Bosch-Rexroth GerotorPUmp Re10545-B - 2013-11

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Gerotor pump

Series 1X

Instruction manual Replaces: 10.2013

RE 10545-B/11.2013 English
The data specified above serve to describe the
product. Should information be provided on
use, these are only examples of applications
and suggestions. Information from the catalog
are not assured properties. The information
given does not release the user from the
obligation of own judgment and verification.
Our products are subject to a natural wear
and aging process.

© This document, as well as the data,

specifications and other information set forth in
it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth
AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third
parties without its consent.

The cover shows an example application. The

product delivered may differ from the image on
the cover.

The original instruction manual was created in

the German language.

BG: Използването на този продукт може да се извърши едва тогава, когато разполагате с това упътване за
употреба в разбираема за Вас версия на езика и сте разбрали неговото съдържание. Ако това не е така,
обърнете се към Вашия партньор Bosch Rexroth или към компетентен сервиз. Ще го намерите

CS: Tento výrobek se smí používat jedině tehdy, máte-li k dispozici tento návod k obsluze v pro vás srozumitelné
jazykové verzi a rozumíte-li celému jeho obsahu. Pokud tomu tak není, obraťte se na svou kontaktní osobu u firmy
Bosch Rexroth nebo na příslušné servisní středisko. To naleznete také na internetové adrese www.boschrexroth.

DA: Dette produkt må ikke anvendes, før du har modtaget og læst driftsvejledningen på et for dig forståeligt sprog
og har forstået indholdet. Hvis det ikke er tilfældet, bedes du kontakte din kontaktperson hos Bosch Rexroth eller
den ansvarlige kundeserviceafdeling. Den kan du finde på hjemmesiden

DE: Die Verwendung dieses Produkts darf erst dann erfolgen, wenn Sie diese Betriebsanleitung in einer für Sie
ver­ständlichen Sprachversion vorliegen und den Inhalt verstanden haben. Ist dies nicht der Fall, wenden Sie sich
bitte an Ihren Bosch Rexroth Ansprechpartner oder die zuständige Servicestelle. Diese finden Sie auch unter www.

EL: Η χρήση αυτού του προϊόντος επιτρέπεται μόνο, εάν διαθέτετε τις παρούσες οδηγίες χρήσης σε κατανοητή
γλώσσα και εφόσον έχετε κατανοήσει το περιεχόμενό τους. Εάν δεν πληρούνται αυτές οι προϋποθέσεις, απευθυνθείτε
στους κατά τόπους αντιπροσώπους της Bosch Rexroth ή σε κάποιο εξουσιοδοτημένο σέρβις. Για τα σχετικά στοιχεία
επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα

EN: This product may only be used if these operating instructions are available to you in a language version that you
can understand and if you have understood its content. If this is not the case, please contact your Bosch Rexroth
contact partner or the responsible service point. You can also find them under

ES: Este producto únicamente podrá utilizarse cuando disponga de las instrucciones de servicio en un idioma que
entienda y haya entendido su contenido. En caso contrario, diríjase a su persona de contacto de Bosch Rexroth o al
servicio técnico competente, que podrá encontrar también en la dirección

ET: Toodet tohib kasutada ainult siis, kui teil on olemas teie jaoks arusaadavas keeles kasutusjuhend ja te saate
selle sisust aru. Kui see nii ei ole, pöörduge oma Bosch Rexrothi esindaja või vastava teeninduse poole. Nende
kontaktandmed leiate aadressilt

FI: Älä käytä tuotetta ennen kuin olet saanut käyttöohjeen omalla kielelläsi ja ymmärrät sen sisällön. Ota muussa
tapauksessa yhteyttä Bosch Rexroth -yhteyshenkilöösi tai valtuutettuun huoltoliikkeeseen. Yhteystiedot löydät

FR: Ce produit ne doit être utilisé que lorsque vous disposez des présentes instructions de service en une version
linguistique que vous comprenez et que vous avez compris son contenu. Si cela n‘est pas le cas, veuillez vous
adresser à votre interlocuteur Bosch Rexroth ou au service compétent. Vous trouvez les coordonnées également sur
le site

HU: A terméket csak akkor szabad használni, ha ez a kezelési útmutató rendelkezésre áll az Ön számára érthető
egyik nyelven, és megértette annak tartalmát. Egyéb esetben forduljon a Bosch Rexroth kapcsolattartójához vagy az
illetékes szervizhez. Ezeket is megtalálja az alábbi címen:

IT: Questo prodotto può essere impiegato solo se si dispone del presente manuale d‘uso in una lingua conosciuta e
se ne è stato compreso il contenuto. In caso contrario rivolgersi al referente Bosch Rexroth o al punto di assistenza
competente. Questi sono anche riportati sul sito

LT: Naudoti šį produktą leidžiama tik turint šią vartotojo instrukciją Jums suprantama kalba ir jei supratote jos
turinį. Jei instrukcijos nesuprantate, prašome kreiptis į savo Bosch Rexroth konsultantą arba atsakingą aptarnavimo
tarnybą. Informaciją apie juos rasite adresu

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG


LV: Šo ierīci drīkst lietot tikai tad, ja šī ekspluatācijas instrukcija Jums ir pieejama kādā jums saprotamā valodā
un Jūs esat izpratis tās saturu. Pretējā gadījumā lūdzam vērsties pie attiecīgās „Bosch Rexroth“ kontaktpersonas
vai kompetentā servisa dienestā. Nepieciešamā informācija ir pieejama arī mūsu mājas lapā internetā www.

NL: U mag het product pas gebruiken, als deze bedieningshandleiding voor u beschikbaar is in een voor u
begrijpelijke taal en als u de inhoud daarvan begrepen heeft. Is dit niet het geval, neem dan a.u.b. contact op met
uw Bosch Rexroth contactpersoon of de servicepartner. Deze vindt u ook op

NO: Dette produktet må ikke brukes før du har mottatt denne bruksanvisningen på et språk som du forstår, og du
har forstått innholdet. Hvis dette ikke er tilfellet, ta kontakt med din kontaktperson hos Bosch Rexroth eller den
ansvarlige kundeserviceavdelingen. Disse finner du også på

PL: Przed przystąpieniem do eksploatacji niniejszego produktu należy zapoznać się z instrukcją obsługi w Państwa
wersji językowej. W przypadku, gdy nie dołączono instrukcji w danym języku, należy zwrócić się z zapytaniem do
osoby kontaktowej Bosch Rexroth lub do odpowiedniego punktu obsługi. Listę takich punktów można znaleźć na

