This document provides details about Ijaz Hossain including his proposed position as a team leader/project manager. It outlines his educational background, professional experience, areas of expertise, and lists several projects he has led related to energy, the environment and engineering in Bangladesh and other countries between 1980-2022. Ijaz Hossain has extensive experience leading teams and consulting on projects in areas like greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and more.
This document provides details about Ijaz Hossain including his proposed position as a team leader/project manager. It outlines his educational background, professional experience, areas of expertise, and lists several projects he has led related to energy, the environment and engineering in Bangladesh and other countries between 1980-2022. Ijaz Hossain has extensive experience leading teams and consulting on projects in areas like greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and more.
This document provides details about Ijaz Hossain including his proposed position as a team leader/project manager. It outlines his educational background, professional experience, areas of expertise, and lists several projects he has led related to energy, the environment and engineering in Bangladesh and other countries between 1980-2022. Ijaz Hossain has extensive experience leading teams and consulting on projects in areas like greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and more.
This document provides details about Ijaz Hossain including his proposed position as a team leader/project manager. It outlines his educational background, professional experience, areas of expertise, and lists several projects he has led related to energy, the environment and engineering in Bangladesh and other countries between 1980-2022. Ijaz Hossain has extensive experience leading teams and consulting on projects in areas like greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and more.
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Proposed Position Team Leader/ Project Manager
2. Name of Staff Ijaz Hossain 3. Employer Retired professor of Chemical Engg. Dept., BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) 4. Date of Birth 9th March 1956 Citizenship Bangladesh 5. Education Year Degree/Institute 1987 Ph.D. in Chemical Engg. University College London, London 1983 M.Sc. in Chemical Engg. BUET, Dhaka B.Sc. in 1980 Chemical Engg. BUET, Dhaka 9. Membership of Fellow, The Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh Professional Associations 10. Other Trainings ► 3 months research training on Fixed-Bed Reactors at University of Leeds, UK ► 2 months training on Petroleum Engineering at The Alberta Summer Institute for Petroleum Industry Development, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ► 1-month training on Energy Modeling at the Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ► 3-month training on Energy Economics at IELE, University of Houston, USA 11. Countries of Work Bangladesh, UK, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Canada and USA Experience 12. Languages Language Read Write Speak English Excellent Excellent Excellent
15. Employment Record
From To Organization name / Employer Position Held Mar Present Freelance Consultant 2021 Aug Mar Bangladesh University of Engineering Faculty of Engineering 2019 2021 and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh Feb Mar Chemical Engineering Department Professor 2001 2021 (CED), BUET Nov Jan 2019 BUET Head, CED 2016 Oct 2007 Nov CED, BUET Head 2009 2001 2003 CED, BUET Head 1993 1996 CED, BUET Head, Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering Department 1993 2001 CED, BUET Associate Professor 1983 1993 CED, BUET Assistant Professor 1980 1983 CED, BUET Lecturer 16. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned Project Name Bangladesh: First Biennial Update Report (BUR1) to the UNFCCC, National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Year 2013- 2019 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features Led by Nacom Position Held Team leader Activities Calculating the Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the years 2013-2019 for submission to Performed the UNFCCC. Project Name Bangladesh: First Biennial Update Report (BUR1) to the UNFCCC – Emission factors for (i) Grid electricity (ii) Rice cultivation, and (iii) Livestock Year 2013 - 2019 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features Led by Nacom Position Held Team leader Activities Calculate the emission factors for the three activities for the years 2013-2019 for Performed submission to the UNFCCC. Project Name Technical support for developing framework for Localizing SDG 6 and SDG 11 to small towns Year 2021 Location Bangladesh Client BORDA Project Features This is study undertaken by BORDA for developing framework for Localizing SDG 6 and SDG 11 to small town. Position Held Sole Consultant Activities The tasks focused on developing suitable indicators for assessing the SDG 6 and SDG Performed 11 for small towns in Bangladesh. Project Name Fast-track vaccine cold-chain assessment and design for mass scale COVID-19 vaccination in Bangladesh (VaCoBD) Year 2020-2022 Location Bangladesh Client UK Government (UK-RI) Project Features University of Birmingham Position Held Co-principal investigator Activities Developing an efficient cold chain for Covid 19 vaccine distribution