps, and manrak. The Volcanic first.
Hills are rich in firegems, precious stones
valued for their beauty, as well as their Those who proceed within will find the
reputed magical properties.” Callidians to be helpful to the polite, and curt
with the rude. The price for entry varies
The Djaffir have an assortment of depending upon the impression given to those
firegems, small artifacts from the Ruins of on duty at the door. The Callidians usually
Jalaad, much mochan, a few musical charge one gold lumen per guest per day,
instruments, a few spare Aht-Ra, some red more to those who may be undesirable or
iron, some raw glass in sand form, and some irresponsible for any reason. Any who display
contraband rubbings of some assorted texts familiarity with rare works or advanced
from within the Library itself. arcane knowledge will likely be treated more
Savvy haggling and bartering is a casually, though perhaps not if they fail to
much-loved pastime among them, so display reasonable manners in the eyes of the
encourage lots of role-playing here. Food Callidians.
and water are shared, if sparingly, but are free
to those who do not over-indulge or are rude.
“The smooth gray granite floor reflects a
Games of chance or skill, dancing, and music,
great deal of the magical illumination from
along with plenty of mochan in the morning
above in the form of arcane glowing globes
occupy much of their time. Generally
suspended from chains overhead. The
speaking, they are just glad not to be out in
interior holds rows upon rows of ancient
the Wilderlands proper.
iron tablets rest in stone shelves on the
lower level, and great stone steps lead up to
Crytoculous, if he survived to this point, the second floor. There, less durable items
will be keen to get into the Library as soon as are kept in a complex organization, scrolls,
possible. He will of course insist upon getting books, rubbings, crystals, and the like.
cleaned up before entering the Library, so as While there is plenty of room to move about,
not to offend the Callidians. This may cause the entire place feels like some great press
some stir, as the inhabitants of the camp are of arcane information, crushing out the
not the sorts to use up their precious water for green plains and open sky. The occasional
such frivolous purposes. rustles of clothes on stone or whispered
word are the most common breaks from the
Once Crytoculous (or whomever may permeating silence.”
have taken his place or chooses to go with
him) is ready, he will enter the Library with
the tome, and those willing to set aside their The Callidians provide no materials, food
arms and armor are welcome to go with him. or drink for impolite visitors. Food and drink
Layers of powerful-triggered Cryptomantic are strictly prohibited from the upper level,
spells protect the Library; so forced entry but permitted to the polite guests on the lower
should simply not be an option. Even the level. Prices are high for a relatively limited


7 - 26
menu, but the Callidians know these items are credentials. However, in order to truly gain
precious and so feel no remorse about the from this venture, he knows he should at least
cost. Arms and armor, or the casting of any try to bring back one of the lost items. So the
sort of potentially damaging magic is even party may turn back now, but to go on, that
more strictly prohibited within the Library. would be the bravest thing in the spirit of
Violators not killed while being ejected are discovery to do. Crytoculous' impassioned
forever barred from returning into the speech will at least garner cheers from the
confines of the Library for all eternity, no other people of the camp, and it’s obvious the
exceptions. There are always at least three old man intends to go even if he must do it
Callidians on duty, one at the door, and one on alone.
each floor. When it is known that there are • If the PCs choose to head home, the
guests about, three or more additional adventure ends here, again likely leaving
Callidians usually are roaming the Library to Crytoculous and Loke to complete the
keep things in hand. The odds of Loke (if she quest, not a very optimistic ending. Loke
has lived this long) being admitted into the will most certainly overpower the old
library are probably the lowest of all the PCs. mage, and haul him back to Hajourn and
some terrible fate thereafter.
Crytoculous will likely spend a week or • Should the PCs show such character as to
so doing his research, leaving some time for bravely join Crytoculous in this quest,
the PCs to either relax at the camp outside, or they will have forever gain the friendship
perhaps to some of their own studying inside. of Crytoculous, and may proceed on to the
The GM is encouraged to determine how long next chapter. Be sure to spread around
the research should take, perhaps granting the some experience points here, perhaps
PCs a chance to learn some things while here some extra if they PCs chose to join
(perhaps expending some saved experience to Crytoculous...
pick up new skills). Once the GM feels it is
time to move on, Crytoculous will emerge
from his research with some answers. It
seems most of the items have already been
claimed in years past, but a few remain
unaccounted for. These include a huge
cauldron that could make food, one of the lost
tomes of Sorcery (a work of immense magical
significance), and a mighty crystal globe that
could control the weather within many miles.
Of these items Crytoculous says that two of
them most likely lie to the north, the
cauldron among the Kharakhan Ruins, and
the globe in the Shadow Realm.

Now the time comes for a hard choice.

Crytoculous has essentially proven his point;
the tome existed, and referenced certain works
in the Library of Jalaad that have been
verified. The Callidians have prepared a
document to this effect. He can now return to
the Seven Kingdoms and reclaim his lost


7 - 27
NPC List: An aging Xambrian Wizard Hunter of
Cyrstania extensive reputation and deadly skills, Rune
First Mate and second in command has served to enact his ancestor’s revenge
aboard the Soaring Avir, she is a trusted ally innumerable times. He is equally feared and
of the captain, and the crew believes more respected by all sane beings, for few mortals
than just an employee to him. Cyrstania have killed so many dangerous foes, and yet
suspects there is an unfriendly someone remain alive to carry on. Rune is considered
among the crew, but has yet to discover who. by many to be a wanted criminal, though the
Her feelings for Cytrosos (a member of the many bounties upon his head remain
crew) are strong, but she holds them in check uncollected. Rune’s wide array of skills and
while on duty. She too dislikes Hadj in abilities makes in a most capable and
general, and would like to find other places to dangerous man. He is usually found either
hone her skills, but would not abandon her drinking heavily in the worst possible taverns,
ship easily. Once past Cyrstania’s stern or hunting relentlessly after some doomed
exterior, she is a trustworthy person who will soul.
gladly help the PCs for the good of all. Her
INT +1 PER +2
personal tastes include a silver sword, tight
pantaloons, and rather daring men’s shirts WIL +1 CHA -1
(worn unbuttoned and tucked into her belt or
sash). STR +1 (+4) DEX 0
INT +1 PER +1 CON +1 SPD 0
WIL 0 CHA +1 CR +4 (+7) MR +3
STR 0 DEX +1 Hit Points: 18
CON +1 SPD +1 Special Ability: Dispel Magic +8
Skills: Spiritblade +6, Dagger +6, Brawling
CR +3 MR +3 +3, Evade +3, Guard +3, Tactics +3,
Tracking +10, Stealth +10, Traps +6,
Hit Points: 23 Interrogate +10, Arcane Lore +4,
Skills: Urban Background +7, Climbing +6, Underworld +10, Streetwise +3,
Swim +3, High Talislan +9, Low Talislan Espionage +3, Survival (Wilderlands) +8,
+10, Archaen +9, Longsword +6, Dagger Ride (Equs) +10, Low Talislan +10,
+4, Brawling +3, Pilot (Windship) +7, Archaen +4, Elder Tongue +4, Nomadic
Arcane Lore +6, Etiquette +6, Fashion +4, Xambrian +9, Guide +3, Scout +5,
+6, Ride (Equs) +6, Sarista Language +4, Wandering Background +7, Climbing +6,
Guard +3, Diplomacy +3, Streetwise +3, Swimming +6, Mysticism: Reveal
Underworld +3, Appraiser (Windships, +9(+16 total), Influence +6(+13 total),
Treasure) +3, Scout +3 Move +12(+19 total), Alter +12(+19
Aeromancy: Move +7, Conjure +7, Reveal total), Defend +12(+19 total).
+4. Gear: Ring of Prowess (Cryptomantic Alter
Gear: Expensive silk clothes, Silver CR +3), Black Iron Partial Plate Armor
Longsword (Wizardry Defend Aura +10, (PR 6), Silver Gauntlets (Wizardry Alter
3/day, 5 rounds), Ring of Command STR +3), Enlightened Tamar (Mysticism
(Wizardry Alter +6 to Command Skill +2, Alter: Mysticism Order +4), Silver
Continuous, gold). Spiritblade, Black Iron Shield (Ward vs.


