A Very Sensitive Bioanalytical Method For The Estimation of Escitalopram in Rat Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography With

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Research Paper

A Very Sensitive Bioanalytical Method for the

Estimation of Escitalopram in Rat Plasma Using Liquid
Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry-
Application to Animal Pharmacokinetic Study
Ecron Acunova Limited, 1Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy
of Higher Education, Manipal 576104, Karnataka, 2National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Export
Promotion Industrial Park (EPIP), Hajipur, Bihar 844102, India

Rai et al.: Sensitive Bioanalytical Method for the Estimation of Escitalopram

Escitalopram is a widely used antidepressant and antianxiety agent in clinical setup. This study was
aimed at developing and validating a very sensitive and specific bioanalytical method for the estimation of
escitalopram in rat plasma using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry as per
the current United States Food and Drug Administration (May 2018) guideline. The mass spectrometer was
operated in heated electrospray ionization mode with positive ion detection. The compounds were tuned and
monitored by selected reaction monitoring scan mode. Imipramine hydrochloride was used as an internal
standard. The extraction technique used to extract the analyte from the biological matrix was a liquid-
liquid extraction technique. The chromatographic separation was done by using methanol:ammonium
formate (2 mM, pH 3.00) (90:10 %v/v) as mobile phase with the flow rate of 0.500 ml/min with a run
time of 2.10 min. Detection and quantification were performed under selective reaction monitoring using
heated electron spray ionization mode. The mass transition monitored for escitalopram was 325.200 m/z
(fragments 108.98 and 262.00 m/z) and for internal standard imipramine 281.200 m/z (fragments 58.20
and 86.19 m/z). This method demonstrated acceptable performance and was successfully applied for the
estimation of escitalopram in rat plasma at 0.050 to 39.708 ng/ml range.
Key words: Escitalopram, imipramine, heated electrospray ionization, selected reaction monitoring, mass

