Ucl 2016
Ucl 2016
Ucl 2016
1 Nomenclature 14
2 Design Procedure 15
2.1 Introduction - The Phases of the Design 15
2.2 Investigation of the Concept 16
2.3 Initial Estimates of Size and Cost 19
2.3.1 Ship Synthesis Procedure 19
2.3.2 Step-by-Step Procedure for Monohull Synthesis 20
2.4 The Parametric Survey 25
2.5 Development of the Design Solution 27
2.6 MSc Naval Architecture Ship Design Data Book 30
2.7 References 30
5 Propulsion 54
5.1 Introduction 54
5.2 Resources 54
5.3 Procedure 55
5.4 Propulsors 55
5.5 Number of Shafts 56
5.6 Main Prime Mover Types 56
5.7 Main Propulsion System Type 57
5.7.1 Direct drives 57
5.7.2 Indirect Simple Drives 57
5.7.3 Indirect Complex Drives where engines may be used together 57
5.8 Auxiliary Systems 58
5.9 Conclusions 59
6 Complement 60
6.1 Introduction 60
6.2 Estimation of complement 61
6.2.1 First Estimate of Warship Complement 61
6.2.2 First Estimate of Merchant Ship Complement 62 Passenger Ship Crew Numbers 63 Cargo Ship Crew Numbers 64
6.2.3 Margins 67
6.3 References 68
6.4 Calculations of Warship Complement 68
6.4.1 Introduction 68 Operations Branch (Seamen) 69 Weapons Engineering Branch 70 Marine Engineering Branch 71 Fleet Air Arm (and Air Engineering Branch) 72 Supply and Secretariat Branch 74 Miscellaneous Groups 76
9 Structure 115
9.1 Weight Estimation 115
9.2 Estimation of Primary Loading 116
9.2.1 Still Water Loading 116
9.2.2 Wave Induced Loading 116
9.2.3 Most probable Extreme Values 117 Design Extreme Loading (Wave Induced) 117
A Appendix 128
A.1 Computer Programs for the Ship Design Exercise 128
A.1.1 Initial Sizing 128
A.1.1.1 Sizing Calculation 128
A.1.1.2 Powering Calculation 128
A.1.2 Parametric Survey 129
A.1.3 Detailed Design. 129
A.1.3.1 Hull Form Development 129
A.1.3.2 Intact Stability 129
A.1.3.3 Damage Stability 129
A.1.3.4 Structure 129
A.1.3.5 Propeller Design 129
The process of ship design is complex and there is no universally agreed procedure. The following
procedure aims to simulate that followed in modern ship design including the initial portion of
feasibility. It is necessary, in the relatively short timescale of the design exercise, to restrict and
simplify the procedure. Figure 1 gives an explanation of the Ship Design Process in the form of a
sequence of steps. This is a generalized description but indications are given on the right hand side
of the diagram of the comparable stages in the UCL ship design exercise
The phases of the Ship Design Exercise will not be considered in turn and in each case the use of
direct guidance information in the rest of the procedure will be indicated. In view of the fact that
the main text is directed towards the design of naval monohulls Annexes have been written giving
indications of the differences for SWATHS, Merchant ships, and Surface Effect Ships (SES) and
To a large extent the first three steps shown in Figure 1 are not realistically dealt with in the Design
Exercise. Although the Outline Requirements for each design are given to the teams in reasonably
generalised terms, the fact that the solution has been circumscribed by the initial description (e.g.
ASW Frigate, Container Ship) means these steps are curtailed.
Ship Design Procedure 16
In order to get insight into the issues that predominate in this phase, students are advised to read the
relevant data packs in the NAME Office which hold recent articles published on various topics that
bear on these issues.
To produce the Baseline Staff Target from the Outline Requirements for presentation at the 1st
Design Interview each Team should consider the following:
2. Clearly identify the issues in Role Definition. (In actual naval ship design this is a task led by
the Naval Staff but fully involving the Concept Design Team. Role Definition is discussed in
Andrews & Brown ‘Cheap Warships are Not Simple’ (Ref. 2) where it is emphasized that in
this phase of design the major decisions are made). The Team should produce and agree a
Supporting Paper to the Baseline Staff Target.
3. A suitable approach to defining the Staff Target is to consider each of the Primary and
Secondary Tasks separately and to decide the Payload and Platform capabilities required for
each. When this has been carried out for all the tasks a merge process is required to derive
suitable Payload and Ship Characteristics which can perform all the tasks (see Fig. 2). In this
process it is necessary to consider:
1. Task Priorities.
2. Task Overlap.
3. The extent to which capabilities are Essential, Desirable or merely ‘Nice to Have’.
4. Although costing of the various Options will only be carried out in the 2nd Phase – Initial
Estimate of Size and Cost – a preview/overview is probably appropriate here.
The assessment of capabilities can, in the absence of Operational Analysis, only be carried
out in qualitative terms, but should yield a series of ‘capability plateaus’ around the Target
Cost. (See Fig. 3).
It can be argued that a cost-effective solution would be positioned toward the left of a low
gradient or plateau region. It is the responsibility of the designer to identify these ‘cost
effective’ points and to argue if necessary for an adjustment up or down of the Target
Cost. (This will at the outset be an arbitrary figure indicated by crude Budget/Hull Number
considerations, or even political dictate). Given the necessary flexibility this should ensure
that value for money is achieved around the Target Cost. The revised cost will then become
the Budget Cost for the subsequent Design and Build phase.
5. (e) Identify the considerations/criteria which will be required subsequently to analyse and rank
the designs likely to emerge from the engineering studies (i.e. know what you will ‘looking
6. The ‘Investigation of the Concept’ - the largely qualitative assessment of the role and tasks
of the ship, the tentative selection of payload and ship equipment (including disposition of
major items) and the selection of major Ship Characteristics (e.g. Speed, Range) - should
lead to a broad understanding of size and possible constraining dimensions of the likely
platform. There should be the minimum of calculation and a maximum of sketching of
alternative configurations.
7. This phase of the Design Exercise is very important but will appear somewhat ‘woolly’ in that
it lacks a convergent procedure - in this it is not unlike real life.
In this 2nd Phase, reasonably sound ‘ball park’ estimates of the displacement, volume, power
plant and cost are obtained for solutions corresponding to the Baseline Staff Target and the
other Options. A detailed logical procedure is recommended for those designs to which the Data
Base is applicable (i.e. Conventional Surface Monohulls and SWATHS in the 1500-12000 tonne
range). For Merchant ships or vessel based on merchant ship practice the procedure and design
guidance given in Annex E and Watson and Gilfillan (Ref. 3) is recommended as a general start
point but specific design guidance will be provided.
The principles of Initial Synthesis or Sizing are described below in the ship synthesis section.
Each Naval Architect in the Design Team is to achieve a balanced design manually using the
principles and procedure outlined.
If computer programs are subsequently used for sizing then the designer should acquaint himself
with the more specific procedures associated with each program – though the logic should not be
Where it is appropriate computer programs (often in the form of a spreadsheet) can be used to
explore a wider range of variations. By so doing the Design Team will obtain further insights into
the sensitivity of their broad design solution to variation in the Staff Targets (e.g. Payload Demands,
Complement, Margins, Range, Speed etc). Annex 2A discusses the computer tools available.
The ‘art’ of ship design is to achieve the correct balance between the Payload, Mobility and
Float/Platform functions within a given Cost Budget. This is determined principally by the Staff
Target which defines broad Payload and Ship Characteristics and secondly by the economy of the
engineering solution itself.
As an exercise in pure logic it is useful initially to consider the synthesis process as being driven by
the Payload, Mobility and Floating Functions as shown in Fig. 4.
However, the accounting system and hence data base for ships is based on Engineering Systems (i.e.
Group System), some of which collectively serve the Payload, Mobility and Float function. At UCL
the following Group system is used:
1. Hull.
2. Personnel.
3. Ship Systems.
4. Propulsion.
5. Electrics.
6. Payload.
7. Variable. (Stores and Fuel).
It is therefore sensible to size ships in terms of the Group system, while appreciating that Personnel,
Ship Systems, Electrics, Stores and Fuel are estimated collectively for the Payload, Mobility and
Floating functions. It is possible subsequently to attribute their contribution to the various functions
if the ‘efficiency’ of the design is to be analysed.
The sizing procedure is itemized below in a step-by-step approach for Surface Monohulls. It should
be read in conjunction with Fig. 5. An analogous procedure for SWATHS is given in Annex 2D.
The Sizing Procedure for a Surface Monohull is shown in Fig. 5. The individual steps in this
iterative approach and itemized on the figure, are outlined below:
(1) Find Space (Area and Volume), Weight, Electrical, Wild Heat, Chilled Water,
Complement Requirements of Payload.
[Group 6 - fixed, Group 7 - variable].
(2) From Payload Space Requirements estimate a value for Total Internal Volume (V) using
historical data. Typically V≅ (4-7)Vpayload.
This assumption is only required for the 1st iteration as in subsequent ‘loops’ V will be set
to the Total Required Volume (Vreq) calculated by the summation of individual Group
(3) From the value of V, determine Displacement (∆) by assuming a value for Overall
Density (ρ). Use a median value from the Density Design Lane (see Chapter 3 Weight and
Space). Typically for Monohull Warships this will be 0.3 approx. Again this assumption is
Ship Design Procedure 20
only required for the 1st Iteration as in subsequent ‘loops’ ∆ will be set to Total Weight (W)
calculated from individual Group weights.
(4) Assume Form Parameters for Above Water and Underwater Form. These must be
sufficient to define Dimensions (Length, Beam, Draught and depth) based on values of V
and ∆ determined in Steps (2) and (3). These dimensions (and form parameters) are needed
in subsequent steps for the estimate of weight, space and power (e.g. Propulsion, Fuel, Hull
A typical set of Form Parameters would be Circular M, Cp, Cm, Cw, B/T and superstructure
proportion Vs
(In the UCL Weight and Space Data Book (see section 6 below), most Weight and
Space Algorithms have been expressed as functions of Volume (V) that than explicitly
in terms of dimensions. While this simplifies the process it should be appreciated that
dimensions are implicit in this formulation and that a standard set of form parameters
has been assumed).
Armed with values of V, ∆, Form Parameters and Dimensions it is now possible to proceed
with Estimates of Weight, Space and Power for the various Groups.
(5) Estimate the Shaft Power required for Max Speed. Select Propulsion
Machinery. The Marine Engineer(s) should lead in the selection of suitable machinery
arrangements. Chapter 5 outlines typical arrangements, fuel consumption figures and
operating patterns. Consideration is to be given to the change over speed dictated by the
machinery arrangement and power requirements.
Find Weight, Space and Auxiliary Power Demand of Propulsion Machinery [Group 4].
(6) Estimate Complement and Complement breakdown based on Payload, Propulsion Fit and
general Ship Size (see Chapter 6).
Find Weight, Space and Power demand of Personnel Group [Group 2].
(7) Estimate Air Conditioning requirement for Payload and Personnel groups. Calculate Total
Chilled Water requirement (A/C and direct Chilled Water for Payload) and select suitable
Chilled Water Plant.
Find Weight, Space and Electrical Power Demand of Ship Services [Group 3].
(8) Estimate Electrical Load and Produce a first estimate ship load chart. The Electrical
Engineer should lead in this process. Select Generators with Margin.
Find Weight, Space of Electrical Systems [Group 5].
(9) Estimate Store requirements consistent with Mission Time and Complement.
Find Weight and Space [Sub-Groups 71 - 73].
(10) Estimate Tank requirements consistent with:
The initial estimate of size will yield values of Weight, Volume and Power. The likely choice of
propulsion plant and its demand on weight and size of machinery spaces should also have been
The objective of the Parametric Survey is to obtain the principal dimensions and form parameters
which give a balanced solution meeting the constraints of stability, spatial disposition, efficient
propulsion etc.
Individual students are to conduct a major parametric survey manually (see below) once
through to establish the parametric/dimensional limits and to provide insight into the survey
process. Spreadsheets may prove a suitable medium to conduct a systematic search of the choices
and enable a considered selection of form parameters to be made. It is strongly recommended that
a hullform generation tool (see Annex A)be used both before the commencement of the systematic
search within the defined boundaries, and subsequently on the selected numerical solution in order
to ensure that the form selected is a physically sensible option.
The following steps are a suggested procedure with a more detailed outline in Annex 2B:
(1) Carry out Dimensional Survey varying Major Parameters
(i) Superstructure Proportion
(ii) Main Hull Depth (based on number of Internal Decks for Warhsips)
While meeting the constraints
For warships this will involve location of sensors such as radars and sonars, location of flight
deck etc.
For merchant ship it will involve ease of cargo handling, speed of transfer etc.
(iv) Max Speed from Power installed (or Power required for specified Max speed).
(v) Power required at specified Cruise Speed and hence Fuel weight.
(vi) Average Fuel consumption for speed operation profile. Examine the sensitivity of Fuel
consumption to small form parameter changes (in particular Cp) using an appropriate method
(see Annex A ).
(vii) Seakeeping - (Freeboard/Length) ratio
• (Draught/Length) ratio
• (B/T) ratio and hence deadrise angle forward
• Cw forward
• Block Layout
• Position of Superstructure
• Damaged Stability consideration (see Chapter 7)
• Zoning considerations.
On Completion of the Parametric Survey students will reform into their groups. The most
promising of the individual designs will be selected for progressing to Final Phase. Marine
Engineers in the groups will progress main machinery and electrical system design in parallel with
the rest of the ship.
At this stage each group should have estimates of Displacement, Volume, Power and Machinery
fit, together with the most suitable dimensions and hull parameters obtained from the parametric
Survey and if the sizing programs have been used, then a good definition of the internal space
requirement breakdown.
The final phase of the Design Exercise requires the working up of the design to a viable solution
and involves the following work, many items of which are interdependent. The designs will be
assessed by the Staff at two weekly intervals when all drawings and calculations appropriate to
the stage reached should be available for inspection. At the end of the exercise the designs will be
presented formally to the External Examiners.
(a) Layout/Architecture
(i) Profile and Deck Layouts of compartments with clear understanding /rationale for
architectural choices.
Ship Design Procedure 27
(iii) Upper Deck Layout to show consideration of following aspects:
Warship Payload
(iii) Zoning arrangements, showing location of Zoned equipment (in consultation with Marine
Engineers). Example of systems requiring consideration are shown below:
• A/C Plants
• ATUs
• AFUs
• Fire Pumps
• Generators
2.7 References
1. Introduction
2. Initial Estimate of Total Enclosed Volume (V)
3. Initial Estimate of Deep Displacement (∆)
4. Sub-Group Summation of Weight and Space
5. Initial Space Breakdown for Warships
6. Margins on Weight and Space
7. Weight and Space ‘Driven’ Design and Overall Density
8. Space Constraint and its Relation to Density
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to provide methods for the initial and necessarily approximate
estimates of the total space and weight of a student’s design needed at the start of the ship design
exercise. Later on in the exercise the total space and weight are calculated directly by sub-group
summation using the more detailed information on the design then available, guided by data on
previous similar ships contained in the Ship Design Data Book.
The methods described in the following are based on analyses of total space and weight for
past warship designs and although they require at first ‘ball park’ estimates for the new design,
convergence with iteration is remarkably rapid.
Fig. 3.2 is a plot of overall density (ρ) against Total Enclosed Volume V, derived from previous ship
Using the value of V determined in the previous step, and the appropriate value of density (ρ) ,
determine an estimate of Deep Displacement for the 1st Iteration i.e. ∆=ρV. In subsequent iterations
this will be replaced by the summation of Group Weights.
As described in the Ship Synthesis procedure (Chapter 2.3) the foregoing approximation will be
rapidly overtaken by the direct calculation of Weight, Space and Power for the various Sub-Groups.
This procedure is not linked to any one ship type; however it must be used in conjunction with an
appropriate Data Base.
(Note: Major items of equipment such as Payload, Propulsion Plant, Chilled Water Plant,
Generators (and Fuel) can be determined directly, but residual Sub-Groups comprising
Accommodation, System Distribution, Stores and even Hull Structure need initially to be scaled
from a similar appropriate design).
For Warship designs Data books are provided for Weight and Space estimation. It is suggested that
these are used in the first instance. However the data does tend to over-estimate weight, and for
some areas specific design data may be preferred.
For Merchant ship designs an appropriate weight breakdown and G/A will be provided from which
scaling of residual items may be performed.
Standard Format Forms are available for Weight and Space summation.
In some instances it may be helpful to have an idea of the Space Breakdown of Total Volume
before Sub-Group summation is completed. This allows some initial bulk layout options to be
The exercise has been carried out for some RN Frigate designs and is shown below and in Fig. 3.4.
Area Analysis in Type 21 Type 42 Type 22
% of total area
Hull 30.2 23.3 28.3
Payload 18.24 18.1 15.9
Personnel 24.9 25.6 22.5
Propulsion 13.9 17.1 16.6
Services 12.7 15.9 16.7
Margins for Weight, Space, Stability and Power need to be applied to a new design for three basis
(i) Uncertainties related to the accuracy/applicability of Design Estimates. This is known as the
Design Margin or design Contingency. The ship as completed should not exceed the Basic Estimate
+ Design Margin.
The way to proceed is to consider each Main Group separately as regards the likely degree of
accuracy/applicability, taking account of the extent to which the new design resembles/departs from
previous similar designs, and judge the individual margins accordingly.
The following table indicates typical margins appropriate to the Main Groups of a warship design
not very different from its predecessors. If for the new design there are reason to believe that
novelty in some respect could increase the uncertainty about a particular Main Group then a higher
margin should be applied to that Group.
Main Group Margin (per cent)
Weight Space
1. Hull 5 0
2. Personnel 0 5
3. General Services 5 2
4. Machinery 4 0
5. Electrics 5 0
6. Payload 7 10
7. Variables 4 4
Weight margins should be positioned at the c of g of each Group. Space margins should be located,
where possible, in specific compartments or geographic areas of the ship.
A typical current figure for a long life ship, appropriate to achieved design standards after 10 years
growth in service is 5% on Total Weight. The issue of short life/long life policy is pertinent.
3.7 Weight and Space ‘Driven’ Design and its Relationship to Density
For each individual vehicle type i.e. Monohull, Swath, S/M etc. it becomes evident from experience
that a certain Overall Density is necessary for satisfactory characteristics. For example in a S/M this
is clearly 1.025t/m .
In the case of monohulls this required or acceptable density is variable (as is shown in Fig. 3.2)
with the range of variation increasing with ship size. However for each type of monohull a certain
grouping is evident.
A design may be said to be ‘weight driven’ if design studies indicate that density would naturally
tend to be above an acceptable figure; it is ‘space driven’ if density falls below the same figure. In
other words Weight and Space ‘Control’ is a question of relative rather than absolute density. It is
dependent on vehicle type, size and role.
This may be illustrated by comparing S/M design with World War II Battleship design. S/M designs
are often said to be ‘space driven’ (though not always) as the designer struggles to increase density
to 1.025 tonne m- for neutral buoyancy. World War II Battleships, with lower densities of around
0.4 - 0.45 tonne/m were always regarded as ‘weight driven’ as the densities tended to be somewhat
higher than desirable for a monohull.
A more example is that of SWATH and Monohull frigates. While the SWATH may typically have
a lower density than the monohull, it is usually regarded as ‘weight driven’ while the higher density
monohull is ‘space driven’.
A ‘weight driven’ design will require an increase in dimensions to increase volume and reduce
density, while a ‘space driven’ design may need to resort to the addition of high density ballast for
In order to size the ship in the first instance, it is necessary as described in Chapter 2, Section 3, to
get shaft power Ps based on a crude initial figure of deep displacement and speed.
Strictly this is only possible with assumed values of form parameters (i.e. Cp and Circ M or Cv)
together with assumptions on propellers, appendages, roughness etc. The guidance produced as
Figures 4.1 & 4.2 either have these assumptions or are based on a range of achieved values for
extant designs which will not be necessarily propulsively excellent. For ships not covered by Figs
4.1, 4.2 an initial rough estimate may be possible by comparison with similar existing ships using
publications such as RINA significant ships.
It is unlikely that any actual ship will be optimised for propulsion solely. For example modern
warships tend to be beamier with larger appendages (e.g. fins, sonar domes, fuller transoms)
than designs 40 years ago; merchant ship hulls will have to pay due regard to cargo stowage
considerations etc.
Approximate estimates of this type are required to break into the size estimate but the answers must
be treated with due reservation. As soon as possible more accurate estimates as detailed in the rest
of the chapter (and hydrodynamic course notes) must be undertaken.
The other propulsive estimate that is required at the commencement of the parametric survey to
establish a minimum draught, is minimum propeller size. It is suggested that
Min Diameter = 0.15 (Ps/V)0.5
where Ps is in KW
V in Knots
and Diameter in metres
For merchant ships direct recourse to Bp - δ charts will be necessary.
During the development of a design, estimates of power will be required. Initially, a quick estimate
will be required of sufficient accuracy to indicate the likely choice from standard machinery
units. In the second stage, the variation of power with hull form (size and shape) will be needed so
that a rational choice of form can be made. The final form will usually be tested to ensure that the
approximations introduced in the earlier estimates have not caused any serious errors.
To estimate the resistance and hence power it is necessary to calculate both the skin friction and
residuary resistance. Skin friction is easily evaluated using a standard skin friction line such as
the ITTC line. Residuary resistance however is more problematic & modern ship design software
4.2.1 Appendages
Larger underwater sensors together with improved noise signatures have demanded larger
appendages consequently appendage drag has had a tendency to increase in recent years.
Some examples are:
The most efficient propeller will be the largest which can be fitted under the stern running at the
slowest speed which the marine engineer can provide. The maximum diameter is governed by the
draught aft and for the typical frigate:
Maximum propeller diameter = Mean draught amidships.
This suggests that an increase of draught will enable a more efficient propeller to be fitted. While
this is true, provided that r.p.m can be reduced to match, there are other, adverse effects on
resistance. At the deeper draughts there is a very much smaller feasible range of length and and an
increase of draught will usually add more to the resistance than is gained in propeller efficiency.
Propeller selection can be made using a number of propeller series:-
Details of these and of methods of evaluating hull efficiency elements etc are included in Annex B
4.4.1 Andersen
The Andersen & Guldhammer (1986) power prediction method has been updated from design
diagrams developed over 9 years of compilation of Resistance data. In 1974 these were transformed
into algebraic empirical formulae.
