Electronic Boom Barrier Operating Instructions: General

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Electronic Boom Barrier Operating instructions

These instructions are intended for the operator of the barrier, the personnel
operating, installing and connecting it. In these instructions you will
find references to transportation, installation and connection, operation,
maintenance, servicing and technical data.
You can find information on repair and electricity in these
Please carefully work through these instructions before installation. Please
comply with the safety precautions in particular
Original operating Liability/warranty
Instructions Liability or warranty is excluded
- Keep for later use ˙ if the precautions and operating instructions are not followed
The barrier should not ˙ if the barrier is incorrectly operated
Be operated before these ˙ if the barrier is not properly serviced
Operating instructions ˙if safeguards are not used
Are read and understood ˙if function changes of any kind are made without our written agreement

Description of the barrier remain intact. The barrier arm should Environmental protection
The barrier consists of a fixed base then just be replaced. There is a battery on the base which has
anchored on a foundation (on-site), to be disposed of after the end of the
mobile rejection beam and a remote Test of the safeguards barrier’s deployment (final
control. Ensure that the barrier only operates decommissioning, scrapping).
when correctly installed and the base
Control units, indicators and function with barrier arm is not damaged. Safety
description Check the barrier at least once a week for General precautions
The barrier has no control unit • prescribed condition For assembly, connection, operation and
The remote control has two buttons (a • secure clamping repair of the barrier the local safety and
model with 4 buttons is optionally • prescribed function accident prevention regulations shall
available). When a button is pressed, the • disengaged drive if you raise the barrier apply in each case. If they are not
barrier opens or closes. The light diode arm by hand followed your personal safety can be at
on the remote control lights up as an risk and you can suffer serious injury.
operation indicator when the button is If a defect occurs have it repaired by
pressed qualified personnel. Personnel requirements
The circuit board (in the battery case) has Assembly, maintenance and repair work
a red light diode which lights up when Workplaces should only be done by suitable qualified
the battery is low. The barrier can only be opened and personnel according to the regulations.
closed with accompanying remote Failure to comply with this warning can
Using the barrier control. The max. distance to the barrier lead to serious injuries.
The barrier regulates entrance to a site base should be approx. 20 meters. Any person handling assembly,
(street, car park, courtyard). connection, operation, maintenance and
Purpose of use repair, should have read and understood
Safeguards Normal use these instructions. Failure to observe
If the barrier arm bumps into an object The barrier is designed to regulate these precautions can lead to serious
such as a car, a person, pram etc. when entrance to a site (e.g. car park) or injuries.
descending, it stops briefly and then street/a path.
moves back up. If it bumps against an Normal use also includes following these Work safety precautions
object when being raised, it remains in operating instructions and complying General precautions
position and switches off. with the prescribed maintenance Operators should ensure that
The barrier arm can be moved by hand in conditions. • the barrier is only used normally
vertical position at any time. The drive • the barrier is only operated in perfect,
disengages and the barrier arm remains in Abnormal use functional performance condition and the
each position. Any excessive use is considered safeguards especially should regularly be
If the barrier arm is bumped into from abnormal. The manufacturer is not liable checked for their functional performance
front or back, it breaks off at a rated for damage from abnormal use. The risk • only sufficiently qualified and
breaking point. The base with drive is borne by the operator. authorised personnel should maintain and
repair the barrier
The relevant regulations and other Transportation damage the risks. Failure to observe this warning
generally accepted technical rules and When delivering the barrier make sure can lead to serious injuries.
standards should be complied with. the packaging is intact. Check using the
No safeguards should be dismantled or shipping documents whether delivery is Installation
decommissioned. Safeguards provide complete. Install the barrier so that even when open
protection from serious physical injury. there is enough space upwards for the
Defective or non-functioning safeguards Speak to our shipping department before rejection beam. Comply with the required
can lead to serious or fatal injuries. you arrange a return. distance from live wires.
Tel: +49 2932.477900
Safety precautions for normal Ambient conditions
operation Please on no account send the barrier
• Refrain from any work procedure which back to us unless requested. Ambient Max. + 40º C min. -
damages the barrier. Unsafe work temperature 20ºC
procedures can lead to serious or fatal Dimensions/weight Storage Max. + 40º C min. -
injuries. temperature 5ºC
• If recognisable damage, defects or Dimensions Weight Vibration Deflection: ≤ 0.075
unusual noises or smells occur, (L x B x H) ( strength mm with 10… 57 Hz
immediately stop operating the barrier L x ∅) Frequency range Acceleration: 1 g
• Ensure that no person stays in the Base 150 x 160 x 14.5 kg 10… 150 Hz with 57 … 150 Hz
swivelling range of the barrier arm when 900 mm (according to EN
you activate the barrier Rejection 1,000 x 60 0.5 kg 60068-2-6)
beam mm 0.75 kg Prevention of electromagnetic noise
Risks from electricity 1,500 x 60 1.0 kg fields
• All work on the barrier’s electrical mm 1,5 kg
equipment should only be done by 2,000 x 60 Dimensions
trained and qualified electrical operators mm
• For work on the barrier there is an 2,500 x 60 Rejection Barrier Barrier
electrical risk from short mm beam closed opened
circuits/overloading which can also Remote 35 x 60 x 15 0.03 kg (length) (H + B (H + B +
throw out molten particles control mm _+ D) D)
• Electrical equipment should never be 1000 mm 900 x 1100 1900 x
cleaned with water or similar liquids Storage x 260 mm 200 x 260
Packaging for the barrier is only provided mm
Failure to observe this warning can lead for transportation and direct installation 1500 mm 900 x 1800 2400 x
to serious or fatal injuries. with the customer. x 260 mm 200 x 260
Warning of unauthorised changes The barrier should only be stored in a dry 2000 mm 900 x 2100 2900 x
The manufacturer should be notified of space. For longer storage times additional x 260 mm 200 x 260
retrofitting and changes. Unauthorised preservation measures are necessary. If mm
retrofitting or changes are not allowed for you have any questions about this, 2500 mm 900 x 2600 3400 x
safety reasons. Urbanus will be happy to help. x 260 mm 200 x 260
Unauthorised retrofitting or changes Installation/assembly
allow the warranty to lapse and invalidate General
the EU declaration of conformity or WARNING
manufacturer’s declaration. The barrier should only be installed by
trusted persons who are informed about
Transportation and storage

