Power Dynamics in Supervision Scale

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Training and Education in Professional Psychology

© 2018 American Psychological Association 2018, Vol. 12, No. 3, 188 –195
1931-3918/18/$12.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tep0000201

Supervisee Perception of Power in Clinical Supervision: The Power

Dynamics in Supervision Scale
Ryan M. Cook W. Bradley McKibben
The University of Alabama Nova Southeastern University

Stefanie A. Wind
The University of Alabama
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Power dynamics between supervisors and supervisees are inherent as a result of the hierarchical structure
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

of supervision. Failure to adequately attend to issues of power in supervision can result in ineffective or
even harmful supervision. Currently, supervisors do not have an objective measure of power dynamics
within the supervisory relationship or a tool that allows for ongoing measurement and discussion of
power in supervision. The authors developed the Power Dynamics in Supervision Scale (PDSS) and
investigated its psychometric properties with a sample of 267 supervisees. Results from the polytomous
Rasch model indicated that the PDSS items (n ⫽ 16) explained 51.77% of the variance as a single factor.
Item locations on the logit scale indicate supervisees perceive differing levels of power, meaning that
PDSS items adequately identified differences in power perceptions among supervisees. Supervisees
perceived themselves as possessing the most power on maintaining healthy boundaries with their
supervisors, a willingness to feel vulnerable in supervision, and feeling empowered in supervision. They
also perceived their supervisors as possessing the most power in identifying interventions to use with
clients, setting goals for supervision, and providing feedback about clinical skills in supervision.
Implications for supervisors and supervision research are provided in light of the findings.

Keywords: supervision, power dynamics, Rasch modeling, psychology

Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tep0000201.supp

Power dynamics in supervision have been routinely discussed in of the hierarchical structure of supervision (Porter & Vasquez,
clinical supervision literature (e.g., Murphy & Wright, 2005; Por- 1997). Supervisors often have more years of training and experi-
ter & Vasquez, 1997; Szymanski, 2003, 2005). The power dynam- ence compared to their supervisees, which might lend more power
ics between supervisors and supervisees inherently exist as a result to the supervisor (Bernard & Goodyear, 2014). Some supervisees
view the supervisor’s level of expertise as advantageous to their
clinical development (De Stefano, Hutman, & Gazzola, 2017;
Murphy & Wright, 2005). However, clinical supervisors also serve
This article was published Online First June 28, 2018. as evaluators of supervisees’ clinical work and gatekeepers to
RYAN M. COOK is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educa- protect clients and the public (American Psychological Associa-
tional Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling at tion [APA], 2014; Bernard & Goodyear, 2014), which places
the University of Alabama. His research interests include intentional non- supervisees in a vulnerable position (Hernández & McDowell,
disclosure, counselor decision-making, and clinical supervision.
2010; Murphy & Wright, 2005; Szymanski, 2003). Failure to
W. BRADLEY MCKIBBEN is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Counseling at Nova Southeastern University. His research interests include
adequately attend to power dynamics in supervision can result in
professional counselor development and relational/cultural issues in clini- ineffective or even harmful supervision that presents legal and
cal supervision. He has supervised master’s-level counseling practicum and ethical risks to supervisors and supervisees (Ellis et al., 2014).
internship students through a variety of supervision modalities, and he has Thus, both supervisors and supervisees should be aware of the
taught and supervised doctoral-level counseling supervisors-in-training. influence of power in supervision and address these issues when
STEFANIE A. WIND is an Assistant Professor of Educational Measure- possible (Porter & Vasquez, 1997; Szymanski, 2003, 2005).
ment in the Department of Educational Research at The University of Supervisors are encouraged to attend to the inherent power
Alabama. She conducts methodological and applied research in the area of differentials from the outset of supervision. Informed consent
psychometrics, with an emphasis on issues related to raters, rating scales, documents and disclosure agreements are intended to define the
and parametric and nonparametric item response theory models for ratings.
supervisory roles and responsibilities as well as outline the expec-
THE AUTHORS WOULD LIKE to acknowledge the research assistance pro-
vided by Bryant Abbott and Morgan Drake, The University of Alabama.
tations of supervision for both the supervisor and supervisee (APA,
CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS ARTICLE should be addressed to 2014; Borders et al., 2014). Even with these resources, supervisors
Ryan M. Cook, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology and supervisees may not fully understand what is expected of them
& Counseling, The University of Alabama, 310A Graves Hall, Tuscaloosa, in supervision (Ellis et al., 2014) or predict with reasonable accu-
AL 35487. E-mail: [email protected] racy issues of power that might emerge in the supervisory rela-

