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Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

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Artificial intelligence and smart vision for building and construction 4.0:
Machine and deep learning methods and applications
Shanaka Kristombu Baduge a, *, Sadeep Thilakarathna a, Jude Shalitha Perera a,
Mehrdad Arashpour b, Pejman Sharafi c, Bertrand Teodosio d, Ankit Shringi b, Priyan Mendis a
Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010, Australia
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton 3800, Australia
School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia
College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, Footscray, VIC 3011, Australia


Keywords: This article presents a state-of-the-art review of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) in building and construction industry 4.0 in the facets of architectural design and
Machine learning visualization; material design and optimization; structural design and analysis; offsite manufacturing and
Deep learning
automation; construction management, progress monitoring, and safety; smart operation, building management
Internet of things
and health monitoring; and durability, life cycle analysis, and circular economy. This paper presents a unique
Building information modelling perspective on applications of AI/DL/ML in these domains for the complete building lifecycle, from conceptual
Smart vision stage, design stage, construction stage, operational and maintenance stage until the end of life. Furthermore, data
Convolution neural network collection strategies using smart vision and sensors, data cleaning methods (post-processing), data storage for
Generative adversarial network developing these models are discussed, and the challenges in model development and strategies to overcome
Artificial neural network these challenges are elaborated. Future trends in these domains and possible research avenues are also presented.

1. Introduction cloud computing, big data and data analytics, Blockchain, augmented
reality (AR), digital twins. Due to this digital transformation, massive
Building and construction industry is slowly but constantly evolving amounts of data are generated, and systematic analysis of these data and
embracing new technologies such as Digital Twin (DT), Building Infor­ predictive modeling can be used to generate innovative architectural
mation Modelling (BIM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things and structural designs, improve construction and operational safety,
(IoTs) and Smart Vision (SV) to further enhance the efficiency, pro­ reduce the embodied and operational energy requirements, reduced
ductivity, accuracy, and safety of the built environments. Industry 4.0, construction and operational costs, increased construction speeds,
or the fourth industrial revolution, refers to the transformation of the improved payback periods and enhance sustainability.
traditional industry practices and manufacturing methods into autono­ However, analyzing massive amounts of data and recognizing pat­
mous smart systems using state-of-the-art digital technologies. Along a terns by human or conventional computer programs using rule-based
similar line of thought, building and construction industry 4.0 can be approaches is not realistic. Therefore, the capability of AI to process
identified as the confluence of state-of-the-art industrial production massive amounts of data, recognize the pattern, and ability to build
systems, cyber-physical systems, and digital and computing technolo­ large-scale statistical models is a key facilitator of the building and
gies to redefine the building and infrastructure design, construction, construction industry 4.0 to process its digitized data. However, AI is a
operation, and maintenance while considering the circularity. Industrial concept introduced in the 1940s, and in general, AI can be identified as
production systems would include 3D printing and assembly, prefabri­ the science of developing intelligent machines or computer programs to
cation and offsite manufacturing, cyber-physical systems would include mimic human intelligence. In the last few years, the field of AI has seen a
IoT, robots, cobots, actuators, and digital and computing technologies substantial improvement in various domains such as computer vision,
would include BIM, AI, deep learning (DL), machine learning (ML), robotics, autonomous vehicles, language translation, gaming, medical

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Baduge).
Received 24 November 2021; Received in revised form 7 June 2022; Accepted 14 June 2022
Available online 24 June 2022
0926-5805/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

diagnosis, speech recognition, and generative designs. The core tech­ It is essential to have a good understanding about cutting-edge ML
nologies behind these advancements are machine learning and deep and DL algorithms and the next section discusses the basics of these
learning. Machine learning is a subfield of AI where predictions are algorithms and how to obtain input data that are necessary to train these
made based on past experiences. Machine learning can meaningfully ML and DL models. Then the applications of AI, ML and DL are discussed
transform the data and learn useful patterns and representations using aligning with the previously specified sections.
the input data. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning, and it
can be identified as a machine learning technique with multiple layers of 2. ML/DL algorithms and data acquisition
simple and adjustable computing elements. Deep learning is generally
performed using a stack of layers called neural networks. Deep learning This section will give a brief introduction to the ML/DL process,
with a stack of Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) is a widely used widely used ML/DL algorithms and state-of-the-art sensors and vision
technique at present due to the enhancement of computer power and technologies that can be used to collect data to be input into these
this is used extensively in the domains of visual object recognition, algorithms.
speech recognition, image synthesis, speech synthesis, and machine
translation. Domains of AI, ML, DL and widely used algorithms are 2.1. Machine learning
illustrated in Fig. 1: where MLP is Multi-Layer Perceptron, GAN is
Generative Adversarial Network, CNN is Convolutional Neural Net­ Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence where a
works, RNN is Recurrent Neural Network, LSTM is Long Short-Term computer observes a given set of data and generates a model based on
Memory Network and RBFN is Radial Basis Function Network. the input data which can be used to solve problems. ML is different from
There is a multitude of applications of AI, ML, and DL in the building traditional programming. In traditional programming, rules are coded in
and construction industry, and most of these applications came to reality a computer language without explicit learning from the data. In contrast
in the past few years due to the increased computational power with to traditional programming, ML uses data to generate predictive models
high performing graphics processing units (GPU), availability of which are then used for predictions with the unseen data. For some
advanced ML and DL algorithms and relative convenience of imple­ problems, it is extremely difficult to develop a rule-based program due
mentation of these algorithms using widely used computer languages, to the complexity of the code and ML can be used in these instances
ML and DL libraries, and software. provided sufficient data is available relevant to the considered problem.
This paper aims to summarise and review the state-of-the-art ML/DL Machine learning methods can be categorized in a variety of ways.
algorithms, data acquisition methods, applications of AI, ML, and DL in One of the prominent methods of categorization of ML models is by the
construction and building 4.0 and challenges. Applications of AI in the amount of supervision they get during the model training process. Here,
building construction industry have been divided into seven segments in the ML models can be categorized mainly as supervised learning, un­
this paper. These segments are architectural design and visualization; supervised learning, or reinforcement learning as presented in Fig. 3.
material design and optimization; structural design and analysis; offsite Supervised learning is where the dataset has both the predictors as well
manufacturing and automation; construction management, progress as the results which are termed ‘labels’. Initially, the supervised machine
monitoring and safety; smart operation, building management and learning model is trained using the labeled dataset as shown in Step 1 of
health monitoring; and durability, life cycle analysis and circular Fig. 3 and then inferences can be made for unseen data using the trained
economy as shown in Fig. 2. This review paper presents a holistic ML model. Two of the most widely used supervised tasks are classifi­
perspective of applications of artificial intelligence and computer vision cation and regression. In classification tasks, a discrete class label is
in the building and construction industry 4.0 and this paper is unique predicted, whereas in regression tasks, a continuous value is predicted.
compared to other papers because this covers the applications of AI and Some of the widely used supervised learning algorithms are k-Nearest
computer vision in the whole building lifecycle from the planning stage, Neighbors, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Logistic Regression, Linear
construction stage to operational and maintenance stages. Regression, and Neural Networks.

Fig. 1. Domains of AI, ML, DL and widely used algorithms.

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 2. Application AREAS of AI in building and construction industry 4.0.

Fig. 3. Categorization of machine learning.

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

In unsupervised learning, an unlabelled dataset is used to determine are numerous methods to calculate the losses such as mean squared
hidden patterns or intrinsic structures in data. Unsupervised learning is error, mean absolute error, and binary cross-entropy. By summing up
widely used for tasks such as clustering, anomaly detection, and novelty the losses for the entire training dataset and adding any regularization to
detection, visualization and dimensionality reduction. Reinforcement reduce the overfitting, the cost function will be calculated. The aim is to
learning is an ML method that trains the ML model by rewarding the minimize the cost function by adjusting the weights of the neural
desired behaviors and penalizing the undesired behaviors. The learning network by a method called backpropagation. The backpropagation
system known as reinforcement learning agent observes the environ­ calculates the gradient between error and the weights. Based on the
ment and take actions that will incur rewards or penalties. The aim is to gradient between error versus weights, optimization algorithms such as
find the best strategy called ‘policy’ by achieving the maximum rewards Adam, NAdam, Adadelta, Gradient descent can calculate the weights
over time. The action to be implemented in a given instance is deter­ which minimise the loss. The same dataset is processed numerous times
mined by the policy. to adjust these weights and then the trained model with minimized error
In addition to supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, can be obtained. The trained models have the adjusted weights for each
another category called semi-supervised learning is sometimes used. input data at each neuron and these weights are proportional to the
Semi-supervised learning is used in instances where the dataset is only relevance of input data for the output results. Finally, the model is used
partially labeled. to predict output using new data.

