Script Drama Bawang Merah Bawang Putih - Ing

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Narrator : Once upon a time, in a village called "Bumbu Village" lived a

happy and prosperous family, the family was Bawang Putih's father,
Bawang Putih's mother, and Bawang Putih.

Ayah Bawang : "Honey, my daughter. Dad is leaving work. Be careful at


Bawang Putih's Mother : "Yes dad, be careful on the way. Later, Bawang
Putih will deliver your lunch to the market."

Bawang Putih : "I hope dad's sale goes well."

Narrator : Bawang's father went to the market to sell in his big shop.

Bawang Putih : "Mom, Bawang Putih go to the river first. Asalamualaikum."

Bawang Putih's Mother : "Yes, be careful my daughter. Walaikumsalam."

Narrator : Bawang Putih went to the river to wash the clothes. Behind the
tree, Bawang Merah and his mom smiled evilly.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "It's time to the plan."

Bawang Merah : "Yes my mom. Let's hurry while Bawang Putih's mother is

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Good morning sis. Just alone again?"

Bawang Putih's Mother : "Eh sis, yes it's true. But why?"

Bawang Merah : "This is auntie. We bring yellow rice which is very


Bawang Merah's Mother : "Yes sis. Please spend it, I specially made it for
sis Bawang Putih's Mother."

Bawang Putih's Mother : "Wah.. Looks delicious. Thanks. I definitely spent

it. Let's eat together!"
Bawang Merah : "Ah auntie, we have eaten. Auntie better just eat."

Bawang Merah's Mother : "We go home first. Asalamualaikum."

Bawang Putih's Mother : "Walaikumsalam. Thanks."

Narrator : Ibu Bawang Putih eaten the yellow rice.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Hahahahaha just take my shit! Soon your

husband will marry me! And all his treasure will be mine!"

Bawang Merah : "Hahaha! And this is my chance to torture Bawang Putih!"

Narrator : At that time, Bawang Putih's mother died on the spot.

Bawang Putih : "Mom mommy wake up please! Mom please wake up!"

Bawang Father : "My wife, please wake up!"

Narrator : After Bawang Putih's mother died, Bawang Putih's father

married Bawang Merah's mother.

Bawang Father : "I accepted the wedding of Bawang Merah's mother with a
dowry of a set of kitchen spices paid in cash."

The Chief : "How about witnesses?"

Witnesses : "Legitimate, Alhamdulillah"

Narrator : A few days later.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Hey Bawang Merah, please sweep the broom
that is diligent like Bawang Putih"

Bawang Merah : "Yes"

Bawang Putih : "Let me help"

Bawang Merah : "No!!"

Bawang Merah's Mother : "It's done, Bawang Putih please here, daughter.
You sit with mom and dad."

Bawang Father : "Ah. I have to go to the market."

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Ah...drink tea first."

Bawang Merah : "Already! Let's hurry to the river!"

Bawang Putih : "For what?"

Bawang Merah : "Come on, come with me to river!"

Narrator : Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah went to the river, then
Bawang father drank the tea and died on the spot.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Hahaha! Now everything is mine! Hahaha"

Bawang Putih : "Daaaaaaad! Dad please wake up!"

Fairy : "We will see. In the future there will be a disaster that approaches
Bawang Merah and her mother. Because everything they do will get what
they deserve." Triiling.

Narrator : After Bawang Putih's father died, Bawang Putih always made a
maid in her own house.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Heh heh! It's still dirty! Serious please!!"

Bawang Merah : "If you sweep it must be clean." (while continuing to drop
the tissue paper on the floor)

Bawang Putih : "Bawang Merah, stop it! The floor won't be clean if you keep
dirtying it like this."

Bawang Merah's Mother : "How dare you!! Shut up! Do it right!!"

Bawang Merah : "And don't forget to wash all my clothes!"

Narrator : Bawang Merah Mother's and Bawang Merah just relaxing at
home while Bawang Putih had to do the housework.

Magic Cat : "Bawang Putih-Bawang Putih are you ok?"

Bawang Putih : "I am fine. Hey good cat, why come here?"

Magic Cat : "Here I am delivering the harvest party invitation from the
prince, the prince invites all residents in "Desa Bumbu". Don't forget to
come, okay? If possible, don't tell Bawang Merah and Bawang Merah's
mother! Let them know the taste."

Narrator : Suddenly Bawang Merah and her mother appeared.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Hey dirty cat! How dare you! Go away!"

Magic Cat : "They are really bad."

Narrator : Bawang Putih went to the river and the Magic Cat followed her.

Bawang Merah : "Bawang Putih, what are you carrying?? Give me that

Bawang Merah's Mother :"Only the two of us can come to this harvest
party. And leave Bawang Putih alone here "

Narrator : After Bawang Putih came to the river, she washed Bawang
Merah's mother clothes. Unintentionally, suddenly the clothes were washed
away by the river current. Bawang Putih chased the clothes that were
washed away but unfortunately the clothes had disappeared, don't know
where they drifted.

Bawang Putih : "Ouch, how is this. There's no way I'm going to keep
looking for that clothes it's getting dark already."

