Sunnen External Hone

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The All-New
Honing Tool for Finishing
External Diameters

Guar.antees Perfectly Round and True Diameters

- Production - Tool Room - Salvage - Maintenance
Hardened and ground

HO NE BO DY with
stone feed-up
stone & shoe inserted

lever >-

Screw Pre-loaded Torque arm


Range: .120"-2.750" (4 sets) Corrects "rainbow" warpage, barrel, taper,

and out-of-round
Precise Geometric Accuracy
Many times faster than lapping
Dimensional Accuracy to .0001" and better
Cleaner, more convenient than lapping
Surface finish to 2 microinches Exact duplication of size
Removes "cloverleaf" centerless grind pat- Instant removal for gaging or unloading
tern work
Maintains tandem land alignment Especially recommended for hardened steel
.. y)I{(<--®
lu.NAT.E.N' External Hone Sets

I Four complete sets for average length work.

Each set contains a Hone body, dressing
stick, wrench and all stones and guide shoes
required for rough and finish honing the
dimensional range it covers.
See listing below for part nos. of items in-
eluded i? eac~ set a~d TABLE I (next page)
for detailed d1mens1onal data and usage in-
YOU SA VE 5 % by ordering Complete Sets!

2-oacholli1led ~ -
Slane, included
with each lei.
\ ~ I '2 -ecch cl /i,ted ~
Guido Shoes
incl, with each sel .

l@idlli Hone Body Honing Stones Guide Shoes

Stick Wrench

FA4-AA73 FA4-AA75
FA4-AA93 FA4-AA95

FA-E F-700 KN-574

FA8-AA73 FA8-AA75 1-supplied 1-supplied
½ • - 13/22 • dia. FA8-AA93 FA8-AA95
w/ea. set w/ea. set
with ea. set)
FA10-AA93 FAI0-AA95 FAl0-B

FB13-AA73 FB l3-AA75
FB-E FBl3-AA93 FBl3-AA95 FB13-B
F-700 · KN-574
ii1i2 • - ll/26 • dia. 1-supplied I-supplied
(!-supplied w/ea. set w/ea. set
with ea. set) FB19-AA73 FB19-AA75
FBl9-AA93 FBl9-AA95 FB19-B

FC26-AA73 FC26-AA75
FC-E FC26-AA93 FC26-AA95 FC26-B
F-700 KN-574
u1i6 • - 1½ • dia. 1-supplied 1-suppl ied
(1-supplied w/ea. set w/ea. set
FC36-AA73 FC36-AA75
with ea. set) FC36- B
FC36-AA93 FC36-AA95

FD48-AA73 FD48-AA75
FD-E FD48-AA93 FD48-AA95 FD48-B
I½• - 2¾ • dia. F-700 KN-229
(1-supplied 1-supplied 1-supplied
FD64-AA73 FD64-AA75 w/ea. set w/ea. set
with ea. set) FD64-B
FD64-AA93 FD64-AA95


Fie Sunnen Honing Machine spindles. - · · for use on long work. Hold 2 or more Honing Scones
Hold work being rotated during and Guide Shoes (see illu~cracion). Greatly incre.ases
External Honing Operations. " length of contact" area during honing operations. Re-
PART NO. RANGE quire a Hone Body one size larger than used with single
scones. See Table II next page for details.
MB-748 0-¼' dia.
MB-7 SO Chuck
MB-750 ½6' - ¾' dla.

/llu,lral•d MB-760 ½" - 5' di~.

HONING Oil We recommend Sunnen's #841

Universal honing oil. It keeps stones clea11Neduces honing
time ,ind produces finer finishes.
ONE GALLON (in cen) . . . . ....... ... . . .......... .. . NO. MAN-841-1
ONE CARTON (6 one gallon·cans) . .. ..•... •...•.... .. NO. MAN-841-6
U.1e lheJe table.1 when ordering partJ Jeparately
- SH preceding page for part nos. on tho wronch 01td dressing slide -

Tooling ~or specific E~ternal Honing needs and replacement parts

for sets hsted on prev10us page should be selected from TABLE I,
below. NOTE: One Stone and one Guide Shoe are required for each
Dia. Range (1st column) being worked. Refer to TABLE II for use of
Stones and Shoes with Multiple holders on extra long work.

TABLE NO. I for average length work

0 QI
... Ill 0
Dia. oo~ Honing Stones
Range .c I QI Hone Body Guide
o, QI -a
QI O :::,
(w,ench Incl.) 320 Grit 500 Grit Shoes
.... vi~ (*) (**) (t) (tt)
½' FA4-AA73 FA4-AA75 FA4-AA93 FA4-AA95 FA4-B
.120 - .240
1" FFA4-AA73 FFA4-AA75 FFA4-AA93 FFA4-AA95 FFA4-B
-~ FA-E
.240 - .300 ¾•. FA8-AA73 FA8-AA75 -.FA8-AA93 FA8-AA95 FAS-B