2.2.2. Convolutional neural networks

2.2. Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a unique type of Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) that can be used to process data with grid-like
DL is a subfield of machine learning as shown in Fig. 1 and DL can be topology. CNNs are mostly used in classification using images and
understood as the study of artificial neural networks and other related computer vision applications. CNNs mainly have three types of layers in
machine learning algorithms which consists of more than one hidden their architecture. These are convolution layer, pooling layer and fully
layer. Hence, the computation path in a deep learning algorithm has connected (FC) layer. In a typical CNN, convolutional layers are fol­
several steps from the inputs to the outputs. lowed by a pooling layer, or another convolutional layer and the FC
Compared with the previously discussed ML algorithms, DL algo­ layer is at the end as shown in Fig. 5.
rithms are generally useful with the higher dimensional data such as Input layer of the CNN holds the input image data. The convolution
images, video and audio due to the presence of long computational layer is the core building block of the CNN, and it uses a few components
paths. Some of the widely used DL algorithms in the construction and such as filter/kernel/feature detector and a feature map. The feature
building industry are briefly introduced in the following subsections. detector/filter/kernel is a 2D array of weights that is smaller than the
size of the image. A dot product is calculated between the pixel value of
2.2.1. Feedforward neural networks the image and the weights of the filters, and the result is fed into an
Feedforward neural networks (FNN), which are also known as the output array. This process is known as convolution and the feature de­
“Multi-Layer Perceptrons” (MLPs), are a widely used deep learning al­ tector is moved across the whole image to do this computation and
gorithm that only has information flowing in the forward direction determine the features. In this method, all the neurons of a layer are not
without any feedback. The architecture of the FNNs is shown in Fig. 4, inter-connected to neurons of the next layer like in NN (Fig. 4). Only
where circles represent the neurons. FNNs have multiple layers of neu­ neurons belonging to the filter are connected to the convolved neuron of
rons which are interconnected, and the input data is fed into the input the next layer (Fig. 5). The output from this process is known as a feature
layer and data is streamed through the hidden layers and the output map or an activation map, or a convolved feature and this method
layer yields the result. revolutionized the deep learning by reducing the links between neurons
A neuron in the hidden layer takes the input from the previous layer, leading to lower memory and processing demand for large input such as
calculates the weighted input (wixi) with the addition of a bias term (b), images, video, and audio. The depth of the output from the convolution
and transfers the result through a nonlinear activation function, f(x) as layer will depend on the number of filters. After the convolution layer,
shown in Fig. 4. Various nonlinear activation functions such as ReLu, an activation function is applied. The pooling layer is used to reduce the
sigmoid, softmax, tanh can be used depending on the application. dimension of the image by taking the sum and average of the domain.
The neural network can be trained using the dataset, and in this This process is also known as downsampling. The fully connected layer
training process, the output from the output layers of the network is is at the end of the network as shown in Fig. 5 and neurons in this layer
compared with the expected real values and the loss is calculated. There

Fig. 4. Schematic of a feedforward neural network and a single neuron.

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 5. Typical architecture of a CNN [1].

are fully connected to the activations in the previous layer. The filter called ‘generator’ and ‘discriminator’ in their architecture. The gener­
size, number of filters, padding and strides are the hyperparameters that ator is responsible for creating new features resembling the trained data
decide the architecture of the DL algorithms. The cost function will then in the dataset incorporating the feedback from the discriminator. The
be calculated based on the results compared with actual values, and the discriminator is responsible for identifying the real data from the data
weights of the kernels are updated by backpropagating this error. created by the generator and providing feedback to the generator about
There are different CNN types that have been developed by various the quality of the output images compared with the real images in the
researchers. Some of the well-known CNNs are AlexNet, VGGNet, and dataset. At the initial stages of the training, the generator creates
ResNet. obvious fake results and the discriminator can clearly identify these fake
results. However, as the training progresses, the generator can create
2.2.3. Generative adversarial networks results that can deceive the discriminator and if the training process is
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a deep learning algorithm successful, the discriminator starts to classify the fake data as real, and
that focuses on generative modeling to create images, videos, and au­ the accuracy of the discriminator reduces. Architectures of the GAN and
dios. Using GANs, new data instances can be created resembling the data conditional GANs are represented in Fig. 6.
in the training dataset. GANs use two types of deep neural networks There are several variations in GANs such as Progressive GANs,

Fig. 6. Architecture of (a) GAN and (b) cGAN.

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Conditional GANs, Cycle GANs, Text-to-image GANs, Super Resolution other basic sensors are widely used for data collection and these devices
GANs, InfoGANs, DCGANs and Wasserstein GANs. Most of these algo­ must be connected to a dedicated data acquisition system for data
rithms have been used in generative designs in building and construc­ collection. Sensors are available with or without specific data collecting
tion industry. systems. These data collection systems could be a large-scale Input/
Output (I/O) device, a portable data acquisition system, or a
2.2.4. Variational autoencoders microcontroller-based device capable of immediately connecting to the
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is another deep generative algorithm internet. Most new sensors with embedded microcontroller-based data
that has been widely used. A VAE is an autoencoder whose encodings gathering systems include cloud compatibility via Internet of Things
distribution is regularised throughout the training. An autoencoder (IoT). IoT entails embedding sensors in everything with the help of
consists of an encoder and a decoder neural network and a latent space smaller size, lower cost, and less energy consumption in new sensors and
(encoded space) as shown in Fig. 7. The encoder transforms old features connecting them to the internet via specific protocols for information
into a new feature representation in the latent space and the decoder exchange and communications to achieve intelligent analysis, moni­
reverses this process to try to reconstruct the original features. An toring, and management over a cloud-based system. Widely used sensor
Autoencoder is trained using the data and the best encoding-decoding types and connectivity protocols can be found in the literature.
scheme is sought through an iterative optimization process. When the RGB and Infrared Images and video-based vision systems are
latent space is well organized, new data can be generated through the becoming increasingly used in deep learning algorithms and variety of
decoder by decoding the points sampled from the latent space. Hence, cameras can be used for collecting image and video data. Cameras are
variational autoencoders regularize the training to ensure that the latent distinguished by the presence of an image sensor connected to a
space is well organized to facilitate the generative process. specialized visual data acquisition system. Depending on the type of the
sensors, there are various types of cameras available. The cost of the
2.2.5. Recurrent neural networks camera is primarily determined by the type of sensor utilized. The most
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is useful for generating predictions prevalent are RGB and monochrome cameras, which cover the visible
for sequential or time-series data. Similar to the ANNs and CNNs, RNNs wavelength range of 380–700 nm and are inexpensive. In newer RGB
use a dataset to train the algorithm. However, in contrast to the ANNs and Monochrome cameras, CMOS sensors are utilized, whereas in older
and CNNs, RNNs use prior inputs to influence the current input and cameras, CCD sensors are used. CCD and CMOS sensors can detect sig­
output from the network as shown in Fig. 8. nals in the 200 nm to 1100 nm wavelength range, which also includes
RNN also has different variants such as Long Short-Term Memory the UV, VNIR. InGas sensors are utilized in the Short-Wave Infrared
(LSTM), Bidirectional recurrent neural networks, Gated recurrent units (SWIR) wavelength range of 900 nm to 2400 nm. To detect MWIR (2400
(GRUs) which have been used in construction applications. nm to 5000 nm), InSb sensors are employed. Based on these camera
designs, there are primarily two forms of data gathering. One method is
2.2.6. Other machine learning and deep learning algorithms to capture the entire image and process the data based on pixels, which
In addition to the previously discussed algorithms, a multitude of ML is then used in a vision system. A vision system consists of cameras
and DL algorithms have been used by researchers in the domain of attached to a dedicated computer or PLC that run vision software and
construction and building industry. Some of these widely used ML and can interface with other devices (robots) via output ports (serial, par­
DL algorithms are presented in Table 1 with very brief descriptions. Even allel, PCI). Reflected energy from objects, on the other hand, can be
though ML and statistics have inherent similarities, there are some recorded in individual wavelengths utilizing spectroscopic imaging
obvious differences between the two. Statistics mainly focuses on technologies alongside camera sensors. Once the reflected wave energy
drawing population inferences from a sample and the main aim of ma­ is recorded, chemometrics methods can be used to identify the substance
chine learning is to find generalizable predictive patterns using data. based on its chemical properties.

3. Methodology
2.3. Sensors and vision systems for data acquisition

A three-step procedure was followed to identify the literature to be

ML and DL need data for training the models. The accuracy and
included in this review article. In the first step, journal papers, confer­
versatility of the developed models will vastly depend on having a good
ence papers and books were extracted from sources such as Scopus, Web
dataset. The majority of the time for an end-to-end ML/DL model
of Science, Google Scholar, SpringerLink and ProQuest. For the pre­
deployment is spent on the dataset which involves collecting, cleaning,
liminary search of the literature, previously mentioned seven major
analyzing, visualizing and feature engineering [2]. This section briefly
sections (architectural design and visualization; material design and
discusses the approaches for data collection in ML/DL in construction
optimization; structural design and analysis; offsite manufacturing and
and building industry applications.
automation; construction management, progress monitoring and safety;
Strain gauges, load cells, accelerometers, displacement measuring
smart operation, building management and health monitoring; and
devices (Laser, Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT), Draw-
durability, life cycle analysis and circular economy) were used as
wire), thermal, Infrared (IR), Ultraviolet (UV), air quality, sound, and

Fig. 7. Schematic of an autoencoder.

