7 Inspiring HR Trends For 2021-2022

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7 Inspiring HR trends

Technology is evolving by leaps and bounds and it is a fact that companies must
be aware of the changes that come with being technologically efficient. 

With these changes, the Human Resource department will have an enormous
weight in business strategy, concerning the application of new processes and the
elaboration of plans for a successful absorption.

Human Resource leaders will not only have to face the adoption of new digital
processes, but they will be the main responsible for the selection of technological
talent that will have an impact on the hiring in the coming years.

Why HR will be a fundamental key for companies in 2021 - 2022?

Nowadays we are living a full digital expansion: organizations must adapt in all
areas to survive and lead markets in a global context of change. Those are known
as  “VUCA” environment, an acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity and Ambiguity which defines the way we relate to our employees,
customers and suppliers.

According to a study carried out by the European Union, it is estimated that by

2020 an increase in the number of workers specialized in ICT skills will be needed
in the market. This fact implies that learning curves are more limited and the
human resources department has a decisive role in the development,
management, recruitment and retention of talented employees.
We have selected the 7 most inspiring HR trends for 2021- 2022.

1. Transversal work teams and marketing strategies to attract talent

The needs of employees change from now on. They will seek to form transversal
teams to improve results and apply practices such as teleworking or Smart
Working. 60% of remote workers would like their job less if they had to go to
the office. There will be a stronger commitment to the application of work models
focused on achieving objectives by accepting flexible working hours. The Inbound
Recruitment concept for attracting talent is gaining value. Both, HR and Marketing
must join forces to attract and engage the best talent.

2. Transparent and immediate internal communication tools

Social Networks are part of almost anyone in their personal and work environment.
Companies tend to introduce themselves in a similar way so that employees know
the latest news. They leave behind the more traditional systems of communication
to welcome applications that allow a simple, fluid and direct communication. The
tendency is to communicate with complete transparency and in real time any
decision that is taken and affects employees, as well as being able to assess how
they have understood at a more particular level.

There are tools that not only facilitate this fluid communication with your
employees, but also allow you to link them with specific challenges that will help
their absorption. Solutions such as Atrivity and its new Feed section, allows you to
communicate important corporate topics and associate them with easy game
dynamics that promote a successful absorption of knowledge.
3. Automation in the recruitment processes and certain HR tasks

Automation will no longer only be a system present in production tasks within the
industry, but will reach the recruitment processes to speed up the filling of vacant
positions, as well as some tasks that take time away from the teams. Questions
such as “when is my pay day?” or “how many vacation days do I have?” can be
answered automatically by a machine. But is this a threat to the HR position? Not
at all. Automating this type of tasks will allow adding time to other tasks of greater
weight and strengthen strategies aimed at valuing talent and motivating the

4. Gamification

The human resources area will design their training plans and / or internal
communication not only focused on making something known but in doing so in a
motivating, simple and successful way. By doing this, the gamification will be key
in the business strategy contributing to the success of the recruiting processes,
onboarding and training. Many companies will implement gaming techniques in
2020 to reinforce their communication plans. Solutions such as Atrivity seek to turn
rough and complex training content into a fresh and fun game of questions and
answers in which employees are simply involved and engaged to the content
allowing the company to assess in real time what knowledge they have.

For example, McDonald’s has bet on the use of an innovative solution like Atrivity
in its training strategy and has made its employees feel more motivated and
committed. And they also improved their knowledge about training plans.

5. Employer Branding: the big challenge

The concept of Employer Branding is not current, it goes back to the 60's in the
United States, but until recently, only large companies had been worried about it.
But what is Employer Branding? It is the image that an organization has towards
its clients, its own employees and, above all, the image perceived by its potential

More and more companies are focusing their efforts on creating a value proposition
through this term. A happy employee will be a natural promoter of the brand.

The emergence of new players in the HR landscape such as Glassdoor, which

give a public voice to disgruntled employees through reviews, will strengthen
companies' commitment to this concept and develop motivational plans.   

6. Diversification of the workforce

In general, this trend comes from previous years and will increase in the next 2020
within companies. In the same environment will cohabit from scholarship holders to
external consultants, with telework days to intensive afternoon-morning. The focus
will be the achievement of the business goal caring for human value, leaving
behind more classic environments that do not encourage this "falling in love" with
the company.

7. People Analytics – the effective use of Big Data

It is no secret that macro data analysis is a global trend with great internal potential
that can be applied to any sector. In the Human Resources area, it will be” a must
have” People Analytics system that allows to discover how employees perform and
which aspects influence their productivity and motivation.   

Conclusions on HR trends in 2021 - 2022

Companies are in a process of constant evolution. According to the European

Commission for 2020, "there will be 750,000 unfulfilled ICT jobs". This means that
digital transformation will continue on the agenda as a key to talent management
and retention. Agile adaptation and efficiency in collaborative models will be

This means, the digital transformation, the automation of processes and the
attraction of talent expert in new technologies are presented as the main
challenges for the human resources department of this new year.