.300 - .400 1· FA10-AA73 FA10-AA75 FA10-AA93 FA10-AA95 FAlO-B

.400- .580 1· FB13-AA73 FB13-AA75 FB13-AA93 FB13-AA95 FB13-B

.580- .800 l ½' FB19-AA73 FB19-AA75 FB19-AA93 FB19-AA95 FB19-B

2· FC26-AA73 FC26-AA75 FC26-AA93 FC26-AA95 FC26-B

.800- 1.110
4• FC-E FFC26-AA73 FFC26-AA75 FFC26-AA93 FFC26-AA95 FFC26-B ·

1.110-1.500 2½ ' FC36-AA73 FC36-AA75 FC36-AA93 FC36-AA95 FC36-B

1.500- 2.000 3• FD48-AA73 FD48-AA75 FD48-AA93 FD48-AA95 FD48-B

2.000 - 2.750 4• FD64-AA73 FD64-AA75 FD64-AA93 FD64-AA95 FD64-B
(•) for fast stoc:lc r emoval on l,ard Jtee/. ( ..) for deburring olf metals and fad ,tock remoYol in ,oft metal,, (t} for fine finiffling hard dHI. (tt} for fine finishing 10ft metal,.

Overall Stone and Guide Shoe lengths should be at lean 2/3 work
TABLE NO. II length to generate geometrically straight O .D. lengths during hon•
ing. Shorter units will tend to follow surface curvature (rainbow)
for long length work left from previous operations. To meet this requirement on long
parts, two or more stones (arid shoes) may be placed end to end in
Sunnen Multiple Holders ... however next larger hone body m1'sl
be 1'Sed. See Table below.

Dia. .! .c QI ~
Honing Stones
Range c.- C 0 Hone Multiple Guide Shoes
•.: DI .C ,2
(Inches) °; ~VIVI Body Holders Series (•)No. ( •)No.
~ ....... a5 (1-req'd) (2-req'd) N.umber Req'd Part No. Req'd
2½" . FA4- 5 FA4-B 5
.120 - .240
3• FFA4- CAUTION : Stone Nos. at left 3 FFA4-B 3
FB-E FB-FA are incomplete. Numerals
.240- .300 3• FAS- that follow the dash (·) 4 FAS-B 4
must be selected from Table
FAlO- I, to cover honing applica-
.300- .400 3• lions involved. '3 FAlO-B 3

.400 - .580 4• FB13- EXAMPLE: the correct stone 4 FB13-B 4

FC-E FC-FB No. for fast stock removal on
.580- .800 4½" FB19- hard steel in the .240' - 3 FB19-B 3
.300' Dia. range is FA8-AA73.
Up to four (4} of these ¾ •
s· FC26- units (3' Max. Lgth} may be 4 FC26-B 4
.800- 1.110 used in the FB-FA Multiple
s· FD-E FD-FC FFC26- Holder. Note, however, that 2 FFC26-B 2
this assembly must be used
1.110-1.500 7½' . FC36- with a FB·E Hone Body. 3 FC36-B 3

SPECIAL STONES - Diamond stones are available for Carbide, Glass, I• I Nu•oral• inclicolo _ . _ _ . _ 0
' s,-, w Gaide 51,oe, ""''
Ceramics and similar materials. OTHER SPECIAL STONES AVAILABLE on caa bo _,_, in Moolliplo Holden.
recommendation of your Sunnen field engineer.

The Sunnen External Hone is a new tool for a ccurately It's the idea l tool for finishing a wide variety of pa rts -
sizing and finishing externa l diameters. It produces hydraulic plungers, pistons, ejector pins, a rbors , g uide
round, straight surfaces and corrects geometric de- pins, spindles a nd sha fts , plug g ages, e tc. - with
fects left by other operations. such as "clover leaf" diameters between .120 " a nd 2 . 7 50" . Gives you di-
patterns (from centerless grinding) , ba rrel, taper, mensional tolera nce to .0001 " a nd better : sur fa ce
out-of-round, waviness, and "rainbow" wa r pag e. finish to 2 micro-i nches in hardened steel.


This new cool is the 011/y hon e d esig ned ro corre ct
" ra inbow" w arpage a nd w a vi n ess caused by h ear
trea ting. Ex tra le ng th srones, or sco n es placed e nd to
end i n multiple holders (see i//11stmtirm) provide a lon g
honin g surface - b ridge the pa rt curvature 10 ge n er-
a te a straight outside d ia meter. " R a inbow" a nd other
surface d efec ts are corrected w ith n mi11i11111111 of stock
r em ov,t!.
Multiple holders used with Ex ternal
Ho nes hold ston es ond shoes in tandem
for correcting "ra inbow" warpa ge.
Srock r e mova l is m any rim es faster th a n lap pi ng a nd form , co n tr ol led cu tting ra re . Scon e a re available
th er e a r e no loose ab ras ives or la ppi n g compo un d ro in d iffe r e nt g r it size a n d h ardn esses, ca r eful ly graded
h a nd le. n o re-cha rging of la ps. Sun nen Ex te rna l to assure th e d esired fin is h a nd co ns iscen c r e ulc .
Hones use r igid ly mo un ted a b rasive sro n es w i1h un i-