7 - 28
Reincarnators upon grasping,
Continuous), black ragged cloak, Concluding thoughts:
Greymane (Level 8), and leather clothes. This chapter is just a warm up for the
dangers ahead, yet with each passing day it
becomes more critical that Loke be gotten rid
Antagonist: of somehow. She will relentlessly antagonize
Cytrosos the party, ignore their orders, take what she
A Tanasian Mystic plant among the crew wants, and generally cause unrest. The longer
of the Soaring Avir, his mission is to find a she is around, essentially the more damage
means to discredit Cylostion, and take over she will do the party’s cohesion. She will not
the windship for Tanasian use. Cytrosos will bother Rune though, nor will she say why. If
take every opportunity to steal items (and the party actually starts to fall apart, then she
implicate Cylostion), or kidnap Crytoculous. will attempt to assume leadership, and things
He also keeps the wind ship’s first mate under can only get worse from there.
his sway, but only as a useful tool in his eyes. Crytoculous is essentially on the adven-
He is careful not to do much that would call ture of his lifetime, after having suffered the
attention to himself, especially when he is most terrible setback he could imagine. Until
studying a potential victim. Cytrosos is a sly he emerges from the Library at Jalaad, he is a
and dangerous man with ample skills to get fairly desperate old man who knows this is his
the job done, and the burning desire to last chance to make things right for himself
succeed. His mastery of Mysticism is and his family’s name. Only after actually
surprising considering his overall dark discovering that some of the items might still
personality, but then he did not learn it from be around does he truly become a hero.
such an enlightened being as an Ariane.
INT +3 PER +2

WIL +2 CHA -2

STR -1 DEX 0

CON -1 SPD 0

CR -1 MR +5

Hit Points: 18
Skills: Arcane Lore +6, Etiquette +7, Ride
(Equs) +4, Cultures +4, High Talislan
+10, Low Talislan +9, Archaen +9,
Nomadic +4, Sign +5, Rural Background
+7, Climb +3, Cook +3, Dagger +2,
Assassinate +5, Evade +5, Legerdemain
+5, Cryptography +5, Espionage +5,
Interrogate +5, Lip-Reading +3, Sabotage
+5, Stealth +5, Streetwise +5, Traps +5,
Underworld +10
Mysticism: Influence +9, Reveal +9, Defend
+6, Alter +6, Illusion +6, Summon +6.
Gear: Common clothes, Black Iron Dagger, a
few pathetic personal items.


7 - 29
Chapter Three
“The adventure truly begins.”
So the PCs have chosen a long and noble Few have slept well in days, and the
quest to regain an ancient artifact or three, and temptation to nap while moving is tempered
Crytoculous is beside himself with joy. Loke by what unspeakable horrors lurk behind
is considerably less exuberant; not being dreaming eyes. Even the Za have long since
familiar with this area makes her a little left you alone, choosing to stay clear of
nervous, which will manifest as even worse such cursed places. Some try to ignore it,
behavior than usual for her. but everyone feels it just the same. The eyes
Here is where the aberrant weather and of Omen are upon you...”
lack of proper water supplies becomes a
problem; GMs are encouraged to make at
least daily checks for current weather “Omen is a cursed region, avoided by most
conditions. The Black Wind is of particular Talislantans. In ancient times, the Necro-
note, those randomly transforming vapors can mancer-Kings of Quaran erected on this
spell doom for the entire party if they are site a mountain of skulls nearly a thousand
caught unprotected (by Barriers/Auras/ feet in height, representing untold millions
of victims. The mountain still stands to the
present day, and is sometimes visited by
Between Jalaad and Omen, the GM is descendants of the Quaranians' victims
encouraged to add in a few encounters of a (such as the Xambrians), who seek
minor nature, likely some small groups of Za commune with their departed ancestors.”
who have plenty of reasons not to get killed if
they can help it. Perhaps one or two
encounters with some Araq, but nothing too As the party journeys north, they have
challenging yet... some choices to make. As they proceed, they
Three to four days into their march, and will come to the edge of the Sad Plains, but
after at least one encounter with a small (two remain apart from the Volcanic Hills. They
or three) party of Araq on foot, read the may proceed northward, remaining in
following to the party: between the Sad Plains and the Volcanic Hills
as well, but this will certainly mean they
encounter plenty of Araq.
“For a long while now, quiet has settled like
a cloud over the meager group, and each “Sad Plains: Rows of aged and pitted stone
knows the gnawing fear of being watched statues, each portraying one of the
by uncounted and restless dead. The chilly Necromancer-Kings of ancient Quaran,
breezes at night seem to invade your dreams separate this region from the Sursian Plains
where half heard voices whisper of some (q.v.). Otherwise, the two areas are disting-
nameless terror that stalks your soul. uishable from each other only by the great
emptiness and featurelessness of the Sad


7 - 30
On this site the nation of Xambria once encounter one or two more bands of Araq (at
stood, its cities shining brightly in the light roughly half the previous numbers), if not
of the twin Talislantan suns. Now, nothing then feel free to add in encounters as the GM
remains, all trace of this once-prosperous sees fit. Soon the party will come to the
civilization having been obliterated from following areas:
the face of the continent over a thousand
years ago by the merciless armies of the
Quaranians. Since that time, the area has “Sursian Plains: South of the forests of
remained uninhabited except for wild Tamaranth lie the Sursian Plains, an arid
beasts, such as ogront, land dragon, and grassland pock-marked with holes and
malathropes. Marauding bands of Araq and craters. Here can be found the remnants of
Kharakhan giants sometimes pass through the once-mighty kingdom of Sursia: the
the Sad Plains, but few if any choose to twisted and charred hulks of terrible siege
linger for long in this place, which retains a engines, the ruins of blasted stone towers,
strange and mournful aura.” and shards of fused metal and glass. Ferran
bandit packs live in tunnels dug beneath the
plains, which form a network connecting
Whether or not the party chooses to avoid many of the region's larger craters and
the Sad Plains while moving northward, do crevasses. Gigantic ogronts wander mind-
not hesitate to proceed to the next unfortunate lessly about, grazing on dry grasses, while
event: azoryl glide across the sky high above.
Aside from the presence of such creatures
as these, the area often resembles a
“Near the high suns, a double hiss alerts ghostland.”
you to danger, and only just in time. From
around the nearby boulders and ravines the
Araq urge their twin-headed steeds to feast “Ruins of Quaran: Despite the combined
upon your flesh! You are in the lands of the effects of centuries of time, the elements,
Araq, and they do not take prisoners.” and the cataclysmic upheavals resulting
from the Great Disaster, the ruins of
Include one mounted Araq per two PCs, Quaran still stand as grim reminders of a
plus one additional Araq on foot per NPC dark and nearly forgotten age. Here, amidst
the stark stone towers and blackened
present if any. The Araq will approach for
effigies, once flourished the most sinister
medium range (GM determines exact range), empire in the annals of Talislantan history.
giving the party only one round to react Generations of occultists, black magicians,
before arrows start flying. All Araq fight to the and tomb-robbers have come to this place,
death, but the Duadir will flee if they suffer to sift through the ruins in search of the
half their hit points in damage. The Duadir Quaranians' dark and macabre secrets:
might flee if they suffer roughly one quarter cursed tomes, diabolical artifacts, instru-
their hit points, and fail a WIL check (and no ments of torture and death, and things too
Araq stops them). The Araq will start by terrible to describe. Many articles have
trying to shoot any mounts at least once each been retrieved from the ruins, often to the
(in order to slow them down), and afterwards great regret of those who have found them.
engaging in melee as needed. Countless others still remain buried in
tombs, vaults, and underground pits,
Survivors now know what to expect when
awaiting discovery by those who covet
the Araq approach in force, and should react infernal knowledge above all other consid-
accordingly to this threat to all living things. erations.”
If the PCs use the Sad Plains to avoid the
Araq, then it is suggested that they only


