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‫أشهر أسئلة امتحانات قبول ر‬

‫الشكات النفطية اعداد المهندس خالد الساحل‬

Answer the following

1- high bottom hole temperature could affect the hydrostatic pressure

a- An increase in the hydrostatic gradient

b- A decrease in the hydrostatic gradient
c- Would have no effect

2- The temperature gradient in a specific area is 0.015 °F/ft of depth and the ambient surface
temperature is 90 °F Determine the estimated formation temperature at a TVD of 12,000 ft ?

Answer = 270 °F (estimated formation temperature)

3- convert the following pressures into equivalent mud weight in ppg

a- 3495 Psi at 7000 ft

b- At 4000 ft with 2787 Psi
c- 12000 ft MD / 10500 ft TVD with 9000 Psi

Answer = 9.6 ppg – 13.39 ppg – 16.48 ppg

4- determine the hydrostatic pressure for the following

a- 9.5 ppg mud at 9000 ft MD / 8000 ft TVD

b- 15.5 ppg mud at 18000 ft TVD / 21000 ft MD
c- 0.889 Psi / ft mud at 11000 ft MD / 9000 ft TVD

Answer = 3952 Psi – 14508 Psi – 8001 psi

5- convert the following gradients into mud densities in ppg ( 0.806 psi/ft – 0.598 Psi / ft – 0.494
Psi / ft )

Answer = 15.5 ppg – 11.5 ppg – 9.5 ppg

5- convert the following mud density into pressure gradient in Psi / ft

13.5 ppg – 16 ppg – 12 ppg

Answer = 0.702 Psi/ft – 0.832 Psi/ft – 0.624 Psi/ft

6- well data

Mud weight 10 ppg is being circulated at 700 GPM at a depth of 1000 ft TVD / MD the
circulating pump pressure is 3000 Psi . if the circulating friction losses in the system are as
Pressure losses through pipe collars 1200 psi

Pressure loss across the bit jets 1600 psi

Pressure loss in the annulus 200 psi

Answer the following

a- When circulating what is the dynamic bottom hole pressure ?

answer = 5400 psi
b- What is the static bottom hole pressure ?
Answer = 5200 psi
c- What is the equivalent circulating density ECD ?
Answer = 10.38 ppg
d- If the pump speed is increased to give 800 GPM , what will the pump pressure be ?
Answer = 3918 psi
e- Will this increase the pump speed have effect on bottom hole pressure ? why ?
f- Referring the data given above if the mud weight being circulated at 700 GPM was 12
ppg rather than 10 ppg , what would pump pressure be ?
Answer = 3600 psi

7- when circulating a 12 ppg mud at 1000 ft ECD is 12.3 ppg what is the annular pressure loss ?

Answer = 156 psi

8- calculate the pressure that one barrel of 12 ppg mud weight exerts

a- Around the drill collars if the annular capacity is 0.03 bbls / ft

Answer = 20.8 psi /bbl
b- Around the drill pipe if the annular capacity is 0.05 bbls/ft
Answer = 12.48 psi/bbl

9- if the fluid level in a well bore by 480 ft . what is the reduction in bottom hole pressure if the
mud weight is 12 ppg ?

answer = 300 psi

10- if a 12 ppg mud over-balances the formation pressure by 240 Psi theoretically how far could
the mud level fall before going under – balances ?

Answer = 348 ft

11- drilling at 12700 ft with an 8.5’’ bit , drill pipe is 5’’ with 700 ft of 6.5’’ collars , the mud
weight = 12 ppg the yield point of mud is 12 Ibs/100 ft2 , determine ECD ?

Answer = 12.34 ppg

12- if a formation pore pressure gradient at 8500 ft is 0.486 psi/ft what mud weight is required
to give an over – balance of 200 psi ?

Answer = 9.8 ppg

13- well data

Mud weight = 13 ppg , drill string length = 8000 ft , GPM = 320 , hole size = 6.5’’ , drill pipe OD
= 4’’ determine annular pressure losses ?

Answer = 531.65 Psi

14- when drilling a new formation is penetrated at 16500 ft major losses occur , the level of mud
is estimated to have dropped 400 ft , the annulus mud weight is 13 ppg calculate the drop in

Answer = 270 psi

15- the entire bottom hole assembly BHA is pulled from the hole dry , if the hole is not filled at
all calculate the drop in BHP with the following data

Length of BHA = 500 ft , metal displacement of BHA = 0.054 bbl/ft , casing capacity = 0.15 bbl
/ft mud weight = 11 ppg ?

