Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

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Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujaf.2016.040503

Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled

Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
Mohammad Mizanur Rahman

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS), Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Bangladesh

Copyright©2016 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a expected that for sustainable intermediation function, banks
comprehensive financial performance evaluation of need to be profitable. Ongore & Kusa [1] says, beyond the
scheduled commercial banking companies in Bangladesh. intermediation function, the financial performance of banks
The nature of this study is descriptive and relational. This has important implications for economic growth of the
inductive research uses financial ratio analysis technique of country. Sound and healthy financial performance of the
cross- sectional data to measure, describe and analyze the banks rewards the shareholders for their investment and vice
financial performance of publicly traded commercial banks - versa. This, in turn, encourages additional investment and
in Bangladesh. The financial performance issue has been brings about economic growth. In the past shareholders of
grouped into profitability ratio, market ratio, and value joint stock companies were treated as merely investors in the
added metrics for the assessment of internal based, market company’s fortunes and required to be paid simply dividend.
-based, and economic based performance respectively. Company’s management focused on pay dividend rather
Ranking of banks has been done on the basis of financial than maximizing wealth for its shareholders. However,
performance in the period of 2015; and it has been found Parasuraman [2] states, now professional managers feel a
that Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. is one of the leading banks. need to satisfy not only shareholders and the Board of
The study findings have revealed that most of the banks Directors, but also stakeholders including potential investors.
except a few have shown poor economic performance, As a result, the pressure is on the corporate sector to prove to
negative economic value added (EVA), and undervalued their stakeholders that indeed their wealth out of the
market price per share. The study findings have also shown investment has increased. Thus issues involved are relating
the significant correlation between “EVA and Profitability to financial performance measures.
Ratio” and “EVA and Market Ratio”, and termed EVA as Financial performance analysis of commercial banks has
an independent measure of performance. The concerned been of great interest to academic research since the great
research on evaluation of financial performance has covered depression interns the 1940’s. The measurement of financial
mainly publicly traded commercial banking companies in performance of commercial banks is well researched; a large
Bangladesh only certain time duration, and therefore has number of empirical studies have been conducted regarding
raised the issue of generalization of the results. The analysis commercial bank’s performance around the world [3-7].
of financial performance is used by most of the business However, a little attention has been paid on bank’s
communities. So, the study findings may provide useful performance in Bangladesh. This study evaluates bank’s
guidance for trade creditors, management for banks, and the financial performance for the phase of 2015 using financial
general investors. In addition, the assessment of bank’s ratio analysis (hereafter FRA). It is justified to conduct a
financial performance can be a useful source of information study on financial performance of banks because we have
for the Bangladesh government’s policy makers. seen that currently the banking sector of Bangladesh has left
about BDT 90,000 core as idle money.
Keywords Financial Performance, Scheduled Financial performance is a broad concept; it includes
Commercial Banks, Economic Value Added economic growth, return, and productivity. Financial
Performance means a general measure of a company’s
financial health over a given period of time. It is the most
important economic characteristic that defines the
1. Introduction competitiveness of companies. Companies must be capable
of evaluating their performance accurately in order to
Bank is a financial intermediary. It channels the funds understand their financial status and future prospects. Yalcin,
from the surplus unit to the deficit unit continuously. It is Bayrakdaroglu, & Kahraman [8] have found that
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 167

performance assessment using the financial ratios can be Company Act, 1991 (Amended up to 2013) are termed as
appropriate for companies and their counterparts. The study Scheduled Banks. Scheduled Banks are classified into
favors FRA because of its effectiveness in distinguishing following types:
high performance banks from the others; FRA also enables  State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs): There are 6
to identify unique bank strengths and weaknesses. SOCBs which are fully or majorly owned by the
Evaluating financial performance is indispensable because Government of Bangladesh.
the survival of an organization depends on its ability to both  Specialized Banks (SDBs): 2 specialized banks are now
evaluate current financial position and future risks & operating which were established for specific
potentials. Thus performance evaluation facilitates the firm objectives like agricultural or industrial development.
to identify strategies to improve the quality of planning and These banks are also fully or majorly owned by the
controlled decisions. The purpose of measuring financial Government of Bangladesh.
