Sectio N 12: Determi Ners: Revise The Basics: This, That, These, Those

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Page 168 : revise the basics: this, that, these,

N 12 : those

2. Look at the examples again. Which words and

Determi expressions in the box go with this/these, and
which go with that/those

ners THIS/THESE: happening now, just about to start,

here, near.

THAT/THOSE: finished, said before, over there, distant, unwanted.

3.Put in this/that/these/those

1. Why am I living in this country?

2. Get me that box from the table.
3. Ugh – these potatoes taste burnt!
4. What was that noise?
5. Who are those people over there?
6. Come this way, please.
7. Isn’t this weather great?
8. Did you hear those explosions in the night?
9. Tell her to stop that shouting.
10.That was a great party – thanks.
11.Who said that?
12.Why did she marry that idiot?
13.Do it this way, not like that.
14.Listen – you’re not going to believe this.
15.Look at these earrings. Jamie gave them to me.

Page 169 revise the basics: some and any

1.Put in some, any, somebody, anybody, something or anything

1. I can’t find any butter, but we’ve got some margarine.

2. Did you meet anybody interesting at the party?
3. Emma has got some old pictures of the house.
4. Can I offer you some wine?
5. Do you know any German?
6. Helen brought me some beautiful roses.
7. Is there anything I can do?
8. There’s somebody waiting to see you.
9. I haven’t got anything to wear.
10.Shall we listen to some music?
11.If you have any problems, just phone me.
12.Have you got any children?
13.Would you like somebody to help you?
14.There aren’t any buses in Sunday.

2.Here are some sentences with any. Which word in each sentence give the

1. The baby refuses to eat anything

2. I doubt if you’ll find any bread now
3. There was hardly anybody in town
4. You never get any sense out of her
5. You seldom hear any birds here
6. I left the house without any money

3. Choose the right word.

1. Have you got some/ any time free on Wednesday afternoon?

2. There’s something/ anything strange about the way Pete’s acting today.
3. Nobody can find out something/ anything about when the exams will be.
4. Is there something/ anything we should bring to the meeting?
5. Shall I bring you something/ anything to read while you wait?
6. Do you know if some/ any of the Morrises are coming on Sunday?
7. Can I get you some/ any coffee? I’ve just made some/ any.
8. She refuses to have something/ anything to do with her family now.
9. If there’s some/ any soup left, could you put it in the fridge, please?

Page 170 Some/any or no article Have some toast I don't like toast.

2. A man went shopping and bought some food. Complete the sentences.
Learn the words for food. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. Mustard + He bought some mustard, because he likes mustard.

2. Mushrooms + He bought some mushrooms because he likes mushrooms .
3. Carrots – He didn’t buy any carrots, because he doesn’t like carrots.
4. Vinegar – he didn’t buy any vinegar, because he doesn’t like vinegar.
5. Rice + he bought some rice, because he likes rice.
6. Pepper – he didn’t buy any pepper, because he likes rice.
7. Comflakes + he bought some cornflakes, because he likes cornflakes.
8. Oil – he didn’t buy any oil, because he doesn’t like oil.

Page 171 any, not any, no and none

1. Change not… any to no, or no to not… any.

1. She doen’t speak any German.
2. He hasn’t written any letters to her.
3. We get no rain here.
4. There’s no post in Sundays.
5. She’s got no brothers or sisters.

2.Put in no or none:

1. ‘How many children has he got?’ None

2. There are no trains after midnight.
3. Did you buy milk? There’s none in the fridge.
4. None of us can play the piano.
5. There are no palm trees in Antarctica, and there are none in Greenland.

3.Put in no, none or nobody.

1. ‘Why can’t I have toast for breakfast?’ ‘Because there’s no bread’.