tionship. Currently, supervisors do not have an objective measure positive and negative uses of power in supervision. Although the
of power dynamics, supervisees’ understanding of power dynam- literature informs the importance of identifying and attending to
ics, or supervisees’ perceptions of sources of power within the power dynamics in supervision, supervisors still lack a tool to help
supervisory relationship. Accordingly, we sought to create the them examine power dynamics within their own supervisory rela-
Power Dynamics in Supervision Scale (PDSS), an instrument tionships. Supervisors and supervisees are recommended to reflect
developed using Rasch modeling that is designed to measure on their supervision experience and issues of power that they
where supervisees perceive power lying between them and their identify (Porter & Vasquez, 1997). This leaves supervisors without
supervisors across multiple sessions. The PDSS is a brief, 16-item the ability to operationalize important questions unanswered, such
tool that supervisees and supervisors can easily utilize to under- as the following: When do supervisees perceive power as being
stand and explore the supervision experience. beneficial versus problematic? To what degree should a supervisor
or supervisee possess power in the supervisory relationship? Most
Conceptual Framework of Power Dynamics notably, where do supervisees perceive the power lying between
them and their supervisor in regards to specific aspects of power?
in Supervision
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

With no way to address these questions, supervisors may be, at a

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Power in supervision has been most commonly discussed through minimum, unknowingly providing ineffective supervision, but
the lens of feminist supervision with emphasis on the supervisor using they might also be placing their supervisees and themselves at risk
power diligently (e.g., Nelson et al., 2006; Porter, 1995; Porter & for legal and ethical ramifications (Ellis et al., 2014).
Vasquez, 1997; Szymanski, 2003, 2005). Power analysis, whereby
supervisors and supervisees openly discuss inherent power differen- The Current Study
tials in the supervisory relationship, is a core function of a feminist-
oriented supervisory approach (Szymanski, 2003, 2005). Through this Mangione, Mears, Vincent, and Hawes (2011) found that super-
approach, power can be used in the supervisory relationship to benefit visees were most often the ones who initiated conversations of
the supervisee by facilitating their autonomy and empowerment (Por- power, but rarely did this dialogue result in substantive change in
ter & Vasquez, 1997). Also, supervisors create an environment of the relationship. An instrument that measures power perhaps could
safety whereby supervisees feel their ideas and input are valued and create an opportunity for supervisors and supervisees to engage in
in which supervisees feel that their strengths are recognized (Porter, purposeful dialogue about the presence of power in supervision
1995; Porter & Vasquez, 1997; Szymanski, 2003). that would result in meaningful change. Thus, we sought to create
To amply address power dynamics in supervision, Szymanski the PDSS, which will provide supervisors with a measure of how
(2003) suggested that supervisors explain the supervision process, their supervisees perceive power dynamics within their supervi-
define the roles and confines of supervision, and encourage dis- sory relationships. The PDSS is designed to be given to supervis-
cussions of potential boundary issues (e.g., sexual attractions, ees at the end of a supervision session to provide quick, objective
multiple relationships). She also noted the importance of supervi- feedback regarding the supervisees’ experience of their supervi-
sors reflecting on their privilege, which might contribute to the sion session that can be utilized immediately.
power dynamics in supervision. Hernández and McDowell (2010) We hypothesized a unidimensional structure of power dynam-
also highlighted cultural identities and social norms as particularly ics, where higher scores indicate that supervisees perceived their
salient because supervisors and supervisees influence the supervi- supervisor possessing more power and lower scores indicating that
sory relationship by virtue of privilege or lack thereof. the supervisees perceived themselves possessing power. Specifi-
In a study especially important to the current investigation, cally, we sought to investigate the following research questions:
Murphy and Wright (2005) explored supervisees’ perceptions of (a) To what extent can the PDSS items be ordered to reflect
positive and negative uses of power in supervision. They found different levels of power between supervisees and supervisors?
that supervisees perceived positive uses of power as including (a) and (b) What evidence is there that the PDSS items demonstrate
facilitation of discussions of power, (b) sharing ideas, (c) provid- acceptable psychometric properties, such that the instrument can
ing feedback, (d) evaluations, (e) empowering them as supervisees, be interpreted as a meaningful measure of power dynamics be-
(f) promoting safety in the supervisory relationship, (g) a collab- tween supervisors and supervisees?
orative partnership, and (h) defining the expectations of supervi-
sion. In contrast, supervisees perceived negative uses of power as Method
including (a) preferential treatment toward one supervisee, (b)
supervisors imposing their clinical style, (c) abusing power, (d) Development of the PDSS
violating the supervisees’ confidentiality, and (e) supervisors pri-
oritizing their needs over the supervisees. Regarding their own use We used the following guidelines from DeVellis (2016) to
of power, supervisees perceived their power as deciding what develop the PDSS: (a) determine what to measure, (b) generate an
information to share with or withhold from their supervisors. item pool, (c) determine the measurement format, (d) expert re-
Supervisees in this study also viewed themselves as consumers of view, (e) administer the survey to a development sample, and (f)
supervisory services whereby they had an opportunity to learn optimize scale length. In determining what to measure, our goal
from and provide feedback to their supervisors. Seemingly, both was to develop an instrument that can identify where the power is
supervisors and supervisees exert power, which influences the perceived to lie between supervisor and supervisee. Coming from
outcomes of supervision. this perspective, we made three assumptions: (a) Supervision
The conceptual and empirical literature, although limited, high- power dynamics are fluid and may transition between supervisee
lights the importance of attending to power dynamics, as well as and supervisor; (b) power may be held more by the supervisor in

