Broccoli G2 Business Plan

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I. Executive summary 
a. Broccoli’s concept and business overview 
Broccoli is a mobile application that immediately delivers nutritious food in Ho Chi Minh City to
consumers that live a healthy lifestyle based on their preferences, health state, and fitness objectives.
Broccoli saves you time and money while also providing nutritional benefits to your life with each
meal. The application is Broccoli's main gateway, and it is available on iOS and Android platforms.
With a simple but effective application, consumers may keep personal details, health records, and the
nutritive values of each meal. Furthermore, the "Order Now" function is the realistic targets of business
- we fulfill your orders by day or week in this theme. These orders then produce the sufficient capital.
b. The opportunity and strategy 
Customers in the broad online food industry are progressively looking for a healthy lifestyle via meals
as health awareness grows. Broccoli's business potential is formed from healthy food platforms that
adhere to health requirements while yet satisfying appetites at a reasonable cost compared to the
common ground.
c. The target market and projections
According to market research data from Vietnam, the potential annual growth of restaurant-to-
customer delivery is continuing to climb, and the prepared meal market is expected to be worth $38.2
billion by 2025. Customers (mainly students and office employees) are between the ages of 18 and 40,
with a strong interest in health and fitness. Also, because they are often used on social media and
ordered online. Furthermore, clients over the age of 60 are a secondary target that we target since their
understanding of healthy eating tends to rise when their health state deteriorates. Broccoli, on the other
hand, will consider much more about potential in this client group in the near future because the
potential in the existing market is still restricted. If Broccoli achieves breakeven in the first two years,
as predicted, we will continue to develop the business, with Ha Noi as the second market.
d. The competitive advantages
Broccoli has a competitive advantage over other market participants such as FitFood, SmartMeal, and
Benstyle in that we aim for the most affordable, straightforward pricing as well as a greater choice of
meal packages and tastes. We focus on keeping simplicity and regularly improving the ordering
application while concentrating on utilizing these forms to provide more benefits to clients. As a result,
when consumers choose to utilize Broccoli, they will have a better outcome.
e. The economics, profitability, and harvest potential
Throughout the business plan section, the economic potential of this app is discussed in great depth.
Profits during the first three years of operation are summarized below.

Year 1 - 2022 Net Income Year 2 - 2023 Net Income Year 3 - 2024 Net Income

-989.200.000 -40.100.000 1.100.900.000

f. Team members

Employee Role

Phan Thanh Thai  The Founder - Chief Executive Officer
Nguyen Duc Quang Chief of Technology and Design Officer 

Dang Thi Kim Ngan Chief Marketing Management

Khuu Nguyen Anh Khoi Chief of Finance

Vu Huong Thao The Executive Chef

g. The offering
The first investment for the business initiative is one billion VND, and the firm will continue to
consider issuing loans totaling one billion and 500 million VND in years 2 and 3. Furthermore, we
provide investors with shares worth 5 - 10% of their money, depending on the degree of commitment.



1 The industry
The food industry has grown even more in the second last 2010's decade thanks to the development of
technology. Specifically, convenient stores and supermarkets have first launched apps to reach core
customers, then more apps have occurred since such as Now and Grab Food which provides a service
named food delivery. In this hectic situation with a broad market size that aims to every customer of
every age, there is still a lacking of a platform where healthy food is prepared and provided directly to

2 The company and the concept

The company's concept is that an app which healthy meals will be cooked and served directly to the
customer based on their preferences in food choices and health conditions and goals, that would save
the customer’s time and effort, which they do not always have the opportunity to even spend out for
healthy eating.

3 The service
An app named Broccoli is created as an innovation and the main gate of the business itself, it can be
downloaded freely on the App Store for IOS’s devices and Google Play Store for Android’s devices,
where customers can create an account and put on their personal information in the Health Record
feature, one of the second most important features of the app, which helps the customers to form the
most suitable meal plan for themselves, as well as the volume of nutrition intake they should have
daily to pursue their goals. Moreover, this feature links directly to the Order Now feature, where the
custke an order of the meals that later will be shipped to and served them daily or even weekly.