The method is valid for merchant ship forms where Fn<0.33 and is based on a standard hull with
corrections to the residuary Resistance coefficient for other B/T ratios, LCB correction, appendages
and hull shape. There are also corrections for bulbous bows to include the wetted surface area of
the bulb and an additional residuary Resistance coefficient increment.
The results are for trials conditions, i.e. smooth hull and flat water, so it is suggested that an
increase would be relevant for service operation. Ships when built tend to have a Resistance slightly
lower than that predicted by this method, and this may cancel out a service allowance. The most
accurate results are obtained for a ship in full load condition and with no trim.
The limitations on parameters are as follows:
Merchant Ship Forms
Single /Twin Screw
U/V/Normal Bow and Stern Shapes
Full Load Condition (Ballast Condition and ships
with considerable trim may yield less accurate results)
This method is based on the regression analysis performed by Sabit (1971), on the BSRA ship
Resistance series of trawler forms and ocean going vessels. There are three equations relating to
different ranges of vessel parameter. The ranges are as follows: MEDIUM
4.594 L/∇1/3 6.927
2.62 Bwl/Tmean 4.87
0.623 Cb 0.784
-1.56 LCB 3.96
5.1 L/∇1/3 7.717
3.44 Bwl/Tmean 6.39
0.592 Cb 0.766
-1.12 LCB 4.35
This is a power prediction method based on a regression analysis of random model and full scale
test data.
This method allows for various appendages and bulbous bows and various transom configurations.
The recommended parameter limits are given below. The parameters must fit into one of these data
4.4.4 Mercier
This is an analytical procedure developed by Mercier and Savitsky (1973), for predicting Resistance
of transom stern hulls in the non-planning region (volume Froude numbers between 1.0 and 2.0).
The regression analysis is based on seven transom stern hull series totaling 118 hull forms. These
include NFL, Nordstrom, DeGroot, SSPA, Series 64, Series 63, all round bilge and Series 62 which
is hard chine.
The parameter limits are:
0.38 < CB < 0.6
0.56 < CM < 0.87
0.59 < CP < 0.81
0.72 < CWP < 0.82
1.8 < BWL /Tmean < 5.0
3.3 < LWL/BWL < 15
1.0 < Fnvol < 2.0
Note that the values assigned to Tmean and BWL should be maximum values.
This method, which was developed by Bailey (1976), is applicable to craft such as small patrol
boats, small naval ships or heavily loaded workloads. The series consists of 22 models. The method
is dependent on linear interpolation of a number of graphs.
The limitations on parameters are as follows:
4.4.6 Oortmerssen
A mathematical model to predict ship Resistance based on random tank data from NSMB statistics
for trawlers and tugs by van Oortmerssen (1971).
The limitations on parameters are as follows:
0.5 < CB < 0.725
3.0 < LWL/BWL < 6.2
1 .9 < BWL /Tmean < 4.0
-8 < LCB < 2.8
0.1 < Fn < 0.5
4.4.7 Series 60
Series 60 consists of 62 models of merchant ship forms tested at DTMB in the early 1950s,
The limits on hull parameters are as follows:
5.5 < LWL/BWL < 8.5
2.3 < BWL /Tmean < 3.5
0.6 < CB < 0.8
-2.48 < LCB < 3.51
9.013 < Cr400 < 25.688
The residual resistance coefficients for 400 ft basic ship is represented by a regression formula
whose coefficients are given in Sabit (1972).
4.4.8 Series 64
Series 64 is an exploratory series for determining ship naked hull Resistance. The series is based
on 27 model tests of frigate type hulls with transom sterns as defined by Yeh (1965). A roughness
allowance may be included as an option. The classical method assumes a Ca value of .0004 for
paints in poor environments.
Regarded as suitable for estimates of trimaran main hulls.
The limits on hull parameters are as follows:
0.35 < CB < 0.55
2.0 < BWL/Tmean < 4.0
15 < Displacement- < 55
length ratio
4.4.9 SSPA
This regression equation based method was developed by Sabit (1976), from a graphical prediction
method in 1976 after the inclusion of some extra models in the SSPA Series to fill in some of the
The method uses a coefficient based equation to calculate the residuary Resistance coefficient,
which includes, within the basic equation, the correction for B/T and LOB. The frictional
Resistance coefficient is based on the ITTC-57 line.
The classical method assumes a Ca value of 0.0004 for in poor environments.
Wetted surface area may be calculated using a regression equation.
The limits on hull parameters are as follows vary with CB
CB L/∇1/3 B/T LCB
0.525 5.63 to 6.89 2.1 to 3.0 -1.0 to -4.0
0.575 5.47 to 6.68 2.1 to 3.0 -0.5 to -3.5
0.625 5.32 to 6.50 2.2 to 2,8 1.0 to -3.0
0.675 5.l8 to 6.33 2.1 to 3.0 0.0 to -2.0
4.4.10 Takashiro
The Takashiro Power Prediction Method, for preliminary Effective Power calculations is based
on the Yamagata Resistance Chart. Produced in 1941, this chart gave values for the residuary
Resistance, based initially on Froude’s frictional coefficient. It included corrections for B/L and B/
The method has been continually improved to give more accurate power prediction since the 1950s,
due to the increasing size and changing shape of vessels making the original method less precise.
Research to collect data regarding up to date ship forms and Powering information was an ongoing
The basis of the frictional calculation was changed from Froude’s method to Schoenherrs method
in 1955 and a frictional correction added to allow for roughness and the conversion from riveted to
welded construction.
Later the flat plate calculation was altered to use the ITTC-57 line as it is simpler and gives accurate
values over Reynolds number range for which the method is applicable.
The updated version by Takashiro (1980), gives extra value of the residuary coefficient for fuller
ships (where CB> 0.8) and alters the original B/T correction. The method includes an additional
correction for bulbous bows based on CB, a stern correction based on the shape and an air
Resistance correction
Ship Design Procedure 48
The limits on hull parameters are as follows:
30 < LWL < 400
0.12 < Fn < 0.44
If the wetted surface area is to be calculated, for single screw ships:
0.55 < CB < 0.8
For twin screw ships:
0.55 < CB < 0.65
If the wetted surface area is to be input, for single screw ships:
0.5 < CB < 0.8
For twin screw ships -
0.5 < CB < 0.65
Full load displacement. Further limitations may be applied according to the CB required for
4.4.11 Taylor-Gertler
Uses the 1954 re-analysis by Gertler (1954), of the original test data generated by Taylor in the
early 1900s.
The original Taylor test data used a series of models based on a cruiser parent with a 3% bulb, U
shaped bow and V shaped . The LOB was at amidships and the coefficient of mid-section area was
constant with varying longitudinal prismatic coefficients, length/displacement ratios and breadth/
depth ratios with graphically derived hull forms over 80 further models. The results were plotted
both for frictional and residuary Resistance against speed/length ratio for varying Cp. In following
years further experiments on other geometrically similar models were added to the initial results.
Gertler included corrections for water temperature in the viscosity calculation, turbulent flow over
the models and shallow channel effects. This method uses interpolation over the graphs plotted
for non-dimensionalised residuary Resistance and Schoenherr’ formula for the calculation of the
frictional Resistance.
The classical method assumes a Ca value of 0.0004 for paints in poor environments.
The limits on hull parameters are as follows:
LCB at
0.48 < Cp < 0.86
2.25 < BWL/Tmean < 3.75
Cx = 0.925
0.0007 < < 0.000875
This method predicts the Effective Power of warship forms. The Triplet technique was developed
to derive the hull Resistance for hull forms deviating slightly from a parent hull form for which the
hull Resistance is known.
4.5.1 Andersen
It is recommended that this method is used in conjunction with the Andersen & Guldhammer
Resistance method (1986).
The single screw method is based on Harvald (1978) and the wake fraction is corrected from the
model to the ship value, the relative rotative efficiency uses the Holtrop method.
For twin screw ships, the thrust deduction fraction and wake fraction is based on Harvald (1967)
and the relative rotative efficiency is constant (1.0).
The formulae are valid for normal propellers with normal loading conditions. They should be used
with caution for special loading conditions (i.e.. towrope condition) or for nozzle propellers.
This method is applicable to single screw merchant ships as presented by Parker (1966). It is
recommended that this method is used in conjunction with the BSRA-Sabit Resistance method.
This method should be used in conjunction with the Holtrop & Mennen Resistance method,
Holtrop (1984).
The NFL Round bilge - Bailey method. It is recommended that this method is used in conjunction
with the NFL Round Bilge Resistance method. The method is for fast patrol boats, small naval
ships or heavily loaded work boats.
4.5.5 Oortmerssen
It is recommended that this method, van Oortmerssen (1971), is used in conjunction with the G
van Oortmerssen Resistance method.
This method is for single screw tug or trawler forms.
4.5.6 Schoenherr
This method is based on 1934 data, Comstock (1966). It is useful when comparing the effect on
the hull Interaction of using either struts or bossings or for obtaining initial design values. For good
correlation with Series 60, the block coefficient for single screw vessels should lie between 0.5 and
Ship Design Procedure 50
4.5.7 SSPA
This method by Sabit (1976), is based on a regression analysis of a methodical series of hull forms.
It is recommended that this method is used in conjunction with the SSPA Resistance method.
The equations are assumed to cover the speed range for design, trial and service speeds, and no
variation of Froude number is accounted for.
This series comprised a set of 37 three-bladed propellers covering a range of pitch ratios from 0.4
to 2.0 and blade area ratios from 0.2 to 1.1. They had a diameter of 503mm (20”) and hence the
scale effects are expected to be relatively small, as reported by Gawn (1953).
Each of the propellers has a uniform face pitch; segmental blade section; constant blade thickness
ratio, namely 0.060 and a boss diameter of 0.2. The developed blade outline was of elliptical form.
The entire series were tested in the No.2 towing tank at AEW Haslar within range of slip from 0%
to 100%: to achieve this the propeller rotational speed was in the range 250-500 rpm. No cavitation
characteristics are given for the series.
Blount and Hubble (1981) in considering methods for the sizing of small craft propellers developed
a set of regression coefficients of the form of equations presented by Oosterveld and van Oossanen
(1975), as for the Wageningen B-Series. The coefficients of the series are presented in tabulated
form by Blount and Hubble (1981) for the KT and K0 equation.
They suggest that the range of applicability of the regression equation should be in:
0.5< EAR<1.1
Although the regression study was carried out for a wider range of P/D, 0.6 to 1.6. Inevitably some
regression model test data tends to deteriorate towards the outer limits of the data set, in particular
The AEW 20” propeller series and associated regression equations represent a valuable data
set, despite the somewhat dated propeller geometry, for undertaking preliminary design studies
for warships and other high performance craft due to the wide range of P/D and AE/AO values
This series is perhaps the most extensive and widely used series which was originally presented
in a set of papers by Troost (1938, 1940, 1951) and, amongst many practitioners, is still referred
to as the “Troost Series”. Over the years the model series has been added to so as to provide a
comprehensive fixed pitch, non-ducted propeller series. From the analysis of the early results it
was appreciated that a certain unfairness between the various design diagram existed and this was
considered to result from the scale effects resulting from the different model tests. This led to a
complete re-appraisal of the series in which the differences in test procedures were taken into
account and the results of this work were presented by Van Lammeren et al (1969).
The results of the fairing exercise reported by Oosterveld paved the way for detailed regression
studies on the performance characteristics given by this model series. The open water
characteristics of the series, i.e. KT and KQ, at Reynolds number Rn=2x106 by two separate
regression equations based upon independent variables of the advance coefficient J, pitch diameter
ratio P/D, the expanded blade area ratio AE/Ao and blade number Z can be found in Oosterveld
and van Oossanen (1975)
B-Series regression equations are valid for slow to medium speed vessels with non-cavitating
The KCA series developed by Gawn and Burrill (1957), or it is sometimes known as the Gawn-
Burrill series, is a complementary series to the original Gawn (1953) series. The KCA series
consists of 30 three-bladed 406 mm (16”) models embracing a range of pitch ratios from 0.6 to 2.0
and blade area ratios from 0.51 to 1 .18. The series has uniform pitch, segmental sections over the
outer half of blade, and at the inner half radii the flat face is washed back at leading and trailing
edges. The blade thickness fraction of the parent screw is 0.045. The blade outline is elliptical and
the hub ratio is 0.2.
The KCA series was tested at the Emerson Cavitation Tunnel at the University of Newcastle
upon Tyne over a range of cavitation numbers = 0.5, 0.75 1.0 1.5, 2.0, 6.3 with a value of 6.3
corresponding to the atmospheric pressure.
For manual design purposes the results of the KCA series tests were represented in format by
Emerson and Sinclair(1978) for both at non-cavitating and cavitating conditions.
For the computer-optimisation design purposes the results of open water tests of the series
were represented in the format of regression coefficients by Blount and Hubble (1981), as well
Kozukharov (1986). However in the mathematical model of regression by Blount and Hubble
(1981), the cavitation number was not included and the cavitating condition was approached
separately by a simple formula which was not convenient nor accurate enough for computer-
optimisation. Kozukharov (1986) included the cavitation number in his mathematical model and
therefore the present design algorithm is based on Kozukharov’s (1986) regression coefficients.
The JD-CPP (Jiao Da Control Pitch Propeller) series is a three-bladed controllable pitch series
comprising 15 model propellers, each having a diameter (0) of 267.9 mm and boss diameter of
0.280. The propellers are split into three groups of five having expanded blade area ratios of 0.35,
0.5 and 0.65. However only the data of two blade area ratios (0.5 and 065) are available at the
moment. Each blade area ratio has five initial pitch ratios of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1 .0 and 1.2. The blade
(1) Bertram, V & Sneekluth, H. Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy (page ).
Hardcopy in the NAME Office.
5.1 Introduction
This section is concerned with the main points that need to be addressed in the marine engineering
design stages of the ship design process. It is not intended that these should form a comprehensive
set of notes but rather that they are provided as a guideline.
5.2 Resources
The main resources to be employed during the propulsion design and selection are:
1. Conference proceedings and other learned journals available in the library of the Institute
of Marine Engineers, 80 Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5BJ.
2. The NES and Lloyds regulations available from David South in the Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering library in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UCL.
3. Data packs provided at the rear of the class room 119. This information is made available
to you from data that is provided by industry. There are packs on gas turbines, diesel engines,
electrical propulsion, propulsors, auxiliary machinery etc.
These packs are updated each year and students are requested to observe that the information
is there for your convenience and should be returned.
4. Journals and industrial magazines such as Marine Engineer’s Review and the Naval
Architect which are available on the bookstand in room 119.
5. Previous similar designs. Course log books and reports are available to you. It is not
intended to prevent you from using material obtained by previous course students rather it is
intended that you make yourself familiar with previous designs so that their experiences can
form a starting point for your own design. See David South who has lists of previous designs
and can obtain copies for you. Note: Under no circumstances should log books and reports be
removed from the Department.
6. The ‘Consultancy arrangements’ with MoD and Lloyds. This is a restricted service to
prevent their being too distracted by your requests. You will be given further details during
the ship design exercise. There are no restrictions on your contacting industry.
7. There is considerable information on the www. Most of the manufacturers of marine
equipment have web pages and requests for information can be sent by e-mail.
The procedure is outlined within the series of ship design lectures and a resume is given here.
Marine engineering of a ship requires you to work closely with your naval architect colleagues to
produce a balanced design that meets the outline requirements and base-line staff target.
A good starting point is to obtain an operating profile of the vessel and a power-speed curve. These
can then be used as a starting point for your design.
The alternatives for propulsion of your vessel should be considered. These may be consists of a
number of important parameters which are common in all propulsion systems but are different for
different propulsion systems. (See lecture notes for greater details).
• Weight - Total weight of propulsion plant with/without fuel to meet the range and endurance
• Size - The physical size of propulsion system and the space it occupies within the ship and
where these compartments are located
• Shock - Important consideration for vessels particularly military vessels. Consider mounting
requirements of engine systems.
• Signatures - Noise, magnetic and infra-red emissions. Appropriate mounts and acoustic
enclosures will be needed if low magnetic signatures are required.
• Maintenance - How much, how often and where does this take place?
• Manning - Manning is an important consideration for new vessels. Can Unmanned machinery
systems be used? Can cuts in manning be achieved and if so what impact on the whole ship
does such a reduction have (e.g. fire-fighting and damage limitation).
• Fuel - Common fuel is F76 for naval vessels and heavy residual fuel for merchant ships. The
fuel type has a direct impact on the exhaust emissions particularly SOx. Alternative synthetic
fuels are being developed for aircraft gas turbines. Are these appropriate for future vessels?
• Industrial Base - Who are the suppliers of the engines? Will there supply be guaranteed
during hostilities? What happens if there is no other demand for your plant and the item is
• ARM - Availability, reliability and maintainability are interrelated so should be considered
together. How long is the plant expected to be down? What is the probablility of an engine
failing? How will the plant be operated if an engine fails?
• Resistance to Change - Is there general support for new ideas? Requirement to set up support
services and to provide new training courses.
• Costs - Costs can be considered as unit production costs (UPC) and through life costs
(TLC). Can increased UPC be offset be TLC. The cheapest solution is not always the right
Comparisons between these different parameters must be weighed up for each plant being
proposed. A weighting table is one method that can easily be used in this way.
5.4 Propulsors
Propulsor types should be identified early in the design in consultation with your naval architect
partner. The power requirement and vessel speed are also important in deciding the most
• Fixed Pitch Propellers – Most common type of propeller used in both merchant and military
navies. Propellers come in a wide range of diameters and blade numbers although four blades
is common for merchant ships and five blades common for naval vessels. Can be optimised for
low noise performance. Propeller revolutions must be reversed to provide reverse thrust.
• Contollable Pitch Propellers – Found in about a quarter of the world’s fleet both merchant and
naval. Controllable pitch propellers give advantages in terms that thrust forward or reverse can
be varied irrespective of propeller revolutions.
• Podded Drives – Recent invention where a podded motor drives a fixed pitch propeller. The
pod usually hangs under the vessel at the stern. Pods can tractor drive (the propeller is
forward of the motor or in a conventional drive arrangement, the propeller is behind the
motor. Propulsors are either fixed or steerable with the hydraulic actuators located inside the
• Waterjets – Popular in fast ships that operate above thirty knots. The waterjet is usually driven
by a gas turbine although diesel engines and electric motors may also be considered.
• Voith Schieder – Gives good manoeuvrability over conventional drives. The Voith Schneider
propulsor also removes the need for separate steering gear. The VT propulsor is essentially a
number of blades rotating about the vertical. Changing the angle of attack results in a change of
• Azimuthing Propulsors – Gives good manoeuvrability over conventional drives. The
azimuthing propulsor also removes the need for separate steering gear. The stearable propulsor
is powered from either an electric motor or mechanical drive system via a z – shafting
arrangement. Direction control is provided by separate hydraulic gear. Thrust can therefore be
provided in all directions.
The number of shafts should be carefully considered at an early stage of the design. The important
factors to consider are the vulnerability of the vessel, the power transmitted through the shaft
(may become too great for large high speed vessels forcing the need for multiple shafts), and the
availability of space at the rear of the vessel (narrow hulled vessels may have difficulty in fitting in
two shaft lines). The method of operating the shafts needs to be considered at low speed. E.g. is
one shaft trailed or do both shafts operate at all times?
Th main types of prime-movers used today are diesels and gas turbines. Both are used for main
propulsion and for generating onboard electrical power requirements. Large two stroke diesels are
used in merchant ships for main propulsion (up to 1,000,000 hp) whilst four stroke medium (up
to 20 MW) and high speed engines (up to 10 MW) are used for both propulsion and electrical
generation. See diesel engine pack in Room 119 for more details.
Gas turbines are used for propulsion. In recent years simple cycle gas turbines have been developed
into recuperated types some with inter-coolers (e.g. Rolls-Royce WR21 ICR GT). Gas turbines are
The propulsion packs provided in Room 119 gives details on propulsion arrangements. A summary
is provided here of the main propulsion arrangements used in today’s merchant ships and warships.
• Slow speed diesel engines - Usually suited to vessels that have a large power requirement but
an operating profile that means that they operate at full speed most of the time. Typical vessels
are container vessels and oil tankers.
• Slow speed electric motors - Usually suited to vessels that have a large power requirement
but an operating profile that means that they operate across a range of speeds and require
high reliability. Arrangements commonly used today is to integrate the electric propulsion and
service loads so they are fed from common generating units. Typical vessels are cruise liners
and all ocean going tugs with ice capability.
• Medium and high speed direct drive - A single high or medium speed diesel drives a
propulsor via a reversing gearbox. Usually used in smaller vessels such as tugs.
• Gas turbine drive - A single gas turbine drives a propulsor via a reversing gearbox. Not
commonly used.
• Steam turbine - A single steam turbine drives a propulsor via a reversing gearbox or a steam
turbine with a gearbox and reversing turbine. Was commonly used in the past but steam now
less popular. E.g. Older very large oil tankers VLCCs.
These types of drives are suitable for vessels with a cruise drive and high speed requirement. These
arrangements are more useful to military vessels. They are two basic arrangements. In the Or
arrangement different prime-movers are used to power the vessel at its cruise speed and at full
speed. In the And arrangement the cruise engine is provided with supplementary power by the
boost engine at full speed. The advantages and disadvantages depend upon vessel type but it is
appropriate to consider flexibility, complexity, redundancy, reliability, and efficiency for each
design. Some of the typical drive solutions in common use are:
Key auxiliary system design must also be considered for each vessel. It is important to realise that
these vary and depend upon the vessel type. Although the size and types of propulsion systems vary
from ship to ship, the main auxiliary systems that need to be considered include:
5.9 Conclusions
This section has been intended as a guide supporting the ship design lecture notes and information
packs provided in the library and not intended as a comprehensive set of notes.
It is more important to consider the aspects of your vessel’s marine engineering which is
substantially different to normal practise rather than reproduce current systems that are in use.
Dr Bucknall and Dr Greig will be available at regular times to assist with particular difficulties or to
answer questions you may have.
6.1 Introduction
The estimation of a ships complement is an aspect of the design process which is probably the least
amenable to an analytic approach. It is dependent among other things on the equipment fitted, the
degree of automation envisaged, the degree of task overlap and the support policy for the vessel
(i.e., maintenance at sea or in harbour) etc.
