Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT For Breast Imaging
Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT For Breast Imaging
Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT For Breast Imaging
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Available online 24 October 2015 In the field of nuclear medicine imaging, breast imaging for cancer diagnosis is still mainly based on 2D
Keywords: imaging techniques. Three-dimensional tomographic imaging with whole-body PET or SPECT scanners,
Breast imaging when used for imaging the breast, has performance limits in terms of spatial resolution and sensitivity,
SPECT/CT which can be overcome only with a dedicated instrumentation. However, only few hybrid imaging
PET/CT systems for PET/CT or SPECT/CT dedicated to the breast have been developed in the last decade, pro-
viding complementary functional and anatomical information on normal breast tissue and lesions. These
systems are still under development and clinical trials on just few patients have been reported; no
commercial dedicated breast PET/CT or SPECT/CT is available. This paper reviews combined dedicated
breast PET/CT and SPECT/CT scanners described in the recent literature, with focus on their technological
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction detector, which make such hybrid systems useful in particular for
early disease detection [3–5].
Dual-modality imaging with hybrid tomographic scanners The addition of an X-ray contrast agent for contrast-enhanced
provides combined anatomical and functional 3D imaging data for CT may improve the detection of malignant breast lesions [6].
diagnosis, disease staging and follow up, with improved diagnostic Chemotherapy administered to patients with large size tumor
performance than obtained by separate imaging procedures, via before surgery or radiation – to reduce tumor burden and systemic
more accurate assessment of tissue lesions (see, e.g., [1,2]). spreading of the disease (neoadjuvant chemotherapy, NAC) –
In the case of breast cancer diagnosis, the partial volume effect might also benefit from the use of such dedicated dual-modality
and the limited spatial resolution of most whole-body scanners scans for tumor response assessment [7].
(approximately 5 mm FWHM for positron emission tomography, Although a few high-resolution, high-sensitivity CT, PET and
PET, systems) limit precise imaging and quantification of primary SPECT scanners have been developed in the last decade, tomo-
tumors. For this purpose, dedicated scanners for emission tomo- graphic breast imaging is still an active area of research and
graphy coupled to X-ray computed tomography (CT) have been development. The integration of functional and anatomical ima-
assembled, thus providing combined images of the breast also ging permitted the distinction between malignant and benign
useful in radiation therapy planning and in monitoring the lesions, but open critical points still remain in this field. These
response to therapies. Dedicated hybrid scanners have potential include the detection of very small lesions and of lesions located
advantages since they may provide higher resolution and higher near the chest wall, the reduction of the dose delivered to the
sensitivities with a more accurate quantification of primary breast patient, and the detection of microcalcifications. The inclusions of
tumor, particularly for small-size tumors (about 1 cm or less in all these points in the realization of high image quality, highly
diameter). This occurs thanks to the use of small pixel size sensitive PET/CT and SPECT/CT hybrid scanners dedicated to the
detectors and of the reduced distance from the tumor to the breast, is still a technological challenge; as a consequence, the
process of introducing such devices in the clinical routine is slow.
n In this work the authors review hybrid breast PET/CT and
Corresponding author at: Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di
Fisica, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126, Italy. Tel.: þ39 081 676137. breast SPECT/CT systems described in extenso in publications in
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Mettivier). the last decade, though not covering exhaustively the large variety
0168-9002/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Russo et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 809 (2016) 58–66 59
of techniques, technologies and devices developed so far. The increased radiation exposure from a systemically administered
rationale for dedicated PET and SPECT breast imaging is also radiotracer.
briefly summarized, and breast PET (non hybrid) systems available Different PET tracers for the biological characterization of
commercially are described. breast tumor lesions have been proposed and are approaching
clinical use with present PET and PET/CT whole-body scanners,
including 18F-Fluorothymidine for imaging of proliferation,18F-
2. Background and clinical context Fluoroestradiol for characterization of estrogen receptor status
and 89Zr-trastuzumab for detection of HER2 expression [24]. These
Functional imaging studies of breast lesions by planar scinti- biological characteristics are prognostic and predictive biomarkers
graphy or Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) of the clinical outcome and guide therapeutic options in individual
using 99mTc-Sestamibi was initially developed as an adjunct to breast cancer patients. Dedicated breast PET scanners may take
diagnostic mammography and extensively investigated over the advantage of these specific PET imaging tracers, as dedicated
past years, showing a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 85% [8]. clinical tools for precisely targeted medicine.