some areas, by the supervisee in others, and equally shared in e-mail addresses of all department heads and clinical faculty at the
others; and (c) power lying more or less with a supervisor or APA programs and all faculty members from CACREP programs.
supervisee, or being equally shared, is not inherently positive or This resulted in us contacting faculty at 64 APA counseling or
negative. school psychology programs and 274 counselor education pro-
Based on the intended scope and purpose of the PDSS, we grams after obtaining institutional review board approval. We
generated an initial item pool of 21 items derived from the liter- emailed all faculty members and requested that they forward a
ature on power in clinical supervision. Each item contained two participation request and Qualtrics survey link to any students who
dichotomous statements placed at opposing ends of a visual analog were enrolled in a counseling practicum, internship, or postdoc-
scale (VAS; see Table 1). We used this measurement format to toral placement (school and counseling psychology programs
score items rather than a unidirectional Likert scale (e.g., 0 – 4) in only). The online survey included the PDSS, a demographic ques-
order to more clearly represent our view of power dynamics as a tionnaire, and two other instruments not analyzed for the current
continuum between supervisors and supervisees. We also utilized study.
a VAS rather than a Likert scale to better capture the fluidity of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

power dynamics. The VAS presents a sliding scale response for-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

mat for each item. Item statements on the left anchor of the VAS Participants
reflected power held by the supervisee and were scored as 1. Item In total, 267 master’s-level and doctoral-level trainees from
statements on the right anchor of the VAS reflected power held by counseling psychology, school psychology, and counselor educa-
the supervisor and were scored as 4. Participants also had the tion programs who were currently enrolled in counseling practi-
option of selecting not applicable for each item statement. These cum, internship, or postdoctoral internship participated in this
responses were scored as zeros and treated as missing in the study. An additional 108 participants opened the study but did not
analysis. Accordingly, we interpreted responses to PDSS items on complete any items. The participants’ ages ranged from 21–51
the VAS such that higher ratings indicated that supervisees per- (M ⫽ 29.69, SD ⫽ 7.93). The majority of participants identified as
ceived their supervisor as possessing more power and lower rat- White or Caucasian (n ⫽ 174, 65.2%) and female (n ⫽ 193,
ings indicated that supervisees perceived themselves as possessing 72.3%). Most participants were enrolled in a master’s-level coun-
more power, with the midpoint as the “tipping point” toward selor education program (n ⫽ 158, 59.2%). The average length of
supervisee or supervisor. the supervisory relationship was 7 months (SD ⫽ 9.26, Mdn ⫽ 4.0,
Next, we submitted the items and VAS to expert review. Spe- n ⫽ 228). Full demographic information for both supervisees and
cifically, we asked three professors, chosen based on their exten- supervisors is included in Table 2.
sive research agendas in clinical supervision, to review the items
and VAS for clarity and for content validity. Based on their
feedback, we added 6 items and edited 25 to improve clarity. All Analytic Approach
experts commented that the VAS seemed to fit the items and that
it seemed to measure where power dynamics lie in supervision. Because our focus was on exploring the psychometric properties
Following expert review, we administered the items to a develop- of the PDSS with the goal of improving the instrument for future
ment sample. administrations such that it can be used as a communicative device
in practical counseling settings, we used Rasch measurement the-
ory (Rasch, 1960) to guide our analytic approach. Empirical evi-
dence of fit to the Rasch model allows researchers to identify items
To sample trainees receiving clinical supervision, we obtained a that do not function consistently across persons and persons who
list of counseling psychology and school psychology programs are not measured consistently across items. Furthermore, because
accredited by the APA and counselor education programs accred- the Rasch model is based on invariant measurement, item and
ited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related person estimates can be described on a common linear scale, thus
Educational Programs (CACREP) by using the APA and CACREP facilitating communication about a variety of features of latent
websites, respectively. We then identified the publicly available variables, including item ordering and person ordering.

