Revision 123 For The Mid - Term - E8

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1, How to use simple present, future tense,
2, How to use verb of liking+ gerunds and Verbs of liking + to-infinitives.
3. How to use Comparative forms of adjectives: review and Comparative forms of adverbs.
4. How to use Articles (some uses)
II. Phonetice
Clusters: /br/ and /pr/./bl/ and /cl/, /sk/, /sp/ and /st/
III. Exercises

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each
1. A. condition /sh/ B. question /ch/ C. collection /sh/ D. pollution /sh/
2. A. usually B. pleasure C. composer D. occasion
3. A. recognized B. established C. finished D. laughed
Choose the word whose stress is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
4. A. diversity B. speciality C. minority D. majority
5. A. cooperation B. communal C. attractive D. nomadic

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. The Muong are well-known for the _______of their traditional songs.
A. rich B. richness C. richy D. richyness
7. The exhibition shows the_______ of different cultural groups.
A. diverse B. diversification C. diversity D. diversifying
8. There are always regional _______in every country.
A. different B. differences C. differ D. differential
9. You shrug your shoulders means: “_______”.
A. I’m hungry. B. I don’t know. C. I’m angry. D. Sorry, I need to go now.
10. _______ Global communication was changed by the of the Internet.
A. inventors B. invention C. invent D. invented
11.Australia is a/an_______ country what the planet Earth will be like in 100 years’ time.
A. exceptional B. unique' C. scenic D. iconic
12. Using music, codes, or signs to communicate is called _______ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. public D. non-public
13.Vietnam is a/an________ country with 54 ethnic groups.
A. ethnic B. multi-cultural C. bi-lingual D. bi-cultural
14. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can_______ for them.
A. struggle B. defeat C. prepare D. invent
15.Air pollution, together with littering has________ many problems in our large cities today.
A. caused B. bought C. made D. affected
Exercise 4. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences.
16. My grandfather gets a lot of pleasure from gardening.
A. sadness B. equipments C. profits D. happiness
17.Many people in this area have cholera because they drink unwell-treated water.
A. mineral B. fresh C. contaminated D. salty
18. With healthier lifestyles and better medical care people will have a longer life expectancy.
A. lifeboat B. lifestyle C. lifespan D. lifejacket
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences.
19. From 1856 to 1875, a remarkable variety of inventions was produced.
A. collection B. diversity C. number D. limitation
20. If the teacher were here now, we would ask her the difference between “technology” and “science”.
A. indifference B. strength C. similarity D. familiarity

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. Hung Kings Temple Festival_________ a public holiday in Vietnam since 2007.
A. is B. has been C. was D. be
22. Hoa, do you fancy _______ the modern at exhibition with me this weekend.
A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. to visiting
23. My father doesn’t mind _____ the washing up in my family.
A. doing B. to do C. did D. do
24. These days lots of children _________indoors_____ outside.
A. stay - than play B. staying - to playing C. staying - than playing D. stay - to play to
25. A gear can be ________ to be pulled down than a house.
A. easier B. easily C. more easily D. much easily
26. This house _______ this time next week.
A. will be painted B. will paint C. will be being painted D. will be painting
27. English _______ all over the world.
A. spoke B. is spoke C. is spoken D. speaks
28. All the villagers ________ to safe places before the storm came last night.
A. evacuated B. had been evacuated C. had evacuated D. was evacuated
29. If he _______ her, she could have had an accident.
A. didn’t warn B. hadn’t warned C. warn D. doesn’t warn
30. Hung managed _________ his family in England by using Skype.
A. contact B. to contact C. contacting D. contacte
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31.Students can play(A) and learn languages (B) from the (C) other students all over (D) the world.
32.The(A) Internet has made it possible(B) not only to quickly find and share information also(C) to contact
with people from (D) over the world.
33.Computer games can be bad (A) and have (B) negative affects(C) on our society and individuals (D).
34.Althoughthe (A) weather was (B) bad but (C) the match was not cancelled(D).
35.We don’t trust(A) Tu because (B) he often behaves (C) bad(D).
English 8 with Mrs Huong Tel. 0985824676

Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F).
Many people think that computer games are only harmful to humans. Studies discovered that
playing games overtime could cause health risks such as obesity, eye damage. Most game players don’t
exercise; instead, they eat junk food, which is not good for our health.
However, playing computer games makes the players think critically, in order to win matches or
proceed to the next stages of the game. Some of the games are very difficult and no one can win easily,
unless he thinks for a while. I believe it is good for the players, because they learn how to think, plan
ahead strategically and solve their problems.
Moreover, we can relax our mind by playing computer games. After a day of working hard, playing
such games can be a good way to have relaxation. In addition, computer games help people make friends
and have become a tool to build strong relationship between friends.
In conclusion, playing computer games results in both positive and negative effects on our lives.
36. Computer games are only harmful to people. v
37. Obesity and eye damage can have negative effect to people’s health. v

38. Some games are very difficult because no one can win easily. v
39. Playing computer games can be used as a tool to relax. v
40. Playing computer games have more positive than negative impacts. v
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each of the
questions below.
Netiquette is the etiquette or good manners of using the Internet. Being friendly and polite shows
good manners both offline and online. You should ask someone's permission before posting anything
about them on the web or sharing their emails, photo, or chat conversations. You need to make sure
they know you are sharing it and agree with it.
If your friend gives you permission to forward something, be sure to protect them by removing
any personal information like their name and email address, and remove any parts that have nothing to
do with what you want to share.
If someone is rude in cyberspace, you have a choice between joining in and making it worse or
just walking away from it. If their attacks are directed at you, you can block them and talk to a trusted
adult about how to best deal with them before responding.

41. What is netiquette?

A. It is the etiquette or good manners.
B. It is the etiquette of using the Internet.
C. It is the etiquette or good manners of using the Internet.
D. It is the good manners of using the Internet.
42. What are good manners when you are online or offline?
A. Being friendly and polite
B. Asking someone's permission
C. Posting anything on the web
D. Sharing emails, photo, or chat conversations
43. What should you do before posting and sharing something related to other people on the web?
A. Being friendly and polite
B. Asking their permission
C. Posting anything on the web
D. Sharing emails, photo, or chat conversations.
44. What can you do to protect personal information you post on the Internet?
vRemoving the name and email address
Removing any parts that you want to share
Removing any personal information you like
Removing some parts of their names and address
45. What should you do if you get cyber bullying? English 8 with Mrs Huong Tel. 0985824676

A. Joining in
B. Making it worse
C. Walking away from I
D. Talking to them about how to best deal with them

Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the
two given sentences.
46. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
A. If I can understand him, he can speak so quickly.
B. If he doesn’t speak so quickly, I can understand him.
C. If he spoke more slowly, I could understand him.
D. If I understood him, he could speak more slowly.
47. Although he took a taxi, he still arrived late for school.
A. In spite of the taking a taxi, he still arrived late for school.
B. In spite taking a taxi, he still arrived late for school.
C. Despite of taking a taxi, he still arrived late for school.
D. In spite of taking a taxi, he still arrived late for school.
48. Global warming has caused many natural disasters.
A. Many natural disasters have been caused by global wanning.
B. Many natural disasters have caused by global warming.
C. Many natural disasters have be caused by global warming.
D. Many natural disasters caused by global warming.
49. As soon as we got on the plane, the pilot told us to get off again.
A. We had just got on the plane when the pilot had told us to get off again.
B. We had just got on the plane before the pilot told us to get off again.
C. The pilot had told us to get off again before we got on the plane.
D. The pilot told us to get off again before we had got on the plane.
50. Peter is so kind to help .the injured people.
A. It’s Peter so kind to help the injured people.
B. It’s so kind of Peter for helping the injured people.
C. It’s so kind of Peter to help the injured people.
D. It’s so kind that Peter helping the injured people.
_____The end_____

English 8 with Mrs Huong Tel. 0985824676

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