III. Market Research and Analysis 

A. Customers 

Based on a survey of young people's health awareness in Vietnam, below are Broccoli's target group of

audience that Broccoli is targeting will be in the age group of 18-40 years old. The common feature of this target
group is that they are aware of their health and body shape. Most of this target group will be students and office
workers. Economic finance is at a stable level, very popular with food delivery services because of its
convenient features. This is also an easy-to-access audience group because they often use social media sites. In
addition, a sub-group of customers that we want to target is a group of customers over 60 years old, who will be
people who are very interested in health and nutrition issues. However, their weakness is that they are difficult
to access because most of them do not use social networking sites and technology applications. 
B. Market size and Trends 
Market size of prepared meal industry in Vietnam predicted to reach $38.2 billion in 2020 

Potential annual growth expected of the restaurant-to-customer delivery in VietNam 

Major factors affecting market growth: sự tăng trưởng của digital fitness và well-being apps 

C. Competition & Competitive Edges
 Direct competitor: Fitfood, Smart meal, Ben Style Eat Healthy 
 Indirect competitor: Fast-food chains, supermarkets, online food delivery apps 
 Competitive advantages: 
 Fit food: cost leadership (600,000 VND – 1,200,000 VND) 
 Smart Meal: Differentiation (4 distinct meal packages) 
 Ben Style Eat Healthy: Differentiation (8 types of food flavors) 
D. Estimated Market Share and Sales 
 Competitive Advantages of Broccoli: 
 Competitive strategy: Differentiation - provide health record service and meal customized for
 SWOT analysis: 
 Strength: Fresh food will be delivered the same day with a variety of product packages at an affordable
price. Provide free health account record service 
 Weaknesses: Food packages are not diversified as other competitors. 
 Opportunities: Broccoli aims to bring meals of high nutritional value to everyone. Developing health
and nutrition consulting services to users. 
 Threats: The food market is very diverse and potential, leading to many competitors in the field of
healthy food and delivering food in general. 
E. Ongoing Market Evaluation 
 Based on the sale of the first phase, we will identify our potential customers and continue to promote
our products to these groups of customers. Besides, if our revenue can break the even point in 2 years, we
plan to expand our operations. In the near future, we aim to invest in nutritious consultant services for our
customers and open a new branch in Ha Noi.  

V. Marketing Plan 
a. Overall Marketing Strategy  
 Apply B to C marketing strategy: 
 Connection with the customer through Social, Sharing social media, promotions
 Cooperation: GDN and profit sharing  
 Advocacy: CRM software, customer recommendations, worth of month  
b. Pricing: 
 Price for the product ranges from VND 50,000 to VND 1,450,000 
 3 plans for customers  
 Plan 1:  
+ 2000cal meal = VND 50,000 
+ 2500cal meal = VND 60,000 
+ 3000cal meal = VND 75,000 
 Plan 2:  
+ 2000cal meal 14 meals (2meals/day) = VND 700,000 
+ 2500cal meal 14 meals (2meals/day) = VND 800,000  
+ 3000cal meal 14 meals (2meals/day) = VND 1,050,000 
 Plan 3:
+ 2000cal meal 21 meals (3meals/day) = VND 1,000,000 
+ 2500cal meal 21 meals (3meals/day) = VND 1,250,000 
+ 3000cal meal 21 meals (3meals/day) = VND 1,450,000 
c. Sales tactics:  
 Using brand storytelling to find the connection with customers, educate customers
about the value of the Broccoli, provide social networks customer support to help the
customer have a positive experience.  
d. Service and Warranty 
 Service that Broccoli offers for customers including delivery service, account
record keeping service, meal customized service, free health record service,
compensation service. 
 Warranty: Broccoli will give the terms and conditions to the customer. Based on
those terms, the customers' problems will be solved by us. For problems related to
allergies, Broccoli is not responsible as we always provide food lists and menus to
customers before they close the order. For product quality problems, Broccoli will
take full responsibility and compensate the customer, we will exchange the customer
for a new package. 
e. Advertising and Promotion 
 Advertising channels: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, News 
 Advertising tools: social media, billboards, Kols, SEO, word of mouth. 
 Promotional Campaign budget for 1 year: VND 480.000.000 

f. Distribution 

Package  Tools  Cost (per month) Intake 

Paid search SEO, PPC  10.000.000  25% 
Social media KOLs, Influencers, 20.000.000  50% 
advertising   Facebook, Instagram,
Billboard Gym Centers  10.000.000  25% 

1. Development status and tasks

The current status of the Broccoli app is in the Introduction state, that developing this app may take a
little more time to be finished, and one of the things that are needed to be done is contacting and
partnering with the contributors of raw and fresh food.