with an emphasis Performed on sustainable cooling Project Name Business Opportunities of Plastic Recycling Industries in Bangladesh Year 2007 Location Bangladesh Client SMEF Project Features Implemented with Waste Concern Position Held Team leader Activities Evaluate the state of plastic recycling in Bangladesh and suggest ways to promote Performed recycling through new and diversified products made with recycled plastics Project Name Study to address Key Jobs Challenges in the Brick Industry to move from “dirty and unsafe jobs” to “clean and safe jobs” Year 2021 Location Bangladesh Client The World Bank Project Features Study Position Held Sole Consultant Activities To promote Non-Fired Bricks in Bangladesh in the north of Dhaka City. The NFB Performed plants considered are Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block and Sand Lime Brick. Project Name Comprehensive Assessment of the Availability and Use of Biomass Fuels for Various End-Uses with Special Attention to Power Generation; Under the Development of Sustainable Renewable Energy Power Generation (Srepgen) Project Year 2019 Location Bangladesh Client SREDA Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities ► Full mapping of the biomass energy potential according to districts Performed ► Development of a Conceptual Framework and an Analytical Model to forecast future availability of biomass in Bangladesh ► An assessment of the technologies to utilize excess biomass, if any. A list of possible biomass to energy project is also included in the task Project Name Tender Evaluation of a Large Ammonia-Urea plant Year 2017 Location Bangladesh Client Government of Bangladesh Project Features Tender evaluation Position Held Member of tender committee Activities Evaluate the technical aspects of the bidder's proposals Performed Project Name Dhaka City Mitigation - Priority Sectors and Actions Year 2017 Location Bangladesh Client The World Bank Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities Identify and estimate the energy and resource efficiency potential of Dhaka City Performed through Key Performance Indicators (KPI) using the TRACE and CURB tools Project Name Bangladesh Energy Efficiency Opportunities - A Roadmap for Implementation Year 2016 Location Bangladesh Client The World Bank Project Features Study Position Held Sole Consultant Activities Identify and estimate the energy efficiency potential in Bangladesh up to 2030 Performed Project Name Evaluation of Hybrid Hoffman Brick Kilns Year 2016 Location Bangladesh Client UNDP Dhaka Project Features Technical and socio-economic evaluation of the hybrid Hoffman kiln technology and its dissemination in different parts of Bangladesh. Position Held Team leader Activities Tasks included emissions measurement, social aspects of the industry and business Performed case. Project Name Manufacture of bioethanol in Bangladesh for blending with petrol Year 2016 Location Bangladesh Client Private sector client Project Features Study and Evaluation Position Held Team leader Activities Tasks included quality assessment of fuel grade ethanol produced by Sunipune Performed Organics, an environmental evaluation of their plant and assessment food security with relation to raw material requirement for producing bioethanol from broken rice, maize waste and molasses. Project Name Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Year 2015 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features Study Position Held Senior Consultant Activities INDC is a project to identify GHG mitigation options for Bangladesh. Performed Project Name Support for Rural Solar and Wind Hybrid in Bangladesh Year 2014 Location Bangladesh Client ADB Project Features An ADB, Manila funded pre-feasibility study for selecting sites for minigrid in rural Bangladesh Position Held Consultant Activities A comprehensive study of renewable energy resources and technologies to supply Performed minigrids in unelectrified rural areas. Project Name Study of Black Carbon in the Context of Climate Change in Bangladesh Year 2013 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities To estimate the emissions of Black Carbon from Bangladesh and to suggest mitigation Performed measures to reduce emission Project Name Efficiency improvement of brick kilns in Dhaka District Year 2013 Location Dhaka, Bangladesh Client Department of Environment Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities Analysis of the present situation of brick making and suggestions to improve energy Performed efficiency, GHG emission and environmental pollution Project Name A study of energy efficiency improvement of four export-oriented energy intensive industries Year 2012 Location Bangladesh Client ICF International Project Features A sub-contracted project of ICF International. Project funded by USAID. Position Held A consultant in the project along with other consultants from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Activities Walk-through energy audit of 16 industries in 4 categories Performed Project Name Off-Grid Power Production and its Emission Factor for Bangladesh Year 2011 Location Bangladesh Client Study document prepared for Mott MacDonald, UK. Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities Off-grid generators’ data collection through sample survey, analysis and reporting Performed following strictly the UNFCCC AM Tool. Project Name Energy sector GHG inventory and mitigation for the 2ndNational Communication, Year 2011 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features Document prepared to meet Bangladesh’s reporting obligations under the UNFCCC agreement. Position Held Team leader for the two tasks Activities Extensive work on GHG inventory for the years 2000-05 and analyzing the potential Performed of energy efficiency improvements in the various energy consuming sub-sectors Project Name Assisted GoB through GTZ to formulate an Energy Conservation Strategy Year 2010 Location Bangladesh Client GTZ Project Features In collaboration with an international consultant worked to develop an energy conservation strategy and Energy Conservation Act for Bangladesh. Position Held Consultant Activities Develop an energy conservation strategy and Energy Conservation Act for Performed Bangladesh. Project Name Development of CDM Baseline for two electricity sector projects Year 2010 Location Bangladesh Client Japanese carbon offset consulting firm Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities In association with a Japanese carbon offset consulting firm worked on Performed preparing PDDs for a CCGT power plant and Efficiency Improvement of Electricity Distribution in Rural Areas under REB. Project Name Roadmap for Energy Efficiency Improvements and Demand Side Management, Year 2009 Location Bangladesh Client GIZ Project Features Executed by the Dhaka offices of the World Bank and GTZ Position Held Team leader Activities Was the team leader for preparing a roadmap for implementing various energy Performed efficiency projects in Bangladesh with an emphasis on carbon credit financing. (Report URL: Project Name UNEP funded CDM capacity building project titled: CD4CDM Year 2009 Location Bangladesh Client UNEP Project Features PIN and PDD documentation Position Held Consultant Activities Tasks assigned included developing 4 PINs and 2 draft PDDs for CDM projects. Performed Consultant worked on efficiency improvement in steel mills and on solar PV irrigation. In collaboration with Waste Concern. Project Name Monitor for Adaptation to Climate Change Projects Year 2008 Location Bangladesh Client SSN/BCAS Project Features South South North (SSN) project being developed by BCAS Position Held Consultant Activities Responsible for monitoring three adaptation projects in different locations of Performed Bangladesh. Project Name Technology Receptivity of Adaptation to Climate Change Projects Year 2008 Location Bangladesh Client SSN Project Features South SouthNorth (SSN) project being developed by BCAS. Position Held Consultant Activities In association with SSN, South Africa investigating the receptivity by users of Performed Adaptation Technologies. Project Name Plastics Waste Recycling Strategy Year 2007 Location Bangladesh Client KATALYST Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities In association with Waste Concern and funded by Swisscontact KATALYST. Performed Task assigned is to develop a strategy to improve and increase recycling of post- consumer plastics in Bangladesh. Project Name Emission modeling of Brick kilns and suggesting mitigating measures Year 2007 Location Bangladesh Client World Bank & Department of Environment, GoB Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities Air Quality Monitoring Project executed by the Department of Environment, Performed GoB, with World Bank funding. Was the team leader of the project executed by BUET and some co-opted consultants. Project Name Productivity Improvement in Industry through Energy Efficiency Program Year 2006 Location Bangladesh Client Submitted to GTZ, Dhaka Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities A report on industrial energy efficiency improvement with emphasis on motors, Performed boilers and lighting. Project Name ISO 1400 Certification and EMP Year 2006 Location Bangladesh Client Private company Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities Prepared reports on 4 industries in association with Waste Concern to manage their Performed effluents in an effort to secure ISO 140001 certification Project Name Efficiency Improvement in Brick Manufacturing Year 2006 Location Bangladesh Client GEF PDF-B project Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities GEF PDF-B project to study the possibility of improving the efficiencies of Performed traditional brick kilns. Was the team leader for the study assigned to BUET by UNDP. Project Name Plastics Waste Recycling in Bangladesh Year 2005 Location Bangladesh Client Swedish funded NGO called Katalyst Project Features In association with Waste Concern prepared a report for a Swedish funded NGO called Katalyst. Position Held Consultant Activities Task assigned was to evaluate and write the chapter on Financial Analysis. Performed Project Name CDM Projects in the Poultry Waste Sector Year 2005 Location Bangladesh Client UNDP SEMP Project for Waste Concern Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities Prepared a report for Waste Concern to evaluate CDM project prospect in the poultry Performed waste sector under the UNDP SEMP Project Project Name Textile Liquid Effluent Management Plan Year 2005 Location Bangladesh Client textile dyeing plant Project Features Study Position Held Consultant Activities Advised a textile dyeing plant to lower their Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) load. Performed Project Name Lessons Learned from CDM Projects Year 2003 Location