7 - 31
“The Plaguelands: The Plaguelands is a Only the most hardy of plants reside here,
cracked and barren plain, laid waste untold each one seemingly home to some sort of
centuries ago by some unknown catastrophe poisonous or unpleasant pest. To the west,
which possibly occurred in conjunction with tempting mountains rooted in forest and
The Great Disaster. It is a widely-held belief clear skies,
that any living thing which passes through
the Plaguelands will be changed, or
mutated, in some unpredictable manner. Very near by is an ancient volcano of
According to the stories told in neighboring ancient legend, now certainly a possible
Maruk, these purported mutations may take temptation to get the PCs in even more
any number of bizarre, and often frightful, trouble should they choose to explore it:
forms. Consequently, few intelligent crea-
tures will willingly venture into this fore-
boding region.” “Modor's Tomb: In Ariane folklore, the
Kharakhan giant, Modor, was buried
somewhere inside this inert volcano, along
GMs are encouraged to add in their own with a store of stolen wealth reputed to
encounters in these places as the party moves exceed one hundred thousand gold lumens.
through them, or not as the case may be. This The process of locating Modor's Tomb
is a lonely and savage place, haunted by presents many difficulties. First, the pros-
pective adventurer must make the descent
dangerous denizens, and freakish weather.
into the volcano (a two hundred foot drop,
Note that by passing through the Sursian at least), hoping that the volcano remains
Plains, the party may bypass the worst of the cooperative in the meantime, and does not
Plaguelands... suddenly show signs of activity. Second, it is
necessary to locate the single correct
Shortly after departing the Sursian Plains doorway (amongst seven possible choices)
or as the PCs pass the northern edge of the allowing entrance to a passage which leads
Ruins of Quaran read the following: to the tomb. The other six doors are warded
by devious trap-mechanisms. Moving a one-
ton slab which blocks the entrance, it is
“The cool breeze and solitude are your possible to gain access to the tomb itself.
companions now, the wind winding through Once inside, one should be swift afoot, for
the brutally broken landscape, and death touching so much as a single coin of
hovering at your shoulder. To the north Modor's treasure will supposedly "bring the
hang dark clouds, distant yet somehow deceased giant back to life". Provided that
threatening, day and night. The roving these steps have been taken, and that one is
bands of Araq have become thick, as though able to elude the pyro-demons and earth
sensing the presence of prey, but the small demons which also inhabit the volcano, the
canyons and sheer cliffs impede easy routes intrepid adventurer will have made his or
of attack. To the east, countless plumes of her fortune, and may retire to a life of
smoke and ash drift skyward, and the rare leisure.”
distant roar of a land dragon echoes forth.
Bones of innumerable sorts litter the rocks
here, as though they grew from the barren Whether or not the PCs choose to
ground itself. Shade is easily had until the approach the dormant volcano, the following
suns are high, and then little respite from encounter is their next major event to appear
the heat can easily be found. out of the mist, fog, smoke, or darkness of


7 - 32
Encounter: “Kharakhan Wastes: This ruined expanse
of barren wastes is inhabited by the Araq, a
“As if your nightmares had truly come to misanthropic hybrid species combining the
life, the ghastly monster shuffles forward. worst attributes of saurans and men.
The dripping, drooling, wheezing, snarling Kharakhan giants sometimes pass through
tangle of flesh and bone approaches. This these areas, searching the towering ruins
horror from the Plaguelands has come to for usable weapons and gear or hunting for
show you the face of mind numbing terror, land dragon and other large prey”
of what you may become should the Black
Wind catch you here. Twisted limbs and
billowing flesh heave forward again, as Here the GM is encouraged to add in
some sense of self- preservation scrabbles additional encounters with Araq and their
through your paralytic fear, and you know Duadir mounts, concentrating upon small
this monster will not die easily.” highly mobile units in nearly constant motion.
There should be signs of struggle, both
ancient and recent everywhere. The terrain
This horrible beast should crawl from
here is extreme, with canyons, ruined
the GM’s most imaginative nightmare, and
towers, cliffs, boulders, and caves scattered
be as insane as possible. Its exact statistics
everywhere. The party is nearing its
should remain nebulous, and it should have
destination, and should be ready for just about
one definite weakness (likely some form of
anything, except perhaps this as they get
magic the PCs have access to). It has been
about half way across the Wastes:
following the party’s trail for days, and is
hungry, obsessed, fixated, or all of the
aforementioned. The creature should be close Kharakhan Giants
enough to initiate combat in the same round
as it is seen. Only if the party flees upon Encounter:
mounts with high SPD (say +6 or more)
“You hear the thumping sound of their
should they be able to escape this approach, which could not be possibly
abomination, as it should be able to hidden. A low rumbling growl of the
effectively hunt them down otherwise. This mounted Behemoth fills your mounts with
struggle for survival should be made to be fear; instinctively they know a mighty
exiting and tension- filled, and the beast predator when they sense it. Strangely, this
should not die without inflicting some serious beast is not alone; several Ogriphants also
fear of abominations in general upon the PCs. bear their great masters into your presence.
Astride each creature is a mighty Khara-
Give the party only a day to recover khan warrior, bearing colossal arms and
before moving on to the next section. Ensure armor, encircling your group with titanic
muscular power. The Kharakhan’s potent
that clean water and food needs are
mounts all sport simple patchwork armor,
addressed, as it has been some time since even so they are a rare and frightening
the party has been in a city where these sight indeed. Known for being voracious
items can easily be had. The PCs now enter a savages, the Kharakhan Giants presence
new area, one with even more unpleasant alone is enough to make the civilized
prospects: whisper prayers to their gods for salvation.