PT: Este produto só pode ser utilizado se o manual de instruções estiver disponível em um idioma compreensível
para você e se você tiver compreendido o conteúdo do mesmo. Se esse não for o caso, entre em contato com o seu
representante da Bosch Rexroth ou com a assistência técnica. Encontre-os em

RO: Aveţi voie să utilizaţi acest produs, doar după ce aţi primit acest manual de utilizare într-o versiune de limbă
inteligibilă pentru dumneavoastră şi aţi înţeles conţinutul său. Dacă aceste condiţii nu sunt îndeplinite, adresaţi-vă
persoanei dumneavoastră de contact de la Bosch Rexroth sau la service-ul Bosch Rexroth competent. Găsiţi aceste
service-uri la

RU: Использование данного продукта разрешается только после получения Вами настоящего руководства по
эксплуатации на русском языке и его внимательного изучения. Если у Вас нет руководства по эксплуатации,
обратитесь, пожалуйста, к ответственному за Ваш регион представителю Bosch Rexroth или в соответствующий
сервисный центр. Оно также находится на сайте

SK: Tento výrobok sa smie používať až vtedy, keď ste dostali tento návod na prevádzku k dispozícii v pre vás
zrozumiteľnej jazykovej mutácii a obsahu ste porozumeli. V opačnom prípade sa, prosím, obráťte na vašu kontaktnú
osobu v Bosch Rexroth alebo na zodpovedné servisné miesto. Nájdete ich tiež na

SL: Z uporabo tega izdelka lahko pričnete šele, ko ste prebrali ta navodila za uporabo v vam razumljivem jeziku
in razumeli njihovo vsebino. Če navodila za uporabo niso na voljo v vašem jeziku, vas prosimo, da se obrnete na
kontaktno osebo podjetja Bosch Rexroth oz. pooblaščeni servis. Te lahko najdete tudi na

SV: Denna produkt får inte användas förrän du har mottagit en bruksanvisning på ett språk som du förstår och sedan
har läst och förstått innehållet i. Om detta inte är fallet ber vi dig kontakta din kontaktperson på Bosch Rexroth eller
ansvarig kundservice. Dessa hittar du också på

ZH: 使用该产品前,请您确保已拥有一份您所熟悉语言版本的使用说明书并已理解其内容。 如果尚未拥有,请向博世力士乐合

作伙伴或相关服务部门索取,也可登录 下载。

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Contents 5/40


1 About this documentation 7

1.1 Validity of the documentation 7
1.2 Required and supplementary documentation 7
1.3 Display of information 8
1.3.1 Safety instructions 8
1.3.2 Symbols 9
1.3.3 Abbreviations 9
2 Safety instructions 10
2.1 About this chapter 10
2.2 Intended use 10
2.3 Improper use 11
2.4 Personnel qualifications 11
2.5 General safety instructions 12
2.6 Product-specific safety instructions 13
2.7 Personal protective equipment 14
3 General instructions on damage to equipment and the product 15
4 Scope of supply 17
5 About this product 18
5.1 Product description 18
5.1.1 Assembly of the gerotor pump 18
5.2 Product identification 19
6 Transport and storage 20
6.1 Transporting the gerotor pump 20
6.2 Storing the gerotor pump 20
7 Installation 22
7.1 Unpacking 22
7.2 Installation conditions 22
7.3 Installation instructions 23
7.4 Required tools 24
7.5 Installing the gerotor pump 24
7.5.1 Preparation 24
7.5.2 Installing the coupling 25
7.5.3 Hydraulically connecting the gerotor pump 25
8 Commissioning 26
8.1 Preparing for commissioning 26
8.2 Initial commissioning 27
8.3 Recommissioning after standstill 27
9 Operation 28
10 Maintenance and repair 29
10.1 Maintenance 29
10.2 Repair 30
11 Removal and replacement 31
11.1 Required tools 31
11.2 Preparing for removal 31
11.3 Removing the axial piston unit 31
11.4 Preparing the components for storage or further use 31

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

6/40  Contents

12 Disposal 32
13 Extension and conversion 32
14 Troubleshooting 33
14.1 How to proceed for troubleshooting 33
14.2 Malfunction table 34
15 Technical data 37
16 Alphabetical index 38

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

About this documentation 7/40

1 About this documentation

1.1 Validity of the documentation

This documentation applies to the following products:
•• gerotor pump PGZ series 1X

This documentation is intended for machine/system manufacturers, fitters and

service technicians.
This documentation contains important information on the safe and appropriate
installation, transport, commissioning, maintenance, removal and simple
troubleshooting of the gerotor pump PGZ.
▶▶ Read this documentation completely and, in particular, chapter 2 "Safety
instructions" on page 10 and chapter 3 "General instructions on damage
to equipment and the product" on page 15 before you start work with the
gerotor pump.

1.2 Required and supplementary documentation

▶▶ Only commission the gerotor pump if the documentation marked with the book
symbol is available to you and you have understood and observed it.

Table 1: Required and supplementary documentation

Title Document number Document type
Gerotor pump, fixed displacement volume, type PGZ, series 1X 10545 Data sheet
Contains the permissible technical data, operating condition, performance limits
and project planning notes
General product information for hydraulic products 07008 Instruction manual
Contains general information on hydraulic products
Installation, commissioning and maintenance of hydraulic systems 07900 Data sheet
Contains general information on installation, commissioning and maintenance
of hydraulic systems
Mineral-oil based hydraulic fluid and related hydrocarbons 90220 Data sheet
Describes the requirements on a mineral-oil based hydraulic fluid and related
hydrocarbons for the operation with Rexroth hydraulic components, and assists
you in selecting a hydraulic fluid for your hydraulic system.

The gerotor pump PGZ is a system component.

Also observe the manuals for the other system components and the documentation
of the system manufacturer.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

8/40 About this documentation

1.3 Display of information

Standardized safety instructions, symbols, terms and abbreviations are used so that
you can use this documentation to work quickly and safely with your product. To give
you a better understanding they are explained in the sections below.

1.3.1 Safety instructions

This documentation includes safety instructions in chapter 2.6 "Product-specific
safety instructions" on page 34 and in chapter 3 "General instructions on damage
to equipment and the product" on page15 and before a sequence of actions or an
instruction for action involving a risk of personal injury or damage to equipment.
The described danger prevention measures must be observed.

