Analysing Moderated Mediation Effects: Marketing Applications

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Analysing moderated mediation effects: Marketing applications

Article  in  Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) · November 2015

DOI: 10.1177/2051570715606278


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5 authors, including:

Sylvie Borau Assaad El Akremi

Toulouse Business School Toulouse 1 Capitole University


Leila Elgaaïed-Gambier Linda Hamdi-Kidar

Toulouse Business School Toulouse Business School


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RME0010.1177/2051570715606278Recherche et Applications en MarketingBorau et al.

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Analysing moderated mediation © l’Association Française du Marketing, 2015
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effects: Marketing applications
DOI: 10.1177/2051570715606278

Sylvie Borau
Université de Toulouse, Toulouse Business School, France

Assâad El Akremi
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Centre de Recherche en Management (CRM, UMR 5303 CNRS), France

Leila Elgaaied-Gambier
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, THEMA (UMR CNRS 8184), France

Linda Hamdi-Kidar
IUT A, Université Paul Sabatier, LGCO - Laboratoire de Gouvernance et Contrôle Organisationnel, France

Charlotte Ranchoux
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Centre de Recherche en Management (CRM, UMR 5303 CNRS), France

The purpose of this article is to explain and illustrate the methodological approach used to test moderated
mediation effects (conditional indirect effects) in marketing. A moderated mediation effect indicates the
presence, in a single model, of one or more mediating variables and one or more moderating variables.
Having first described the main methodological approaches used to test moderated mediation effects,
with an emphasis on their respective advantages and disadvantages, we go on to recommend the method
used by Hayes, which we illustrate through several marketing applications. This method makes it possible
rigorously and simultaneously to test both mediating and moderating effects. Recommendations are also
made to guide marketing researchers in the analysis of moderated mediation.

bootstrap, conditional indirect effects, mediated moderation, methodology, moderated mediation

Mediating and moderating effects are often tested known as an indirect effect, is defined by the pres-
by marketing researchers (Caceres and Vanhamme, ence of one or more variables that intervene to trans-
2003; Zhao et al., 2011). A mediating effect, also mit the influence of variable X on variable Y (Baron

Corresponding author:
Sylvie Borau, Toulouse Business School, Université de Toulouse, 20 Boulevard Lascrosses, 31068 Toulouse, France.
Email: [email protected]

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2 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

and Kenny, 1986; MacKinnon, 2008; MacKinnon according to the consumer’s level of expertise. By
et al., 2012; Shrout and Bolger, 2002; Zhao et al., studying the partnerships between buyers and sell-
2010, 2011). A moderating effect is defined by the ers, Celuch et al. (2011) found that the indirect
presence of one or more variables that modulate the effect of a partner’s communication on conflict
influence of variable X on variable Y by impacting resolution via the attribution of responsibility is
the nature, direction and/or strength of this influ- determined by the level of trust between the buyer
ence, which can vary in accordance with the values and seller. Bibliographical research covering the
of the moderating variable (Aguinis and Gottfredson, period from early January 2007 to late December
2010; Baron and Kenny, 1986; Caceres and 2014 in marketing journals ranked 1 and 21 reveals
Vanhamme, 2003; Dawson, 2014; Jaccard and a growing interest among researchers in the analysis
Turrisi, 2003; Sharma et al., 1981). Edwards (2008) of moderated mediation effects (see Appendix 1).
uses the term conditional effect to describe a mod- However, the number of articles that use rigorous
erating effect. The procedures used to test mediat- analytical approaches remains limited (from a sam-
ing and moderating effects separately and rigorously ple of several hundred articles, we identified 118
are increasingly stable and widely adopted (Aguinis which explicitly deal with moderated mediation),
and Gottfredson, 2010; Aiken and West, 1991; which might generate a risk that inadequate meth-
Preacher and Hayes, 2004, 2008; Zhao et al., 2011). ods will be used leading to incorrect results and
However, the considerable advances being made in conclusions. The majority of these 118 articles (61,
marketing research now encourage researchers to or 51.7%) were based on the approach recom-
move beyond the separate analysis of mediating mended by Preacher et al. (2007). Although recent,
and/or moderating effects and instead to understand Hayes (2013a, 2013b) updated version of this
the simultaneous mechanisms underlying these approach has already been used in 49 articles
effects (‘how’) and the conditional limits of these (41.5%), no more than 8 articles (6.8%) make refer-
effects (‘when’ or ‘under what conditions’; Edwards ence to the method suggested by Edwards and
and Lambert, 2007; Hayes, 2013a, 2013b). Lambert (2007; see Appendix 1). It is worth noting
Marketing researchers currently face an increas- that, since it was first revealed, Hayes’ method
ing number of models that use both mediating and (2013a, 2013b) has taken on significant importance
moderating variables, giving rise to so-called mod- in the marketing literature. In 2013, 14 articles used
erated mediation, mediated moderation (Edwards this method (compared to 20 in which that of
and Lambert, 2007) or conditional indirect effects Preacher et al., 2007 was used). This rose to 33 in
(Preacher et al., 2007). The term ‘moderated media- 2014 (compared to 23 for Preacher et al., 2007). So,
tion’ is conventionally used as a generic term to while the method proposed by Preacher et al. (2007)
describe multiple effects (Edwards and Lambert, continues to dominate in terms of the overall num-
2007; Fairchild and McQuillin, 2010; Muller et al., ber of studies between 2007 and 2014, Hayes’
2005; Preacher et al., 2007). Indeed, the methodo- method (2013a, 2013b) was used more often in
logical approach presented herein applies to all of 2014. This rising influence suggests that this
these effects. We therefore use the term ‘moderated method, which we recommend, is currently becom-
mediation’ to refer to all cases in which the moder- ing the dominant approach in marketing research.
ating effect is transmitted via one or more mediat- Many authors have recently emphasised that
ing variables. In other words, moderated mediation traditional procedures are insufficient and inade-
is present when the magnitude, size or direction of quate when it comes to simultaneously and rigor-
the indirect effect of variable X on variable Y via a ously testing moderated mediation effects
mediating variable M varies in accordance with the (Edwards and Lambert, 2007; Hayes, 2013a,
value of a moderating variable Z (Preacher et al., 2013b; Preacher et al., 2007). These procedures
2007). For example, Sellier and Dahl (2011) dem- often involve initially testing for mediating effects
onstrated that the impact of a greater rather than a and then for moderating effects, before reaching a
limited choice of inputs on consumer creativity is conclusion about the presence of moderated medi-
mediated by the pleasure associated with the crea- ation effects. In other cases, a multi-group analysis
tive process and that this indirect impact varies is used: the sample is first split into subgroups

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Borau et al. 3

according to various values of the moderating var- moderation. Despite the advanced state of methods
iable, after which the significance of the mediating with which to analyse mediation and moderation
effect is tested in each subgroup (Wegener and effects, there remains some confusion between the
Fabrigar, 2000). Most of these methods do not two, although they represent distinct processes and
allow the user to formally test for conditional indi- require different methods of analysis (Hayes, 2013a,
rect effects, therefore making it impossible to for- 2013b).
mulate clear statistical inferences in this regard
(see Table 1). It is also possible to use structural
equations to simultaneously test an overall model Mediation effects: Direct and indirect
of moderated mediation (Dabholkar and Bagozzi, effects
2002; Hayes and Preacher, 2013). However, the A mediation effect relates to the mechanism through
use of structural equation methods to test this type which an independent variable X has an impact on a
of model is complex and sometimes runs the risk dependent variable Y via an intermediary variable
of breaching the conditions for normal probability M located between X and Y (MacKinnon, 2008).
and linearity distribution of the tested effects,2 The mediation effect can often be broken down into
especially when the sample size is insufficient direct and indirect effects. Two regression equa-
(Cortina et al., 2001; Edwards, 2008). Different tions can be used as a simplified method to test
authors emphasise the importance of (1) using these effects. The first links the independent vari-
robust methods such as bootstrapping which allow able X and the mediating variable M
the user to rigorously test for non-linear effects
and, in the case of non-normal distribution, to cal- M = bM + aX + eM (1)
culate confidence intervals (CIs); (2) testing the
significance of indirect effects for various values The second equation represents the estimation of
of the moderating variable and (3) making meth- Y by both X and M, thereby enabling the impact of
ods for testing moderated mediation effects more M on Y to be tested while controlling for X
intuitive and easy to use by developing macros
that can be readily used by researchers (Hayes, Y = bY + c′X + bM + eY (2)
2013a; Preacher et al., 2007).
The objective of this article is to present, explain The indirect effect is represented by the product
and illustrate the methodological approach to be (a × b) in equations (1) and (2). The total effect of X
adopted when testing moderated mediation effects. on Y is the sum of the direct and indirect effects
Having first clarified what is meant by moderated (a × b + c′), whereby c′ represents the direct effect in
mediation, mediated moderation and conditional the presence of M.
indirect effects, we outline the main methods used Several methods are used to test mediating
to study these effects, highlighting the contributions effects: (1) the causal steps approach developed
and limitations of each analytical procedure. We by Baron and Kenny (1986), (2) the Sobel (1982)
then provide an illustration of this approach in the test and the significance of the indirect effect
context of marketing through several applications (MacKinnon et al., 2007) and (3) the bootstrap-
of our recommended method, that of Hayes (2013a, ping method (Preacher and Hayes, 2004, 2008). It
2013b), before finally concluding with a series of is not the purpose of this article to present these
recommendations for marketing researchers who methods; the strengths and weaknesses of each
want to test moderated mediation effects. one are summarised in Table 1. We direct the
reader to a range of excellent studies that provide
Definition and fundamental a critical overview of the methods used to test
principles of moderated mediation effects (Hayes, 2013a; MacKinnon,
2008; MacKinnon et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2010,
mediation 2011).
In order to understand moderated mediation effects, The following is an overview of the contribu-
one must first grasp what is meant by mediation and tions made by these recent studies:

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Table 1.  Summary of the main methods for estimating relationships with both mediation and moderation links.
Procedures and methods References Tools Advantages Disadvantages

First approach: Mediation analyses using the Baron and Kenny Very often with Easy to implement Procedure challenged in respect of mediation test.
test for mediation method developed by Baron (1986) SPSS/SAS Popular approach frequently used in The causal steps approach developed by Baron
and moderation and Kenny (1986; with or Sobel (1982) journals since 1986, when Baron and and Kenny (1986) may produce erroneous results,
separately without Sobel’s test), followed Aiken and West Kenny published their article especially due to step 1. You are strongly advised
by a moderation test often with (1991) against using this approach (Zhao et al., 2010,
moderated hierarchical regression Jaccard and Turrisi 2011), nor does it allow you to quantify indirect
(or multi-group analysis) (2003) effect or test for the significance of this effect
     Wegener and (Edwards and Lambert, 2007; Muller et al., 2005;
Fabrigar (2000) Preacher et al., 2007)
Sobel’s test is based on the assumption that the
indirect mediation effect is normally distributed.
This assumption is very rarely verified, implying
a risk of biased results (Edwards and Lambert,
This procedure does not permit statistical
inferences on conditional indirect process by
testing for mediation and moderation separately.  