In some designs the ergonomic demands of engineering systems are allowed to 'drive' complement
using standard manning practices; in others the total complement is a constraint which demands
novel solutions in the automation of systems. A further area for discussion is the degree to
which automation which is available is rejected as being vulnerable under certain operational
conditions. (This is particularly relevant for Warships where Action Damage considerations may
dictate higher complements and a deliberate retention of manual procedures). Finally the traditions
of particular Navies/Commercial operators may have a bearing on manning policy. This can very
from the acceptance of automation mentioned above to the standards of catering.
Complementing is a subject where there are very significant differences between naval and
merchant ship practice. Most merchant ships - irrespective of size - operate with complements in to
order of 18-20 although these numbers are continually reducing with increased automation while
the smallest frigate currently requires of the order of 100 men rising to figures approaching 1000
or more for Aircraft Carriers. Life cycle cost implications continue to drive this figure lower with
complements as low as 50 being the long term aim.
The payload of a warship is extremely manpower and 'power demand' intensive. This requires both
operators and maintainers. In addition the equipment supporting the payload (Ship Systems and
Electric systems) itself needs surveillance and maintenance.
By contrast the payload of a merchant ship, being inert cargo, requires minimum attendance during
transit, nor does it require supporting power from auxiliaries. (The exception to this is where cargo
is refrigerated e.g., perishable produce, LNG). Any manpower attributed to payload is largely borne
by the ports of departure and reception.
Another type of payload which is exceedingly manpower intensive for warships is Naval
Aviation. A typical figure for the complement associated with a single aircraft for a VSTOL/
Medium helo mix is around 15. (This covers Technical and Non-Technical support.) Hence a small
Aircraft Carrier with 10 A/C has a Naval Aviation complement of 150 approx, a larger Aircraft
Carrier with 50 A/C would need 750.
Turning to the complement borne for the supervision and maintenance of the Propulsion Plant and
Auxiliaries, the manning levels for warships, though severely reduced in recent years, has to be
more cautious than for a merchant ship. This can be attributed to the need to give consideration to
effectively fighting the ship, NBCD requirements, the larger amounts of absolute Power installed
Figure 6.1 provides a plot of Warship complement excluding fleet Air Arm requirements. (These
are fairly readily obtained elsewhere as a function of Aircraft numbers (see Annex 6.A).
Two levels of complementing are shown: Standard and Constrained.
Around Frigate displacements the Constrained line corresponds to 1980's T23 manning philosophy,
without margins or personnel for Out of Area operations. The Standard Line represents a more
relaxed manning philosophy appropriate to longer Mission times.
In addition to the basic complement (i.e. Standard or Constrained) both complement margins and
complement breakdown need to be considered before Initial Sizing can proceed.
The margins to be considered are
The figures given in Table 1 (from Ref. 3 & based on ships in service in 1990-1) shows how crew
numbers vary with ship type and size:
Table 1 A Survey of Crew numbers for various types and sizes of ship (Ref 3)
Type of Parameter
Tanker Dwt 3160 48966 113131 142000 275782 319600
Crew 9 20 (30) 32 26 30 31
L.P.G. m3 1600 4300 8237 57000 75208 125760
Crew 25 16 22 25 (30) 32 40
Bulk Dwt 61687 74000 77500 96725 69178
carrier Crew 26 28 25 (31) 33 (38) 29
Container Containers 976 1201 1315 1960 3568 4407
ship Crew 8 26 (34) 24 (26) 16(28) 19 (29)
Refrig. m3 5240 6332 21684
Crew 8 16 9*>6
Multi- Dwt 12100 13150 17175
cargo Crew (19) 25 25
Cruise Passengers 100 584 960 1354 2604 2744
liner Crew 65 240 480 642 980 826
Passenger Passengers 600 2500
ferry Crew 248 264
Freight Containers 20 301 1388
ferry Crew 9 7(10) 18
Notes on Table 1
Where a number in brackets follows another number, this indicates “accomodation for” and
includes repair crew and spare rooms. Suez crew (generally 6 on large ships) are excluded.
* This crew is based on an “integrated ship control system. The present crew of 9 consists of
captain and 2 deck officers, 1 cook/steward and 2 g.p. ratings. It is intended that this crew be
reduced to 6 in the future.
Statistics of Crew size 'servicing' Passenger vessels yields the following ratio:
In the passenger ship market reductions in manning required to run the vessel are offset by
improvements in passenger comfort leading to roughly constant passenger/ crew ratio’s
Table 2 shows the crew list from QE2 (taken from Ref 3)
Crew numbers on cargo ships are constantly reducing with most cargo ships in the mid 1990’s
having a crew of 18 – 20 (Ref 3). Table 3 (taken from Ref 3) shows the ongoing trend towards
reducing crew numbers and gives an indications of the breakdown.
Table 3 Alternative manning for handy-sized products tanker in 1986 (Ref 3)
Deck Department
• Captain 1
• First Mate 1
• Second Mate 1
• Radio Officer/Electronics Engineer 1
• General Purpose Able Seaman 3
• Chief Engineer 1
• Second Engineer 1
• Third Engineer 1
• Engineroom Hand / Fitter 1
• Cook/Chief Steward 1
• Stewards 2
6.2.3 Margins
In addition to the above the following should be allowed for (as required):
These are guidelines for a small to medium container vessel (Up to 1500 TEU), for very small
or larger vessels the Merchant Shipping and Crew Accommodation Regulations 1997, should be
consulted, or RINA Significant Ships reviewed to get a better estimate from in service ships.
(ii) Analytic Method. The Analytic Method proceeds on a Branch by Branch assessment of the
complement required, based on the systems to be operated, or in the case of the Supply Branch on
the total complement itself. Before a design can be considered feasible the total complement must
be justified in this manner, even if in the first instance it was arrived at in an arbitrary fashion. If
6.3 References
6.4.1 Introduction
(i) WE Branch
(ii) ME Branch
(iii) Fleet air Arm (and Air Engineering Branch).
(iv) Supply & Secretariat Branch
with Sub Branches
• Writers
• Stores Accountants
• Catering Accountants
• Cooks
• Stewards
(i) Misc. Groups
• RM Detachment
• Regulating & Physical Training
• Medical & Dental
• Instruction
The Weapons engineering complement is determined by the maintenance load at sea and in
harbour. The maintenance load can be met in part by the Maintainer/Operators with the balance
met by the WE Branch dayworkers.
(i) Management and Administration
1 x WEO
+ 1 x DWEO (for D> 5000 tonne)
rising to + 3 for small Aircraft Carrier
(ii) Maintenance/Administrative Load
The Maintenance Load can be broken down into:
(a) Preventive Maintenance.
(b) Defect Repair Load (Sea and Harbour).
(c) Admin Load.
The Preventive Maintenance Load can be assumed to be constant with time, while the Defect
Repair Load is a function of Mission time and the Availability required at the end of a patrol.
The cumulative Maintenance Loads (for sea and harbour) will be of the form shown in figures A1
and A2 below, made up from the maintenance figures for individual items of payload.
The Marine Engineering Branch is determined by a number of functions. It must man the Ship
Control Centre (SCC) and maintain adequate supervision of Propulsion, auxiliary and Electrical
Generating machinery. Additionally at Defence State NBCD surveillance must be provided from
the SCC. Finally the Maintenance Load at sea, and in part the maintenance load in harbour, must
be met by the ME branch.
(i) Management and Administration
1 x MEO
+ 1 x MWEO (for D> 5000 tonne)
Fleet Air Arm (and Air engineering) complement on a warship is predominantly a function of the
type and number of aircraft embarked. For each Squadron or flight (i.e. 1 or 2 helicopters on a FF/
DD) the complement can be broken down into the following contributions.
(i) Non-Technical (i.e. Operations)
(a) Officers - Pilots and Observers
(b) Ratings
The Supply and Secretariat Branch provide Accounting, Catering and Administrative support to the
operation of the ship. To a large extent their complement is determined by the numbers required
for Operations, WE, ME and FAA Branches. As a rough rule of thumb the supply and Secretarial
complement is about 12-15% of Total Complement.
(i) Management and Administration
Frigate/DD 1 x SO
Cruiser 2 x SO
Amphib Ship 4 x SO
Aircraft Carrier
(ii) Writers
(a) Pay and Cash Duties (see Figure A.5).
Figure A6
(iv) Catering Accountants (see figure A7)
Figure A7
(v) Cooks (see figure A8)
Figure A9
Figure A10
(b) PT Staff
Minor Warships – nil
Summation of the preceding Branch complements will lead to an objective calculation of warship
A decision then has to be made whether further reductions are justified, accepting that not all
items of payload will require simultaneous operation, some dual tasking is possible, and that the
communal Party allowance can be reduced.
For the purpose of the Ship Design Exercise the maximum constraint which can be applied to this
basic complement is a 15% reduction. Some degree of justification should be provided for such
cuts however.
6.4.4 Margins
The structure of a Quarter Bill is shown in Figures A12-A15. Figures A12-A13 are summary
sheets. Figures A14-A15 are examples of some individual branch complement proformas. For each
Branch it is a question of defining the tasks to be performend, and selecting the number and rank/
rate of the people to carry out the task. For each Branch a prime State can be determined. This is
the state (i.e. Action, Defence, Harbour) which requires the largest complement. Usually this turns
out to be the Defence State. In the Action State the surplus of complement is assigned to NBCD
The percentage breakdown of complement by Branch is shown for T22 and T23 Frigates in Figure
Figure 16
6.5.1 Introduction
The complementing of a merchant ship can be considered in terms of the following departments
a. Deck Department
b. Engineering Department
c. Catering Department
a. Officers
Shaft Power HP Number
Coastal <500 1
500 – 3000 2
Ocean Going 3000 – 5000 3
>5000 4
b. Refrigeration Engineers
For ships with a large refrigeration capacity - 1
c. Ratings
6.5.5 Margins
7.1 Introduction
Hydrostatic stability, both initial and large angle and intact and damaged, has a significant part
to play in developing the form and arrangement of a new ship from the early stages of design
onwards. The issues that bear on form selection and arrangement are discussed in the lecture
notes on Stability Considerations in Ship Design and on weight and Space Considerations in Ship
Design. This chapter is concerned with how stability issues are taken into account in the various
phases of the Ship Design Exercise.
It should be borne in mind that intact stability importantly affects, and is affected by, the
geometry of the ship form together with the vertical positions of the CG. The latter is affected
by geometry, by weight margin policy, and by variations due to the working of oil fuel and
water ballast. Damaged stability is additionally affected by the disposition of the main transverse
watertight bulkheads.
At the start of the Ship Design Exercise is should be sufficient to limit stability considerations
to aiming for an adequate value of GM (solid) in the Deep (or fully laden) Condition based on
previous similar, and successful, designs. This approach is included in the Parametric Survey
Outline Annex 2B.
From an empirical/theoretical plot of GM(solid) in the Deep Condition against Depth the value of
GM(solid) req for a new design in the Deep Condition can be estimated. (See Fig. 7.1).
Values are for non-water ballast compensated ships. Where water compensation is used, values
approximately 70% of the above will probably be acceptable.
Such relationships assume an anticipated overall density, and specific stability criteria. Clearly a
similar analysis could be carried out for other ship types.
The next step is to estimate the value of GM (solid) achieved in the Deep Condition for a new
design using the relationship:
GM = KB + BM− KG
An initial estimate KB can be evaluated with enough accuracy from Morrish’s formula
KB = (5/6 - Cb / 3.Cw ) T
(where an approximate estimate for Cw is given by Cw = 2Cp/(1 + Cp)
BM can be evaluated from the formula
7.2.1 Warships
The approach pioneered by Sarchin and Goldberg in Ref 2 is the basis for all modern naval stability
standards, such as Naval Engineering Standard 109 (Ref 3) This is to be applied to the intact
GZ curves for the new design in the deep, worst sea-going and light conditions using the various
software tools available. Early on the value of KG solid in the deep condition will have to be
taken from equation (1). Later, a direct estimate for the new design can be made when sufficient
information on the weight sub groups is available.
Allowance for free surface effects at large can angles be made as described in Ref 4 (Rawson and
The approach of incorporating flare all along the length of ships developed by Burcher at UCL,
(Ref 5), will improve both intact and damaged stability. Equally tumble home while offering
potential improvements to radar cross section has a large detrimental effect on stability (particularly
damaged). Some students will choose to adopt these approaches in their designs. If a tumble home
design is undertaken stability will be a major concern and care must be taken at every stage to
ensure that the stability (intact and damaged is adequate). To start with, however, it is preferable
to omit consideration of flare or tumble home as this will enable the use of data from previous
ships. Subsequently flare or tumble home could be added and the consequences determined by
direct calculation. In the case of tumble home although for the same waterline the GM will remain
unchanged there will be a significant reduction in shape of the GZ curve (max GZ, and range)
consequently consideration should be given from the earliest design stages to measures to try and
offset these anticipated reductions.
The basic minimum stability standards for commercial ships are defined for UK ships in the
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Rules 1968 (Ref 6), based on the International Load Line
Convention (ILLC) of 1966. (For convenience of reference they are summarized at Annex B.)
These requirements define the magnitude and shape of the GZ curve; they do not consider the
interaction of disturbing moments caused by weather (e.g. wind heeling moment) on the GZ curve.
For some specialist ships which carry certain types of mobile cargo, there are higher standards
of intact stability. This concerns principally the carriage of grain in bulk and slurry carried by
dredgers. A good introduction to these requirements is provided by Watson in Ref.1. The actual
statutory requirements are to be found in SOLAS Chapter VI (Ref 7)
7.3.1 Warships
In warship design practice, the objective is that the ship should remain upright after flooding due
to underwater damage until flooding is so extensive that the reserve of buoyancy is overwhelmed
and the ship sinks. This will be by foundering, if flooding is symmetrical about amidships,
or by plunging if flooding occurs towards one end or the other. Capsizing can occur if the
loss of waterplane area due to flooding is sufficiently large for the reduction in BM to over-
ride the increase in KB, so that GM becomes negative. Even with a positive GM, if the GZ is
sufficiently impaired, the damaged ship could be vulnerable to capsize by rolling in strong beam
winds. However, the incorporation of moderate amounts of flare along the length will serve to
largely eliminate the risk of capsizing with damage centered on amidships, leaving plunging as the
main hazard (Ref.5)
A quick check on bulkhead disposition, which will have been undertaken in conjunction with
layout considerations in the initial sizing (see Chapter 2, Section 4), can be obtained by considering
the effect of the loss of 0.15L of the waterplane length. Ideally, bulkheads should be disposed to
avoid flooding more than three main compartments. Subsequently more extensive damage stability
calculations are to be performed in accordance with NES 109. For a warship - the main risks are
the large lengths of flooding associated with engine-room damage, and the large trim associated
with damage towards the stern of the vessel where the reserve of buoyancy may be limited. In the
extreme this could result in loss of the ship by plunging. As a general rule-of-thumb it is advisable
to treat No.2 deck as an unofficial margin line, so that there is some protection against excessive
stern trim.
Merchant ship requirements for freeboard, subdivision and damaged stability are governed by ILLC
66 and SOLAS 1974 (and its subsequent amendments).
Freeboard. Minimum freeboards are defined in ILLC 66 in terms of Type A (reduced freeboard
ships with no cargo hatches such as tankers) and Type B ships (applicable to majority of ships).
In addition there are some Type B concession categories for certain ships, if they can be shown
to survive specified amounts of damage. These are the so-called B-60 ships (1 compartment
damage) i.e freeboard is reduced by 60% of difference between Type A and Type B. In reality
these freeboards are to be considered as bare minima, which in the case of long bulk carriers have
been shown to be inadequate for good seakeeping.
Subdivision. In merchant ship design practice, concern is concentrated more on the retention of
some reserve of buoyancy, as represented by freeboard to the margin line, and this is the basis
of floodable length calculations. The approach leads to requirements for 1, 2 (and sometimes 3)
compartment standards according to the size and service of the ship - particularly as regards the
carrying of passengers. See References 1 and 6 for a description of the approach and damaged
stability requirements. SOLAS (Ref. 7) gives the various formulae for calculating the factor of
subdivision (F) dependent on ship type, service and number of passengers.
Damaged Stability. The calculation of damaged stability for merchant ships can be carried out using
a deterministic approach or alternatively using a probabilistic method.
The deterministic method is used in conjunction with the spacing of bulkheads dictated by
the factor of subdivision. SOLAS specifies an assumed amount of damage (3m + 3%L with a
minimum of 11m), and the required minimum GM and GZ characteristics after damage. (See Ref 1
for introduction and Ref 7 for actual rules)
7.4.1 Warships
The Margins for Weight and KG, and their influence on GM in the Light Condition can be shown
on a Margin Diagram (see Fig. 7.3). This provides a useful indication of the effect of Displacement
and KG increase on Initial Intact Stability.
A more comprehensive analysis, using Sarchin ang Goldberg criteria, can be carried out to
determine Allowable KG against displacement (see diagram below). This will then provide
throughout the life of the ship an immediate check on the adequacy of the design against stability
The situation on commercial ships appears to be simpler than for naval vessels with no equivalent
of the Board margin. Equally the literature is silent on the need for a Growth Margin of any sort.
(i) Lightship Design (and Build) Weight Margin
Watson (Ref 1) suggests a figure of about 2% should be assumed for the Lightship weight margin
in order to guard against erosion of deadweight capacity. This will affect stability calculations to
some extent.
(ii) Lightship VCG Margin
. In order to determine the length, location and usage of tanks, it is advisable to construct curves of
Cross Section Area distribution below:
(a) Lowest Deck (i.e. Double Bottom tankage).
(b) Lowest Deck + 1 (i.e. Deep tankage).
It is then possible to calculate the lengths of Double Bottom and Deep Tanks necessary to meet
volume requirements (see Chapter 5 for Dieso), and to balance their distribution about the LCB
such that trim can be managed as liquids are consumed. For commercial ships consideration must
be given to the quantity and position of segregated ballast tanks, to ensure adequate stability and
acceptable trim in the Ballast Condition.
Fig 7.1 Acceptable Standards for GM deep (Intact)
1. Watson D.G.M. “ Practical Ship Design” Elsevier 1998 ISBN 0-08-042999-8. In the NAME
Office Library - Ref 02.108/2.
2. Sarchin T. H. and Goldberg L. L. : ‘Stability and Buoyancy criteria for U.S. naval surface ships’,
SNAME Transactions 1962. (page )
7.7 Definitions
The Light Condition of a ship may be defined as the Deep Condition minus:
1. 100% Fuel
2. 100% Fresh Water
3. 100% Provisions (Groups 721, 722)
4. 50% Naval Stores and Victualling Stores (Groups 71, 723 and 724)
5. Ammunition below KG (light)
The Worst Seagoing Condition is the Light Condition plus an amount of Fuel/Ballast water (to be
defined on a case by case basis) which the command would be instructed not to drop below.
It is generally not a situation which should be aimed for in Concept Design unless space exists for
dedicated Ballast Tanks.
8.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to provide methods for the establishment of seakeeping assessment
criteria and the subsequent evaluation of performance. The approach described is closely based on a
methods advocated for warships by Crossland & Johnson (2000) with merchant ship criteria being
drawn from Khattub (2000) & Lloyd (1998).
Although seakeeping is evaluated late in the UCL ship design exercise its importance should not be
underestimated, it is a key element in distinguishing between good and bad designs. For example
the improved operational effectiveness of a large ship carrying the same weapon as a small ship
may only be apparent through the seakeeping analysis, furthermore poor seakeeping performance
may spell economic disaster for a passenger ship operator. Consequently seakeeping can be a vital
element of the cost effectiveness decision, and may well be a major influence in the decision on
platform type.
The approach adopted when setting and evaluating requirements should be a rational. Crossland,
Johnson (2000) have proposed the following logical steps:-
The key to assessing the seakeeping performance of any ship design is to establish a criteria set
against for the assessment. Crossland & Johnson suggest that the criteria set be assembled by
considering the mission and support activities the ship must perform. They consider specifically
naval missions and support activities see Table 1. The high diversity of activity found within
merchant ships makes the generation of a similar generalised table for all types of merchant ship
difficult. Table 2 shows one attempt at a similar approach, the mission activities have been split into
three types. Firstly those associated with transit between ports (typical of cargo vessels and ferries).
Secondly those associated with the leisure activities (typical of passenger ships) and thirdly those
associated with ships performing specified tasks at sea eg cable layers, diving support, FPSO’s,
drilling ships etc. The support activities are those normally undertaken in sheltered water / harbour
and include repair and maintenance or loading and unloading.
The activities, systems and tasks used for the mission must be defined before the designer can
select or define criteria for assessing the effects of ship motions and related phenomena on the
effectiveness of the ship. Additionally, each mission is also generally associated with a mission
speed profile representing the ships operation, in terms of the relative amount of time spent at
various ship speeds.
Table 3, reproduced from Crossland and Johnson (2000) shows the Mission / System Matrix
for a warship, which defines the systems that are used in the missions, and also emphasises the
interaction of these systems with the support activities. Table 4 shows a similar approach for
merchant ships. It should be noted however that Table 4 is not comprehensive and is included
to emphasis the need to consider the tasks the ship is required to undertake when determining
seakeeping performance. It is by establishing criteria associated with each activity / system that a
full criteria set can be assembled for use in any seakeeping assessment.
For a full seakeeping performance prediction, the designer will normally have to define sea area(s),
season(s), course(s)/heading(s), and wave spectra to be encountered. Furthermore in order to
ascertain that worst-case responses, investigations in long crested as well as short crested seas would
normally be performed. However time is limited in the ship design exercise and it may one be
possible to run one or two critical cases.
The requirements for a new ship design identify what level of seakeeping performance is to be
achieved. Appendix 1 describes the various parameters used to describe seakeeping performance
and gives a range of limiting values used by previous designers.