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 8. Schematic of an RNN.

and development of the structures considering the aesthetics and the

Table 1
function of the structure. The main components in the architectural
Widely Used ML and DL algorithms in building and construction applications.
design include planning the shape of the structure, considering the
ML/DL Algorithm Description aesthetics of the structure including the colours, texture, materials,
This is a supervised ML method that finds the linear line of generation of the layouts of the structures with the architectural ele­
Linear Regression
best fit for the given data. ments. Architectural design and visualization is a complex process that
Logistic regression is a supervised ML algorithm that is mostly
requires the expertise, past experience and creativity of the architects. AI
Logistic Regression used in binary classification which outputs the probabilities
for classification classes.
can assist in architectural design and visualization by considering the
This algorithm can be used for linear, non-linear regression, patterns in previous design data to generate new designs. Deep learning
Support Vector classification, and outlier detection. However, this is mostly algorithms have been used extensively in the architectural design and
Machines used for classification. SVM algorithm tries to find an optimal visualization domain with applications such as 2D and 3D generative
hyperplane in an N-dimensional space to classify data points.
architectural design, classification of architectural styles and building
Decision trees are also a supervised ML method that can be
used for both regression and classification. This algorithm types, architectural drawings and space recognition and indoor scene
Decision Trees
creates a tree-like model to predict the class or the value by synthesis.
using simple decision rules. Generative deep learning models such as GANs and VAEs have
This can be used for both regression and classification. This
demonstrated remarkable capabilities for generating innovative archi­
K- Nearest algorithm estimates the likelihood of a data point belonging
Neighbours to one class depending on the neighboring points in the
tectural designs in both 2D and 3D. GANs have revolutionized the
dataset. automated generative design of architectural features such as building
This algorithm is an ensemble of decision trees and attempts masses, floor plans, interior design plans and facades.
Random Forests to achieve a more accurate and stable result by merging the The generation of architectural floor plans using deep learning al­
decision trees
gorithms is a widely researched area. Chaillou [4] used GANs to
generate architectural drawings using a trained model with an image
keywords with the terms machine learning, deep learning and artificial dataset and this model was named ‘ArchiGAN’. In his work, several steps
intelligence. Two thousand five-hundreds and sixty-four articles were were followed to finally generate fully furnished architectural plans of a
identified through the preliminary search of the databases. building when the shape of the land is given as the input. Nauata et al.
In the second step, 1245 of these papers were excluded after reading [5] proposed House-GAN algorithm to generated layouts of houses using
the abstract and not meeting the relevant criteria for this paper. In the an innovative graph constrained GAN. Workflow of this algorithm is
third step, manual screening of 1247 full articles was carried out and illustrated in Fig. 10. Initial input to this algorithm is a bubble diagram
based on the suitability of these articles for this review article, 200 specifying the constraints such as connectivity of rooms, number of
literature papers were selected and included. rooms and type of the room. In this bubble diagram, nodes represent the
The critical focus of a paper and topics covered by the article can be rooms with their type and the edges represent the adjacency of the
understood by reading keywords. Accordingly, the occurrence of key­ rooms. Then the room masks are generated depending on the room type.
words to understand the correlation amongst papers was analyzed. Wasserstein GAN Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP) algorithm was used to
VOSviewer software [3] was used to create a network map of these train the models.
keywords which is presented in Fig. 9. The network map generated by Radford et al. [6] improved the conventional GAN and proposed
the software clearly represents several clusters of keywords where the Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) by including a set of constraints on
central theme of “Artificial Intelligence” is connected to key research the architecture of GAN and generated new bedroom designs. Use of
outlined before. The size of a node in Fig. 9 directly represents the fre­ DCGANs improved the stability of the generator training across a wide
quency of a keyword's occurrence in the literature, while the density of range of datasets and facilitated training with deeper networks and
link between any two nodes shows how frequently they are cited as a images with higher resolutions.
pair within the literature. Isola et al. [7] developed ‘pix2pix’ software using a conditional
In the upcoming sections, applications of AI, ML and DL methods for generative adversarial network (cGAN) and it was used to generate
the previously mentioned seven segments in the building and con­ building façades using a given layout of the façade. cGANs were pro­
struction industry are reviewed. posed by Mirza and Osindero in 2014 [8]. cGAN is also a generative
algorithm that considers conditions on an input image when generating
4. Architectural design and visualisation the output images. This pix2pix software has a wide range of applica­
tions including generating photos provided a sketch, generating color
Architectural design in the construction industry involves planning images from the input black and white pictures and synthesizing photos
from architectural labels. Wang et al. [9] proposed ‘pix2pixHD’ software

S.K. Baduge et al.

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Fig. 9. Main research interest clusters using co-occurrence network of keywords.
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Fig. 10. Workflow of House-GAN [5].

to extend the conditional image generation to high-resolution images. A the 3D representation of the architectural features can be achieved using
new objective function, a novel generator and a new discriminator were point clouds, voxel-based methods and using 2D views. However, 3D
proposed in pix2pixHD, and the resolution of the generated images was generative models require significant computational resources
enhanced to 2048 × 1024 compared with the 256 × 256 resolution in compared with the 2D generative models.
the original pix2pix software. Huang and Zheng [10] utilized pix2pixHD Even though GANs are very promising in the architectural design
algorithm to recognize and generate architectural drawings and discipline, it has some challenges and drawbacks as well. GANs are not
generate apartment layouts as shown in Fig. 11. able to generate architectural designs that are truly novel or innovative
Apart from 2D architectural generative design, 3D generative designs since the algorithm is trained using the previously available data. Also,
have also been performed by researchers using GANs. In this scenario, the lack of architectural data sets for some architectural subjects is

Fig. 11. Apartment Floor Layout Recognition and Generation using cGANs [10].

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

another challenge. This issue can be mitigated to some extent using data have been widely used to generate architectural features. Many appli­
augmentation techniques such as rotation, tilting and oversizing to cations of these optimization algorithms in building form generation
generate more data for the smaller datasets. Rapid convergence of the [29], façade design [30], energy efficient architectural design [31], floor
generator network can occur when working with GANs yielding only plan generation [32] can be found in previous literature.
few outputs with little diversity and this issue is known as “mode There are numerous commercial applications of AI in architecture.
collapse”. Also, training instability is another major issue in the GANs. Higharc company [33] uses AI to generate various architectural layouts
However, many remedial methods such as using modified objective for houses. Software tools such as Finch [34] uses ML and DL in various
functions, adding regularization to the objective and normalization of aspects in Architecture such as conceptual designs, plan generation and
parameters have been proposed to alleviate these issues [11]. building form generation.
In the realm of deep generative models, variational autoencoders is
another type of algorithm which is widely used. VAEs are used both in 5. Material design and optimisation
the 2D and 3D generative architectural designs. Wu et al. [12] proposed
an algorithm based on an encoder-decoder network to generate resi­ Selecting an appropriate construction material is an important aspect
dential floor plans by taking the perimeter of the house as an input. In once the architectural design phase is completed. Construction material
the proposed method, a living room is placed initially in the floor plans affects the speed of construction, durability, strength, energy efficiency,
using a CNN and then the other rooms are generated iteratively using emission, aesthetics and thermal comfort of the structure; and high-
two deep neural networks as shown in Fig. 12. Then the walls are performing materials and composites can be designed and developed
generated using an encoder-decoder network and locations of doors and considering these criteria using AI techniques.
windows are determined. Some of the generated floor plans using this To minimize material consumption, cost, and time due to exhaustive
algorithm are shown in Fig. 13. This algorithm could enforce the room testing, current investigations to develop models incorporating ML that
location constraints. However, more meaningful constraints such as the predict mechanical properties were performed by researchers [35].
area of different rooms and the orientation of the house could not be Present technologies with AI applications commonly focus on concrete,
introduced. steel and timber, targeting material properties and their microstructure.
‘Graph2Plan’ is another algorithm proposed for floor plan layout Concrete is the most used construction material in the world, and it has
generation based on GCNs and CNNs considering the user input layout been thoroughly researched [36]. Several studies have been conducted
[13]. In this algorithm, a more detailed introduction of layout con­ to predict concrete behavior using ANN, DL, SVM, GA and fuzzy logic.
straints including room adjacencies was possible. Most of the applications use ANN or SVM to predict concrete compres­
Generating vectorized architectural floor plans from rasterized im­ sive strength [37], tensile strength [38] and other mechanical properties
ages using deep learning is another widely investigated area. Many re­ such as elastic modulus [39]. Other applications consider concrete
searchers [14,15] have used deep learning algorithms such as GANs, exposed in an extreme environment, for instance, high temperature
ResNET, CNN, Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) to generate vector­ [40]. Few studies used ANN to predict the strength of concrete with
ized floor plans with high accuracy using rasterized images with varying nanomaterials [41], granulated blast furnace slag [42], fly ash [43], and
complexities. other mineral admixtures [44]. In the previous years, a growing interest
Table 2 presents a non-exhaustive list of the attempts to apply AI in in ANN and DL applications has been observed in property prediction of
architectural design in addition to the previously discussed applications. Fibre Reinforcement Polymer (FRP) [45], Recycled Concrete Aggregate
Even though the application of AI in architectural design is very (RCA) [46], and permeable pavements [47]. Durability aspects of con­
promising, there are some important factors and challenges that need to crete have also been widely investigated using AI algorithms. Concrete
be considered to attain the full potential of these algorithms. One major property prediction under sulphate attack [48], chloride penetration
consideration is the sourcing of a high-quality dataset suitable for the [49], and other durability aspects such as predicting carbonation depth
investigated issue. Another major consideration is the time and re­ [50] have been investigated in this domain.
sources taken to pre-process the data to be used in these algorithms. Data The main challenge to optimizing the use of concrete, timber and
pre-processing is an integral aspect of obtaining an ML model with high steel is to optimize the use and design based on an objective function and
accuracy. However, some algorithms require intensive data pre- various constraints. ML and DL algorithms can assist in this process of
processing before inputting into the model. Hence, this needs to be predicting various objective functions based on previous data. There can
considered when the data collection experiments are planned and at­ be a single objective function or multiple objective functions for the
tempts should be made to generate more robust algorithms to automate optimization. These objective functions generally include cost, perfor­
this time-consuming data pre-processing component. Training deep mance criteria such as compressive strength, shear strength and envi­
learning models with a large dataset is computationally intensive and ronmental criteria such as embodied carbon and embodied emissions
the time consumed for training can be reduced by using high- [51]. Various constraints are based on different decision variables in the
performance cloud computing with GPUs. optimization problem and these can be imposed by the designer, client
In addition to the machine learning and deep learning algorithms requirements and building standards. Construction material optimiza­
discussed previously, rule-based generative algorithms such as genetic tion is mostly carried out for concrete due to its composite nature with
algorithms (GA) [26], simulated annealing [27], cellular automata [28] multiple ingredients.