Escitalopram is a widely prescribed drug for the and dopamine in various in vitro and in vivo studies.
treatment of depression. Chemically it is known as S-(+)- Escitalopram shows linear dose-proportional
1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-1-(p-fluorophenyl)-1,3- pharmacokinetics at 10-30 mg/d orally (p.o.)[2] in single
dihydroisobenzofuran-5-carbonitrile. Escitalopram and multiple doses in humans. The single oral dose of
belongs to the category of Selective Serotonin Reuptake 20 mg/d escitalopram in human shows the peak plasma
Inhibitors (SSRI). SSRIs are considered as the first concentrations (Cmax) at around 4 h[3]. Escitalopram is
choice for the treatment of depression and among mainly metabolized in the liver. The primary isozyme
SSRIs, escitalopram is prescribed the most. It is being responsible for the metabolism of escitalopram are
sold by the name Lexapro in the market. It is available two Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes CYP 3A4 and
in two racemic forms internal is R-Citalopram and CYP 2C19 and to a lesser extent by CYP2D6. These
second is S-Citalopram also called escitalopram and
plays a major role in the treatment of depression[1]. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
Escitalopram is extensively used in the treatment of allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially,
as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
depression and anxiety. It is reported as a serotonin the identical terms
reuptake inhibitor which is highly selective with a
Accepted 24 March 2022
minimal effect on the reuptake of norepinephrine
Revised 21 August 2021
Received 25 August 2020
*Address for correspondence
Indian J Pharm Sci 2022;84(2):380-389
E-mail: [email protected]
March-April 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 380
isozymes metabolize escitalopram by N-demethylation. was procured from HiMedia, India. Tertiary butyl
The reported plasma protein binding was around 56 % methyl ether and dichloromethane of supergradient
and the mean half-life (t½) of escitalopram was around grade were procured from RCI labscan, Thailand.
27-33 h[2].
The literature survey for the estimation of escitalopram
reveals several methods in different biological matrices. The chromatographic separation and MS internal
Pistos et al.[4] reported an Liquid Chromatography- detection by LC-MS/MS equipped with LC of
Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) method, which had a Shimadzu prominence and MS of Thermo TSQ
long run time of 10 min with 0.5 ng/ml of the Lower Quantum discovery max. Sartorius (SE2) microbalance
Limit of Quantification (LLOQ). Later Singh et al.[5] from Sartorius Mechatronics, Germany was used for
developed a method by using Liquid Chromatography the weighing of working standards for the preparation
with Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) where of main stock and spiking stocks. Sartorius (CP225D)
the LLOQ level achieved was of 1 ng/ml. After that analytical balance was used for the weighing of
Sauvage et al.[6] validated and reported a method for the chemicals. Thermo Electron Corporation, United States
quantification of escitalopram along with 12 additional of America (USA) deep freezer was used for the storage
antidepressants and his method was sensitive to estimate of plasma samples.
up to the level of 10 ng/ml LLOQ by using human
LC and MS conditions:
serum in the volume of 100 μl. A method developed
and validated by Rocha et al. in 2007 in rat and human The analytical column used for chromatographic
plasma by using 1 ml plasma and obtained LLOQ of separation of analytes and internal standard as
0.1 ng/ml[7], de Castro et al. developed and validated a stationary phase for was of Hypurity Reverse Phase
method in human saliva and plasma for simultaneous (RP18), 150×4.6 mm, 5 µ from Thermo Scientific,
estimation of escitalopram together with eight different which was maintained at a consistent temperature of
other antidepressants with a quantification limit of 40°. The mobile phase used for the separation of the
2 ng/ml by using 200 μl plasma/saliva[8]. Though the analyte and internal standard consisted of methanol:
reported methods appeared sensitive, some of these 5 mM ammonium formate with pH 3.00 under isocratic
methods involved lengthy extraction procedure, elution in a ratio of 90:10 % v/v. The flow rate was set
some had long run time and others used more plasma at 0.500 ml/min and the autosampler temperature was
volume. Although the reported methods having lowest maintained at 5°. The ionization mode for quantitation
sensitivity of 0.1 ng/ml by using plasma volume of of analyte and internal standard was positive ion mode
1.000 ml and 0.5 ng/ml with 50 μl plasma volume with and the ionization source was Heated Electron Spray
3 min of run time, there is a requirement of lowering Ionization (HESI). The parameters set for ionization
the LLOQ with limited plasma volume for animal namely spray voltage, sheath gas pressure, auxiliary
pharmacokinetic study. Considering this need present gas pressure and capillary temperature were 2000, 40
study was designed to lower the LLOQ level and reduce (Arb), 20 (Arb) and 350° respectively. The run time
the plasma volume. The method validation was done in used was 2.10 min in this method. Selected Reaction
alignment with the recent United States Food and Drug Monitoring (SRM) mode was applied for the detection
Administration (USFDA) guidelines released in May of the ions and monitoring the transition of m/z 325.200
2018[9]. precursor ions to the m/z 108.98 and 262.00 product ion
for escitalopram and m/z 281.200 precursor ions to the
MATERIALS AND METHODS m/z 86.190 and 58.200 product ion for imipramine. The
application software used for analytical data processing
Chemicals and reagents:
was Xcalibur version 2.0.7 and LC Quan version 2.5.6.
Escitalopram oxalate (99.00 % purity) was obtained
Calibration Standards (CSs) and samples of Quality
from Cipla Ltd. Mumbai; Imipramine hydrochloride
Control (QCs) preparation:
(99.98 % purity) was obtained from Vivan Life
Sciences Pvt. Limited, Mumbai; methanol was obtained CSs and QCs of escitalopram were prepared from the
from RCI labscan of supergradient grade, water and respective spiking stock solutions. The concentration
ammonium formate used were of High Performance of the analyte and internal standard of main stock
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) grade where water was solution was 0.1000 mg/ml, prepared in methanol.
procured from Merck, India and ammonium formate The intermediate stock solution of escitalopram and
381 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2022
imipramine were prepared in the diluent of methanol added and vortexed to mix well in vibramax for 5 min
and water in the ratio of 50:50 % v/v. After that, spiking at 2500 rpm.
stocks from standard 1 to standard 9 were prepared to
The above plasma mixture was centrifuged for 5 min at
achieve a plasma concentration of 0.050 to 39.708 ng/
4500 rpm and 2.500 ml of the supernatant was separated.
ml. The four different concentration levels of QCs were
The supernatant was collected and evaporated for
prepared namely, LLOQ, Low-QC (LQC), Medium-
dryness in a stream of nitrogen at 40°. The dried sample
QC (MQC) and High-QC (HQC). The concentration of
was reconstituted with 300 µl of reconstitution solution
internal standard working solution was 0.050 µg/ml.
(methanol:water in the ratio of 90 and 10 respectively).
Sample preparation: 10.0 µl of this sample was injected for estimation.

