Chapter-1: Constituent Percentage

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1. An ideal-gas mixture has the following volumetric analysis:

Components % by Volume

i. Find the analysis on a mass basis.

ii. What is the mass of 1 m3 of this gas when P = 1.5 MPa and T = 30 ?
iii. Find the specific heats at 300 K.
iv. This gas is heated in a steady-flow process such that the temperature is increased by
120 . Find the required heat transfer.
v. This mixture undergoes an isentropic process from 0.1 MPa, 30 , to 0.2 MPa. Find T2.
vi. Find Sm per kg of mixture when the mixture is compressed isothermally from 0.1 MPa
to 0.2 MPa.
vii. Both the N2 and CO2 are supplied in separate lines at 0.2 MPa and 300 K to a mixing
chamber and are mixed adiabatically. The resulting mixture has the composition as given
in part (a). Determine the entropy change due to the mixing process per unit mass of
2. A vessel of 0.35 m3 capacity contains 0.4 kg of carbon monoxide (molecular weight = 28)
and 1 kg of air at 20°C. Calculate : (i) The partial pressure of each constituent, (ii) The total
pressure in the vessel, and The gravimetric analysis of air is to be taken as 23.3% oxygen
(molecular weight = 32) and 76.7% nitrogen (molecular weight = 28).
3. Following is the gravimetric analysis of air :
Constituent Percentage

Oxygen 23.14
Nitrogen 75.53
Argon 1.28
Carbon dioxide 0.05

Calculate the analysis by volume and the partial pressure of each constituent when the total
pressure is 1 bar.
4. A vessel contains at 1 bar and 20°C a mixture of 1 mole of CO2 and 4 moles of air. The
volumetric analysis of air can be taken as 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. Calculate for the

mixture: (i) The masses of CO2, O2 and N2, and the total mass; (ii) The percentage carbon
content by mass; (iii) The apparent molecular weight and the gas constant for the mixture;
(iv) the specific volume of the mixture.
5. A mixture of ideal gases consists of 4 kg of nitrogen and 6 kg of carbon dioxide at a pressure
of 4 bars and a temperature of 20°C. Find :
i. The mole fraction of each constituent,
ii. The equivalent molecular weight of the mixture,
iii. The equivalent gas constant of the mixture,
iv. The partial pressures and partial volumes,
v. The volume and density of the mixture, and
vi. The cp and cv of the mixture.
If the mixture is heated at constant volume to 50°C, Find the changes in internal energy,
enthalpy and entropy of the mixture if the heating is done at constant pressure. Take K : for
CO2 = 1.286 and for N2 = 1.4.
1. 0.004 kg of water vapour per kg of atmospheric air is removed and temperature of air after
removing the water vapour becomes 20°C. Determine: (i) Relative humidity (ii) Dew point
temperature. Assume that condition of atmospheric air is 30°C and 55% R.H. and pressure is
1.0132 bar.
2. Adiabatic mixing: One kg of air at 35°C DBT and 60% R.H. is mixed with 2 kg of air at
20°C DBT and 13°C dew point temperature. Calculate the specific humidity of the mixture.
3. Given the inlet and exit conditions to an air conditioner shown below. What is the heat
transfer to be removed per kg dry air flowing through the device? If the volume flow rate of
the inlet atmospheric air is ⁄ , determine the required rate of heat transfer.

4. From the air –conditioning system shown below in which atmospheric air is first heated and
then humidified with a steam spray, determine the required heat transfer rate in the heating
section and the required steam temperature in the humidification section when the steam
pressure is 1Mpa.

5. In a thermal power plant, a cooling tower is used to provide cold water at temperature of
25 to the condenser. This cooling tower receives 1200kg/s of warm water at 40 . The
atmospheric air at 45 with relative humidity of 20% enters into this tower and leaves it
with 45 with relative humidity of 70%. Determine the make- up water and air flow rate.
6. Saturated air at 3ºC is required to be supplied to a room where the temperature must be held
at 22ºC with a relative humidity of 55%. The air is heated and then water at 10ºC is sprayed
to give the required humidity. Determine :
(i) The mass of spray water required per m3 of air at room conditions.
(ii) The temperature to which the air must be heated. Neglect the fan power. Assume that
the total pressure is constant at 1.0132bar.
7. Evaporative Cooler: Atmospheric air at 38ºC and 25% relative humidity passes through an
evaporator cooler. If the final temperature of air is 18ºC, how much water is added per kg of
dry air and what is the final relative humidity?
8. Cooling tower: A small-size cooling tower is designed to cool 5.5 litres of water per second,
the inlet temperature of which is 44ºC. The motor-driven fan induces 9 m3/s of air through
the tower and the power absorbed is 4.75 kW. The air entering the tower is at 18ºC, and has a
relative humidity of 60%. The air leaving the tower can be assumed to be saturated and its
temperature is 26ºC. Calculate: (i) The amount of cooling water (make-up) required per
second. (ii) The final temperature of the water. Assume that the pressure remains constant
throughout the tower at 1.013 bars.