India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and China Client UNDP Project Features Multi-country project Position Held Consultant Activities Assigned to compile report detailing the barriers to CDM project development in Performed Bangladesh by reviewing all completed CDM related projects. Project Name Distributed Renewable Energy Year 2003 Location Bangladesh Client IISD, Canada Project Features Study Position Held Team leader Activities Produced a study report for IISD, Canada in collaboration with five other Performed developing countries on the prospects of Distributed Renewable Energy technologies for CDM Project Name CDM project development Year 2002-2004 Location Bangladesh Client SSN Project Features Study Position Held Worked as a monitor to the South South North (SSN) CDM projects being developed in Bangladesh. Activities The projects were –(i) Solar Home Systems (ii) Electric Vehicles, and (iii) CFL in Performed Rural Households. Project Name CDM opportunities in Bangladesh Year 2002 Location Bangladesh Client Pembina Institute of Appropriate Development Project Features Collaborative work with Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Pembina Institute of Appropriate Development, Canada to develop 2 CDM pre- feasibility reports ( Position Held Consultant Activities The projects are (i) Cold storage cogeneration and (ii) Efficiency improvement in Performed Brick manufacturing. Project Name CDM opportunities in Bangladesh Year 2001 Location Bangladesh Client Pembina Institute of Appropriate Development Project Features Collaborative work with Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi and Pembina Institute of Appropriate Development, Canada to develop CDM projects for Bangladesh. Position Held Consultant Activities The work involves studying the different energy consuming sub-sectors of the Performed economy and analyzing their energy consumption vis-a-vis the state-of-the-art or advanced technologies available in the world. Project Name Consultant for the UNFCCC on Inventory Adjustments Year 2000 Location Bangladesh Client UNFCCC Project Features The UNFCCC commissioned energy sector experts to develop methodologies to apply adjustments to inventories submitted by countries. Position Held Consultant Activities Prepared a report to (i) estimate emission for countries where no energy data exist (ii) Performed fill data gaps in disaggregated energy balances and (iii) estimate CH4and N2O emissions as averages of the Kyoto Protocol Annex B countries averages. Project Name IEI for a Barge–Mounted Power Plant Year 1998 Location Bangladesh Client Department of Environment (DOE), Government of Bangladesh Project Features Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for a 100 MW barge mounted gas fired power plant Position Held Consultant Activities The report was submitted to the Department of Environment (DOE), Government Performed of Bangladesh, and a site clearance (Initial Permit) obtained to proceed with the construction of the power. Project Name Asia Least Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS), Year 1995-97 Location Bangladesh Client GEF-UNDP funded project Project Features Study Position Held National Technical Expert (NTE) for Energy Sector assessment Activities ► Responsible for analyzing the full energy sector of Bangladesh. Performed ► First a GHG inventory for 1990 was completed. ► Then a GHG emission projection was performed using LEAP. ► Following that an energy sector assessment was performed to identify GHG mitigation options. ► For each option the technical potential of GHG abatement was calculated and a financial analysis was performed (pair-wise comparison) to calculate the cost of abatement ($/ton). Project Name ALGAS Year 1995-97 Location Myanmar (3 missions) and Mongolia Client ADB Project Features Study Position Held International Technical Expert (ITE) Activities ► Assessment of GHG abatement projects for the ALGAS project Performed ► Technical mission to Myanmar (3 missions) and Mongolia to assist the NTEs of those countries to complete their energy sector assessment ► For Myanmar, three projects to reduce GHG emission sector were developed ► The work included project formulation, financial analysis and implementation scheme Other key experience ► 17. Certification I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that This CV correctly describes my qualifications and experience; I am not a current employee of the Executing or the Implementing Agency; In the absence of medical incapacity, I will undertake this assignment for the duration and in terms of the inputs specified for me in Form TECH-6 provided team mobilization takes place within the validity of this proposal; I was not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services assignment; I am not currently debarred by a multilateral development bank or temporarily suspended by IDCOL; I certify that I have been informed by the firm that it is including my CV in the Proposal for the Assignment titled “Selection of Consulting Firm to Develop Enabling Environment for EE Investment in RMG sector”. I confirm that I will be available to carry out the assignment for which my CV has been submitted in accordance with the implementation arrangements and schedule set out in the Proposal. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. July 5, 2022 Signature of Expert/Authorized Representative Date:
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