Newton's Laws of Motion: Advnl

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Newton's laws of motion

1. A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift and the passengers is 150 kg. The variation in the speed of
the lift is given in the graph. (g = 9.8 m/s2)


0 2 12 (sec)
(a) What will be the tension in the rope pulling the lift at t equal to
(i) 1 sec (ii) 6 sec and (iii) 11 sec ?
(b) What is the height through which the lift takes the passengers ?
(c) What will be the average velocity and average acceleration during the course of entire motion?
[IIT 1976]

2. The system shown in figure is released from rest calculate the value of acclerations 'a' and 'b'. (Where b
is w.r.t. to A)

3. A person is standing on a weighing machine placed on the floor of an elevator. The elevator stars going
up with some acceleration, moves with uniform velocity for a while and finally decelerates to stop. The
maximum and the minimum weights recorded are 80.5 kg and 59.5 kg. Assuming that the magnitudes
of the acceleration and the deceleration are the same, find (a) the true weight of the person and (b) the
magnitude of the acceleration. Take g = 10 m/s2.

4. What will be the value M of the hanging block as shown in the figure which will prevent the smaller
block from slipping over the triangular block. All the surface are frictionless and the string and the pulley
are light.

5. A monkey of mass 15 kg is climbing on a rope with one end fixed to the ceiling . If it wishes to go up
with an acceleration of 1 m/s2, how much force should it apply to the rope? If the rope is 5m long and
the monkey starts from rest, how much time will it take to reach the ceiling ?

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Newton's laws of motion
6. Figure shown a monkey is climbing on a rope that goes over a smooth
light pulley and a block of equal mass hanging on the other end. Show
that the monkey and the block move in the same direction with equal
acceleration, whatever force the monkey exerts on the rope. If intially
both were at rest, their separation will not change as time passes.

7. In the arrangement shown in Fig, a wedge of mass m 3 = 3.45 kg is

placed on a smooth horizontal surface. A small and light pulley is
connected on its top edge, as shown. A light, flexible thread passes
over the pulley. Two blocks having mass m 1= 1. 3 kg and m2= 1.5 kg
are connected at the ends of the thread. m 1 is on smooth horizontal
surface and m2 rests on inclined surface of the wedge. Base length
of wedge is 2 m and inclination is 370. m2 is initially near the top edge
of the wedge. If the whole system is released from rest. Calculate:
(i) velocity of wedge when m 2 reaches its bottom
(ii) velocity of m 2 at that instant and tension in the thread during motion of m 2. All the surfaces are
smooth. [ g = 10 ms2 ]

8. Neglecting friction every where, find the acceleration of M. Assume m > m.

9. In the figure shown P1 and P2 are massless pulleys. P1 is fixed and

P2 can move. Masses of A, B and C are , 2m and m respectively
. All contacts are smooth and the string is massless.  = tan–1   .
Find the acceleration of block C in m/s2.

10. A system is shown in figure. All contact surfaces are smooth and
string is tight & inextensible. Wedge ‘A’ moves towards right with
speed 10 m/s & velocity of ‘B’ relative to ‘A’ is in downward direction
along the incline having magnitude 5m/s. Find the horizontal and
vertical component of velocity of Block ‘C’.

11. An object of mass 2 kg is placed at rest in a frame (S1) moving with velocity 10iˆ  5ˆj m/s and having
acceleration 5iˆ  10ˆj m/s2. This object is also seen by an observer standing in a frame (S2) moving with
velocity 5iˆ  10ˆj m/s.
(i) Calculate ‘Pseudo force’ acting on object. Which frame is responsible for this force.
(ii) Calculate net force acting on object with respect to S2 frame.
(iii) Calculate net force acting on object with respect to S1 frame.
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Newton's laws of motion
12. In the figure shown the blocks A & C are pulled down with constant velocities u . Find the acceleration
of block B.

13. System is shown in the figure. Assume that cylinder remains in contact with the two wedges. Find the
velocity of cylinder.

14. The 40 kg block is moving to the right with a speed of 1.5 m/s when it is acted upon by the forces F 1
and F2. These forces vary in the manner shown in the graph. Find the velocity (in m/s) of the block at
t = 12 s. Neglect friction and masses of the pulleys and cords.

// ///
// //
// ///
/// F2 //
// //
// ///
F1 ////

15._ In the figure shown, a person pulls a light string with a constant
speed u = 10 m/s. The other end of the string is tied to a very small
block which moves on a smooth horizontal surface. The block is
initially situated at a distance from the pulley which is very large in
comparison to h. Find the angle ‘’ when the block leaves the
surface. Take g = 10 m/s2.

16. System is shown in the figure and man is pulling the rope from both sides with constant speed ' u'. Then
find the speed of the block. (M moves vertical):

17. In the figure shown, find out the value of  at this instant [ assume string to be tight ]

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Newton's laws of motion
18. System is shown in the figure. Velocity of sphere A is 9 m/s. Find the speed of sphere B.

19. System shown in figure is in equilibrium. Find the magnitude of

change in tension in the string just before and just after, when one of
the spring is cut. Mass of both the blocks is same and equal to m
and spring constant of both springs is k. (Neglect any effect of

20. In the figure shown C is a fixed wedge. A block B is kept on the


inclined surface of the wedge C. Another block A is inserted in a slot

in the block B as shown in figure. A light inextensible string passes
over a light pulley which is fixed to the block B through a light rod.
One end of the string is fixed and other end of the string is fixed to
A.S is a fixed support on the wedge. All the surfaces are smooth.
Masses of A and B are same. Then find the magnitude of 37°
acceleration of A. (sin 37º = 3/5)

21. A lift is moving upwards with a constant acceleration a = g. A small a

block A of mass ' m ' is kept on a wedge B of the same mass ' m '.
The height of the vertical face of the wedge is ' h'. A is released from A
the top most point of the wedge. Find the time (in second) taken by A
to reach the bottom of B. All surfaces are smooth and B is also free B h
to move. If h = 4m,  = 30° and g = 10m/s2 )

1. (a) (i) 1740 N (ii) 1470 N (iii) 1200 N (b) 36 m (c) Average velocity = 3 m/s; Average acceleration = 0
bcos  3gsin  M' m
2. a= ;b= 3. 70 kg and 1.5 m/s2 4. 5. 165 N, 10 s
3 3  cos 
cot   1
(m  m')g
7. (i) 2 ms1 (ii) 13 ms1, 3.9 Newton 8. a= 9. 3m/s2 upwards
2M  3m  3m'
10. Horizontal component of velocity is 14 m/sec and vertical component of velocity is 26 m/sec.
11. (i) F = 10iˆ  20ˆj N, Due to acceleration of frame s1 (ii) 10iˆ  20ˆj N (iii) zero.
u2  3u
12. tan3  13. 7u m/s 14. 12 m/s. 15. = 16.
b 4 4
3 mg 4 2
17. tan–1 18. 12 m/s 19. 20. m/s 21. 1
4 2 3

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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