7 - 33
The scarred Kharakhan leader astride the Warriors (but not Charlatans). Others are
massive mount looks over your modest regarded rather neutrally, even gruffly if they
band, taking keen measure of each one in show a lack of respect. Anyone who makes
turn as the behemoth sniffs hungrily in your an aggressive move will essentially initiate
direction. An aura of grizzled experience combat, quite possible his or her last
surrounds him, the unmistakable figure of a mistake ever.
strong leader of great warriors. Leather
creaks as he nudges the incredible armored Kull will ask what the party’s purpose
monster forward a little, and you pray to here is, from whomever dares to address
live these next few moments well.”
him. Should the PCs show themselves to not
be enemies or to at least be harmless in Kull’s
Here the PCs may face their greatest eyes, they will likely be invited to camp with
challenge, how to appease the Kharakhan the Kharakhan for the night. This is most
giants without ending up in the stewpot! unusual, but Kull wants this to happen for
The exact number of Kharakhan Giants is up several reasons. He would like to know about
to the GM, but should be at least 1 for every 3 what’s going on beyond his lands, and to keep
total persons on the party. Violence will an eye on these unusual visitors to his home.
certainly lead to some casualties among the The other giants will not speak with the
party, and only the most powerful of strangers unless spoken to, and then only the
characters could hope to drive off these most briefly required replies would be given.
mighty guardians (use the base Kharakhan Kull’s warriors do not yet trust any outsiders,
Giant archetype, double all skills, Ogriphant and will want to know Kull trusts them before
mounts sport PR 4 patchwork armor, and add they show any signs of kindness.
Giant Longbow Skill +5).
PCs with the Underworld skill may have
Observant PCs may notice more than a heard of Kull working out of Cymril in years
few of the giants actually have huge bows and past (skill check with at least a –10 modifier)
massive arrows, an unusual weapon choice for for a shadowy group knows as the Adamant
Kharakhan Giants who generally prefer melee Rasp. Little is known about them, and even
where their great strength is most useful. less is known about their mysterious leader.
The group was known to have provided
Kull is a wizened mercenary and reliable counter intelligence on Aamanian
leader, he will not be fooled easily, and can spies in the Seven Kingdoms to the Wizard
be a most formidable opponent indeed if King, uncovered Farad conspiracies involving
his ire is raised. After fighting for so long, Windship Arcanology, and halted several
the PC should effectively lay down their Rajan assassination attempts on prominent
weapons, and brush up on their negotiation healers from Zandu to Danuvia.
skills! Their methods were brutal and effective,
Note that some members of the party often with the assistance of a figure going by
may draw his immediate suspicion, the name “Drukh the Needle”. Kull was
including Rajan, Ahazu, Araq, Kang, apparently in charge of security when the
Aamanians, Imrians, Mangar, Ur, Farad, Adamant Rasp participated in activities in the
or Chana. This will be countered by the wilds beyond the Seven Kingdoms, which
presence of other sorts among the party was rather often. Cymrilian authorities are
including Ariane, Gryph, Members of the still keen to know the identity of the group’s
Seven Kingdoms, Djaffir, Dracartans, leader, as it is rumored that this personage
Kharakhan Giants, Danuvians, or Zandir may have had some sort of covert dealings


7 - 34
with the Mirin just before the group
seemingly disappeared completely, and Land Dragon Encounter:
members of the Adamant Rasp seemed to “As you come around the bend in the
have had access to unusual amounts of black canyon, having just broken camp, a
adamant. terrifying sight greets your eyes; a huge
What Kull is doing out here is certainly a Land Dragon has caught your scent! The
mystery, one that could bring rewards to a mighty beast bears many arrows from Araq
bounty hunter if Kull were brought back alive bows, and wounds on its legs from the
to Cymril. If questioned about his past, or the Araq’s traps, and perhaps associates you
Adamant Rasp, Kull will only fall silent. astride your mounts with that pain. One
thing is certain, you are all in very serious
Persistent inquiries will likely make him
angry, and the party would not like Kull when
he is angry...
The female Land Dragon is near to laying
Here is one of the best places to reward her eggs, and has been harassed by small
excellent role-playing by the players, as parties of Araq for days now. Her mood could
Kull is like his kind, very perceptive when only be described as psychotically murderous
it comes to figuring out who is telling the towards any non-Land Dragon. Kull and his
truth. warriors recognize her state and the arrows in
• If the PCs convince Kull they can trust her hide. They know to fear her wrath, and
them, he will allow them to accompany even Kull’s mighty Behemoth mount is not
him to the Kharakhan Ruins. interested in tangling with a pregnant,
• If the PCs fail to convince Kull by wounded, and very angry female Land
dawn, he will order them to turn back, Dragon. It should be pretty obvious that this
or be slain. creature is large and powerful even among its
• If Loke is still with the party at this point, own kind (over all ability level should be near
Kull will simply not allow her to proceed maximum).
any farther. Her options are to stay in If the party backs away slowly, and
camp until the rest of the party returns, perhaps drops enough food, she may leave
leave, or die. them alone instead of crushing everyone.
• If Crytoculous is present, he will do This is certainly Kull’s plan, as he actually
anything he can to convince Kull to likes Land Dragons (since they eat Raknid
allow the old mage to go search the eggs, killing lots of Raknid in the process),
Kharakhan Ruins for the artifact. and would dearly love to live long enough to
hunt down the Araq who have been hurting
If the PCs succeed, then Kull will escort her. If all goes well, the party will NOT
them to the Ruins while he decides what to do engage this fearsome monster in combat,
about the party. Kull is keeping secrets; he and live to see another day. If they make that
knows no outsiders must be allowed into mistake, the Land Dragon will fight to the
the ruins proper, lest they discover what is death in her berserker rage.
happening there.
While Kull is contemplating this, several If the party manages not to get smashed
days of travel remain ahead across the very and eaten, Kull will order his warriors to
rough landscape, so he knows he still has time spread out, searching for signs of the Araq
to make a final decision. By the morning of who are almost certainly close by. If the PCs
the next day, trouble finds the assembled did anything to provoke the Land Dragon
group: in the last encounter, he will order them to


7 - 35
camp under armed guard until he returns
to deal with them. Araq Encounter:
Observant PCs will note Kull’s grim “The trotting Ogriphants break into a full
determination to kill the Araq responsible for charge as the warriors raise their weapons
tormenting the Land Dragon, likely the first on high, and hold their shields before them.
real show of hatred from the massive Kull in full battle gear roars from the back
Kharakhan leader. Kull’s Warriors will be of his charging mount, a most fearsome
only too happy to oblige, mentioning how sight indeed, especially for those in his
good Duadir meat is on a spit over a large fire. path. The Araq party erupts into chaos,
This is a good opportunity to prove some trying to fire arrows as others attempt
to flee from the wall of fury bearing down
trustworthiness to Kull as well, by helping
upon them, the hunter has become the
the Kharakhan eliminate the Araq. hunted.”

Within an hour or two, one of the

Warriors (or a PC) will locate the Araq on the If the party does not assist, but only
move, following the trail of the Land Dragon observes, tell a tale of grim battle where the
(she’s still bleeding a bit). Kull chooses a Kharakhan ruthlessly slaughter the Araq and
wide ravine as the ambush site if the Araq most of the Duadir. Casualties are relatively
remain unaware of the party (this will high among the Kharakhan, with one killed
certainly be the case if one of Kull’s warriors and several badly injured. All the ogriphants
spotted the Araq), intent upon a frontal assault will have been injured, one so badly it will not
sure to crush the hated pests. This leaves the likely survive to see the next dawn. Kull will
PCs the option of preventing the Araq from have suffered some wounds, but is more hurt
escaping, observing from a safe distance by the PCs not even trying to help, and the
(along with at least one Kharakhan Mercenary loss of one of his beloved kin.
to keep an eye on them), or participating in
the assault. Once the plan is agreed upon, give If the PCs engage the foe, Kull will see
the PCs the chance to provide helpful ideas this and be convinced at least Crytoculous
for the ambush. should be allowed to see the Kharakhan
Ruins. How the party acquits itself against the
Araq will determine if the PCs are to be
allowed to go any farther. The Araq number
some twenty or so, plus one mounted Araq per
PC and Kharakhan Giant involved in the fight.
Bravery, strength, and cleverness in battle are
well regarded by the Kharakhan in general.
Displays of such will be the best way to
convince Kull the PCs are trustworthy. Given
the additional trouble the PCs could cause for
the Araq, it’s likely the Kharakhan Giants will
not suffer much in the way of harm, and will
likely be much friendlier with the PCs

