Online Reservation For Cine Malls: Software Requirement Specification

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Online Reservation for Cine Malls


Software Requirement Specification



Team members Anshul Gupta 0201CS081016 Shubham Singh 0201CS081079 Shubhang Agrawal 0201CS081080 Vaishali Mangwani 0201CS081087

Project Mentor Prof. Jitendra Singh Thakur

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

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Online Reservation for Cine Malls Software Requirement Specification TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.0 Introduction 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Scope 1.3.1 General Requierements 1.3.2 Interface Enhancements 1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1.5 Tools Used 1.6 References 1.7 Technologies to be used 1.8 Overview -4-5-5-5-5-5-6-8-9-10-10-

2.0 Usage Scenario 2.1 Interface 2.1.1Interface diagram 2.1.2 Interface Enhancements 2.2 Software Interface 2.2.1 Recommended Requirements 2.3 Assumptions and Constraints 2..3.1 Assumptions 2.3.2 Constraints 2.4 Data Flow Diagram 2.5 Relationships 2.6 Use Case 2.7 Special Usage Considerations


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3.0 Functional Requirements 3.1 Customer 3.1.1 Buying ticket 3.1.2 Return ticket(refund/cancel seat) 3.2 Staff 3.2.1 Insert film data 3.2.2 Delete film data 3.2.3 Modify film data 3.2.4 Adding new section to current showing film 3.3 Activity Diagrams 3.3.1 User registration activity 3.3.2 Web Camera Interaction Activity 3.4 User Profiles 4.0 Data Model and Description 4.1 Data Description 4.2 Data Objects and Dictionary -16-16-17-18-18-19-19-20-20-21-21-22-23-23-23-23-

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1. Introduction
1.1 Methodology
Rational Unified Process The Rational Unified Process brings together elements from all of the generic process models, supports iteration and illustrates good practice in specification and design. The RUP is normally described from three perspectives: A dynamic perspective that shows the phases of the model over time. A static perspective that shows the process activities that are enacted. A practice perspective that suggests good practices to be used during the process.

Fig 1.1:Phases of RUP

The different phases in RUP are

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Inception The goal of the inception phase is to establish a business case for the system. Identifying all external entities that will interact with the system and defining these interaction. This information is used to assess the contribution of system to business. Elaboration The goals of the elaboration phase are to develop an understanding of the problem domain, establish an architectural framework, develop project plan and identify key project risks. Construction This phase is concerned with system design, programming and testing. Parts of the system are developed in parallel and integrated during this phase. Transition This is the final phase of RUP and is concerned with moving the system from the development community to the user community and making it work in real environment.

1.2 Purpose
The main purpose of our online ticket booking system is to provide another way for the customer to buy cinema ticket. It is an automatic system. After inserting the data to database, staff need not to due with the order receive through the system. In fact, there is similar system on the internet, but there is no refund method found in the existing system. The goals of our system are: 1 To provide a anytime anyplace service for the customer 2 To provide refund which is not available in the existing system 3 To minimize the number of staff at the ticket box 4 To promote the film on the internet 5 To increase the profit 6 To obtain statistic information from the booking record.

1.3 Scope

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1.3.1 General Requirements(functional) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The web page (e.g. The time table page) will be generated automatically according to the data in database. A way in which the customer can create its own account(member registration). A way in which the users (both customer and staff) can login to the system to perform different operation. A way in which the customer can modify its own data. A way in which the customer can commit order by just clicking the seat (which is shown on the screen) and insert some card data. A way in which the customer can cancel the order and get the refund

A way in which the customer can check the ticket record according to the transaction number. 8. A way in which the staff can use the system to add data(e.g. film description) to the database. 9. The system can verify the data before transaction. 10. The system can generate the time table automatically(by just input the length of the film) or the time table is set by the staff.(2 operating mode for the staff to insert data). 11. The system can generate some statistic information according booking and ticket selling record. Our web-based system needs about 30 interfaces to handle all the functions.

One of the main purpose of our system is to reduce the number of staff in the ticket box. So, most of the job is done by the system automatically. Staff only need to insert new film data and due with the refund part.

To make the system more user-friendly, customer need not to enter lots of data. An order will be commit step by step with guideline (request about 7 webpage for an order).