Narrator : Bawang Putih came home and told about the clothes that were
washed away.
Bawang Merah's Mother : "Damn it you careless child!"

Bawang Putih : "Please forgive me mom"

Bawang Merah : "No forgiveness for that! Look for the clothes until you find

Bawang Merah's Mother : "Heh! Don't go home until the clothes are found!"

Narrator : With sadness, Bawang Putih continued to look for the clothes
until late at night.

Bawang Putih : "How about this? It's late, but the clothes haven't been
found yet."

Fairy : "Calm down girl, I will help you."

Bawang Putih : "Whose voice is that? Who are you?"

Fairy : "Bawang Putih. I am a Fairy, I will help you to find your

Stepmother's clothes. Bawang Putih goes to a castle. That's where you'll
find the clothes."

Bawang Putih : "The Prince's Castle that will hold the harvest party?"

Fairy : "Yes"

Bawang Putih : "Thanks, fairy!"

Narrator : Bawang Putih immediately went to the castle. In another place,

Bawang Merah Mother's and Bawang Merah were getting ready to go to the
harvest party.

Bawang Merah's Mother : "That girl must be dizzy looking for the clothes.
Ha ha ha!"

Bawang Merah : "Yes, it's really nice to be lied to."

Narrator : Bawang Merah and her mother went to the harvest party held by
the Prince.

Fairy: "Try to enter"

Guard: "Heh! Where's the invitation? If you don't have it then you can't

Bawang Putih: "What invitation? I don't have an invitation that you mean"

Guard: "You bum! Go away!"

Bawang Putih: "Fairy how is this? Where should I find the clothes?"

Fairy : "Come and hold my hand. I will make the guards let you in.”

Bawang Putih: "May I come in?"

Guard: "Of course, please enter the castle"

Fairy: "Bawang putih, go to the back of the castle where the river flows,
there will be your stepmother' clothes.”

Narrator : Bawang Putih went to the back of the castle.

Bawang Merah: "Hello prince. How are you?”

Prince: "Okay.. Thank you for coming"

Bawang Merah's mother: "Wow, you are very handsome tonight. So is my

beautiful daughter."

Prince : “Thank you. I heard you have a sister named Bawang Putih. Where
is she?”

Bawang Merah: "What??? Bawang putih? She is not my sister anymore!"

Prince: "Really? Did you not lie to me?"

Bawang Merah: "Really! I didn't lie to you.”

Narrator : Behind the castle, Bawang Putih finally got the clothes that were
washed away.

Bawang Putih : "Thank you Fairy. You are very good"

Fairy : "This has become my duty. Here I have some jewelry for you. Wear
it. If someone else wears it, then that person will be in danger.”

Bawang Putih : "Thank you Fairy"

Narrator : Bawang Putih walked towards the palace gate to go home. Prince
saw Bawang Putih who walked in a hurry towards the gate.

Prince : "You! You! You Bawang putih?"

Bawang Putih: “Prince?”

Prince: “Wait! What are you doing?”

Bawang Putih: “Sorry prince. I took my stepmother’s clothes that were

washed away in the river."

Bawang Merah’s mother: “Bawang putih? Why are you here? You should
be cleaning the house”

Bawang Merah: “You bastard! Even wandering!”

Bawang Putih: “I’m sorry. I’ll be home soon ma’am.”

Prince: “Oh so it’s true Bawang Putih is your sister. Why do you treat she
like that?”

Bawang Merah: "No prince! Truly she is just a messenger, Look at the
jewelery! Bawang Putih stole my jewelry box, give it!"

Bawang Putih: “Not Bawang Merah, no!”

Bawang Merah’s mother: “You bastard! The child has no shame!!”

Bawang Merah: “Look prince, this jewelry is more suitable for me and my

Narrator: Bawang Merah And Bawang Merah’s mother wore the jewellery.

Bawang Merah: “Ah no! Why is my skin itchy rash! What is this?”

Bawang Merah's Mother: “My skin is so itchy!”

Prince: “You must always be mean to Bawang Putih. And that’s a reward
for you. Now quickly apologize to Bawang Putih!”

Fairy: “What you have done to Bawang Putih all this time is really very bad.
And now you have got what you deserve. Quickly apologize to Bawang Putih
otherwise your situation will continue like this”

Prince: “I really didn’t think you would be that bad to Bawang Putih.”

Bawang Merah: “Bawang Putih, I beg you to forgive me. Sorry because my
attitude is always mean to you. Really I’m sorry.”

Bawang Merah’s mother: “I’m sorry son, mother has behaved rudely to
you. I’m sorry my son”

Bawang Putih : “Never mind. I have forgiven you. I’m sure you can change”

Bawang Merah’s mother: “Thank you Bawang Putih. You are very kind.”

Prince: “Now, will you be my friends? Bawang Merah’s mother, Bawang

Merah, and Bawang Putih. Stay in my palace. I want you to be part of my

Narrator: Finally, Bawang Merah and Bawang Merah repented, and the
Prince invited Bawang Putih and her family to live in her magnificent
palace. Now Bawang Putih live in harmony with Bawang Merah and live

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