If the PCs attempt to escape from their

guard, interfere against the Giants, or deceive
the Kharakhan in any way, Kull and his


7 - 36
people will hunt them relentlessly until they
have left the Kharakhan Wastes. Concluding thoughts:
From Maruk onward, the party will be
If the PCs flee from the fight without assisted by NPCs (Rune and Kull), as this
good reason (like suffering grievous region is by far the most dangerous portion of
wounds), Kull will order them to leave the the quest (especially if Loke is still around).
Wastes or die by his hand. Attempted magical Crytoculous, if he is still with the party
Influence will only likely get the caster killed, will be in great spirits, constantly babbling
by Kull’s warriors if not Kull himself, as the about the wondrous things that lie ahead. Here
Kharakhan Mercenaries are well aware of the the party will meet Rune, and perhaps a little
power of magic to bend the mind. bit about him.
On the way to Jalaad, Za raiders will
After the battle is over, the Kharakhan harass the party, and Rune will leave for
will go about making camp, taking care to Omen once the PCs reach the Library. There,
burn all the Araq bodies, and to slaughter the Crytoculous will work on his research,
Duadir for their meat. The camp will be made leaving the party effectively alone for a few
at least 100 yards from the site of the combat, days. After the party departs Jalaad, they will
upwind and out of view. They will post at meet Kull, and proceed north towards their
least one sentry at all times, while others help goal. They will only get to the Ruins by
bind everyone’s wounds. convincing Kull they are trustworthy.

So now Kull knows something about

the party, one way or the other. Either he
will send them packing back where they
came from, or allow them to journey on. If
the GM thinks the party has done well enough
to earn Kull and his Warrior’s trust, then
proceed on to the last portion of this module.
Otherwise, the module essentially ends here,
with either the party being slain for resisting
Kull’s commands, or goes home empty-


7 - 37
Chapter Four

PCs who have made it this far are now will say no more for now, but simply stands
veterans, having earned respect if not trust watch over the group alone. Within minutes,
from the Kharakhan Giants. Only gross perceptive PCs will likely notice the faint
misconduct at this point will get them in sounds of low voices coming from the ruins,
trouble with their hosts, and those who show along with the bray of ogriphants. Kull’s
themselves to be good tellers of tales and lore behemoth will nudge playfully at Kull, and
will earn even more respect. The GM is the two will wrestle briefly before the
encouraged to add one or two last encounters behemoth charges off obviously very happily.
before the party reaches the Kharakhan Ruins
as the GM sees fit to do. Within an hour, the distant sounds will
become more distinct, and Kull will rise to
Another two or three day’s travel will greet his kinsmen who are to come:
bring them hither:
“From the ruins, the sounds of the
“Kharakhan Ruins: Blackened by fire- ogriphants grow louder, and the rumbling
storms, the cyclopean ruins of Kharakhan of a mighty Kharakhan War Wagon is heard
are among the most remarkable and as it comes out of the Ruins. Instead of a
strangely disquieting sights extant upon the troupe of grim warrior giants, the wagon is
Talislantan continent. The megalithic struc- festooned with shields piled with food, large
tures, some towering over four hundred feet barrels and pitchers of drink, and no small
in height, appear to have been built by and number of man- sized Kharakhan children!
for a race of veritable giants. The same is The wagon is surrounded by Kharakhan
true of artifacts and objects recovered from males (bearing relatively little weapons and
the ruins: silver coins four inches in armor), and from within the wagon comes
diameter, ten-foot long swords, rings the the strange tribal song of what could only
size of bracelets. Though scholars have be womenfolk! The entire procession grinds
long been fascinated by the Khar-akhan to a halt some yards away from your camp,
Ruins, thorough archaeological research and the party disgorges from the wagon to
remains a remote possibility for the settle all about your little band. The
foreseeable future. Bands of marauding Kharakhan greet Kull with both joy and
Araq prowl the ruins and surrounding respect, it is a celebration of his return.
environs, as do Kharakhan giants - monst- Kull introduces you to his family and
rous creatures who may be descended from kinsmen, and this is his tribe.”
the original inhabitants of this region.”
Here the Kharakhan will test the group’s
Here at last Kull halts the group before social and physical endurance with tribal
they enter the ruins, more than one hundred interactions and games. There will be tale
yards away. His warriors proceed in, but Kull telling, drinking and eating, friendly wrestling
dismounts, and pulls his riding gear off the matches, and ancient riddles. Kull will
behemoth. He tells the party to make camp, proudly introduce the PCs to his two
lay down their arms, and rest for a bit. He daughters, a rare boon among his kind. Also it


7 - 38
seems Kull brought with him the knowledge iron, or brass. The same goes for precious
of bow craft, and has been teaching his stones, especially black diamonds.), if they
brethren to use them as well. The festivities want them. When the party is ready to go,
will go on deep into the night, sorely taxing Kull will stand before them. He will swear
the endurance of the PCs (CON checks as the each and every one of the remaining group
GM sees fit). Here will be the chance to gain members to absolute secrecy about what
new allies and friends, a rare thing in these they have seen here, or they may never
savage lands. Slowly through the night, the leave the Ruins alive. The party is welcome
young and adult females will return to the to spin a tale of digging through the Ruins,
ruins, where they are safer. When dawn but no mention of the Kharakhan living here
comes, in the light of the second sun, read the is to be made.
Those who take the oath will have to give
“An older Kharakhan will step forth, gray- a lock of hair or other personal item to the
white long hair braided down her back, Ancient One, so she may “bind your words
long old cloth robes on her stooped that no foul magic may take your memories
shoulders. Her steady gaze looks over your from you”. Observant PCs will note that the
group, carefully considering each one in young Kharakhan warriors maintain a near
turn. She then hands a large sack to a constant patrol around the Ruins; children
reverent Kull who turns and offers it to come and go freely among the Ruins under
you.” the watchful eyes of the adults. It seems the
Kharakhan Giants have chosen a stronghold
This is the point where Crytoculous (if of their own.
he still lives) would break down and cry, as
he would think it’s the treasure he sought NPC List:
for so long. The “Ancient One” who handed
Kull the items will remain behind to answer
A brawny Kharakhan Giant with a wide
questions and tell tales during the morning
and grim reputation as a powerful mercenary,
feast. Anyone who unwraps the item will find
currently having the peculiar honor of heading
a set of quartz tablets and a large translucent
up his own loose group of kinsmen as
obsidian seeing stone, not the cauldron in
warriors for hire. Kull has been seen as far
Crytoculous’ research. When asked about the
away as Cymril, though his activities have
cauldron, Kull will say that the cauldron must
been focused in the northern areas of the
stay where it is, but the magic stone can go as
Wilderlands for several years now. There are
the party has earned it and the trust of the
rumors of his past associations with shadowy
Kharakhan Giants who have no use for it.
groups and personages of whom he will not
speak, but it is well known his word is an
Obviously, this is as close as Crytoculous
unbreakable bond. He is an older but powerful
is going to get to what he wants, and he will
leader of mighty warriors in some of the most
be perfectly happy with that. The party is
dangerous areas of Talislanta. Kull tends to
welcome to stay here a few days to rest up (a
wear his gray-streaked hair in a long braid
week at most), and the Kharakhan will gladly
bound with leather thongs (called a “queue”),
load them up with supplies for their return
like the Kang do.
afterward, along with a few spare bits of
“junk” from the Ruins (GMs discretion, INT +2 PER +6
though the Giants will not likely part easily
WIL +7 CHA +7
with precious metals like silver, adamant, red