Assembly • Drive in the pins of the of the rivets When changing the battery: dispose
Installation with a hammer. of the old battery according to local
The base should be installed on a WARNING regulations.
foundation (concrete, high-load anchor or The barrier will not work if there is
plug, pitch 160mm)
• Place the base on the foundation
no barrier arm or it is too short/long. Dismantling
• Clamp the base vertically with the 4 The prescribed length is on the After the barrier’s deployment is
piece M8 screws barrier arm mount. over it is dismantled (final
Orient the base vertically (spirit level). decommissioning, scrapping).
Insert and connect batteries • Dismantling occurs in reverse
Assemble the barrier arm • Open the battery box with the key sequence to assembly
• Push the barrier arm until it locks on the • Close the connecting cable to the • Ensure the components are
mount battery. Make sure the polarity is disposed of according to grade
• Ensure that the holes for the riveting in correct • Dispose of the batteries according
the barrier arm are above the holes in the
• Place the battery as shown above in to local regulations
the battery box
[Diagram] • Close the battery box Operation
The barrier is now ready mounted Opening and closing the barrier
• Push the four rivets into the holes and ready for operating. • Before activating the barrier ensure
of the barrier arm that no persons or objects (e.g. cars)
WARNING are in the range of travel
• Ensure that you are close enough to In the event of defects If when closing the barrier arm
the barrier (max. distance 20 meters) Commissioning in the event of travels against an obstacle, the
• Briefly press the remote control emergency barrier remains briefly in this
buttton In emergencies you can move the position and then travels back
The barrier opens or closes. barrier arm upwards by hand up to upwards.
vertical position. If when opening the barrier arm
The remote control has 2 or 4 buttons If then you press the remote control travels against an obstacle, the
whose connection to several barriers button further, the barrier arm travels barrier remains in this position.
is freely programmable (can be to the end position. If you then press the remote control
learned) button again, the barrier arm travels
The upper left button is pre- Barrier arm travels against an again to an end position.
programmed as standard. obstacle