In the bioanalysis, analyte and internal standard RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

extraction from the biological matrix is a crucial step
LC-MS/MS method development is as follows.
to ensure very consistent and reproducible results.
Various methods by using LC-MS/MS detection for
The final extraction procedure for escitalopram and
the estimation of escitalopram in plasma have been
imipramine was as follows.
reported. In the current method, escitalopram was
0.050 ml of the sample was transferred into a estimated by using HESI mode. Escitalopram and
microcentrifuge tube and 0.005 ml of the internal imipramine are basic in nature with ionization constant
standard working solution was added and was of 9.7 and 9.4 respectively. Ionization was tried in full
vortexed to mix. To this 0.200 ml of 50 mM sodium scan mode with positive polarity. The (M+1) precursor
bicarbonate was added and the sample was vortexed ions obtained were 325.6 m/z and 281.32 m/z for
to mix well. After that 3.000 ml of extraction solution escitalopram and imipramine respectively. The full
which was prepared by mixing tertiary butyl methyl scan spectrum of precursor ion for escitalopram and
ether:dichloromethane in 70:30 % v/v ratio and was imipramine are presented in fig. 1. Upon identifying the



Fig. 1: MS/MS full scan of (a) Escitalopram and (b) Imipramine in Q1MS for selection of precursor ion
March-April 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 382
(M+1) precursor ion, MS/MS scanning was performed optimized to obtain adequate retention, consistent and
to identify the stable product ion. The most stable and stable response and reproducible peak shape. The type
consistent product ions in the Q3 mass spectra were of buffer, its strength, pH, strength of organic solvent
found at m/z 108.98 and 262.00 for escitalopram and and ratio of buffer to organic solvent in mobile phase
at m/z 86.19 and 58.20 for imipramine as shown in had significant role in the chromatography specific to
fig. 2. After identifying, the stable fragment ion further peak shape, resolution, retention and reproducibility
scanning was performed in SRM mode to obtain the for both analyte and internal standard. The mobile
optimum voltage, collision energy, spray voltage and phase ratio was optimized by using columns of
other detector parameters. different chemistry namely BetaBasic-8 100×4.6 mm,
After finalizing the mass transition with detector 5 µm dimension, Summery ShieldTM RP8, 3.5×100
parameters, the chromatographic conditions were A°, symmetry shield RP18 5 µ 4.6 mm, Gemini C18


