Biol 141n - Exercise 6 - Anoos

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Name: Anoos, Flores N.

Date Submitted: June 27, 2022

Course & Yr.: BSBIO-3 Rating:__________________


Inferring Relationships in Systematics

Learning Activity:

Using the presence (+) and absence (-) data, fill up the table with morpho-cytological characters.

Characters Organelle Cellulosic Stomates Vascular Megaphyll Seed Flower

Taxa Cell Walls Tissues
Anabaena + - - - - -
Chara + + - - - - -
Marchantia + + + - - - -
Anthoceros + + + - - - -
Selaginella + + + + - - -
Polypodium + + + + + - -
Gnetum + + + + + + +
Hibiscus + + + + + + +

Construct a table ranking the characters based on prevalence or occurrence and the enumeration of
representative species (for more taxa)


Organelle Anabaena, Chara, Marchantia, Anthoceros,
Selaginella, Polypodium, Gnetum, Hibiscus
Cellulosic Cell Walls Chara, Marchantia, Anthoceros, Selaginella,
Polypodium, Gnetum, Hibiscus
Stomates Marchantia, Anthoceros, Selaginella, Polypodium,
Gnetum, Hibiscus
Vascular Tissues Selaginella, Polypodium, Gnetum, Hibiscus
Megaphyll Polypodium, Gnetum, Hibiscus
Seed Gnetum, Hibiscus
Flower Gnetum, Hibiscus
Construct the cladogram:

Chara Selaginella
Anabaena Polypodium Gnetum
Marchantia Anthoceros Hibiscus



Vascular tissues

Cellulosic cell walls


Based on the cladogram:

● Identify which of the following characters could be an ancestral character?

Answer: The ancestral character is the organelle

● Identify which of the following characters are derived characters?

Answer: The derived characters are organelle, cellulosic cell wall, stomata, vascular tissue,
megaphyll, seed and flower.

Define the following terminologies:

o Monophyletic- A group containing an ancestor and all of its descendants- defined by one or
more synamorphies.

o Paraphyletic- A group consisting an ancestor but not all of its descendants. It is defined by what
it does not have.

o Polyphyletic- A group that does not include a common ancestor within the group. The common
ancestor is placed in another group.

o Sister taxa- A monophyletic group more closely related to the group under examination than
any other group.
Apply these terminologies to your cladogram:

o Which of the following forms a monophyletic group? a polyphyletic? or paraphyletic?

Answer: Species Marchantia, Anthoceros , Selaginella, Polypodium, Gnetum and Hibiscus are
forming a clade in the cladogram also known as monophyletic group since it include ancestral
species and its entire descendants species. However, Chara and Marchantia species forms a
polyphyletic group because it lacks common ancestor of the species in the group. Lastly, the
species Anabaena and Chara forms a paraphyletic group in the cladogram because it consists of
an ancestor but not all of that ancestor’s descendants.

o Which of the following taxa are closely related and are distantly related?

Answer: Hibiscus and Gnetum and Marchantia and Anthoceros are more closely related in the
cladogram while Anabaena and Hibiscus are more distantly related among organisms.

Based on the constructed cladogram, write a short interpretation discussing the sequence of origins
and the relationships of the representative species.


In the cladogram above, seven phylogenetic characters are studied in eight species. This represents that
Hibiscus and Gnetum are more closely related to each other same goes to Anthoceros and Marchantia.
While Anabaena and Hibiscus species are more distantly related than Chara and Hibiscus. In the above
cladogram, the Anabaena is the outgroup. Whereas, Marchantia, Anthoceros , Selaginella, Polypodium,
Gnetum and Hibiscus are forming a clade in the cladogram. However, Chara and Marchantia species
forms a polyphyletic group. Then, species Anabaena and Chara forms a paraphyletic group. Similarly, in
the cladogram, as we move towards the right of the diagram, the organisms become less related to each

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