2 Difficulties and proprietary issues

The difficulties may go along with designing an app which to attract the customer, but at the same, to
be stand out and merged to the food industry at the same time, so we need more of designing’s
experiment and practicing before choosing. Also, signing copyright for the name Broccoli is a
challenge to be done.


A. Geographical Location

Our planned geographical location of the business is district 4 in which is one of Ho Chi
Minh City's inner-city districts. The entire road and bridge infrastructure in this area
allows it to connect rapidly. District 4 thus becomes an expensive middle district with
easy access to other major regions such as District 1, District 7, District 5, and District
8. Therefore, transporting and shipping process becomes much more convenient as a

East: Adjacent to Thu Duc City and District 7 through Kenh Te

West: Adjacent to District 1, District 5 has the boundary defined as Ben Nghe canal.

The South: Located adjacent to District 7 and District 8 with a definite boundary, it is still Kenh Te.

In the North: Adjacent to District 1, there is a dividing boundary of Ben Nghe canal.
B. Regulatory and Legal Issues

According to Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 39/2007/ND-CP, our operating base is in

the field of home cooking and home delivery, so under the above conditions, this is not
considered to be a large restaurant business, and that only falls into the form of an
individual who operates independently and regularly, so we are allowed to operate
normally without having to register a business certification.

C. Manufacturing Strategy and Plans (Only required if your business

is making something non-digital)

Step 1: Hong Thao, the executive chef, will be in charge of organizing orders, inventory
management, and preparing a budget plan for ingredient requirements.

Step 2: Afterward, the budget plan will be sent to the finance department for approval.

Step 3: Following successful approval, we place a big quantity order for ingredients
with our supplier, Lotte Mart.

Step 4: The cooking takes place in advanced kitchen facilities, with a team of cooing
assistance attending to diverse jobs under the supervision and instruction of the
executive chef.


A. Organization

The CEO is at the top of the organization, and there are many distinct departments that
deal with different areas under the strict supervision of the head executive. Regular
meetings with the CEO and department heads will be held to ensure that useful ideas are
always made while understanding and agreeing on the priorities.
B. Key Management Personnel

Than Phan, the chief executive officer, the founder of Broccoli firm with years of
expertise in the field of bodybuilding and nutritional consumption knowledge.

Duc Quang- Chief of Technology and Design Officer responsible includes

designing application interfaces, developing app features, and providing app
maintenance for the optimum user experience

Ngan Dang- Chief Marketing Management, build and manage a variety of

promotional marketing tactics to promote our company's services, ensuring that the
advertisement captures the attention of all customer segments.

Khoi Khuu- chief of finance, held the responsibility of accounting and financial
statistical management, as well as reviewing and directing the company's cash flow.

Huong Thao- the executive chef, directly responsible for the process of building
the final installment of the product, which is the meal package, as well as submitting a
report for financial support in order to obtain the required supplies.

IX. Overall schedule 

Broccoli’s app will take around a month to build, as outlined above our monthly amount timetable,
from an application developed to application release.

Product planning for 4 days from 1st to 4th
Business analysis for 3 days from 6th to 8th
Prototype design + Predevelopment for 3 days from 9th to 11th
UX Design for 3 days from 12th to 14th
UI Design for 3 days from 15th to 17th
Development stage for 3 days from 18th to 20th
Customer Feedbacks for 4 days from 21th to 24th
Design fix for 2 days from 25th to 26th
Testing for 3 days from 27th to 29th
Finalization on 30th
Launch on 31st


implementation timetable is carefully provided to assure the app's operating progress. Senior
management must carefully analyze and assign the link across departments so that the strategy is not
delayed or disrupted. To adhere to the stated method, the application design must be completed step by


We expect reports of faults in the Broccoli digital app, so we'll be testing and
monitoring the beta version to release better updates.
We must be prepared by having a backup amount of bank loan to financially enable the
organization to continue running during the difficult period if capital costs surpass our
In the beginning, while our product is still unfamiliar in the market thus customer
demand is low as result, excessive ingredients in inventory will constantly occur then
for the countermeasure of the situation that we prepared a high-quality freezer for long-
term preservation, eliminating loss and additional costs for repurchasing supplies.