Fig. 2: Fragmentation pattern of (a) Escitalopram and (b) Imipramine in Q3MS for selection of mass transition
383 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2022
4.6×100 mm, Betabasic C18 4.6×100 mm and Hypurity 12 lots from different source of rat Dipotassium
RP18, 150×4.6 mm, 5 µ. Among the tried columns Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (K2EDTA) plasma
Hypurity RP18, 150×4.6 mm, 5 µ was finalized with which included lipemic and hemolytic were procured
the mobile phase of methanol and 2 mM ammonium and analysed to find out the degree of contribution of
formate pH-3.0 (90:10 % v/v) which gave good peak endogenous components to assess the interference in
and consistent response. In bioanalysis, extraction of the chromatography of analyte or internal standard.
drug from biological matrix is very crucial step as the The experiment was performed with freshly prepared
presence of endogenous components and drug related standards and QCs and there was no significant
metabolites in matrix may interfere in the analysis of interference at the retention time of analyte and internal
the analyte of interest. Considering the log p-values of standard.
both the analyte and internal standard are 3.5 and 4.8,
Specificity was performed for escitalopram to determine
the extraction solvent was selected as combination of
the extent of cross-interference from internal standard
tertiary butyl methyl ether and dichloromethane in the
and same was done for imipramine. Blank sample and
ratio of 70:30 % v/v as this combination have polarity
extracted LLOQ sample was prepared, analyzed and the
near to 4.8 so that both analyte and internal standard can
response in blank was evaluated against the calculated
easily partition into organic layer. Additionally, sample
pre-treatment was done with basic buffer (50 mM concentration of LLOQ response of analyte and
sodium bicarbonate) to prevent the analyte and internal response of internal standard. There was no significant
standard from getting dissociated while extraction. response found at the retention time of analyte and
internal standard.
The current method developed and validated is simple,
rapid, economic and of highest sensitivity as compared The sensitivity was determined at LLOQ of escitalopram,
to other reported methods in terms of minimal plasma which was 0.050 ng/ml. Six LLOQ samples were
usage with LLOQ of 0.050 ng/ml. Method validation is prepared and were submitted along with the linearity
as follows. samples in four different batches. Percentage deviation
from the actual concentration, percentage coefficient of
Six aqueous replicate injections of system suitability
variation and signal to noise ratio were evaluated for
solution were injected to check the performance before
conformity to acceptance criteria. The % CV obtained
the beginning of every new sequence. The percentage
in the experiments were between 2.47 to 14.29 and
Coefficient of Variation (% CV) for the peak response
mean percentage nominal concentration was in the
area of escitalopram and imipramine were ≤3.11 and range of 98.00 % to 106.10 %. Signal to noise ratio for
≤3.07 respectively. The % CV for the retention time escitalopram was greater than 52.
of escitalopram and imipramine were 0.00 and ≤0.30
respectively. The various calibration models were tried by checking
the linear algorithm by applying weighting factors
Carryover experiment was conducted to confirm if there of equal, 1/x, 1/x2. The calibration model with 1/x
is any significant carryover of the analyte and internal regression gave the best fit, which was the reproducible
standard from the previous injection. The experiment and simplest model to minimize the bias of back
was performed at the Upper Limit of Quantification calculated values.
(ULOQ) level.
The nine-point calibration curve was created by plotting
One blank solution, one blank sample, one extracted the peak area ratio of escitalopram against the nominal
ULOQ and three extracted LLOQ samples were concentration of CSs.
prepared. Sample carryover check was assessed by
Calibration curves obtained were consistent, accurate
injecting blank solution, blank sample, extracted
and precise for escitalopram in the concentration
ULOQ sample twice followed by the blank sample
range of 0.050 to 39.708 ng/ml. The coefficient of
again and further followed by extracted ULOQ sample determination (r2) was greater than 0.9988. Calibration
twice followed by the blank sample. The blank sample curves were used for the back-calculations to find out
response was compared with the average response of the concentrations of escitalopram at each calibration
three LLOQ samples. Percentage of carryover in the standard. The weighting factor applied in the calibration
blank sample after respective ULOQ injection was model was 1/x as it gave the best fit. By applying the
calculated. No carryover was observed in the blank weighting factor of 1/x the simplest, the continuous
sample for escitalopram and imipramine. and reproducible model was obtained which reduced
March-April 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 384
the bias of back-calculated values. The representative was determined by comparing the response obtained
chromatogram of fasted blank sample, zero standard from extracted QC sample with corresponding post
(spiked with internal standard) and sample spiked at the spiked QC samples (extract of blank samples spiked
LLOQ and ULOQ concentration are given in fig. 3. The with analyte post extraction).
typical calibration curve is presented in fig. 4.
Six aliquots LQC, MQC and HQC level were processed
Intra-batch precision and accuracy were evaluated by (extracted) parallely with 18 samples of drug free
performing a calibration curve along with four sets of biological matrix (blank sample). Escitalopram and
QC samples where the QCs were in a replicate of six imipramine were added to the processed blank sample
in the four different batches and the QC levels were to obtain post-spiked LQC, MQC and HQC level (six
Lowest Limit of Quality Control (LLOQC), LQC, samples each). For escitalopram, the mean extracted
MQC and HQC of sample on three different days. The recovery of the analyte from plasma samples was highly
average percentage nominal concentration and CV of consistent at all QC levels. The extraction recovery of
escitalopram at all QC levels are calculated. escitalopram is tabulated in Table 2.
Inter-batch precision and accuracy is also evaluated by The mean percentage recovery for imipramine was
analyzing the data of four batches of 3 different days. 63.19 and % CV of the later spiked and extracted
The results of interday and intraday precision and samples area of imipramine was ≤10.40.
accuracy are tabulated in Table 1.
Matrix factor analyzed at LQC and HQC samples in six
Recovery is defined as the efficiency of a method to dissimilar lots of rat K2EDTA plasma, which included
extract the analyte from biological matrix. Recovery 1 haemolysed and 1 lipemic plasma lot.