Posted by Roger Martínez



You all, are going to work at teams (minimum 3 maximum 4 members) and then:

1. Write a summary of the reading

2. Give your opinion regarding the current situation of humanity

3. Consult and mention 5 similar articles


The importance of the human resources department in the evolution of technology and its
contribution to the development of companies, directly related to the role of the leaders of
this department, taking into account the results that can be obtained, responsible being in
the negative and positive consequences that can occur in a given time. Over the years, the
management of technology has been presented at a global level, as well as the form of
relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the
respective companies. Due to the above, talent is required in the development and
management of ICTs.
The reading tells us about the 7 HR trends in companies, in which they are:
1. Work team and marketing strategies: The implementation of smart or remote work
begins to involve workers in the way of thinking because the vast majority do not like to go
in person, more commitment is required from the of all for the achievement of objectives
and highlight the planned results and the relationship with marketing.
2. Communication tools: The management of social networks, as a model of personal
management, companies must implement this form of communication in which it must be
honest, real time, creative, in which to help develop the challenge of each employee thus
reaching the different knowledge and skills that can contribute to the organization.
3.Automation of recruitment processes and human resources (HR) tasks: Importance of
staff recruitment, in addition to tasks that can be replaced by machines, but not with the
purpose of discouraging employees but on the contrary, that is where it comes in the tasks
of human resources in the approach to this aspect.
4. Gamification: To achieve the recruitment and training process, the human resources
department must implement innovation as games in which adequate communication is
based and that demonstrate to its employees the importance of these for the development
of the organization.
5. Employer Branding: Importance of the image of the company in which it is projected to
its employees, clients and the candidates it attracts. HR takes into account the Glassdoor
that takes into account the employees who are dissatisfied and implements strategies to
improve and provide solutions to it.
6.Diversification of the labor force: Promotion of human value in which all the employees of
the companies are involved, regardless of their positions and their career path, in which an
intensive day-night schedule is implemented.

7. People Analytics The effective use of Big Data: A tool that allows us to analyze
performance and aspects that influence staff productivity and motivation.
The new challenges that will be evident in the respective companies is the transformation
of technology, implementation of remote work and the recruitment of new personnel for the
management and development of ICTs and the results that can be achieved with these in
the new periods or objectives of each company from now on.
Humanity in the present has become dependent on technology in which it is present in
80% to 90% of our daily activities, these have positive aspects since they facilitate the
process a little more and provide communication opportunities, improvement methods and
so on, but there are also negative aspects, such as the dismissal of personnel in
companies due to the replacement of the individual for greater ease, agility, efficiency in
the processes of the respective organizations.
The human being has a very important role in which there is also ethics, morality,
intelligence, having said the above, the human being and artificial intelligence must be put
on a scale, in which they can work hand in hand without passing a on top of the other, but
for this, the proper control of reality and the consequences of these in the future must be
brought to the coalition.

The future that was talked about a decade ago is already here, the new technologies that
by the way are advancing more every day, are already here in homes, in workplaces, in
organizations and in society. In the business world, these trending technologies have
forced companies to change their methods for new ones, including new strategies, new
methods, all this in order to meet the objectives that organizations set.
In the article they show us that the training must be of quality and that it does not
necessarily have to be expensive, since the important thing is to provide all the necessary
support to the employee so that a work environment is the most optimal, also the use of
the new technologies to the Digitalization of the human resources areas has facilitated the
comfort between recruiters and applicants to the different positions to which they apply.
Clear examples of this are friendly offices, work cells, friendly hours, the home office,
among other trends that we will discuss later. For all this and more, the human resources
departments of leading companies in the market have recently gone through a series of
processes and changes that have redefined them from the root


The business world changes more every day and the evolution that occurs every day is
much more advanced, and this forces all organizations and companies to change all their
methods, as is the case of the human resources area, since It is thanks to this area that a
company can function. And today with the "fourth industrial revolution" globalization, the
internet and the world of technology are tools that facilitate the work and strategies of

Deloitte, made an article where he explained what are the 10 current trends in the world
in the area of human talent, where 10,000 leaders from different business organizations
and heads of human resources were interviewed.
Taking this into account, these are the 10 trends in the area of human resources:

- Towards the organization of the future: This is based on breaking with hierarchical
structures and moving towards models focused on teamwork, each of them with resources
and decision-making capabilities, which is necessary to be able to compete and win in the
current environment. business.

- Professional careers and training: This is based on the fact that companies must have
professional development models for their employees and recruitment profiles.

- Acquisition of talent: This is based on implementing breaking with hierarchical

structures and moving towards models focused on teamwork, each of them with resources
and decision-making capabilities, which is necessary to be able to compete and win in the
current environment. business.

- The employee experience: This is based on understanding and improving the employee
experience, we must not forget that a good experience for employees translates into a
good experience for customers.

- Towards a management model: performance management: Team-centric

methodologies are being adopted, which focus on teamwork. Rather than looking at the
individual achievements of the employee, they focus on evaluating the impact of the
employee's contribution on the team.

- Changes in the leadership model: This is based on the fact that The new type of leader
must know how to build and lead teams, keep people connected and loyal, and promote a
culture of innovation, learning, and continuous improvement.
- The digitalization of the human resources department: The new type of leader must
know how to build and lead teams, keep people connected and loyal, and promote a
culture of innovation, learning, and continuous improvement.

- Web analyst: one of the profiles in demand: Organizations are redesigning their
analytical teams to develop digital solutions that allow information to be measured,
analyzed and used, and thus to understand in depth each part of the operations

- Diversity and inclusion strategies: Diversity and inclusion directly impact the brand,
performance and corporate objectives, becoming one of the most relevant aspects for the
acquisition of talent and the construction of the aforementioned employment brand.

- The transformation of jobs: The nature of jobs is changing as a result of the growing
adoption of cognitive technologies and the digitization of processes. Automation, robotics,
and artificial intelligence systems are transforming the workforce. In turn, organizations are
redesigning workplaces to take advantage of the implementation of these technologies.

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