Table 1
Sample Power Dynamics in Supervision Scale Items With the Visual Analog Scale

I identified the goals for My supervisor

this supervision identified the goals
session for this supervision
I had the power in our My supervisor had the
supervisory power in our
relationship in this supervisory
supervision session relationship in this
supervision session
I was able to speak I withheld information
freely in this in this supervision
supervision session session

Table 2 Model-data fit statistics. Model-data fit analysis in Rasch

Supervisee and Supervisor Demographic Information measurement is conducted using residuals or discrepancies be-
tween observed responses and expected responses based on the
Supervisee, Supervisor, model. Residuals are summarized using two mean square error
Variable n (%) n (%)
(MSE) statistics: Infit MSE and Outfit MSE; standardized versions
Gendera of these statistics are also available. These statistics can be calcu-
Androgynous 1 (0.4) — lated for individual items and supervisees, such that researchers
Female 193 (72.3) 165 (61.8)
can identify and explore misfit related to specific attitude state-
Heterosexual 1 (0.4) —
Male 32 (12) 59 (22.1) ment and supervisees. Because Infit MSE is weighted by statistical
Postgender male 1 (0.4) — information (i.e., variance or measurement precision), it is sensi-
Queer 1 (0.4) — tive to less extreme unexpected observations. Outfit MSE is not
Transgender male — 1 (0.4) weighted, so it is sensitive to more extreme unexpected observa-
Did not respond 37 (13.9) 42 (15.7)
Race tions.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

African American/Black 11 (4.1) 20 (7.5) The generally agreed-upon expected value for Infit and Outfit
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