  Mediation analyses using the Preacher and Hayes SPSS/SAS+suitable As a non-parametric test, bootstrapping Because the mediation and moderation tests are
  bootstrapping method followed (2004, 2008) macro removes the assumption of normal carried out independently, they do not permit
  by a moderation test often with Zhao et al. (2010, (downloadable) distribution, as it is robust regardless of statistical inferences on conditional indirect links
  moderated hierarchical regression 2011) distribution Bootstrapping allows you If the moderated hierarchical regression is not
  (or multi-group analysis) MacKinnon (2008) to calculate a confidence interval for the backed up by a bootstrapping procedure, its
Aiken and West indirect effect that is significant if this analysis may be biased (Edwards and Lambert,
(1991) interval does not include zero (Preacher 2007)
Jaccard and Turrisi and Hayes, 2008) When a multi-group analysis is used to test the
(2003) The procedure is more reliable and moderating effect, there is a risk of bias if the
Wegener and more robust when testing for mediation variable must be discretised (Cadario and Parguel,
Fabrigar (2000) than the method developed by Baron 2014) and a risk of reduced statistical power if the

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and Kenny (1986) or Sobel’s test. It is initial sample is split
based on a formal test of the significance  
of the indirect effect using bootstrap  
(Hayes, 2013a)  
This method is applicable when the
dependent variable is dichotomous (the
macro’s script adapts automatically
and changes from linear to logistic
regression when it detects a binary
dependent variable)
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 
Table 1. (Continued)
Procedures and methods References Tools Advantages Disadvantages
Borau et al.

Second approach: Multi-group analyses using Dabholkar and Structural equation Using structural equation methods, this Unless you systematically impose a series of
testing for structural equation methods Bagozzi (2002) software (Amos, procedure allows you to test the model equality constraints between the different groups
mediation and   Dittmar, et al. (2009) Lisrel, Mplus, EQS, as a whole, irrespective of the number of – leaving only the mediation link to be tested
moderation   Stata, PLS) mediating and dependent variables constraint-free (see Dabholkar and Bagozzi, 2002)
simultaneously   The multi-group analyses are adapted to – this procedure does not allow you to account
process qualitative moderating variables formally for conditional indirect links and may be

with more than two modalities comparable to separate mediation and moderation
This procedure carries the advantages tests (Hayes, 2013a)
of structural equation methods in terms Dividing the overall sample into subsamples may
of accounting for measurement errors, reduce statistical power
imprecise estimations and errors in This procedure does not always offer a formal
evaluating adjustment quality test of the differences in direct and indirect effects
This procedure is compatible with between the groups (Hayes, 2013a)
bootstrap. It is therefore possible to If the moderating variable is quantitative/
generate confidence intervals for the continuous, it must be discretised in order to form
effects estimated by the structural groups; this may result in a loss of information
equation software and a risk of bias (Cadario and Parguel, 2014)
Discretising the moderating variable reduces
statistical power and makes it more difficult to
detect interaction effects (Dawson, 2014)
If the groups are significantly different in terms of
size, there is a risk that statistical power will differ
from one model to another, inducing a risk of
error in the comparison between mediating effects
(Hayes, 2013a)
  Moderated mediation analyses Preacher et al. (2007) SPSS/SAS+suitable This is the only approach that allows Certain procedures such as that of Edwards and
  (conditional indirect effect) using Edwards and Lambert macro you to make formal and clear estimates Lambert (2007) may potentially be laborious to
  bootstrap (2007) (downloadable) of conditional indirect links: it enables implement
Hayes (2013a, 2013b) analysis of a mediation effect as well as SPSS/SAS macros can only process one dependent

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its variations in terms of the different variable at a time. To overcome this limitation,
values of the moderating variable Hayes and Preacher (2013) developed a version
The bootstrapping method is very robust of this approach that can be used with structural
regardless of the distribution of the equation methods (specifically with Mplus)
variables analysed and sample size These procedures cannot be used to process
Because of confidence intervals, this dichotomous mediating variables. Such cases can
procedure generates statistical inferences only be processed by structural equation software
on conditional indirect links such as Mplus
Recent advances in this approach (Hayes,  
2013a, 2013b) now make it possible to
process both quantitative/continuous and
qualitative/dichotomous variables
6 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

•• Zhao et al. (2010, 2011) propose a new typol- effect to describe a moderating effect, given that the
ogy of mediating effects, notably by drawing moderating variable plays a role as a contingency
a distinction between complementary media- factor3 that has an influence on the strength, direction
tion (the indirect effect (a × b) and direct effect and/or significance of the relationship between two
(c′) are significant and have the same signs) variables. Analysing moderating effects is important
and competitive mediation (the indirect effect as it allows us to understand the conditions for gener-
(a × b) and the direct effect (c′) are significant alisation under which the relationship between the
but of opposite signs). This typology moves independent variable and the dependent variable can
beyond the traditional distinction between be verified (Fairchild and McQuillin, 2010).
complete mediation and partial mediation, Accounting for moderating effects also reflects the
which has increasingly been criticised for its level of maturity and sophistication of a research
trivial if not unrealistic nature (Hayes, 2013a). field (Aguinis et al., 2001).
•• There is now unanimous agreement that the Several methods such as analysis of variance
causal steps approach developed by Baron (ANOVA) or multi-group analysis can be used to
and Kenny (1986) should be rejected. Several test moderating effects. Moderated hierarchical
authors have demonstrated its significant regression is also often used to test these effects.
limitations and the risk of incorrect results This involves testing the significance of the regres-
(Zhao et al., 2010, 2011; see also Table 1). sion coefficient for the product of the independent
There is also consensus to support the use of variable X with variable Z, after the direct effects
bootstrapping when testing mediation effects of X and Z have been introduced to the regression
(Hayes, 2013a; Preacher and Hayes, 2004, equation. The product XZ represents the interac-
2008; Shrout and Bolger, 2002). The only tive term
condition for the existence of a significant
indirect effect is based on a bootstrap test Y = bY + β1 X + β 2 Z + β3 XZ + eY (3)
with a CI that excludes zero.
•• Structural equation methods can be com- Z has a moderating effect on the relationship between
bined with bootstrapping to test mediating X and Y if the coefficient β3 is significant (p < 0.05). It
effects (Iacobucci et al., 2007; Zhao et al., should be noted that the moderating variable Z is not
2010, 2011). It is recommended to use these necessarily directly linked to the dependent variable
methods when the mediating variable is cat- Y; in other words, while it is essential from a statisti-
egorical/dichotomous – the software pro- cal point of view to include in one’s analysis the
gram Mplus is well suited to this scenario direct link between the moderating variable and the
(Muthén and Muthén, 2011). dependent variable (Dawson, 2014), the significance
of this direct link (β2) is not a requisite condition for
the existence of a moderating effect (Carte and
Moderation effects: Interaction
Russell, 2003). When adding the interactive term XZ,
effects and conditional effects
it is also important to have a significant variation in
A moderation effect refers to the interaction between the explained variance R2. The value of ΔR2 (F test)
two or more variables that have an influence on indicates the extent to which the moderating effect
another variable. This effect occurs when the impact improves the explanatory power of the model beyond
of independent variable X on dependent variable Y the direct linear effects (Aguinis, 2004; Aiken and
varies in accordance with the value of a third variable West, 1991; Fairchild and McQuillin, 2010).
Z (Aiken and West, 1991; Edwards and Lambert, Despite the recent debate on the appeal and
2007; Jaccard and Turrisi, 2003). Variable Z may be necessity of centring variables X and Z before cal-
a continuous variable (or an ordinal Likert-type vari- culating XZ and of carrying out a moderated hierar-
able with equidistant intervals), such as involvement, chical regression to reduce multicollinearity (Dalal
or a categorical variable, such as gender (Aguinis, and Zickar, 2012; Echambadi and Hess, 2007;
2004; Aguinis and Gottfredson, 2010). Preacher Hayes, 2013a), it is still recommended to centre4
et al. (2007) recommend using the term conditional the variables in order to facilitate the interpretation

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Borau et al. 7

Figure 1.  Moderated mediation: a sample model.

of one’s results (Dawson, 2014). Note that depend- moderation effects. Yet some authors process and
ent variable Y need not be centred (Dawson, 2014). analyse these effects separately, while others
Finally, to make it easier to interpret the direction approach them simultaneously (see Table 1). In
and size of interaction effects, it is necessary to these models, referred to as conditional process
produce a graphic representation (plot)5 of these models (Hayes and Preacher, 2013), the indirect
effects using the method recommended by Aiken and/or direct effects of an independent variable X on
and West (1991). This representation also makes it a dependent variable Y via one or more mediating
possible to compare the significance of the rela- variables M are moderated by one or more moderat-
tionship between X and Y in respect of focal values ing variables Z. A simple example is given in Figure
of Z or where the value of Z is low (typically con- 1, which shows that both the direct and indirect
sidered to be equal to the mean value of Z minus its effects of X on Y via M are moderated by Z.
standard deviation) or high (typically considered to Ultimately, the influence of the independent variable
be equal to the mean of Z plus its standard devia- on the dependent variable is determined by the inter-
tion). Although this so-called spotlight approach action between the mediating and moderating
(based on an interpretation of the effects in respect variables.
of the focal values of the moderating variable) con- Moderated mediation models can be highly var-
tinues to be dominant, some recent studies have ied (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b). This explains the many
recommended the so-called floodlight approach, different terms used to refer to them. According to
which involves interpreting the effects using all of Edwards and Lambert (2007), mediated modera-
the moderating variable’s values so as to limit the tion refers to a scenario in which the moderating
potentially arbitrary choice of focal values (Cadario effect is localised within the first sequence of the
and Parguel, 2014; Spiller et al., 2013). This mediation process, that is, before the mediating
approach is based on the identification of regions variable, around (a) in Figure 1. They consider
of significance (all of the values of moderating var- mediated moderation to be a specific case of mod-
iable Z for which the relationship between X and Y erated mediation. It is, nonetheless, worth noting
is significant) according to the procedure devel- that this concept is subject to debate. For other
oped by Johnson–Neyman which is embedded in authors such as Muller et al. (2005), mediated
macros such as PROCESS (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b).6 moderation instead refers to a scenario in which it
is the direct link between X and Y that is moder-
ated. Finally, Hayes (2013a) challenges the rele-
Moderated mediation: Conditional vance of the very notion of mediated moderation
indirect effects and advises against using this term. Hayes and
The advances made in marketing research mean that Preacher (2013) refer to conditional indirect
researchers are increasingly confronted with com- effects when the moderating variable has an influ-
plex models that combine both mediation and ence on the indirect impact of the independent

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8 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

variable on the dependent variable via the mediat- advantages: (1) it overcomes the limitations of
ing variable ((a) and/or (b) in Figure 1) and to con- traditional sequential approaches which test for
ditional direct effects when the impact of the mediation and moderation effects separately, (2) it
moderating variable is localised on the direct link leads to more rigorous and precise results using
between the independent variable and the depend- the bootstrapping procedure (see Box 1), (3) it can
ent variable ((c′) in Figure 1). be used both with conventional multiple regres-
Simultaneous analysis of these different effects sions and with structural equation methods (Hayes
is needed to produce reliable and robust results and Preacher, 2013) and (4) it has been made
(Edwards and Lambert, 2007; Hayes, 2013a, increasingly simple and accessible through ready-
2013b; Preacher et al., 2007). It offers several to-use macros.7

Box 1.  The advantages of bootstrapping to test for moderated mediation.