XI. Financial Plan

a. Pro Forma Income Statement:
Broccoli Pro Forma Income Statement

Revenue Year 1 (2022) Year 2 (2023) Year 3 (2024)

Sales revenue
1,260,000,000 2,310,000,000 3,030,000,000


Total Revenues
1,260,000,000 2,310,000,000 3,030,000,000

480,000,000 600,000,000 720,000,000
Raw material
600,000,000 540,000,000 540,000,000
Salaries and Wages
840,000,000 1,080,000,000 1,080,000,000
Kitchen equipment
200,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
App development
50,000,000 - -
App maintenance
10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
App Store Costs
4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Google Play Costs
600,000 - -
60,000,000 60,000,000 60,000,000
Kitchen equipment maintenance
10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Total Expenses
2,264,600,000 2,319,000,000 2,439,000,000


Net Income Before Taxes
(1,004,600,000.00) (9,000,000) 591,000,000
Income tax expense
(294,298,000) (23,100,000) 225,330,000

Income from Continuing VND VND VND

Operations (710,302,000) 14,100,000 365,670,000
{42} [42]

Below-the-Line Items
Income from discontinued
Effect of accounting changes
Extraordinary items


Net Income
(710,302,000) 14,100,000 365,670,000

Our sales revenue will mainly come from the sales of our meal package. The sales revenue is
predicted for each year as listed on the table.
Advertising costs will increase over the years due to the expansion of Broccoli. Raw material
costs will be around VND 600,000,000 in the first year and will be reduced each year from
mass purchasing. The cost of investing in a professional kitchen and other kitchen equipment
will cost around VND 200,000,000 in the first year. In the future years, it is not necessary to
purchase another professional kitchen. Moreover, rent is not included in the table as Broccoli is
planning to operate in our Marketing Executive's home. The salaries and wages of Broccoli's
employees will be the highest and might increase over the years as a result of the expansion of
A fee of VND 4,000,000 from the Apple Store is paid each year to maintain the app, and a fee
of VND 600,000 from Google Store is a one-time payment. Utilities, kitchen equipment
maintenance, Insurance will remain the same over the years to maximize the profit.
b. Pro Forma Cash Flow Statements:

The Pro Forma Cash Flow Statements of the years are based on the Pro Forma Income
Statement. The initial funding of VND 1,000,000,000 is given by the CEO of Broccoli. The
prediction to reach a positive cash flow is in the month of November of Broccoli’s 3rd year.
The cash flow will remain positive after that.
c. Break-even chart:
Broccoli will achieve the break-even point
after reaching the 225 meals package sold
per month. The break-even point is predicted
to be in the month of February of the third

d. Cost Control
The Chief of Finance, Khoi Khuu, is in charge of reporting the financial statements. Khoi will
notify the employees and the CEO of Broccoli of any extra costs and expenses when operating.
XII. Proposed Company Offering
a. Desired Financing
The initial investment from the CEO of Broccoli is VND 1,000,000,000 to secure any negative
cash flow in the first year of operating. In the second and the third year, we are planning to
secure a bank loan of VND 1,000,000,000 in the second year, and VND 500,000,000 in the
third year.
b. Offering
Broccoli is offering a 5-10% stake of our business, in return we are seeking to promote our
business through KOLs, fitness influencers, and fitness centers.
c. Use of Funds
The loan funds will be used for covering the expenses of marketing, employees’ wages, and
kitchen equipment.
d. Investors’ Return
Any Broccoli’s investors will receive a 5-10% of return based on the deal and the revenue of
each month of Broccoli. The more sales Broccoli, the more return that our investors can

IX. Overall schedule
Broccoli’s app will take around a month to build, as outlined above our monthly amount timetable,
from an application developed to application release.

Product planning for 4 days from 1st to 4th

Business analysis for 3 days from 6th to 8th
Prototype design + Predevelopment for 3 days from 9th to 11th
UX Design for 3 days from 12th to 14th
UI Design for 3 days from 15th to 17th
Development stage for 3 days from 18th to 20th
Customer Feedbacks for 4 days from 21th to 24th
Design fix for 2 days from 25th to 26th
Testing for 3 days from 27th to 29th
Finalization on 30th
Launch on 31st

The implementation timetable is carefully provided to assure the app's operating progress. Senior
management must carefully analyze and assign the link across departments so that the strategy is not
delayed or disrupted. To adhere to the stated method, the application design must be completed step by

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