Safety instructions are set out as follows:

Type and source of danger!
Consequences in case of noncompliance
▶▶ Measure for danger prevention
▶▶ <List>

•• Warning sign: draws attention to the danger

•• Signal word: identifies the degree of the danger
•• Type and source of danger: identifies the type and source of the danger
•• Consequences: describes what occurs if the safety instructions are not complied with
•• Precautions: states how the danger can be avoided

Table 2: Danger classes in accordance with ANSI Z535.6-2006

Warning sign, signal word Meaning

Identifies a dangerous situation that will result in death or
DANGER serious injuries if it is not avoided.
Identifies a dangerous situation that may result in death or
WARNING serious injuries if it is not avoided.
Identifies a dangerous situation that may result in minor to
CAUTION moderate injuries if it is not avoided.
Damage to equipment: the product or the environment may
NOTICE be damaged.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

About this documentation 9/40

1.3.2 Symbols
The following symbols mark notes that are not safety-relevant but which increase the
understanding of the documentation.

Table 3: Meaning of the symbols

Symbol Meaning
If this information is disregarded, the product cannot be used and/or
operated to the optimum extent.

▶▶ Single, independent step

1. Numbered instruction:
2. The numbers specify that the steps are completed one after the other.


1.3.3 Abbreviations
This documentation uses the following abbreviations:

Table 4: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ATEX EU directive for explosion protection (Atmosphère explosible)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
RE Rexroth document in the English language

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10/40 Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

2.1 About this chapter

The gerotor pump has been manufactured according to the generally accepted rules
of current technology. There is, however, still a danger of personal injury or damage
to equipment if this chapter and the safety instructions in this documentation are
not complied with.
▶▶ Read this documentation completely and thoroughly before working with the
gerotor pump.
▶▶ Keep this documentation in a location where it is accessible to all users at all
▶▶ Always include the required documentation when you pass the gerotor pump
on to third parties.

2.2 Intended use

Gerotor pumps are hydraulic components. The product is exclusively intended for
being integrated in a machine/system or for being assembled with other components
to form a machine/system. The gerotor pump may only be commissioned after it has
been installed in the machine/system for which it is intended and the safety of the
entire system has been established in accordance with the Machine Directive.
During project planning, the basic principles of the EU Machine Directive or
comparable local regulations outside of the EU are to be observed.
The product is intended for the following use:
Gerotor pumps are intended for the assembly of hydraulic drive systems, particularly
in machine-, system- and aggregate construction.
▶▶ Observe the technical data, application and operating conditions and
performance limits as specified in data sheet 10545. Information about approved
hydraulic fluids can be found in data sheet 10545.

The gerotor pump is intended for professional use and not for private use.
Intended use includes having read and understood the complete documentation,
especially the chapter 2 "Safety instructions" on page 10.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Safety instructions 11/40

2.3 Improper use

Any use other than that described as intended use shall be considered as improper
and is therefore impermissible.
Bosch Rexroth AG shall accept no liability whatsoever for damage resulting from
improper use. The user shall bear all risks arising from improper use.
The following foreseeable forms of misuse of the gerotor pump shall also be
considered to be faulty usage (this list does not claim to be exhaustive):
•• Use outside the operating parameters approved in the data sheet (unless customer-
specific approval has been granted)
•• Use for non-approved fluids, e.g. water or polyurethane components
•• Use in explosive environments unless the component or machine/system has been
certified as compliant with ATEX directive 94/9/EC
•• Use in aggressive atmospheres
•• Use in aircraft and spacecraft

2.4 Personnel qualifications

The activities described in this documentation require basic mechanical and
hydraulic knowledge, as well as knowledge of the associated technical terms. For
transporting and handling the product, additional knowledge is necessary with
regard to working with a lifting device and the corresponding attachment equipment.
In order to ensure safe use, these activities may therefore only be performed by
appropriate qualified personnel or an instructed person under the direction and
supervision of qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel are those who can recognize possible hazards and institute
the appropriate safety measures due to their professional training, knowledge, and
experience, as well as their understanding of the relevant regulations pertaining
to the work to be done. Qualified personnel must observe the rules relevant to the
subject area and have the necessary hydraulics expertise.
Hydraulics expertise means, for instance:
•• reading and fully understanding hydraulic schematic,
•• fully understanding in particular the interrelationships regarding safety devices,
•• having knowledge on the function and assembly of hydraulic components.

Bosch Rexroth offers training support for special fields.

You can find an overview of the training contents on the internet at:

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

12/40 Safety instructions

2.5 General safety instructions

•• Observe the applicable accident prevention and environmental protection
•• Observe the safety regulations and provisions of the country in which the product
is used/operated.
•• Use Rexroth products only when they are in good technical order and condition.
•• Persons who install, operate, remove or maintain Rexroth products must not
consume any alcohol, drugs or pharmaceuticals that may affect their ability to
•• Only use Rexroth original accessories and spare parts to ensure there is no risk
to persons from unsuitable spare parts.
•• Conform to the technical data and ambient conditions specified in the product
•• If unsuitable products are installed or used in applications that are of relevance
to safety, unexpected operating conditions may occur in the application which
could result in injury to persons or damage to equipment. For this reason, only use
the product in a safety-relevant application if this use is expressly specified and
permitted in the product documentation, for example in ex-protection applications
or in safety-related parts of a control system (functional safety).
•• You may only commission the product if it has been determined that the end
product (e.g., machinery or a system) into which the Rexroth products are installed
complies with the country-specific provisions, safety regulations and standards of
the application.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Safety instructions 13/40

2.6 Product-specific safety instructions

The following safety instructions apply for chapters 6 to 14.

Pressurized machine/system!
Danger to life or risk of injury, serious injuries when working on machines/systems
not shutdown! Damage to equipment!
▶▶ Protect the complete system against being energized.
▶▶ Make sure that the machine/system is depressurized. Please follow the
machine/system manufacturer’s instructions.
▶▶ Do not disconnect any line connections, ports and components when the
machine/system is pressurized.
▶▶ Switch off all power-transmitting components and connections (electric,
pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical) in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications and secure them against being switched back on.

Escaping oil mist!

Risk of explosion, fire, health hazard, environmental pollution!
▶▶ Depressurize the machine/system and repair the leak.
▶▶ Only perform welding work when the machine/system is depressurized.
▶▶ Keep open flames and ignition sources away from the gerotor pump.
▶▶ If gerotor pumps are to be situated in the vicinity of ignition sources or powerful
thermal radiators, a shield must be erected to ensure that any escaped hydraulic
fluid cannot ignite, and to protect hose lines from premature aging.

Electrical voltage!
Risk of injury due to electric shock or damage to equipment!
▶▶ Always de-energize the relevant part of the machine/system before you install
the product. Protect the machine/system against being energized.