The various ways of analysing moderated mediation effects have one common feature: the use of bootstrapping.
Bootstrapping is a sample estimation procedure using repeated resampling (random sampling with replacement)
based on an original sample (Efron and Tibshirani, 1993).
It is a robust procedure that is equally suited to non-normal distributions and small samples. It is particularly
useful when analysing moderated mediation, given that indirect and interaction effects very often have non-
normal distributions (Edwards and Lambert, 2007). Bootstrapping therefore provides a more precise estimation of
conditional indirect effects using a reliable statistical test and generating a confidence interval for the lower and
upper limits of the moderated mediation effect (this interval must exclude zero in order to be significant).

The bootstrapping procedure is now embedded in various software programs such as SPSS and SAS or structural
equation-type applications (Mplus, Lisrel, Stata or Amos). It has been directly integrated into the macro used in
this article (Hayes, 2013a). Finally, it is generally recommended to produce at least 1,000, if not 5,000 or 10,000
resamples and to opt for the percentile, bias-corrected or accelerated bootstrap procedures (Hayes and Scharkow,
2013; Preacher et al., 2007).

The main bootstrapping moderated mediation, the moderating effect can

procedures for simultaneously have an impact on the indirect effect, the direct
effect or the overall effect. Moderated mediation is
testing moderated mediation
therefore expressed in direct, indirect and overall
effects terms. As Figure 2 illustrates, in each approach the
A review of the literature on moderated mediation moderating effect of variable Z is tested at several
(see Appendix 1) reveals three analytical approaches different levels each time: (1) in the first sequence
which are increasingly used: that of Edwards and between independent variable X and mediating var-
Lambert (2007), that of Preacher et al. (2007) and, iable M (first stage), (2) in the second sequence
more recently, that of Hayes (2013a, 2013b). We between mediating variable M and dependent vari-
outline these methods in the following section; it able Y (second stage) and (3) in the direct link
should be noted that the last two are grouped between independent variable X and dependent
together (one is an improved version of the other). variable Y. According to Edwards and Lambert
Table 2 provides details of the main advantages and (2007), in moderated mediation modelling, any
disadvantages of each method. sequence of the direct effect between X and Y or the
indirect effect via M can be moderated by Z. It is the
mediating relationship as a whole that is considered
Edwards and Lambert (2007) to be moderated (Muller et al., 2005). This is an
The approach developed by Edwards and Lambert analytical rather than a theoretical vision of moder-
(2007) is based on the principle that in a model of ated mediation. One’s theoretical arguments must,

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Table 2.  Summary of methods for simultaneous analysis of moderated mediation using bootstrap.
Procedure to follow Advantages Disadvantages
Borau et al.

Edwards and Download MODMED filea (see dedicated This method allows you to generate detailed results Requires SPSS syntax to be programmed in
Lambert (2007) website for detailed steps to follow) both at a specific level for each link in the model and order to set the parameters for the links
at an overall level in order to interpret indirect effects between the variables
  and total effect based on the different values of the The procedure can prove laborious when
moderating variable conducted in several stages (it is quite time-
It provides estimations of the indirect effect transmitted consuming to generate confidence intervals
via the mediating variable according to different values of for bootstrap using the Excel file)
  the moderating variable, both between the independent This method only allows you to study
variable X and the mediating variable M (first sequence) simple models with one moderator and one
and between the mediating variable M and the dependent mediator
variable Y (second sequence). You can also test for the
moderating effect on the direct link between X and Y
Preacher et al. Download MODMED macrob The approach is quite simple due to the SPSS/SAS macros If the personalised dialogue box is not
(2007) directly installed in the software as a dialogue box installed, you will need to program the SPSS/
  Confidence intervals are directly generated for indirect SAS syntax in order to set the parameters for
effects with different focal values of the moderating the links between the variables
variable (in spotlight analysis, focal values equal This procedure does not process binary
mean±standard deviation) dependent variables
  It is possible to use Johnson–Neyman’s method to With the MODMED macro, the number of
generate values for the moderating variable so as to models that can be tested is limited to 5
construct regions of significance using a floodlight
approach (Cadario and Parguel, 2014; Spiller et al., 2013)
Hayes (2013a, Download and install the PROCESS PROCESS is a more intuitive macro that is easy to use Despite the high number of models that can
2013b) macroc be tested (76), it is possible that the model
  Once the installation is completed, a The template, which comes with the macro, offers 76 the researcher would like to test will not

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new PROCESS option will appear in the different possible scenarios appear in the list, in which case it is necessary
  SPSS/SAS regression tab. By clicking on PROCESS allows you to test models with several to use a more complex approach such as that
this, a dialogue box opens in which you mediators and several moderators developed by Hayes and Preacher (2013)
  select your variables and specify the type It is possible to process qualitative/dichotomous  
of model being tested using the template dependent variables
provided with the macro as a guide (see
  our sample application for an illustration The PROCESS macro can do everything that the
of the steps to follow) MODMED macro can, but you can estimate a larger
number of models for conditional indirect effects

10 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Figure 2.  Moderated mediation: general model based on Edwards and Lambert (2007).

however, be presented beforehand in a specific and variables and 4 moderating variables in a single
precise manner, thereby making it possible to dem- model (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b). It is also advisable
onstrate at what level the moderating effect has an to download the templates document ‘process.
impact on the overall process. pdf’ from the same website, in which 76 possible
Edwards and Lambert (2007) developed a combinations of moderated mediation are mod-
MODMED macro8 that allows the user to test for elled, with their respective scripts (detailed for
moderated mediation effects. This macro can be each model below).
used with continuous or categorical moderating Given the level of refinement and ease of use of
variables. Given the limited number of marketing the PROCESS macro developed by Hayes (2013a,
studies that have used the approach developed by 2013b), as well as the frequency with which it is
Edwards and Lambert (see Appendix 1), we will not used by researchers whose work has been pub-
be developing this approach any further, instead lished in the highest ranking marketing journals
directing the reader to the authors’ 2007 article as (see Appendix 1 and Table 2), we recommend using
well as the explanation and application of this this tool when testing for conditional indirect
approach on the website dedicated to our article.9 effects. The user procedure is explained in detail as
part of the marketing applications provided in the
following section. It should, nonetheless, be noted
Preacher et al. (2007) and Hayes that one’s choice of method may also depend on the
(2013a, 2013b) nature of the variables being studied. Valeri and
The approach developed by Preacher et al. (2007) VanderWeele (2013) recently demonstrated the
to test for conditional indirect effects was recently importance of taking into account whether the
reworked by Hayes (2013a, 2013b) in a new mediating variables in one’s analysis are of a con-
macro known as PROCESS,10 which can be down- tinuous or categorical nature. Building on these
loaded free of charge from Andrew Hayes’ web- previous studies, we have extended the analysis to
site. The new macro comes in the form of a syntax the case of moderated mediation, considering the
or dialogue box that operates under SPSS or SAS. various alternatives based on the nature of the dif-
It can be used with quantitative/continuous or ferent variables in the model, whether independent,
qualitative/categorical dependent variables. It can dependent, mediating or moderating. Table 3 indi-
also test moderated mediation models with one or cates the appropriate method(s) for quantitative/
more mediating and moderating variables. This continuous or qualitative/categorical variables
new macro makes it possible to analyse a large (dichotomous or binary where variables have no
number of models, with up to 10 mediating more than two modalities).11

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Borau et al. 11

Table 3.  Summary of appropriate methods for moderated mediation analysis based on the nature of variables.

Most common scenarios Appropriate method(s)

X, Y, M and Z are quantitative/ The simplest scenario. All methods of moderated mediation analysis can be
continuous variables used and all of the macros presented in this article can be applied to this
Dependent variable Y is •• Unlike the MODMED macro (Preacher et al., 2007), Hayes’ PROCESS
a qualitative/categorical macro (2013a, 2013b) can be used to process categorical/dichotomous
variable (also described as dependent variables (the macro automatically changes from linear
dichotomous or binary in the regression to logistic regression when a categorical dependent variable is
case of two modalities) detected)
•• It is possible to use the method developed by Edwards and Lambert
(2007) by conducting a binary logistic regression during the first stage (or
a multinomial logistic regression if the dependent variable is qualitative and
has more than two modalities)
Independent variable X is a •• All methods that can be used with qualitative/categorical independent
qualitative/categorical variable variables
•• If X is a qualitative variable with more than two modalities, it must be
recoded as indicator (dummy) variables and the analysis must be repeated
for each one, specifying the other variables in the ‘covariates’ box in
Hayes’ PROCESS macro (2013a, 2013b)
Mediating variable M is a •• Only the method developed by Edwards and Lambert (2007) can be used
qualitative/categorical variable with a qualitative mediating variable (simply include the variable as an
independent variable in equation (20) and use a binary logistic regression
for equation (5) in the syntax proposed by the authors).
•• The methods developed by Preacher et al. (2007) and Hayes (2013a,
2013b) cannot be used to study non-quantitative mediating variables. In
the case of a qualitative mediating variable, it is recommended to use
structural equation methods based on the procedure proposed by Hayes
and Preacher (2013), using Mplus

Moderating variable Z is a •• All methods of moderated mediation analysis can be used with qualitative
qualitative/categorical variable moderating variables. The PROCESS macro is well suited to this scenario
•• However, only a multi-group analysis using structural equation methods
can be used to study a scenario in which Z is a qualitative variable with
more than two modalities
•• In order to use a bootstrapping procedure, the moderating variable must
be transformed into several indicator (dummy) variables

Developing marketing variable. The second example illustrates a more com-

applications plex case of moderated mediation, with two media-
tors and two moderators.
This section illustrates moderated mediation through
several applications in the field of marketing. A web-
site dedicated to our article (see Note 9) further
Example 1: Moderated mediation
develops these applications and makes the relevant
with one mediator and one
databases available. The first is a simple example of
moderated mediation (one mediator and one modera- Conditional indirect effect hypothesis. This applica-
tor), with one continuous or dichotomous moderating tion involves the study of the process through which

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12 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Figure 3.  Conceptual research model (Example 1).