Carnot cycle

1. 0.5 kg of air (ideal gas) executes a Carnot power cycle having a thermal efficiency of 50 per
cent. The heat transfer to the air during the isothermal expansion is 40 kJ. At the beginning of
the isothermal expansion the pressure is 7bar and the volume is 0.12 m3. Determine:
(i) The maximum and minimum temperatures for the cycle in K;
(ii) The volume at the end of isothermal expansion in m3;
(iii) The heat transfer for each of the four processes in kJ. For air cv = 0.721 kJ/kg K, and
cp = 1.008 kJ/kg K.
2. In a Carnot cycle, the maximum pressure and temperature are limited to 18 bars and 410°C.
The ratio of isentropic compression is 6 and isothermal expansion is 1.5. Assuming the
volume of the air at the beginning of isothermal expansion as 0.18 m3, determine:
(i) The temperature and pressures at main points in the cycle.
(ii) Change in entropy during isothermal expansion.
(iii) Mean thermal efficiency of the cycle.
(iv) Mean effective pressure of the cycle.
(v) The theoretical power if there are 210 working cycles per minute.
3. An inventor claims that a new heat cycle will develop 0.4 kW for a heat addition of
32.5kJ/min. The temperature of heat source is 1990 K and that of sink is 850 K. Is his claim
Otto cycle
4. A certain quantity of air at a pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 70°C is compressed
adiabatically until the pressure is 7bar in Otto cycle engine. 465 kJ of heat per kg of air is
now added at constant volume. Determine :
5. An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.45 m3, pressure 1 bar and temperature
30°C at the beginning of compression stroke. At the end of compression stroke, the pressure
is 11bar. 210 kJ of heat is added at constant volume. Determine :
(i) Pressures, temperatures and volumes at salient points in the cycle.
(ii) Percentage clearance.
(iii) Efficiency.

(iv) Network per cycle.
(v) Mean effective pressure.
(vi) Ideal power developed by the engine if the number of working cycles per minute is 210.
Assume the cycle is reversible.
6. Show that the compression ratio for the maximum work to be done per kg of air in an Otto
cycle between upper and lower limits of absolute temperatures T3 and T1 is given by:

( )

b. Determine the air-standard efficiency of the cycle when the cycle develops maximum
work with the temperature limits of 310 K and 1220 K and working fluid is air. What
will be the percentage change in efficiency if helium is used as working fluid instead
of air? The cycle operates between the same temperature limits for maximum work
development. Consider that all conditions are ideal. (take c p = 5.22 kJ/kg K and cv =
3.13 kJ/kg K for helium)
Diesel engine
7. A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 15 and heat addition at constant pressure takes
place at 6% of stroke. Find the air standard efficiency of the engine. Take k for air as 1.4.
8. An engine with 200 mm cylinder diameter and 300 mm stroke works on theoretical Diesel
cycle. The initial pressure and temperature of air used are 1 bar and 27°C. The cut-off is 8%
of the stroke. Determine:
(i) Pressures and temperatures at all salient points.
(ii) Theoretical air standard efficiency.
(iii) Mean effective pressure.
(iv) Power of the engine if the working cycles per minute are 380. Assume that compression
ratio is 15 and working fluid is air. Consider all conditions to be ideal.
Dual cycle
9. The swept volume of a diesel engine working on dual cycle is 0.0053 m3 and clearance
volume is 0.00035 m3. The maximum pressure is 65 bar. Fuel injection ends at 5 per cent of
the stroke. The temperature and pressure at the start of the compression are 80°C and 0.9 bar.
Determine the air standard efficiency of the cycle. Take γ for air = 1.4.

10. The compression ratio for a single-cylinder engine operating on dual cycle is 9. The
maximum pressure in the cylinder is limited to 60 bar. The pressure and temperature of the
air at the beginning of the cycle are 1 bar and 30°C. Heat is added during constant pressure
process upto 4 per cent of the stroke. Assuming the cylinder diameter and stroke length as
250 mm and 300 mm respectively, determine :
(i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle.
(ii) The power developed if the numbers of working cycles are 3 per second. Take for air cv
= 0.71 kJ/kg K and: cp = 1.0. KJ/kg K.
11. In an engine working on Dual cycle, the temperature and pressure at the beginning of the
cycle are 90°C and 1 bar respectively. The compression ratio is 9. The maximum pressure is
limited to 68bar and total heat supplied per kg of air is 1750 kJ. Determine:
(i) Pressure and temperatures at all salient points
(ii) Air standard efficiency
(iii) Mean effective pressure.

Brayton Cycle with Intercooling, Reheating and Regeneration

12. A 5400 kW gas turbine generating set operates with two compressor stages; the overall
pressure ratio is 9:1. A high pressure turbine is used to drive the compressors, and a low
pressure turbine drives the generator. The temperature of the gases at entry to the high
pressure turbine is 625°C and the gases are reheated to 625°C after expansion in the first
turbine. The exhaust gases leaving the low-pressure turbine are passed through a heat
exchanger to heat the air leaving the high pressure stage compressor. The compressors have
equal pressure ratios and intercooling is complete between the stages. The air inlet
temperature to the unit is 20°C. The isentropic efficiency of each compressor stage is 0.8, and
the isentropic efficiency of each turbine stage is 0.85, the heat exchanger thermal ratio is 0.8.
A mechanical efficiency of 95% can be assumed for both the power shaft and compressor
turbine shaft. Neglecting all pressure losses and changes in kinetic energy calculate :
i. The thermal efficiency
ii. Work ratio of the plant

iii. The mass flow in kg/s. Neglect the mass of the fuel and assume the following: For
air: Cpa = 1.005 kJ/kg K and k = 1.4. For gases in the combustion chamber and in
turbines and heat exchanger, Cpg = 1.15 kJ/kg K and k = 1.333.

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