Fig. 12. Schematic of the Workflow to Determine Room Locations [12].

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 13. Generated Floor Plans by Wu et al. [12].

Table 2 Table 3
Applications of artificial intelligence in architectural design. Applications of ML, DL algorithms in construction materials.
Application Algorithm Used/Proposed Reference Construction Predicted Property ML/DL Algorithm Used with
Material References
FloorNet (A combination of
Generate floor plans using a video [16]
three neural networks) ANN [35]
Generate 3D room layouts using a SVM [35]
DuLa-Net [17]
single RGB panaroma Decision Trees [55]
Generate conceptual architectural Linear Regression [56]
GCN and GAN [18]
designs Compressive Strength Random Forest [57]
Indoor scene synthesis CNN [19] Naïve Bayes [58]
Automated recognition of spaces in Logistic Regression [58]
DeepLabV3+ [20] [21]
an architectural floor plan k-Nearest Neighbors [58]
Generation of urban building forms ANN [22] Ensemble [59]
Generation of early-stage Damage Index Decision Trees [60]
self-sparse GAN [23]
architectural design sketches ANN [61]
Generation of 3D decorative CurveInfoGAN, VAE and SVM [62]
architectural parts Evolutionaly Algorithm Gaussian Process Regression
Shear Capacity
House style recognition CNN [25] Concrete [63]
Random Forest [64]
XGBoost [65]
Most optimizations are mainly performed using optimization algo­ Tensile Strength
ANN [66]
rithms such as linear programming, second-order conic optimization, SVM [67]
Slump ANN [68]
metaheuristic optimization algorithms and ML/DL is applied mainly for Drying Shrinkage ANN [69]
the property prediction as a part of the optimization process [51]. Ap­ Coefficient of Thermal
Random Forest [70]
plications of ML/DL in material optimization in previous research are Expansion
mostly on optimization of environmental performance [52], cost [53], ANN [71]
Chloride Permeability
Ensemble [72]
strength [54].
ANN [73]
A non-exhaustive list of ML, DL algorithms used in material property Elastic Modulus SVM [74]
prediction is presented in Table 3 with the algorithms used. Non Linear Regression [75]
DL/ML can assist in microstructural analysis, surface and bond Yield Strength
SVM [76]
characteristics investigation of construction materials. Most of these Random Forests [76]
SVM [76]
investigations have also used ANN. They are summarized in Table 4. Tensile Strength
Random Forests [76]
ANN [77]
6. Structural analysis and design Steel k-Nearest Neighbors [77]
Fatigue Strength
Random Forest [77]
XGBoost [78]
AI algorithms can assist in structural analysis and design process ANN [77]
once the construction material has been selected. Structural design is Fracture Strength k-Nearest Neighbors [77]
commonly carried out using analytical models created from funda­ Random Forest [77]
Compressive Strength ANN [79]
mentals or simply through codes of practice or/and using computer
Bending Strength ANN [80]
simulations based on numerical simulations such as Finite Element Timber
Moisture Content ANN [81]
Analysis (FEA). When it comes to AI algorithms, their blackbox nature is Thermal Conductivity ANN [82]
the main challenge to integrating in real-world structural engineering
design. However, there are some ambiguous and unpredictable design
challenges where designs are based on statistical analysis and probabi­ The complexity of seismic events makes it difficult to efficiently
listic theories where the benefits of AI in resolving those uncertainties identify the earthquake response and extract indicative features from
outweigh the disadvantage of blackbox nature. This section discusses the continuously detected seismic data, affecting the performance of tradi­
use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve certain aspects of structural tional seismic load and response models for structures and impeding
engineering. Seismological design, buckling and fatigue analysis, seismology growth in general. AI techniques can aid in this and can be
loading capacity prediction, and damage level prediction of existing used as effective statistical tools to address these difficulties, leveraging
structures for retrofitting are among the topics discussed. Finally, in their advantages in data analysis. AI helps in finding unknown features
comparison to traditional design approaches, how new features such as by extracting useful sensing data from noisy data and revealing seismic
generative design can aid structural design by providing a greater occurrences that are below the detection level. Another significant
number of design possibilities are discussed. aspect is the use of AI to assist in the architectural design process with

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Table 4 conducted a conceptual computer-aided engineering (CAE) to demon­