Fig. 3: Representative chromatograms, (a) Blank plasma sample; (b) Zero standard; (c) LLOQ and (d) ULOQ
385 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2022

Fig. 4: A typical representative calibration curve


Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy for the determination of escitalopram mass spectrometry (n=3 d,
six replicates per day)
Calibration line (r2) LLOQC % accuracy, LQC % accuracy, % MQC % accuracy, % HQC % accuracy, %
Intra batch
value % RSD (n=6) RSD (n=6) RSD (n=6) RSD (n=6)
1 0.9996 106.34, 4.13 98.86, 1.64 97.34, 0.24 95.91, 1.37
2 0.9997 110.24, 2.65 102.60, 1.90 99.79, 1.67 98.47, 1.60
3 0.9988 109.27, 2.23 104.22, 9.81 99.38, 3.57 99.47, 5.41
4 0.9998 106.83, 1.32 98.21, 1.32 96.15, 0.79 95.78, 1.10
Inter-batch NA 108.29, 3.15 100.97, 5.47 98.16, 2.08 97.40, 3.27
Note: % RSD: Percentage Relative Standard Deviation and NA: Not applicable

TABLE 2: EXTRACTION RECOVERY FOR normalised matrix factor at each level was within the
ESCITALOPRAM acceptable limit. Results of matrix effect experiment
QC Mean area response Extraction are presented in Table 3.
level Post spiked (A) Extracted (B) recovery
LQC 26748 19406 72.55 Dilution integrity was assessed to find out whether by
MQC 3616128 2715187 75.09 keeping the final concentrations unaffected the samples
HQC 6611436 5331879 80.65 can be diluted with blank sample or not. The experiment
Mean 76.10 was performed with six samples each of two times (1/2)
SD 4.143 and of four times dilution (1/4) of 2× HQC samples.
% CV 5.44 The diluted samples processing was performed and
Note: % CV: Percentage Coefficient of Variation and SD: Standard was evaluated by using calibration curve and final
concentrations was calculated by applying respective
Processing of blank rat K2EDTA plasma was done dilution factor. The percentage nominal concentration
and was spiked later with lower and higher spiked of escitalopram was obtained as 96.01 and 97.44 for half
stock solutions of analyte and internal standard. and quarter dilution respectively. % CV of escitalopram
The equivalent aqueous QC samples were prepared was ≤1.08.
along with post-spiked samples and all samples were Drug stability is the function of storage condition
analysed. in a biological matrix, stability testing is evaluated
Matrix factor was calculated by comparing the response according to the storage condition which would be
of samples, which were post spiked with aqueous required during sample collection and handling. Various
equivalent QC samples for all the plasma lots. stabilities were performed and the details of stability
are briefed in Table 4.
The % CV obtained for matrix factor at each level,
internal standard and Internal Standard (ISTD) Main stock solution stability for 19 d at temperature
of 2°-8° (long term) was described below. Solution
March-April 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 386
of escitalopram and imipramine were prepared and the samples were processed and analysed along with
were kept in refrigerator as stability sample. After freshly prepared linearity and QC samples of same
19 d aqueous equivalent ULOQ concentration of concentration. The mean area of stability and freshly
escitalopram and working solution of imipramine were prepared samples were compared to find out mean
made from the stock of stability samples and analysed % change. The mean % change for escitalopram was
along with freshly prepared samples. Mean area of found to be within the acceptance criteria of ±15 %.
stability and freshly prepared samples were compared Stability of escitalopram at 5° in auto sampler for
to find out mean percent (%) change. The mean % 29.00 h (In-injector) is as follows. LQC and HQC
change was within the acceptance criteria of ±10 %. samples were processed and after processing they
Spiking stock solution stability for 19 d at temperature were stored in auto sampler for 29.00 h at 5°. After the
of 2°-8° (Long term) was shown below. Spiking stock stability hours, the samples were compared with freshly
solutions of escitalopram was prepared and kept in processed linearity and QC samples. Mean % change
refrigerator at 2°-8° as stability sample. After 19 d, was calculated. The mean % change for escitalopram
aqueous sample of LLOQ and ULOQ were analysed was found to be within the acceptance criteria of
against freshly prepared aqueous equivalent LLOQ and ±15 %.
ULOQ of escitalopram of prepared samples. Mean area LQC and HQC bulk spiked samples were prepared
of stability of freshly prepared samples were compared and stored in frozen condition at -70°±5°. Samples
to find out mean % change. The mean % change was were retrieved and thawn four times. Processing of
within the acceptance criteria of ±10 %. freeze-thaw samples was done and estimated with fresh
Stability of escitalopram in bench at room temperature linearity and quality samples at lower and higher level
for 6 h is as follows. LQC and HQC bulk spiked (comparison samples). Mean % change was calculated
samples were kept at bench for 6 h, after stability hours after 4th freeze-thaw cycle. The mean % change for