performance evaluation is to know how the business is  Private Commercial Banks (PCBs): There are 39
performing, understand its strengths and weaknesses. This private commercial banks which are majorly owned by
evaluation gives an indication what changes to make to the private entities. PCBs can be categorized into two
achieve higher returns, and enable the firm to perform better groups:
if possible with less risk. As financial performance measures  Conventional PCBs: 31 conventional PCBs are now
the company’s strategy and its implementation and execution operating in the industry. They perform the banking
effectively contributing towards profitability, liquidity, functions in conventional fashion i.e. interest based
efficiency, and solvency so that the business can be carried operations.
out smoothly. Hence the present study takes an attempt to  Islami Shariah based PCBs: There are 8 Islami
conduct descriptive analysis of the financial performance in Shariah based PCBs in Bangladesh and they execute
the banking sector of Bangladesh. banking activities according to Islami Shariah based
The scope of the study is it has covered only 28 banks that principles i.e. Profit-Loss Sharing (PLS) mode.
are listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. (DSE) and  Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs): 9 FCBs are
Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. (CSE), Bangladesh. Out of operating in Bangladesh as the branches of the banks
28 banks we have found one Nationalized Commercial Bank, which are incorporated in abroad.
05 (five) Islamic Banks, and 22 (twenty two) Private
Commercial Banks. Neither any Foreign Commercial Banks So, there are 56 scheduled banks in Bangladesh who
nor Specialized Banks have been covered in the study. In operate under full control and supervision of Bangladesh
addition, the study has covered only the year of 2015. Bank which is empowered to do so through Bangladesh
The principal purpose of this study is to evaluate financial Bank Order, 1972 and Bank Company Act, 1991.
performance of publicly traded commercial banks in
Bangladesh. The basic research question is to see which 2.2. Non-scheduled Banks
banks have done excellent financial performance. Another
purpose of the study is to seek relationship between The banks which are established for special and definite
traditional accounting based performance measures and objectives, and operate under the acts that are enacted for
modern value based performance measures. This study has meeting up those objectives, are termed as Non-Scheduled
taken an attempt to update the extant literature related to the Banks. These banks cannot perform all functions of
financial performance measures in banking sector of scheduled banks. There are now 4 non-scheduled banks in
Bangladesh. Bangladesh which are Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank,
Karmashangosthan Bank, Probashi Kollyan Bank, and
Jubilee Bank.
2. Introduction about Banking Industry
in Bangladesh 3. Description of Financial Performance
The banking industry in Bangladesh is mixed one Measures
comprising nationalized, private, and foreign commercial
banks. After the independence, banking industry in In this study, financial performance measures are divided
Bangladesh started its journey with 6 nationalized into two groups: Traditional Accounting Based Performance
commercialized banks, 2 State owned specialized banks and Measures and Modern Value Based Performance Measures.
3 Foreign Banks. In the 1980's banking industry achieved
significant expansion with the entrance of private banks. 3.1. Traditional Accounting Based Performance
Now, banks in Bangladesh are primarily of two types. Measures
3.1.1. Return on Assets (ROA)
2.1. Scheduled Banks
ROA indicates the productivity of assets that means how
The banks which get license to operate under Bank much net income or profit a company is able to earn for each
168 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

BDT of assets invested. Khrawish [9] says, it further 3.1.6. Price Earnings Ratio (P/E)
indicates the efficiency of the management of a company in This ratio indicates investors’ judgment or expectations
generating net income from all the resources of the about the firm’s performance. Normally, this ratio reflects
institution. Moyer, McGuigan, Rao, & Kretlow [10] have investors’ expectations about the growth in the firm’s
given a formula which can be calculated: earnings. The P/E ratio indicates how much investors are
ROA = EBIT ÷ Average Assets willing to pay for buying shares per BDT of current earnings.
P/E ratio is the most popular measure for performance
In this study net income and total assets figure have been
analysis while there are other factors that an investor should
taken from profit and loss account and balance sheet
consider before making an investment decision. This value is
respectively. However, the amount of average assets is used
calculated by using the following formula:
in replace of total assets in calculating ROA. Wen [11] states
that a higher ROA shows the company is more efficient in P/E Ratio = Market Value per Share ÷ Earnings per Share
using its resources. According to Basel-II accord, ROA
3.1.7. Tobin’s Q
should be more than 1%.