DL/ML assisted microstructural analysis of construction materials. strate the future possibilities of structural engineering. In their study,
Application Description ML/DL Algorithm they proposed a deep learning-based CAD/CAE system in the conceptual
Used with design phase that generates 3D CAD drawings automatically and ana­
References lyses their engineering performance. Fig. 14 depicts the usage of DNN,
Concrete compressive strength CNN, and transfer learning in CAD and CAE.
prediction using microstructural CNN [83]
7. Offsite manufacturing and automation
Self-healing of concrete ANN [84]
Prediction of steel reinforcement
Material Offsite manufacturing and automation can accelerate the construc­
microstructure based on
microstructure ANN [85]
manufacturing processes such as tion of the building than conventional on-site construction once the
rolling and cooling structural analysis and design process is complete. This domain is an
Carbonation of reinforced concrete
ANN [86] integral part of the building and construction industry 4.0. Currently,
causing steel corrosion
Microcosmic variation in timber offsite manufacturing is widely used in prefabricated buildings where
ANN [87]
affecting compressive strength modules or panels are fabricated in a factory and then transported and
Model and predict surface roughness
ANN [88] assembled on site. However, from the design of the layouts of the
indices of concrete
modules to the fabrication of the modules are done using either manual
Tile-wall bonding integrity
considering surface roughness
SVM [89] methods or using programmed software. The future of offsite
Estimate concrete surface roughness manufacturing, which is closely associated with expanding automation
CNN [90]
through image processing through robotics and AI, inevitably makes prefabricated and modular
Investigation of surface roughness buildings a more obvious choice in substituting for many conventional
coefficients of metals and ANN [91]
Surface and bond construction practices [107]. Transitioning from conventional con­
Failure assessment of steel-steel struction practices to an industrialized construction system required
ANN [92]
connections due to earthquake many drivers such as AI, BIM, Lean construction as shown in Fig. 15.
Estimate the ultimate capacity of arc
ANN [93] Integrated analysis for manufacturing's big data, which is the source of
spot welding
intelligence, is beneficial to all aspects of automation in offsite
Estimate stress concentration factors
of steel joints
ANN [94] manufacturing. The uptake of smart offsite manufacturing through
Evaluate bending stresses in bolt prefabrication and standardized modular systems closely depends on the
ANN [95]
connection to steel plates successful employment of main emerging enablers such as automation
and AI, so the raw materials are efficiently converted to components and
sub-assemblies that fit into the manufacturing and assembly process
the knowledge of seismology. The failure of the structural system which [108]. Besides, the digital twin paves the way for the cyber-physical
did not considered well in the architectural design phase leads to un­ integration of offsite manufacturing, which is an important bottleneck
expected revisions in the implementation project phase and cost time towards the industrialized production of smart buildings.
and money. To circumvent this, deep learning and ImageAI python li­ For the automation of construction manufacturing, a tremendous
brary can be used to construct an Irregularity Control Assistant (IC transformation has taken place in the past years with the emerging ap­
Assitant) that can offer architects with general information regarding plications of AI. Automated construction includes different techniques,
the suitability of structural system decisions [96]. such as prefabrication of building parts, ready-made modules, and ro­
Buckling and fatigue analysis of structural components can also be botic technology. Smart robotics have been progressing rapidly to drive
improved using AI algorithms and models. Jimenez-Martinez and a wide range of semi- or fully autonomous construction applications. For
Alfaro-Ponce [97] studied the fatigue of steel components using a neural offsite manufacturing, robots can typically be divided into ground robots
network approach. In terms of structural member instability, the buck­ and aerial robots. Ground robots have been developed to automate some
ling behaviour of structural elements under axial stress was predicted manual processes and take over repeatable tasks, such as brick-laying,
using an artificial neural network technique for a variety of geometries masonry, prefabrication, assembly, model creation, rebar tying, demo­
including shells [98], panels [99], and I-section beams [100]. lition, and some other activities to enhance efficiency, quality and
Loading capacity and damage level prediction in existing structures safety. Aerial robots, on the other hand, equipped with image acquisi­
for retrofitting can also be improved using AI. Tan et al. [101] and Padil tion systems are widely being employed for and efficiently automated
et al. [102] used a non-probabilistic artificial neural network models land survey, scanning, site monitoring, and structure health monitoring.
using vibration data to detect, localise, and quantify damage in steel Both types of robots are being trained by various machine and deep
beams. More detailed review of application of vibration based damage learning algorithms, and thus they can be equipped with the talent to
detection from traditional methods to machine learning and deep learn from data and conditions.
learning has been discussed by Avci et al. [103]. Determining the flex­ To evaluate measurements and precisely verify the quality of precast
ural loading capacity of existing RC structures is problematic since concrete panels, trained inspectors are currently used, and the process is
cracks and damage at the time of assembly are difficult to quantify. As a time-consuming. One such method of dimensional quality testing of
result, retrofitting is frequently done on the safe side with a lot of cost precast concrete panels is terrestrial laser scanning [111]. In the
associated. In one study by Zhang et al. [104] used ML techniques to manufacturing stage, with camera sensors, and in the assembly stage,
estimate the steel weight loss distribution from the observational with 3D laser sensors, AI can be employed as a more cost-effective op­
corrosion-induced crack distribution of RC beams, which can then be tion for these quality assessment criteria.
used to predict flexural load. Machine learning algorithms are being incorporated into the addi­
Deep learning-based automated generative design and analysis can tive manufacturing processes, also known as 3D printing, and change the
be conducted using AI algorithms. By using a deep learning approach, future of digital and intelligent manufacturing. Increasing the level of
automated structural analysis and design of prestressed members can be automation, involvement of more sophisticated robots, and flexibility of
achieved. For example, deep learning and grid search accessible shapes and consequently more optimised solutions are some advantages
hyperparameters can be used to anticipate optimum prestressing of of additive manufacturing techniques being improved by AI [110]. In
members without requiring structural engineers to perform endless practice though, the applications of AI methods in additive
analysis and design iterations [105]. Yoo et al. [106] has actively manufacturing are still limited to checking printability [112], and

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 14. Deep CAD/CAE framework [106].

Fig. 15. Transitioning from a conventional construction to industrialised construction.

modularisation for prefabrication techniques [113]. AI techniques can Optimisation (ACO) have been developed in this regard [116]. ANNs are
also play even a more effective role in the emerging technology of 4D utilized by Navarro-Rubio, Pineda [117] as a predictive analysis tech­
printing, which adds the fourth dimension of time into 3D printing, nique to anticipate the efficient structural design of a prefab concrete
enabling the 3D printed objects to change their shape and behavior over connection. Several other algorithms have also been developed to
time in response to external stimuli, like heat, light, temperature, and identify the collision-free tool path for optimum performance additive
others [114]. Also, in the past decade, a great improvement has been manufacturing techniques in offsite construction. On application of
achieved in the applications of 3D or 4D printing in manufacturing these algorithms are on the performance of multiple nozzle systems
through cloud-based 3D printing empowered with AI techniques that based on the single-nozzle approach in 3D printers that can help develop
can optimize and enhance the printing processes and management with an intelligent additive manufacturing system [110]. He et al. [118]
regard to productivity, knowledge transfer, collaboration, and universal developed a program interfaced within BIM for generating the geometry
software development [115]. details of 3D-printed modules, while providing a robotic simulation of
Regarding the advancement in the development of AI algorithms in 3D printing to explore a flexible plan in producing the 3D-printed
offsite manufacturing, a wide range of heuristic algorithms have been modules or components. Steuben et al. [119] proposed an automated
developed for automation and modularisation of construction, whose AI algorithm for optimum geometry partitioning for 3D printing of
data can be used for combining the knowledge domains in construction different objects used in prefabrication. Also, generative algorithms are
manufacturing with machine learning techniques. Over the past few being employed to optimize the material distribution, which is a key
decades, a number of prediction models including ANN and Ant Colony benefit associated with additive Manufacturing [120]. Vacharapoom

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

and Dawood [121] developed an innovative planning system and its 8.1. Application of AI for improvements in construction management
prototype called artificial intelligence planner for data integration to
encourages the automation in the offsite manufacturing planning pro­ Focus of the majority of publications in construction management
cess and improve the efficiency of the production plans for bespoke was on the optimization of project costs by application of AI. Another
precast concrete products. main focus was on cost or cash flow optimization for construction pro­
Chen et al. [122] proposed an algorithm to facilitate automated jects using intelligent algorithms such as GA, SVM and ANN, Particle
scheduling problems of the production of prefabricated bathroom units Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). SVM
manufacturing with space constraints. A similar approach was employed was used across multiple publications to optimize cash flow [126], and
to address the problem with precast concrete systems by Li et al. [123]. for project duration prediction by Cheng et al. [127] and for solving
An integrated, comprehensive planning system dubbed the ‘Artificial complex problems related to resourcing, cost optimization and waste
Intelligence Planner’ (AIP) has been developed to improve the efficiency minimization [128].
of production planning processes in order to eliminate uncertainties in Another area of focus for construction management was prediction of
design and offsite manufacturing by Benjaoran and Dawood [124]. project success based on multiple factors. Decision support systems
Kaveh and Sharafi [125] developed some algorithms using design (DSS) employing various algorithms such as ANNs and GAs were used to
structure matrices with applications in the modularisation of complex categorize, predict and optimize factors leading to project success [129].
building systems that facilitate automated design for manufacture and ACO was used for determining the critical path for complex projects by
assembly (DfMA) of modular systems. AI algorithms also have a great Duan et al. [130] while constraint programming was used to solve
potential in the management of manufacturing platforms with regard to multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problems by Menesi
processes and supply chain, as well as error compensation. et al. [131]. Estimation of worker productivity has also been investi­
gated by various researchers using AI algorithms [132]. Computer vision
8. Construction management, progress and safety and DL algorithms have been used to identify workers onsite and
monitor their productivity as shown in Fig. 16 [133].
Improvements in construction technology have led to better con­ Risk management is another aspect of construction management that
struction quality with improved construction durations. Construction has benefitted from application of artificial intelligence. Long short-term
management involves managing the construction project through proj­ memory (LSTM) was used for cost index forecasting (price trend indi­
ect planning, coordination, budgeting, supervision. At present, these cator) for highway construction industry by Cao et al. [134] to minimize
processes are performed using the experience of the engineers and using cost risks. Similarly, an AI based system to rank and select contractors
commercially available software. Progress monitoring is also carried out best suited for the job while minimizing project management efforts and
using manual extraction of information from sites such as taking photos project costs without delays was developed by Kashiwagi et al. [135].
and documenting the progress. Construction safety is also administered Addressing traditional method for risk management, use of SVM in
onsite using manual supervision methods. However, these processes can combination with Random Forest (RF), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Lo­
be automated using AI to enhance the efficiency and the accuracy. This gistics Regression (LR) and Decision Tree (DT) algorithms to develop
section reviews the applications of AI in construction management, safety indicator for the risk level of a site was demonstrated by Poh et al.
progress monitoring and construction safety. [136]. The only use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) was seen in

Fig. 16. Construction worker identification using computer vision and DL algorithms [133].