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14/40 Safety instructions

Hot surfaces on gerotor pump!
Risk of burns!
▶▶ Allow the gerotor pump to cool down sufficiently before touching it.
▶▶ Wear heat-resistant protective clothing, e.g. gloves.

Contact with hydraulic fluid!

Hazard to health/health impairment e.g. eye injuries, skin damage, toxication
during inhalation!
▶▶ Avoid contact with hydraulic fluids.
▶▶ When working with hydraulic fluids, strictly observe the safety instructions
provided by the lubricant manufacturer.
▶▶ Use your personal protective equipment (e.g., safety glasses, safety gloves,
suitable working clothes, safety shoes).
▶▶ If hydraulic fluid should, nevertheless, come into contact with your eyes or
bloodstream or is swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

Escaping hydraulic fluid due to machine/system leakage!

Risk of burns and risk of injury due to escaping oil jet!
▶▶ Depressurize the machine/system and repair the leak.
▶▶ Never attempt to block or seal the leak or oil jet with a cloth.

2.7 Personal protective equipment

The personal protective equipment is the responsibility of the user of the
gerotor pump. Observe the safety regulations and provisions of your country.
All components of the personal protective equipment must be intact.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

General instructions on damage to equipment and the product 15/40

3 General instructions on damage to

equipment and the product
The following notes apply for chapters 6 to 14.

Danger from improper handling!
Product can be damaged!
▶▶ Do not expose the product to an impermissible mechanical load.
▶▶ Never use the gerotor pump as a handle or step.
▶▶ Do not place/lay any objects on the product.
▶▶ Do not strike the shaft of the gerotor pump.
▶▶ Do not set/place the pump on the shaft.
▶▶ Do not strike sealing surfaces (e.g., service line ports).
▶▶ Leave the protection covers on the gerotor pump until shortly before
the lines are connected.

Damage to equipment due to improper lubrication!

Product can be damaged or destroyed!
▶▶ Never operate the gerotor pump with insufficient hydraulic fluid. Make sure in
particular that the rotary group has sufficient lubrication.

Mixing of hydraulic fluids!

Product can be damaged!
▶▶ Before installation, remove all fluids from the gerotor pump to prevent mixing
with the hydraulic fluid used in the machine/system.
▶▶ Any mixing of hydraulic fluids of different manufacturers or different types of
the same manufacturer is not permissible in general.

Contamination of the hydraulic fluid!

The cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid has a considerable impact on the cleanliness
and service life of the hydraulic system. Contamination of the hydraulic fluid could
cause premature wear and malfunctions!
▶▶ Make sure that the working environment at the installation site is fully free of
dust and foreign particles in order to prevent contaminants, such as welding
beads or metal cuttings, from getting into the hydraulic lines and causing
product wear or malfunctions. The gerotor pump must be installed in a clean
▶▶ Use only clean ports, hydraulic lines and attachments (e.g., measuring devices).
▶▶ No contaminants may enter the ports when they are plugged.
▶▶ Before commissioning, make sure that all hydraulic connections are tight and
that all of the connection seals and plugs are installed correctly to ensure that
they are leakproof and fluids and contaminants are prevented from penetrating
the product.
▶▶ Use a suitable filter system to filter hydraulic fluid during filling to minimize
solid impurities and water in the hydraulic system.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

16/40 General instructions on damage to equipment and the product

Improper cleaning!
Product can be damaged!
▶▶ Plug all openings with suitable protective equipment.
▶▶ Never use solvents or aggressive detergents. Only clean the gerotor pump
with a lint-free cloth.
▶▶ Do not use a high-pressure cleaner for cleaning.

Environmental pollution due to incorrect disposal!

Careless disposal of the gerotor pump and its fittings, the hydraulic fluid and the
packaging material could lead to pollution of the environment!
▶▶ Dispose of the gerotor pump, hydraulic fluid and packaging in accordance
with the national regulations in your country.
▶▶ Dispose of the hydraulic fluid in accordance with the applicable safety data
sheet for the hydraulic fluid.

Escaping or spilling hydraulic fluid!

Environmental pollution and contamination of the ground water!
▶▶ When filling and draining the hydraulic fluid, always place a drip tray under the
gerotor pump.
▶▶ Use an oil binding agent if hydraulic fluid is spilled.
▶▶ Observe the information in the safety data sheet for the hydraulic fluid and the
specifications provided by the system manufacturer.

The warranty applies only to the delivered configuration.

The entitlement to warranty cover will be rendered void if the product is incorrectly
installed, commissioned or operated, or if it is used or handled improperly.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Scope of supply 17/40

4 Scope of supply

Fig. 1: Gerotor pump PGZ

Included in the scope of supply are:

•• Gerotor pump PGZ series 1X

The following parts are also installed on delivery:

•• Flange cover for pressure port (1)
•• Flange cover for suction port (2)
•• Protection plug for shaft protection (3)

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

18/40 About this product

5 About this product

Technical data, operating conditions, port dimensions and performance limits of the
gerotor pump can be found in data sheet 10545.

5.1 Product description

Hydraulic pumps of type PGZ are gerotor pumps with fixed displacement volume.
They mainly consist of: flange housing (1), shaft (2), the displacer elements inner
rotor (3) and geared ring (4), driving disk (5) and cover (6). They have a suction
port S and a pressure port P.

5.1.1 Assembly of the gerotor pump

P 1



Z 6

Fig. 2: Assembly of the gerotor pump

1 Flange housing 4 Geared ring S Suction port

2 Shaft 5 Driving disk P Pressure port
3 Inner rotor 6 Cover

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

About this product 19/40

5.2 Product identification

The gerotor pump can be identified with the name plate. The following example
shows the name plate of a gerotor pump of type PGZ:

1 2 3

MNR: R901230032 FD: 89126

SN: 0000123 4
9 PGZ4-10/050RA07VE4
pN=15 bar T

S 7082
Made in Germany
8 7

Fig. 3: A4VSO name plate gerotor pump PGZ

1 Manufacturer 6 Area/plant number

2 Material number 7 Symbol according to ISO 1219
3 Manufacturing date 8 Designation of origin
4 Serial number 9 Material description
5 Nominal pressure

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

20/40 Transport and storage

6 Transport and storage

▶▶ Always observe the required ambient conditions for transport and storage,
see chapter 6.2 "Storing the gerotor pump" on page 20.

Notes on unpacking can be found in chapter 7.1 "Unpacking" on page 22.

6.1 Transporting the gerotor pump

Due to the relatively light weight of the gerotor pumps, they contain no special
fixtures for transport and can be moved by hand.