In most cases, merchant and naval ships have a variety of missions and support activities, many
of which are performed at the same time. It is useful to arrange the seakeeping criteria for these
different missions and activities in “mission criteria sets”. This approach provides a convenient way
to track seakeeping criteria through the performance assessment process. Crossland and Johnson
(2000) illustrate this for a frigate undertaking ASW operations, table 5 shows the mission criteria
set produced by Crossland and Johnson for the ASW mission, table 6 shows a similar set of criteria
produced for a cable laying ship by Khattab (2000) and table 7 a set for a trimaran by Anceriz
(2001). Tables 5,6 & 7 show both location-independent criteria (i.e. roll and pitch angles), and
location-dependent criteria
It is possible to reduce these sets by eliminating criteria that appear several times, leaving the lowest
set, ie. the most demanding. For example, the ASW operation in table 5 shows that the work of
personnel at the bridge, torpedo launch, and helicopter launch are all limited by roll: only the lowest
criterion, 2.5 degrees roll helicopter launch) need he used in calculations. Eliminating roll and pitch
angle criteria is easy to accomplish, as they are not tied to a particular location on the ship. It is
not a simple task to reduce location-dependent criteria, unless more than one is evaluated at the
same ship location. They should not be ‘ eliminated’ until preliminary motion calculations have
been made, as it is not always intuitively clear how variations in location will affect performance
Operational effectiveness in the context of seakeeping is a measure of the ability of the ship to put
to sea and achieve its mission under the environmental conditions encountered. This is defined
as the percentage of time the ship can perform in its allotted mission for a given combination of
environmental factors. Full operability calculations are rather complicated because they involve
predicting operability in all likely to be encountered wind and waves conditions and speed/heading
combinations. In this case there may be a trade off between meeting a specific seakeeping capability
and cost, based upon the probability of not being able to perform in some scenarios which occur
less frequently and are regarded as less important.
It is unlikely that in the limited time available during the ship design exercise such a comprehensive
exercise can be undertaken, however it should be possible to perform a more limited analysis to
give a good indication of the seakeeping limits on the design. One possible approach would be to
determine for a range of speeds and headings and a given mission the limiting wave height and
hence sea state using the various criteria in appendix 1 (see figure 1). From a knowledge of the
probability of occurrence of each sea state in the area of operation (using wave atlas data, see
table 8 for a simplified presentation) it should then be possible to show the mission percentage
operability for a given speed (see figure 2). As part of the machinery selection process the marine
engineer will have produced a projected speed profile through life (figure 3). This can be used
to combine the mean percentage operability for a given speed figures (see figure 2) to produce a
percentage operability through life plot for that particular mission (figure 4).
From these plots it should be possible to determine aspects of the design where an improvement in
seakeeping performance is desirable. For example figure 4 shows a poor availability at low speeds,
an examination of figures 1 and 2 could reveal the cause to be excessive rolling, in this case it might
be sensible to add bilge keels
Although roll damping may be increased by the addition of bilge keels or fins it is generally true to
say that seakeeping performance can generally only be changed by a significant modification to the
main dimensions of the ship. Seakeeping performance should be therefore be considered at the very
initial stage of the design process rather than being left to the optimisation phase when an indicative
design has already been defined along with its essential characteristic
Furthermore, it is important to note that the seakeeping performance, of a ship is strongly affected
by the layout. An alternative location where the seakeeping performance criteria are to be
evaluated, as a consequence of a different arrangement, may result in a large difference in the
overall ship operability without any change in the hull form. Placing the flight deck at amidships
rather than at the stern, is an example of such a change
8.9 References
The following sections describe the various parameters that are frequently used to describe
seakeeping behaviour. Mathematical definitions of the various parameters are to be found in Lloyd
The parameters fall into two types firstly simple measures which seek to describe ship motion
directly ie acceleration, velocity, relative motion etc and more complex parameters which attempt to
describe the affect of motion on human physiology. Accelerations Slamming
Slamming occurs when the relative motion exceeds the draught and the relative velocity at impact
exceed a given threshold. The effect is a transient shock load which causes the ship to vibrate.
There may also be structural damage (either local or global). The magnitude of the effect depends
on the local shape with “V” sections performing better than “U” sections.
Limiting criteria are given in Lloyds (1998) and Khattab (2000) the following table gives indicates
limiting levels used in the past
Allowable Limit Slamming
Deck wetness is normally considered to occur when the relative motion exceeds the freeboard. This
is however a somewhat simplistic view, in reality the behaviour is more complex with the shape of
the bow region significantly affecting the wave profile and hence wetness. Deck wetness may be
reduced both by increasing freeboard and by designing the bow shape with care. In general fine
lines with a sharp stem together with an flare will have the affect of reducing wetness, however care
is necessary as excessive flare may amplify the waves and increase wetness (Khattab 2000). Deck
wetness may result in damaged equipment and impared deck activity.
Limiting criteria are given in Lloyds (1998) and Khattab (2000) the following table gives indicates
limiting levels used in the past
Allowable Limit of Deck Wetness
Propeller emergence is said to occur when the relative motion is such that a proportion of the
propeller emerges from the water, typically a quarter of the diameter. This simplistic model ignores
modification of relative wave motion due to deformation of incoming wave by radiation and
diffraction. The behaviour may result in propeller racing which may cause engine damage
Limiting criteria are given in Lloyds (1998) and Khattab (2000) the following table gives indicates
limiting levels used in the past
Allowable Limit of Propeller Emergence
Ship Type No. of Emergences Reference
per hr (unless otherwise stated)
Cargo liner 5 SRI08 (1975)
Container 50 Kitazawa et al (1975)
Merchant 50 - 125 Aertssen (1968)
Merchant Probability of 0.01 Ship Building Research Assoc
of Japan (1975)
Merchant Probability of 0.25 Aertssen (1963, 66, 68,72)
Merchant and Naval 120 Lloyd & Andrew (1977)
Warship Probability of 0.02 at FP Comstock et al (1982)
Roll motion induces both lateral acceleration and gravity loads, large roll angles make some tasks
very difficult to undertake
Limiting criteria are given in Khattab (2000) the following tables gives indicates limiting levels used
in the past
Allowable Roll Angle (Khattab (2000))
Ship Type Roll Angle rms deg Reference
Cargo Liner 6-7 SR108 (1975)
Container 6-7 Kitazawa et al (1975)
Cargo Liner 5 - 5.8 Aertssen (1977)
Container 3.4 Wahl (1979)
Naval Mono-hull 9.6 Olson (1977)
Naval Mono-hull 4.0 Comostock et al (1980)
SWATH 9.6 Olson (1977)
Hydrofoil 1.25 Stark (1977)
2000-3000 SES 1.5 Mandel (1979)
Naval Helicopter 3.2 Olson (1977)
Naval Helicopter 2.5 Comstock et al (1980)
Naval Mono -hull 9.6 Olson (1977)
Cruise Liner 2 Norforsk standard
Merchant 6 Norforsk standard
Allowable Limit of Pitch Angle (Khattab (2000))
Ship Type rms Pitch Angle, deg. Reference
Hydrofoil 1.5 Stark(1977)
2000-3000 tonne SES 1.5 Mandel (1979)
Naval Mono-Hull Helicopter 1.5 Comstock (1980)
Naval Mono-Hull Sonar 2.4
Motion sickness incidence is a measure of likely percentage of people who will be subject to motion
sickness and vomit within a two hour period, again it is strongly dependent on acceleration and
encounter frequency. Motion sickness rises to some maximum value shortly after exposure to ship
motions, than declines as the population becomes habituated
Limiting criteria are given in Lloyds (1998) and Khattab (2000) the following table gives indicates
limiting levels used in the past
Suggested Limits of Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI) (Khattab (2000))
Ship Type MSI Reference
Naval Mono-Hull 20% in 2 hrs Olson (1977)
3350 tonne SWATH 20% in 2 hrs Olson (1977)
Hydrofoil 10% in 4 hrs Stark(1977)
2000-3000 tonne SES 10% in 2 hrs Mandel (1979)
Trimaran 20% Anceriz(2001)
Naval Monohull 20% in 2 hrs Olson (1977)
Sonar research
Lateral Force Estimator is the lateral acceleration experiences at a given position on a deck
perceived by a person or object on the deck. It is the acceleration which will tend to cause objects
or personnel to topple or slide across the deck.
Suggested Limits of Lateral Force Estimator LFE (Anceriz (2001))
Ship Design Procedure 113
Ship Type LFE Reference
Trimaran 0.28g Anceriz(2001)
Well acclimatised and experienced crews may perform well despite seasickness. MII describes to
interruption to work caused by slipping and tripping and hence the need to use one hand to hang
on. Hence it can be regarded as a measure of the interruption to work caused by sever weather. .
MII predicts only number of MII expected, not severity; the consequence of an MII is very
important in determining what level of risk is acceptable for any particular task being assessed.
An important part of the ship sizing process is the estimation of Structural Weight. For warships
it represents 30% approx. of Total Weight and 50% of Dry ship Weight. For merchant ships, the
proportion is generally somewhat lower, but still significant. Initially this estimate must be based
on the assumed values of Volume, Displacement and dimensions (see Chapter 2-3) and determined
by the use of formulae or scaling from a suitable data base.
Most ship types fall into discreet bands of Structural Weight Fraction (Ws/W) and Structural
Density (Ws/V) as is shown below
Structural Weight will be driven by a mixture of the Loading requirements and the envelope
function of enclosing a given volume. Apart from Still Water primary Loading, which is Weight
sensitive, all other forms of Loading (e.g, Wave Induced primary Loads, Transverse Loads) are
principally determined by dimensions.
Therefore, on balance it is probably justified to calculate Structural Weight initially from an
assessment of dimensions and Total volume, rather than Weight. The use of Total volume alone is
The Primary Loading acting on a Hull Girder is composed of a Still Water and Wave Induced
component. It will be of benefit to later discussion to consider the separate dependence of these
contributions to dimension, weight and weight distribution.
Still Water Bending Moment Msw ∝ µ WL f (Wt distribution)
Wave Induced Bending Moment Mwi ∝ µ BL2h f (Waterplane Area)
where W is Weight, L is Length and h is Wave Height.
Still Water Loading (i.e., Shear force and Bending Moment) should be calculated directly from an
estimate of mass and buoyancy distribution.
For warships SWBM will be of Hogging sign.
Msw / WL = 50 - 100 Nm/tonne m
Extreme Wave Induced Loading (comprising buoyancy and whipping effects) can be estimated by
formulae in the early design stages or simulated by a static balance approach.
Ship Design Procedure 116
9.2.3 Most probable Extreme Values
The Most Probable Extreme values for Sagging and Hogging Wave Induced Bending Moment
& Shear Force amidships (corresponding to a Probability of Exceedance PL1 = 3.3 x 10-8) can be
found using Lloyds rules (Volume 1 Part 5 Chapter 4 for the warship rules)
Alternatively the Most Probable Extreme values can be determined by a Static Balance calculation
of the wave induced component using the method described in Chalmers “Design of Warship
Structures” ie using an 8m wave of length equal to the ship length. Computer programs are
available to assist with this.
The Wave Induced Loading calculated above will correspond to a ship life of 3 x 107 wave periods
- with mean wave period equal to 7.2 secs. Should a greater ship life be required then the results
can be extrapolated as shown below.
Design Extreme Wave Induced Loading (corresponding to a Probability of Exceedance with the
ships life of 1% i.e., PLN = 0.01) can be estimated from the Most Probable Extreme values by
factoring them by 1.54 if Chalmers (ie the 8m wave) has been used and by 1.5 if the formula in
Lloyds rules is used.
Msagwide = 1.54 Msagwi
Mhogwide = 1.54 Mhogwi
where wide is design extreme
The Wave Induced Design Extreme Values must now be added to the Still Water Bending Moment
to determine the Combined Design Extreme Loading.
Msag = Msagwide + Msw
Mhog = Mhogwide + Msw
Design Extreme Shear Forces can be calculated in an analogous way to Bending Moment using as
a start point a static balance calculation to determine Wave Induced Most Probable Extreme values.
The above procedure for Bending Moment and Shear Force has only considered maximum values.
It is also necessary to be able to define values at other positions in the ship.
The distribution of Bending Moment along the ship should be factored by static balance results,
taking the Design Extreme values amidships as references.
An allowance should also be made for slam induced bending moment away from amidships (see
For shear force, the distribution up to quartile points should be factored from the static balance
results, but a linear distribution assumed between them.
The Midship Section should be designed to satisfy the following Hull Girder criteria:
(i) Extreme Loading
Superstructure proportion can have a significant effect on Structural weight - in particular the
longitudinal structure contributing to Hull girder strength.
For Monohull escorts a high Superstructure proportion can be arranged to give a continuous 01
deck in the midship region, thereby effectively increasing Hull Girder Depth. While this leads to an
improvement in structural efficiency, a more powerful effect is that for a constant Volume increases
Ship Design Procedure 119
in Superstructure proportion will naturally lead to a reduction in length of the Main Hull. This
can be expected to reduce primary Loading quite considerably, and hence Structural Weight. If a
structurally efficient superstructure deck can be arranged this will be an added bonus.
A low superstructure proportion, on the other hand, will lead to a long Main Hull, and by being
distributed into small blocks will not be able to contribute to Hull Girder strength.
The following structural calculation should be carried out for SWATHs, analogous to the Midships
Section synthesis for monohulls.
(i) Loading
a) Estimate Still Water Loading of Box and Struts (i.e., Bending Moment and Sheer force on
Box, vertical thrust on Strut).
b) Most probable Extreme Wave Induced Transverse Load.
For a Single Strut
FT / ∆ = 7.94 ∆-0.23
For a Twin Strut
FT / ∆ = 4.26 ∆-0.23
where ∆ is in tonnes
10.1 Introduction
It is essential part of any design project to be able to estimate cost with reasonable accuracy at an
early stage in the design process. Only in this way will it be possible to investigate the trade-offs
between fighting capability and cost for a warship, or to include capital cost in an economic analysis
of a proposed merchant ship design.
To make the cost estimate as accurate as possible it is desirable to attack the problem by summing
the equipment costs as far as these are known. For a warship the only systems and equipment
which are known at an early stage are major weapon systems, propulsion systems and perhaps some
‘power supply’ equipment (e.g. generators, chilled water plants). This however leaves unaccounted
the ship installation cost of the above, and many other systems and equipment of which little
is known in detail. For this majority of the design, cost estimates must be based on historical
regression data plotted against various parameters which are available to the designer. Typical
parameters which are used are Group weights, volumes, areas and powers. Experience will usually
dictate which is the most reliable method. For example structural cost is usually based on eight,
while the electrical generation Group may be based on power supplied. For obvious reasons this
general approach to the problem of cost estimating is known as Parametric Costing.
There are a number of levels of sophistication employed in Parametric Costing. Cost Data may be
applied at Group, Sub-Group or even sub-Sub Group level. It can simulate both material and labour
costs, or it may be possible to estimate these separately. For example warship cost data is usually
combined (see paragraph 2), while the merchant ship data is separated (see paragraph 3).
The parametric cost data must be used with some care. In particular the designer must ensure that it
is appropriate to the sophistication/technology level of the system which he or she is designing. For
example longitudinal structure costs more per tonne than transversely framed structure due to the
higher labour costs involved. It also goes, almost without saying, that a cost must be quoted relative
to a given financial year (e.g. 98/99).
So far we have discussed the method used for the estimation of Unit Production Cost
(UPC). Within the total project cost for a class of ship, however, there are additional ‘start-up’ costs
such as the design itself, development costs, shore test facilities and tooling/jigs etc. There are also
the ‘through-life’ costs of stores, fuel, repair and maintenance etc. to consider. Ref 1 provides a
good insight into the complexities of costing warships in general. Ref 5 contains a more recent
review of data available to assist in warship costing . Ref 2 provides background to the costs to be
considered in merchant ship design.
Below a summary is given of the parametric costing methods for warships and merchant ships to be
used in the Ship Design Exercise.
In the Ship Design Exercise the so called ‘Platform’ cost should be estimated using Cost data for the
following weight groups:
1. Hull
2. Personnel
3. Ship Services
4. Propulsion
5. Electrics
6. Payload
A complete costing procedure and data is given in the Ship Data book for warships. The cost of
weapon equipment is determined directly from a summation of individual costs. To this should
be added a Design Contingency (typically 5%) and Industrial Contingency (typically 10%). The
Design Contingency quoted is applicable to standard monohull designs, using tested technology,
with a controlled element of risk. Advanced Naval Vehicle with greater technological risk may need
to use higher figures.
The cost of payload items are to be individually costed. A list of the majority of likely items is
given in the Ship Data Book. The cost of weapon systems is for control equipment, launchers,
sensors and other hardware items purchased by the shipbuilder or supplied to him by the procuring
authority (i.e. Admiralty Supplied Items ASIs). It excludes ship installation costs (as already
explained), software costs, and development costs. Ammunition, missiles, and other variable
load items are also not attributed to the warship (UPC). This logic also applies to the cost of
helicopters. (However in the Ship Design Exercise, Design Groups should be prepared to quote
helicopter cost if these form part of the ‘permanent’ outfit of the ship).
The data given in the Ship Data Book is FOR EXERCISE PURPOSES only and will not
correspond exactly to negotiated prices. In view of the above omissions from the cost of weapon
systems, and to account for some of the likely development problems, additional contingencies are
quoted in the Ship Data Book. These cover both design and industrial uncertainties.
The Propulsion System cost can be refined by summing the cost of individual equipments (e.g. Gas
Turbines), leaving the residue of items to be costed by a parametric method.
Some typical costs are given in the Ship Data Book. The Marine Engineers should lead this
component of the costing exercise.
This is not quoted as part of the UPC but is typically of the order of 10-20%. It covers most of the
‘start-up’ costs attributable to the platform mentioned in paragraph 1.
The choice of dimensions and size of machinery installation has a considerable bearing on fuel
consumption and hence life-time fuel costs. Thus a cost basis which is used to select dimensions
and machinery should include fuel costs as well as initial installation costs.
Furthermore, the choice of machinery affects the number of watchkeepers required, which in turn
influences the complement and the gross volume of the ship (and hence the Hull cost).
The basis for the selection of dimensions and machinery will be:
The minimum sum of:
It has long been argued that Life Cycle Costing is the only rational method of assessing the true
cost of ownership, as opposed to acquisition. Figure 10.1 is a typical Life Cycle cost profile for a
warship. Ref 3 and Ref 5 provide more detail on this matter.
In reality Life Cycle Costing has yet to be widely accepted for warships. This is due in part to a
paucity of data (in truth a symptom rather than a cause), but more importantly reflects the emphasis
given to the ‘short term’ by most defence administrations. In the UK this is encouraged by the
Defence Vote System which compartmentalizes project costs, and the competitive procurement
environment amongst the three Services. This favours the lowering of acquisition costs - to obtain a
‘foot in the door’ - and a ‘beggar myself tomorrow’ mentality.
As some Target Costs for the Ship Design Exercise are quoted relative to existing designs, The
comparitive costing of a T23 undertaken in Ref 5 may be if interest.
Merchant ships can be differentiated from warships in that the payload is usually part of the
Variable Load (i.e. cargo) and is not fixed (i.e. as with weapon systems).
The payload (if cargo) does not therefore represent an element of the capital cost. The ‘platform’
cost of a merchant ship - the Lightship cost - is composed of three Groups:
1. Structure.
2. Propulsion and Machinery.
3. Outfit.
Proportionally these will be more important as cost fractions than for warships, where the fixed
payload tends to dominate. (E.g. for a tanker, structure represents 50% of cost, whereas for a
frigate it is about 10%).
The formula is split into three components describing the following three areas:
1. Steelwork
1. Labour
2. Materials
2. Outfit
1. Labour
2. Materials
3. Machinery
1. Labour & Materials
where L = Length Between Perpendiculars (in metres), WS the Steel weight (in tonnes), WO the
Outfit weight (in tonnes) and PS the Service Power of Main Engines (in bhp). A’, B’, C’, D’ and
E’ are factors embracing wage rates, allowances, overall productivity levels, assumed overheads
and profit, material costs, wastage and allowance, delivery and handling charges and distributed
allocation of service and miscellaneous costs.
Data for use in this formula is given in the Ship Design Data Pack, using certain stated
assumptions. Students should consult Ref [4] themselves, and are at liberty to propose more suitable
factors should this be appropriate to their design.
10.5 References
1. D. K. Brown and D. Andrews. ‘Cheap warships are not simple' - SNAME, Symposium on Ship
Costs and Energy, 1982. (page )
Several programs have been written to assist with initial sizing at various times. However, in recent
years, most students have found that implementing the weight/ volume scaling algorithms from the
data book and the procedure shown in Figure 5 of Chapter 2 using a spreadsheet, has proved most
effective. An alternative to the spreadsheet would be to use a mathematically explicit program such
as MathCad with the MathConnex overlay to provide a suitable structure.
Power speed calculations should be carried out using a method appropriate for the vehicle type.
For monohulls, trimarans or pentamarans this could be Taylor Gertler, Series 64, or other series
as appropriate. One attractive method has been to use Holtrop and Mennen (Principles of Naval
Architecture) as this avoids the requirement to refer to curves for residuary resistance, and can be
readily implemented in either a spreadsheet of MathCad program. Holtrop and Mennen relies on a
general curve fit and should therefore be validated against a similar vessel with a well established
resistance curve before it can be used with confidence.
Two computer programs are available: -
(In the latter stages of design ParaMarine or Tribon can be used for power speed calculations)
For SWATHs two programs are available SWANLEY and CHAPMAN however previous
students have frequently arranged with Quinetiq Haslar to run their SWATH resistance program
(SWATHRES), Initial contact should be through the UCL staff. These codes are also useful
for resistance estimates for other marine vehicles with one or more SWATH type hull, such as
The situation is similar to initial sizing in that although specific computer programs exist to assist
with the parametric survey most students find a spreadsheet best.
Students are advised to directly develop a hullform in Paramarine on Tribon. A number of different
approached to hullform generation are possible which are outlined in the Paramarine tutorials
within the Department.
The Paramarine & Tribon computer system are available to assist with this analysis, and may if the
ship is modelled in a suitable way be used to evaluate not only monohulls but also trimarans.
The Paramarine & Tribon computer system are available to assist with this analysis.
A.1.3.4 Structure
The Paramarine & Tribon computer systems contain propeller design algorithms, however 20” data
is available in the NAME library and a hand calculations is certainly quicker.
A.1.3.6 Seakeeping
Seakeeping analysis programs are available within Tribon. SHIPMO and TRIMO programs from
MARIN are also available.
A.1.3.7 Layout
Programs have been produced to assist with laying out the ship; the most recent of these is
CEASAR which takes the form of an AutoCAD overlay. For most students however the approach
adopted has been simply to use AutoCAD itself.
