Measurement of Bioavailability

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io bhomaubsPhomorokinthi

Mtaxument o ovailabi Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Dr. M. P. Stngh Clases
Phoma cokinahc Mohods Phamatodynamit Mahods
basd on Ki anumpkon thot Hura Mehod nvolves dirt maakurmnt
ts a divet alakiomshib b/w o drug effack on a (haho)
Ks cont. d duq in plasma & hysioJogrteal pro ws as a

COm. drug af aik achon uncHond Hm.

) Plasma Laval- kimu s'udbius 4) Aculs Phomotologita uspomse.

() Urinovy exca Hon Shudizs )Therapuhc xsponse
Khamacokinehkc Mahods-

(1 Plasmo avaltimg Shudias-

Mo (ommon foY kuman bioavaliabilty sfudies

Hood i baud on Ki Mumbion has

Ru o dirat ulahonshib bahw.en K tonuntrakon

drug h blood/ pJama and cmun frahon
drila a Ke i t od achon
In DoAsStudy
Wih &inq dose sBudy
By-Dr.Mahundra haBap Sihgh
a sing doks ia adminiutarsd
blood Aomplus au drown a spauie imu intenvals
and onalyza d or drug Content.

A A grah is Construtad ahowing i conunraion o

drug i'n blood a spauit Hmes Rsambl wOTA take
ioavalabilily (hi salt ond oxtent of drug ahtorphon)
aname d by Dr. Parjanya Shukla
I genunally
Dr. M.P. Singh Clases
datermining ru poram skrs
()max Prok Plasmo Conunfrahon)
Max imum canuntvaion d tho dru9 ohtaina d oftun

K 0dminishrakion od aingls dos d Kr dug

max1ncya asL wih inrtast dose
in dose

inrROs in abaorpHon Hal

ExprAAARd in g/m or mg/

A ttmax Himtptak plasma Conunrahon)

maxl! to achizve
ugurad puok plaama tamuntrahon
qives an inditahon d
Hate of absorphon
Expessd ih minut' or houts.
da craasu as as d absotpion incvass

i) AUC (Auo unday K plasma Jaul-himt unve)

9/ves a muasuTL oKe extent of abtorphon or
omount orug that achs hi systemic cirulahon.

DuraHon d acHon

Croox Thnapauic



tme mox
Mulhbl_Do_Study r . Parjanya Shukla
x Drug administ Tad or a lhat 5 biologieal Dr. M.P. Singh Class
halfves toih a doBing intava lGual to or
qTiater han Ka biologYeal Kalf i f to uach
Atudy sfate
blood Aambl should b» takan a end oavions i
dosing intva 8to lo Aampls o t h
admnistraHon nux dosa.
T T t

Css, mox
Steady-stab Javal
Cs5, min

AUC foT ont

dosing intanvad
a Ataady -Atabe.

TK axten d bicovailablity ton br delaymind by

for Singl dona sbady tor mulkplu dost stucdly-

F AUCr Div F 9UCs Du4 Thn

u [AUC)i. Doral AUCd. Dtnt std
f AUGa DAtu. f1om prak-plasmo Cont dsady
AUC) td. Dtat stads Css. max
FyCs.mos)atDgu T4st
CCss, max)std. Dtmt Tsd.
(UrinaryExTonStudios Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Basd on K prinu bl a &

Dr. M. P. Singh Classes

th urinoy excrukion ounchongad drug i divuchl

ropor honal to K plama Conunrahon d drug

x DetayminaHon obroavailabil'ty wing urinary exCe Hon Ahould be

COnduchad only if a east 20% d odministarad dose dosR is
unchanged in hi urint
TR Akudy ia wafw for
ODrugs 2xtenaivly excYated unchanged in urins
rtain ia3ids, diurahits and ALuphona midus .

Drugs hat hava urint a R aits oacHon -

Uvinavy aniAaphics, nitrofanantoin, Koxaminu.

noninvasiv mahod ,Ao buHar þakiant complianu.

Mphod- (olldion ourin a ogular inkunvalsOT a tim apon

qual to 7 biologicas Ralfbivs.

Analyais dunthangad drug in rollacad Aomble

ThYLA important poramatas in uine exrzhion data for Aingle
do study By-Dr. Mahundro Pralhb SingA
) (dX/d4)max Maximum uyinary exerahHon uabe
obtainud rom tk piak d plol b/w Aal d
RxCTa Hon VTAUS midpolnt im od urin to.lutton
*d valu incrsasB a Hak ond 2xtant d obaorphion
i) (tu) may imt or maximum oxcyahon xaha)
analoqous to max o laumo JavaJ dala. Dr.Parjangya
Dr. M. P. Singh Classe

dts valu darzasts a th abio7phon xaBs in(TOASS.

) X ( (umadahu amaunt d drug axcrated in Ki unine)

4 ulakad to AUC oploima dausl da

inriases as hi xtent d absophon incraanes.

(dxu/dt) max

(tu mo
midpoint Hm o Urin (olluchion period.

T xent d bicavailabiliky ik calawalad

or Sing doar afud muuli dops bfudy to staady State

F Xu)oral Div.
(Xu)iv Doa (Xu,ss)pt Datd.Tast
Dtust TsBd.
(X)1 Datd.
(X) shd. Dta Wheu Xu, ss is Ko amount o drug
exCYoted unchongad duuing a
By-Dr.0Mohundo Prakop Singh singl do ntarval ostaody-stoke

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