However, tumor size was early recognized as one of the major In the clinical context, another key issue associated with
factors affecting sensitivity, since non-palpable lesions were nuclear breast imaging is the radiation dose administered. The
detected with a lower sensitivity (59%) than palpable lesions dose to the breast gland from a CT scan with dedicated (cone
(87%). Similarly, the reported sensitivity of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose beam) setups is typically kept in the limit of the maximum mean
(FDG-PET) or PET/CT for detection of breast tumors was 83–89% glandular dose (3 mGy, for a “standard” breast in the USA reg-
[9,10]; this value decreased to less than 50% for detection of sub- ulations, for one view), i.e. less than 6 mGy for two-view mam-
centimeter tumors, low-grade invasive cancers or ductal carci- mography, this being equivalent to an effective dose of 0.72 mSv
noma in situ (DCIS) [11]. Therefore, the limited spatial resolution for a CT scan of one breast. For all breast sizes, the body effective
of both gamma camera and PET scanners prevented their wide dose for a screening mammogram is in the range 0.7–1.0 mSv [25].
clinical use in the management of breast cancer patients, including In nuclear breast imaging with administration of 740 MBq 99mTc-
early detection of breast cancer, staging, follow-up and therapy Sestamibi, the (whole-body) effective dose is approximately
monitoring. The availability of dedicated breast imaging systems 5.9 mSv [12]. For FDG-PET, a whole-body effective dose of 6.2–
with improved spatial resolution may result in a larger clinical use 7.1 mSv for administration of 370 MBq 18F-FDG has been reported
of functional imaging in breast cancer patients for several appli- [26], and for FDG-PET dedicated to the breast, a body effective
cations including preoperative evaluation, monitoring of tumor dose of 3.5 mSv has been estimated [27] for administration of
response and evaluation of dense breasts [12]. 185 MBq FDG (effective dose of 0.019 mSv/MBq from calculations
Since the detection of additional sites of malignancy in the based on ICRP 106 data [28]). These figures indicate that dose
same or contralateral breast can alter the subsequent surgical reduction is an issue in hybrid breast imaging, since the (body)
treatment, an accurate preoperative evaluation of both breasts is effective dose of the nuclear scan can be comparable or higher
mandatory. Dynamic contrast-enhanced breast Magnetic Reso- than that of the X-ray CT scan. Hence, with the availability of
nance Imaging (MRI) is currently used for surgical planning since higher sensitivity detectors for dedicated breast SPECT/CT and PET/
it is able to detect additional tumor sites in 20% of patients [13]. CT imaging, there is potential for a reduction of the radiation dose
However, specificity of MRI is limited and the occurrence of false burden, compared to breast imaging with whole-body SPECT/CT or
positive may require additional biopsies and delay surgery. Dedi- PET/CT scanners.