User manuals for the programs mentioned above are available in the Naval Architecture CAD room
The following describes the general procedure for guidance in undertaking the parametric survey. It
is a little simplistic and may be refined to consider further variables if a computer based sizing
approach has been adopted.
In the early stages of the design there is considerable freedom to alter the shape of the ship. It is
convenient to think of the ship as made of rubber. It can be deformed as we wish, stretched a little
but is almost incompressible.
Before discussion of efficient shapes it is necessary to define the range of feasible dimensions and
form parameters.
At the simplest level the following dimensions and parameters will be used.
To define Underwater Form
Length L
Beam B
Draught T
Prismatic Coefficient Cp
Mid Section Coefficient Cm
Block Coefficient Cb ( = Cp.Cm )
For the above water form we need the additional parameters
Main Hull Depth D
Waterplane Area Coefficient Cw
Superstructure Proportion vs ( = Vs / V )
Using these basic parameters the expression for a ‘wall sided’ form will be as follows
Total Volume V = Vm + Vs
Main Hull Volume Vm
Superstructure Volume Vs
Displacement Volume ∇= LBT Cp Cm = W / ρw = LBT Cb / density of water
Main Hull Volume Vm = LBT [Cb + Cw (D/T - 1)]
A further useful definition is
Displacement proportion ρ̅ = ∇ / V (Referred to hereafter as overall ‘density’.)
In considering the various possible combination of Form Parameters and Dimensions the following
constraints are imposed
(i) Space Balance, where Volume Required = Volume Available
Vreq = V
(ii) Weight - Displacement Balance
W = Δ = ρw [ L B T Cb ]
i.e. Ship must float at Design Waterline such that desired Underwater Form parameters are
(iii) Stability Balance
GM = GMreq
i.e. Ship dimensions/form parameters must provide sufficient GM for stability. Excessive GM
over GMreq will tend to produce roll rate problems.
The above constraints will yield consistent sets of D, vs, Cb, L, B, T. These candidate forms
must then be assessed against the various performance requirements of the design.
• Layout
• Payload Effectiveness
• Speed
• Seakeeping
• Survivability
• Cost etc.
In the first instance it is advisable to approach the Parametric Survey in two stages:
(i) Major Parametric Survey
• vs - Superstructure proportion
• D - Main Hull Depth (and by implication the number of internal decks nd)
The basic mechanism by which Superstructure Proportion (vs) and the number of internal decks
(nd) (and hence depth) influences dimensions is outlined below.
(i) The Initial Sizing indicates:
Weight = W
Volume = V
∇ = W / ρw
and hence overall ‘density’ (ρ̅ ) or displacement proportion is given by
ρ̅ = ∇ / V
(ii) The proportion of volume in Superstructure (vs) is selected where:
vs = Vs / V
hence the ‘density’ of the Main Hull will be:
ρ̅m = ∇ / ( V - Vs ) = ρ̅ / (1 - vs)
For Typical values of vs and ρ̅m see Fig. B.1.
(iii) Using the ‘wall sided’ model for the Main Hull
∇ = L B T Cb
Vm = L B T [ Cb + Cw (D/T -1) ]
The ‘Density’ of the Main Hull is therefore
ρ̅m = ∇ / Vm = Cb / [ Cb + Cw (D/T -1) ]
(iv) An initial Depth is selected to be consistent with the need to provide sensible multiples of Deck
Height (i.e. D = nd Δh + R) or (i.e. D = ( nd - 2) Δh + M).
where Δh is Deck Height (approx. 2.5m), M is Machinery Space Depth, R is Double Bottom
Residue and nd is the number of internal decks.
• The overall ‘density’ yielded by the Sizing Process plus the Superstructure
proportion determines the Main Hull Density.
• The number of internal decks dictates the Depth
• The Depth and Main Hull Density determines Draught for an assumed set of Form Parameters
• The empirically required GM, Depth, Draught and the relative depth of KG determine Beam.
• Given the above cross-section dimensions of Depth, Draught and Beam (and the assumed
Form Parameters) a certain Length is required to generate the basic Displacement and Volume
of the ship.
yielding windows of consistent dimensions of T, B and L for median values of Cb, Cw.
A suitable presentation is shown in Figs. B2-B3.
It is now necessary to determine a suitable combination of Superstructure Proportion and nd (& D
min) for further parametric examination using the Minor Parameters.
The Minimum Superstructure proportion (vs min) can be assessed by consideration of Conning,
Payload requirements and other essential space demands on the upper Deck.
A sensible length range (from a hydrodynamic point of view) is given by consideration of Relative
Length M=L / ∇0.3. Values should lie in the range 5-9.
Values less than 5 will present severe R and P penalties if wavemaking drag is significant. Values
higher than 9 will present Seakeeping and Structural Strength problems.
Consideration should also be given to any absolute limits on length (e.g. Docking or Upper Deck
It can be seen from the above that to increase Length there are two basic courses of action
(i) Reduce Superstructure proportion (vs)
(ii) Reduce Depth, and hence Draught and Beam.
The above procedure assumes a constant overall Volume. If a minimum superstructure and Depth
policy still generates insufficient Length or leads to unacceptably low values, it is necessary to
increase the Main Hull Length as required.
This will effectively increase Total Volume and reduce density ρ̅ as the buoyancy generated will
exceed the additional structure and system weight. Draught and Beam may need to be adjusted
slightly for the new Main Hull Density.
The Major Parametric Survey requires the selection of median values of Cb and Cw which can
subsequently be varied in the Minor Parametric Survey.
Appropriate values are
Cb Cw
Corvettes 0.44 0.75
Frigates/Destroyers 0.50 0.75
Cruisers 0.52 0.75
Aircraft Carriers 0.55 0.72
Passenger Ferries 0.55 0.72
Container Ships 0.60 0.76
Bulk Carriers 0.80 0.90
Crude Oil Carriers 0.85 0.93
The trend in Cb for different types of ships is determined by whether for a given displacement the
resistance at maximum speed (or service speed) is Wavemaking or Skin Friction dominated.
If the resistance is wavemaking dominated, i.e. Fn∇ = Speed(U) / (g ∇1/3 )1/2 > 0.8, then a low Cb
will be beneficial by increasing Length.
If the resistance is skin-friction dominated i.e Fn∇ < 0.6 then a high Cb will be beneficial by
reducing surface area. If this trend is taken too far it will result in form drag increase. A high Cb is
also beneficial for reducing structural cost and for improving cargo carrying efficiency (i.e. high
Cm). (See fig. B4 below).
Cw is broadly linked to Cp for Warship forms, though this will show some scatter between U and V
shaped sections forward.
On completion of the Major Parametric Survey you should have been able to define the major
variables: Superstructure proportion (vs), No of Internal Decks (nd) and hence minimum Depth of
Main Hull.
It is now possible to repeat the exercise varying the Form Parameters e.g. Cp, Cm, one at a time, for
various small increments of Depth above the minimum value.
Note that Cw and Cit will be linked to Cp.
Cw = 2 Cp / (1 + Cp)
Cit = 6 Cw3 /[(2Cw 1) (Cw 1)] ) (2Cw +1)*(Cw+1)
This will again yield windows of consistent dimensions D, T, B and L. An example is shown in Fig.
B5 for a Frigate design, illustrating effect of Cp.
Such results can more usefully be presented at constant values of the Form Parameter of interest,
plotted against Circular M or Length. Fig B6 shows the effect of this transformation based on Fig
In addition to plotting dimensional variation it is possible to include some performance parameters
such as Powers for Max and Cruise speeds.
Further, the several Form Parameters/Circ M graphs can be combined into Matrix contour plots for
individual variables.
A spread sheet may provide an appropriate method of carrying out parametric survey calculations
and due considerations should be given to the presentation of the results.
The realities of ships design impose restrictions, rigid or flexible, on some of the parameters. Some
of the restrictions are absolute, either dictated by the dimensions of fitted equipment, or externally
applied such as the length of a dock, or width of a canal.
Further guidance on the relationship between L, Cp and critical Section Areas is given below.
Amidships Section Area
A11 = ∇ / ( L Cp)
And the Area Coefficient
Cm = A11 / ( B T )
The areas of other sections may be deduced by using a systematic set of ‘Curves of Area’ (e.g. the
Taylor series). For example the ratio A2 / A11 is given as a function of Cp.
Cp 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.66
A2 / A11 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.29
The selection of the length of a ship will be dictated by such facts as:
• Layout
• Payload Effectiveness
Ship Design Procedure 142
• R&P
• Fuel Costs
• Seakeeping
• Structural efficiency
• Costs
• Etc.
While the discussion of length in respect of Layout and Payload Effectiveness will centre on
absolute values, it is more appropriate when selected length for R & P, Fuel Cost and Seakeeping to
consider the length of the ship relative to its displacement i.e Circular M = L / ∇1/3.
(i) Resistance and Fuel Consumption The optimum ‘relative length’ Circ M from a Resistance and
Fuel Consumption point of view will depend on the speed of the ship and its displacement. At
‘high speed’ when wavemaking effects dominate resistance a high Circ M is beneficial. At ‘low
speed’ when skin friction effects dominate resistance a low Circ M is best (see Hydrodynamic
‘High’ and ‘Low’ speeds are terms which need to be defined relative to a given displacement (see
Fig. B7).
Froude Displacement No [ Fn∇ = Speed(U) / (g ∇1/3 )1/2 ] is the appropriate non-dimensional
The effect of Circ M on a nominal Shaft Power (PE / 0.6) is shown in Fig. B8. Although there is
some advantage in a low Circ M for Fn∇ < 0.6 it should be remembered that the Shaft Powers for
Fn∇ > 0.8 are much greater than for Fn∇ < 0.6. Hence any ship which has a significant proportion of
its speed profile at Fn∇ > 0.8 will usually find an advantage in increasing Circ M.
An alternative presentation is given in Fig. B9 at constant Fn∇.
Fig. B.10 gives a tentative ‘design lanes’ for M based on Fn.
• Bow Immersion
• Keel/Sonar Emergence
• Slamming.
In view of the trends outlined above this will lead to conflicting trends with Circ M as shown in the
permissible speed diagrams below.
Resolution of this problem will require case by case calculation, as it will be affected by the position
of accommodation, bridge, sonars etc.
Involuntary Speed Restriction determines the permissible Speed envelope in low/moderate Sea
States. For a given installed Shaft Power increases in Circ M are beneficial for Fn∇ > 0.8.
Ship Design Procedure 148
In order to resolve these conflicting trends consideration must be given to concepts such as Mean
Permissible Speed or to some measure of overall Operational Effectiveness.
Mean Permissible Speed into Head Seas can be determined by combining the Permissible Speed
Envelope for a candidate form with the Sea State Probability Density Function of a given Sea Area/
Time of Year.
A high Circ M is generally beneficial in raising U for ships of moderate/large size (>4000 tonne)
and/or ships operating in areas of low/moderate Sea States.
A less extreme Circ M may have advantages for ships of smaller size and/or ships operating in
moderate/high Sea States.
Hence a certain awareness is required in selecting Circ M for Seakeeping reasons. While length
is generally beneficial, severe reductions in Freeboard and Draught are not. If Depth is fixed, the
achievement of a preferred Circ M will be linked to Superstructure proportion.
In the Parametric Survey you are not expected to carry out these detailed comparisons but to make
a qualitative judgement of the merit of relative dimensions on Seakeeping, vis a vis the function of
the ship, the payload fitted and the likely areas of operation.
(ii) At speeds around the prismatic hump (Fn = 0.3 - 0.35) the second trough of the bow
wave system coincides with the stern trough. From experiment it is found that the longitudinal
distribution of buoyancy has an important effect on this resistance peak. At higher speeds (main
hump), the first trough of the bow wave coincides with the stern trough. At such speeds the
distribution of buoyancy is of less significance - the forebody being more nearly a single point
The design lane below, taken from Saunders, shows empirical values of Cp for minimum
resistance. (For Fn > 0.3 these are in accordance with the Taylor-Gertler series for minimum
wavemaking resistance). The figures on the curve show the percentage change in resistance for a
change in Cp of + 0.05. As would be expected these figures are large in the region of the prismatic
hump and low at high speeds. Below Fn =0.25 the prismatic coefficient has no significant effect on
wavemaking resistance and Cp is increased to increase Cb, reduce length and wetted surface area,
and hence Skin Friction resistance.
It can be seen that for cruising speeds corresponding to a Fn = 0.3 - 0.35 a low value of Cp (≅0.55)
is advantageous while for high speed a higher value is beneficial. This will also have implications
for fuel consumption. The optimum value of Cp for fuel consumption will require consideration of
the speed profile.
It is worth noting with reference to sub-para (i) that the higher Cp’s indicated by the Taylor-
Gertler curve for high Fn’s are only worth achieving if Cm can be reduced accordingly. Should it be
necessary to allow Cb to rise, length would reduce and much higher wavemaking resistance would
be obtained.
Ship Design Procedure 150
A.2.12.3 Seakeeping
(iii) The value of Cp is very closely linked with the value of Cw and indicated by the relationship:
Cw ≅ 2 Cp / ( 1 + Cp )
It has been shown that symmetric seakeeping is improved by increases in Cw which among
other effects increases Heave and Pitch damping. This therefore implies that increase in Cp (with
compensating reductions in Cm) are beneficial to seakeeping.
(Taken to its logical extreme the ultimate seakeeping form would be a triangular wedge with a
rectangular waterplane area.).
There are also some indications that the benefit of high Cp is such that some degree of increase in
Cb and reduction in length may give a net advantage.
Internal Space Distribution
(iv) Forms with a low Cp have a great deal of volume concentrated amidships. If, as may well
happen, this space is greater than actually required for machinery, there may be no way of using the
excess. On the other hand, the fine ends will cause problems in sonar installation and in arranging
the shafts and gearboxes.
(v) It is suggested that the following process should be adopted in the choice of Prismatic
Select Cp (along with Cm) to give the desired Cb in order to obtain a preferred value of length and
Circ M. High Circ M will have advantages for both speed and fuel consumption for most warships
with speeds in excess of Fn = 0.8.
Having achieved the required value of Cb, Cp should be optimised as far as possible (trading off
against Cm) on the basis of speed and fuel consumption. In view of the fact that variation of Cp
away from the optimum has little relative effect on resistance at high Fn (see previous diagram),
this consideration can be given limited weighting i.e. optimisation for top speed.
This then leaves the choice of Cp to be based on the minimisation of fuel consumption, dependant
on the speed profile. It is generally found that the predominance of time spent at cruising speeds
will therefore favour a lowish value of Cp (0.6 to 0.55).
A. Seakeeping
Given the constraint of Cb to achieve the preferred length, Cp should be raised as much as
possible (and Cm reduced) consistent with other considerations. The most important of these other
considerations are likely to be:
It can be seen that there may be some conflict between Fuel Consumption and Seakeeping for the
final choice, which the designer will need to resolve.
(ii) It has already been outlined in para 11(iii) that given a value of Cb, that increases in Cp and
reductions in Cm are beneficial to symmetrical seakeeping. This not only reduces responses but
increases draught (hence lowering the probability of keel emergence).
From a Roll Damping point of view a low Cm will have a slack ‘turn of bilge’ and hence possess
low hull damping. However the space available within the Beam-Draught rectangular envelope
for stabiliser fins, bilge keels will have been increased. As these tend to predominate in their
contribution to total Roll damping there is therefore little disadvantage in this trend.
The minimum value of Cm will usually be dictated by Machinery Layout Considerations (consult
with Mechanical Engineers).
For a systematic investigation and presentation of Cm, the method outlined in the Minor Parametric
Survey may be used.
Cw influences Seakeeping, Stability and Resistance. It is linked fairly closely to the value of Cp but
some variation is possible with the style of section shape (i.e. ‘U’ or ‘V’ shaped).
A high Cw forward has been shown to reduce Symmetric motions, and hence to improve
Seakeeping into Head Seas. (See Hydrodynamic Considerations). For a given displacement, Length
For small fast warships it is important that Cp and Cm lead to a draught which is compatible with
the maximum Cw and ‘V’ shaped sections forward. This maximised Draught and Deadrise Angle
is advantageous for reducing slamming (see Chapter 8). It is also the principal characteristic of so-
called ‘Seakeeping Variant’ Hullforms.
Over the normal range of ships the Beam/Draught ratio has very little effect on Resistance. The
effect of B/T is greatest at Fn = 0.45; at other speeds the effect is much less. It is generally
satisfactory to consider B/T as a passive parameter dictated by the need to achieve a ‘Stability
balance’. There seems to be no unreasonable resistance penalty for values of B/T up to 4.5.
• Hull Structures
• Main Propulsion
• Ship System distribution
• Electrical System distribution
• Fuel
The Weight Groups which are largely independent of dimensions, and effectively defined by the
Staff Target are:
• Payload
• Personnel
• Ship System equipment
• Electrical System equipment
• Stores
This distinction between dependent and independent components is shown in the 2nd column of Fig.
B18. Using such a presentation it is possible to make comparisons between candidate designs, see
Fig. B19.
Figure B19 Effect of Relative Length on Frigate
Weight Distribution (Displacement = 4000 Tonnes)
A typical Cost Breakdown for a Frigate has been shown previously in Fig. 6.
The effect of dimensions on the relative size of Weight Groups can be translated into Platform Cost
using parametric costing methods. The Payload is costed separately, see Fig. B20.
Figure 20B Effect of Relative Length on Frigate Cost Distribution (Displacement = 4000 Tonnes)
In discussing the parametric definition of a monohull form in paras 2-5 of Annex 2B a ‘wall-
sided’ assumption has been made for simplicity. In reality all ships have flare and sheer, so a more
accurate expression for the volume of the main hull is given by:
Students are advised to include this modification in any parametric studies as this will give results
which align better with existing designs. If values of Kf > 1.1 are used it is advisable to augment the
value of KG/D obtained from the parametric formula by one or two times the standard deviation.
A.3.1 Introduction
The procedures laid down in this ANNEX are designed to give the student an insight into how the
Initial Synthesis, and subsequently the Parametric Survey, of a SWATH can be conducted.
As far as possible the description of the process is related back to the corresponding methods for
In the following paragraphs the expressions and formulae have been kept deliberately simple to
maintain clarity of explanation.
As a general introduction to SWATH design Ref [1] is recommended reading.
The procedure outlined for the synthesis of monohulls in Chapter 2.3 is broadly applicable to
SWATHS in that the principles of the process are identical (see Fig. D.1).
From a definition of Payload volume it is possible to estimate Total Volume using a Payload
Volume fraction, and from Total Volume an initial Displacement using a value for Overall Density.
This procedure is only required for the 1st iteration as subsequently volume and Displacement will
be ‘updated’ by Volume Required and Weight respectively from the summation of Group values.
For the summation to proceed it is necessary to translate the Total Volume and Displacement into a
set of dimensions which can be used to calculate individual Group weights and volumes. To do this
a sufficient set of Form Parameters is required.
While the principles are the same as for monohulls, the complexity of the SWATH geometry make
the implementation somewhat more difficult.
Firstly the minimum set of Form Parameters to adequately define dimensions from Displacement
and Volume will need to be greater in number. Secondly the concept of what is meant by a
balanced design is more complicated. Not only must Δ = W and V = Vreq, but there needs to be
For Initial Synthesis it is usually sufficient to determine basic dimensions such as A, LH, Ls, T, b,
B using ‘underwater’ parameters, and to assume that these can be made compatible with the Box
Volume. This compatibility will be considered later in the parametric Survey.
Below a possible, and sufficient set, of Form Parameters is defined. It is quite feasible however to
devise alternative sets. For simplicity it has been assumed that Hull Length (LH) and Strut Length
(LS) are equal.
(i) Displacement Distribution (m)
m = ∇hull / ∇
∇hull= m∇
∇strut = (1-m) ∇
Typically (m) will need to lie in the range 0.70 to 0.85. Below 0.70 the struts become too
voluminous and the seakeeping advantage of a SWATH is lost. Above 0.85 stability, Trim and
Sinkage can present problems. Strut contribution is also likely to be difficult.
(ii) Prismatic Coefficient (Cp)
The concept of a Design Balance for SWATH is more intricate than for a Monohull. This can be
attributed to the non-homogeneous nature of the value of space. The Space Balance for the Box
must be considered separately from the Space Balance in the Struts and Lower Hull. As a general
rule a space requirement which derives from a need for area must be allocated in the Box. Space
requirements for Fuel, Ballast, and possibly Machinery must largely be found in the Lower Hull and
(i) Conditions for Balanced Design
a. Space
Vreq ≤ V
Vboxreq ≤ Vbox
Vresreq ≤ Vres
note: Vbox will be derived from Area requirement (where Δh= Deck Ht.)
Vbox =Abox.req. Δh + dV
b. Weight – Displacement
(ii) Conditions for Design Imbalance
a. Space
Vreq > V
At this stage it is assumed that Volume and Displacement values have been defined, consistent with
a balance around a set of default form parameters.
V = Vbox + Vres > Vreq
Δ = Δhull + Δstrut = W
It is now necessary to examine in more detail the options available in terms of dimensions which
satisfy both the Space and Weight constraints, and additionally Stability/Trim requirements which
Ship Design Procedure 167
up to now have been ignored. Again as in the Monohull section it will be assumed that the Space
and Weight constraints are rigid and not sensitive to dimensional variation. This will of course
be incorrect to a certain extent but is justified as an aid to clarity in this context. (It can always
be relaxed later and will probably justify use of a computer program. In this event the Parametric
Survey cannot be cleanly separated from the Sizing process).
The process of the Parametric Survey can most conveniently be divided into two parts; firstly Hull
and Strut Dimensions and secondly Box Dimensions. It will be shown how a consistent set of
dimensions may be calculated, given an initial value of one dimension. In the following example
Main Hull Diameter (A) has been chosen as the input variable. By varying A over a range of values
a window of consistent dimensions can be determined. (Note: A is average diameter for elliptical
(Δ = const)
The Width of Strut (b) may be defined initially by the requirement to meet Heave/Sinkage
response criteria. This is achieved by maintaining Aw as a ratio of ∇2/3.