2. ‘ My students expect me to know everything.’ ‘Nobody knows everything.’
3. No newspaper tells the whole truth.
4. ‘What were your photos like?’ ‘I’m afraid none of them came out.’
5. ‘Do you think he’s honest?’ ‘no politician is completely honest.’
6. None of the people there remembered seeing anything unusual.
7. I’ve got no patience with people like her.
8. There’s nobody I can talk to in this place.
9. None of you care what I think.
10.He had no money, no job and no place to live.

4.Make short questions (?) or negative sentences (-).

1. Sorry, milk – Sorry, no milk

2. Phone calls for me ? Any phone calls for me?
3. More money – No more money.
4. Problems today ? Any problems today?

Page 172 any = 'one or another - it's not important which'

1. Complete each sentence with any and a word from the box

1. He gets angry with any boy who talks to his girlfriend.

2.'Would you like red, blue, ...?' 'It doesn't matter any colour is OK.'

3. You can get this kind of rice in any supermarket

4. I think she knows everything. She can answer any question you ask.

5. If you have any problems come and ask me for help.

6. 'When shall we meet?' 'I don't mind any day this week.'

7. 'Where can I change money?' 'In any bank '

8. You can't take just any bus - you need a 4 or a 16.

2. Put the beginnings and ends together and put in anybody, anything or
anywhere .

► It's not hard to dance. D Anybody can do it.

1 'Where would you like to live?' F ' Anywhere in America.'.

2 'What would you like for lunch?' A 'I don't mind. I'm so hungry I'll eat
anything '

B 'It's true. Ask anybody

3 'I don't believe you.'
C 'Yes anywhere Put like'
4 'Can I park the car behind your house?'
5 Joe's a brilliant pianist. E He can play anything

3.Circle the best word or expression in each sentence.

1. Any / No doctor can tell you if you've got flu.

2. Any / No doctor can tell you exactly how long you're going to live.

3 Just say anything / nothing, so we can see if the microphone works.

4 If the police arrest you, say anything / nothing until your lawyer gets there.

5 What do you mean, music? I can't hear / can hear any music.

6 You can hear any / no kind of music you like at the Reading Festival.

7 Anna's very secretive: she talks to anybody / nobody about her problems.

8 Jim tells his problems to anybody /nobody who will listen

Page 173 revise the basics: much, many, a lot (of)

2.Put in much/many with so, as, too .

1. It was nice to have so much time to talk to you.

2. Are there as many chairs as people?

3. You can never have too much love.

4. I don't have as many friends as you.

5. She's got too many relatives!

6. Get as many tickets as you can.

Page 174 revise the basics: enough, too and too much

1.Now choose the correct forms of the rules.

Enough normally comes before / after an adjective or adverb. Enough normally

comes before / after a noun.

2. Put in words from the box together with enough

1. There was 1 enough champagne to give everybody a glass.

2. This town isn't for both of us.

3. I never had enough money when I was young: now I never have enough time.

4. Susie hasn't got enough friends to play football with.

5. Daniel's not old enough to travel by himself.

6. If you work hard enough, you don't have to be very intelligent.

7. She was clever enough;to do anything she wanted, but she didn't have enough
confidence to try.

3.Too much/many or too ? Look at the examples and complete the rules.

Before an adjective without a noun, or an adverb, we use too.

Before a noun (with or without an adjective), we use too much/many.

4.Invent answers to the questions, using too, too much or too many .

1 Why did they drive to the cinema in two cars? (people )

=>There were too many people for one car.

2 Can you understand what he's saying? (quickly)

=> No, he's speaking too quickly

3 Why didn't Joanna stop for lunch yesterday? (busy)

=> She was too busy

4 Why don't we go to the Caribbean for our holiday? (expensive)

=> It's too expensive.

5 Why don't you let the children cycle to school? (traffic)

=> There's too much traffic

6 What went wrong in your exam? (slowly)

=> I wrote too slowly

7 Why did you have the phone installed in the other room? (noise)

=> There's too much noise in this room.