Productio n, cool room, mainte na n ce, sal\"age s uitabl e s uppo n thr o ug h a t0rque a rm ex te ndi ng fro m
prac ti call y eve r y d e p artment ca n use ch e Ex terna l che h o n e bo d y. Opera to r s trok es th e h o ne ba ck a n d
Hon e. Sec-up is n eglig ible. P a n to be ho n ed ca n be forch o ve r th e w o rk , adva n c ing th e h o nin g sco n e as
chucked in honin g machin e. la th e , o r d r i ll p res . n eed ed.
Force o f th e cutting ac tion is readil y 1ra ns m i11 ed co a

A mi cro m e ter s co n e feed -up p e rmits o p era t0r ro pre- n eeded , even in p r od u ction ru ns, i a lig h t additional
s et ch e co ne ad va n ce. A ctua l fee d-up. a nd 1h e cu11 i ng s to n e feed- up to co mpe nsa te for s cone wea r.
r a ce. is contro ll ed b y ch e h o ning cont ro l lever. T h ese
rwo fea tures co mbine to fo r m a n a u1o m a cic s izi ng Fo r q ui ck gag i ng or unl oadin g, a tu rn of ch e h oni ng
c ontrol. By se cting ch e fe ed-up kn o b o th a t 1h e h o n - co ntrol lever insta ntl y di se n gages h o n e fro m work.
ing co ntrol lever is aga inst th e sco p pin wh e n fir s t Settin g o f th e mi cr o m e ter s co n e feed- u p is not
p a n is to size. furth er p a n s ca n b e hon ed w ith,..,,t ,m y ch a nged .
d n 11ge r rJj c11lli11g 1111dersize. T h e onl y adjus tm ent


H o n e body is s turdy yet li g hrweig h1, prec1s1on m a -
chined fr o m a luminum a lloy. H o ning s wn es a nd g uid e
s h oes a re secured in " s ee ps" in th e body. T h e s te ps
g ive each h o n e a wid e w o rkin g ra n ge, a nd m a k e ic
possi b le ro use up a ll th e a b ras ive a nd shoe . All mo v-
ing pans a r e ma d e of hi g h qualit y steel , h a rd e n e d a nd
g ro und .
Th e Sunn en Extern al Hone is a precision rool, ye t is
ruggedly built for production us e.

Using multiple holders to finish

iang parts. Honing torque
is abso rb ed by work rest.
The parts shown h ere are typical of the many differ-
ent sizes and shapes that are being honed successfully
w ith Sunnen External Hones.
Canadian Plant: Chatham, Ontario
Part: Valve Spool P art: Needle Valve
Material: Graphmo tool steel Materia l: Graphmo tool steel
Hm·d11 ess: Rockwell "C" 65
Hard11ess: Rockwell "C" 60
Le11gth of la11d: 1/ 2"
Ta11de111 le11gth (c. to c.): 1 3/ . '' Length: l"
Stock Re111ovrt!: .002 11 Stock Removal: .002"
Dia111eter: .5000" ± .000025
Fi11ish: 2-4 microinches
H o11e Bod)': FC-E
J . meter: . 3 7 5 O" +
D ,a

Finish: 2-4 microiaches

_ _.0000

Multiple Holders: FC-FB Hone Body: FA-E

Sto11es: (2) FB13-AA73

Stones: FA10-AA73
Shoes: (2) FB-1 3 B
T r111de111 le11gth of sto11es a11d shoes . Shoes: FAlO-B
111he11 r1sse111bled: 1 3 / / ' (c. to c.)

Part: Ram
Material: Cold rolled stee l
f1/ Part: Metering Rod

Le11gth: 18" Material: Cold rolled steel
St ock Re111011al: .005" Length: 1 11
D ,.a111et er:. 74.50"+
0001 Stock remo val: .002"
Diameter: .3 7 50 " I .0001
Straight11 ess: Within .0002 " in 6"
Fi11ish: 8-10 microinches Finish: 8-10 microiaches
Hone Body: FC-E H oue Body: FA-E
MultiJ1le Holder: FC-FB Stoues: FA 1O-AA95
Sto11es: ( 3) FB19-AA95 Shoes: FA 10-B
Shoes: (3) FB19-B

Part: Valve Needle

Part: Gage b a r
/'lfoterial: Graphmo tool steel
Hardness: Rockwell " C" 60 Material: Cold rolled steel
L eugth of laud: 1 1/1&'' Length: 9"
Trmdem leugth (c. to c.) : 1 9/1&'' Width of keyway: If.''
Stock re111o val: .002" Stock remo,,al: .00 2 11
. . . 3750" +.0000
__ Diameter: .685"
Fiuish: 2-4 microinches
Hou e Body: FB-E
Mu ltiple Ho lder: FB-FA
Stoues: (2) FA10-AA73
Shoes: (2) FA l 0-B
Finish: 10-12 microiaches (pre-
pared for hard chrome plating)
Hone Body: FB-E
Stones: (2) FB 19-AA95
(two opposed stones used - no
Ta11de111 leugth of stoues a11d shoes shoes)
whe11 msemb/ed: l 5 / a'' (c. to c.)

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