Aw = KA ∇2/3 where KA ~ 1.0
Aw = 2 C w Ls b
b = KA ∇2/3 / ( 2 Cw LS )
hence b is determined from the value of Ls above, KA and Cw. Eventually the Strut width
and Length will need to be checked for Longitudinal Stability. (see Appendix 2D-1 for more
detail on GML criteria)
∇st = (1 - m) ∇
(T - Dv) = (1 - m) ∇ / ( 2 Cw Ls b )
The Beam (B) is determined from the Transverse Stability criterion for an adequate value of
GM = KB + BM - KG
Each of the variables on the RHS of the equation will now be considered in turn. In each case
approximate expressions will be used.
As Aw = 2 Cw Ls b
• 10 < L/A< 25
• 1.5 < T/A – to control Wavemaking resistance, propeller ventilation and maintain seakeeping
• 2m < b - for construction reasons
• GML in accordance with Appendix 2D-1
(Vbox = const)
From the Hull/Strut Parametric Survey it has been possible to define values of Ls, B as a function
of Hull Diameter (A).
Clearly the Box Dimensions LB and BB should not be much less than Ls and (B+b). (This is
mandatory for Beam - less so for Length where some discussion is possible). On the other hand
there is not reason why a certain amount of overhand is not permissible.
Min Box Plan Area (SB) min = (LS - δL) (B + b)
Max Box Plan Area (SB) max = (LS - δL) (B + b + δB)
However as the Volume (Vbox ) is derived from an Area requirement the height has no meaning
except as multiples of deck Height Dh. (The height increment Dh must be the same value as used in
the synthesis process). Hence acceptable zones will be apparent as shown in the diagram below and
Fig. D.5.
It will not be possible to compare the design windows derived from both Box and Hull/Strut
Parametric Surveys. This process may further restrict the window of dimensions.
Note: If a Superstructure exists then clearly the above procedure should be limited to the Main
Vmainbox = Vbox - Vss
where Vss in the Superstructure Volume
A.3.7.1 Seakeeping
(i) The main advantage of a SWATH over a Monohull platform is the greatly improved Seakeeping
- particularly for the symmetric motions of Pitch and Heave. This is achieved principally by the
reduction in the proportion of the displaced volume in the vicinity of the water surface (i.e. in
the struts) and hence reduction of wave induced buoyancy forces. Secondly the major part of the
displaced volume, being in the submerged cylindrical hulls, is less prone to the pressure fluctuations
caused by the wave induced fluid motion (which decrease with draught i.e. Smith effect).
If both Heave and Pitch are considered for discussion purposes as decoupled single d.o.f. systems;
(separation of LCB and centre of flotation will represent a significant cause of coupling and
should be restricted to not more than 0.25% of L), then some of their basic characteristics can be
examined via a Wave Forcing function:
Aη̈ + Bη̇ + Cη = Feiωet
where η is ‘degree of freedom’ - Heave or Pitch
The Natural Frequency (ωe) of each d.o.f. is given by:
ωo = [ C / A ]1/2
The Damping Factor (ν) is given by:
ν = B / (2 ωo A )
SWATHS are characterised by the very low values of the fluid stiffness term [C] which is
dependant entirely on the properties of the Strut waterplane.
The effect of ship speed (U), relative heading (c) and wave frequency (w) on encounter frequency
(we ) is given by:
ωe = ω - (ω2 U) / g . cos(ϰ)
Values of encounter frequency for various values of Ucosϰ and w are shown in Figure D.6. (U cos
ϰ being the component of speed in direction of wave propagation). From such a plot it is possible to
distinguish three dynamic regions for any given response such as Heave or Pitch by examining the
ratio of ωe / ωo.
ωe / ωo < 0.75
RAO ≃ 1
Phase Lag ≃ 0
1.2 < ωe / ωo
RAO ≃ 1
Phase Lag ≃ π/2
A. Comparison
The situation is illustrated in the diagram below (note - y axis is U cos(ϰ) from ( ϰ > 90 ) to ( ϰ <
90 ) ):
Hence for typical naval SWATHS of length 70–100m this corresponds to λ = 140 cos(ϰ) ~ 200
cos(ϰ) .
For stern seas ϰ = 0 we therefore have λ = 140 ~ 200m.
At such conditions of resonance the magnitude of the response will be dependent on the damping
in the ‘system’. As a major contribution to the damping is derived from energy radiated in the
form of surface waves, the damping for SWATHS will also be less than for monohulls. Hence in
these specific conditions it is possible for the Seakeeping SWATHS to be worse then for equivalent
The very real possibility of combined resonance/ship-wave matching with low damping points to
the need for a ‘stabilisation’ system of some description. Despite the low forward speeds associated
with this form of resonance, fin type systems appear to be favoured, as in a purely passive sense the
fins will add considerably to the damping of the system due to the generation of viscous drag.
The use of lower hulls with oval cross sections will also increase viscous damping, as well as
augmenting added mass and inertias.
A more detailed discussion of SWATH Seakeeping can be found in Reference (6) and Appendix D.
Students should calculate the Natural Frequencies of Heave, Pitch and roll so as to be aware of the
speed, wave-heading and sea state conditions when resonance effects may operate. It should also be
considered whether any detuning can be achieved by dimensional variation.
Values of Added Mass (A33) and Added Inertia (A55) are increased by lower hulls with oval cross
sections and can be calculated using a strip theory approach.
For the parametric survey phase of the exercise, suitable approximate parametric formulae are given
at Appendix D (2).
It has been outlined above how the small waterplane of a SWATH is generally beneficial
in improving Seakeeping as this reduces the fluid stiffness terms and detunes the response
characteristics from the input wave spectra.
Apart from the possibility of resonance/ship wave matching phenomena, another unfavourable side
effect is that above a certain speed the hydrostatic pitch stiffness term (GML g M) is insufficient to
counteract the destabilising moment caused by the flow around the hulls when subjected to a pitch
This is discussed in very simplistic terms below (assuming the changes with respect to time in θ and
w are sufficiently small to be neglected, and that δθ = Angle of attack).
(a) Destabilising Pitch Moment due to Pitch Perturbation (δθ)
where δMD means Destabilising Moment, Azz means Added Mass in Heave (Munk moment), ∫L
x means Viscous Lift Effect, D(x) means local horizontal diameter and a0 means Viscous Lift
Coefficient (~ 0.07).
(b) Restoring Moment due to Hydrostatic Stiffness
δMH= GML M g δθ
Assuming that only these terms affect the issue, the critical speed for Pitch instability is given by:
δMD = δMH
Ship Design Procedure 182
Pitch Instability can be prevented/postponed to a higher speed by the fitting of fixed horizontal
lifting surfaces towards the stern of the vessel. These will have the effect of generating a restoring
moment for a given pitch perturbation.
L = CL (1/2 ρw A U2)
D = CD (1/2 ρw A U2)
CL= α ( ∂CL / ∂ξ ) and ξ = δθ
Restoring Pitch Moment due to Lifting Surface
With this additional stabilising influence, the condition for Pitch Stability now becomes
δMF + δMH > δMD
and the minimum fin area for stability at a given speed is:
The effectiveness of such fins may be further enhanced if they are incorporated in an active pitch
control system.
For a more rigorous analysis of this aspect of SWATH design see Ref. (5), where the effect of
Heave and Pitch coupling on the equation of motion is considered.
A.3.7.4 Resistance
The nature of the resistance curve for a SWATH is similar to that for a Monohull (albeit of greater
magnitude and with different proportions of Skin Friction and Wavemaking components) but
exhibits a pronounced ‘Prismatic’ Hump due to the presence of the submerged cylindrical hulls.
Theoretically this will occur at Fn ≅ 1 / √3π = 0.325.
The ‘hump’ will become more pronounced as ‘hull’ draught is reduced. Much can be achieved
however by careful contouring of the hull shapes to produce beneficial interference effects.
Examples of different contour types and their effect on the residuary resistance coefficient is shown
in Figure D.7.
Students will also need to give consideration to matching propulsor and prime mover (thrust,
torque, rev) characteristic sin this region (e.g. consideration of CP propellers).
Figure D.7 Effect of Contouring Hull on Residuary Resistance
One of the consequences of the low values of GML and Aw is the large variation in draught and
trim for variations in weight and Lcg. On a monohull these considerations are usually accorded a
lower priority due to their small effect.
For a SWATH design the following causes of variation in Eight and Lcg need to be taken account
of in a manner similar to that employed in Submarine Design.
• Inaccuracies in the estimation of Weight and Lcg in the Design and Construction phases
- ‘Design Margin’.
(ii) Changes to the variable load (e.g. fuel, stores etc.) and variation of external water density
leading to buoyancy changes, on a given mission. (also changes due to icing should be
(iii) Flooding due to damage, causing large angles of heel and/or trim. If not correctable by
counter flooding such large angles could preclude operation of vital systems.
Each of the above is considered in more detail below.
(i) Solid Ballast (Design, Board and Growth Margins)
The compensation capacity of Solid Ballast, in terms of weight and longitudinal moment, can be
assessed by consideration of how a given quantity of Solid Ballast (w) can be distributed along
the Length of the vehicle. From this an envelope of Moment v Wt Compensating effect can be
Ideally if the total amount (w) could be fitted at either of the two extremities of a vessel:
In reality due to problems in physically locating ballast in voids/tanks, a realistic envelope will fall
within the above ideal.
The nominal position of Lcg will be known from direct calculation. Consideration must also be
given to the possible ‘drift’ in the calculated position (i.e. Lcg margin). From this and the weight
For a real ‘as built’ Deep Condition the amount and position of any Solid ballast can be determined
from the ‘compensation vector’. This is also illustrated below.
The above explanation has centered on the Design Margin. Separate assessment must be made for
Board and Growth Margins.
(ii) Liquid Ballast
(Control of variable load and buoyancy changes).
(a) Compensation Capacity - Trim Polygon
Consider the Liquid Ballast Tanks (A, B, C, D) situated along the length of the vehicle which are
cumulatively filled and emptied in order of the lever arm magnitude forward (i.e. A first, B second
The Damage Stability of SWATH ships is usually very healthy in terms of the overall GZ curve, and
the reserve of ‘dynamic’ stability. However one problem which does occur is that the initial angle
of heel (before any corrective measures are initiated) can be large, and will often exceed existing
stability criteria largely intended for monohulls. This is therefore a point to bear in mind during the
parametric survey.
A useful estimate of the maximum angle of heel due to flooding is provided by the Box – Strut
rectangular envelope.
Depending on the severity of the flooding the angle of heel (q) will be given approximately by:
For minor flooding
1. SWATH Ships. J. L. Gore. ASNE Special Issue Feb 85. ‘Modern Ships and Craft’.
2. Swath Design Method MSc 83 – Lt(N) X. L. Guyot C. F.
3. A Concept Exploration Model for SWATH Ships. W. C. Nethercote and R. T. Schmiths RINA
4. SWATH Asset. (Theoretical Manual) DTNSRDC.
5. Lee C. M. and Curphey R. M. : ‘Prediction of Motion, Stability & Wave Loads for SWATH
Ships’. SNAME Transaction Vol. 85 (=977) pgs. 94-130.
6. Lamb G. R.: ‘Influences of Seakeeping Requirements on SWATH ship geometry’ SNAME
(Chesapeake) June 1987.
7. Parametric Formulae for A33, A55, W. J. van Griethuysen: 1987. (held as separate Annex)
8. Bishop R. E. D. and Price W. G. : ‘Hydroelasticity of Ships’ pgs 126-127 CUP 1979.
where Cil is given below as a function of Cw. For a given value of Cw, Cil exhibits a range of values
dependant on position of LCF as a proportion of strut length.A reasonable formula for Cil is given
Cil = 2 [ Cw / (3 - 2.Cw) ]
Criteria for GML as a function of displacement are given below for ‘Low’ and ‘High’ Speed
Designs. These values can be estimated as the following formulae.
Low Speed
GML = 1.05 ∇0 25
High Speed
GML = 1.00 ∇0 315
A.3.10.1 Nomenclature
Before consideration of the dynamic characteristics of SWATH’s, it is useful to review the dynamics
of a simple single degree of freedom system.
The output response (η) of any mechanical system subjected to a cyclic force of magnitude (F) is
given by:
η= F / ( k - mω2) + iωb
where m is mass, k is stiffness, b is damping, ω frequency in radian and ωo = (k/m)1/2 Natural
If dynamic response is normalised by static response ηo = F/k the following typical characteristic is
From this we can identify three dynamic response regions.
(a) Subcritical Response
ω / ωo < 1
η / ηo ≤ 1
ϕ ≅ 0 (i.e. in≅ phase)
(b) Resonant Response
ω / ωo ≅ 1
η / ηo >> 1 dependent on damping
(c) Supercritical Response
ω / ωo > 1
η / ηo → 1
ϕ ≅ π (i.e. in anti-phase)
This simple model can be used to interpret the response of SWATH’s in Heave, Pitch etc. except
that the Forcing Function F(ω) will not be constant with frequency. There will be a reduction in
forcing function as (ω) increases due to 'ship-wave’ matching effects (or more mathematically the
Ship Design Procedure 196
participation factor between distributed loading and the rigid mode shapes). Thus if we take Pitch
as an example for L/λ > 0.5 part of the wave will be tending to reduce pitch moment.
Hence in the absence of resonance effects we could expect pitch response (η5) as shown below
η5 / ka
A. Heave
A. Subcritical
ωe / ω30 < 1
η3 / a ≅ 1
ϕ3 ≅ 0
A. Supercritical
This second type of behaviour where response is extremely small and level is known as
‘Platforming’. Although technically the response is in antiphase this is not important due to its low
magnitude. Reduction of motion is due to increased inertia at higher frequency and the ship wave
matching effects referred to earlier.
ωe / ω30 > 1
η3 / a → 1
ϕ3 ≅ π
A. Pitch
Again technically pitch will be in antiphase to wave slope but for ωe/ω0 > 1 the magnitude of the
response will be very small.
A. Subcritical
A. Supercritical
ωe / ω50 > 1
η5 / ka ≅ 0
ϕ5 ≅ π
A. Roll
A. Subcritical
ωe / ω40 < 1
η4 / ka ≅ 1
ϕ4 ≅ 0
In this case the ship rolls with wave slope and is approximately of equal magnitude.
A. Supercritical
As a general rule it is supercritical behaviour which gives the type of level ‘platforming’ behaviour
which is desirable for a SWATH as this reduces motion. However it will be noted from the above
diagrams that relative motion is then significant and is broadly equal to heave amplitude as the
SWATH is effectively static. Hence there will be a limit to which platforming behaviour is possible
before wave impact with the box wet deck occurs.
Beyond this limit it is preferable for the SWATH to contour as this reduces relative motion –
although at the expense of absolute motions equal to the wave inputs (i.e. RAO 1). Thus we are led
to the concept of ‘Operational’ Sea States where platforming is required and ‘Survival’ Sea States
where contouring is to be preferred. For this to occur we must ensure that the natural frequencies
are correctly arranged with respect to encounter frequencies (we).
For various values of (U cos χ) (the component of speed parallel to the direction of wave
propagation) and (ω) we can plot values of ωe as shown in Fig. 1.
It can be seen that high values of (ω) and increasing the speed component (U cos χ) into waves (i.e.
U cos χ < 0) will generally create conditions for platforming. By the same token, low values of ω
(i.e. long wavelengths λ), slow relative speed into waves, or even the presence of following waves,
will create contouring conditions.
So far we have discussed these concepts in terms of a single wave frequency (ω). It is now
necessary to consider the application of these principles to irregular seas where a range of wave
frequencies will be present in each wave spectrum defining a sea state.
Each Sea State wave spectrum is defined typically by a significant wave height h1/3 and modal
frequency (ωm).
If we assume the majority of the energy is contained, within the range 0.75 ωm < ω < 1.25 ωm
then we can define the following approximate table for significant frequency range, using the ISSC
spectrum as an example.
Using the same form of plot of (ωe) as Fig. 1 we can now assess whether a given Sea State/Speed/
Heading condition is likely or not to cause Platforming, Contouring or Resonant response.
Taking as an example Sea State 6 (h1/3 = 5.0m, ωm = 0.50rads-1) with a half power frequency band
of 0.42 to 0.70 rads-1, we can examine the case of a SWATH with Heave natural frequency ω30 =
0.5 rads-1. The various zones are shown on Fig. 2. This shows that for U cos χ < - 8ms-1 (e.g. for
χ = 180° U = 8ms-1 or 15.6 kts), platforming behaviour will occur, and for Ucos χ > 6.8ms-1 (e.g.
for χ = 0° U = 6.8ms-1 or 13.2 kts), contouring behaviour will occur. Between these two values of
Ucos χ a certain degree of resonance is probable from some of the frequency content in the wave
In general for Head Seas (χ > 90°) lower Sea States and high speeds will ensure platforming, and
high sea states and low speeds will cause contouring type behaviour. This therefore suggests a
design procedure for head seas which distinguishes between Operational Sea States and normal
speeds, and a Survival Sea State at slow speeds. In general conditions of resonance will be limited
to a relatively narrow frequency range.
In following seas (χ > 90°) there is generally a greater danger of resonance. This is particularly a
greater danger of resonance. This is particularly likely at values of U cos χ which cause resonance
to occur across a wide frequency range and which also corresponds to the band width of a sea state
(see diagram below).
Thus there will be a strong degree of excitation from all frequencies within a wave spectrum which
‘straddles’ the flat portion of the resonance band.
If we select a maximum sea state and minimum speed/heading combination (U cos χ) at which
safe platforming behaviour is required, it is possible to determine the necessary value of Natural
Frequency (ω0). The most critical of these frequencies is that for Heave as it is likely to be the
highest. (typically Heave: Pitch: Roll - 1: 0.7 : 0.5)
The diagram shown above takes account of the frequency spread around the modal frequency and
of the resonance band width.
Because of the inherent characteristics of practical SWATH geometry the natural frequencies for
Heave, Pitch and roll will occur at different relative magnitudes. In general Roll is the lowest (i.e.
highest period), Pitch next and Heave has the highest natural frequency. Hence if we are interested
in achieving platforming type behaviour most emphasis will fall on Heavy natural frequency as it
has the largest value and because SWATH motion is generally Heave dominated.
Discussion of the parametric tools available to alter ω30 is given in (ix) below. It should also
be noted that it is important to avoid the coincidence of pitch and heave natural frequencies
(simultaneous resonance) or for the occurrence of any harmonic relationships.
ω30 / ω50 = 1, 2, 3, etc.
Ship Design Procedure 206
Approximate formulae for the estimation of Heave, Pitch and Roll Natural Frequencies are given in
(ix) - (xii) below, in terms of form parameters. The parameters are the same as those used in Ship
Design Procedures Annex 2D.
This indicates that to reduce ω30 requires reduction of KA, or increase of (m) or (Ke) (i.e. ovality of
lower hulls). (Note however that too great an increase in (m) would result in low strut draught (T-
It also indicates that all things being equal that ω30 ∝ ∇1/6 (i.e. w30 reduces with size).
Hence taking as an example:
KA = 1.0 m = 0.85 Ke = 1.5 ∇ = 3000m3
ω30 = 0.547 rads-1 i.e. τ0 = 11.5 sec.
If ∇ is increased to 5000m3 the same form parameters give:
ω30 = 0.547 (3000/5000)1/6 = 0.502 (τ0 = 12.5 sec)
Another point of interest to note is that neither Cp nor DH, Dv affect the value of A33. (At least at
this simple level of analysis).
This formula indicates that to reduce ω50 requires reduction of GML, or an increase in (m) and
Ke. It is also of interest to consider the interaction between Cp and L in order to maximise the
denominator. It can be shown (Ref. 7) that if we substitute for L from the volume identity:
m ∇ = (π DH2) / (2 Ke) LH Cp
LH = (2 Ke m ∇ ) / (π DH2 Cp)
that A55 may be expressed as:
This reinforces the benefit of increases to m and Ke but also shows that reductions in both Cp and
DH (and Dv = Dh/Ke) all help to increase A55. As reduction in Cp, DH, Dv, will increase LH it is also
likely to increase the dry hull inertia (I55 - assuming kL is constant).
Let us look at an example:
m = 0.70 Ke = 1.4 Cp = 0.7
compared to a typical assumption for kL= 0.28 (i.e. uniform cuboid assumption).
Returning to the formula for ω50 we can deduce that if:
GML ~ kGML ∇1/3 (see Appendix 2D (1)
LH = Circm ∇1/3
The designer will sometimes be faced with the problem of reducing GML to achieve an acceptable
Pitch Natural Frequency (ω50). The geometric tools which are available to do this are outlined
Of these parameters the most sensitive to change will be BML where:
BML = (Cil / 12) (LS3 b / 12)
This relationship can usefully be rewritten with the following substitutions:
LS b = Aw / 2Cw
Cil ≅ [2 Cw / (3 - 3Cw)]
BML = Ls2 Aw / (12 ∇)
Hence it can be seen that reduction of Ls and Aw are most likely to reduce BML. Inclusion of Aw in
the formula shows the manner in which Heave and Pitch ‘stiffness’ terms are coupled.
Reduction of Ls is achieved by increasing Lower hull diameter Dh, Cp or reducing Ks (strut length
This indicates that to reduce ω40 requires reduction of GMT or an increase in m, Ke and in particular
Beam B is linked largely to the value of GMT and of Aw (i.e. KA). The lower the waterplane area
(Aw) the larger the value of B for a given GMT. Hence there is likely to be a broad proportionality
between ω40 and ω30. Beam will also be increased by increases in lower Hull Diameter (DH) (see
parametric Survey).
Let us illustrate use of the formula with an example. Using the same data as in (x).
∇ = 3000m3 kB = 0.40
Circm = 5.5 KA = 1.0
m = 0.85 GMT = 2.0m
Ke = 1.5 CW = 0.75
Cp = 0.7
Input of these values in the geometric relationships given under Parametric Survey, in Annex 2D of
the Ship Design Procedure yields the following consistent dimensions.
LH = 79.33m DH = 6.62m T = 6.57 Dv = 4.41
From these values KB = 2.70m if KG T + BC
BMT = 10.87 and BC = 5m.
and finally B = 25.04m
Assuming Box Beam BB = B
we find ω40 = 0.255 rads-1 (t0 = 24.6 sec)
It has been explained how Heave Natural Frequency (ω30) should be selected to ensure that for
the maximum operational Sea State and minimum speed, supercritical conditions are achieved
(i.e. platforming type behaviour). Due to the low heave displacement in these circumstances, the
resultant heave acceleration (ωe2 h3) will also be low. The worst case heave acceleration in the
maximum Sea State will occur at conditions of resonance. Provided sufficient damping is present
(i.e. fin, appendages, oval hull sections), this should ensure that at low speeds (h3¤a) does not
exceed a value of approx. 1.6 at ωe / ωo ~ 1 (Ref. 6).