Page 175 Revise the basics: (a) little, (a) few

5. Write descriptions for the pictures using not enough or too much/many.

1. too many people

2. not enough people

3. not enough water

4. too much water

5. too much work

6. too many cats

7. not enough food

8. too much food

6. Complete the sentences with enough or too.

1.There's someone in the garden, but I can't see well enough to decide if it'sEmma,
(well / decide)

2. I'll work on this tomorrow - I'm too tired to think about it tonight, (tired / think

3. I don't understand Arabic well enough to listen to Egyptian radio, (well / listen)

4.I'm not strong enough to move the piano, (strong / move)

5. I was too bored to concentrate on the lecture, (bored / concentrate)

6. They were speaking too quietly for me to hear what they were saying, (quietly /
me / hear)

7. Near some beaches the sea's not clean enough for people to swim in. (clean
/people / swim)

8.The room was too dark for us to see anything, (dark/us / see)

9. He drove too fast for the police to catch him. (fast/ police / catch)

10. This shirt isn't clean enough to wear. (clean/wear)

Page 176 revise the basics: (a) little, (a) few

1.Write little or few

1. There is little friendship in the world, and least of all between equals. (. Francis

2 A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Alexander Pope)

3. Men of few words are the best men. (William Shakespeare, Henry V)
4. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
(Winston ChurchMt

5. Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much. (Franklin


6. A country having a little inflation is like a woman being a little pregnant. (Leon

7. Death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down. (Woody

8 Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation or creed.
(Bertrand Russel

2.Little or a little ? Few or a few ?

1. There is little use trying to changeher mind.

2. Could you possibly give me a little help?

3. Few teenagers in the village could read.

4. Slowly, a few children began coming to school.

5. I only need a few minutes to get ready

6. She only wanted a little love, a little kindness.

7. Nadia drank little coffee and no alcohdj .friends.

8. Unfortunately, he had few friends

3.Rewrite these sentences in a more conversational style.

1. We have few friends.

We haven't got many / We've only got a few

2. There is little that I can do for you..

There isn't / There's not much / There's only a little that I can do for you.

3. Few people wanted to help her.

Not many /Only a few people wanted to help her

4. They had little money, but they were pretty happy.

They didn't have much /They only had a little money, but they were pretty happy

5. Few children are as difficult as Robert.

Not many / Only a few children are as difficult as Robert.

6. I dislike few people.

I don't dislike many /1 only dislike a few people.

7.My father does little exercise.

My father doesn't do much / My father only does a little exercise

8.I need little sleep.

I don't need much /1 only need a little sleep.

9.Vermeer painted few pictures.

Vermeer didn't paint many / Vermeer only painted a few pictures

10. I speak little Japanese.

I don't speak much /1 only speak a little Japanese

Page 177 less and least, fewer and fewest

1.Write less/the least/fewer/the fewest.

1. Of all British cars, this one uses the least petrol. It also needs the fewest repairs.

2 . Fewer girls than boys do mathematics at university. This may be because girls
get less encouragement to study maths at school.

3. As the years went by, they had fewer things to say, and less interest in talking

to each other.

4. Do you want more time and less money, or more money and less time?

5. Liz is very clever, but she has got the least self-confidence of anyone I know.

6. I've had the fewest days off work of anybody in the office.

7. There are fewer apples on the trees this year.

8. I earn the least money in our family, and my brother earns the most.

9 .Annie always has the fewest things to say, but what she does say is usually

10. Now that we've got two children we've got much less spare time than we used
to have.

2.Complete the sentences with less or the least and some of the words from the box
(or other words if you prefer).

1.I feel ess optimistic about the future than I did a year ago.

2. My mother/father/brother/sister is/was the least selfish person you can imagine.

3. I spoke English less fluently a year ago than I do today.

4. I think this country is less prosperous than it was a year ago.

5. People from the north of my country speak less quickly than people from the

6. My home town is the least boring place I know.

7. Most of my friends are less religious than I am.

8. Some people say that money is the the least important thing in life, but I'm not
so sure.

9. I think TV gets less interesting late at night.

10. The least intelligent ntelligent people often think they are the most intelligent.

Page 178 revise the basics: all

1.Change the sentences.