Dimensions and weights Table 5: Dimensions and weights

Frame size PGZ4 PGZ5

Size 20 32 40 50 63 80 63 80 100 140
Weight kg 4.7 5.3 5.6 6.0 6.7 7.8 6.6 7.7 8.9 10.7

There is a danger of health damage when carrying gerotor pumps.

▶▶ Use your personal protective equipment (e.g., safety gloves, suitable working
clothes, safety shoes).
▶▶ Carefully place the gerotor pump components on the seating to prevent them
from being damaged.

6.2 Storing the gerotor pump

Requirement •• The storage areas must be free from corrosive materials and gases.
•• To prevent damage to the seals, ozone-forming equipment (e.g., mercury-vapor
lamps, high voltage equipment, electric motors, sources of electrical sparks or
electrical discharges) must not be operated in storage areas.
•• The storage areas must be dry.
•• Ideal storage temperature: +5 °C to +20 °C. The temperature should ideally remain
•• Avoid high light irradiation (e.g., bright windows or direct fluorescent lighting).
•• Do not stack gerotor pump and store them shock-proof.
•• Do not store the gerotor pump on the shaft.

Maximum storage time The maximum storage time is 24 months.

Storage up to 9 months ▶▶ Leave the gerotor pump in the delivery condition (coated in mineral oil).

Storage up to 24 months ▶▶ Fill the gerotor pump with mineral oil.

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Transport and storage 21/40

Commissioning after Procedure after expiry of the maximum storage time:

storage ▶▶ Check the entire gerotor pump for damage and corrosion prior to installation.
▶▶ Check the gerotor pump for proper function and leaks during a test run.
▶▶ If the storage time exceeds 24 months, the shaft seal ring must be replaced.

Entitlement to warranty will be rendered void if the requirements and storage

conditions are not adhered to or after expiration of the maximum storage time.

After expiration of the maximum storage time, we recommend that you have the
gerotor pump checked and the seals replaced by your responsible Bosch Rexroth
Service partner.

In the event of questions regarding repair and spare parts, contact your responsible
Bosch Rexroth Service partner or the service department of the manufacturer's plant
for the gerotor pump, see chapter 10.2 "Repair" on page 30.

After removal If a removed gerotor pump is to be stored, it must be preserved against corrosion for
the duration of storage.

The following instructions only refer to gerotor pumps that are operated with
a mineral-oil based hydraulic fluid. Other hydraulic fluids require preservation
measures that are specifically designed for them. In such cases, consult with
Bosch Rexroth Service, see chapter 10.2 "Repair" on page 30.

Bosch Rexroth recommends the following procedure:

1. Clean the gerotor pump.
2. Drain the gerotor pump.
3. For storage time up to 9 months: moisten the inside of the gerotor pump with
mineral oil and fill with approx. 100 ml mineral oil.
For storage time up to 24 months: fill the gerotor pump completely with mineral
Filling is performed via suction port S or pressure port P, see chapter 7.5
"Installing the gerotor pump", Fig. 6 on page 25.
4. Plug all ports airproof.
5. Moisten the unpainted surfaces of the gerotor pump with mineral oil or a suitable,
easily removed corrosion protection agent, e.g. acid-free grease.
6. Package the gerotor pump airproof together with desiccant in corrosion
protection film.
7. Store the gerotor pump so that it is protected against jolts, see "Requirement" on
page 20 in this chapter.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

22/40 Installation

7 Installation
Prior to installation, the following documents should be ready at hand:
•• Hydraulic schematic for the machine/system (available from the machine/system
•• Data sheet of the gerotor pump (contains the permissible technical data)

7.1 Unpacking

Caution! Danger from parts falling out!

If the packaging is not opened correctly, parts may fall out and damage the parts or
even cause injuries!
▶▶ Place the packaging on a flat and solid underground.
▶▶ Only open the packaging from the top.

▶▶ Remove the packaging from the gerotor pump.

▶▶ Check the gerotor pump for transport damages and completeness, see chapter 4
"Scope of supply" on page 17.
▶▶ Dispose of the packaging according to the national regulations of your country.

7.2 Installation conditions

Cleanliness Absolute cleanliness is required. The gerotor pump and all other used parts must be
installed in a clean condition. Contamination of the hydraulic fluid can have a
considerable impact on the service life of the gerotor pump.

Cleaning Use lint-free cloths for cleaning.

Temperature The temperature of the gerotor pump must be the same as the ambient temperature
of the installation site. Allow sufficient time for the gerotor pump to adjust to the
temperature conditions.

Mounting the pump For installing and disassembling the pump on or from the drive the accessibility
has to be provided for on the system side. On the machine side, the screws have
to be accessible in a way that the required tightening torque can be applied. The
tightening torque is oriented towards the operating conditions and elements
involved in the screw connection and has to be specified by the manufacturer when
engineering the power unit, the machine, or the system. Screws of tensile strength
class 8.8 or 10.9 have to be provided for mounting purposes.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Installation 23/40

7.3 Installation instructions

Fluid tank ▶▶ The permissible fluid temperature must not be exceeded; provide a cooler if

Lines and ports ▶▶ Remove the protection plugs on the pump.

▶▶ Carefully clean the pipelines and fittings prior to installation.
▶▶ Under no circumstances may returning fluid be reaspired directly, i.e., select the
largest possible distance between suction line and return line.
▶▶ Make certain that the suction and return lines lead into the reservoir below the
minimum fluid level in all operating conditions. This will prevent air from being
primed and foam from being formed.
▶▶ Make sure the connections and connecting elements are air-tight.

1 2 3 4

min. 50 mm

Fig. 4: R
 ecommendation for the arrangement of the suction line

1 Electric motor 4 Pump

2 Pump support 5 Suction line
3 Coupling

Filter If possible, use return-line filters or pressure filters.

(Only use suction filters in combination with underpressure switch/contamination

Hydraulic fluid ▶▶ Observe our specifications according to data sheet 90220.

▶▶ Different types of hydraulic fluid must not be mixed.
▶▶ The hydraulic fluid must be changed at certain time intervals depending on the
operating conditions. This involves cleaning residues from the hydraulic fluid

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24/40 Installation

Drive ▶▶ No radial or axial forces permissible on the pump drive shaft.

▶▶ Make certain that motor and pump are exactly aligned.
▶▶ Always use a coupling that is suitable for compensating for shaft offsets.
▶▶ When installing the coupling, avoid axial forces, i.e., when installing, do not
hammer or press the coupling onto the shaft. Use the female thread of the
drive shaft.