American European or European decent 3 (1.1) — MSE statistics is 1.00, where values below 1.00 suggest less
American Indian 1 (0.4) 3 (1.1) variation than expected and values above 1.00 suggest more vari-
Asian 8 (3) 5 (1.9)
ation than expected. In this study, we view the fit statistics as
Eastern European — 1 (0.4)
Hispanic/Latino/a 13 (4.9) 13 (4.9) continuous variables, while recognizing the generally accepted
Jamaican — 1 (0.4) values for rating scale items of about 0.60 –1.40 (Bond & Fox,
Middle Eastern 1 (0.4) — 2015; Engelhard, 2013) for MSE values. We also examined the
Multiracial 18 (6.7) 5 (1.9) standardized versions of these statistics, where acceptable fit is
Turkish — 1 (0.4)
White/Caucasian 174 (65.2) 181 (67.8) defined as ⫺2.00 ⱕ Infit Z or Outfit Z ⱕ 2.00.
Did not respond 38 (14.2) 39 (14.6) Separation statistics. Next, separation statistics describe the
Training background degree to which individual items and supervisee locations are
Clinical psychology — 34 (12.7) distinct. Specifically, the reliability of separation statistic (Rel) is
Counseling psychology 53 (19.8) 52 (19.5)
an index of the differences between individual items and individ-
Counselor education 205 (76.8) 101 (37.8)
Multiple — 1 (0.4) ual supervisees. When there is good model-data fit, Rel can be
School psychology 4 (1.9) 21 (7.9) interpreted similar to Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. A chi-square
Social work — 12 (4.5) statistic can also be calculated that describes the degree to which
Other — 7 (2.6) these differences are statistically significant.
Did not respond 5 (1.9)
Academic level
Master’s level 158 (59.2) —
Doctoral level 72 (26.9) — Results
Did not respond 37 (13.9) —
Ten (3.7%) supervisees specifically identified as cisgender in addition to Preliminary Analysis
their affirmed gender pronoun, and nine (3.4%) supervisors were identified
as cisgender in addition to their gender pronoun. First, we examined the presence of missing data, and across all
27 items, 2.4% of the data was missing. It was not necessary to
impute missing values because the Rasch model can provide
estimates as long as there is sufficient connectivity between items
Data Analysis
and persons (i.e., each person responds to at least one item in
We estimated supervisee (person) and attitude statement (item) common with another person, and each item has responses from at
locations using the Rating Scale (RS) model (Andrich, 1978): least two people; Schumacker, 1999). Next, we conducted a pre-
liminary analysis to identify any items that demonstrated signifi-
ln关Pni(x⫽k) ⁄ Pni(x⫽k⫺1)兴 ⫽ ␪n ⫺ ␦i ⫺ ␶k
cant model misfit and thus warranted removal from the final scale.
where ␪n is location of supervisee n on the latent variable (i.e., the With all items included, there was adequate overall fit, where 49%
strength of the supervisees’ perception of their supervisor possess- of the variance in responses was explained by the model. However,
ing power across the PDSS attitude statements), and ␦i is the fit statistics for individual items revealed 11 items with fit statistics
location of attitude statement i on the latent variable (i.e., the that exceeded the range of generally accepted values: Items 1–3, 5,
degree to which a particular attitude statement is associated with a 7–9, 11, and 22–24. Accordingly, we removed these items from
power balance in favor of the supervisor across supervisees). The the scale in the subsequent analyses.
last term in Equation 1 is the location of the threshold between Prior to our final analysis, we confirmed the unidimensionality
adjacent rating scale categories. When the RS model is applied, of the final set of PDSS items (n ⫽ 16) using a principal compo-
locations of each supervisee, attitude statement, and threshold are nents analysis (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling ade-
estimated on a common linear scale. The RS model also provides quacy ⫽ .938; Bartlett’s test of sphericity p ⬍ .001), and the
a variety of indices that summarize the degree to which the data results showed 51.77% of variance explained by a single compo-
correspond to the expectations of the Rasch model. In this study, nent. The amount of variance explained by the first factor is well
we focus on two indices of psychometric quality: (1) model-data above the 20% critical value suggested by Reckase (1979) for
fit statistics and (2) separation statistics. Rasch analysis of potentially multidimensional scales. Further-

