ESE Questions Bank EE Network

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Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law |1


1. Calculate the load current I in the circuit 5. A 10 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current
of 1 A rms at a frequency of 50 Hz. The average
X power dissipated by the inductor is
(a) 0 W (b) 0.25 W
1   10 (c) 0.5 W (d) 1.0 W
6. Consider the following circuit
+ 1V + 2V + 3V
– – –

Y 2
(a) 3 A (b) 6 A
9 11 3
(c) A (d) A
58 58 3 3
2. In the circuit shown, what are the values of R1 6 6
and R2 when the current flowing through R1 is +–
1 A and through R2 is 5 A ? 6V
R1 What is the value of the current I in the above
I1 50V circuit ?
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A
R2 I2 30V (c) 3 A (d) 4 A
+ 100V 7. In the circuit shown, the current i is

1 1

(a) 20 , 8  (b) 12 , 5 
2A 2 2
(c) 8 , 12  (d) 8 , 20 
3. A DC voltage source is connected across a
series RLC circuit. Under steady state conditions
the applied DC voltage drops entirely across the 4 6
(a) A (b) A
(a) R only (b) L only 5 5
(c) C only (d) R and L 2 7
(c) A (d) A
4. The v-i characteristic of an element is shown in 5 5
the figure given below. The element is 8. In the circuit shown in the figure, if I = 2 A,
then the value of the battery voltage V will be
I 0.5

1 1
O V 1
(a) non-linear, active, non-bilateral
(b) linear, active, non-bilateral
(c) non-linear, passive, non-bilateral (a) 5 Volt (b) 3 Volt
(d) non-linear, active, bilateral (c) 2 Volt (d) 1 Volt
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
2| Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
9. The input resistance of the circuit shown is 15. In 220V, 50 Hz AC supply the rms value of AC
voltage waveform is
1 
(a) 220 2 V (b) V
(c) 220 V (d) None of these
 
16. For the idealized half wave rectified system the
(a) 1  (b) 3.36  average and rms value of the voltage is
(c) 2.24  (d) 1.12  Vm Vm
10. A 3H inductor has 2000 turns. How many turns (a) , respectively
π 2
must be added to increase the inductance to
5H? Vm Vm
(b) , respectively
(a) 1000 turns (b) 2500 turns π 2
(c) 2582 turns (d) 582 turns
2Vm V
11. The response of network is i(t) = Kt e–t for (c) , m respectively
t  0 where  is real positive. The value of ‘t’ π 2
at which the i(t) will become maximum, is
2Vm Vm
(a)  (b) 2 (d) , respectively
π 2
(c) 1/ (d)  
17. A particular current is made up of two
12. In a network made up of linear resistors and
components a 10 A DC and a sinusoidal current
ideal voltage sources, values of all resistors are
of peak value of 14.14 A. The average value of
doubled. Then the voltage across each resistor is
resultant current is
(a) Doubled
(a) Zero (b) 24.14 A
(b) Halved
(c) 10 A (d) 14.14 A
(c) Decreased four times
(d) Not changed 18. Star connected load is shown in the figure. The
equivatent delta connection has a value of R in
13. The f(t) signal follows
 is

0 t
10 10
(a) energy signal
(b) power signal
(c) energy and power (a) 10 (b) 30
(d) neither energy nor power 10 20
(c) (d)
14. The ratio of available power from the dc 3 3
component of a full wave rectified sinusoid to 19. Kirchhoff’s current law is valid for
the available power of the rectified sinusoid is
(a) DC circuit only
(a) (b) 4 22 (b) AC circuit only
 
(c) Both DC and AC circuits
(c)  2 (d) (d) Sinusoidal source only
 2
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law |3
20. The capacitor charging current is 25. If each branch of a Delta circuit has impedance
(a) An exponential growth function 3 Z, then each branch of equivalent Star-
(b) An exponential decay function circuit has impedance
(c) A linear decay function
(d) A linear rise function (a) (b) Z
21. A water boiler at home is switched ON to the
AC mains supplying power at 230V/50Hz. The Z
frequency of instantaneous power consumed by (c) 2 3 Z (d)
the boiler is
26. Given the following circuit, which of the elements
(a) 0 Hz (b) 50 Hz
of the circuit have their current direction and
(c) 100 Hz (d) 150 Hz voltage polarity in the proper relationship for
22. The effective resistance between the terminals positive power absorbed by the element?
A and B in the circuit shown in the figure is
+ VA –
+ IA + +
– – –
R R +VE –
(a) C, D, E (b) A, B, E
(a) R (b) R–1 (c) A, B (d) C, D
R 6R Common Data for Questions 27 to 29
(c) (d)
2 11 Given the following circuit if
23. The nodal method of circuit analysis is based on R2 = 25 , R3 = 75 
(a) KVL and Ohm’s law
(b) KCL and Ohm’s law I1 R1 I2 1A
(c) KCL and KVL
+ 100V R3
(d) KCL and KVL and Ohm’s law – R2
24. A Delta connected network with its Star-
equivalent is shown in figure. The resistances
R1, R2 and R3 (in ohms) are respectively
27. Current I1 is
a a (a) 1 A (b) 2 A
R1 (c) 3 A (d) 4 A
5 30
28. Current I2 is
R2 R3
15 (a) 1 A (b) 2 A
b c b c
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A
(a) 1.5, 3 and 9 29. Resistance R1 is
(b) 3, 9 and 1.5 25
(a) 3  (b) 
(c) 9, 3 and 1.5 4
(d) 3, 1.5 and 9 50 75
(c)  (d) 
4 4
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
4| Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
30. For the circuit shown below, given 34. The charge flowing in a wire is as shown in
V1 = 10 V, R1 = 16 k, R2 = 4 k, figure. The corresponding plot for current is
R3 = 30 , R4 = 60  . Ix is