7.4 Required tools

Details on the required tools and the tightening torques for the mounting bolts are
available from the machine and system manufacturer.

7.5 Installing the gerotor pump

7.5.1 Preparation
▶▶ Before installing, completely empty the gerotor pump to prevent mixing with the
hydraulic fluid used in the machine/system.

Fig. 5: Direction of rotation gerotor pump

1 Arrow indicating the direction of

rotation on the housing

▶▶ Make certain that the direction of rotation of the gerotor pump as specified by
the arrow indicating the direction of rotation on the cover matches the direction
of rotation of the electric motor.

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Installation 25/40

3 2

Fig. 6: Installation gerotor pump PGZ

1 Pressure port P 3 Shaft

2 Suction port S 4 Mounting flange

7.5.2 Installing the coupling

1. Remove the protection plugs on the shaft.
2. Lightly grease the shaft end and the coupling half.
3. Push the first coupling half onto the shaft end.
4. Axially align the coupling half according to manufacturer's instructions.
5. Secure the coupling half on the shaft.
6. Check whether the position of the coupling half corresponds to the
manufacturer's instructions and correct if necessary.
7. Screw the pump support onto the mounting flange.
8. Grease the motor shaft and its coupling half.
9. Push the second coupling half onto the motor shaft.
10. Align the coupling half on the motor shaft.
11. Secure the coupling half on the motor shaft.
12. Mount the gear crown or another elastic coupling part on the motor-shaft
coupling half.
13. Place the pump on the pump support mounted on the motor shaft and fasten the
pump. Use suitable screw lengths here that are appropriate for the given load
14. Check the required coupling backlash between pump/motor and correct if
necessary. See the specifications from the coupling manufacturer for the coupling
15. When using flexible couplings, check that the drive is free of resonance after
completing the installation.

7.5.3 Hydraulically connecting the gerotor pump

▶▶ Remove the flange covers on the suction and pressure port.
▶▶ Check the lines for cleanliness.
▶▶ Make certain that the line connection contains the specified seals.
▶▶ If necessary, secure the O-ring against slipping with installation grease.
▶▶ Now hydraulically connect the pump according to the instructions of
the system or machine manufacturer.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

26/40 Commissioning

8 Commissioning

During all work for commissioning the gerotor pump, observe the general safety
instructions and intended use detailed in chapter 2 "Safety instructions" on
page 10.

To commission the gerotor pump, observe the instruction manual for the hydraulic
Only commission the gerotor pump with approved hydraulic fluid. Observe data
sheet 10545 here.

Danger of personal injury and damage to equipment!
If the gerotor pump was not correctly installed, persons could be injured and the
product or the system damaged or even destroyed during commissioning of the
gerotor pump.
▶▶ Make certain that the gerotor pump was installed by qualified personnel before
commissioning the gerotor pump.
▶▶ Make certain in particular that the direction of rotation of the pump is the same
as the direction of rotation of the drive motor. Make sure also that the drive
motor is correctly connected electrically.

Contamination of the hydraulic fluid!
Contaminated hydraulic fluid can lead to wear and malfunctions. In particular,
foreign particles, such as welding beads or metal cuttings in the suction line, may
damage the gerotor pump.
▶▶ Ensure utmost cleanliness during commissioning.

8.1 Preparing for commissioning

▶▶ Make certain that the suction channel is clear.
▶▶ Make certain that the piping is clean and was installed leak-tight.
▶▶ Check the hydraulic schematic for immediate functions/movements when
pressure has built up.
▶▶ Check the hydraulic fluid vessel for cleanliness.
▶▶ Fill the hydraulic fluid according to the system manufacturer's specifications.
To do this, use only filters with the required minimum retention rate.
▶▶ Check the suction side for the leak-proof installation.
▶▶ Make certain that the direction of rotation of the motor is the same as the
direction of rotation of the pump.
▶▶ If the pump was nevertheless commissioned with the wrong direction of rotation,
it must be air bled again.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Commissioning 27/40

8.2 Initial commissioning

To commission the gerotor pump, proceed as follows:
▶▶ Place a drip tray under the gerotor pump to collect any hydraulic fluid that may
▶▶ Fill the pump with filtered hydraulic fluid. Depending on the installation position,
filling can be performed via the suction or pressure port. Refer to the instruction
manual of the system for information on a suitable port.
▶▶ Air bleed the pump. Refer to the instruction manual of the system for information
on how air bleeding the gerotor pump is implemented.
If no switchable or automatic air bleeding is provided, you must manually air
bleed the pump.

Manually air bleeding 1. Switch over to circulation at zero pressure in accordance with the instruction
the pump manual of the system or directly connect the pressure output to the reservoir.
2. To air bleed the pump, briefly switch the motor on and then immediately switch
it off again (inching mode). Repeat this procedure until the hydraulic fluid drains
without bubbles and complete air bleeding is ensured.

The gerotor pump is now air bled.

▶▶ Switch on the drive motor and allow the pump to start up.
▶▶ Check that no bubbles or foam forms in the hydraulic fluid.
▶▶ Switch the motor off again.

8.3 Recommissioning after standstill

▶▶ During recommissioning, check that the direction of rotation of the electric motor
matches the direction of rotation arrow on the pump housing after disconnecting
from mains.
▶▶ Inspect the pump and system for leakage. Loss of fluid indicates leakage below
the hydraulic fluid level. An increased hydraulic fluid level in the reservoir
indicates leakage above the hydraulic fluid level.
▶▶ If the pump is arranged above the hydraulic fluid level, the pump can drain due to
leakages, for example due to a worn-out shaft seal ring. In this case, air bleeding
is again required during recommissioning. Have repaired.
▶▶ Switch on the motor when the system is in flawless condition.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

28/40 Operation

9 Operation
The gerotor pump may only be operated with the permissible data, see data
sheet 10545.
The pump may only be operated when in perfect condition.
To ensure a long and reliable service life of the gerotor pump, Bosch Rexroth
recommends regularly inspecting the hydraulic system and the gerotor pump:
Constantly monitor noises, vibrations and temperatures.
After some time in operation, check the hydraulic fluid in the reservoir for bubbles or
the formation of foam on the surface.
During operation, pay attention to changes in the noise characteristics. A slight
increase in the noise level is normal due to heating of the hydraulic fluid. A
significant increase in the noise level or short-term and irregular changes in the noise
characteristics may indicate the aspiration of air. If the suction pipe opening is below
– but too close – to the surface the hydraulic fluid, air may be primed via a vortex.
Changes in operating speeds, temperatures, increase in the noise level or power
consumption indicate wear or damage to the system or pump.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Maintenance and repair 29/40

10 Maintenance and repair

Maintenance Installation, maintenance and repair of the pump may only be performed by the
manufacturer or his authorized dealers and subsidiaries. Repairs carried out by the
customer render entitlement to warranty cover void!