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

the method developed by Soibelman et al. [137] for generating a data­ is presented in Table 5.
base for construction knowledge documentation.
9. Smart building operation and health monitoring
8.2. Application of AI for improvements in construction safety
9.1. Introduction
There have been a lot of applications of AI, ML and DL in monitoring
and improving construction safety and most of the research in this Traditional buildings lack sensors, resulting in a lack of important
domain employ neural networks. Region-based convolutional neural data that is crucial in the decision-making phase of building manage­
network (RCCN) and single-shot multi-box detector (SSD) were used for ment and maintenance. Collecting data and designing a building man­
object detection and increased safety in construction environments by agement system that combines all elements is a difficult challenge due to
Liu et al. [138]. ANN-based approach was used to predict the adoption significant variations in building components, large amounts of data,
potential or acceptability of a new formwork system by Elazouni et al. variability of building dynamics, weather, and unavoidable un­
[139]. Similarly, ANN was used to estimate the factor of safety for slope certainties. In modern buildings, IoT is the backbone for efficiently
stabilization during construction by Foong et al. [140] and to analyze collecting this data and later analyzing it using technologies such as AI.
data from wearable sensors used by workers while manually lifting loads The use of AI in operational and building management cannot be dis­
by Pistolesi et al. [141]. Automated training was developed by Bangaru cussed without mentioning the term “smart building,” which refers to an
et al. [142] to train workers for earplug wearing. ANNs were used by efficient environment achieved through optimized structures, services,
Aythan et al. [143] to predict future safety problems by utilizing systems, as well as the interrelationships between them. In a smart
collected big data and to predict outcomes of construction incidents. building, various technologies are combined to provide the occupants
Furthermore, SVM was used to analyze complicated scaffolding with high-grade and safe, secure and cost-efficient services, including
structures in real-time and assess scaffold safety conditions by Sakha­ data analytics, data collecting, data storage and data viewing [164]. A
karmi et al. [144] while it was used in combination with linear schematic of a smart building and integration of AI is shown in Fig. 17.
discriminant analysis (LDA), ANN, and k-nearest neighbor for analysis of The key component of AI is “data”. If the training data is varied and
cloud data by Chen et al. [145] in multiple project areas such as safety copious, AI/ML solutions will deliver superior results. IoT devices pro­
management and construction management. SVM was also used by Goh vide a large volume of data that contains critical information about the
et al. [146] along with other ML algorithms to develop models for pre­ physical environment. The pattern and irregularities will not be recog­
dicting unsafe behavior by analyzing the relationship between the nized if they are processed using traditional programming. AI could be
cognitive factors and behavioral data. used to analyze patterns and trends and make judgments based on that
NLP was used for the analysis of databases and to predict outcomes of information. Cloud computing systems make big data processing easier
safety incidents, provided an incident has taken place or there are suf­ and allow for intelligent decision-making based on machine learning
ficient indicators present in a construction project to predict an incident. and big data analysis.
NLP was used in conjunction with CNNs to review accident precursors Historically, the primary focus of AI research in the context of smart
from injury reports and to provide a prediction of the outcome of an buildings has been on energy conservation. Building owners and oper­
incident given that an incident has occurred by Baker et al. [147]. Case- ators also have a preference for technology and tactics that may
Based Reasoning (CBR) was combined with Rule-based reasoning (RBR) immediately lead to cost reductions. In addition, an integrated building
algorithm by Niu et al. [148] to interpret data from smart construction management system (BMS), which offers protocol access to various
objects (sensors), ultimately leading to an OHS management system. manufacturers and the use of IoT technology to make substantive energy
Similarly, CBR was used by Campbell et al. [149] to improve hazard savings is utilized for energy management, monitoring and comfort
identification and management during a worker's daily tasks of identi­ purposes. This novel integration method's approach is backed by new
fying hazards and determining appropriate mitigations. Construction trials with developing AI technologies and interaction with robotic ML,
equipment tracking has also been investigated widely using AI algo­ among other things.
rithms [150] and most of these studies used CNN. This can ensure
worker safety as well as the productivity of operations. 9.2. Energy and emission management
Innovative platforms such as Newmetrix [151] are commercially
available to provide onsite safety monitoring and predictive analytics Buildings utilise around 40% of all energy produced globally.
and suggest best practices for enhanced construction safety. Because of global warming, energy conservation in buildings is an

8.3. Application of AI for improvements in progress monitoring Table 5

Applications of ML/ DL algorithms in construction management, progress
Construction progress monitoring is an essential aspect of delivering monitoring and construction safety.
the project on time. SVM has been used for progress monitoring using Application ML/DL algorithm used with references
point clouds and 4D BIM by Golparvar-Fard et al. [152] while it has been
ANN [138] [155]
used to identify and document concrete regions in construction photo­ Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [157]
graphs for as-built component identification by Zhu et al. [153]. Answer SVM [158]
Construction Management
Set Programming (ASP) has been used to analyze a knowledge base Decision Trees [159]
generated using Ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors for progress monitoring K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) [160]
Logistics Regression [160]
by Johansen et al. [154]. Markov process was used to update real-time ANN [161]
forecast of tunneling project based on lithology when using Tunnel CNN [134]
Progress Monitoring
boring machine (TBM) while fuzzy logic and fusion-regression were SVM [153] [161]
used to predict the productivity of workers and machinery in order to KNN [162]
ANN [141] [144]
provide progress forecasts [155].
CNN [163]
Commercial applications such as BuildAI [156] is currently used by KNN [145]
the construction industry to monitor the progress using AI combined Construction Safety SVM [145] [148]
with a plethora of sensors fixed in the construction sites. LSTM [140]
A non-exhaustive list of the applications of ML/DL algorithms in Random Forest [136]
Decision Trees [136]
construction management, progress monitoring and construction safety

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 17. Components of a smart building and integration of AI.

essential subject. A significant portion of this energy is utilised to keep which they compared to traditional ANNs, SVMs and RNNs. Ma et al.
the building's inhabitants comfortable. Current systems are inefficient [171] introduced the concept of Smart Building Cluster (SBC) as the
because they rely on sensors that run pre-programmed software that do joint operation of multiple Smart Buildings (SBs) could be more ad­
not adapt to changing conditions. There are many AI-based methodol­ vantageous than the independent operation of each individual SB In a
ogies being used to enhance thermal comfort in indoor spaces. A review smart grid environment. Zhang et al. [172] have performed data anal­
of the current state-of-the-art can be found in Ngarambe et al. [165] ysis using the IoT generated building data to derive an accurate thermal
focused on thermal comfort predictive models using diverse ML algo­ comfort model for smart building control. A deep neural network (DNN)
rithms and their deployment in building control systems for energy is used by them to model the relationship between the controllable
saving purposes. Seyedzadeh et al. [166] have also provided a review on building operations and thermal comfort. Pham et al. [173] suggested a
the use of four main ML approaches including ANN, support vector Random Forests (RF)-based prediction model to estimate short-term
machine, Gaussian-based regressions and clustering, in forecasting and energy usage in numerous buildings at the hourly level. The efficacy
improving building energy performance. Mehmood et al. [167] reem­ of the RF model was tested using five one-year datasets of hourly
phasized in their review paper that AI, when combined with big data, building energy usage. One Taikoo Place is Hong Kong's first AI-enabled
can tremendously increase the energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness building, completed in 2018, and equipped with Arup Neuron, an AI
of buildings that are designed to provide occupants with comfortable smart building console that saves energy through advanced data ana­
indoor living environment. Some interesting energy optimization lytic capabilities, machine learning, and predictive maintenance algo­
methods developed using AI are discussed in the following sections. rithms [174].
Data-driven predictive modeling has gained huge interest due to its
flexibility in model development and the rich data available in modern 9.3. Climate controlling systems
buildings. Fan et al. [168] used deep learning to enhance the perfor­
mance of building cooling load prediction. Balancing between energy Sustainable use of total energy consumption with heating, ventila­
conservation and comfort management is an issue in modern building tion, and air-conditioning (HVAC) accounts for a substantial percentage
automation which can often be diametrically opposed to each other. of a building's energy end-use. Compared to current technology, auto­
Verma et al. [169] proposed a design for a multi-agent topology-based mated Fault Detection and Diagnosis (AFDD) has the potential to
building management system using AI to optimize energy consumption significantly enhance the energy efficiency of various HVAC systems and
and comfort by managing temperature, illuminance and CO2 concen­ components. Lee et al. [175] proposed a real-time fault diagnostic model
tration within a building. Mocanu et al. [170] sought to use deep for air-handling units (AHUs); the model used deep learning to improve
learning methods to predict a building's energy consumption through the operational efficiency of AHUs and thereby reduce the energy con­
the application of Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (CRBM) sumption of HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in
and Factored Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (FCRBM) buildings. On the other hand, the effects of operating restrictions on the

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

chiller, duct, damper, and ventilation are critical for determining energy algorithms perform exponentially good in handling the huge volume of
savings. They have proposed a large multizone commercial building image data and Kim et al. [178] proposed a pedestrian detection model
energy management system that blends distributed optimization with based on deep CNN for the classification of pedestrians from the input
adaptive learning. One Taikoo Place's Neuron system uses a central re­ images.
pository or a common data model to improve operation workflows and
replace manual processes through digitalization and automation [174]. 9.5. Smart building cities