more, analysis with the RS model on the 16 items revealed that the researchers have established as expected when data fit the model.
RS model explained 66.84% of the variance in PDSS responses. For supervisees, the reliability of separation statistic was 0.91,
We then checked for differences in participant responses based ␹2(266) ⫽ 2,457.0, p ⬍ .001; this value suggests that the final set
on gender, race, training background, educational level, and length of PDSS items was sensitive to supervisees with different levels of
of the supervisory relationship. We found no statistically signifi- power perceptions. For items, the reliability of separation statistic
cant differences in main effects for gender, race, training back- was 0.98, ␹2(15) ⫽ 962.0, p ⬍ .001; this value suggests that the
ground, and length of the supervisory relationship, but we did find PDSS items were distinct in terms of their difficulty to endorse.
that master’s-level students responded statistically different from
doctoral students (␹2(2) ⫽ 18.7, p ⬍ .0001). The doctoral students
Supervisee and Item Locations
perceived themselves as possessing more power than the master’s-
level students. This finding may be explained by the differing The variable map (see online supplemental Figure S1) is a
developmental levels of the supervisees. Whereas master’s-level graphical summary of the supervisee and item estimates. The first
students are novices, doctoral students may be more developmen- column is the common scale on which supervisee and item loca-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tally advanced supervisees given prior experiences in supervision tions were estimated. The second column shows the locations of
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(Loganbill, Hardy, & Delworth, 1982; Stoltenberg & McNeill, each supervisee, where an asterisk represents two supervisees and
2010). Given that our population included all of these subgroups of a period represents one supervisee. Supervisee locations ranged
participants and our dimensionality analysis suggested that the from ⫺6.23 for the supervisee with the highest perception of
construct was similar for all of the participants, we examined all supervisee power to 5.62 for the supervisee with the highest
educational-level groups as a single group. perception of supervisor power. The third column shows the lo-
cations of the items. Item 6 (“I decided which interventions will be
Summary Statistics used with my client(s) in this supervision session”) has the highest
location (␦ ⫽ 3.29), suggesting that supervisees reported that their
After we removed the severely misfitting items, we examined supervisor possessed the most power related to this item. On the
summary statistics for the RS model (see Table 3). To provide a other hand, Item 27 (“I think my supervisor maintained healthy
frame of reference for interpreting locations, we centered the items boundaries with me in this supervision session”) has the lowest
at zero logits (M␦ ⫽ 0.00, SD ⫽ 0.80). The average supervisee location (␦ ⫽ ⫺1.58), suggesting that supervisees reported they
location was lower than the average item location (M␪ ⫽ ⫺2.48, possessed the most power most often related to this item. The final
SD ⫽ .76), which suggests that the supervisees did not report a columns in online supplemental Figure S1 illustrate the calibration
strong imbalance of power in favor of their supervisors. For of the rating scale categories for the PDSS items.
supervisees and items, the average values of the standardized and Item-fit statistics. The primary purpose of the current analy-
unstandardized fit statistics were within the range that previous sis is to explore the psychometric properties of a pilot administra-
tion of the PDSS; accordingly, we focus on item-fit statistics rather
than person-fit statistics. Table 4 includes item locations and
Table 3 model-data fit statistics for each of the 16 items included in the
Summary Statistics final set of PDSS items. To identify items with the most extreme
unexpected responses, we focused on the Outfit statistics. The
Supervisee Item
Summary statistics (n ⫽ 267) (n ⫽ 16) most frequent unexpected responses were observed for Item 6
(Outfit MSE ⫽ 1.41, Outfit Z ⫽ 2.16), Item 4 (Outfit MSE ⫽ 1.43,
Calibrations Outfit Z ⫽ 3.75), and Item 27 (Outfit MSE ⫽ 1.34, Outfit Z ⫽
Measure (logits) 1.24). These values suggest that, for these items, supervisees
M ⫺2.48 .00
SD 2.23 1.20 provided ratings that were unexpected given their measures. An
Standard error examination of the residuals revealed that most of the unexpected
M .57 .15 responses for Item 6 consisted of supervisees providing lower
SD .20 .01 ratings than expected based on the model. Conversely, most of the
Model-data fit statistics
Infit MSE
unexpected responses for Items 4 and 27 consisted of supervisees
M 1.01 1.01 providing higher ratings than expected based on the model.
SD .48 .27
Standard infit
M ⫺.01 ⫺.09 Discussion
SD 1.22 2.51
Outfit MSE The purpose of this study was to provide psychometric evidence
M .95 .95 for the PDSS, a measure of power between supervisees and su-
SD .56 .30 pervisors. Based on the results, we retained a single factor, 16-item
Standard outfit measure, which was consistent with our hypothesized unidimen-
M ⫺.08 ⫺.42
SD 1.17 2.15
sional structure. The results suggest differing levels of perceived
Separation statistics power by supervisees, meaning that PDSS items adequately iden-
Reliability of separation .93 .98 tified differences in power perceptions among supervisees. Super-
Chi-square 3,024.0ⴱ 1,131.0ⴱ visees perceived themselves as possessing the most power on
df 266 15 maintaining healthy boundaries with their supervisors, a willing-

p ⬍ .001. ness to feel vulnerable in supervision, and feeling empowered in

Table 4
Calibration of the Item Facet

Item number Average rating Measure SE Infit MSE Infit Z Outfit MSE Outfit Z

6 2.76 3.29 .13 1.26 2.45 1.41 2.16

4 2.09 1.45 .13 1.40 3.63 1.43 3.75
19 2.07 1.09 .14 0.95 ⫺0.50 0.90 ⫺0.85
17 1.92 0.66 .13 1.22 2.13 1.15 1.28
15 1.80 0.30 .14 0.68 ⫺3.56 0.61 ⫺3.74
16 1.74 0.05 .14 0.85 ⫺1.51 0.78 ⫺1.84
13 1.70 ⫺0.03 .14 1.11 1.09 1.25 1.75
14 1.70 ⫺0.07 .14 0.68 ⫺3.38 0.77 ⫺1.78
18 1.63 ⫺0.42 .14 1.03 0.29 0.89 ⫺0.69
12 1.59 ⫺0.45 .15 1.19 1.64 1.18 1.10
10 1.59 ⫺0.56 .15 0.90 ⫺0.86 0.75 ⫺1.54
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