Inspection Check the lines, line connections and shaft seals for leaks. Follow the system
manufacturer's instructions.

Checking warning After completing the maintenance and repair work, check that all warning and safety
equipment devices have been remounted and are in perfect condition.

Replacing wear parts When replacing wear parts, use only original spare parts. As a precaution, wear and
plastic parts of the drive coupling should be replaced after no more than 5 years,
even if they are not yet worn. Also follow the coupling manufacturer's instructions.

Plugging openings For transport, plug all openings with appropriate protection caps or devices to
protect dirt or moisture from penetrating the gerotor pump.

10.1 Maintenance
For safe operation and a long service life of the pump, a maintenance schedule has
to be developed for the power unit, the machine, or the system. The maintenance
schedule must ensure that the operating conditions of the pump remain in the
specified range during the entire service life.
In particular, compliance with the following operating parameters has to be ensured:
•• Required cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid
•• Operating temperature range
•• Fill level of the hydraulic fluid.

Furthermore, the pump and the system are to be checked for changes to the
following parameters on a regular basis:
•• Vibrations
•• Noises
•• Temperature difference between pump and hydraulic fluid tank
•• Foaming in the vessel
•• Leaks

Changes to these parameters indicate wear of components (e.g., drive motor,

coupling, pump, etc.). The reason has to be determined and remedied immediately.
In order to achieve high operational safety of the pump in the machine/system,
we recommend checking the parameters mentioned above continuously and
automatically and the automatic shut-down in case of changes exceeding the usual
fluctuations in the specified operating range.

For preventive maintenance of the pump, we recommend having the shaft seals
replaced after an operating period of no more than 5 years by an authorized Bosch
Rexroth service company.
Refer to the instruction manual of the system for additional information on
RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG
30/40 Maintenance and repair

10.2 Repair
Repairs to the gerotor pump may only be performed by Bosch Rexroth or dealers
authorized by Bosch Rexroth. Repairs carried out by the customer render entitlement
to warranty cover void!
Address all questions regarding spare parts and repairs to your responsible Bosch
Rexroth Service partner or the service department of the plant that manufactures
the gerotor pump:

Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 8
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel. +49 9352 18-0
[email protected]

For the addresses of foreign subsidiaries, please refer to

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Removal and replacement 31/40

11 Removal and replacement

11.1 Required tools

Removal of the gerotor pump can be performed with standard tools.
You will need:
•• A set of Allen keys for the housing screws.
•• An extractor for the shaft key on the cylindrical shaft end.
•• A flat-tip screwdriver to pry off the cover.
•• A drip tray and cloths for collecting the remaining oil.

11.2 Preparing for removal

Take the entire system out of service as described in the instruction manual
for the system.
Then prepare removal of the gerotor pump as follows:
▶▶ Depressurize the pressure side (P-line).
▶▶ Make sure that the relevant system components are not under pressure or

11.3 Removing the axial piston unit

Proceed as follows to remove the gerotor pump:
1. Shut off the suction port of the pump. In doing so, follow the instructions in the
instruction manual of the system.
2. Place a drip tray under the gerotor pump to collect any hydraulic fluid that may
3. Disconnect the pipe on the pressure side.
4. Loosen the mounting bolts on the pump.

The pump is removed.

11.4 Preparing the components for storage or further use

▶▶ Proceed as described in chapter 6.2 "Storing the gerotor pump" on page 20.

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

32/40 Disposal

12 Disposal
Careless disposal of the gerotor pump, the hydraulic fluid and the packaging material
could lead to pollution of the environment.
Observe the following points when disposing of gerotor pump:
1. Completely drain the gerotor pump.
2. Dispose of the gerotor pump and the packaging material in accordance with the
national regulations in your country.
3. Dispose of the hydraulic fluid according to the national regulations of your
country. Also observe the applicable safety data sheet for the hydraulic fluid.
4. Remove the gerotor pump into its individual parts and properly recycle
these parts.
5. Separate according to, for instance:

13 Extension and conversion

Pump combinations When used together with original Bosch Rexroth combi parts, gerotor pumps can be
combined as the rear pump to form multiple pumps.

Conversion Do not modify the gerotor pump in any way.

The Bosch Rexroth warranty only applies for the delivered configuration. In case
of conversion or extension, the entitlement under warranty will be rendered void.

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Troubleshooting 33/40

14 Troubleshooting
Table 6 and may help you when troubleshooting. The table makes no claim for
In practical use, problems which are not listed here may also occur.

14.1 How to proceed for troubleshooting

▶▶ Always act systematically and purposefully, even under pressure of time. Random
and imprudent removal could result in the inability to determine the original fault
▶▶ First obtain a general overview of how your product functions in conjunction with
the entire system.
▶▶ Try to find out whether the product has functioned properly in conjunction with
the entire system before the fault occurred.
▶▶ Try to determine any changes of the entire system in which the product is
––Were there any changes to the product's application conditions or operating
––Has maintenance work recently been carried out? Is there an inspection or
maintenance log?
––Were changes (e.g., conversions) or repairs made to the complete system
(machine/system, electronics, control) or on the product? If yes, which?
––Has the hydraulic fluid been changed?
––Was the product or machine operated as intended?
––How did the malfunction appear?
▶▶ Try to get a clear idea of the error cause. Directly ask the (machine) operator.
▶▶ Document the work carried out.
▶▶ In the event of faults than cannot be rectified, contact one of the contact
addresses listed under or :

Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 8
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel. +49 9352 18-0

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

34/40 Troubleshooting

14.2 Malfunction table

Table 6: Malfunction table gerotor pump PGZ

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Pump does not deliver /prime Pump not air bled Air bleed pump

O-ring defective (wrong hydraulic fluid, seal Insert/replace original O-ring

damage, missing O-ring, wrong O-ring)
Sealing surface soiled or damaged Ensure cleanliness and intactness of the sealing
Coupling missing or parts of the coupling Supplement coupling or couping parts
See fault "drive motor rotating in wrong direction"

See fault "air entry through output drive"

Pump too loud See fault "interfaces leaky“

See fault "drive motor rotating in wrong direction"