R1 0 2 4 6 8 t(sec)
V1 + R2 V2 0.05 V2 R3 –50
– R4
– i(t)

2 1 (a) 0 2 4 6 8 t(sec)
(a) – A (b) – A –50
60 60
2 1
(c) A (d) A
60 60 25

31. For the circuit shown in figure is Vx = 10 V and (b) 0 2 4 6 8 t(sec)

ix = 5 A. The value of Vs is
+ ix +
+ V Vy 2Vy Vx
– s (c) 0 2 4 6 8
– – t(sec)

(a) 5 V (b) 2.5 V i(t)

(c) –2.5 V (d) –5 V 50
32. The voltage phasor of a circuit is 2030°V and (d) 0 2 4 6 8 t(sec)
the current phasor is 4–30°A. The active and –50
reactive powers in the circuit are
35. For the circuit shown below, The power delivered
(a) 80 W, 69.28 VAR by the 200 V source is.
(b) 40 W, 69.28 VAR
(c) 80 W, 34.64 VAR 
(d) 40 W, 34.64 VAR 200V +  75

33. For the circuit shown below, Vs is

–+ (a) 60 W (b) 48 W
2A 5 20V (c) 192 W (d) 400 W
36. The current waveform in a pure resistor of 10 
+ Vs 3 8A is shown in the given figure, Power dissipated in

the resistor is
(a) 60 V (b) 40 V
(c) 20 V (d) 10 V 0 t(second)
3 6 9
(a) 3.64 W (b) 26.2 W
(c) 67.5 W (d) 135 W
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law |5
37. Two current waveforms as shown in the Figure-I 40. A 3-phase star-connected symmetrical load
and Figure-II, are passed through identical consumes P watts of power from a balanced
resistors of 1 . The ratio of heat produced in supply. If the same load is connected in delta to
these resistors in a given time by current of the same supply, the power consumption will be
Figure-I to Figure-II is (a) P

3A (b) 3P

(c) 3P
1 2 3 (d) Not determinable from the given data
Figure -I
41. Consider the following statements:
3A 1. Resistor dissipates energy
2. Capacitor stores energy
2 t (sec) 3. Inductor dissipates energy
1 3
Which of the above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 3 alone (d) 1 and 2
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 2 : 1
42. Two wires A and B of the same material and
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1: 2
length L and 2L have radius r and 2r, respectively.
38. The rms value of the periodic waveform e(t), The ratio of their specific resistivity will be
shown in figure is
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 8
43. When all the resistances in the circuit are of
one ohm each, the equivalent resistance across
0 t the points A and B will be
T/2 T

3 2
(a) A (b) A A B
2 3
(c) A (d) 2A
39. In the delta equivalent of the given star-
connected circuit ZQR is equal to (a) 1  (b) 0.5 
P Q (c) 2  (d) 1.5 

5 10  44. Four resistances 80 , 50 , 25  and R are

connected in parallel.
j10  Current through 25  resistance is 4 A. Total
current of the supply is 10 A. The value of R
will be
(a) 40 (b) (20  j 10) 
(a) 66.66  (b) 40.25 
 10 
(c) 5  j    (d) (10  j 30)  (c) 36.36  (d) 75.56 
 3
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
6| Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
45. All the resistances in figure are 1  each. The (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
value of current ‘I’ is explanation of A
(b) Both A and R true but R is not a correct
explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
49. Twelve 1  resistance are used as edges to
form a cube. The resistance between two
diagonally opposite corners of the cube is
1 2 (a)  (b) 1
(a) A (b) A 6
15 15
6 3
(c)  (d) 
4 8 5 2
(c) A (d) A
15 15 50. The equivalent capacitance across ab will be:
46. Assertion (A): Kirchoffs voltage law states that 0.1 F
a closed path in a network, the algebraic sum of
all voltages in a single direction is zero. 0.1 F 0.1 F
Reason (R): Law of conservation of charge is a b
0.1 F
the basis of this law.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A 0.1 F
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the (a) 0.2 F (b) 0.1 F
correct explanation of A (c) 0.5 F (d) 0
(c) A is true but R is false 
(d) A is false but R is true
47. In the network shown in the given figure, for
the current to be zero in RL, the value of R
should be adjusted to
10 5