25 1.59 ⫺0.58 .15 0.61 ⫺4.12 0.52 ⫺3.48

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26 1.54 ⫺0.81 .15 0.68 ⫺3.27 0.54 ⫺2.97

20 1.51 ⫺0.92 .15 0.99 ⫺0.08 0.87 ⫺0.64
21 1.41 ⫺1.42 .17 1.17 1.36 0.86 ⫺0.51
27 1.38 ⫺1.58 .17 1.46 3.20 1.34 1.24
Mean 1.75 0.00 .15 1.01 ⫺0.09 0.95 ⫺0.42
SD .34 1.20 .01 0.27 2.51 0.30 2.15
Note. Items are ordered by measure, from high (supervisor perceived as possessing more power) to low
(supervisee possessing the most power).

supervision. These three items provide important details regarding their openness (Ladany, Hill, Corbett, & Nutt, 1996). Supervisees
how supervisees perceive their use of power in supervision. It is in this study also perceived themselves as being empowered in the
important to note that the participants in the current study had supervisory relationship, which aligns with feminist supervision
worked with their supervisors for, on average, 7 months. Most theory’s position that supervisors should create an empowering
field experiences are less than a year in length, so the findings from environment that facilitates supervisee autonomy (Porter &
the current study may reflect how supervisees perceive power in Vasquez, 1997). Supervisees who feel vulnerable or disempow-
more well-established supervision relationships. ered may feel that the supervisor holds more power in the rela-
Although maintaining healthy boundaries was where supervis- tionship and/or is misusing power (Murphy & Wright, 2005; Porter
ees perceived possessing the most power, this item also elicited the & Vasquez, 1997). There are other potential explanations for our
most extreme unexpected responses, suggesting that supervisees findings, such as Mehrabian’s three-dimensional model of plea-
provided higher scores (more supervisor power) than anticipated. sure, arousal, and dominance (Mehrabian, 1980). Perhaps the
Maintaining healthy boundaries is an important ethical responsi- supervisees in this study experienced low dominance but high
bility of supervisors (APA, 2014; Murphy & Wright, 2005; Szy- arousal due to the normative process of continually being evalu-
manski, 2003, 2005) that protects supervisee well-being. Supervi- ated (Bernard & Goodyear, 2014; Mehrabian, 1980).
sors are encouraged to define the roles and responsibilities for their
In this study, participants perceived their supervisors as possess-
supervisees clearly from the outset of the supervisory relationship
ing the most power when identifying interventions to use with
(APA, 2014; Borders et al., 2014). The supervisees’ perceptions of
clients, setting goals for supervision, and providing feedback about
healthy boundaries might be influenced by the large percentage of
clinical skills in supervision. These findings speak to the supervi-
master’s-level students (59.2%) included in the current study. As
sors’ roles as experts and evaluators in the supervisory relationship
novice supervisees, master’s-level students are less able to identify
(Bernard & Goodyear, 2014). Such sources of supervisor power
and articulate their developmental needs to their supervisors (Lo-
ganbill et al., 1982; Stoltenberg & McNeill, 2010). They may be may explain why supervisees perceived their supervisors in posi-
confused about supervisors’ expectations of them and uncertain of tions of power in general. Interestingly, although the supervisees
what constitutes “healthy boundaries,” and they may therefore rely perceived their supervisors as possessing more power for these
on their supervisors for guidance (Stoltenberg & McNeill, 2010). aspects of supervision, they still viewed these aspects of clinical
It is plausible that healthy boundaries existed in the supervisory supervision as shared between them and their supervisors. This
relationships for the supervisees in the current study; however, the finding may provide empirical evidence regarding the importance
supervisors did not engage their supervisees in conversations about of collaboration and cooperation within the supervisory relation-
their roles and responsibilities in supervision adequately (Ellis et ship (Rousmaniere & Ellis, 2013; Szymanski, 2003). Overall, we
al., 2014). found evidence that supervisees are not only aware of power
Participants also viewed their power as being able to be vulner- dynamics in supervision (Mangione et al., 2011; Murphy &
able with their supervisors. A willingness to be vulnerable is Wright, 2005) but also able to detect differences in power between
imperative to supervisee personal and professional growth in su- themselves and their supervisors across multiple areas. The PDSS
pervision, but it also means opening up to criticism and feedback allows supervisors to understand how supervisees perceive power
from supervisors (Porter & Vasquez, 1997). Some supervisees in supervision and to attend to issues when needed (Porter &
may be concerned about negative consequences associated with Vasquez, 1997).