Alkhatib & Harasheh [13] uses the following formula to
3.1.2. Return on Investment (ROI) determine the Tobin’s Q ratio.
The measure of Return on Investment is a very popular Tobin’s Q = Market Value of Assets ÷
metric because of its versatility and simplicity. Essentially, ÷ (The Market Value of Equity + Book Value of Total Debt)
ROI can be used as a rudimentary gauge of an investment’s
profitability. If an investment does not have a positive ROI, It is assumed that company is undervalued and overvalued
or if an investor has other opportunities available with a when Tobin’s Q is below 1 and above 1 respectively. See
higher ROI, then these ROI values can instruct investors as Appendix - 2.
to which investments are preferable to others. ROI is
3.1.8. Net Profit
computed in the following process:
Net profit refers to the excess of income over expenditure
ROI = Profit After Tax (PAT) ÷ Average Equity, in a given period of time. It is a result of two functions:
Long Term Borrowings and Deposits Revenue Function and Cost Function. The revenue function
shows the total income of a bank earned through its activities
3.1.3. Return on Equity (ROE) while cost functions show the total expenditure incurred in a
This ratio indicates how bank can generate profit with the given year. It is an absolute measure of performance of a
money shareholders have invested. The higher value of this bank. In this analysis net profit means net profit after
ratio shows higher financial performance. Like ROA, this provision for taxation and depreciation.
ratio is also indicator for managerial efficiency. According to 3.1.9. Dividend Yield
Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield [12] return on Equity is
computed by dividing net income less preferred dividend by The Dividend Yield, The dividend yield ratio annualizes
average company stockholders equity. Higher value of ROE the quarterly dividend declared by the company in 2015.
is an indication of high productivity of equity. Dividend Yield = Annualized Dividend per Share ÷
÷ Market Value per Share
3.1.4. Net Interest Margin (NIM)
Above ratio evaluates the shareholders return in relation to
Another important means to indicate the earning and
the market value of the share.
profitability measure is Net Interest Income (NIM). Net
interest Margin is the spread between interest receipts from
loans and advances and interest paid to the depositors. The 3.2. Modern Value-based Performance Measures
high NIM means the spread between interest receipts and
3.2.1. Value Added Statement
paid is high. The higher the net interest margin, the higher
the bank's profit and the more stable the bank is. However, It is the wealth created by banking services. Value created
Khrawish [9] says, a higher net interest margin could reflect from the income from banking services is the excess of cost
riskier lending practices associated with substantial loan loss of service rendered. The value added statement shows the
provisions. total wealth created, how it was distributed to meet certain
obligations and reward those responsible for its creation, and
3.1.5. Earnings per Share (EPS) the portion retained for the continued operation and
expansion of the Bank.
Earnings per Share indicate company’s earnings against
each share. The following formula is used: Economic Value Added (EVA)
Earnings per Share: Profit After Tax ÷ Weighted Average Economic value added (EVA) is a financial performance
Number of Share Outstanding method to calculate the true economic profit of the bank. It
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 169

provides a measurement of a company’s economic success gap that identified for present study and to frame appropriate
or failure over a period of time, and suggests how much objectives for the proposed evaluation. The present study is
value created by the Banks. Such a yardstick is useful to to measure the financial performance of commercial banks in
investors who wish to retain their fund for better earnings as Bangladesh. There are two systematic approaches along with
compared to other industries. Shareholders are always alternate methods such as non-parametric DEA and
worried about value addition of their share. Brewer, Chandra, parametric Stochastic Frontier Approach available to
& Hock [14] states, EVA is a measure to assess the extent to measure the banks performance. First one is accounting
which companies have succeeded in achieving the objective approach that is used by Ncube [18] which primarily based
of enhancing shareholders' wealth. The concept of EVA was on the use of financial ratios and the other is econometric
developed and presented by a US based consulting firm technique.