Answer = 103 psi

16- the well is 9500 ft TVD , current mud weight is 11 ppg , it is estimated that the top 1000 feet
of the well contains gas cut mud weight 9.5 ppg

a- What is the bottom hole pressure BHP when the hole is full of 11 ppg mud ?
Answer = 5434 psi
b- What will be the reduction in BHP due to the gas mud ?
answer = 78 psi

17- a well is 15000 ft TVD the formation pressure gradient at this depth is 0.7 psi / ft the current
mud weight is 14.2 ppg

a- Calculate the overbalance

Answer = 576 psi
b- If the mud weight was reduced by 1 ppg what would the drop in bottom hole pressure
BHP be ?
Answer = 780 psi
c- Would the well now be over balance or under balance
Answer = 204 psi

18- mud hydrostatic pressure = 5200 psi and formation pressure = 6000 psi the well is (
underbalanced – overbalanced – on balance ) ?
19- well depth 10000 ft and mud weight 10 ppg , formation pressure normal what is the
overbalance at this stage ?

Answer = 550 psi

20- the fracture pressure in a well is 9100 psi at 10000 ft calculate equivalent fracture mud
weight ?

Answer = 17.5 ppg

21- if mud hydrostatic pressure = 5200 psi and formation pressure = 4650 psi overbalance =
…………… ?

answer = 550 psi

22- well data

Well depth = 10000 psi , formation pressure gradient = 0.61 psi/ft , mud weight is 12 ppg , is the
well overbalanced ?

Answer = 140 psi

23- a leak off test has been carried out just below the 9 5/8’’ casing shoe at 100000 the mud
weight for the test was 10 ppg leak off took place at surface pressure of 1000 psi

a- Calculate the fracture pressure ?

Answer = 6200 psi
b- What would this be as a fracture gradient ?
Answer = 0.62 psi / ft
c- Calculate the theoretical maximum mud weight that could be used ?
Answer = 11.92 ppg

24- when we start to circulate there are pressure losses around the system BHP will increase by
the amount of annular pressure loss = 200 psi ?

Answer = 5400 psi

25- well data

Pressure losses through Surface lines = 150 psi , drill string = 950 psi , bit = 1000 psi , annulus =
200 psi , depth TVD = 10000 ft , mud weight = 10 ppg calculate BHCP ?

Answer = 5400 psi

26- what is the hydrostatic pressure of a fluid column for the following data , mud weight = 12
ppg , MD = 14300 psi , TVD=13200 ft ?
Answer = 8786 psi

27 – what is pressure gradient of a 12 ppg ?

Answer = 0.624 psi/ft

28- depth TVD 10000 ft and mud weight 10 ppg

a- Calculate the BHP when static ?

Answer = 5200 psi
b- When circulating at 100 spm the annular pressure loses are 260 psi calculate BHCP ?
Answer = 5460 psi
c- Calculate the equivalent circulating density ?
Answer = 10.5 ppg

29- annular pressure loss = 400 psi , true vertical depth = 8000 ft , current mud weight = 10 ppg
calculate ECD ?

Answer = 11 ppg

30- determine the ECD with the following information

Mud weight = 13.5 ppg , reading at 300 = 25 , reading at 600 = 40 , hole diameter = 6.2’’ , pipe
diameter = 4’’ , flow rate = 200 gpm ?

Answer = 14.2 ppg

31- well data

Depth TVD 16500 ft , mud weight = 10.8 ppg , pump pressure at 100 spm 3500 psi annular
pressure loss at 100 spm = 300 psi answer the following

a- Calculate BHP when static not circulate ?

Answer = 9266 psi
b- Calculate bottom hole circulating pressure BHCP when circulating
Answer = 9566 psi

32- TVD 4000 ft mud density 9.5 ppg , annular pressure losses 250 psi answer the following

a- Calculate Hydrostatic pressure ?

Answer = 1976 psi
b- Calculate Bottom hole circulating pressure ?
Answer = 2226 psi
c- Calculate Equivalent circulating density ?
Answer = 10.7 ppg

33- calculate the hydrostatic pressure of 40 API oil in a well at 5000 ft ?

Answer = 1786 psi

34- determine the ECD with the following information

Mud weight = 9.2 ppg , R300 = 25 rpm , R600= 40 rpm , Hole diameter = 6.2’’ , pipe diameter =
4’’ ? answer = 9.7 ppg

35- well data

Required FIT = 14.5 ppg , current mud weight = 9.2 ppg , shoe depth TVD = 4000’ calculate
pressure required for FIT ?

Answer = 1102 psi

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