9.4. Security Smart buildings are the primary starting point for transforming cities
into smart cities. Smart cities must have three characteristics: they must
Another critical operational function of a structure is occupant se­ be instrumented, linked, and intelligent. Smart buildings are micro­
curity. There is considerable potential for AI technology to be used to cosms of smart cities, with overlapping demands ranging from control­
improve the safety of building inhabitants and security based on the ling lighting and energy to providing people with security and safety.
vision systems and sensors. The literature reveals that some research The concept of a smart city is the most prominent modern trend,
efforts have been conducted into the use of AI to improve safety within combining the concepts of smart mobility, smart economics, smart
Smart Buildings and that these systems have clear use cases and po­ people, smart governance, smart environment, and smart lifestyle.
tential benefits as discussed in following paragraphs. Smart city characteristics need the construction and operation of
There are technologies ranging from fire and danger detection sys­ buildings and infrastructure. A conceptual illustration of an operational
tems to systems capable of detecting hazardous chemical pollutants. The smart city [179] is shown in Fig. 18.
present state-of-the-art fire detection and alarm systems in smart When the smart buildings are interconnected into a smart city
buildings have been examined by Liu et al. [176]. They identified new network, the smart building itself can impact the behavior of the other
technologies and concepts created to increase the capacity of the fire smart buildings or infrastructure because it becomes a consistent outside
protection systems for smart buildings. The study outlined the advan­ environment element influencing the other elements of the network.
tages of a fire sensor system using video cameras, computers and AIs for When confronted with complicated environmental challenges and vast
sensing and tracking flames., an AI-based company, sells amounts of data, AI systems have the ability to make knowledge-based
readily available AI algorithms that can detect fire and smoke and can be judgments that balance the city's environmental results against its peo­
deployed at edge computers in a matter of days [177]. ple's social and economic well-being. AI systems may be used to detect
Detecting and tracking pedestrians is an important part of smart environmental changes like temperature, moisture, emissions, water
building surveillance. Architects are focused on the design of smart pollutants, noise, and other environmental indicators. AI systems can
buildings as sensor technology advances. Traditional image classifica­ detect such abnormalities to react to the changes and swiftly implement
tion approaches, such as histograms of orientated gradients filters and solutions to any problems [180]. Most importantly, disaster manage­
ML algorithms, struggle to perform effectively with large volumes of ment in cities improved with these AI-driven variation detection systems
pedestrian input photos [178]. The advancements in deep learning [181]. Toyota is currently constructing a 175-acre smart city in Japan

Fig. 18. Conceptual Illustration of an operational smart city [179].

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

[182], and Terminus Group, a Chinese technology firm, is planning to classification, localization, and segmentation. Fig. 19 illustrates the
build an AI city in the Chongqing Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone frequent crack detection approaches: classification, object localization,
[183]. and pixel-level segmentation.
The majority of deep computation vision-based algorithms rely
9.6. Structural health monitoring (SHM) and durability heavily on pre-processing methods such as edge detection and seg­
mentation. Current crack detection algorithms in use, such as CrackNET
Material deterioration through time, as well as dynamic loading such [208], CrackNETR [209], UNET [210], etc. have various reported
as wind, earthquake, and ambient vibration, can cause infrastructure to drawbacks when used in real-world applications due to demanding sit­
lose its design capacity and require maintenance or demolition due to uations such as weather, temperature, camera position, and quality,
loss of intended performance. Historically, these conditions were shadow, and light, and so on. Compared to manufacturing, where
assessed through manual inspection or testing. SHM, on the other hand, computer vision is more advanced, and conditions are controlled, these
has arisen, utilizing various sensors to expedite periodic inspections and issues are more severe in civil engineering.
decrease the direct and indirect expenses associated with undesired Effective maintenance techniques can save building maintenance
failure of aging infrastructure [184]. expenses, which account for more than 65% of annual facility man­
Recently, the constraints on sensor measuring capabilities have been agement costs [211], as well as lengthen the service life of building
addressed as the cost of micro-controllers has decreased dramatically. components. Predictive maintenance, also known as condition-based
However, as datasets grow larger and larger, the process of data analysis maintenance, differs from reactive or preventive maintenance in that
must increase as well. Unlike classic statistic and physics-based struc­ it aims to detect incipient failures and eventual degradation based on the
tural health monitoring (SHM) models, data-driven models provide so­ detection of trends in component conditions using historical data so that
lutions for identification and forecasting durability and life cycle, early actions can be taken [212]. This method is heavily reliant on
including damage detection and remaining life prediction [185]. operational data gathered and communicated by sensors. Several
The application of ML to SHM and damage detection involves three machine-learning algorithms, such as ANN, SVM, and Markov chains,
main steps. First, field data are collected using applicable sensors. can be used to anticipate the status of building components. However,
Relevant features are then extracted from the collected data. Finally, deep learning is not well suited to every problem/building as not every
extracted features are processed and results are assessed for insights on building produces large data sets for training. Other limitations of
the condition of a structural system. Research studies in the application implementing such system often associated with technical limitations
of ML to SHM have commonly used classification techniques and related to solution complexity as well as to legal and financial re­
anomaly detections to identify potential problems early on. The imple­ strictions. Also, the performance of predictive maintenance applications
mentation of SHM algorithms can be further classified into the visual depends on the appropriate choice of the machine learning method.
approach and non-visual approach. Through artificial neural network (ANN) layers, deep learning based
The visual SHM approach has been widely used in damage identifi­ SHM techniques seek to build completely automated feature extraction
cation. Visual techniques mainly use edge detection in identifying and hierarchical representation mechanisms from raw input data [213].
damage and cracks. Techniques implemented for damage identification However, the lack of sensor data corresponding to different damage
are primarily pattern recognition, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), scenarios continues to remain a challenge. Most of the supervised
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and Deep Learning (DL) [186]. machine-learning/deep-learning techniques, when trained using this
Visual SHM was used in various structural applications such as bridges, inherently limited data, lack robustness and generalizability. Physics-
buildings, tunnels and pavements, and structural concrete elements informed learning, which involves the integration of domain knowl­
[187]. In the past, the most advanced vision-based method utilized in edge into the learning process can be considered as a potential remedy to
civil engineering was digital image correlation to quantify stress. The this challenge [214].
common goal of computer vision is to replace traditional inspection with
a rapid, affordable, safe, and totally autonomous method. Deep learning- 10. Sustainability, life cycle analysis and circularity
based method of classifying concrete cracks from photography can be
used to expedite the crack detection process [188]. AI based SHM Employing AI in areas of civil engineering can increase our ability to
techniques have been used for: general SHM [189], multi-level damage create regenerative systems based on the principles of circularity. Also,
detection [190], non-contact assessment of deflection [191], corrosion AI can be a hugely powerful tool that can be used to accelerate the
detection [192], concrete surface bug hole recognition [193], concrete transition to a circular economy specifically in the process of Reuse,
crack detection [194], concrete spalling [195], steel crack detection Repair and Recycle. The applicability of clustering algorithms can be
[196], fatigue detection [197], and surface and subsurface damages used by any organization to improve resource sharing through digital
[198], pavement crack detection [199], brick building condition sharing platforms which encourages Reuse. Time Series analysis can be
assessment [200]. used to identify repeated patterns or to forecast future occurrences that
The non-visual SHM approach usually involves measuring features urge repair [215]. Applications include preventative maintenance of
using accelerometers, acoustic sensors, and electromagnetic devices. structures through health monitoring and monitoring of urban resources
Accelerometers measure vibration or natural frequency as a diagnostic such as water.
feature in structural assessment. Techniques implemented to vibration Traditional design methods are time-consuming and costly when
monitoring are ANN, DL, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Principal producing multiple variations of the same design. Due to the speed with
Component Analysis (PCA), k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), and low-rank which an AI algorithm can analyze huge amounts of data and offer initial
matrix decomposition [201]. SHM through vibration analysis was designs or design revisions, engineers and researchers working with AI
applied to various structures such as bridges [202], wind turbines [203], can build products, components, and materials that are suited for the
power plants [204], and high-rise buildings [205]. On the other hand, circular economy by applying AI for better designs faster. AI also aids in
acoustic sensors detect mechanical waves that can be used to detect reducing complexity by shifting countless ideas and recommending the
cracking, specifically in concrete members [206]. Lastly, electromag­ ones that best suit the circular design requirements [216]. In a circular
netic anomaly detection can be performed to investigate corrosion in economy, AI provides autonomous and remote monitoring of efficiency
concrete as presented by Butcher et al. [207]. This measures the mag­ during the manufacturing process as well as the product's final lifecycle.
netic flux transmitted by the device within a structural concrete element Companies such as Autodesk, IBM, and Microsoft have already devel­
through non-destructive testing. oped facilitating software as well as cloud operations to enable this. At
In general, major ML-based problems include three techniques: the end of their useful life, items must typically be manually inspected

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

Fig. 19. AI enabled asphalt crack detection (a) cracked image (b) crack identification (c) Segmentation.