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations


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Administrator. He has the authority to add/delete users, grant permission to cinema halls and and kiosk manager. KM Kiosk Manager. He is the owner of kiosk and manages appointments of doctors. WASCE WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. It is an application server that runs and supports J2EE and web service applications. DB2 Database_2.A database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to maintain records of students, teachers, admin and dm. JSP Java Server Pages. It is used to create dynamic web content. J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition. A programming platform which is a part of java platform for developing and running distributed java. UML Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document XML Extensible Markup Language is a text based format that let developers describe, deliver and exchange structured data between a range of applications to client for display and manipulation.

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HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Its a service protocol. RAD Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL.

1.5 Tools Used

Application architecture JAVA, J2EE JAVA Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems a company best known for its high end UNIX workstations. Java language was designed to be small, simple, and portable across platforms, operating systems, both at the source and at the binary level, which means that Java programs (applet and application) can run on any machine that has the Java virtual machine (JVM) installed. J2EE Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE is a widely used platform for server programming in the Java programming language. The Java platform (Enterprise Edition) differs from the Java Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries which provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based largely on modular components running on an application server. Web server WASCE WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (from now on WASCE) is a free, certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's supported distribution of Apache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and Axis 2 for web services. Over 15 WASCE developers are committers in the Apache Geronimo project. Development tool RAD IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software (RAD) is

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an integrated development environment (IDE), made by IBM's Rational Software division, for visually designing, constructing, testing, and deploying Web services, portals, and Java (J2EE) applications. Database platform DB2 DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and supports the J2EE and web services standards.

Design tool Rational Software Modeler IBM Rational Software Modeler, (RSM) made by IBM's Rational Software division, is a Unified Modeling Language UML 2.0-based visual modeling and design tool. Rational Software Modeler is built on the Eclipse open-source software framework and includes capabilities focused on visual modeling and model-driven development (MDD) with the UML for creating resilient, thought-out applications and web services.

1.6 References

Software Engineering ,Pressman Software Engineering, Seventh Edition, Ian Sommerville. IBM Red Books. IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis. IBM . Java - Wikipedia -

Database Management Systems - Navathe. Complete Reference - J2EE - TMH Java Blackbook

1.7 Technologies to be used

DB2: Relational Database Management System. RAD: Rational Application Developer.

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WASCE: Websphere Application Server Community Edition. Rational Software Modeler.

1.8 Overview
Existing System:
Registration for users Discussion forum

No Refund Remote area users and people who doesn't have knowledge of internet cannot use the system

Proposed System:
Registration for users, cinema halls, kiosks Kiosk Managers - help the Web camera interaction. Refund would be provided on time hierarchal process as done by IRCTC

Our Plan:
Registration for users. Online maintenance of health record. Online prescription from doctor. Advance cum instant booking Centralized system

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2.0 Usage Scenario


2.1.2 Interface Enhancements Our web-based system needs about 30 interfaces to handle all the functions. Staff One of the main purpose of our system is to reduce the number of staff in the ticket box. So, most of the job is done by the system automatically. Staff only need to insert new film data and due with the refund part. Customer To make the system more user-friendly, customer need not to enter lots of data. An order will be commit step by step with guideline (request about 7 webpage for an order).

2.2 Software Interface Client on Internet

Web Browser, Operating System (any)

Client on Intranet
Web Browser, Operating System (any)

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WASCE, Operating System (any)

Data Base Server

DB2, Operating System (any)

Development End
RAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, HTML, XML, AJAX), DB2, OS (Windows), WebSphere(Web Server)

2.2.1 Recommended Requirements: Client Side Processor Internet Explorer 6 Web cam All Intel or AMD - 1 GHZ RAM 256 MB Disk Space 100 MB

5.0 Megapixel Camera Server Side Processor RAM 2 GB All Intel or AMD - 2 GHZ Disk Space 3.5 GB 500 MB 512 MB (Excluding Data Size)


DB2 - 9.5

2.3 Assumptions and Constraints 2.3.1 Assumptions Ticket type Every film has 3 ticket types(adult /student /elderly or children). That means there are 3 different prices for each film. Also, this assumption is work in the whole year, even in Tuesday and public holiday.