4 R

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 5 (d) 10
48. Assertion (A): Two wires of same length with
different cross-sectional areas are connected in
series. The heat produced by the current is more
in the thicker wire.
Reason (R): The thicker wire has low
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law |7
1. Ans. (c) 3. Ans. (c)
The Millman’s equivalent of the circuit is 4. Ans. (a)
For bilateral element v and i both are negative
Z I in reverse direction. The given v-i characteristic
represent charging and discharging of a voltage
+ E ZR=10
– source which is an active element.
5. Ans. (a)
No power is consumed by an inductor.
6. Ans. (c)
E1Y1 + E 2 Y2 + E 3Y3 Circuit is symmetric, so using reciprocity
E= Y1 + Y2 + Y3 property.
1 1 1 6 6 6
1 + 2  + 3  I    3A
1 2 3 2 2 33 66
1 1 1 7. Ans. (b)
+ +
1 2 3 The equivalent network is
Z= 
E 9
 I= = A
Z + ZR 58
2. Ans. (a) By current divider law
3 6
i= 2  A
5 5
8. Ans. (c)
The circuit can be redrawn as

The current through 5 resistance is

I = I1 + I2 = 1 + 5 = 6 A
Voltage across 5  is V5 = 5 × 6 = 30 V Applying KVL
The voltage at node A is V – 0.5 I – 0.5 I = 0
VA = 100 – 30 = 70 V V=I
VA  30 40  V = 2 Volt
I2 = 
R2 R2 9. Ans. (c)
40 10. Ans. (d)
 R2 = =8 L  
VA  50 20
   R  1  N = 2000 5 = 2582
1 R1 3
 R1 = 20   Added number of turns = 582
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
8| Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
11. Ans. (c) 24. Ans. (d)
For maximum i(t), R ac  R ab
R1 = R  R  R
di(t) ab bc ca
= 0 = e–t (1 – t) = 0
dt 150
= 3
1 50
 t=
α 75
R2 = = 1.5 Ω
12. Ans. (d) 50
Ideal voltage source keeps the terminal voltage 450
and R3 = =9Ω
constant so accordingly current will change and 50
the voltage across each resistor is unchanged 25. Ans. (a)
following superposition principle. 26. Ans. (a)
13. Ans. (d) If current enters at positive terminal then it
absorbs power and if current enters at negative
This is ramp signal, ramp signal is neither energy terminal then it delivers power.
signal nor power signal. 27. Ans. (d)
14. Ans. (d) By current divider rule,
Power from d.c. V0 I 0 R2 25
= VI 1 = R  R I1 = I1
Power from a.c. s s 2 3 25  75
2Vm 2I m  I1 = = 4A
. 25
  28. Ans. (c)
= V I
m m I1 = I2 + 1
2 2 or 4 = I2 + 1
8  I2 = 3 A
= 29. Ans. (b)
25  75
15. Ans. (c) R2 || R3 =
25  100
16. Ans. (b)
25  75 75
17. Ans. (c) = = 
100 4
18. Ans. (b)
1 I1 = R  (R || R )
1 2 3
R= [(10 × 10) + (10 × 10) + (10 × 10)] = 30
19. Ans. (c) = 75
20. Ans. (b) R1 
21. Ans. (c)
 75 
Power = VI 4  R1   = 100
 4 
If both V and I have frequency f Hz. Then
power will have frequency of 2f Hz. 25
 R1 = 
22. Ans. (c) 4
Using star-delta conversion 30. Ans. (a)
3 3 R
R R 2
V2 = R  R V1
4 2  R
Reff = 1 2
3 3 2
R R 10  4 10  4
4 2 = = =2 V
23. Ans. (b) 4  16 20
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law |9
R3 Power delivered by 200 V source is
Ix =  R3  R 4
(0.05V2 ) P = VI = 200 × 2
 P = 400 W
30 36. Ans. (d)
Ix = – (0.05 × 2)
30  60
P = I2rms  10
Ix = – A
30 T
1 2 
T  0
31. Ans. (c) Irms =  i dt 
From the right hand loop we can write,
ix = –2Vy
5 = –2Vy 1 2
 27
Irms =   (3t) dt  =
 Vy = –2.5 V, 6  0  2
V s = Vy = – 2.5 V
32. Ans. (b) 27
P = I2rms  10 =  10
Phase angle  = 30° – (–30°) = 60° 2
1 = 135 W
Active power = |V| |I| cos  = 80 × = 40 W
2 37. Ans. (c)
Reactive power = |V| |I| sin = 80 × H1 Pav1  t Pav1
2 = 
= 69.28 VAR H2 Pav2  t Pav2
33. Ans. (c) i1(t)
Applying KVL in the loop
Vs – 5 × 2 + 20 – 3 × 10 = 0
 V s = 20 V
0 1 2 3 t(s)
34. Ans. (b)
T 1
Differentiation of straight line is the slope of R 2 1 2
straight line. Pav1 = T  i1 (t)dt = 1  9t dt  3
0 0
(–50–50) i2(t)
50 Slope is 4 =–25 +3A
50 1
=25 0 6 8 2 3 t
2 2 4 t
Slope is –3A
–50 50
2 T
i(t) R 2
Pav 2 = T  i2 (t)dt
25 0