named Stren Stewart & Co. for the first time. It is now Samad [19] and Van Horne & Wachowicz Jr. [20] use
considered the base for theory of evaluating enterprise value. financial ratio as a checkup tool for measuring the financial
EVA is an accounting-based, single period measure of performance of firms .Similarly, Pandey [21] asserts that to
corporate performance and there are some ways to calculate know about the financial performance of a firm whether it is
EVA that can be explained as follows: improved, deteriorated, or remain constant over time easiest
One way to calculate EVA for each year is to multiply way to compare of that firm’s present financial ratio with the
company’s economic book value of capital ‘C’ at the past. But, Khan [22] emphasizes on profit that shareholders
beginning of the year by the difference between its return on receive from the bank. If the profit along with effectively
Capital ‘r’ and it cost of capital ‘k’ and It can be written as controlled the relevant risks is more, the bank is identified as
follows. This formula is suggested by Kramer & Peters [15]. successful. Mujeri & Younus [23] study findings states that
EVAt = (rt-kt) × Ct-1 interest rate spread is significantly influenced by classified
loan and operating cost, inflation, operating cost, market
Another way we can measure the EVA. As EVA is the share of deposit, statutory reserve requirement; and taxes is
measure of value generated from funds invested by the important measure of financial performance. Chowdhury &
equity holders; so we can measure the EVA considering the Ahmed [24] while measuring financial performance of
difference between Net Operating Profit after Tax (NOPAT) banking industry in Bangladesh observes steady growth rate
of a firm and its cost of capital: of branches, employee, deposit, loans and advances, net
EVAt = NOPATt - (kt × Ct-1) income, and EPS during the period of 2002 - 2006. A study
has conducted by the European Central Bank in which the Market Value Added (MVA) study favors financial ratios such as ROA, P/B ratio, and
Unlike EVA, which measures internal performance, economic based performance rather than using ROE, to
market value added (MVA) is a measure of external analyze performance in terms of bank’s capacity to generate
performance that indicates how the market has evaluated sustainable profitability. The study ends up with
the company’s performance in terms of market value of comprehensive conclusion that performance analysis should
shares compared to book value of shares. Hartman [16] employ more forward-looking proxies while taking into
states that generally MVA is the present value of a series of account risk and profitability. Duncan & Elliott [25] study
EVA values or in the presence of excess of capital invested findings shows a positive correlation between customer
by shareholders. According to Stewart III [17] it is a measure satisfaction and financial performance measures such as net
of value created by management. Also is the best external interest margin, ROA, and capital adequacy. [26, 27] use
measure of management performance in the long term. ROA as performance proxy to examine the financial
Market Value Added (MVA) is the difference between the performance measure of Jordanian and Pakistani’s
total market value (based on the price quoted in the main commercial banks respectively. However, Tobinq’s model is
bourse of the company) of equity and the total book value of used by Siddiqui & Shoaib [28] as proxy of determining
equity of the bank as at the reporting date. bank’s performance. Their findings reveal that profitability
Positive and higher MVA indicates that the bank has of the bank measured by ROE and Tobin’s Q are affected
created substantial wealth for its shareholders, and the significantly by the size of the bank.
market is confident in sustainable and progressive business As a reference of econometric approach, the multiple
& profit growth and cash flows of the Bank. On the other regression analysis technique that has been used by
hand negative MVA indicate that wealth of the bank is lower Tarawneh [7] to examine the financial performance measure
than the capital contributed by the investors. of Omani commercial banks can be included. In his study,
ROA and Interest income are used as performance proxies.
On the other hand, [29-32, 18] follow Stochastic Frontier
4. Literature Review Approach (SFA), distribution free approach and SFA
method, Bayesian SFA, DEA, and SFA method respectively.
In this section of the study will introduce some relevant Their studies follow alternative method and concentrated on
researches with concepts and their findings evolved by to investigate cost and productive efficiency of South
earlier researchers. It will also help to rationalize the study African’s bank.