1. All the marketing people like Oliver. .

2. Our children all speak French.

3. The tourists all went back home.

4. All these cars cost too much...

5. All meetings take too long .

6. My friends all thought I was crazy.

7. All my old friends live a long way away. .

8. The classes all started late.

3.GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. Cities and countries. Which one is
different? Write sentences using the expressions in the box. Use an internet
search engine if you need help.

1 Melbourne, Tokyo, Beijing, Delhi .

They are all in Asia except Melbourne.

2 Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi, Hong Kong .

They are all in China except Delhi.

3 Japan, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland .

They are all in Europe except Japan.

4 Oxford, London, Birmingham, Edinburgh .

They are all in England except Edinburgh.

5 Vienna, Berlin, Zurich, Athens .

They are all in German-speaking countries except Athens.

6 Rio, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima .

They are all in South America except Mexico City.

7 Chicago, Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles .

They are all in the United States except Toronto.

8 Copenhagen, Rio, Madrid, Genoa

They are all seaports except Madrid.

Page 179 revise the basics: all, every, everybody, everything

1.Rewrite the sentences with every.

1. Not all birds can fly. Not every bird can fly.

2. I've read all the newspapers. I've read every newspaper

3. Please listen to all the words. Please listen to every word.

4. All the roads were under water. Every road was under water.

5. All languages are difficult in one way or another. Every language is difficult in
one way or another.

6. All London trains are cancelled today. Every London train is cancelled today.

7. The police have interviewed all the employees. The police have interviewed
every employee.

8. All the plates are dirty. Every plate is dirty.

9. Not all changes are good. Not every change is good.

10. All the computers are down today. Every computer is down today

2.Put in all or everybody.

1. All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's
his.(Oscar Wilde)

2.In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes. (Andy Warhol)

3. All human beings are bom free and equal in dignity and rights. (Universal
Declaration of

Human Rights)

4. I am free of all prejudices -1 hate everybody equally. (W C Fields)

5. He who praises everybody praises nobody. (Samuel Johnson)

6. Justice is open to all people in the same way as the Ritz Hotel. (Judge Sturgess)

3.Put in all if possible; if not, put in everything.

1. All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl. (Charlie

2. I hurry to laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. (Beaumarchais)

3. I can resist everything except temptation. (Oscar Wilde)

4. All I want is a room somewhere. (My Fair Lady)

5. You can only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away
from them.(Solzhenitsyn)

6. They say everything in the world is good for something. (John Dryden)

7. [A cynic] knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. (Oscar Wilde)

8. Life is like nothing, because it is everything (William Golding)

9. All I want is you. (song title)

Page 180 very and each; every one

1.Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes or write'Correct'

1. Every passenger have to show his or her passport. has

2. There's a mistake in each line. correct

3. Cars are parked on every side of the road. each

4. Every children are different. Each child, is different

5. Please say each word slowly and clearly. . correct

6. The doctor made him sit down and looked into every ear. each
2. Both answers are correct, but one is a little better. Which?

1.Each / Every day is new and different.

2.Not each / every Canadian speaks English.

3.I looked for my keys in each / every pocket, one after the other.

4.She wrote a different personal message on each / every card.

5.The doctor examined each / every patient very carefully.

6.Each / Every house in this village looks the sarnt

7.But inside, each / every house is quite different.

3.Put in every or every one .

1. Every one of these oranges is bad.

2. I learnt Latin for seven years at school, but I've forgotten every word.

3. 'Can I have one of those chocolates?' 'Sorry, I've eaten every one '

4. Every one of his teachers said he was stupid; but he did well in every one of his

5. When the soldiers left the town they burnt down every house.

6. The questions were easy: I could answer every one

7. We've won every match so far this year.

8.Every one of my friends has got more money than me.

Page 181 both, either and neither

1.Put in both, either or neither.