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Web server We need to have a real web server to run the system. This server must able to support dynamic webpage(E.g. php). And we must associate enough bandwidth for this server, so multi-user (customer) can use the system at the same time. DBMS compatibility We need to have a real DBMS to run the system. Since multi-user will use the system at the same time, the DBMS must able to due with the data concurrency problem. Hardware compatibility Since we cannot use a machine to read the card information and print the ticket to the customer, we just assume the cinema have such device. So, staff in the ticket box need not to handle the booking through the web. 2.3.2 Constraints

Transaction We cannot do a real transaction, so we can only simulate the process of transaction and save the necessary data in the database System requirement and performance Since our system is a web-based system, almost all the popular perform can use the system if a web browser is included. We will sure use some java script and java applet in the system, so the browser must enable these functions to use the system normally. In addition, to improve the security, a browse support SSL is needed. Also, users computer must able to connect to internet.

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2.4 Data Flow Diagram for Movie Ticket Booking

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2.5 Relationships

2.6 Use-case The Read/Write/Modify own group are the main user of this software. Full Control Group(IT Support) IT Support is a team which manipulates and maintains the system. Since further improvement and testing of the system is needed, the team will be inside the full control group.

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Read/Write/Modify Own Group Customer 1. Create member account 2. Modify its own data(e.g. address) 3. Ticket booking 4. Cancel booking Staff 1. Insert data to database(film name, description) 2. Delete data from database 3. Modify data in the database.(adding new movie section, changing movie description) Obtain statistic information

4. 5. 2.7 Special Usage Considerations

Customers need a credit card to complete a transaction.

3.0 Functional Requirements Since the staff and the customer are the main target group of our software, we will only concern about some important functions for the staff and the customer. 3.1 Customer The following diagram is the main page of the system, which most of the customer will start using the system from this page. In this page, the customer can check the film detail by clicking on each film(e.g. film description, seat booking situation). The customer can start the buy ticket process after checking the film detail. Also, the customer can register as a member of the system. After registration, customer can login to its own account to modify its own data and return ticket if they have order a ticket before.

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Fig.1 The main page

Fig.2 The overall state diagram for customers action 3.1.1 Buying ticket The buying ticket process is the most important function in our system. We will describe this process in detail. 1. Choose the film ,time and venue 2. Check the status of select venue at certain time.(by system) (Since the above function is open to public, customer need to login before they can

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choose a seat) 3. Login to the system 4. Choosing the seat position. 5. Enter data like ticket type and payment method (money in the account<from refund> or credit card), if the customer pay by credit card, credit card number need to be insert too. 6. Validation the data entered by the customer.(e.g. credit card number) (by system) 7. Ask the user to confirm the transaction. (by system) 8. Show the transaction number to the customer. (by system)

3.1.2 Return ticket(refund/cancel seat) This is one important feature of our system. By examine the existing system on the internet, we found that there is no such function available at this moment, so we try to include it in our system. To protect the benefit the cinema, we will not give the money back to the customer, but insert a record to database, write down how much the customer is remain in the system. So, the customer can use the remaining money. To do so, both the customer and the cinema can satisfy the win condition. Also, customer will come to the website more frequently, since they have some money remain in the system. The steps of performing return ticket process: 1. Customer login into the system from the main page. 2. Customer information will be shown in the user main page (including the information about booked seat). 3. Customer cancel the seat by clicking some button 4. System check the time weather it is possible for the customer to cancel the seat(by system) 5. If the seat is cancelled successfully, increase the cancelled amount of money to customers record. (by system) 6. Return to the user main page.