Box clearance (BC) should be dictated by the maximum operational Sea State when platforming
type behaviour can be assumed and Relative Bow Motion (zr) ~ h/2, rather than ‘survival’ sea states
when contouring behaviour will be assumed and zr → 0.
However for the maximum operational Sea State it is probably prudent to assume that supercritical
conditions cannot always be met and that some resonant conditions could occur. If it is assumed
that Relative bow Motion RAO (zr/a) at resonance is approximately 2 (Ref. 1), and that we avoid all
but 1/10 highest occurrence (note h1/10 = 1.25 h1/3).
At resonance
BC = 2 ( h1/10 / 2 ) = h1/10 = 1.25 h1/3
while for normal platforming where (zr / a) ≅1.
BC = 2 ( h1/10 / 2 ) = h1/10 = 1.25 h1/3
Hence it would appear that for operational sea states a value of about h1/3 is prudent assuming
predominance of platforming behaviour with some margin for the occasional passage through
resonance. (However, for more extreme sea states this assumes speed can be reduced to achieve
subcritical contouring behaviour).
For Box Clearance at amidships values approximately 80% of the above are probably sufficient.
In Chapter 2 it was explained how the design of a warship is specified by a Staff Target. This is
preceded by Concept Studies based on a spectrum of Staff Target options which seek to interpret
the Outline Requirement I the most cost effective manner. In other words there is an interaction
between designer and customer to determine the optimum set of requirements.
• Fuel Costs
• Crew Wages
• Maintenance
• Insurance
• Port Levies
As a general rule an increase in Payload will reduce RFR but optimum speed is very sensitive
to specific fuel cost i.e. revenue is proportional to speed but fuel cost is proportional to speed
cubed times specific fuel costs.
The above analysis is relatively straight forward as it has been assumed that a single route exists,
and that no limit exists on market share (i.e. Payload). In reality a shipping company would need
to consider alternative/multiple routes and the certainty of market share. There are also other
intangibles such as the effect of speed in attracting customers.
Increasingly as shown in containerisation the ship must be considered as part of wider transport
system. This will affect turn-round times, and will be another influence on customer choice.
The calculation of Required Freight can be carried out at nominal price levels as indicated above, or
more properly using discounted cash flow analysis over a period of several years.
The Initial Synthesis procedure outlined in Chapter 2.3, and shown in detail in Fig. 5 of Chapter 2,
is of general application. It can therefore be used for Merchant ships as well as Warships. However,
by its very generality it is more appropriate to warships in that it reflects the care which is required
to calculate the Ship Service and Electrical systems to support the Payload and Complement.
In Merchant ships Payload is usually inert cargo which does not require supporting power
supplies. Similarly the complements of merchant ships are many times smaller than warships (see
Chapter 6).
For these reasons Merchant ship design can often be simplified to the calculation of Payload
(Deadweight), Propulsion Plant and Auxiliaries, Outfit and Hull Structure (see Fig. E5).
Because the Payload of merchant ships requires considerably less indirect support it also tends to
represent a larger Volume and Weight fraction of the whole. For this reason it is easier to iterate to
a design balance starting from Payload details. Typical Payload Volume Fractions, and the Overall
Densities of various merchant ship types are given in Chapter 3 alongside warship values. These
values are only needed for the 1st iteration/ thereafter summations of Group weights and volumes
can be used.
Details of the densities of various bulk cargoes are given below. Refs 3 and 4 of Chapter 2 should
also be consulted for guidance in Merchant ship synthesis.
Parametric Survey
At this stage it can be assumed that Payload and an approximate Service speed will have been fixed
by the Concept Studies. It is now necessary to explore the effect of candidate forms on RFR in
some more detail.
The Parametric Survey procedure outlined in Annex 2B which uses the concept of ‘windows’ of
consistent dimensions for given Volume, weight and Form Parameters to define candidate forms
is applicable to any vessel. However for most merchant ships the stepwise constraint on Depth
dictated by ‘tween deck heights of 2.5m approximately are unlikely to be appropriate. This will be
particularly true for ships carrying bulk cargoes in deep holds. For vessels such as Ro-Ro’s, Ferries
and Container ship dimensions will need to be considered as multiples of vehicle deck heights or
container dimensions.
Certain Main Hull dimensions require special attention in a merchant ship. Minimum Freeboard is
laid down as a requirement by Classification Societies. It is defined as function of Length, CB, L/
D and Superstructure Height. The Basic Minimum Freeboard for a Type B vessel with CB (up to
0.85D) of 0.68 is given in Fig. E6 for the ABS. (as an example).
For ships which need to transit canals Beam, Length and Draught may be restricted by the size of
locks e.g. Panama B < 32m; L < 280m.
Tonnage Measurement
The term Register Ton* (or Measurement Ton) is a measure of volume rather than weight) and
is used as ‘unit’ to assess the Total Volume (Gross Tonnage) and cargo carrying capacity (Net
Tonnage) of a merchant ship.
Historically a ‘Register Ton’ was equivalent to 100ft3 or 2.83m3. However the amount of volume
actually included in assessments of Gross Tonnage has varied through the centuries as a result of
periodic conventions which endorsed different systems of assessment.
It is only since the ratification of the International Convention of Tonnage Measurement of Ships in
1982 that an arguably more rational method has evolved.
Gross Tonnage (GT) is now calculated directly from Total Internal Volume (V) by the formula GT
= K1V where
K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 log 10V (see Fig. E7)
A given value of gross Tonnage can now be related directly to Total Volume. However the use of a
‘sliding’ conversion factor K1 means that the ‘ton’ as a unit is now effectively dead.
For a Volume of 10m3, GT = 2.2 ‘ton’ (i.e. the ‘ton’ represents 4.54m3).
For a Volume of 106m3, GT = 320,000 ‘ton’ (i.e. the ‘ton’ represents 3.12 m3).
This variable inflation of the ‘old’ register tone was required in order not to drastically alter the
gross Tonnage of existing ships and thereby to alter their ‘tax ability’.
[* Ton refers to ‘tuns’ the 15th century English word for a cask of wine – no doubt from the French
‘tonneau’ meaning barrel].
When designing a passanger ship care should be taken to ensure it satisfies the applicable standards
(i.e. SOLAS).
Consideration should be given to passanger evacuation where appropriate. IMO have published
draft guideline describe a simple evacuation modeling approach (page ) suitable for use
during the ship design exercise.
A trimaran ship has a single main hull with 2 side hulls connected to it. (Fig 2G1) The concept
allows resistance to be decoupled from stability, such that the main–hull has greater length
than would otherwise be possible with a monohull geometry. It has been pioneered by UCL in
connection with naval and fast ferry applications.
“Pentamaran” 1 is a variant of the trimaran concept in which there are 2 separated side hulls on
each side, (see Fig 2G2) with the forward most pair suspended above the water surface on an even
keel. The concept envisages very shallow draught for the rear “wet” side hulls, with the forward
pair providing additional stability as the ship heels to either side. The concept also requires a ballast
system to maintain constant draught as deadwight varies.
In the subsequent sections the term “trimaran” will be employed as a general term for both types,
except for specific issues which are affected by the differences.
The initial sizing procedure for trimarans is no different in principle to that for displacement
monohulls; discussion will therefore be centred on the differences which affect the general steps
shown in Fig 2G3:
A number of major choices present themselves very early on in the design of trimarans.
- Trimaran or “Pentamaran” The pentamaran is a more complicated solution, but offers advantages
in terms of survivability and resistance in that the side-hulls are split, and the surface area of “wet”
rear side hulls can be minimised for resistance. A trimaran side-hull will need to be sufficiently
long to be able to withstand transverse flooding damage. A pentamaran may also offer survivability
benefits against longitudinal raking damage at higher speeds.
- Shallow or Deep Side Hulls Trimarans depend on their side hulls for stability (typically 70%).
There are 2 basic design philosophies which can be followed in the design of side-hulls. With a
“deep” side hull solution (say 0.4 - 0.5 main-hull draught) there is sufficient draught to cope with
draught variation caused by deadweight change and rolling. The downside is that there will be a
considerable resistance penalty in the deep condition. The alternative “shallow” side-hull solution
requires a ballast system 2 to maintain constant draught, but with the benefit that resistance can be
minimised for the deep condition. Shallow side-hulls will however emerge from the water at small
angles of heel causing a large reduction in BM and hence GM. For this reason auxiliary side hull
elements are required which immerse with heel. This can either be arranged as a split arrangement
(the “pentamaran” solution) or as longitudinally stepped single hull (see Fig 2G4). Equally a “flare
As a minimum the cross-structure length will need to match the length of the side-hulls to provide
a structural attachment. However it is also possible to deliberately design the cross-structure length
to be greater, if there are layout benefits. Structurally the cross-structure tends to act as a short
cantilever, supporting the weight of the side hulls, with the buoyancy from the side hulls relatively
insignificant in providing any support at level heel. (This may not be the case when the side-hulls
are fully immersed as a result of heel.) The pentamaran is an example where the cross-structure can
be deliberately greater than the sum of the side-hull lengths.
A.5.3.2 Superstructure
The main-hull of a trimaran is usually of conventional monohull form with a large waterplane area.
An alternative configuration is to adopt a Trimaran Small Waterplane Central Hull (TRISWACH)
configuration, with the aim of improving seakeeping in much the same way as a SWATH does. (see
Fig 2G7 and ref 1)
A.5.4 Resistance
The trimaran configuration has the effect of increasing the skin friction component of resistance
for the same displacement (due to greater wetted surface area of multiple hulls and increased
slenderness) but of reducing wave making resistance due to the greater hull length. As a rough rule
A.5.5 Seakeeping
In the initial design stage the major influence on seakeeping will be the value of GM. This will
affect the roll natural frequency, and consequently the heading and speed combinations at which
resonance occurs (when the encounter frequency matches the roll natural frequency)(see Fig
2G10). With the same GM as a monohull, the roll natural frequency of a trimaran will tend to be
less than an eqiuivalent size monohull because of the greater beam and roll inertia. This results
in a equivalent GM trimaran being more prone to roll resonance in stern-quartering seas than a
monohull ; on the other hand, with the same GM, it should perform better in beam seas. For this
reason it has become accepted that trimarans should be designed with somewhat greater values
of GM to maintain the roll natural frequency. Research in this area continues to gain a fuller
The parametric survey should be carried out with a suitable sizing model, which allows variation
of parameters and constraints within the geometry module. For simplicity or for clarity of
demonstration, parametric surveys are often carried out at constant displacement and volume. This,
however, is artificial as the dimensions interact with the sub-system parameters in achieving an
overall balance. Thus students should either use a proper sizing iterative procedure for geometric
variation, or as a minimum, resize their final geometrically “optimized” design if this has been
carried out in isolation of a sizing model.
The geometry model at Appendix 2G1 (or similar) may be used with confidence for the first 2
stages of the above procedure. However because it uses the constraints of displacement, volume and
stability (GM) any changes to side-hull parameters in Stage 3 will also cause minor readjustment
of the main-hull dimensions. It may be preferred, therefore, that once satisfactory dimensions have
been achieved in Stage 2 to freeze the main-hull values, and to carry out side-hull trade offs in
isolation – maintaining stability – but allowing total volume to “float” as side-hull geometry and
transverse location are varied.
For trimaran ships which are effectively stabilized monohulls (i.e with no enclosed volume in the
box) an alternative and more straightforward approach may be preferred.
Trimaran research is still at an early stage, based on paper designs, model experiments and
computer calculations. Students are encouraged to read some of these as background to their ship
design exercise.
Research into overall design has largely been carried out at UCL in previous Ship Design Exercises
and the PhD of J.W. Zhang. The results of this work have been summarised in a number of
references [5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10] There are also various reports available from the MoD/DERA
programme of research [12-62] Most of these are on engineering science aspects.
A.5.8 References
1 Dubrovski V. “A Concept for a Triple Hulled Frigate” RINA Warship Technology article March
2 Yeh H.Y.H. “Series 64 Resistance Experiments on High-Speed Displacement Forms” SNAME
Marine Technology July 1965
3 Holtrop J. and Mennen G.G.J. “A Statistical Power Prediction Method” ISP Vol 25
4 Zhang J.W. “Design and Hydrodynamic Performance of Trimaran Displacement Ships” PhD
Thesis UCL 1997
5 Pattison, D.R. & Zhang J.W. ‘The Trimaran Ships’. RINA Spring Meeting Paper, April 1994.
6 Andrews, D.J. & Zhang, J.W. ‘Considerations in the Design of a Trimaran Frigate’, Inter.
Symposium on High Speed Vessels for Transport and Defence, RINA, London, Nov. 1995.
7 Andrews, D.J. & Zhang, J.W. ‘A Novel Design Solution to Stability - The Trimaran Ship’, Inter.
Conf. on Watertight Integrity & Ship Survivability, RINA, London, Nov. 1996.
8 Zhang, J.W. & Andrews, D.J. ‘Manoeuvrability Performance of a Trimaran Ship’, Inter. Conf. On
High Speed Craft Motions & Manoeuvrability, RINA, London, February 1998.
9 Anrews, D.J. & Bayliss, J. ‘The Trimaran Ship – A Potential New Form for Aircraft Carrying
Ships’, WARSHIP 97, Inter. Sym. On Air Power at Sea, London, June 1997.
10 Zhang J.W. and van Griethuysen W.J. “Trimaran Design”, Naval Technology Conference,
Singapore 1998
12 Hall J.H., Gale M.G, Granshaw D. “Seakeeping, manoeuvring and resistance experiment on a
Trimaran frigate” DRA Haslar Report DRA/SS/SSHE/CR95020, Jul 95, UK Confidential
13 Scrace R J “Experiments with low resistance trimaran centre hulls” DRA Haslar Report DRA/
SS/SSHE/TR96008, May 96, UK Restricted
14 Gale M.G, Hall J.H., Hartley K.B “Trimaran Resistance experiments - effect of outrigger
position” DRA Haslar Report DRA/SS/SSHE/CR96037, Aug 96, Unclassified.
15 Gale M.G, Hall J.H, Granshaw D. “Trimaran manoeuvring and resistance experiments effect of
outrigger position” DRA Haslar Report DRA/SS/SSHE/CR96015, Dec 96, Unclassified.
It is assumed that both Displacement (∇) and Total Volume ( V ) will be defined inputs
to the Geometry Model either as initial guesses based on payload, or estimates based on
sub-system output summation of weight and space demand in the iterative sizing process.
Figure 2G1.1
Length dimensions (at the waterline) are defined as follows
Length of Main Hull - L mh
Length of Box - L box
Length of Side Hull - L sh
The following parameters are initially set. Parameters shown in italic are derived from other
parameters. Suggested parameter values are for general guidance only and may not be appropriate
to specific designs.
Depth (D): Depth of Main Hull (Derived from assumed number of decks and double bottom height.
Will also be influenced by Box Height and Wet Deck Clearance. See Box)
B mh / B ov : Ratio of Main Hull Beam to Overall Beam
Kf mh : Main Hull Flare Factor (Ratio of volume above waterline in main hull compared to
wallsided assumption)
Cb mh : Main Hull Block Coefficient (A value close to 0.5 is appropriate for high speed ships. A
low value will result in larger values of main-hull length.)
Cp mh : Main Hull Prismatic Coefficient
Cm mh : Main Hull Midship Section Coefficient(= Cb mh/Cp mh)
Cw mh : Main Hull Waterplane Area Coefficient (can be set or default value derived from Cw mh
= 2*Cp mh/(1+Cp mh)
Cit mh : Main Hull Waterplane Section Coefficient (suggest derived from Cw mh value using
following approximate formula
Cit mh = 6Cw mh3/((Cw mh+1)*(2Cw mh +1))
A. Superstructure
∇ = ∇mh + 2 ∇sh
∇mh = [ Cb mh . (B mh/ Bov)] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
= α . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
∇sh = [ Cb sh . (B sh/B ov) . (Tsh/Tmh) . (Lsh/Lmh) ] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
= β . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
Thus combining the above we have:
∇ = [ α + 2 β ] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
α = [ Cb mh . (B mh/ Bov)]
β = [ Cb sh . (B sh/B ov) . (Tsh/Tmh) . (Lsh/Lmh) ]
Given a defined value of Main Hull Depth, the draught of the main hull (T mh) can be determined,
with subsequent calculation of side hull draught, freeboard and box wet deck clearance, as follows:
Recalling from Section 4 that Displacement can be written
∇ = [{ α + 2 β } . T mh]. [ B ov. L mh]
and from Section 5 that Volume (excluding superstructure) V m can be written
V m =[{ α. T mh. + γ . [D - Tmh] }+ 2 .{ β.T mh
+ δ # . D - δ. T mh }+ 2. { ε . D}] x [ B ov. Lmh ]
The displacement fraction r m of the ship less the superstructure is given by
r m = ∇ / V m = ∇ / V( 1 - vs )
which is known from the input values of ∇, V and vs
However from the above expressions for ∇ and V m we can relate the value of r m to dimensions as
follows (noting that the [B ov. L mh] term cancels out) :
Determination of the previous values of draught and freeboard now enables the volume allocation
within the main ship to be solved:
V mh/ V = ( α. T mh + γ. F mh) (1-vs) / { ( α. T mh + γ. Fmh)+2((β-δ).Tmh+δ#.D) + (2. ε. D) }
A.5.9.8 Calculation of Beam Overall, Main and Side Hull Beams and Hull Separation
Beam is determined by the need to generate a particular value of GM req . Because both Main Hull
Beam ( B mh) and Side Hull Beam ( B sh ) have been defined to be particular fractions of Beam
Overall ( B ov ) it is possible to solve the stability relationship GM = GM req in terms of B ov. This
then allows B mh, B sh and Hull Separation ( B sep ) to be determined.
GM req = GM = KB + BM - KG
The following steps need to be followed:
GM req is defined as a fixed value, sufficient for stability and seakeeping requirements.
KG is estimated by assuming a particular value for KG/D from previous similar designs. It may
infact be possible to relate this to particular volume fractions of Box and Superstructure Volumes.
KG = (KG/D). D
KB can be estimated from the values of draught and underwater form parameters of the main and
side hulls using Morrish’s formula.
For the main hull
KB mh = T mh*((5/6) - (Cb mh/(3*Cwmh)))
For each side hull
KB sh = T sh* ((5/6)-(Cb sh/(3*Cw sh))) + (Tmh-Tsh)
The overall value of KB is determined by weighting main and side hull values by their
respective displacement fractions (see Section 4 pg 4 )
KB = ( α . KB mh + 2 β . KB sh) / (α + 2β)
Having determined the above values we can then define the required value of BM (BM req) as:
BM req = GM req + KG - KB
and from this determine the value of B ov as follows:
BM req = (I mh + 2. I sh ) / ∇ = ( I mh/ ∇) + (2. I sh/ ∇)
now for the first term
I mh =[Cit mh (B mh/B ov)3/ 12] B ov 3.L mh
and dividing through by
∇ = [ α + 2 β ] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
we get
I mh/ ∇ = [Cit mh (B mh/B ov)3/ 12] . [T mh/( α + 2 β )]. { B ov/ T mh} 2
Similarly for each of the side hulls we have:
It is assumed that both Displacement (∇) and Total Volume ( V ) will be defined inputs
to the Geometry Model either as initial guesses based on payload, or estimates based on
sub-system output summation of weight and space demand in the iterative sizing process.
The following parameters are initially set. Parameters shown in italic are derived from other
parameters. Suggested parameter values are for general guidance only and may not be appropriate
to specific designs.
Depth (D): Depth of Main Hull (Derived from assumed number of decks and double bottom height.
Will also be influenced by Box Height and Wet Deck Clearance. See Box)
B mh / B ov : Ratio of Main-Hull Beam to Overall Beam
( based on underwatwer width of central hull)
B strut / B mh : Ratio of Main-hull Strut Width to Main-Hull (ie. lower hull) Beam
B strut / B ov : Ratio of Main-hull Strut Width to Overall Beam
(Derived value from (B strut/B ov . Bmh/Bov)
T strut / T mh : Ratio of Strut draught to overall Main-Hull draught
Kf mh : Main Hull Flare Factor
(Ratio of volume above waterline in main hull compared to wallsided assumption based on Strut
Waterplane, This will be >1) 5
Cm mh For TRISWACH value defined based on B mh x Tmh envelope. Derived value as shown
in footnote 6Eg. A value of 0.54 approx will be appropriate with a strut draught 50% of T mh and
strut beam 30% of B mh. Actual value will depend on the desired relative beam and draught of the
lower hull and strut.
Cp mh : Main Hull Prismatic Coefficient.
Largely dependent on relative fullness of lower hull. Typical value 0.7 ??
Cb mh : Main Hull Block Coefficient
(Derived value from Cp mh.Cm mh)
Cw mh : Main Hull Waterplane Area Coefficient
(value based on Strut Waterplane.With considerable parallel body will be close to unity?)
Cit mh : Main Hull Waterplane Section Coefficient (suggest derived from Cw mh value using
following approximate formula
Cit mh = 6Cw mh3/((Cw mh+1)*(2Cw mh +1))
A. Superstructure
Lsh / L mh : Ratio of Side Hull to Main Hull Length (typically 0.35-0.4 for a conventional
trimaran, but can be closer to 0.2 for a pentamaran or trimaran with longitudinally stepped side-
T sh / T mh : Ratio of Side Hull to Main Hull Draught (typically 0.4-0.5 for deep side-hulls; values
of around 0.1? can be used for shallow side-hull)
B sh / B ov : Ratio of Side Hull to Overall Beam (typically 0.1)
Kf sh : Side Hull Flare Factor (Ratio of volume above waterline in side hull compared to wallsided
Cb sh : Side Hull Block Coefficient (typically …)
Cp sh : Side Hull Prismatic Coefficient (typically ..)
