Explores The Basic Concepts of ICT Together With 1.1

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Explores the basic concepts of ICT together

with its role and applicability in today’s

knowledge based society

Investigates the basic building blocks of

information and their characteristics
Data vs. Information

Data Information
 raw facts  data with context
 no context  processed data
 just numbers and  value-added to
text data
◦ summarized
◦ organized
◦ analyzed
Learning Outcomes:

• Defines data and outlines its life cycle

• Recognizes the need of a process to define data and information
• Recognizes the strong inter-relationship between data, process and
• Lists various forms of data and their characteristics
• Describes the characteristics of quality data
• Illustrates the value of information
• Describes the characteristics of valuable information
• Recognizes big data, their needs and analysis
Data vs. Information
• Data: 51007
• Information:
▫ 5/10/07 The date of your final exam.
▫ $51,007 The average starting salary of an
accounting major.
▫ 51007 Zip code of Bronson Iowa.
Data vs. Information

Data Information
• 6.45
• 6.39 $7.20
• 6.62 $7.00
• 6.57 $6.80
• 6.64 Stock Price
• 6.71
• 6.82 $6.40

• 7.12 $6.20
• 7.06 $6.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Last 10 Days
Data  Information  Knowledge

Summarizing the data

Averaging the data
Selecting part of the data
Graphing the data
Adding context
Adding value

Data  Information  Knowledge

How is the info tied to outcomes?

Are there any patterns in the info?
What info is relevant to the problem?
How does this info effect the system?
What is the best way to use the info?
How can we add more value to the info?

Define Data
• The term data is used to refer raw facts and figures
which are input into a system in order to process and
create meaningful information.

• Data consists of
 numbers, words, sounds and images
which neither bear a particular meaning nor have
organized in order to make decisions.

• Data can be classified into two types as

Lifecycle of data
To create meaningful information,
• Data creation,
data should be introduced into the
• Management of data system or create inside the system.

• Removal of obsolete data. Keeping data securely and making

them accessible necessarily are done
while management of data.

Removal of Whenever data will be outdated and

Data Creation
obsolete data. found to be unnecessary anymore, it’s
the time to remove that data from the

This is known as the life cycle of

Quantitative data
• Quantitative data is data that can be expressed as a number or can be
quantified. In other words, quantitative data can be measured by
numerical variables.
• Quantitative data are easily amenable to statistical manipulation and can be
represented with a wide variety of statistical types of graphs and charts such as line,
graph, bar graph, scatter plot, box and whisker plot and etc.

Key characteristics of quantitative Examples of quantitative data:

data: Scores on tests and exams e.g. 85,
It can be quantified and verified. 67, 90 and etc.
Data can be counted. The weight of a person or a subject.
Data type: number and statistics. The number of hours of study.
It answers questions such as “how Your shoe size.
many, “how much” and “how often”. The square feet of an apartment.
The temperature in a room.
The volume of a gas and etc
Qualitative data
• Qualitative data consist of words, pictures, observations, and
symbols, not numbers. It is about qualities.

• Qualitative data is also called categorical data. The reason is that the
information can be sorted by category, not by number. Qualitative data is
analyzed to look for common themes.

Key characteristics of qualitative data: Examples of qualitative data:

It cannot be quantified and verified. Your socioeconomic status
Data cannot be counted. Colors e.g. the color of the sea
Data type: words, objects, pictures, The Smell e.g. aromatic, buttery,
observations, and symbols. camphoric and etc.
It answers questions such as “how this Your favorite holiday destination such as
has happened” or and “why this has Hawaii, New Zealand and etc.
happened”. Names as John, Patricia,…..

Information Processing System

• COMPUTER is an electronic machine that follows a set

of instructions in order that it may be able to accept and
gather data and transform these into information.

• Information is an output of a process the same

information would be a data for another process. Thus,
data and information can be identified distinctly through
examining inputs and outputs of a particular process.
Valuable information
Accessible Information should be easily accessible by authorized users so
they can obtain it in the right format and at the right time to
meet their needs.

Accurate Accurate information is error free. In some cases, inaccurate

information generated because inaccurate data is fed into the
transformation process.
[This is commonly called garbage in, garbage out [GIGO].]

Complete Complete information contains all the important facts. For

example, an investment report that does not include all
important costs is not complete.

Relevant Relevant information is important to the decision maker.

Value of the information will depend on its relevance for a
particular person

Timeliness– An information should be updated. Timely information is

valuable for making effective decisions.

Understandability Information should be clear and unambiguous

Big Data analytics
• Big Data analytics is the process of collecting, organizing and analyzing

large sets of data (called Big Data) to discover patterns and other useful

information. Big Data analytics can help organizations to better

understand the information contained within the data and will also help

identify the data that is most important to the business and future business

decisions. Analysts working with Big Data typically want

the knowledge that comes from analyzing the data.

To analyze such a large volume of data, Big Data analytics is typically

performed using specialized software tools and applications for predictive
analytics, data mining, text mining, forecasting and data optimization.

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