7 - 39
STR +8 DEX +2 Concluding thoughts:
CON +9 SPD +2 From here the party can decide to return
to civilization or not, as this is the end of the
CR +7 MR +1 module. PCs have either perished horribly (or
in glorious combat), or earned the trust of the
Hit Points: 59 last of the Kharakhan Giants. Be sure to
Special Abilities: Skin = PR1, Fists = DR6 award plenty of experience points for role-
+STR, Smell Men at 50ft, Unaging, and playing, good ideas, “stump the judge,” and
Nightvision. clever ideas or tactics.
Skills: Battlemaul +16, Giant Great Sword Rather important to the Kharakhan, the
+16,Giant Warwhip +16, Giant Sauran party now knows of their secret stronghold,
War Axe +16, Giant Longbow +16, such as it is. This is a matter of trust, a very
Shield +16, Brawling +16, Mounted serious matter to the giants, and to break that
Combat +16, Weaponer +18, Low trust could be the final stroke which sends
Talislan +10, Drakken Glyphs +4, them into extinction.
Nomadic Background +7, Ride The tablet will be both a set of
(Ogriphant, Behemoth) +18, Climb +7, instructions on use and the creator’s notes on
Cultures (Seven Kingdoms) +18, how the communication stone was made, a
Streetwise +18, Underworld +18, great boon to whoever claims it. The spell will
Command +7. be Wizardry based, communication only, but
Gear: Bracer (Alter CON +5), Torc (Alter with a far greater range than currently
DEX +5), Belt (Alter STR +5), Bracer possible for all but the most powerful mages
(Alter SPD +5), Ring (Alter PER +5), or even Seeing Stones. Audio-only or visual-
Ring (Alter CHA +5), Pyromantic Black only contact, range at 49 miles per level, but
Iron Battlemaul (DR=16+STR, still only capable of being linked with up to
Pyromantic Attack +16 on every Hit, two- six other like-enchanted stones. The stone
handed), Giant Black Iron Sauran itself will be enchanted for scrying, not
Warwhip (DR=20+STR, two-handed, communication, but at roughly 490 miles
Wierded), Black Adamant Giant Shield range as a tenth level Reveal spell...

(max DR=120), Giant Red Iron Sauran
War Axe (DR=20+STR, one-handed),
Giant Black Adamant Partial Plate
(PR=18, 100 pounds, STR +6 required),
Leather clothes, Leather backpack,
Leather pouches (4), Behemoth Mount
(Level 11, with riding gear).


7 - 40
Batranc Behemoth
Batranc are kite-winged predators native Behemoths are giant, quadrupedal
to the skies above the Wilderlands of Zaran predators that range the Desertlands of
and much of Talislanta. A true avian species, Danuvia, the Wilderlands of Zaran, the Plains
batranc spend their entire lives in the air. They of Golarin, and parts of the Kang Empire. The
are able to glide effortlessly on the winds, creature’s natural armament includes an inch-
riding the air currents as a sailing ship rides thick layer of tough, leathery hide, with a
the waves. During the spring mating season, mantle of rock-hard bone encasing the
flocks of these creatures can sometimes pose a cranium. The latter form of defense is of
navigational hazard to windships. particular importance to these great beasts,
Batranc prey on other avian creatures, who have been described as “living battering
including avir, Stryx, and ravengers. They will rams.”
never attack reatures on the ground, but will The behemoth’s method of attack is
sometimes snatch individuals from high simple and straightforward: the creature
places such as towers, battlements, and charges towards its intended victim at full
treetops. The creature’s grasping tail is its speed, intent upon a head-on collision that
main weapon, both for attack and defense. Its will knock down and incapacitate its prey. If
fangs are used primarily to devour prey, which its initial attack is successful, the behemoth
it does by holding the victim in its tail and will then attempt to kill its victim by goring it
rending it to bits. with its long tusks.
Much has been written of the batranc by Behemoths normally prey only on large
Talislantan poets and balladeers, who have creatures, such as aht-ra, land lizards,
long been fascinated by the dual nature of megalodont, and durge. However, they have
these creatures: beautiful to watch as they sail also been known to ram into wagons, land
across the skies, yet as cold and deadly as the arks, and even duneships; it is believed that
most savage land or sea-dwelling predators. these beasts are attracted by motion and by
loud noises. Behemoths occasionally engage
INT -6 PER +6
in fierce territorial battles with mangonel
WIL +4 CHA n/a lizards, their struggles often lasting for hours.

STR +2 DEX +6 INT -9 PER -2

CON +1 SPD +8 WIL +5 CHA n/a

Size: 30’+ wingspan, 10’ long, 140 lbs. STR +9 DEX -5

Ability Level: 4-8+
Attacks/Damage: Fangs: DR 6, Tail used for CON +9 SPD +2
grasping only Size: 18’+ in length, 10’ at shoulder,
Special Abilities: Can remain airborne 4,000-5,000 lbs.
indefinitely Ability Level: 5-12
Armor: None Attacks/Damage: Ram: DR 30, Trample: DR
Hit Points: 32 25, or Tusks: DR 17; one attack per round


7 - 41
Special Abilities: Armored skull is virtually
impervious to damage, ram attack knocks “Earth Demon”
victim down
Armor: Cranium, PR 15; Hide, PR 3
(Tomb Statue)
Obviously not the normal sort of “Earth
Hit Points: 60
Demon,” this Tomb Statue is an animated
guardian, not a true demon. Its statistics will
Duadir be close enough for the purposes of this
Duadir are a mutated species of reptilian module.
that ranges throughout the Wastelands, INT -1 PER -2
hunting in groups of up to a dozen
individuals. They normally prey on crag WIL +5 CHA n/a
spiders and land lizards, though they will
STR +8 DEX -5
attack even land dragons when driven by
hunger. Each of the duadir’s two heads is CON +10 SPD -2
capable of attacking independently. The talons
of their hind legs are even more dangerous Size: 6’-6’2,” 1,000+ lbs.
and are used to slash prey. Ability Level: 6-13
Duadir are swift runners, easily able to Attacks/Damage: Fist: DR 19; up to three
match an equs stride for stride. They lack attacks
endurance, however, and can only travel at top Special Abilities: Immune to suffocation,
speed for about a mile or so before becoming Influence, normal heat or cold, and
exhausted. The creatures are trained as steeds poison.
by the Araq, who accomplish this feat by the Armor: Stony exterior, PR 8
cruel treatment of Duadir hatchlings. Hit Points: 40