cated breast imaging with its high sensitivity and specificity may
be more accurate than MRI in the presurgical evaluation of breast
cancer patients. Previous studies [14,15] showed indeed that both 3. Dedicated scanners for breast imaging
breast-specific gamma-ray imaging with 99mTc radiotracers [16]
and Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) [17] with FDG, have a 3.1. Single photon imaging
sensitivity comparable to that of MRI but a higher specificity in the
detection of additional malignancy. Nuclear medicine tomographic imaging benefits from the
Functional imaging with whole-body FDG-PET or PET/CT technological advances in detectors and DAQ systems to achieve
scanners is currently used for monitoring tumor response to NAC high spatial resolution and sensitivity [12,29]. Small gamma
that is administrated to breast cancer patients before surgery to cameras in mammographic configuration for planar imaging have
reduce tumor size resulting in a more conservative surgical been developed in the last two decades for breast imaging,
treatment. The need of a dedicated imaging system with high employing either arrays of small scintillator crystals (CsI, NaI,
spatial resolution in this clinical setting derives from the fact that LaBr3) [16,30] or semiconductor pixel detectors on CdTe or CdZnTe
very small residual tumors after NAC may not be detected by (CZT) substrates [16,31,32]. Breast specific semiconductor-based,
whole-body FDG-PET or PET/CT. Dedicated breast PET scanners double-head compact gamma cameras showed an overall sensi-
may be able to identify even minimal residual disease after NAC tivity of 90% and a sensitivity of 82% for lesions less than 10 mm in
[18]. Even more important, there is the clinical need for dedicated size, in patients with suspected breast cancer [16]. Typically, single
breast imaging systems in the evaluation of dense breast in photon gamma-ray imaging dedicated to the breast is performed
asymptomatic women. Screening mammography is the standard with the FDA-approved 99mTc-Sestamibi as radiopharmaceutical,
imaging technique for the early diagnosis of breast cancer in with typical injected activity of 740–1100 MBq [33].
asymptomatic women; mammography showed effective in redu-
cing breast cancer mortality, though overdiagnosis may be present 3.2. PET imaging
[19,20] and there is still active debate on this topic [21,22]. How-
ever, sensitivity of mammography is limited in women with The increased spatial resolution and photon detection sensi-
radiologically dense breast, and additional screening examinations tivity improves the detectability of sub-centimeter lesions, this
such as ultrasounds and MRI may be required in these patients. In being one of the major limitation of clinical whole-body PET
this context, dedicated breast imaging systems may contribute to scanners [34–36]. Indeed, the spatial resolution of whole-body PET
the accurate evaluation of dense breast [23] although their scanners is approximately 5 mm FWHM; for example, a FWHM
implementation in the screening setting may be limited by the resolution in the axial plane of 4.4 mm, 4.9–5.2 mm in the
60 P. Russo et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 809 (2016) 58–66
transverse radial direction and 4.7 mm in the transverse tangential wall than in the supine position (8 mm on the average), as eval-
direction at 10 mm radial distance from center field of view (FOV) uated with whole-body PET/CT scanning on 40 patients with
has been reported for a last-generation PET/CT scanner, in non- suspected recurrent breast cancer [47]. This finding – indicating an
time of flight reconstruction [37]. On the other hand, the (max- additional advantage of adopting the prone position of the patient
imum) FWHM spatial resolution of dedicated breast PET scanners in dedicated breast scanners–highlights the critical issue of
can be as high as: a) 1.6 mm, 1.8 mm and 1.9 mm (axial, radial and incomplete field coverage at the thoracic wall of dedicated breast
tangential directions, respectively), coupled to a maximum sensi- PET scanners, since the average axial position of breast tumors
tivity (according to NEMA NU 4-2008 standard) as high as 20% at might be at the border or outside the PET FOV. Lesions outside the
the center of FOV in the energy range of 250–750 keV [38]; b) FOV of dedicated scanners can lower the lesion-based sensitivities
2.0 mm, 1.6 mm and 1.7 mm (axial, radial, tangential, filtered with respect to that of whole-body PET/CT (from 92% of lesions
backprojection reconstruction) with 11.2% maximum sensitivity detected with the conventional scanner to 82–83% of the dedi-
[39]. cated lesions with O-ring and C-ring scanners) [46].