1. Both sisters are studying engineering.

2. 'Do you want to come round tomorrow or Friday?' ' Either day is fine.'3. 'Do you
like Brussels and Amsterdam?' 'I don't know either city.'

4. Use both hands to carry the vase - it's heavy.

5. Both films looked interesting, but neither was much good, in fact.

6. Both her sons studied physics, but neither boy works in science.

7. Either shirt would look good on you. Why don't you buy one of them?

8. I don't like either camera. And both cameras are very expensive.

9. He's a good player, and he can kick equally well with either foot.

10. 'Which car can I take?' 'You can take either car. Both cars are full of petrol.'

11. I'm busy on both the next two Tuesdays.

12. I paid for both tickets - yours and mine.

2. Both hands/feet/eyes or either hand/foot/eye ?

1. You play a piano with both hands

2. You need both hands and both feet to play an organ

3.You can kick a football with either foot

4.You can hold a fork in either hand

5.You can turn a key with either han

6.It's easier to make a bed if you use both hands

7.People usually watch TV with both eyes open.

8. You can look through a telescope with either eye

9. I can write with either hand , equally badly.

10 When you're walking, you never have both feet off the ground

Page 182 which? and what?

1.Which or what?

1. We’ve got red wine and white – which will you have?
2. What books did you read for last year’s English class?
3. What was your favourite subject at primary school?
4. Which English king had six wives?
5. What’s your name?
6. Which hand do you write with?
7. What kind of car have you got?
8. I’m going to buy a new carpet what colour should I get?
9. Which party do you think will win the election?
10.Which subject do you prefer, chemistry or physics?

2.Which, what or who?

1. Which of the books on the list have you already read?

2. There are two coast on the bed which one is yours?
3. I really don’t know which earrings to wear with this dress.
4. What time shall we meet tomorrow?
5. Which of your brothers is the one who works in Paris?
6. Who got the job, Andy or Liz?
7. What language do you speak at home?
8. I don’t remember which of your parents plays the piano.
9. Who gave you that – John or Alex?
10.I can come to your place, or we can meet at mine which is best for you?

Page 183 other(s) and another

1.Write other or others.

1. I could see Karima and Nedjma at their desks – but where were the others
2. Long after all the other cars had left, Dawson’s BMW was still there.
3. I’ll phone all the others if you’ll phone Ted and Lucy, OK?
4. I can play the Sonata in C, but not any of the others
5. Do you know any other people who might have a reason to do this?
6. This doesn’t suit me. Have you got any other colours?
7. Some metals are magnetic and others aren’t
8. The police arrested Jane, Fred and two others
9. I wish that girl would play more with other children.
10.Gerald Durrell wrote a book called My Family and other Animals’

2. Write expressions with another or with more.

1. Clothes: more clothes

2. Friends: more friends
3. Child: another child
4. Hour: another hour
5. Mile: another mile
6. Sleep: more sleep
7. Job: another job
8. Possibilities: more possibilities
9. Money: more money
10.Time: more time
11.Freedom: more freedom
12.Holidays: more holidays
13.Problem: another problem
14.Question: another question
15.Tickets: more tickets

3.Change the expressions to use another.

1. A few more days: another few days

2. A hundred more pounds: another hundred pounds
3. Twenty more miles: another twenty miles
4. A few more mistakes: another few mistakes
5. A million more dollars: another million dollars

Page 184 determiners and of most people; most of us

1.Put in of or nothing (-).

Dear Phil,

Well, some (1) of our luggage has arrived, so things could be worse. I've got the books and papers, but
I've lost most (2) of my clothes. I haven't got any (3) - socks at all, and I have to buy some more (4) -
jeans, but at least I've got enough (5) - underwear for the week. (They don't sell it here. I don't think they
wear it.) I'm going to buy a few (6) of those woollen shirts that you like, and one (7) of the big coats that
we looked at. They've got no (8) - shoes in my size, unfortunately, and none (9) of the jackets suit me.
Anyway, I'm not alone. Every one (10) of us has lost something - in fact, three (11) - people have got no
(12) - luggage at all. Well, as they say, into each (13) - life a little (14) - rain must fall. See you on the


2.Put in most people or most of the people.