3.2 Staff The system for the staff part is not shown in the main page. Before the staff to perform any operation, he/she must login to the system first. Once the staff login to the system, the statistic information will be shown. And the staff can choose

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function by clicking the button on left hand side. The functions are: 1. Insert film data. 2. Delete film data. 3. Modify film data. 4. Add new section to current showing film. The function Obtain the statistic information just like reading data from database, we will not describe here. 3.2.1 Insert film data Since the webpage is dynamic generated according to the data in database, the data in the database will be updated frequently. For this reason, we provide a easy way for the staff to enter data through the system(but not input data to the database directly). Because the length of each film is different, we provide two modes for the staff to insert time table. The process of inserting film data: 1. Login to the system 2. Insert movie data(e.g. movie name, director) 3. Insert cinema data(by choosing from the list of cinema) 4. Choose mode to insert time table. (Automatic mode or Manual mode) Automatic mode In this mode, the time table will generate automatically according to the length of the movie. The system will show the time table and then ask the staff to confirm. After confirm, the data will insert to the database. Manual mode In this mode, staff need to insert the begin time of movie one by one. Using this mode, the cinema can make special arrangement. 3.2.2 Delete film data To minimize the size of the database and improve the speed of searching, staff should delete the film data that is outdated. The steps are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Login to the system. Choose the delete film data function. Choose the movie that we want to remove from the system. System check whether it is possible to be deleted (The film is outdated or not?). Popup a confirm box if the film is possible to be deleted. If staff click yes, the related data of the film will be deleted.

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3.2.3 Modify film data Since the staff may make mistakes, we provide a function to modify the movie data(but not the time table). Therefore, staff can easily changing the movie data without knowledge about the database. The steps are listed below: 1. Login to the system. 2. Choose the modify film data function. 3. Choose the movie that we want to modify. 4. Information of the selected movie are shown and staff can modify it directly 5. Choose save after the modification is finished. 3.2.4 Adding new section to current showing film If a film is popular, the cinema may want to add new section, so that they can earn more money. As a result, we provide this function, let the staff to insert new time section for a certain film easily. The steps are listed below: 1. Login to the system. 2. Choose the adding new section to the current showing film function. 3. Choose the movie that we want to add new section. 4. Move to the page that we descript in the 3.2.1 to insert record to time table. 5. Choose save after adding.

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3.3 Activity Diagrams
3.3.1 User Registration Activity Initially user is made to fill all mandatory fields filled in registration form. Once the user clicks submit, the username is verified. If the username is already present, then the user is again taken back, so that he can change the username. If the username is not present then it checks for password and remaining mandatory fields. If any of the mandatory field is left empty or filled incorrect, then the user is informed to enter the correct values. Once all these verifications are succeeded, then the registration is done.

Fig 3.5: Activity Diagram Representing User Registration

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3.3.2 Web Camera Interaction Activity Webcam interaction activity is recommended for users to ensure non transferability of tickets. The user will interact with the webcam and the latest version of users photo will be recorded in the database.. The face recognition system at the cinema hall will verify the user and hence ensure security.

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3.4 User Profiles There will be three levels of users: 1. Full Control(IT Support) 2. Read/Write/Modify Own(Customer/Staff) 3. Read Only(General Public)

Read Only Group(General Public) All the people can browse the webpage but cannot make any change to the system.

4.0 Data Model and Description

4.1 Data Description 4.2 Data Objects and Dictionary Cinema information Cinema_id: The key for each cinema. Cinema_name: The name of the cinema. Cinema_hall_no: The hall number of that cinema. Customer information Customer_id: The key for each customer. Customer_name: The customers name. Customer_tel: The customers telephone number. Customer_address: The customers address.

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The customers email address. Customer_password: The customers password for login the system. Customer_amount: The amount of money that the customer have refund and will be use in next time. Customer_creditcard: The customers credit card number. Movie information Movie_id: The key for each movie. Movie_name: The name of the movie. Movie_director: The director of the movie. Movie_casting: The actor of the movie. Movie_duration: The length of the movie. Movie_cateory: The cateory of movie like I,II,III. Movie_language: The language of the movie. Movie_synopsis: The main description of the movie. Record Information: Record_id: The key for each record. Record_seat: The seats which is sold in this record. Sale Information

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Sale_id: The key for each record. Sale_time: The time for this sale. Sale_seat_sold The seat which is sold. Sale_seat_available: The seat which is available. Staff Information Staff_id: The key for each record. Staff_name: The name of the staff Staff_password: The password of the staff. Ticket Information Ticket_type_id: The key for each record. Ticket_type_name: The name of each ticket type. Ticket_price: The price for each ticket type.

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Special Thanks
We convey a special thanks to our department and to our college. We also convey a special thanks to all these softwares and websites, they have been helping a lot in doing the project.

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