Dedicated breast PET setups take advantage also of the reduced The vast majority of dedicated PET scanners adopts scintillation
distance between detectors as the FOV needed to image the breast crystals readout by position sensitive PMTs but arrays of semi-
is much smaller than that a whole-body scanner. In PET, the conductor detectors have been proposed as well, for direct-
reduced detector distances mitigate the blur due to the acolli- detection gamma-ray imaging. The team at University of Stan-
nearity of the two annihilation photons, so that these systems can ford investigated a dual-panel PET camera dedicated to breast
reach higher spatial resolution (ranging between 1 and 3 mm), cancer imaging, based on 4-cm thick 12 15 cm2 CZT panel
analogously to what occurs with scanners dedicated to small detectors equipped with cross-strip electrodes for readout [48].
animal imaging [40]. Indeed, for a detector ring of radius R (mm), Simulations indicated a maximum photon sensitivity of 32% for a
the angular uncertainty in the direction of the two back-to-back point source at the center of the FOV, and capability for the
annihilation quanta when an in-flight positron annihilation occurs, visualization of 2-mm diameter spheres with a 5:1 activity con-
determines a Gaussian blur whose FWHM is 0.0044R [41]: for a centration ratio within about 7 min acquisition time [48].
dedicated PET system with, e.g., 25-cm diameter, this corresponds
to a FWHM of 0.55 mm, whereas for a whole-body PET scanner 3.3. CT imaging
this value increases up to a factor 3. On the other hand, there is a
specific influence of the parallax error on the spatial resolution of In X-ray imaging, flat-panel-based cone-beam CT with dedi-
such small-diameter PET systems; indeed, the breast occupies a cated scanners has been investigated and recognized as a potential
small fraction of the center FOV in large-diameter whole-body PET modality for breast imaging, including patient screening [49–52]:
scanners, while PET scanners dedicated to the breast have a FOV a review of this field has been published recently [53]. In cone-
diameter of less than 25 cm, typically. The use of long scintillator beam breast CT the goal is to perform a CT scan of the uncom-
crystals (for obtaining high detection efficiency for 511 keV pho- pressed breast with a mean glandular dose comparable to that of
tons), placed close to the organ, produces an additional contribu- two-view mammography for the same compressed breast [49]. In
tion to the parallax error, so that such dedicated PET scanners January 2015, the dedicated breast cone-beam CT scanner manu-
include depth-of-interaction (DOI) encoding capabilities, since, for factured by Koning Corporation (West Henrietta, NY, USA) received
a given crystal configuration, the detection performance (and then the FDA approval in U.S.A. In the United States, a spinoff company
the overall imaging performance) is dependent on the depth at from Duke University (ZumaTek Inc.) has developed a dedicated
which the gamma-ray interaction occurs in the scintillator crystal. breast CT scanner using a flat-panel detector (see also Section 5.1);
For example, in the University of California at Davis prototype in Europe, a spinoff from the Medical Physics Institute at Friedrich-
dedicated to breast PET, the intrinsic spatial resolution at the edge Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) [54] has
of the FOV improved from 6 to 1.7 mm after DOI information presented in 2014a high-resolution, dedicated breast CT spiral
implementation [42]. scanner, which employs a photon-counting, high-resolution, CdTe
Some of the developed systems require breast compression semiconductor detector [55]. The emerging limited-angle tomo-
[43] (as in PEM, where acquisition times can be as long as 10– graphic technique of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) [56,57]
20 min per breast) while other systems work with the patient in also received in the last years an increasing interest, and today at
the prone position and the breast hanging within the FOV least five different stand-alone commercially available X-ray
[38,44,45], with a setup similar to that used in MRI. One group mammography systems offer the DBT acquisition (GE, Hologic,
developed both O-shaped and C-shaped PET scanners, in this last IMS, Planmed and Siemens).
case with the patient leaning forward [46].