1. Most people enjoy talking about themselves.

2. Most of the people who wanted to see the match were disappointed.
3. I know most of the people in our street.

4. Most people like dancing.

5. I think fishing for sport is wrong, but most people would disagree.

6. Most of the people on the train were going on holiday.

7. He gets on with most people.

8. Most of the people at the party were friends of Jan's.

9. Most of the people I work with live in London.

10. Most people would like more money and less work.

Page 185 determiners: more practice

1.Mixed structures.^Circle the correct forms.

1 This car hardly uses petrol / some petrol / any petrol / no petrol.

2 Could you lend me money / some money / any money for a few days?

3 I have never told someone / anyone about your past.

4 Helen can ride a bike without some / any help now.

5 You've got pretty toes /some pretty toes.

6 I understood little / a little of the lecture, but not very much.

7 She was sad because she had few / a few friends.

8 Of all the children, Billy is the less / the least trouble.

9 I don't know where the other/others people went.

10 Not every bear/bears can climb trees.

11 Her children all have left / have all left / have left all home.

12 We are all / all are ready.

13 She had a rose behind every / each ear, and one in her teeth.

14 'Monday or Tuesday?' 'Both /Either days are OK.'

15 Which / What language do they speak in Azerbaijan?

2.Any = 'one or another'. Answer the questions using any .

1 Where can you get: a plane ticket? .

petrol?  any petrol station

dog food?  any pet shop

stamps?  any post office

running shoes?  any sports shop

a dictionary?  any bookshop

2 Who can give you advice on: English pronunciation?  any English teacher

getting a divorce?  any lawyer

paying your taxes?  any accountant

problems with your camera?  any photographer

milking cows?  any farmer

3.Mixed structures. Correct the mistakes. (One of sentences 1 -15 is correct.)

1 Not anybody wrote to me last week.  Nobody

2 None her friends helped her.  None of

3 She talks so fast that anybody can understand her.  nobody

4 I have much free time.  a lot of

5 You're walking too much slowly. We'll be late.  too slowly

6 Have we got enough of chairs for everybody?  enough chairs

7 This soup isn't enough warm.  warm enough

8 'Did you find any mushrooms?' 'Yes, a lot of.'  Yes, a lot.

9 We found the place without no difficulty.  with no difficult/ without any difficult

10 We'll be here for another six days.  Correct

11 The plan was complicated, but all understood.  everybody

12 Nobody played well, but Joe was the less bad.  the least bad

13 She showed me two sweaters, but I didn't like neither.  either

14 Would you like other meat, or have you got enough?  more meat

15 I learnt French at school, but I've forgotten all.  everything

4.No etc. Write sensible answers. Use no, none, nothing, and nobody.

1 'Can you ask someone in your family to help you with your French?'

Nobody in the family speaks French.

2 'How many of your brothers are married?'

None of them.

3 'Jeremy says his father speaks seventy-six languages.'

Nobody speaks seventy-six languages.

4 'Do we have to go out tonight? Can't we eat at home?'

There's no food in the house.

5 'Do you think I could ask you for a cup of coffee?'

Sorry, I've got no coffee.

6 'Why don't you phone home to find out if your letter's arrived?'

There's nobody at home.

7 'If you're bored, why don't you go to the cinema?'

There's nothing good on.

8 'Why didn't you buy any flowers?'

I had no money.

9 'Why didn't you join in the conversation last night?'

I had nothing to say.

5.Grammar in a text: formality. Choose a phrase from each pair in the box to write

a) a formal text and b) an informal text.