Matrix factor ISTD normalized matrix factor
Lot number
K2E-R1 0.91 0.94 0.98 0.93 0.96
K2E-R2 0.91 0.96 0.99 0.92 0.97
K2E-R3 0.91 0.97 0.98 0.93 0.99
K2E-R4 0.93 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.99
L-098 0.90 0.98 0.96 0.94 1.02
H-099 0.92 0.97 0.96 0.96 1.01
Mean 0.91 0.97 0.98 0.94 0.99
SD 0.010 0.014 0.012 0.015 0.023
% CV 1.10 1.44 1.22 1.60 2.32
Note: K2E: Dipotassium Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and R1, R2, R3, R4: Rats


Storage condition QC level Mean % change
LQC -0.77
Bench top stability (06.00 h at room temperature)
HQC 4.94
LQC -1.50
In-injector stability at 5° for 29.00 h
HQC -0.97
LQC -1.50
Freeze and thaw stability after 4th cycle at -70°±5°
HQC -0.72
LQC 0.00
Wet extract stability for 04.00 h at room temperature
HQC 0.13
LQC -4.98
Dry extract stability for 04:00 h at room temperature
HQC -4.12
LQC 3.85
Long-term stability for 52 d at -70°
HQC -3.25

387 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2022

escitalopram was within the acceptance criteria of were used to determine the mean % change. The mean
±15 %. % change for escitalopram was found to be within the
acceptance criteria of ±15 %.
et extract stability of escitalopram at room temperature
for 04.00 h is as follows. LQC and HQC which were The present work demonstrate LC-MS/MS method with
bulk spiked and stored were retrieved for processing. LLOQ of 0.050 ng/ml, which is 10 times more sensitive
After processing, the samples were stored at room and with 50 µl of plasma volume which is 20 times less
temperature. After 04.00 h the samples were submitted than the reported methods of similar sensitivity with 2.10
for quantification with freshly prepared linearity and min of run time. Few earlier reported sensitive methods
quality samples at lower and higher level (Comparison demonstrated a long run time of 10 min with 0.5 ng/
samples). Mean % change was calculated. The mean ml[4], LLOQ levels 1 ng/ml)[5], LLOQ of 0.1 ng/ml using
% change for escitalopram was within the acceptance 1 ml plasma[7]. Comparing those sensitive methods, the
criteria of ±15 %. present methods showed more acceptability for animal
sample. It requires less plasma volume and sensitivity
Dry extract stability of escitalopram at room temperature
is also improved. Additionally, this method involves the
for 04.00 h is as follows. During the processing steps,
Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) technique of sample
after evaporation the samples were kept at room
processing which is very simple and cost-effective. The
temperature for 4 h. After that the reconstitution
method is also validated in alignment with the recent
solution was added and analyzed with freshly prepared
USFDA guidelines released on May 2018[9].
linearity and QC samples (Comparison samples).
Mean % change was calculated. The mean % change Application of the method to pharmacokinetic study is
for escitalopram was within the acceptance criteria of shown below. This developed and validated LC-MS/
±15 %. MS method was applied to animal pharmacokinetic
study escitalopram by dosing the animal with 2.5 mg/
Samples were prepared at LQC and HQC levels
kg p.o. of the drug and the method was able to quantify
and stored at -70°±5° (stability samples). After
the escitalopram in the presence of other endogenous
52 d these stability samples were retrieved, processed
materials and drug metabolites. This was conducted in
and analysed against freshly prepared CSs, LQC and
Sprague-Dawley rats after obtaining the approval from
HQC samples (comparison samples). The calculated
the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC),
concentrations of stability and comparison samples Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of

Fig. 5: Representative chromatogram of unknown pharmacokinetic sample

March-April 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 388
and Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Manipal for the support and necessary facilities
provided for this work.

Conflict of interests:
The authors declared no conflict of interest.

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reported method using 50 µl of plasma volume which
concentrations in both matrices. J Pharm Biomed Anal
is very critical for animal pharmacokinetic study. The 2008;48(1):183-93.
application of this method to animal pharmacokinetic 9. USFDA. Bioanalytical Method Validation, Guidance for
study demonstrates that the validated method is very Industry. FDA-2013-D-1020: Food and Drug Administration,
reliable and accurate. Rockville, Maryland, MD 20852: U. S. Department of Health
and Human Services; Food and Drug Administration; Center
Acknowledgements: for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER); Center for
Veterinary Medicine (CVM), Silver Spring, Maryland; 2018.
We would like to acknowledge Ecron Acunova limited p. 1-41.

389 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2022

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