the perceived physical attractiveness of female model tested produces very good adjustment
models represented in the media (X) has an effect on indices (Chi-squared/df=1.974 ; RMSEA = 0.044;
the perceived congruence with one’s ideal self (M), SRMR = 0.023 ; NFI = 0.986 ; CFI =0.993 ;
which in turn affects women’s attitude towards GFI = 0.975; AGFI = 0.958; AIC = 109/ 4640).
these images (Y). However, the link between con- During the data collection, precautions were
gruence with one’s ideal self and attitude towards taken to limit method bias (anonymity and confi-
these images – the second mediation segment – is dentiality were guaranteed and the variables were
supposed to be moderated by age (V). The direct distributed within the questionnaire). Nonetheless,
link between perceived physical attractiveness and because the sets of data were collected on a single
attitude towards the images is also thought to be occasion from the same people, it was necessary to
moderated by age (V). The tested conceptual model ensure the absence of common method variance
is presented in Figure 3. bias (Podsakoff et al., 2003). A method factor was
The proposed hypothesis for the conditional therefore introduced and linked to all of the indica-
indirect effect is formulated as follows: tors for the model’s latent variables. The results
reveal that the additional proportion of total vari-
H1. The respondents’ age moderates the strength ance (1.97%) falls below the threshold recom-
of the indirect relationship between the perceived mended by Williams et al. (1989), therefore ruling
physical attractiveness of the female models and out the risk of common method variance bias.
attitude towards the images via the congruence
with one’s ideal self in such a way that the medi- Testing moderated mediation with the PROCESS macro
ated relationship is weaker (or stronger) when the (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b).  In Table 2, we have empha-
respondents’ age is high (or low). sised the advantages of the approach developed by
Hayes (2013a, 2013b) for the analysis of condi-
Sample and measurement scales. A sample of 509 tional indirect effects. This approach, which pro-
women aged between 15 and 50 years were inter- vides an easy way to process a large number of
viewed online (average age = 27.3 years; standard moderated mediation models, is used in a PRO-
deviation = 7.72). Before answering the question- CESS macro with a bootstrapping procedure
naire, the respondents were shown a series of (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b) that can be carried out under
images comprising six visual representations of SPSS (and SAS). The following example illustrates
females taken from magazines. All of the measure- this application under SPSS 19.00:
ment scales used are unidimensional and can be
considered reliable (Cronbach’s α > 0.80). The ages 1. Download the PROCESS macro (see the
were provided directly by respondents. detailed procedure in Appendix 2).
The confirmatory factor analysis, carried out 2. Once the macro has been installed, open the
using Amos 17, reveals that the measurement SPSS database.

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Borau et al. 13

3. To conduct the moderated mediation analy- depend on the theory and model tested by
ses, open the PROCESS macro dialogue box the researchers. In our example, we have no
(‘Analyses’ > ‘Regression’ > ‘PROCESS’). control variables so this does not arise.
4. In the dialogue box, choose your model: 6. Setting the number of resamples produced
In the document entitled ‘templates.pdf’,12 using bootstrap and the level of the CI.
find the conceptual model to be tested from By default, the number of resamples is set to
the 76 models provided, and then choose 1,000 in the dialogue box. This should be
this model by replacing the default value ‘4’ increased to 5,000 or 10,000. The default
with the corresponding ‘Model Number’. value for the CI is 95% in the dialogue box.
For the purposes of our example, the model It is generally recommended to leave this
number is 15 (see Figure 3). Therefore, unchanged. Note that while the default pro-
‘Model Number’ = 15. posed bootstrapping method is ‘Bias cor-
5. Specifying your variables. rected and accelerated’, it is possible to
If the dialogue box is being used, drag the choose the ‘Percentile’ method, which was
variables to the box, ensuring that the name recently recommended by Hayes and
of each variable in the model is respected; Scharkow (2013). However, the ‘Bias cor-
these are specified in ‘templates.pdf’ as vari- rected and accelerated’ method is consid-
ables Y, X, M, W, Z, V or Q (see Appendix 2). ered robust and can be used without
The ‘Covariates’ box is reserved for control difficulty (Edwards and Lambert, 2007).
variables.13 It is important to ensure that the 7. Specifying options and conditions of
names of the variables in the SPSS file do analysis.
not contain more than eight characters. In If you decide to center the variables,
our example, in accordance with the tags this can be done automatically by the
used in Model 15 and Figure 3, we specified PROCESS macro. To do this, again using
the dependent variable by dragging the dialogue box, click on the ‘Options’
‘Attitude’ to the ‘Outcome variable (Y)’ tab and tick the box entitled ‘Mean center
box, ‘Attractiveness’ to the ‘Independent for products’. Other options such as calcu-
variable (X)’ box, the mediating variable(s) lating ‘Effect size’ or comparing ‘Indirect
(in this case there is just one mediating vari- effects’ can be chosen if they correspond to
able: ‘Congruence’) to the ‘M variables’ the model being tested. Finally, for some
box and finally the continuous or categori- models but not for all, the macro offers the
cal moderating variable (in this case ‘Age’) possibility of generating regions of signifi-
to the ‘Proposed Moderator V’ box (as indi- cance for a floodlight analysis (Cadario
cated in Model 15 mentioned above). and Parguel, 2014; Spiller et al., 2013). To
Regarding the moderating variable(s), note choose this option, tick ‘Johnson–Neyman’
the importance of ensuring that the tag indi- in the ‘Conditioning’ tab. For the purposes
cated in ‘templates.pdf’ representing the of our example, we only chose ‘Mean
chosen model accurately corresponds to that center for products’. The other options and
which appears in the dialogue box (W, Z, V conditions are not available for Model
or Q and sometimes M in Models 1, 2 and number 15.
3). One final point in relation to the control 8. To conduct the analysis, click on OK in the
variables ‘Covariates’ is as follows: as indi- dialogue box.
cated in the bottom right of the dialogue box
(tab entitled ‘Covariate(s) in Model(s) of’), Analysing the results of conditional indirect effects using
the default decision is to control for these bootstrap: Two illustrations. We will now present two
variables in respect of both dependent vari- possibilities, depending on whether the moderating
able Y and mediating variable M. The deci- variable is quantitative/continuous or qualitative/
sion to control only for M or Y must be based dichotomous. When the PROCESS macro is launched
on theoretical arguments and will therefore as explained above, the results of the moderated

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14 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

mediation will be automatically displayed in the c. The final step is to observe the results of the
SPSS results window (see Appendices 2 and 3). For 95% CI in section ‘Conditional indirect
the purposes of this application, the products of the effects of X on Y for the different moderator
variables were centred by ticking the box entitled values’ at the bottom of the page. Three CIs
‘Mean center for products’ in the ‘Options’ tab within are given for each moderator value: (1) mean
the dialogue box, as already explained. The number minus standard deviation, (2) mean and (3)
of resamples was set at 10.000. mean plus standard deviation. This applica-
tion produced the following intervals:
Case 1.  Testing for conditional indirect effect in the •• Mean minus standard deviation (lower
case of one continuous moderating variable (age age group): CI = [0.1531; 0.3358];
declared by respondents in years) (see Table 4 and •• Mean (average age group): CI = [0.0849;
Figure 4). 0.2135];
•• Mean plus standard deviation (upper age
a. In the case of Model 15, with one continuous group): CI = [−0.0554; 0.1522].
moderating variable, the moderated media-
tion index is displayed explicitly in the results These results show that the conditional indirect
(Appendix 3). This is the 95% CI in section effect is significant in the lower and average age
‘Moderated mediation index’ at the bottom of groups since the 95% CI excludes zero. In the case of
the page. The moderated mediation effect is the upper age group, the conditional indirect effect is
significant as the CI excludes zero [−0.0222; not significant as the CI includes zero.
−0.0033]. H1 is therefore validated.
b. It is now possible to localise the moderating Case 2. Testing for conditional indirect effects in
effect: on the second mediation segment or the case of one dichotomous moderating variable
on the direct effect, as specified in the model (in this example, two age groups have been artifi-
tested (see Figure 3). This involves observing cially created for the purposes of illustration by dis-
the significance and CIs of the interactive cretising the continuous variable previously used14)
terms (in the SPSS output, look at Int_1 (see Table 5 and Figure 5).
which corresponds to (M × V) → Y, that is, the
a. In order to establish the presence of moder-
moderating effect of age on the second seg-
ated mediation, you need to observe the
ment of the mediating relationship between
result for the 95% CI in section ‘Moderated
the congruence with one’s ideal self and atti-
mediation index’ (in Appendix 4). The mod-
tude towards the images): this term is signifi- erated mediation effect proves to be signifi-
cant (coeff. = −0.0169, p = 0.0015) with a cant as the CI excludes zero [−0.3592;
CI = [−0.0273; −0.0065] that excludes zero. −0.1057]. H1 is therefore validated.
The following line displays the results of b. Since the moderation hypothesis once again
Int_2 which corresponds to (X × V) → Y, that relates to the second mediation segment
is, the moderating effect of age on the direct (M → Y) and the direct effect (X → Y) that
link between perceived physical attractive- corresponds to Model 15, it is important to
ness and attitude towards the images: the identify in which case the moderation is
second term is not significant (coeff. = 0.0086, significant. To do this, look at the signifi-
p = 0.1330) with a CI = [−0.0026; 0.0198] that cance and CIs of the interactive terms. In
includes zero. We can therefore see that only the SPSS output, look at the results for
the CI for Int_1 excludes zero, indicating that Int_1 which corresponds to (M × V) → Y,
the moderator (Age) has an influence on the that is, the moderating effect of age on the
second half of the mediation (M → Y), that is, second segment of the relationship between
the link between the congruence with one’s the congruence with one’s ideal self and
ideal self and attitude towards the images. attitude towards the images: this term is

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Borau et al. 15

Table 4.  Testing for conditional indirect effect: the case of a continuous moderating variable (Example 1, Case 1).

Moderator V (Age) Mediating variable M Dependent variable Y

(Congruence with (Attitude towards images)
ideal self)

Coeff. t t Coeff.

X: Phys. attract. 0.723 16.432*** 0.310 6.429***

V: Age −0.018 −2.318**
X × V (Int 2) 0.008 1.504 ns
M: Congr. ideal 0.204 5.211***
M × V (Int 1) −0.016 −3.190**
R2 0.347 0.284
ΔR2 0.015
(ΔF(2, 503) = 5.21, p < 0.01)

Conditional indirect effect for different age values (=0 and ±standard deviation)a
95% confidence interval for conditional indirect effect using bootstrap. Bias corrected and accelerated (BCa)

Age Effect Confidence interval

Lower limit Upper limit

−7.7236 0.242 0.153 0.335

0 0.147 0.084 0.213
7.7236 0.053 −0.055 0.152
Moderated mediation index −0.012 −0.022 −0.003
aThe average age here is equal to 0 as the variable was centred before the interactive term was created and the analyses were

carried out.
***p <0.001; **p <0.01.

significant (coeff. = −0.3113, p = 0.0001)

with a CI  = 
[−0.4639; −0.1587] that
excludes zero. The following line displays
the results for Int_2 which corresponds to
(X × V) → Y, that is, the moderating effect
of age on the relationship between per-
ceived physical attractiveness and attitude
towards the images. This second term is not
significant (coeff. = 0.1748, p = 0.0672) with
a CI = [−0.0124; 0.3620]. Only the CI of
Int_1 excludes zero, which confirms that
the moderator clearly acts on the second
half of the mediation (M → Y).
Figure 4. Visual representation of the linear function in
relation to the effect of age (continuous variable) on the
c. In order to interpret these results, we must
indirect effect of perceived physical attractiveness on now look at the CIs obtained when testing for
attitude towards images via congruence with ideal self the conditional indirect effect of X on Y for
(Example 1, Case 1). the two moderator values (in the case of this

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16 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Table 5.  Testing for conditional indirect effect: the case of a categorical/dichotomous moderating variable
(Example 1, Case 2).

