gL.,!IO2I.: RE) UBL/CO) T//E) ///L//,) /NES Internal

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RE}UBL\CO}T\\E}\\\L\\,}\NES rN
Quezon City
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June 28,2022


SUBJECT Clarification on the Service of Letter of Authority pursuant to

Revenue Audit Memorandum Order (RAMO) No. l-2000

TO All lnternal Revenue Officials and Revenue Officers Concemed

This Circular is hereby issued to address the issues and concerns on the service of the
electronic Letter of Authority (eLA) to the taxpayer within the 30-day period from the date of
issuance thereof.

Item No. VIII of RAMO No. l-2000 provides:

"2.3 A Letter of Authority must be served or presented to the taxpayer within 30 days
from its date of issue, otherwise, it becomes null and void unless revalidated. The
taxpayer has all the right to refuse its service if presented beyond rhe 30-day period
depending on the policy set by top monqgement. Revalidation is done by issuinj a new
Letter of Authority or by just siruply stamping the words 'Revalidared on ' on the
face of the copy of the Letter of Authority issued',

In the Decision of the Court of Tar Appeals (CTA) in the case of Dakay Construction
Development Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CTA EB No. 1294),
Decision is anchored on the above quoted provision, the CTA-En Banc ruled that ,,The Letter
Authority no longer has any force or effect hoving been served on the petitibner beyond the
prescribed 30-day period. The assessmenl conducterl by the Revenue OfJicers
wos already
unauthorized, because there is no vslid LOA covering it.',

Let it be clarified. that RAMO No. l-2000 was already amended by RAMO No. l-2020,
thereby deleting the above quoted provision to read as follows:

"1. Serving of eLA

on the first opportunie of the Ro to have a personal contqct with rhe

taxpayer, he shottld present the eLA together with the checklist o/-
requirentents. The eLA should only he served by the Ro assigned to the case.
He should have the proper identification card qnd should be in uniftrnt.
flov,et,er, the service qf eLA may likewise be done in olher mqnners as
prescrihed in existing policies.

.4n eL,4 authorizes or empov'ers a designared Ro to examine, verify and

scrulitri:e a taxpayer's books unrJ records in relation to his internal revenue
tar li{rhilities.fbr a particular periotl.
2, Requestfor Accounting Records

Xxx.. xxx. xxx....

While the timeline for the "service of eLA" is not explicitly provided therein, it is still for
the best interest of the govemment that the eLA should be served to the taxpayer immediately upon
i ssuance/assi gnment thereof.

Hence, it should be necessary for all concerned Revenue Officers (RO) as a duty or
responsibility to serve the eLA immediately, considering that the entire audit process must be
completed within a period of I80 days for RDO casesl24} days for LT cases from the date of issuance
of eL,A. Non-observance on the aforesaid timeline is gross neglect of duty which is a grave offense
subject to appropriate administrative sanctions pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Order

Further, the deletion ofthe 30-day period to serve the eLA shall in no case be an excuse for
the concerned RO to delay its service nor for ataxpayer to refuse its service or to question its validity,
in case the same is served beyond the 30-day period. Again, what is crucial is that the entire audit
process shall be completed within a period of 180 days for RDO casesi24O days for LT cases from
the date of issuance of eLA. Therefore, eLA which remains unserved upon the effectivity of this
Circular or have been served beyond the 30-day period from the date of its issuance shall still be
considered valid and enforceable, provided that the 180-dayl240-day period to complete the audit
process has not yet expired.

All other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and modified accordingly.

All internal revenue officials/officers, employees and others concerned are hereby enjoined
to give this Circular a wide publicity as possible.

T6ctt tutt$ri
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
I-1 hru'o

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