For no obvious reason the barrier Allocating remote control to Connection of barrier and remote
arm stops or travels half way back barriers control button then has to be learned
when closed. The barrier is allocated a remote for each barrier.
In this case you can adjust the HEX control as standard. A barrier can
switch S2 a bit higher on the circuit also be controlled by up to 25 remote
board which defines the current limit. controls (optionally available). Each Deleting the memory of the circuit
remote control can control up to 2 or board
[Diagram] 4 barriers independently of each
other. The connection of remote • Open the battery box
control and barrier can be learned. It • Press key S1 1 x. The LED blinks
Battery is dead is stored on the circuit board and can for 12 seconds.
If the cell voltage falls below a be deleted again on request.
particular level, the battery adjusts its [Diagram]
function and a red LED lights on the Example
circuit board. The circuit board is at A car park with 2 entrances. Each • Within the 12 seconds press key S1
the top of the battery box. entrance has two opposite barriers for and hold down until the LED turns
entrance and exit. A remote control on and off;
[Diagram] with 4 buttons can individually open • Release the S1 key. The LED
and close each barrier for up to 25 blinks 5x.
The battery should then be charged people with access authorisation with All accessories of the circuit board
on the grid or replaced with a full its own remote control. are now deleted.
battery. Individual accessories cannot be
But it is also possible to open and deleted
Setup close all (any number of) barriers
with a remote control button.

Mastering accessories If the remote control button is See above “Inserting and connecting
• Press key S1 (for channel 1 of the already linked to the circuit board, batteries”
circuit board). The LED blinks for 12 the LED lights up three times in
seconds. succession and the new allocation is Replacing the battery in the
• Press the desired remote control not possible. remote control
button within the 12 seconds. The If the indicator light on the remote
LED lights up and then goes out. Maintenance control does not light up when you
This concludes the learning process. WARNING Any maintenance press a button, the battery should be
work should only be carried out by replaced.
If you wish to learn how to use other trained and qualified personnel. • Remove the screw on the back of
remote control buttons with the same Failure to comply with this warning the remote control
barrier, for each button you must can lead to serious injuries. • Open the case of the remote control
select another channel of the circuit • Replace the battery with another
board (max. 4). Cleaning one of the same size and voltage
For channel 2 press key S1 2x. the • Clean the barrier at regular (23A 12V). Make sure it has the
LED blinks twice for 12 seconds. For intervals with a damp cloth and correct polarity
channel 3 press key S1 3x. for perhaps with some washing-up • Then close the case again and
channel 4 press 4x. The LED then liquid. Do not use any solvent or secure the back with the screw
blinks accordingly. During this time abrasive cleaner which could affect • Dispose of the old batteries
press the desired remote control the surface. according to local regulations
button. • If needed replace the fluorescent
If within the 12 seconds no remote strips on the barrier arm. Repair
control button is pressed the process WARNING Any repair work
is aborted. Replacing the battery should only be carried out by trained
and qualified personnel. Failure to new barrier arm of the same length open air m.
comply with this warning can lead to assembled (see “Assembling the Control voltage 6V DC
serious injuries. barrier arm” on page 15). Power consumption 12 W

Repair work should be carried out in Annex Technical customer service

the plant. If necessary send us the Technical data Our service is available from M-F
entire barrier. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
If only the barrier arm is broken, this Operating voltage 6 V DC Tel: 02932.477900
can be replaced by a qualified Frequency (remote 433 MHz Fax: 02932.477104
person. For this the impact rivets control) info@urbanus-design
should be removed (bored) and a Operating range in the Approx. 20

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