INT -7 PER -4
WIL +5 CHA n/a Enim are greater devils that come from
STR +4 DEX +2 the lower plane of Oblivion. The Wastelands
of Zaran harbor a number of these creatures,
CON +5 SPD +7 whose presence may be attributed to legends
of an ancient magical portal located far
Size: 10’-11’, 600-900+ lbs.
beneath the earth. On their home plane, Enim
Ability Level: 5-11+
are employed as servants by powerful arch-
Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR 16, two attacks;
devils; in Talislanta, they dwell in caverns
Claws: DR 10 or Tail: DR 8, or entangle
decorated with stolen finery and precious
Special Abilities: Two heads can attack
stones, and they appear to enjoy a much more
leisurely existence.
Armor: Scaly hide, PR 2
Outside of their domiciles, Enim are most
Hit Points: 37
often encountered in pairs. They enjoy cruel
Habitat: Wilderlands of Zaran, Volcanic hills,
sport, particularly “stone-throwing,” the
Kharakhan Wastes
object of which is to crush living creatures
with boulders at long range. Enim also have a
fondness for wine, which they drink by the
barrel with little apparent effect. Their main
vice is gambling, however, for Enim are
unable to resist any wager that they believe


7 - 42
they can win. No stakes are too high for these *(SPD +8 for silvermanes; CON +1 for
hideous giants, who sometimes allow cap- silvermanes; CHA -7 for darkmanes)
tured creatures a chance to escape their stew- Size: 5'+(at shoulder), 400-600 lbs.
pots - providing the intended victim can best Ability Level: 5-10
them at some game of chance. Attacks/Damage: Kick: DR 13, Bite: DR 5
Special Abilities: Ability to converse in
INT +6 PER +1
Equan (some few Equs are also known to
WIL +7 CHA -5 speak humanoid languages), immune to
cold (snowmanes only)
STR +8 DEX -3 Armor: Scaly hide, PR 2
Hit Points: 35
CON +10 SPD -3
Size: 12’-15’, 800-1,200+ lbs.
Ability Level: 11-25 Ghast
Special Abilities: Wizardry with four Modes Ghasts are horrific entities believed to hail
at Ability Level, night vision, immune to from the dark, uncharted regions that lie in
most non-magical attacks, harmed by proximity to the Underworld. Their presence
brass weapons at double damage, detect on the material plane is attributed to the
astral/ethereal/invisible presences at range legendary black magician, Mordante, who -
of 100 feet deliberately or inadvertently - opened a
Armor: Hide, PR 3 magical gate into the nether realms, allowing
Hit Points: 55
 hordes of these creatures to gain access to the
continent of Talislanta. On the material plane,
ghasts often haunt ancient graveyards, tombs,
Equs and battlegrounds, sites which are perhaps
Equs are a hybrid of mammal and reptile most reminiscent of their vile home plane.
prized as steeds throughout the continent. They are most common in Khazad and
They are quite intelligent, and have their own Werewood, where they are known to prey
language, called equan. Some few are even upon living creatures of all sorts, including
able to speak the languages of humanoids, even banes and werebeasts.
though a natural tendency toward secrecy Though frail and unhealthy-looking,
forbids most equs from boasting of this ghasts possess fearsome strength, and cannot
ability. In the wild, they travel in herds of up be harmed except by magical means.
to about sixty individuals. Possessed of a diabolical, and often insane,
There are four sub-species of equs: the intelligence, they are known to covet
common and reliable graymane; the swifter enchanted items and to converse with unseen
but less durable silvermane; snowmanes, built spiritforms, the skulls of their victims, and
to endure frigid climes and sure-footed on ice even themselves. These foul creatures usually
or snow; and coal-black darkmanes, aggres- hunt by night, spending the daylight hours
sive and spiteful creatures who often attack lurking in crypts and underground barrows,
other equs on sight. staring into the darkness.
INT -3 PER +3 INT +5 PER +8
WIL +4 CHA -3* WIL +8 CHA -7
STR +3 DEX +3 STR +7 DEX -5
CON +2* SPD +7* CON +10 SPD +2


7 - 43
Size: 7’6"-8', 160-200 lbs. Armor: Body plates, PR 8; thick hide
Ability Level: 16-30 underside, PR 3
Attacks/Damage: Claws: DR 13 Hit Points: 75
Special Abilities: Necromancy with five
Modes at Ability Level, night vision,
detect invisible/astral presences (range: Malathrope
100 feet per level), harmed only by silver Malathropes are terrible predators found
or magical weapons and spells. throughout the Wastelands and other
Armor: None wilderness regions. Sorcerous hybrids, they
Hit Points: 42 are possessed of a sinister intellect and exhibit
a marked tendency towards violent and
destructive behavior. Like demons, they
Land Dragon require neither sleep nor rest and are always
Land dragons are massive reptilians active.
indigenous to the Wastelands and Volcanic Malathropes kill not only for food, but
Hills. Land lizards, ogriphants, and crag apparently to satisfy some grisly carnal
spiders are the favored food of these huge urging; they prey upon creatures of all sorts
beasts, luckless travelers serving to augment and show a decided preference for devouring
the land dragon’s diet as the opportunity prey alive. The bite of a malathrope delivers a
arises. The largest and most powerful of these potent neuro-toxin which heightens its
creatures are known to attack raknid colonies, victim’s response to fear, a condition from
tearing through the fibrous hives in search of which malathropes seem to derive a sadistic
juicy eggs and larvae. pleasure. They exhibit a maniacal disregard
Land dragons have been domesticated by for danger and will not hesitate to attack
the Saurans, who outfit them with battle groups of armed individuals, or creatures
towers and train them for use in warfare. larger than themselves. The naturalist
Aggressive by nature, the giant quadrupeds Thystram noted that “the beasts emit a horrid,
are well-suited to this type of activity, and can hissing laughter even after suffering the most
easily batter down stone fortifications. Land grievous wounds, as if seeming to mock - or
dragons have long been hunted by Araq, who perhaps welcome - their own death.”
kill their young for food and use terrible
INT +5 PER +4
dragon-traps to maim mature dragons. As a
result, the species is believed to be on the WIL +7 CHA -9
verge of extinction.
STR +4 DEX +4
INT -9 PER -5
CON +4 SPD +10
WIL +8 CHA n/a
Size: 6’6”-7’, up to 3’6” at shoulder, 400+
STR +12 DEX -4 lbs.
Ability Level: 8-16
CON +8 SPD -3 Attacks/Damage: Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR
Size: 40’-50’+, 6-10 tons 8 +poison (CON roll at -5 or victim is too
Ability Level: 6-12 terrified to offer resistance), Claws: DR
Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR 22, Trample: DR 10; total of two attacks
28, Tail: DR 32, Battering Attack:
 Special Abilities: Speak in tongues, night
DR 42 vision, immunity to magical influence/
Special Abilities: Impervious to heat and control, detect presences at range of 20
flame feet