The prone position may be more comfortable for the patient 3.4. Commercial breast PET systems
and more compatible with the long acquisition time of radiotracer
imaging. However, there are limitations on the detectability of Commercially available PET systems dedicated to the breast
lesions located near the chest wall. The limitations arise from the include three systems: a) The Oncovision (Valencia, Spain)
prone position of the patient, from the scanner type (fixed or MAMMI Breast PET [38], a scanner for a patient in prone position
rotational), from dead areas around the detector assembly, from which uses a full ring of detectors (17 cm transaxial FOV, 4 cm
the vertical position of the detector heads/rings. Thus, the top part axial FOV, spatial resolution: 1.6, 1.8, and 1.9 mm in the axial,
of the axial FOV including the chest wall and breast axillary tail radial, and tangential directions, respectively) and no breast
may not be adequately covered and be shorter than the corre- compression; and b) the Naviscan (San Diego, CA, USA) PEM Flex
sponding axial FOV of the CT scanner in dedicated hybrid systems Solo II [58] which comprises two 6-cm-thick 6 16.4 cm2 planar
[44]. In the first-generation University of California at Davis’ detector heads mounted inside compression paddles: the detec-
scanner (DbPET/CT), there is a 20-mm difference in field coverage tors scan in unison the compressed breast along a direction par-
at chest wall of the PET image with respect to CT image; moreover, allel to the chest wall (24 16.4 cm2 imaging FOV, 2.4 mm in-
in one patient, that team measured a distance of 8 mm between plane spatial resolution); c) the Shimadzu Corp. (Kyoto, Japan)
top of PET axial FOV and anterior aspect of pectoralis muscles [44]. ELMAMMO, consisting of 36 LGSO detector blocks organized in
On the other hand, the prone position determines a significantly 3 rings (155.5 mm axial FOV, 183 mm transaxial FOV, spatial
larger distance (19 mm on the average) of the tumor-to-thoracic- resolution: 2.0, 1.6, and 1.7 mm in the axial, radial, and tangential
P. Russo et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 809 (2016) 58–66 61
The project at the University of California at Davis evolved Fig. 1. (a) PET/CT prototype at the University of California at Davis (courtesy of R. D.
through the realization of three prototypes of the PET scanner Badawi). 1: CT flat panel detector, 2: X-ray tube and rotating filter wheel, 3: PET
(DbPET, DbPET 2.0, DbPET 2.1). In its initial configuration, the heads. (b) PET/CT prototype at the University of West Virginia, comprising a robotic
system featured a PET scanner (Davis bPET, DbPET) with two needle biopsy system (courtesy of R. R. Raylman). 1: CT X-ray detector, 2: X-ray
tube, 3: PET heads, 4: Robotic needle for biopsy. (c) PET/X prototype at the Uni-
rotating heads each one composed of a pixelated LSO with
versity of Washington (courtesy of L. R. MacDonald, P. Kinahan). 1: X-ray detector,
3 3 20 mm3 crystals size coupled to PSPMTs to cover an area of 2: X-ray tube, 3: PET heads.
62 P. Russo et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 809 (2016) 58–66
12 12 cm2 [44,72] (Fig. 1a). For scanning, the patient is posi- proposed by the team at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
tioned prone with a single breast hanging into the FOV through an [81]. The PET scanner consists of two 20 15 cm2 and two
aperture in the table. In addition to rotation in step-and-shoot 10 15 cm2 detectors positioned to form a rectangular gantry.
mode, the two planar head PET detectors can be translated verti- Each detector module consists of monolithic continuous LSO
cally (to position them as close as possible to the chest wall) as crystal subunits coupled to multi-anode position sensitive PMTs
well as horizontally (to modify the heads separation to accom- [79]. The separation between the two main detectors can be set to
modate breasts of different size). The CT system is one of the 4 cm or 8 cm corresponding to two possible breast compression
dedicated cone-beam CT setups developed by the team of Prof. thicknesses [80]. A preliminary evaluation with the first patients is
Boone at the same institution [74–76] and comprises a planned for the end of 2015.
30 40 cm2 a-Si/CsI:Tl-based flat-panel detector with 0.194-mm
pixel pitch and a 0.6-mm thick scintillator. Up to 500 projections
are acquired in about 17 seconds for 360° coverage, at 80 kVp and 5. Dedicated breast SPECT/CT systems
with a mean glandular dose per breast comparable to that of two-
view mammography. Results from a preliminary clinical trial using SPECT/CT systems dedicated to the breast developed at Duke
this system (termed DbPET/CT) [72] have been reported [44]. This University and at University of Naples are described in the fol-
system has a transaxial FOV of 11.9 cm (less than the average lowing sections.
