Oral Communication in Context (1 Semester) I. Overview of The Course/Subject

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Oral Communication in Context

(1st Semester)

I. Overview of the Course/Subject

This course develops the listening and speaking skills and strategies of students for
effective communication in various situations.
This module will develop students’ skills in becoming a good communicator.
With the use of various oral communication techniques and styles, the students are
expected to instill lasting communication goals.It aims to guide students to become
multi-skilled in different methods of learning and be flexible under different
communication circumstances.

II. Objectives

A. Competencies for Learning

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of…

1. The functions, nature, and the process of communication.

2. the different models of communication.
3. The communication’s barriers, breakdown, and stage fright.
4. Types of speeches, context, style, purpose and delivery.
5. Organizing and delivering speeches through oral presentation.

B. Skills Competencies for Learning

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to…

1. designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral

communication activities based on context.
2. writes a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation
of the various speakers watched and listened to
3. demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of
speech situations.
4. proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective
speech delivery

III. Topics

Introduction Open the mind and hearts of the students in the process of
communication contexts. It allows readers appreciate the value of
communication involving various communication situations.

A. The Nature and Process of Communication

1. What is communication?
2. What are the elements of communication?
3. The process of communication
4. Models of communication.

B. Communication Apprehension & Public Speaking.

1. Communication Breakdown and Stage Fright

2. Public Speaking
3. Tips of Public Speaking

C. Register

1. Nature
2. Types of Language Registers
3. Verbal Communication
4. Non Verbal Communication

Strategies in Various Highlights the types of speech styles and contexts in the
Speech Situations different communication situations.

A. Types of Speech Contexts and Style

1. The different uses of communication depending on its context.

B. Intimate

1. The role of the speaker having involved in a communication inside the family.
This may also include, communication between married couple, mother and son.

C. Casual

1. The communication takes place with friends, classmates, people familiar to the

D. Consultative

1. It involves formality in language register. A formal conversation on professionals.

E. Formal

1. It requires formal language. This is usually done in formal gatherings.

F. Frozen
1. It is a fixed speech done in formal ceremonies.
Types of Speech Tackles the attitude of a speaker on how she/he will develop
According to rapport to its audience and how the speech may be
Purpose and presented and performed in various situations.

A. Types of Speech According to Purpose

1. Informative
2. Demonstrative
3. Persuasive
4. Speech for Special Occasions/ Roast Speech

B. Types of Speech According to Delivery

1. Manuscript
2. Extemporaneous
3. Memorized
4. Impromptu

Types of Discusses the strategies in a communication in times of

Communication discussion. It offers techniques to maintain good rapport and
Strategies smooth flow of communication.
A. Types of Communication Strategies
1. Restriction
2. Nomination
3. Topic Shifting
4. Topic Control
5. Termination
6. Repair
7. Turn Taking

Fundamentals of Enhances students’ knowledge on how to become an

Public Speaking effective public speaker.

A. Public Speaking

1. Principles of Speech Writing

2. Principles of Speech Delivery
Types of Speeches Prepares students to equip themselves in coping speech
presentations in various contexts.

A. Types of Speeches

1. Organizing and Delivering a Manuscript Speech

2. Organizing and Delivering an Extemporaneous Speech
3. Organizing and Delivering a Memorized Speech

IV. Methods of Instruction

 Online Conferences
 Pre-recorded lessons
 Recitation
 Inquiry
 Simulation
 Interactive

V. Types of Assessments

 Oral presentations (Panel dicussion, Talk show, Vlog, Declamation, Spoken

Poetry, Radio play, Oratorical Speech, Reader’s Theater
 Key Chart
 Semantic Web Map
 Short Essay
 Acrostic Activity
 Poster
 Five minutes fast talk
 Role playing
 Video presentation

VI. Evaluations

 Essay
 Quiz
 Concept Mapping
 Reflection
 Response Paper
 Poster Making
 Speaker’s Notes
 Journals
 Interview
 KWL Chart
 Self Audit Activity

VII. Performance Task/s

Goal What task do I want the student to achieve?
Role What is the student’s role in the task?
Audience Who is the target audience?
Situation What is the context or challenge?
Product or Performance What will students create or develop?
Standards/Rubrics On what criteria will they be judged?

VIII. References
 Maria Geneali (2018) “Oral Communication in Context for Senior High school book” (2nd
edition).Deped Learning Resources.

 Cheeno Marlo Sayuno. DIWA Senior high school series: “Oral Communication in Context” (2 nd
Edition). DIWA Textbooks
 https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/SHS-Core_Oral-Communication-CG.pdf

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Mark Angelo F.Santos Melody M. Mitra Jason T. Tiongco

Subject Teacher Department Coordinator SHS Principal

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