Moderator V (Age) Mediating variable M Dependent variable Y

(Congruence with ideal self) (Attitude towards images)

  Coeff. t Coeff. t
X: Phys. attract. 0.723 16.432*** 0.301 6.293***
V: Age −0.230 −1.907 ns
X × V (Int 2) 0.174 1.834 ns
M: Congr. ideal 0.219 5.637***
M × V (Int 1) −0.311 −4.007***
R2 0.347 0.293
ΔR2 0.023
(ΔF(2, 503) = 8.23, p < 0.001)
Conditional indirect effect for different age values (1 = low; 2 = high)
95% confidence interval for conditional indirect effect using bootstrap. Bias corrected and accelerated (BCa)
Age Effect Confidence interval
  Lower Upper
limit limit
1 (−0.4853) 0.267 0.190 0.351
2 (0.5147) 0.042 −0.056 0.137

Moderated mediation index −0.225 −0.359 −0.105

***p <0.001.

study, CI = [0.1900; 0.3514] for the lower

moderator value and [−0.0564; 0.1373] for
the higher value). These results indicate that
when the moderator has a low value (in the
case of the lower age group here), the condi-
tional indirect effect is significant as the CI
excludes zero. In contrast, when the modera-
tor has a high value (upper age group), the
conditional indirect effect is not significant as
the CI includes zero.

Interpreting the results. The proposed hypothesis

was that the indirect effect of physical attractive-
ness on attitude towards the images via the congru-
Figure 5. Visual representation of the linear function
in relation to the effect of age (binary variable) on the ence with one’s ideal self is positive. We also
indirect effect of perceived physical attractiveness on postulated that this link is reinforced (or attenuated)
attitude towards images via congruence with ideal self when the age of the respondents is low (or high).
(Example 1, Case 2). In both cases analysed above (continuous or

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Borau et al. 17

dichotomous moderator), the conditional indirect Graphic representation.  To make it easier to interpret
effect is verified. The age of respondents therefore the results, it is always useful to plot the moderating
significantly moderates the indirect effect. The indi- effects (Aguinis and Gottfredson, 2010; Aiken and
rect effect is only significant in the lower age group West, 1991; Dawson, 2014; Hayes, 2013b). Graphic
(youngest respondents). Regarding the localisation representations of the moderated mediation were
of the moderating effect, our observation of the produced using Hayes’ approach (2013b). This
interaction effects shows that the interactive term involves tracing a simple straight line (y = ax + b)
‘Congruence × Age’ does indeed have a negative that corresponds to a linear function which estab-
and significant effect on attitude towards the lishes a link between the indirect effect and the mod-
images (continuous moderating variable: erator. To determine this equation, simply refer to
coeff. = −0.0169, p < 0.01/dichotomous moderating the Templates file provided with the macro. Depend-
variable: coeff. = −0.3113, p < 0.001). Therefore, ing on the model being studied (Models 1–76 in the
as the age falls, the relationship between the con- Templates file), the gradient of this line is obtained
gruence with one’s ideal self and attitude towards differently. The appropriate equation is therefore
the images is strengthened. indicated under each model in the Templates file. In
Our model also postulated a moderating effect on the case of Model 15, the equation for conditional
the direct link between perceived physical attrac- indirect effect is as follows: ai (b1i + b2iV). This equa-
tiveness and attitude towards the images. However, tion can be reformulated as follows:
the factor ‘Attractiveness × Age’ has no impact on
attitude towards the images. In other words, age ω = a × b1 + a × b2V
does not moderate the link between perceived attrac-
tiveness and attitude towards the images (continu- In this equation, V is the moderator (continuous
ous moderating variable: coeff. = 0.0086, p = ns/ variable), (a × b1) is the intercept point and (a × b2) is
dichotomous moderating variable: coeff. = 0.1748, the gradient. The gradient represents the weight of
p = ns). the function that links the indirect effect to the mod-
To summarise, when considering our model erator; this is the moderated mediation index (index
without accounting for a potential mediation in the results output under SPSS). So, for the pur-
effect, we found that age moderated the second poses of our application, if age is taken as a continu-
half of the model but not the direct effect. In order ous moderating variable, we can represent the
to complete the analysis, it is important to calcu- moderated mediation using the following equation
late the R2 variation (ΔR2), which represents the (see boxes in SPSS outputs – Appendices 3 and 4 –
proportion of explained variance through the inter- to find the following values)
active term beyond the direct and main effects of
the other variables. The PROCESS macro only
ω = 0.7234 ( 0.2043) + 0.7234 ( −0.0169 )
provides ΔR2 for certain models but not for all of
the existing models. In our example, and for Model = 0.147 + ( −0.012 )V
15, this value is not given automatically; we
obtained it by carrying out a simple moderated However, when the moderating variable is
hierarchical regression using SPSS (Aguinis, dichotomous, even though the same model is used,
2004; Aiken and West, 1991; Cohen et al., 2003). the index (or gradient) is not obtained in the same
In Case 1, when age was taken as a continuous way. According to Hayes (2013b), if the two figures
variable, ΔR2 was equal to 0.015 [ΔF[2, 503] = 5.21, used to code the groups of a dichotomous modera-
p < 0.01]. In Case 2, when age was taken as a tor are only one point apart (e.g. 1 and 2), the mod-
dichotomous variable, ΔR2 was equal to 0.023 erated mediation index corresponds to the difference
[ΔF[2, 503] = 8.23, p < 0.001]. These values are between the two conditional indirect effects. In this
significant although they may seem reduced; they case, the index was obtained by calculating the dif-
correspond to the standard R2 variation in analyses ference between the conditional indirect effect for
of interaction effects (Dawson, 2014). the upper age group (0.042) and the conditional

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18 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

indirect effect for the lower age group (0.267). This relationships of mediation are stronger (or
gives us the following equation weaker) where resistance to advertising and
involvement in the medium are high (or low).
ω = 0.7234 ( 0.219 ) + ( 0.042 − 0.267 )V
Sample and measurement scales. A sample of 373
= 0.158 + ( −0.225 )V
individuals participated in an online questionnaire.
Before providing their answers, the respondents
According to our results, the two moderated
were shown an advertisement. The measurement
mediation indices are negative, indicating that the
scales used are all unidimensional and can be con-
indirect effect of perceived physical attractiveness
sidered reliable (Cronbach’s α > 0.90).
(X) on attitude towards the images (Y) via the per-
The confirmatory factorial analysis, carried out
ceived congruence with one’s ideal self (M) is a
using Amos 17, shows that the model tested produces
decreasing function of age (V). The higher the age,
very good adjustment indices (Chi-squared/df  =
the weaker the indirect effect, as is illustrated by the
 1.828, RMSEA = 0.047, SRMR = 0.041, NFI = 0.969,
gradient in the previous two graphs. It should, none-
CFI = 0.986, GFI = 0.936, AGFI = 0.912 and AIC =
theless, be noted that the gradient is steeper when the
moderator is binary; this is in line with recent studies
During the data collection phase, the same pre-
that have criticised the dichotomisation of moderat-
cautions were taken as in the previous example in
ing variables, as this tends to exacerbate the results
order to limit common method variance bias
obtained (see Cadario and Parguel, 2014).
(Podsakoff et al., 2003).

Example 2: Moderated mediation Testing moderated mediation with the PROCESS macro
with two mediators and two (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b).  To test for moderated media-
moderators tion using the PROCESS macro, all eight stages
detailed above in Example 1 must be repeated. Based
Conditional indirect effect hypothesis.  In this second
on the conceptual model being tested, Model 75 was
application, we study the process through which the
chosen from the document entitled ‘templates.pdf’,
perceived originality of an advertisement (X) has an
and the corresponding variables were specified in the
effect on both attitude towards the advertisement
macro: independent variable ‘Originality’ (Independ-
(M1) and attitude towards the brand (M2), which in
ent variable X), mediating variables ‘Attitude
turn affect purchasing intentions (Y). Furthermore,
towards the advertisement’ and ‘Attitude towards the
the links between X and M (1 and 2) – the first medi-
brand’ (M variables), dependent variable ‘Purchas-
ation segments – and the links between M (1 and 2)
ing intention’ (Outcome variable Y) and finally mod-
and Y – the second mediation segments – appear to
erating variables ‘Resistance to advertising’
be moderated by resistance to advertising in general
(Proposed Moderator W) and ‘Involvement in the
(W) and one’s involvement in the medium in which
medium’ (Proposed Moderator Z; as indicated in
the advertisement appeared (Z). It is important to
Model 75). Again, only the option ‘Mean center for
point out that this model only includes two-way
products’ has been ticked to centre the products of
interactions and not three-way interactions. The
the variables. Note once again that it is essential to
conceptual model tested is presented in Figure 6.
ensure that the names of the variables do not include
The proposed hypothesis for the conditional
more than eight characters in the SPSS file.
indirect effect is formulated as follows:
Analysing the results of conditional indirect effects using
H1. Resistance to advertising and involvement
in the medium concerned moderate the strength
of the indirect links between the originality of 1. In the case of Model 75, the moderated
the advertisement and purchasing intentions via mediation index is not explicitly dis-
attitude towards the advertisement and attitude played in the SPSS results (Appendix 5).
towards the brand, in such a way that the The conditional indirect effects for each

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Borau et al. 19

Figure 6.  Conceptual research model (Example 2).

mediator and each moderator can be seen in mediators and moderators: nine combina-
section ‘Conditional indirect effects of X on tions for the first mediator (M1: Attitude
Y for the different moderator values’ at the towards the advertisement) and nine others
bottom of the results page (see Step 3). for the second mediator (M2: Attitude
2. Before commenting on the results of the towards the brand). Within each block, you
conditional indirect effects, and following can see the interaction effects of the two
the same logic as in Example 1, it is possible moderators in terms of their respective lev-
to localise the moderating effects on the els: low (mean minus standard deviation),
various segments, as specified in the model mean, and high (mean plus standard devia-
tested (see Figure 6). To do this, simply look tion). In this application, the following inter-
at the significance and CIs of the interactive vals can be observed in the first block (where
terms. For the model tested (Model 75 with the mediating variable (M1) is Attitude
two mediators and two moderators), a total towards the advertisement):
of six interaction effects are estimated. For •• When the level of resistance is low,
example, in the SPSS output, Int_1 corre- regardless of the level of involvement in
sponds to (X × W) → M1, that is, the moder- the medium (see first three lines of block
ating effect of resistance to advertising on 1), the indirect effect is not significant as
the first segment of the mediation relation- the CI includes zero (CIlow involvement in
ship between the originality of and attitude medium = [−0.0449; 0.1697], CIaverage involve-
towards the advertisement: this term is ment in medium = [−0.0108; 0.1355] and CIhigh
significant (coeff. = 0.0992, p < 0.001) with a involvement in medium = [−0.0042; 0.1479]).
CI = [0.0514; 0.1470] that excludes zero. •• When the level of resistance to advertis-
3. It is during the final step that the results of ing is average or high, regardless of the
the conditional indirect effects can be level of involvement in the medium (see
observed. A total of 18 CIs are specified last six lines of block 1), the conditional
within two blocks, corresponding to the 18 indirect effects are all significant as the
possible combinations between the different 95% CIs exclude zero.

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20 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Table 6.  Testing for conditional indirect effects (Example 2).

ModeratorsZ and W Mediating variable M1 Mediating variable M2 Dependent variable Y

(Attitude towards the ad) (Attitude towards the (Purchasing intention)

Coeff. t Coeff. t Coeff. t

X: Originality 0.4288 11.4744*** 0.2788 7.5898*** 0.1561 3.3668***
W: Resistance −0.3429 −7.9186*** −0.3539 −8.3130*** −0.0654 −1.2375 ns
Z: Involvement medium 0.1813 4.0917*** 0.1473 3.3805*** −0.0013 −0.0271 ns
X × W (Int 1) 0.0992 4.0795*** 0.0966 4.0408***  
X × Z (Int 2) 0.0087 0.3336 ns 0.0518 2.0157*  
M1: Aad 0.3160 4.5666***
M2: Ab 0.3742 5.3475***
M1 × W (Int 3) 0.0796 1.9753*
M2 × W (Int 4) −0.1179 −2.6447**
M1 × Z (Int 5) 0.0136 0.2988 ns
M2 × Z (Int 6) 0.0394 0.4145 ns
R2 0.526 0.435 0.513
ΔR2 0.026 (ΔF(2, 367) = 9.91, 0.025 (ΔF(2, 367) = 8.17, 0.020 (ΔF(4, 363) = 3.71,
p < 0.01) p < 0.01) p < 0.01)
Example for mediator 1: attitude towards the advertisement.a Conditional indirect effect for different resistance and
involvement values (=0 and ±standard deviation)b
95% confidence interval for conditional indirect effect using bootstrap. Bias corrected and accelerated (BCa)
Resistance Involvement in medium Effect Confidence interval
  Lower Upper limit
−1.5439 −1.4496 0.0456 −0.0449 0.1697
−1.5439 0 0.0532 −0.0108 0.1355
−1.5439 1.4496 0.0613 −0.0042 0.1479
0 −1.4496 0.1233 0.0047 0.2444
0 0 0.1355 0.0705 0.2116
0 1.4496 0.1482 0.0606 0.2514
1.5439 −1.4496 0.2387 0.0966 0.3837
1.5439 0 0.2555 0.1652 0.3697
1.5439 1.4496 0.2727 0.1294 0.4503

X: Originality; M1: Attitude towards the ad; M2: Attitude towards the brand; Y: Purchasing intention; W: Resistance to advertising
generally; Z: Involvement in the medium.
aIn the interest of economy, only those results that relate to the first mediator (attitude towards the ad) are reproduced in the

table. The presentation of the results for the second mediator is identical.
bThe mean for the moderating variable here is equal to 0 as the variable was centred before the interactive term was created and

the analyses were carried out.

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

The exact same logic is used to analyse the results (see the first and seventh lines of block 2), the
of the conditional indirect effects via the second indirect effect is not significant as the CI
mediator (M2: Attitude towards the brand). This includes zero (CIlow resistance = [−0.0519; 0.1322]
gives us the following: and CIhigh resistance = [−0.0134; 0.1355]).
•• In all other cases, the conditional indirect
•• When involvement in the medium is low com- effects are significant as the 95% CIs exclude
bined with a low or high level of resistance zero.

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Borau et al. 21

Interpreting the results. The moderated mediation and the dependent variable) is done in the same way.
hypothesis formulated above is based on the indirect Interactive term 3, Int_3 ‘Attitude towards the adver-
effect of the advertisement’s perceived originality tisement × Resistance’, has a significant and positive
on purchasing intentions via attitude towards the effect on purchasing intentions (coeff. = 0.0796,
advertisement and attitude towards the brand. We p < 0.05), whereas interactive term 4, Int_4 ‘Attitude
also postulated that mediation links are strengthened towards the brand × Resistance’, has a significant
(or attenuated) when resistance to advertising and and negative effect on purchasing intentions
involvement in the medium are high (or low). These (coeff. = −0.1179, p < 0.01). Finally, interactive terms
conditional indirect effects are partly verified. 5, Int_5 ‘Attitude towards the advertise-
Regarding mediation via attitude towards the ment × Involvement in the medium’, and 6, Int_6
advertisement, only resistance to advertising generally ‘Attitude towards the brand × Involvement in the
moderates the indirect effect via attitude towards the medium’, have no significant effect on purchasing
advertisement. This indirect effect is only significant intentions. Nonetheless, accounting for interaction
when resistance is average or high, regardless of the effects improves the model’s overall predictive abil-
level of involvement in the medium. This involvement ity (ΔR2 = 0.020, [ΔF[4, 363] = 3.71, p < 0.01]).
does not therefore moderate the indirect effect. Regard- To summarise, when moderating effects alone are
ing mediation via attitude towards the brand, resistance considered (and not conditional indirect effects),
to advertising and involvement in the medium both resistance to advertising moderates both the first and
play a moderating role. The indirect effect is signifi- second halves of the model, irrespective of which
cant in all cases, except where involvement in the mediator is taken into account (attitude towards the
medium is low and resistance is low or high. advertisement or towards the brand). However, the
Regarding the localisation of the moderating effects involvement in the medium only moderates the first
on the first segments (between the independent varia- half of the model between the originality of the adver-
ble and the mediating variables), the observation of tisement and attitude towards the brand.
interaction effects shows that interactive term 1, Int_1
‘Originality × Resistance’, has a positive and signifi- Graphic representation. In order to graph the condi-
cant effect on attitude towards the advertisement tional indirect effects, you must first identify the
(coeff. = 0.0992, p < 0.001) and on attitude towards the appropriate equation for the model treated in the Tem-
brand (coeff. = 0.0966, p < 0.001). This means that as plates file. The coefficients must then be replaced by
resistance increases, the relationships between per- the values obtained in the results on moderated media-
ceived originality and the two mediators (attitude tion. In the case of Model 75, there were two modera-
towards the advertisement and attitude towards the tors (W and Z), which means using an equation with
brand) are reinforced. Interactive term 2, Int_2 two unknowns. Hayes (2014)15 recommends setting
‘Originality × Involvement in the medium’, has no different values one by one for W followed by differ-
significant effect on attitude towards the advertisement ent values for Z. This gives us six different equations.
(coeff. = 0.0087, p = 0.7389) but does have a significant The first three illustrate the link between Z and the
effect on attitude towards the brand (coeff. = 0.0518, indirect effect for three W values (low, average and
p < 0.05). This means that when involvement in the high); the following three represent the effect of W for
medium increases, the link between the advertise- three Z values (low, average and high). It is important
ment’s perceived originality and attitude towards the to note that unlike the plots in application 1, those pro-
brand is reinforced. Whether in the case of attitude duced here do not represent straight lines but rather
towards the brand or attitude towards the advertise- curves. This is due to the fact that Model 15 (Example
ment, the complementary analyses based on hierar- 1) deals with a linear effect between a moderator and
chical regressions highlight a significant R2 variation an indirect effect, which is not the case in Model 75,
once the interaction effects have been integrated into which simultaneously uses two moderators. Further-
the model (ΔR2 = 0.026, [ΔF[2, 367] = 9.91, p < 0.01] and more, each plot indicates the indirect effect based
ΔR2 = 0.025, [ΔF[2, 367] = 8.17, p < 0.01], respectively). only on the first mediator (attitude towards the adver-
The localisation of the moderating effects on the tisement), only on the second mediator (attitude
second segments (between the mediating variables towards the brand) or both mediators (Figures 7–12).

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22 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Figure 7.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of involvement in the medium on the indirect link between
perceived originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on Z (involvement in medium) when
W (resistance to advertising) is low).

Figure 8.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of involvement in the medium on the link between
perceived originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on Z (involvement in medium)
when W (resistance to advertising) is average).

Figure 9.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of involvement in the medium on the link between
perceived originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on Z (involvement in medium) when
W (resistance to advertising) is high).

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Borau et al. 23

Figure 10.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of resistance to advertising on the link between perceived
originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on W (resistance to advertising) when Z
(involvement in medium) is low).

Figure 11.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of resistance to advertising on the link between perceived
originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on W (resistance to advertising) when Z
(involvement in medium) is average).

Figure 12.  Graphic representation of moderating effects of resistance to advertising on the link between perceived
originality and purchasing intention (conditional indirect effect based on W (resistance to advertising) when Z
(involvement in medium) is high).
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24 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Conclusion and in-depth herein, provide robust and precise results

recommendations to the extent that they simultaneously include the
different effects, providing an overall vision of the
The purpose of this article is to shed light on cer- process studied. Moderated mediation therefore
tain methodological aspects of testing for relation- allows us to evaluate conditional indirect effects,
ships of moderated mediation, otherwise known as which is not the case when mediation and modera-
conditional indirect effects. It provides an over- tion are tested independently of one another. It
view of current knowledge of this question and also should also be pointed out that the implications of
develops several applications to the field of mar- this over-arching approach are not only methodo-
keting, which as yet is relatively unfamiliar with logical but also theoretical in nature. If a researcher
these techniques. While tests for mediation and expects to find that an indirect link between two
moderation are commonplace when conducted sep- variables will be attenuated or amplified by another
arately, very few marketing studies have employed factor, he or she may decide to formulate a moder-
methods to test for moderated mediation effects. ated mediation hypothesis, provided the theoretical
Yet, models that include both mediating and mod- basis is solid and the research design is adapted.
erating variables (and therefore moderated media- Box 2 summarises recommendations for correctly
tion effects) are increasingly frequent in marketing. analysing conditional indirect effects. While some
The methods we have presented, developed by of these apply to all marketing research, they are
Edwards and Lambert (2007), Preacher et al. particularly important in the case of moderated
(2007) and Hayes (2013a, 2013b) and detailed mediation.

Box 2.  Main recommendations for analysing moderated mediation (conditional indirect effects).
Recommendations when developing your test model and collecting data
Recommendation 1. It is essential to form a clear and robust theoretical basis for conditional indirect effects. Each
mediation and/or moderation link must be founded and rooted in a theoretical framework that is clearly outlined
in the study. The theoretical rigour of the test model is the only gauge of the quality of the research; the statistical
tools presented herein, no matter how robust and effective, in no way undermine the central importance of the
theoretical foundation.
Recommendation 2. The omission of important variables can limit the scope of the results. A detailed review of the
literature is necessary to identify the main mediating, moderating and control variables to be included in the test
Recommendation 3. It is important to encourage marketing researchers to use experimental and longitudinal
research designs when testing for conditional indirect effects – a longitudinal research design is recommended
when testing for indirect effects (MacKinnon et al., 2012).
Recommendation 4. It is essential to monitor the reliability and validity of variable measurements. Measurements
must be considered very reliable (high Cronbach’s α) in order to detect conditional indirect effects. Researchers are
also recommended to first test the validity of their measurements using confirmatory factorial analyses (e.g. Lisrel,
Amos, Mplus).
Recommendation 5. The detection of conditional indirect effects, as in the case of moderation, requires high
statistical power in order to avoid Type II errors (Dawson, 2014; Hayes, 2013a). To achieve this, the sample
size16 must be high, especially when the test model is complex. There is no rule that can be applied to all cases.
The reader may wish to refer to Aguinis (2004; categorical moderating variables) and Shieh (2009; continuous
moderating variables) for further information.
Recommendation 6. It is essential to account for the quantitative/continuous or qualitative/categorical nature of
dependent, mediating and moderating variables (see Table 3).

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Borau et al. 25

Box 2. (Continued)

Recommendation 7. Centring (or standardising) variables can make it easier to interpret the results (Aguinis and
Gottfredson, 2010). The decision whether or not to centre the variables will in no way change the results in terms of
interactions nor will it reduce multicollinearity, it will simply facilitate interpretation of the results. It is important
not to centre either dependent or dichotomous variables (Dawson, 2014).
Recommendation 8. Testing for moderated mediation effects requires the introduction of the main (direct) effects of
all variables, even where hypotheses specifically relating to these direct links have not been explicitly formulated
(Carte and Russell, 2003). It is therefore important to convey all of these effects in the results tables and not to limit
one’s findings to interaction effects alone.
Recommendation 9. In order to better interpret and present one’s results, it is important to produce a graphic
representation (plot) of the conditional indirect effect using the method developed by Hayes (2013b). For certain
models processed using PROCESS, it is possible to generate regions of significance using a spotlight or floodlight
analysis (Cadario and Parguel, 2014; Spiller et al., 2013).

Recommendation 10. When presenting your results, it is important to note the scale of the conditional indirect
effect by indicating the variation in the determination coefficient (ΔR2); this value is provided by PROCESS for
most models.

Major advances have been made in the analysis SPSS, for example. Your choice will not change the
of moderated mediation effects over the last results in terms of the significance of the moderating
10 years or so. The research approaches that mar- effect.
keting researchers are encouraged to pursue in this   5. Several websites provide support for researchers in
graphing interaction effects. Jeremy Dawson’s web-
area mainly relate to (1) the use of so-called
site offers several Excel files to produce and inter-
Bayesian methods when analysing conditional
pret graphic representations of these effects: http://
indirect effects (see Wang and Preacher, 2015) and These files
(2) the development of multi-level analyses with have been recommended in articles published in
mediation and moderation effects (Bauer et al., peer-reviewed journals (Dawson, 2014). A specific
2006). These advances offer marketing researchers file must be used when the moderating variable is
new perspectives both in theoretical and methodo- dichotomous/categorical.
logical terms.  6. Analysis of moderating effects alone is not the
subject of this article; we direct the reader towards
Acknowledgements Dawson’s recent article (2014 and another by
Aguinis and Gottfredson (2010), who provide an
All authors contributed equally to this work and are listed excellent review of the analysis of interaction effects
in alphabetical order. (including three-way interaction effects)).
 7. These macros are always based on articles pub-
Notes lished in peer-reviewed journals. That of Edwards
  1. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and Lambert (2007) was published in Psychological
ranking, November 2014. Methods, that of Preacher et al. (2007) in
  2. In the case of complex models and/or which show Multivariate Behavioral Research and that of Hayes
signs that multi-normality constraints have been vio- (2013a) is included in a book entitled Introduction
lated, it may be appropriate to adopt a PLS approach. to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process
 3. The term boundary condition is increasingly used Analysis. They can be accessed via the websites of
from a conceptual point of view to refer to contin- these journals or those of the authors themselves in
gency factors that reflect the existence of moderat- order to facilitate dissemination.
ing variables.   8. The MODMED macro can be downloaded directly
  4. To centre your variables, simply subtract the mean from Jeffrey Edwards’ website: http://public.
from their raw scores. It is also possible to standard-
ise them, that is, centre and reduce: z scores under loads.htm.

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26 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

 9. The website dedicated to this article (https://sites. References includes
both a marketing application of the approach devel- Aguinis H (2004) Regression Analysis for Categorical
oped by Edwards and Lambert (2007) and databases Moderators. New York: Guilford Press.
used for the two applications detailed herein. Aguinis H and Gottfredson RK (2010) Best-practice
10. The PROCESS macro can be downloaded from recommendations for estimating interaction effects
Andrew Hayes’ website: http://www.processmacro. using moderated multiple regression. Journal of
org/download.html. Organizational Behavior 31: 776–786.
11. We would like to thank an anonymous reader for Aguinis H, Boik RJ and Pierce CA (2001) A general-
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question. effects of categorical moderator variables using mul-
12. Model Templates for PROCESS for SPSS and SAS, tiple regression. Organizational Research Methods 4:
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org/. Aiken LS and West SG (1991) Multiple Regression:
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Borau et al.

Appendix 1. Marketing research studies that have used one of the three moderated mediation methods.a

Edwards and Preacher et al. (2007) Hayes (2013a, 2013b)b

Lambert (2007)
Journal of Marketing Haws and Winterich (2013), Winterich et al. (2013), Sirianni et al. (2013), Ma et al. (2014), Coulter
Biswas et al. (2013), Rego et al. (2013), Thompson and Grewal (2014), Giebelhausen et al. (2014),
and Malaviya (2013), Devezer et al. (2014), Hada Sundar and Noseworthy (2014)
et al. (2014)
Journal of Consumer Avnet et al. (2013), Campbell et al. (2013), Luna et al. Aydınoğlu and Cian (2014), Ein-Gar (2014),
Psychology (2013), Haws et al. (2014), Moldovan et al. (2014), Hadi and Valenzuela (2014), Mathur et al.
Steinhart et al. (2014), Wiebenga and Fennis (2014) (2014), Morhart et al. (2014), Walsh (2014),
Xu and Labroo (2014)
Journal of Consumer Moore (2012), Gao et al. (2009), Ward and Broniarczyk (2011), Kim Muro and Noseworthy (2013), Samper and
Research Bellezza et al. (2014), and Labroo (2011), Laran et al. (2011), Whang et al. Schwartz (2013), Irmak et al. (2013), Trudel
Bellezza and Keinan (2012), Bagchi and Davis (2012), Jiang et al. (2013), and Argo (2013), Kronrod and Danziger
(2014) Wan and Rucker (2013), Wilcox and Stephen (2013), (2013), Humphreys and Latour (2013),
Gu et al. (2013), Chen and Berger (2013), Shapiro Mourali and Yang (2013), Buechel and
and Nielsen (2013), Yang et al. (2014), Chae and Zhu Janiszewski (2014), Wang and Griskevicius
(2014), Bhattacharjee et al. (2014), Connell et al. (2014), Kan et al. (2014), Kim et al. (2014),
(2014), Lisjak and Lee (2014), Mehta et al. (2014) Cutright and Samper (2014), Lee et al. (2014),
May and Irmak (2014), Salerno et al. (2014),
Williams et al. (2014)
Journal of Marketing Berger and Fitzsimons (2008), Huang and Zhang Scott et al. (2013), Chen and Lurie (2013),

Downloaded from by Charlotte RANCHOUX on November 11, 2015

Research (2011), Noseworthy and Trudel (2011), Sellier and Ferraro et al. (2013), Cavanaugh (2014), Cian
Dahl (2011), Trudel and Murray (2011), Ulkümen and et al. (2014), Coulter and Roggeveen (2014)
Cheema (2011), Thompson and Chandon Ince (2013)
Industrial Marketing Mariadoss et al. (2014)  

Appendix 1. (Continued)

Edwards and Preacher et al. (2007) Hayes (2013a, 2013b)b

Lambert (2007)
International Journal of Pandelaere et al. (2010), Mochon et al. (2012), Jin Wang et al. (2013)
Research in Marketing and Huang (2014)
Journal of Business Liao et al. (2014), Nguyen and Munch (2011), Kim and Gupta (2012), Lefroy and Tsarenko (2014), Leal-Rodríguez
Research Uhrich et al. (2014), Grappi et al. (2013a), Carvalho and Luna (2014), et al. (2014), Michaelis et al. (2015), Ertürk
Xu et al. (2014), Yoshida et al. (2014), Khajehzadeh et al. (2014), and Vurgun (2015)
Gatignon-Turnau and Mariadoss et al. (2014)
Mignonac (2015)
Journal of Retailing Kachersky (2011), Orth et al. (2013), Schumann et al. Bolton and Mattila (2014), Onur Bodur et al.
(2014), Jin et al. (2014) (2014), Orth and Crouch (2014)
Journal of Service Strizhakova et al. (2012), Jin and He (2013)  
Journal of the Academy Auh et al. (2014) Verlegh et al. (2013), Choi et al. (2014), Lacey et al. Grappi et al. (2013b), Burton et al. (2014), Xie
of Marketing Science (2014) et al. (2014)
Marketing Letters Baxter et al. (2014) Guo and Main (2012), Bullard and Manchanda
(2013), Whelan and Dawar (2014), Wong
et al. (2014)
Recherche et Lacoste-Badie et al. (2013)  
Applications en

Downloaded from by Charlotte RANCHOUX on November 11, 2015

aList updated in December 2014, covering the period 2007–2014 and including journals ranked 1 and 2 by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in November

2014 (with the exception of Marketing Science, which has an embargo on its databases).
bSome authors cite Hayes’ (2013a) method as originating in his 2012 working paper, which preceded the article cited herein.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 
Borau et al. 35

Appendix 2. Procedure to download the PROCESS macro and dialogue box illustration (Hayes, 2013a, 2013b).

To download the PROCESS macro, visit Andrew Hayes’ website (

and download the latest version of the macro. To install it, you will need to open SPSS as an administrator (right
click then ‘run as administrator’), then go to ‘Utilities’ > ‘Install a personalised dialogue box’, select the ‘process.
spd’ file and click ‘OK’. It is also possible to use the ‘process.sps’ script and adapt the syntax according to each
test model. However, we encourage the reader to install the dialogue box, which is much simpler to use.

Y = dependent variable

Model number must be X = independent variable

specified (see
“templates.pdf” file,
available at M = mediating variable(s)

Number of iterations using

bootstrap (min. 5 000) Covariates = control
variable(s) (optional)

W, Z, V et Q =
moderating variable(s) to
be determined based on test
model (see “templates.pdf”
file, which lists 76 pos-
sible moderated mediation

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36 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

Appendix 3.  Example 1, Case 1: Results for conditional indirect effect with a continuous moderating
variable using Hayes’ method (2013a, 2013b)

Run MATRIX procedure:

***************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Release 2.13 ***************

Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Documentation available in Hayes (2013a).

Model = 15
V = V_Age

Sample size

Outcome: M_CONGI

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,5895 ,3475 2,4047 270,0292 1,0000 507,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant ,0000 ,0687 ,0000 1,0000 -,1350 ,1350
a = 0,7234 X_ATTR ,7234 ,0440 16,4326 ,0000 ,6369 ,8099

Outcome: Y_AIM

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,5334 ,2846 1,8175 40,0117 5,0000 503,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 2,8388 ,0612 46,3868 ,0000 2,7186 2,9591
b1 = 0,2043 M_CONGI ,2043 ,0392 5,2113 ,0000 ,1273 ,2813
X_ATTR ,3102 ,0482 6,4293 ,0000 ,2154 ,4049
V_Age -,0186 ,0080 -2,3182 ,0208 -,0344 -,0028
b2 = –0,0169 int_1 -,0169 ,0053 -3,1900 ,0015 -,0273 -,0065
int_2 ,0086 ,0057 1,5047 ,1330 -,0026 ,0198


int_1 M_CONGI X V_Age

int_2 X_ATTR X V_Age

******************** DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS *************************

Conditional direct effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s):

V_Age Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI
-7,7236 ,2437 ,0708 3,4415 ,0006 ,1046 ,3828
,0000 ,3102 ,0482 6,4293 ,0000 ,2154 ,4049
7,7236 ,3766 ,0595 6,3285 ,0000 ,2597 ,4935

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Borau et al. 37

Conditional indirect effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s):

V_Age Effect Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI Confidence interval for
M_CONGI -7,7236 ,2422 ,0465 ,1531 ,3358 the conditional indirect
M_CONGI ,0000 ,1478 ,0331 ,0849 ,2135 effect at different mod-
erator values
M_CONGI 7,7236 ,0534 ,0527 -,0554 ,1522

Values for quantitative moderators are the mean and plus/minus one SD from
Values for dichotomous moderators are the two values of the moderator.

******************** INDEX OF MODERATED MEDIATION ************************

Index SE(Boot) BootLLCI BootULCI Confidence interval for
a* b2 =–0,012 M_CONGI -,0122 ,0048 -,0222 -,0033 moderated mediation index

******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND WARNINGS *************************

Number of bootstrap samples for bias corrected bootstrap confidence inter-


Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


NOTE: The following variables were mean centered prior to analysis:


------ END MATRIX -----

A4. – Exemple 1, cas 2 : Résultats de l’effet indirect conditionnel avec une variable
modératrice dichotomique suivant la méthode de Hayes (2013a, 2013b)

Run MATRIX procedure:

***************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Release 2.13 ***************

Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Documentation available in Hayes (2013a).

Model = 15
V = V_AGE_Di

Sample size

Outcome: M_CONGI

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,5895 ,3475 2,4047 270,0292 1,0000 507,0000 ,0000

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38 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant ,0000 ,0687 ,0000 1,0000 -,1350 ,1350
a = 0,7234 X_ATTR ,7234 ,0440 16,4326 ,0000 ,6369 ,8099

Outcome: Y_AIM

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,5415 ,2932 1,7955 41,7390 5,0000 503,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 2,8400 ,0603 47,1167 ,0000 2,7215 2,9584
b1 = 0,2193 M_CONGI ,2193 ,0389 5,6371 ,0000 ,1429 ,2958
X_ATTR ,3013 ,0479 6,2939 ,0000 ,2072 ,3954
V_AGE_Di -,2301 ,1206 -1,9079 ,0570 -,4671 ,0068
int_1 -,3113 ,0777 -4,0072 ,0001 -,4639 -,1587
int_2 ,1748 ,0953 1,8341 ,0672 -,0124 ,3620


int_1 M_CONGI X V_AGE_Di

int_2 X_ATTR X V_AGE_Di

******************** DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS *************************

Conditional direct effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s):

V_AGE_Di Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI
-,4853 ,2165 ,0723 2,9959 ,0029 ,0745 ,3585
,5147 ,3913 ,0621 6,3006 ,0000 ,2692 ,5133

Conditional indirect effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s):

Confidence interval for
V_AGE_Di Effect Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI the conditional indirect
M_CONGI -,4853 ,2679 ,0409 ,1900 ,3514 effect at two moderator
M_CONGI ,5147 ,0427 ,0496 -,0564 ,1373 values

Values for quantitative moderators are the mean and plus/minus one SD from mean.
Values for dichotomous moderators are the two values of the moderator.

******************** INDEX OF MODERATED MEDIATION ************************

Index SE(Boot) BootLLCI BootULCI Confidence interval for
0,042–0,267 M_CONGI -,2252 ,0644 -,3592 -,1057 moderated mediation index
= –0,225
When the moderator is dichotomous, this is a test of equality of the
conditional indirect effects in the two groups.

******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND WARNINGS *************************

Number of bootstrap samples for bias corrected bootstrap confidence intervals:


Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


NOTE: The following variables were mean centered prior to analysis:


------ END MATRIX -----

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Borau et al. 39

A5. – Exemple 2 : Résultats de l’effet indirect conditionnel avec deux variables
médiatrices et deux modérateurs suivant la méthode de Hayes (2013a, 2013b)

Run MATRIX procedure:

***************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Release 2.13 ***************

Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Documentation available in Hayes (2013a).

Model = 75
Y = Y_Ib
X = X_Origin
M1 = M1_Aad
M2 = M2_Ab
W = W_Resist
Z = Z_ImpSup

Sample size

Outcome: M1_Aad

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,7252 ,5259 1,2533 81,4300 5,0000 367,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant ,0886 ,0615 1,4424 ,1500 -,0322 ,2095
X_Origin ,4288 ,0374 11,4744 ,0000 ,3553 ,5023
W_Resist -,3429 ,0433 -7,9186 ,0000 -,4281 -,2578
int_1 ,0992 ,0243 4,0795 ,0001 ,0514 ,1470
Z_ImpSup ,1813 ,0443 4,0917 ,0001 ,0942 ,2684
int_2 ,0087 ,0261 ,3336 ,7389 -,0427 ,0601


int_1 X_Origin X W_Resist

int_2 X_Origin X Z_ImpSup

Outcome: M2_Ab

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,6594 ,4347 1,2113 56,4527 5,0000 367,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant ,0637 ,0604 1,0549 ,2922 -,0551 ,1825
X_Origin ,2788 ,0367 7,5898 ,0000 ,2066 ,3511
W_Resist -,3539 ,0426 -8,3130 ,0000 -,4376 -,2702
int_1 ,0966 ,0239 4,0408 ,0001 ,0496 ,1436
Z_ImpSup ,1473 ,0436 3,3805 ,0008 ,0616 ,2329
int_2 ,0518 ,0257 2,0157 ,0446 ,0013 ,1023

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40 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 


int_1 X_Origin X W_Resist

int_2 X_Origin X Z_ImpSup

Outcome: Y_Ib

Model Summary
R R-sq MSE F df1 df2 p
,7165 ,5134 1,4799 42,5501 9,0000 363,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p LLCI ULCI
constant 2,8174 ,0718 39,2487 ,0000 2,6763 2,9586
M1_Aad ,3160 ,0692 4,5666 ,0000 ,1799 ,4521
M2_Ab ,3742 ,0700 5,3475 ,0000 ,2366 ,5119
X_Origin ,1561 ,0464 3,3668 ,0008 ,0649 ,2473
W_Resist -,0654 ,0529 -1,2375 ,2167 -,1693 ,0385
int_3 ,0796 ,0403 1,9753 ,0490 ,0004 ,1589
int_4 -,1179 ,0446 -2,6447 ,0085 -,2056 -,0302
Z_ImpSup -,0013 ,0494 -,0271 ,9784 -,0986 ,0959
int_5 ,0136 ,0455 ,2988 ,7653 -,0759 ,1031
int_6 ,0394 ,0483 ,8170 ,4145 -,0555 ,1343


int_3 M1_Aad X W_Resist

int_4 M2_Ab X W_Resist
int_5 M1_Aad X Z_ImpSup
int_6 M2_Ab X Z_ImpSup

******************** DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS *************************

Direct effect of X on Y intervals for
Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI conditional
,1561 ,0464 3,3668 ,0008 ,0649 ,2473 indirect effect
at low level of
Conditional indirect effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s): moderator 1
(W) and at
Mediator three levels of
W_Resist Z_ImpSup Effect Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI moderator 2 (Z)
M1_Aad -1,5439 -1,4496 ,0456 ,0520 -,0449 ,1697
M1_Aad -1,5439 ,0000 ,0532 ,0366 -,0108 ,1355
M1_Aad -1,5439 1,4496 ,0613 ,0378 -,0042 ,1479 Mean level of
M1_Aad ,0000 -1,4496 ,1233 ,0600 ,0047 ,2444 moderator 1 (W)
M1_Aad ,0000 ,0000 ,1355 ,0352 ,0705 ,2116 and three levels of
M1_Aad ,0000 1,4496 ,1482 ,0478 ,0606 ,2514 moderator 2 (Z)
M1_Aad 1,5439 -1,4496 ,2387 ,0739 ,0966 ,3897
M1_Aad 1,5439 ,0000 ,2555 ,0516 ,1652 ,3697 High level of
M1_Aad 1,5439 1,4496 ,2727 ,0798 ,1294 ,4503 moderator 1 (W)
and three levels of
Mediator moderator 2 (Z)
W_Resist Z_ImpSup Effect Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI
M2_Ab -1,5439 -1,4496 ,0272 ,0456 -,0519 ,1322
M2_Ab -1,5439 ,0000 ,0721 ,0370 ,0094 ,1575
M2_Ab -1,5439 1,4496 ,1256 ,0448 ,0485 ,2238
M2_Ab ,0000 -1,4496 ,0646 ,0307 ,0209 ,1472
M2_Ab ,0000 ,0000 ,1043 ,0257 ,0608 ,1623
M2_Ab ,0000 1,4496 ,1527 ,0494 ,0720 ,2666
M2_Ab 1,5439 -1,4496 ,0477 ,0375 -,0134 ,1355

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M2_Ab 1,5439 ,0000 ,0823 ,0405 ,0122 ,1697

M2_Ab 1,5439 1,4496 ,1255 ,0766 ,0075 ,3091

Values for quantitative moderators are the mean and plus/minus one SD from mean.
Values for dichotomous moderators are the two values of the moderator.

******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND WARNINGS *************************

Number of bootstrap samples for bias corrected bootstrap confidence intervals:


Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


NOTE: The following variables were mean centered prior to analysis:

X_Origin M1_Aad M2_Ab W_Resist Z_ImpSup

------ END MATRIX -----

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