170 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

The present study has used profitability ratio, market ratio, the others and the fact that FRA compensates for disparities
and value added metrics to examine the financial and controls for any size effect on the financial variables
performance of banks. Because those ratios have been found being studied Samad [19]. Additionally, financial ratios can
by the prior studies mentioned above. In addition, the study be used to identify a bank’s specific strengths and
has taken an attempt to establish relationship EVA with weaknesses as well as providing detailed information about
profitability ratio, market ratio. Because, a little attention has bank profitability, liquidity and credit quality policies [36,
been paid on EVA, an important management tool is now 37].
being considered in corporate world, except the study The final ranking of the 28 commercial banks selected as a
conducted by Mohammad Jahur & Riyadh [33] and Shill sample has been done on the basis of internal based, market
[34]. Their study findings suggest that EVA is an important based, and economic based performance respectively; and
measure to judge a bank’s performance in view of the separate rank has been given for each of the above mentioned
scenario of banks having to satisfy large number of parameters. Non-parametric test, the rank correlation
shareholders. They have found that EVA has statistically coefficient has been used to test the hypotheses. The purpose
significant relationship with other parameters of to test the hypotheses is to see whether correlation
performance measures such as ROA, Net Profit, and Profit coefficients between measures are significant or not.
Per employee, and Deposit per Employee. According to Levin & Rubin [38] the choice of using rank
According to prior studies mentioned above the following correlation coefficient has some advantages over parametric
hypotheses has been considered: correlation coefficient. Firstly, it does not consider whether
Hypothesis 1: There is a significant correlation between the data are normally distributed or not, secondly it is less
“EVA and Profitability Ratio”. sensitive to extreme values in the data set. Finally, we do not
Hypothesis 2: There is a significant correlation between need to count sample size which is below thirty for this study.
“EVA and Market Ratio”. The formula of rank correlation coefficient is as follows:
6 ∑ d2
𝑟𝑟𝑘𝑘 = 1 −
𝑛𝑛 (𝑛𝑛2 − 1)
5. Methodology of the Study
Where, rk = Rank correlation co-efficient
The present study is a descriptive and relational -
d = the difference between the two ranks
correlated type. An inductive research approach has been
used for this study. This empirical study is primarily based n = number of observations
on quantitative secondary data obtained from published The present study has ensured research quality by
annual report of respective commercial bank’s website for focusing on the validity and reliability of the data. The
the year of 2015. So, another type of present study is financial and quantitative aspect of the research is based on
cross-sectional one as per time reference in research. Bowen, relevant financial metrics that are suitable to answer the
Wiersema [35] says using cross - sectional data has some research question. ROA, ROI, ROE, and NIM are
disadvantages. However, it helps to study the performance of profitability metrics that have been used to assess internal
the banks very well. based performance. Similarly, EPS, P/E Ratio, BVPS and
All the licensed commercial domestic and foreign banks Tobin’s Q for market metrics, and EVA, MVA, NAV per
currently operating in Bangladesh are the target population Share, Market Capitalization and Dividend Yield% for value
of this study. The unit of analysis of this study is the entire added metrics have been used to asses market based and
commercial domestic and foreign banks listed in both Dhaka economic based performance respectively. By combining
Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange profitability ratio, market ratio, and value added metrics the
(CSE). The total number of 29 commercial banks have found aim is to gain insight into the performance situation of the
in DSE. In this study, 28 commercial banks have been respective banks. Reliability issue is concerned with the
considered for analysis purpose. Only one bank excluded consistency of the findings of research. In order for research
because this bank has not listed in CSE yet. Out of 28 banks to be reliable, other researchers should be able to replicate it
only one bank named Rupali Bank Ltd. has found state and get the same result. The study has used the data from the
owned, and none of the banks are foreign commercial banks. public sources, company’s website. This means that if others
The secondary data have been collected using data could review the data, they would get the same results as
collection sheet at the end of year, 2015. The purpose with well.
the data is to do some descriptive analysis for the assessment
of bank’s financial performance. The data have been edited
(if necessary), coded and cleaned. After that the data have 6. Data Analysis and Findings
been analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) software, version 20. The selection of the FRA 6.1. Characteristics of Variables
method for this study has been motivated because of its some
advantages. The main advantage of FRA is its ability and A Shapiro - Wilk’s test (p > 0.05) [39, 40] and a visual
effectiveness in distinguishing high performance banks from inspection of variables histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 171

box plots have showed that ROA, ROI, ROE, EVA, MVA, period of one year, 2015. Appendix 1- 3 depicts the results of
and Dividend Yield% are approximately normally ratio analysis. Points have been given against each types of
distributed, with a skewness of 0.290, 0,222, -0.098, 0.956, ratio to the corresponding bank; hence each ratio type
0.934, and 0.060 respectively (SE 0.441, 0.441, 0.441, 0.441, produces different rank for the banks. Appendix - 5
0.441, and 0.441 respectively) and kurtosis of 0.564, 1.015, represents the descriptive statistics of each bank specific
-0.39, 0.846, 2.904, and -0.972 respectively (SE 0.858, measurements (ratios) that establish the financial
0.858,0.858, 0.858, 0.858, and 0.858 respectively ) [41-43]. performance. Finally, the banks have been ranked on the
On the other hand, Test of Normality have showed that NIM, basis of CV% of total point score “See Appendix - 8”.