Cm sh : Side Hull Midship Section Coefficient(= Cb sh/Cp sh)
Cw sh : Side Hull Waterplane Area Coefficient (can be set or default value derived from Cw sh =
2*Cp sh/(1+Cp sh)
Cit sh : Side Hull Waterplane Section Coefficient (derived from Cw sh value using following
approximate formula
Cit sh = 6Cw sh3/((Cw sh+1)*(2Cw sh +1))
∇ = ∇mh + 2 ∇sh
∇mh = [ Cb mh . (B mh/ Bov)] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
= α . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
∇sh = [ Cb sh . (B sh/B ov) . (Tsh/Tmh) . (Lsh/Lmh) ] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
= β . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
Thus combining the above we have:
∇ = [ α + 2 β ] . [T mh. B ov. L mh]
α = [ Cb mh . (B mh/ Bov)]
β = [ Cb sh . (B sh/B ov) . (Tsh/Tmh) . (Lsh/Lmh) ]
It also follows that the displacement fractions of main and side hulls will be:
For the main hull
(∇mh / ∇) = α / (α + 2 β)
For a single side hull
(∇ sh / ∇) = β / (α + 2 β)
For both side hulls
(∇ 2sh / ∇) = 2 β / (α + 2 β)
It is also posssible to make an estimate of the distribution of volume in the main hull between the
strut and the lower hull. This is useful for later estimation of the vcb of the main-hull.
∇strut / ∇mh = [(Cw mh/Cb mh).(T strut/T mh).(Bstrut/ B ov)/(B mh/ Bov)]
∇lh / ∇mh = 1 - (∇strut / ∇mh )
Given a defined value of Main Hull Depth, the draught of the main hull (T mh) can be determined,
with subsequent calculation of side hull draught, freeboard and box wet deck clearance, as follows:
Recalling from Section 4 that Displacement can be written
∇ = [{ α + 2 β } . T mh]. [ B ov. L mh]
and from Section 5 that Volume (excluding superstructure) V m can be written
V m =[{ α. T mh. + γ . [D - Tmh] }+ 2 .{ β.T mh
+ δ # . D - δ. T mh }+ 2. { ε . D}] x [ B ov. Lmh ]
The displacement fraction r m of the ship less the superstructure is given by
r m = ∇ / V m = ∇ / V( 1 - vs )
which is known from the input values of ∇, V and vs
However from the above expressions for ∇ and V m we can relate the value of r m to dimensions as
follows (noting that the [B ov. L mh] term cancels out) :
Determination of the previous values of draught and freeboard now enables the volume allocation
within the main ship to be solved:
V mh/ V = ( α. T mh + γ. F mh) (1-vs) / { ( α. T mh + γ. Fmh)+2((β-δ).Tmh+δ#.D) + (2. ε. D) }
V sh/ V = 2 ((β-δ ). Tmh + d#. D ) (1-vs) / { (α. T
mh + γ. Fmh)+2((β-δ). Tmh+δ#.D) + (2. ε. D) }
V box/ V = (2. ε. D) / { ( α. T mh + γ. F mh)+2((β-δ). Tmh+δ#.D) + (2. ε. D)}}
V ss/ V = vs
A.5.10.8 Calculation of Beam Overall, Main and Side Hull Beams and Hull Separation
Beam is determined by the need to generate a particular value of GM req . Because both Main Hull
Beam ( B mh) and Side Hull Beam ( B sh ) have been defined to be particular fractions of Beam
Overall ( B ov ) it is possible to solve the stability relationship GM = GM req in terms of B ov. This
then allows B mh, B sh and Hull Separation ( B sep ) to be determined.
GM req = GM = KB + BM - KG
The following steps need to be followed:
GM req is defined as a fixed value, sufficient for stability and seakeeping requirements.
KG is estimated by assuming a particular value for KG/D from previous similar designs. It may
infact be possible to relate this to particular volume fractions of Box and Superstructure Volumes.
KG = (KG/D). D
KB can be estimated as follows:
For the main hull estimate KB mh based on assumed relative beam and draught and hence the
relative displacements and vcb of strut and lower hull.
One of the advantages of a trimaran compared to a monohull of the same displacement is that at
higher speeds it has less resistance, the speed at which a trimaran becomes more efficient increases
with displacement. Conversely at lower speed where skin friction drag is more dominant it is less
efficient. This will tend to force trimarans into a different operating profile and design where they
can take advantage of the lower powering requirement at high speed. It is also one of the reasons
why direct powering and endurance comparisons between monohulls and trimarans should be
treated with care. A more valid comparison is to compare vessels designed to perform the same
In most monohulls the marine engineering is length driven, but in trimarans the design tends to
be beam driven. A comparison of monohulls with similar trimaran designs show that the beam of
the main hull in the trimaran tends to be only between 45% and 60% that of the monohull. Figure
*** demonstrates this, more dramatic concept designs have shown that a trimaran aircraft carrier
of similar displacement to HMS Invincible would have a main hull whose beam would be similar
to that of a Type 23. The centre hull design is then very sensitive to the machinery fit, not only
in beam but also in length. Because of the high L/B ratio, a small change in beam will result in
a significant change in length (if displacement is to be maintained). This is turn will affect the
resistance of the vessel in two different ways. Firstly the change in the hull form of the centre hull
will increase the resistance (assume an increase in beam). Secondly it will alter the wave pattern set
up by the centre hull with the result that the side hull geometry may require adjustment.
If a conventional mechanical system is to be used it will tend to be much longer than in a
monohull. Shaft length and watertight subdivision can become an issue. The position of the prime
movers is very constrained, they must be close to the centre line of the ship. Removal routes
and trunking can be a serious problem, especially on frigate sized vessels with flight decks and
hangers. Removal through the side of the hull might be severely hindered by the side hulls. Large
holes in the box structure can cause problems with structural integrity.
Even if a twin shaft system can be squeezed into the hull getting the power into the water is another
issue. It is important to perform quick propeller sizing calculations early on. It is preferable that the
propeller discs do not extend beyond the beam of the main hull and they should be at least 0.2D
apart, preferably 0.3D.
The side hulls on all but the largest trimarans have very little beam in which to fit anything of
use. Small propulsion motors can be fitted for manoeuvring and emergency propulsion. There
are serious problems with performance matching and residual drag caused by these propulsors
when not in use. Due to the shallow draught of the side hulls and the large roll lever emergence is a
If the side hulls are to be used for tankage the ability to maintain trim must be taken into
account. Access to all the pumps etc in the side hulls must be considered and in general more
Ship Design Procedure 243
pumps and piping will be required than on a monohull because there are three hulls not one. The
stabilisers can project directly out form the main hull as they are now protected by the side
hulls. They will be more efficient, but they will have to be as they have less of a lever arm due to
the narrow beam. On larger vessels the stabilisers can be fitted facing in from the side hulls.
Marine engineering for a trimaran is a challenge and beam is the key. The design of the vessel is
much more sensitive to changes than a monohull and issues such as the number of shafts and what
type of propulsor have to be considered much earlier in the design.
A.5.11.1 References
1. Introduction
2. Description of SES Concept
3. SES Synthesis Procedure
4. Parametric Survey
5. Transverse Stability
a = Wave Amplitude
Ac = Cushion Area
A1 = Cross Section area of Trunking
A2 = Cross Section areas of Plenum
AL = Leakage Area from Cushion
Awet = Wetted Surface of the Side Hull when on Cushion
Af = Frontal Area of Vehicle
b = Side Hull Width
B = Overall Beam
BC = Cushion Beam
Cd = Coefficient of Discharge from the Cushion
CDA = Areo Dynamic Drag Coefficient
Cf = Coefficient of Friction
Cw = Side Hull Water Plane Area Coefficient
d = Lift Fan Diameter Coefficient
D = Lift Fan Diameter
DB = Mean Box Depth
DSH = Depth of Side Hull
DW = Wave Drag (Cushion)
DF = Skin Friction Drag
DA = Aero Dynamic Drag
DSK = Skirt Drag
DR = Residual Drag
Fn = Cushion Froude Number = Speed(U)/ (gLc)^0.5
g = Gravity
GML = Longitudinal GM of Side Hulls while on Cushion
hg = Cushion Gap
H = Head Rise across Lift Fan
HC = Cushion Height
Aθθ= Added Fluid Inertia of Side Hulls
k = wave number = 2π / λ
L = Side Hull Length
Lc = Cushion Length
A.6.1 Introduction
The procedures described in this Annex are designed to give the student an insight into some of
the considerations which influence the initial synthesis and choice of dimension of a Surface Effect
Attention is directed principally towards the process of achieving a balanced design in terms of
weight and space. This procedure follows the same general approach as used for Monohulls and
SWATHS, but with consideration and amplification of areas specific to SES’s. (e.g. The relationship
between Weigh Cushion Pressure and Vehicle Dimensions; estimation of Propulsive Power;
estimation of Lift Power).
Once values for vehicle Weight and Volume have been achieved, other references are available (e.g.
Ref 1 & 2) to assist the student in analysing the candidate vehicle in more depth (e.g. detailed R&P,
Maneuvering, Seakeeping etc). Initial Transverse Stability is considered, however, as this represents
a major influence on the choice of SES dimensions.
Form parameters and geometry are discussed at an elementary level so as to maintain clarity of
explanation. The choice of form parameters to describe geometry, Like the synthesis procedure
itself, should be seen as one which is open to modification and embellishment should the situation
demand it.
Finally as a general introduction to the subject of SES Design Ref 1 is recommended reading.
The Surface Effect Ship (SES) is a derivative of the hovercraft, using a cushion or air to lift the
majority of the vehicle out the water so as no reduce the drag and power requirement at high speed.
Originally the term SES was simply the American term for describing what in Britain vas called a
‘Side wall Hovercraft’ i.e. a hovercraft with rigid side walls and flexible seals an either end. Unlike
A suggested procedure for the synthesis of Surface Effect Ships is shown in Fig. 1. From a
definition of payload characteristics (weight, space, power demand) assumed values of Volume and
Weight for the vehicle are estimated from figures for ‘payload volume fraction’ (pvf) and ‘overall
density’ ( ).
For the 1st Iteration of the Synthesis procedure it is necessary to be able to derive assumed values
for Total Volume & Weight and to break down Volume into Box and Side Hull components.
Initially Total Volume can be estimated from the Payload Volume using a ‘payload volume fraction’
(i) Payload Volume Fraction (pvf)
pvf = 0.10-0.15 approx. (for military payload due to high indirect systems & complementary
(ii) Overall Vehicle Density ρ = W / V
An initial estimate of assumed Weight can be achieved by multiplying Total Volume by an
assumed Overall Density.
From previous designs it is evident that two distinct design styles are possible.
Low Density Design ρ = 0.06 - 0.13 approx. tonne/m3
High Density Design ρ = 0.l3 - 0.20 approx. tonne/m3
In view of the above observations concerning the relationship of Cushion to Overall Density,
its well behaved nature with respect to vehicle size, and its evident contribution to ‘design
style’ it is suggested that Cushion Density is an active parameter which should be selected in
the sane way as Form Parameters. Given this constraint it is shown in para. 3.5. how Cushion
dimensions and Cushion pressure may be derived from this value.
(iii) Effect of Cushion Density
i.e. the simple Mass – Spring system constituted by the vehicle as a captured air bubble).
The combination of low energy Head Seas (ie low wave length and high wave frequency
(ω)) coupled with high vehicle speed (U) can lead to encounter frequencies (ωe) which cause
resonance of this particular mode:
As the resultant heave response (z) will be of a high frequency nature, the associated
acceleration (ωe2 z) will be very severe. This is known as the ‘cobblestone’ effect.
Much design effort has been expended in developing ‘Ride Control Systems’ to overcome the
problem. In particular attention is directed towards augmenting the damping at resonance.
This is dependant on the lift fan Pressure Flow characteristics. This aspect of SES design is
discussed further in para 6.
The implication for cushion density on the value of ωz can be deduced as follows.
As Pa / Pc >> 1
Ship Design Procedure 257
In each iteration dimensions can be calculated from the assumed or updated values for Weight and
Volume, and the Form Parameters and Cushion Density selected (see notes .3. and .4.)
For illustration of the procedure constant waterplane area Side Hulls have been assumed. It is quite
possible however to derive a similar set of relationships, with additional form parameters included -
for example Side Hull flare.
(i) Calculation of Cushion Dimensions & Pressure
Propulsive Power is determined from the requirement to overcome the Drag of the vehicle at a
given speed.
The Total Drag can be broken down into components, most conveniently represented as Drag to
Weight ratios.
DW = Wave Drag (Cushion)
DF = Skin Friction Drag
DA = Aero dynamic Drag
DSK = Skirt Drag
DR = Residual Drag
A considerable amount of empirical research into these drag components, particularly in the USA
(see Refs 1, 6) now enables us to make initial estimates of power with a reasonable amount of
confidence. These can be calculated through formulae which require a knowledge of Dimensions,
Weight, Form and Cushion Parameters. In the iterative procedure described here these are already
(i) Cushion Wave making Drag
Based on work by Newman and Poole, Doctors produced curves of ‘Wave Resistance
Coefficient’ (Rc) against Fn for various cushion length to beam ratios.
It is evident that the choice of (LC/BC), and also Fn for a given operating speed will have a
profound influence on wave making Drag. In very general terms it is evident that for Fn > 1.2
a low (LC/BC) is beneficial while for Fn<1 a high (LC/BC) is to be preferred. An alternative
presentation of results taken from Newman & Poole, and discussed in Ref 4 is shown below:
where Awet is the Wetted Surface of the Side hull while on cushion - usually calculated as a
fraction of Chine areas.
where Af is Frontal Area of Vehicle and CDA is the Drag Coefficient (typically 0.5 for well
designed vehicle).
(iv) Skirt Drag
Ref 3 suggests a number of empirical formulae for the calculation of Skirt or Seal Drag.
These are broken down into Calm Water & Rough water effects.
(v) Residual Drag
The major component of Residual Drag which has not been considered so far is the Side hull
and Appendage Form Drag.
Momentum Drag is not considered as it is assumed to be balanced by Stern Seal Thrust. In
any case it has been found to be a relatively small fraction of the whole.
(vi) Hull Borne Power Prediction
So far only Cushion Borne Power requirements have been considered as these will be
determining in the Sizing Process. However at some point hull borne resistance will also need
calculation, so that hull borne speed, range and propulsor characteristics can be determined.
(vii) Selection of Propulsor
Selection of a suitable propulsor(s) will need to consider both ‘On Cushion’ and ‘Hull borne’
modes of operation.
At hull borne speeds a propeller is likely to be the most efficient installation, but will lose
efficiency due to cavitation at higher speeds.
Particular care must be taken for low (LC/BC) vehicles to ensure that sufficient thrust can
be provided to transit the resistance hump, that is should a post hump operating regime be
required. As can be seen from the earlier figure shoving wavemaking coefficient this peak
in resistance will occur at Fn = 0.6 for (LC/BC)= 2 to 5. Theoretically it can be shown that
as (LC/BC) goes to zero that this peak will occur at Fn = 1/π = 0.56 . If the hump is severe it
may necessitate the use of ‘controllable pitch’ type propulsors. Again Ref [1] provides some
background to these choices.
6.2 Weight and Volume
As far as possible Weight and Volume requirements of the Propulsion System should be
determined from a selection of the equipment required to provide and transmit the Propulsive
Power calculated.
In the initial sizing stage it may be more convenient to estimate engine weight from specific
weight to power ratios for various types of prime mover (i.e. Gas Turbines, Diesel).
Weng = PS (W / P)
where (W / P) is the specific weight to power ratio
A plot of such specific weight to power ratios is given in Fig A7 of Ref 3.
The weight of items other than engines in the Propulsion System can be estimated from the
regression formula suggested in Ref 3.
The following outline description of the basic fluid mechanics of an SES Lift System, assumes a
‘plenum chamber’ type cushion, rather than the peripheral jet employed on ACVs. (In, the latter
case the effect of jet reaction on lift must also be considered). For background reading Refs 4 and 5
are recommended.
Consider the flow of Tair through an SES cushion in two stages.
(i) Atmosphere → Fan → Cushion
(ii) Cushion → Cushion Gap → Atmosphere
(i) Flow from Atmosphere to Cushion
Flow from atmosphere to cushion can be represented by Bernoulli’s equation.
Clearly PC is defined relative to atmospheric pressure PA, and the velocity in the plenum is
sufficiently low for ‘cushion velocity’ head to be ignored. Similarly any static head difference
due to vertical position has been omitted.
where A1 & A2 are cross section areas of trunking and plenum respectively; U1 is speed of air
in trunking; and k is a function of exit shaping.
As a rough rule of thumb for initial design it can be assumed that
Thus the flow rate of air leaking from the cushion under the skirt will be given by
Q = Cd AL Uj
where AL is Leakage AreA, Cd is the Coefficient of Discharge (ref 4 provides some guidance
on value of Cd)
On an SES (hovering)
AL ≈ 2 hg BC
hg = Cushion Gap
On an ACV (hovering)
AL ≈ 2 hg (LC + BC)
Continuing with the example of the SES
It will be noted that Lift Power (PL) is a linear function of Cushion Gap height (hg).
Observation of previous designs indicates a value of hg which in absolute terms is sensibly
constant with vehicle size (hg ≈ 6cm) (see for instance ref 3)
If this is accepted then it can be seen that
If the (σ) and (d.) values are plotted for all fan types they form an optimum envelope
as shown in the diagram below with specific zones for particular fan types. (note:- high
indicates high revs, high flow characteristics)
where W is in tonnes
In the absence of better data, the regression data given in Ref 3 should be used
Outfit & Furnishings Wt Fraction per man
where W is in tonnes
This formula refers to ‘Outfit & Furnishings’ and therefore includes items in IJCL Group 1
other than Structure, as well as Group 2.
Volume should be determined directly from layout and ‘space per man’ considerations.
Ref 3 gives regression weight formulae for auxiliary systems other than the Lift System.
where W is in tonnes
However students should assess Air Conditioning and Chilled Water power demand, and
hence plant weight and volume directing from Payload and Personnel requirements.
Other fluid systems to be considered are:
(i) Fuel
(ii) Hydraulics
(iii) Compressed Air for engine starting
(iv) Sewage
Again in the absence of more detailed data Ref [3] gives a regression weight fraction formula:
where W is in tonnes
Within this overall value, students should assess Electrical Generator ‘Plant size’ directly from
Payload, Personnel and Ship Service Power requirements.
Weight and volume requirements for stores should be estimated directly from Mission Time, system
back - up and personnel support requirements.
Fuel should be calculated directly from Total Power, specific fuel consumption, Range and Speed.
Both ‘On cushion’ and ‘Hull borne’ fuel requirements should be considered
It will be evident that Range on cushion will be considerably less than Range hull borne.
Structural Weight typically represents 0.25 to 0.35 of total weight. In view of the need for a low
overall density to maintain cushion pressures within manageable limits it is essential that the
structure is light and efficient. The above range of weight fractions have been achieved by the
use of Aluminum or GRP, one the use or construction techniques more common in the aircraft
The loading on an SES is very complex with critical loads provided by slamming impulses while in
the hull borne node. Analysis of the resulting primary stress levels invariably requires an assessment
of the resulting acceleration distribution and a calculation of inertial loading. Secondary loading can
be attributed to cushion pressure and ‘wave slap’ loads.
This will ensure that the minimum Wet Deck Clearance will be maintained.
The situation described above assumes a ‘weight governed’ determination of Side Hull
geometry, with dimensions being dictated by buoyancy rather than volume requirements. The
alternative situation where the volume in the Side Hulls exceeds the buoyancy and minimum
wet deck clearance requirement may also have to be considered, but has been put to one side
in this Sizing procedure.
As most space related problems are likely to concern minimum dimensions for propulsion
equipment this aspect is best left for fuller consideration in the parametric survey. It will also
be noted that the above sizing procedure has not integrated a stability balance; this will also
need to be considered subsequently and may also influence side hull dimensions.
Once broad values or Weight and Volume have been determined from the sizing procedure
based on the assumption or median parameters, it will, then become necessary to consider in
more detail the effect of form parameters cushion density and dimensions on various aspects
of the design. This will include layout, powering, fuel consumption, stability, maneuverability
and seakeeping (among others).
The most significant parameters are likely to be cushion density and cushion length to beam
ratio (LC / BC) as these will significantly affect both Propulsive Power and Fuel Consumption.
note: Point B is the Centre of Buoyancy of the displacement volume denoted by the shaded area
(ii) Overturning moment due to cushion pressure
(b) GF
(c) FF'
It is therefore evident that if L, Lc, Bc have been fixed by cushion density and cushion aspect ratio
(Lc / Bc) considerations and WDC & assumed as constants, then the requirement for a given value
of GM will dictate the value of Side Hull Width (b). This in turn will have implications for Side
Hull Draughts (Tc & TB ) as well as Cushion Height (Hc) (see 3 Note .5.).
Will have particular relevance for Dynamic Stability and Manoeuvrabilitv characteristics in
particular it is important that the normal to the Side Hull dead rise passes well above the Vehicle
Centre of Gravity.
i.e. ν ∝ B. As
The achievement of a ‘flat’ characteristic can be obtained artificially by the use of flow modulating
mechanisms which are sensitive to cushion pressure perturbations. This is explained below.
Present research into Ride Control Systems has concentrated on achieving increased damping by:
(i) Altering Blade/ Impeller pitch angle. (i.e. Control of inflow).
(ii) Variable ‘Inlet Guide Vanes’ (IGV’s) (ie Control of inflow)
When linked to a servo - mechanism, such that closure occurs with an increase in cushion pressure,
the natural tendency of a fan to ‘choke’ the flow is dramatically increased, thus increasing the
effective value of (δQ/δP).
The beneficial effects of a Ride Control System are achieved with the penalty of additional 1ift
power being required. Either the fan is operated at less than optimum efficiency due to variable
blade pitch or IGV’s or air is dumped overboard using V.V’s.
From the characteristic equation, the natural frequency and damping of the heave pressure mode
can be determined. As outlined in Ref 3,4 the ‘system’ can be caused to resonate by certain
combination of speed and wave frequency which give an encounter frequency equivalent to the
natural frequency
For Head Seas the Reduction in Volume (Vc) at any given moment within the plenum is given by:
Thus it is to be expected that both heave and heave acceleration will display ‘ship - wave’ matching
A.6.6 References
A.6.7 Appendix 1
Derivation of Coupled Heave for an SES through a Pressure Equation is details in the pdf file
attached below: