Unit Home and Neighborhood

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UNIT Home and Neighborhood

Listen to the conversation. Look at the pictures. Then listen again and choose the letters of the things that are in
Cindy's office building.

1.- _______ a

_______ b

_______ c

_______ d

_______ e

_______ f

_______ g

_______ h

_______ i
Listen to the conversation. Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences.


Ryan thinks the rug is _beautiful____  .

2.- Beth thinks the rug is _____________ awful- great- beautiful- nice- ugly- terrible

3.- Ryan thinks the lamp is ____________ awful- great- beautiful- nice- ugly- terrible

Complete each conversation. Choose the correct answer.


A:I usually take the train to work.

B:Really? Is there a __________ near your apartment?

park station train station

4- A: Where do you usually go shopping?

B: I usually go to the __________. 
bus station mall museum

5- A: What do you do?

B: I'm a doctor. I work at the __________. It's around the corner. 
park airport hospital

Complete each sentence. Choose the correct word.


There's a shower in the ___bathroom____________  

6- There are three _________________with closets upstairs.

a) bedrooms b) garages c) refrigerators

7- There's a ________________ in the bedroom.

a) sink b) dresser c) toilet

8- There's a sofa in the__________________.

a) cabinet c) closet c) living room

9- My printer is in the _______________.

a) elevator b) office c)garden

Look at the picture. Complete each sentence with There's or There are and a word from the list. You will not
use all of the words.

* bathroom *bedrooms *bathtub * chairs *dresser *living room * sinks *sofa *stove * bathroom


 a   in the kitchen.

10 a in the bathroom.
11 two in the house: one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen.
12 a in the bedroom.
13 six in the dining room.
14 a downstairs, next to the dining room.

Read the conversations. Then complete the questions.


A:   a mirror in the bedroom?

B: Yes, there is.

15 - A: windows are there in the living room?

B: There are three.
16 - A: do you work?
B: I work at the pharmacy on Main Street.
17 - A: a lot of houses near the airport?
B: Yes, there are.
18- A: bedrooms are there in the apartment?
B: There's only one.
Complete the paragraph. Use in, at, or on.

I live   Tulip Street. I live an apartment. My apartment is the third floor, and I have a

balcony with a great view. I work an office building 76 Mulberry Street, but I have a computer in

my apartment, and sometimes I work home. My friend works the bookstore down the street.

Read about the apartment. Then mark each statement True or False.


The apartment has three bedrooms.

True False

 19- There's a stairway in this building, but there isn't an elevator.

True False

 20 - The apartment isn't near a school.

True False

21- There’s a garage for your car.

True False

22- The apartment is in a nice neighborhood.

True False
Writing Test
Write at least four sentences about your house or apartment. Use There is and There are.

Speaking Test
Make at least four sentences about your house or apartment. Use There is  and There are. 

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