EPS, P/E Ratio, BVPS, Tobin’s Q, NAV Per Share, and Appendix -6 and Appendix - 7 depicts the picture of bank
Market Capitalization do not follow normal distribution performance on the basis of profitability ratio, market ratio
because of their respective ‘p’ values are below 0.05, and and value added metrics respectively. These categories have
their skewness and kurtosis values are also far away from the been prepared for the stakeholders who are interested to see
benchmark value of zero “See Appendix - 9”. performance in relation to either of three categories of ratios
mentioned above. The study findings reveal that as per
6.2. Description of Banks Performance profitability ratio the top five banks are Premier Bank Ltd.,
One Bank Ltd., South East Bank Ltd., Dutch Bangla Bank
Appendix - 4 shows the financial performance of Ltd., and Al-Arafah Bank Ltd respectively. On the other
commercial banks as expressed profitability ratio, market hand, market based and economic based performance ratios
ratio, and value added metrics for the year of 2015. As can be suggest that Brack Bank Ltd., Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd.,
observed from the Appendix - 4, the average profitability Dhaka Bank Ltd., Bank Asia Ltd., and Shahjalal Islami Bank
ratios that means ROA, ROI, ROE, and NIM for the sector as Ltd. are the top five banks. Moreover, it is interesting to point
a whole is 1.03%, 8.94%, 12.10%, and BDT 4,510.47 out that the rank of Rupali Bank Ltd. has fallen in 28 for
million respectively. In addition, the findings also suggest profitability ratio and 27 for market and value added metrics
that we can be 95% confidence about ROA%, ROI%, and ratio.
ROE% that they vary between 0.13% to 1.92%, 0.08% to Appendix - 8 shows the banks that have fallen into ranks
17.80%, and 3.59% to 20.61% respectively. Compared to ranges from 1 to 28 on the basis of all ratio types. Dutch
neighboring country like India this performance is average. Bangla Bank Ltd. has been ranked first because of its highest
As per report of RBO, India [44] the vast country like India total point score of 303 with lowest CV% of 24.62. Next
where private sector’s banks average ROA, ROE, and NIM lowest CV% of 29.48% that belongs to Pubali Bank Ltd.
are 1.68%, 15.74%, and 2.6% respectively in the financial with total point score of 224; and it has secured second
year of 2014-2015. position. In this way the other banks have been ranked. The
On the other hand, the average EPS, P/E ratio, Book Value study findings have revealed that the top five banks are
Per Share (BVPS), Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd., Pubali Bank Ltd., Brack Bank Ltd.,
Value Added (MVA), Tobin’s Q are BDT 2.98, 8.25, BDT Bank Asia Ltd., and Uttara Bank Ltd. respectively. Out of 28
24.96, BDT 1,069.79 million, BDT -4078.34 million, and banks the position of Rupali Bank Ltd. is 28. It performs
0.96 respectively. Additional information about EPS can be poorly; and this bank’s financial ratios are low in comparison
given as 95 times out of 100 times, EPS will fall between to the other banks except the ratios of P/E, Tobinq’s, NAV,
BDT -2.07 to BDT 8.03. It is interesting to note that average and MVA.
market value added for this sector is negative. This is It has been noted that the all types of ranking including
because of bad market response, which in turn has made final ranking for the banks have been calculated on the basis
most of the banks undervalued. Almost all the banks market of CV% of total point score not the total point score. Lower
value per share is far below from the book value per share. CV% of particular bank indicates that financial performance
This scenario could be better understandable by the ratio of in respect to all the ratios is consistent and does not fluctuate
Tobin’s Q. much. It would be misleading ranking if we had considered
Finally, Appendix - 11 is the presentation of bank total point score to rank the banks.
performance in terms of market capitalization. During the
year of 2015, total market capitalization in Dhaka Stock 6.4. Relationship between Traditional Accounting Based
Exchange (DSE) was BDT 31, 59,757.75 million. Out of 28 Performance Measures and Modern Value Based
banks Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. has secured the highest Performance Measures
percentage, 1.42%, of total market capitalization in DSE.