Ambient temperature below -20 °C Establish suitable ambient temperature

Intake of air bubbles Air bleed system

Vortex formation in the suction area of the Check fill level of the hydraulic fluid tank
hydraulic fluid tank
See fault "viscosity < 10 mm2/s"

See fault "viscosity > 2000 mm2/s"

Interfaces leaky O-ring defective (wrong hydraulic fluid, seal Use original O-ring
damage, missing O-ring, wrong O-ring)
Sealing surface soiled or damaged Ensure cleanliness and intactness of the sealing
Faulty installation (screws too long) Installation only by authorized, trained and
instructed specialist personnel;
use only original spare parts
Combi part does not fit Observe project planning note in the data sheet
of the front pump
System interfaces cannot be Wrong connection flange/screws, suction port Observe specifications for the dimensions of the
installed and/or pressure port selected flange in data sheet 10545
Viscosity < 10 mm2/s Hydraulic fluid too hot Notes on hydraulic fluids in data sheet 90220;
observe project planning note in data sheet
Service life of the hydraulic fluid exceeded
10545; water content, viscosity, check regularly
Wrong hydraulic fluid filled for clouding and odor

Viscosity > 2000 mm /s

Hydraulic fluid temperature too low Notes on hydraulic fluids in data sheet 90220;
observe project planning note in data sheet
Wrong hydraulic fluid filled
10545; water content, viscosity, check regularly
Thickening due to mixture for clouding and odor

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Troubleshooting 35/40

Table 6: Malfunction table gerotor pump PGZ

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Volumetric or mechanical efficiency See fault "viscosity > 2000 mm /s" 2

not achieved
See fault "viscosity < 10 mm2/s“

See fault "output flow not achieved"

Operation with rotational speed that was Observe project planning note in data
configured either too low or too high sheet 10545
See fault "permissible degree of soiling of the hydraulic fluid exceeded"

Mixture of different fluids Observe notes on hydraulic fluids in data

sheet 90220
Permissible degree of soiling Aging hydraulic fluid and residues (abrasion) Check hydraulic fluid for contamination
of the hydraulic fluid exceeded from system according to maintenance schedule
Insufficient filtration Observe project planning note in data
sheet 10545 and check according to
maintenance schedule
Unexpected ingress of dirt Ensure a clean environment, fill only via filter
(e.g., while changing the hydraulic fluid)
Drive motor rotating in wrong Drive motor connected incorrectly Installation only by authorized, trained and
direction instructed specialist personnel
Check direction of rotation during
recommissioning after disconnecting from mains
Motor circuit breaker trips Drive motor too weak Observe information regarding required drive
power in data sheet 10545
See fault "drive motor rotating in wrong
See fault "pump wear"

Drive speed too high/too low Motor configured with insufficient/excessive Observe project planning note in data
rotational speed sheet 10545
Air entry through output drive O-ring defective (wrong hydraulic fluid, seal Use original combi part set, replace seals
damage, missing O-ring, wrong O-ring)
Discharge of hydraulic fluid Vessel hangs too high Observe project planning note during
maintenance and commissioning of hydraulic
Level of hydraulic fluid to high
components in data sheet 07900
Precharged hydraulic fluid tank (charged with Observe project planning note for precharged
excessively high pressure) or precharge pump vessel or precharge pump
Seal defect Replace damaged O-ring

See fault "interfaces leaky"

Inlet pressure < 0.7 bar Faulty dimensioning of the suction line (length, Observe project planning note in data
cross section, angle) sheet 10545
Rotational speed too high Observe maximum rotational speed during
project planning
Foreign particles in the suction channel Remove foreign particles

Air pressure too low Observe absolute pressure during project

(also for vessels without pressure planning
Inlet pressure > 2 bar See fault "discharge of hydraulic fluid"

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

36/40 Troubleshooting

Table 6: Malfunction table gerotor pump PGZ

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Output flow not achieved Pump primes air Check fill level in the hydraulic fluid tank and
correct if necessary
Observe the notes on the design and lines in the
hydraulic trainer, volume 3 and project planning
Drive speed too low Observe average characteristic values of drive
power in data sheet 10545 during project
See fault "permissible degree of soiling of the hydraulic fluid exceeded"

See fault "pump wear"

Continuous outlet pressure Line cross section too low Observe the notes on the design and lines in the
> 15 bar hydraulic trainer, volume 3 and project planning
Flow resistance too high
Permissible load exceeded To limit the operating pressure and for solenoid-
actuated relief of the operating pressure, install
a pump safety block. Observe the notes in data
sheet 10545 here
Wear through radial force on the Incorrect installation Observe the installation instructions
Unsuitable parts Use only original combi part set

Tightening torque for screws too low Observe tightening torques in the installation
See fault "pump wear"

Wear through axial force on the Incorrect installation Observe installation instructions of the coupling
shaft manufacturer
Unsuitable parts Use only original combi part set

See fault "pump wear"

Pump wear Soiled or incorrect hydraulic fluid Filter or change hydraulic fluid, perform regular

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013

Technical data 37/40

15 Technical data
The permissible technical data of the gerotor pump can be found in data
sheet 10545.

The data sheet can be found on the internet at

Further information can be found in the online product catalog

Industrial Hydraulics:

RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

38/40 Alphabetical index

16 Alphabetical index
▶▶ A ▶▶ S
Abbreviations 9 Safety instructions 10
Assembly 18 –– General 12
–– Product-specific 13
▶▶ C Scope of supply 17
Commissioning 26 Storage 20
–– after standstill 27 Symbols 9
–– Initial 27
Connecting 25 ▶▶ T
Conversion 32 Technical data 37
Tools 31
▶▶ D Transport 20
Damage to equipment 15 Troubleshooting 33
Dimensions 20
Direction of rotation 24 ▶▶ U
Disposal 32 Unpacking 22

▶▶ I ▶▶ W
Identification 19 Warranty 16, 32
Installation 22 Weight 20
–– Preparation 24
Installation conditions 22
Intended use 10

▶▶ M
Maintenance 29
Malfunction table 34

▶▶ N
Name plate 19

▶▶ O
Operation 28

▶▶ P
Product description 18

▶▶ Q
Qualifications 11

▶▶ R
Removal 31
Replacement 31
Required documentation 7

Bosch Rexroth AG, PGZ Series 1X, RE 10545-B/11.2013


RE 10545-B/11.2013, PGZ Series 1X, Bosch Rexroth AG

Bosch Rexroth AG
Mobile Applications
Zum Eisengießer 1
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel. +49 9352 18-0
[email protected]

Your local contact can be found at:

Subject to change
Printed in Germany
RE 10545-B/11.2013

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