Implications are thus unable to calculate a response rate. While we know 108
individuals opened the survey link and did not take the survey, we
Failure to address power is at the very least against best prac- have no way of knowing who chose not to participate in the study
tices (APA, 2014) but may even result in ineffective or harmful and why. Also, we only collected data regarding the supervisees’
supervision (Ellis et al., 2014). Ellis et al. (2014) suggested that perceptions of power. Although the PDSS provides information
attending to power dynamics in supervisory relationships is a
about supervisees’ perceptions of power balance, it does not reveal
requirement of supervisors to provide minimally adequate clinical
the implications of power balance for individual supervisees or
supervision. Feminist tenets provide guidance for how supervisees
supervisors. In future studies, researchers should examine PDSS
can best attend to power dynamics in supervision. Supervisors
results alongside qualitative data to gain a better understanding of
should reflect on the supervisory process and invite feedback from
how supervisors and supervisees interpret information about
their supervisees regarding their experiences in supervision (Por-
power balance in supervision. Future researchers should explore
ter, 1995; Porter & Vasquez, 1997). However, issues of power may
how supervisors perceive the presence of power in supervision in
go unnoticed or unaddressed by supervisors. Mangione et al.
relation to their supervisees’ perceptions of power. Future re-
(2011) found that supervisors might be less aware of issues of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

searchers should also investigate differences in perceived power

power compared to their supervisees and infrequently engage their
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

dynamics based on professional and personal identities. Demo-

supervisees in a purposeful conversation about issues of power in
graphically, we sampled psychology and counseling trainees who
the supervisory relationship. The PDSS creates an opportunity for
were predominantly White (65.2%) females (72.3%). Our results
formalized feedback to be quickly solicited, which allows for
may not generalize evenly across diverse cultural identities. Issues
conversations about power in numerous aspects of clinical super-
of privilege and oppression may be salient to how supervisees
vision as recommended by feminist scholars (e.g., Porter, 1995;
experience power in the supervisory relationship in more diverse
Porter & Vasquez, 1997), thereby helping supervisors to provide
supervision dyads. Relatedly, we found that master’s-level stu-
adequate clinical supervision (Ellis et al., 2014).
dents perceived their supervisors as possessing more power in the
The PDSS can also help to normalize power dynamics that may
supervisory relationship than did the doctoral-level supervisees.
otherwise be difficult to discuss overtly (Murphy & Wright, 2005).
Thus, future researchers should more closely examine validity
Supervisees are often aware of the power dynamics in supervision,
evidence for the PDSS in more diverse samples. Specifically,
but some supervisees may be hesitant to share these concerns with
supervisors due to fears of repercussions or negative evaluations studies are needed that include investigations of person fit and
(Ladany et al., 1996). The supervisor needs to take the lead in differential item functioning across professional disciplines, cul-
initiating these discussions and naming specific aspects of power tural identities, and supervisee developmental levels. Finally, we
directly (Mangione et al., 2011), which can be facilitated with the believe that the PDSS has promise as an instrument that can be
PDSS. administered after each supervision session to improve outcomes
Supervisees perceived themselves as holding the most power in in supervision, an investigation that was beyond the scope of the
maintaining healthy boundaries, being willing to be vulnerable, current study. Future studies should examine if the PDSS can be
and feeling empowered. Given that feminist supervision empha- administered across multiple sessions to mitigate potential issues
sizes supervisee autonomy (Szymanski, 2003), supervisors may and improve the quality of supervision. Future studies should
focus on the aspects of clinical supervision in which supervisees examine the relationship between the PDSS and other variables of
perceive themselves as holding power as a means to facilitate interest (e.g., working alliance) in order to understand how power
autonomy (Porter & Vasquez, 1997). Supervisors can ask ques- dynamics affect the supervisory process and outcomes.
tions of their supervisees to better understand the factors that
facilitate or inhibit these aspects of clinical supervision. Similarly,
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