for damage and wear before being disassembled, sorted, and separated at the same time. Once the system is in place, it is simple to train the
in order to circulate resources in the economy. There are numerous system for new material, making the technology highly future-proof in
chances for AI to assist in streamlining the infrastructure required in the terms of shifting waste streams. The robots employed in certain cases
process. To maximise value preservation, condition evaluation can be replace human sorters and/or find use in previously unsortable regions
automated using machine vision, and recommendations for reuse, (e.g., construction site waste, marine waste, hazardous waste) and/or
resale, repair, or recycling can be made. Deep neural networks could allow for automatic quality verification and improvements (e.g., plas­
help demolition engineers estimate demolition materials more rapidly. tics). Human sorting is hampered, particularly in the case of building
Although the circular economy clearly goes beyond a waste and demolition waste, by the limiting item size (in terms of occupational
perspective, waste management (recycling) will also have to be radically health and safety requirements) and the dust or other hazards involved
improved in order to recover high-quality secondary raw materials. AI such as asbestos.
enables automation of waste recycling process, which is economical and Deep CNN can be applied in numerous different levels in the field of
provide higher material recovery than conventional methods with lower item detection, sorting and waste recycling, while using pretrained
costs. These systems employ several sensors and cameras (Visible range, networks (PCNN) at the lower layers. These PCNN offer the advantage of
Near infrared spectroscopy, metal, 3D laser sensors, RGB cameras) to saving training time while also requiring fewer photos to achieve suc­
detect objects and their materials and deliver data to the control soft­ cessful trained network convergence. To date, works on digital image
ware. There, a combination of Artificial Intelligence and Machine analysis approaches have been published by [217]. A market analysis
Learning algorithms can detect individual objects in data and determine that identifies different commercial solutions available to fully automate
robot movement. the waste treatment process is shown in Fig. 20. All robots use AI-based
The procedures for material or item recognition, as well as the machine vision system works in the visible range for determining waste.
related algorithms and software in the background, are critical for waste The Zen robot [218] has so far only been used for construction and
sorting. If this software is paired with appropriate hardware and an extra demolition waste.
Artificial Intelligence implementation is carried out, robotic systems
may conduct multitasking jobs and therefore execute many sorting tasks

Fig. 20. Commercial solutions for automated waste sorting.

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

11. Future trends Cloud VR/AR is the deployment of AR/VR technologies in the cloud
so that continuous sharing of VR/AR technologies can be performed
Even though the current adoption of AI-based applications in the across multiple devices. AR adds a layer of digital objects to the actual
building and construction industry is relatively low, in future more environment which augments the reality, and this can be viewed using a
progressive implementation of these AI-based techniques is expected. mobile device or another viewing device. VR generates an immersive
Currently, the adoption of AI is mostly used in design and monitoring experience in a virtual environment containing computer-generated
domain. However, novel techniques such as 3D and 4D printing and imagery. This cloud VR/AR technologies will become predominant in
robotics are starting to get popular. applications such as BIM incorporated clash detection, worker education
Pan and Zhang [114] reviews the future trends in AI in construction and training and architectural model refinements. AIoT incorporated AI
industry as illustrated in Fig. 21. Smart robotics, Cloud Virtual Reality algorithms to IoT for an efficient operation. IoT can generate vast
(VR)/Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), amounts of data which can be processed using AI algorithms to make
Digital Twins, 4D printing and blockchain were listed as most promising accurate predictions. AIoT can assist in automating and remote-control
AI-assisted technologies which will prevail in the future construction construction operations, yield accurate predictions for construction
industry. These technologies are currently being widely researched and project planning and maintenance.
in future, direct applications in the construction field are anticipated. Digital twins generate a digital replica of a building, and this replica
Robotics are already prevalent in manufacturing settings and recycling can continuously evolve with time as more data become available dur­
process. However, AI-enabled robotics can become prominent in the ing the lifecycle of the building. AI technology can be combined with
construction industry for applications such as module fabrication for digital twins to improve the accuracy of the digital twin models and
prefabricated buildings, additive manufacturing, brick and block laying, continuously advance these models based on the massive amounts of
welding, and rebar tying [219]. data collected during the construction phase and remaining lifecycle of

Fig. 21. Future trends of applications of AI in construction 4.0 [114].

S.K. Baduge et al. Automation in Construction 141 (2022) 104440

the building. 4D printing extends the additive manufacturing technol­ • Sustainable disposal of end-of-life buildings can be carried out
ogy to another dimension to incorporate time-dependent variation of the though recycling construction demolition waste through AI enabled
printed model influenced by various factors such as heat, pressure, robot systems and these robotic sorting systems can be used to sort
electricity and magnetism. This technology is still at its inception and in and recycle any waste material type promoting circular economy.
future, 4D printed structures with materials such as concrete, geo­
polymer and mortar can be expected which can change its true form From this review paper, it could be seen that the widespread appli­
influenced by external stimuli. AI can be linked with 4D printing similar cations of AI in industry 4.0 domain is prevalent. However, use of smart
to the 3D printing process to develop generative designs, modeling and vision technologies with AI is becoming more popular due to the ad­
prediction of robotic arm motion and quality control of printed ele­ vances in colour cameras and hyperspectral cameras, improvements in
ments. Blockchain refers to a linked series of block of data which forms a the computational capacity to process streaming data with high pixel
distributed ledger. This facilitates a distributed, encrypted, and secure densities, seamless integration of computer vision with deep learning
recording of digital transactions. In the construction field, blockchain algorithms and advances in the deep learning algorithms for classifica­
concepts can be applied into predictive asset maintenance, accelerated tion and object detection. Robotics is becoming popular as the end of the
payment processing and streamlined supply chains. Furthermore, ap­ pipeline operators when combined with computer vision and AI algo­
plications of blockchain in the construction industry have been reported rithms. Construction 4.0 can accelerate the digital transformation of the
in integration with BIM as a procurement solution [220], implementing construction industry, and this will generate massive amounts of data
smart contracts including automated delivery of agreed contracts and that can be used effectively to improve operational efficiency, make
enhanced copyright for project documentation [221], construction informed decisions, drive innovation and growth and enhance sustain­
supply chain management with improved product compliance and ability. As this research paper suggested, most of the applications of AI
authenticity [222]. Even though the current applications of blockchain in the construction domain are still in the research phase with only a few
in the construction industry are limited, this can be widely used in the companies offering promising commercial solutions. However, it can be
future with AI as chains of blocks (ledgers) will generate a huge amount forecasted that this will soon be changed considering the exponential
of data. growth of AI applications research and the highly successful outcomes.
The future evolution of Building and Construction 4.0 into Building
12. Conclusions and Construction 5.0 will close the gap and add the missing ingredient
intelligence. This enables us to combine the power of intelligent, precise,
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art applications of AI/ML/DL and accurate machinery with human creativity and ingenuity. Also,
algorithms in building and construction industry 4.0 with a special focus adopting AI in a human-centric manner will result in environmentally
on the domains of architectural design and visualization; material friendly manufacturing and personalized solutions. Intelligent, human-
design and optimization; structural design and analysis; offsite centered design, manufacturing, and maintenance will emerge as AI
manufacturing and automation; construction management, progress advances to Construction 5.0. Cost optimization and reduction of human
monitoring and safety; smart operation, building management and factor failure are other advantages. In future, customers will benefit
health; and sustainability, life cycle analysis and circular economy. This from more personalized designs with 3D printing. Smart cities
paper presents a novel investigation into the applications of AI/DL/ML communicate and collaborate with AI and humans, 3D printed and
in building and construction industry encompassing the complete optimized prefab modules, AI-based notifications for regular mainte­
building lifecycle. Researchers have successfully used AI/ML/DL algo­ nance, and more energy-efficient generative designs will be important in
rithms in these domains to improve and automate the processes in meeting the global goal of reducing carbon equivalent emissions in the
building and construction industry and following conclusions can be future.
drawn from this review article: Furthermore, collaborative robots will gain market share in the 3D
printing robot industry. Advanced systems will control different mate­
• ML and DL are the core of AI-based applications and these are being rials that behave differently during the printing process, as well as
extensively used in the construction industry due to the enhanced printing process parameters such as layer thickness and material mass.
computational capacity and the massive amounts of data generated. AI-enabled cobot systems will recognize the materials used in the
• Generative deep learning models such as GANs and VAEs are widely printers and configure the jobs accordingly. During the printing process,
used for automated architectural generative design in applications additional cobots will embed supplementary elements such as sensors
such as floor plan generation, innovative conceptual designs and and other personalized items. Future 3D printing techniques, with more
indoor scene synthesis. personalized AI integration, will enable a much faster iterative loop of
• ML algorithms are widely used in property prediction of construction initial production, component testing, and creation of a redesigned ob­
materials such as concrete, steel, timber and these algorithms can ject in both prefabricated and onsite construction. As a result, processes
assist in optimization of materials to develop cost-effective, sus­ that take weeks now will be able to be completed in hours in the future.
tainable, and robust materials and composites.
• AI assisted structural design is still at its inception. However, other
application of ML/DL models in structural domain such as strength Declaration of Competing Interest
and performance prediction of structural elements, buckling and
fatigue analysis are prevalent. None.
• AI techniques can be incorporated into offsite manufacturing and 3D
printing of buildings to enhance the efficiency in manufacturing, Acknowledgements
facilitate automated design for manufacture and assembly of
modular systems and robotic arm path improvements. Also, smart None.
vision can be used to automate the manufacturing process and
quality control. References
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