diameter of the pendant breast at the chest wall). The last proto-
type (DbPET2.1) is an upgrade of the previous 2.0 version PET
5.1. Duke University
scanner; the improvements regarded the scintillation detector and
the readout electronics [3]. In this new prototype, the detection
The team at Duke University has developed an integrated
system comprises 1.27 1.27 20 mm3 LYSO scintillator crystals
SPECT/CT scanner prototype with full tomographic capability of
arranged in modules consisting of 16 16 crystals spanning an
the pendant, uncompressed breast [64,82] (Fig. 2). The SPECT part
angular range of 90° in an incomplete ring. Each head employs 16
is composed of a single head of 16 20 cm2 CZT detector array of
(2 8) modules to cover a FOV of 17.5 cm in transaxial and 5.0 cm
2.3 2.3 5 mm3 crystals with a pixel pitch of 2.5 mm (LumaGEM
in the axial direction. With respect to the original setup DbPET
3200S, Gamma Medica, Inc.).
[72], the head-to-head distance is fixed to 24.7 cm, and the system
The energy resolution at 140 keV is 6.7% FWHM and the colli-
exhibits a higher spatial resolution (3.3 mm and 1.6 mm at the
mator sensitivity is 37.9 cps/MBq [83,84]. Resolution tests with
center of the FOV using filtered back-projection for DbPET and 99m
Tc-pertechnetate and a rod phantom showed that the size of
DbPET 2.1, respectively).
detectable rods was 3.4–5.2 mm for an activity concentration ratio
of 10:1 or 2.5:1 (detail/background), respectively, with 370 kBq/mL
4.2. University of West Virginia
in the rods [32]. A relevant feature of this scanner prototype is the
possibility to move the detector head by means of precision
The project developed at the University of West Virginia has a
PET scanner with four rotating detector heads. Each head uses a positioning equipment with three degree of freedom on a trajec-
2 2 15 mm3 LYSO crystal matrix (pitch ¼2.1 mm) coupled to tory that can follow the breast contour. The non-conventional
PSPMTs for an area of 20 15 cm2[45,77]. Recently, the team orbit of the gamma-ray detector, usually circular in conventional
assembled an optimized version of the early-developed PET sys- setups, maximizes the imaged breast volume including the area
tem, employing a new DAQ electronics and optical coupling near the chest wall [85,86]. A parallel-hole collimator is adopted,
scheme; in addition, a cone-beam CT subsystem was included [77]. with hexagonal holes of 1.2 mm aperture, 0.2-mm septa and
In this new PET/CT prototype (Fig. 1b) the X-ray source and 25.4 mm height.
detector pair replaced one pair of PET detectors. The two PET The CT part includes a low dose cone-beam X-ray system which
detectors are separated by 27.8 cm. The scan time of the PET sys- incorporates a quasi-monochromatic X-ray source (allowing high
tem is 3 min per breast; the overall tomographic spatial resolution quality imaging with low radiation doses, comparable to that of
is ffi2 mm FWHM [77]. Specifically, compared to the previous two-view mammography) and a 20 25 cm2 CsI:Tl digital detector
version of the scanner, the optimization of the scanner led to a
gain of 15% in spatial resolution (1.55 mm, 1.52 mm, 1.51 mm
spatial resolution in the radial, tangential, and axial direction,
respectively, at 5 mm from the center of the FOV using OSEM
reconstruction) [78]. The CT uses a pulsed X-ray source capable of
operating at potentials ranging from 50 to 120 kV paired with a
30 40 cm2 X-ray a-Si/CsI:Tl flat panel detector. PET and CT scans
are acquired sequentially with the patient in prone position. The
system also includes a commercial biopsy system provided by Bard
Inc. ( In an initial clinical study with
five patients, they reported good quality PET images of 18F-FDG-
avid cells also in small volumes like 3-mm diameter mammary
lymph nodes, not visible in X-ray mammography or whole-body
FDG PET [77].