7 - 44
Armor: Hide, DR 2 INT -6 PER +5
Hit Points: 52
WIL +3 CHA -9

Manrak STR +4 DEX +6

Manrak are a species of winged,
humanoid-insect hybrids native to the Wilder- CON +4 SPD +6*
lands of Zaran and other neighboring locales. *(SPD +6 airborne only; +1 on the
The Talislantan variety averages between six ground)
and seven feet in height, their iridescent wings Size: 7 ft. long, 240-320 lbs.
spanning approximately fourteen feet from tip Ability Level: 1-10
to tip. The manrak’s body is encased in a hard, Attacks/Damage: Fangs DR 6, Claws DR 8
armored exoskeleton, typically bright crimson + poison (see Special Abilities)
in color. Special Abilities: Flight, paralytic venom
Manrak prey mainly on smaller reptilian (causes heart failure and death within one
creatures such as immature Saurans, land minute to those with CON ratings of -1 or
lizard hatchlings, dracs, and chasm vipers. lower; otherwise, roll vs. CON or be
They are air borne hunters, hovering at paralyzed for 5d20 rounds)
altitudes of fifty to a hundred feet and Armor: Armored exoskeleton, PR 4
scanning the surrounding terrain. When a Hit Points: 20, +l per level
manrak spots a likely victim it descends from
the sky, dropping swiftly upon the
unsuspecting creature and injecting it with a Necrophage
potent paralytic venom. Both the manrak’s Necrophages are humanoid entities that
claws and fangs are capable of injecting this hail from the darkest depths of the Under-
toxin, which is often fatal to weaker sorts of world. Old legends to the contrary, they are
creatures. Once its victim has been incapac- not ghosts or spiritforms, but corporeal
itated in such a manner, the manrak will begin scavengers that have been known to slip into
to feed, tearing its prey to bits with its the material plane by means of magical gates
powerful mandibles. and rifts, drawn by the scent of death. Here,
Manrak are social creatures, living in they haunt crypts and burial grounds, feeding
groups of up to thirty individuals in upon the bones and remains of the dead.
underground nests. They are extremely foul- Necrophages can detect the scent of bones,
tempered and will attack Men and even larger corpses, and corpses at distances of up to two
creatures without apparent provocation. Their miles, and they are always hungry.
enemies include raknids, vasps, and giant land Nauseating to behold, necrophages dress
kra. Sauran war clans burn manrak nests in rags stolen from the bodies of corpses and
whenever they can be found. speak in harsh, rasping whispers. They are
Thystram prescribed the following found in great numbers in Khazad, but may be
precautions when traveling in areas encountered in a variety of places, including
frequented by manrak: “Avoid wearing bright graveyards, abandoned ruins, and battlefields.
colors such as yellow and red, to which these Nocturnal by nature, necrophages huddle in
dangerous insectoids are quickly attracted. underground caves and crypts by day. As they
Similarly, do not leave open jars of jam or never sleep, their gnashing and mumbling
honey about, as these too are a temptation. may sometimes provide warning of their
Lastly, and most importantly, never throw presence to those who venture too near their
rocks or shoot arrows into a manrak nest.” haunts. Driven by their horrible craving for


7 - 45
carrion, necrophages are strangers to fear. these creatures are more than capable of
Many, in fact, are utterly insane. They are also defending themselves against most types of
proven carriers of a variety of unpleasant predators.
ailments and contagious diseases, including Ogriphants have been domesticated in
corpse-rot. several lands, where they are used primarily
It is a known fact that only silver or as burden beasts, to help clear jungle or forest
enchanted weapons will suffice to kill a land, and as transportation. In Urag and other
necrophage. Other types of weapons can be places the beasts are trained for use in war and
used to cause physical damage to a outfitted with plate armor and wooden battle
necrophage, though even dismembered, the towers. In some places, ogriphants are hunted
bodily parts of a necrophage will continue to for their ivory, which brings up to ten gold
attack; a disconcerting sight indeed to any lumens per pound.
who have witnessed such an occurrence.
INT -7 PER -1
Rajan necromancers collect the severed hands
and heads of necrophages, which - invested WIL +3 CHA n/a
with unnatural sentience - are said to have
numerous uses. STR +10 DEX -8
INT -2 PER +2 CON +7 SPD -2
WIL +3 CHA -7 Size: 8'-9' at shoulder, 2,000+ lbs
Ability Level: 3-6
STR +4 DEX -2 Attacks/Damage: Tusks: DR 20, Trample:
DR 30
CON +5 SPD -1 Special Abilities: Trunk can be used to grasp
Size: 6’4"-7', 120-180+ lbs. objects
Ability Level: 5-11 Armor: Hide, PR 2
Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR 8, Claws: DR 10 Hit Points: 67
(CON roll to resist contracting disease
known as “corpse- rot”)
Special Abilities: Harmed only by silver and Omnivrax
magic, night vision, detect scent of The omnivrax is a ferocious predator
carrion or bones at range of two miles, native to the Wilderlands of Zaran and other
dismembered body parts may continue to woodland regions of Talislanta. The creature
attack. derives its name from the fact that it will eat
Armor: None almost any living organism, including plants,
Hit Points: 25 wild beasts, humanoid beings, or even others
of its own kind. Omnivrax are highly-adapted
to a predatory existence. They have excellent
Ogriphant vision and can see clearly even in total
Ogriphants are ponderous quadrupeds darkness. Their sense of smell is so acute that
native to the land of Urag and the forests and they can follow the faintest tracks and trails
jungles of northern and western Talislanta; a without difficulty. The omnivrax’s hearing is
shaggy-haired variety called the wooly such that it can perceive the sound of another
ogriphant is known to dwell among the creature’s breathing at distances of a hundred
Northern Reaches. In the wild, ogriphants are feet or more.
usually placid, though they can become quite The physical characteristics of the
aggressive during the mating season. With omnivrax are likewise exceptional. A full-
their long tusks, horns, and great body mass, grown adult is capable of dragging a land


7 - 46
lizard to the ground, or running down even the Compensating for their lack of a single,
swiftest graymane. The omnivrax’s claws and specialized talent, ravengers possess an
fangs can easily slice through the toughest almost single- minded determination to
hide or rip wooden planks to shreds. The survive. They can subsist on almost anything,
natural armament of these creatures affords including wild beasts, carrion, vermin, and
them protection similar to the best chain mail. refuse. Ravengers will steal prey from other
They are utterly fearless and will readily creatures if given the opportunity, and some
attack even such dangerous predators as habitually follow predators such as omnivrax,
exomorphs, malathropes, and behemoths. If behemoths, and sea scorpions for this very
the omnivrax has a weakness, it is that the purpose, or to scavenge bits of uneaten food.
creature’s intellect can in no way compare to Relentless hunters, ravengers are nearly
its great ferocity. Tales of omnivrax attacking impossible to deter once they have marked a
statues, or even their own shadows, are not creature or other food source as theirs. If
unknown. unsuccessful in its initial attempt to obtain
sustenance, a ravenger will return again and
INT -11 PER +6
again to try anew. In this respect, these
WIL +6 CHA n/a creatures can be quite resourceful and even
STR +7 DEX +2
CON +6 SPD +7
WIL +4 CHA -3
Size: 8’-9’ long, up to 4’6” at shoulder, 600+
lbs. STR 0 DEX 0
Ability Level: 6-12
Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR 15, Claws: DR CON 0 SPD 0
19; total of two attacks Size: 6-6’6,” 140-175 lbs.
Special Abilities: Can subsist on any organic Ability Level: 1-10
substance, tracking by scent at Ability Attacks/Damage: Bite: DR 4, Claws: DR 6
Level +PER, detect prey by sound/scent Special Abilities:Ability to thrive in
(range: 100+ ft.), nightvision. practically any environment, heat or cold
Armor: Exoskeleton, PR 5 inflicts only half damage, flight, and
Hit Points: 46 swimming
Armor: Hide, PR 2
Hit Points: 18
From an evolutionary standpoint, the
ravenger is certainly one of the more
opportunistic Talislantan life forms.
Ravengers thrive in water, on land, or in the
air, and they are found throughout the
continent. They have both lungs and gills and
are able to modify their body temperature and
metabolic rate to suit almost any climate. The
ravenger’s wings, tail, and sail-like crest are
equally useful with respect to undersea or
airborne navigation. Furthermore, they are
capable of bipedal ambulation on land and are
sure climbers.


7 - 47

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