Few people learn foreign languages perfectly / Not many people learn foreign languages perfectly when
they're grown up. / as adults. The majority of us / Most of us

make many mistakes / make a lot of mistakes when we are speaking / when we're speaking another
language. / another language. It's best / The best policy is to aim for a reasonable level of accuracy, / to
try to get most things right, but not to be too perfectionist. / but not to be too perfectionist.

A lot of common mistakes / Many common mistakes have little effect / don't have much effect on
communication. / on communication.

A) FORMAL: Few people learn foreign languages perfectly as adults. The majority of us make many
mistakes when we are speaking another language. The best policy is to aim for a reasonable level of
accuracy, but not to be too perfectionist. Many common mistakes have little effect on communication.

B) INFORMAL: Not many people learn foreign languages perfectly when they're grown up. Most of us
make a lot of mistakes when we're speaking another language. It's best to try to get most things right, but
not to be too perfectionist. A lot of common mistakes don't have much effect on communication.

6.Internet exercise. Use a search engine (e.g. Google) to find simple sentences that begin as follows.
Write the sentences.

1 "All we want is"  All we want is the truth as we see it.

2 "All they asked for was"  All they asked for was honesty.

3 "All she said was"  All she said was she loves him.

4 "All I can do is"  All I can do is try my best.

5 "All you need is"  All you need is love.

7.Mixed structures. Use six of the expressions in the box to complete the four cartoon captions.
Which caption goes with which cartoon?
1 'Oh, he's right here beside me making his "I don't want to go anywhere with anybody at any time"

2 'Girls, girls, a little less noise, please.'

3 'I suppose you've brought me here to tell me you haven't got any money.'

4 'It's your birthday? Cook anything you like for supper.'

Page 188 determiners: revision test

1.Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. More than one answer may be possible.

1 John ……….passed. his exams last year, (none / none of/ any of/ no of)

2 My father won't lend money to…….. (anybody / nobody)

3 There hasn't been ………this year, (rain enough / enough rain)

4 ……….. my friends live in London. (Most / Most of)

5 Rashpal'sgot………... hair, (beautiful / some beautiful)

6 There's . money in my bank account, (any / none / no)

7 I'll be home in …….. hours, (another two / other two / two other)

8 That child hardly eats …….. (anything / nothing / something)

9 Those people have …….. money, (much/a lot/ a lot of /lots of)

10 I bought the ………. expensive bike, (less/least)

11 Are you………...? (enough warm / warm enough)

12 She walked out without……….. explanation, (any / no)

13 ……………. her children is happily married. (Every / Every one /Every one of/ Every of)

14 I answered ………. letter myself, (every/each)

15 We …….. ready in time, (all were/were all)

16 ………. could speak French except Denise. (All /Everybody)

17 I can write with ………... hand, (every / each / either)

18 There's………….. ice cream in the fridge, if you'd like some, (little/a little/ few/ a few)

19 I think the children ……... home, (all have gone / have all gone)

20 You're talking …………. fast -1 can't understand, (too / too much)

2.Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes or write 'Correct'

1 Who's this man over there talking to Anna?  that man

2 I've hardly got no time these days.  any time

3 Mark and Joanna are here, but where are the others?  Correct

4 We all will be on holiday next week.  will be able

5 Not every birds can fly.  bird

6 Not all birds can fly.  Correct

7 What leg hurts - the left or the right?  Which

8 Sally got a lot presents for her birthday.  a lot of

9 She gave me a lot of information, but I don't remember all. everything

10 You can have either room - they're both free.  Correct

11 All I want is a quiet life.  Correct

12 We understood a little, because he had a really bad accent.  We understood little/ We didn’t
understand much

13 This was terrible music. Please don't play it again.  That was

14 The plates are all dirty.  Correct

15 All the plates are dirty.  Correct

16 'Would you like other coffee?' 'No, thanks. I've had enough.'  more coffee

17 I don't think there are enough of rooms for everybody.  enough rooms

18 I've got so much to do, and so little time!  Correct

19 She has to eat food without no salt.  without any salt/ with no salt
20 Can you just wait another five minutes?  Correct

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