MAMMI Breast PET PEM FLEX SOLO II ELMAMMO (Shimadzu) DbPET (UC Davis) DbPET 2.1 (UC Davis) PEM/PET (University of Duke University University of Naples
(Oncovision) (Naviscan) West Virginia)
6. Combined X-ray and Emission Tomosynthesis first three columns in Table 1). The axial FOV of the DbPET2.1
system has a field coverage not exceeding 50 mm, against the 150-
As alternative to systems combining SPECT and CT, a research mm axial scanner of the University of West Virginia's prototype
group at the University of Virginia proposed a dedicated breast and the 155.5-mm axial FOV of the Shimadzu (non hybrid) breast
scanner with the integration of an X-ray tomosynthesis and a PET scanner [39,46]. These experimental high complexity, high
limited-angle SPECT (also called gamma emission breast tomo- performance hybrid scanners show remarkably good spatial
synthesis) [99,100]. In tomosynthesis the X-ray tube rotates on a resolution (in the order of 2–3 mm for the PET scanners, and
limited angular range (typical values in the interval 10°–60°) to 3.5 mm for the SPECT scanner, respectively) and sensitivity in the
collect different projections of the breast. The number of projec- order of 1% for PET systems at the center of the FOV, and 37.9 cps/
tions ranges from 9 to 25 with an angular increment typically from MBq for 99mTC for the Duke University SPECT scanner (columns 5,
1° to 3°, while some systems adopt non-equally spaced angular 6, 7 in Table 1). These three systems show high potential for
steps to cover the angle scan. Projections are then reconstructed to effective clinical use: they have been developed since the begin-
provide a pseudo-3D volume map. In a similar set-up, limited ning as breast-specific tomographic devices with state-of-the-art
angle SPECT can be achieved with a high-resolution gamma detector technology, for imaging the uncompressed pendant
camera that rotates around the breast to collect a limited number breast of the patient in prone position. The University of Naples'
of views. CT/SPECT system is a laboratory device embodying a microCT
In the prototype developed at the University of Virginia (Fig. 4), high-resolution scanner [53] and a pinhole SPECT head whose
the SPECT scan is performed sequentially to the X-ray scan by
performance is limited by the use of a pinhole aperture which
acquiring five projections of 2 min acquisition time [101]. The
limits the practical FOV, sensitivity and spatial resolution.
gamma camera was developed by the team at Thomas Jefferson
Increasing of axial FOV and of sensitivity are important technolo-
National Accelerator Facility and is a pixelated NaI:Tl detector
gical development tasks in hybrid PET/CT scanners, since peak
(2.2 mm crystal pitch) coupled to PSPMTs for an imaging area of
sensitivity above 11% have been reported for breast PET (non
15 20 cm2. The camera uses a lead-foil parallel-hole collimator
hybrid) systems (columns 1, 3 in Table 1). In the authors' opinion,
and has an overall sensitivity of 617 counts/min/μCi. Transmission
the main investigative goal remains, however, the clinical valida-
and emission scans are acquired sequentially using mild breast
tion of such systems in extensive trials: only a few tens of patients
have been examined so far with such PET/CT and SPECT/CT scan-
Other research groups are working on limited angle SPECT with
ners (at UC Davis, Duke University and University of West Virgi-
a variable angle slant-hole collimator. This configuration features
projection acquisition without moving the gamma camera, with nia), though showing preliminary excellent results (see, e.g., the
the additional advantage of reducing the object-to-detector dis- impressive hybrid PET/CT images in Ref. [44]). Only via extensive
tance [102,103]. Similarly, for the X-ray tomosynthesis other clinical investigations with these experimental hybrid devices, still
groups are working on the realization of scanners able to acquire underway for the latest setups, the full advantages of PET/CT and
multiple projections without the movement of the gantry, holding SPECT/CT dedicated to the breast will be demonstrated, so vali-
the X-ray tube and the detector (stationary breast tomosynthesis dating the highly effective laboratory tests and the initial clinical
systems) [104,105]. The technique is limited by the incomplete trials.
angular sampling that may lead to artifacts on reconstructed
images, for which specific reconstruction algorithms have been
developed. References
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