0 2 4 6 8 1 2
t 1 2 1 2
–25 = 2  ( 3t  3) dt  2  (3t  6) dt
0 1
35. Ans. (d)
Current through 200 V source is H1 1
200 200 H2 = 1
I = 40  (300 || 75) =
40  60 Note : As average value of square of both signal
will be same. So, rms vaule of both signal
= =2A will be same hence power and energy will be
100 same.
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
10 | Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
38. Ans. (b) 40. Ans. (c)
T/2 T t

1 T 2 
rms value =   e (t)dt 
 T 0 
 1 T/2  2At  2 1

=    dt   A dt  Power in star connection
 T 0  T  T T/2  PY = 3 × (per phase power)
1/ 2 (phase voltage) 2
 4A 2 3 T / 2
t A T 
2 = 3
=  3    
 T  3 0 T 2 2
  Vph
= 3
1/2 Z
 4A 2 1 T 3 A 2 
=  3    
 T 3 8 2 

1/ 2
 A 2 A 2   4A 2  2
=     = A
 6 2   6  3
Note : Effective rms value of composit signal
= sum of square of individual rms value
39. Ans. (d) Power in delta conversion
PA = 3 × (Per phase power)
(Phase voltage) 2
= 3
= 3
P Q 2

 3Vph  2
= = 3
ZPR ZRQ P  = 3 PY
41. Ans. (d)
R I. Resistance always dissipates power and does
Z2 Z3 not store energy. The power dissipated in
ZRQ = Z2  Z3  resistance is given by,
P = I2R
= 10  j10  II. Capacitor stores energy in the form of
electric field. The energy stored in capacitor
ZRQ = 10 + j30 is given by,
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
Network Analysis Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law | 11
1 1 1 Q2 Current through 25  resistance
E= C V2  Q V  Y1
2 2 2 C
4 = Y  Y  Y  Y .10
III.Inductor stores the energy in the form of 1 2 3 4
magnetic field. The energy stored in inductor 1
is given by,
80  10
1 2 4= 1 1 1 1
E= LI   
2 80 50 25 R
42. Ans. (a)  R = 36.31 
Specific resistivity of the wire depends on the 45. Ans. (d)
material and temperature but it is independent
of dimensions of the wire.
Therefore, 1 :  2  1:1
43. Ans (b)


By simplifying the circuit as it will be a balance
bridge acoross AB,

Note: This question may be modified by given different

values of RAB & RCD and Req across AB and
R eq across CD then branch removed as
balance bridge diagonal will be accordingly.
44. Ans. (c)

The current supplied by the battery,

V 1 8
I=   A
R e q 1  7 15
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
12 | Basics of Circuit Element and Circuit Law Electrical Engineering
46. Ans. (c) The above network is symmetrical and so the
47. Ans (b) current incoming at a node gets divided equally
10  5 among the outgoing branches.
+ 5 Applying KVL in one of the loop including
10V – RL voltage source, we have,
4 I I I
4 R 10 V R R R = 0
3 6 3
+ –
2I I
RL 10 10 V  V= R R
3 6
Thus the given circuit represents a bridge circuit.
The current through RL will be zero when the 5
 V= RI
bridge is balanced. The bridge will be balanced when, 6
5 R The equivalent resistance seen by the source,
10 4 V  5R
 Req =
5 4 1 6
 R= 2  Given, R=1
48. Ans. (d) 5 5
 Req = 1  
6 6
Note: Value of equivalent will be same for
inductance but for capacitance will be times.
Resistance of a wire is given by,
50. Ans. (b)
 R 
The current through both the wires is I. So, heat
produced in the wire will depend upon the
resistance and the resistance of thiner wire will
be higher. So, more heat is dissipated in the Wheatstone bridge is balance so Cab = 0.1 F
thiner wire. 
Therefore, assertion is false but reason is true.
49. Ans. (a)

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777

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