In this section of the study, we have taken Economic value
6.3. Assessment of Financial Performance of the Selected added (EVA) as a proxy variable for modern value based
Banks performance measures; and ROA, ROE, EPS, P/E have been
selected as a proxy variables for traditional accounting based
The various ratios have been used which are categorized performance measures. Then, seek relationship modern
into profitability ratio, market ratio, and value added metrics value based performance measures with traditional
for the analysis. The ratios have been calculated for the accounting based performance measures. The relationship
172 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

between EVA of the selected banking companies and publicly traded Bangladeshi commercial banks over the
variables of accounting measures has been studied and period of 2015 using financial ratio analysis. A company’s
compared with prior research findings. It has been observed financial performance is normally judged by a series of ratios.
that EVA and variables of accounting measures have The profitability ratio- a financial metrics- and market ratio
produced different in ranking for the selected banks; hence indicate firm’s capacity to make a profit and the exact
there is a difference in ranking between EVA and accounting position in the market respectively. On the other hand, value
based performance measures. This finding has led the added metrics evaluates the economic based performance
researcher to note that EVA is independent performance measure. Financial ratios serve as useful quantitative
measures to a higher extent which is also the study finding of financial information for investors and for stakeholders so
Jahur and Riyadh [33]. In this section, with the help of rank that companies can be appraised over time. In this context,
correlation coefficient, the study has examined whether EVA the profitability ratio, the market ratio, and value added
has significant relationship or not with the variables of metrics have been used in assessing performance. The above
accounting based performance measures. It is to be noted
analysis has led the researcher to conclude that the financial
that ROA and ROE act as proxy variables for profitability
performance of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. is extremely good in
ratio, and EPS and P/E ratio serve as proxy variables for
comparison to the other banks considering all types of ratio.
market ratio.
All the banks managed to log in profits for 2015 despite a
The results of rank correlation coefficient between EVA
tough start to the year by way of political turmoil for the first
and variables of accounting measures have showed in
Appendix - 10. A kind perusal of the Appendix - 10 reveals three months and the export and import business and this
that there is a significant correlation between EVA and the avenue too was not kind to them. In other words, the
measures of profitability ratio. Significant correlation export-import growth has been slowed. Furthermore, lower
coefficients between “EVA and ROA”, “EVA and ROE” bank’s interest rate spread, reduced various commission, and
have been found at 1% level of significance. On the other stable foreign exchange rate made the banks gain brought
hand, EVA has also established significant correlation with down. As a result, the banks' profit did not increase much in
market ratio; EVA is significant with EPS and P/E ratio at 2015. Having been experienced challenges, National Bank
5% level of significance. These significant relationships are Bangladesh Limited registered the highest profit among
similar to the study findings of Jahur & Riyadh [33]. banks in 2015, of BDT 3,854 core. And City Bank Limited,
The above statistical results have provided enough which is another large bank, logged in BDT 3,579 core in
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that there is no profit in 2015. The study findings have revealed that most
significant correlation between “EVA and Profitability Ratio” of the banks market performance is not satisfactory as they
and “EVA and Market Ratio”. were undervalued in the market and added negative value to
EVA, however, a moderate degree of correlation, has the market meaning that they had to struggle a lot during this
established with ROA, ROE, EPS, and P/E ratio. In that case, period. However, except a few, most of the banks have
EVA is defined as significant independent measures of offered cash dividend which is an indication that bank
performance. It is expected that higher ROA leads to produce generates enough profit to its shareholders. In addition, it
higher EVA but only a bank named “One Bank Limited” has has also been found in the study that EVA is an important
a negative EVA although it has ROA more than 1%. independent measure to judge the banks performance. The
results of this study will serve as a starting point for future
7. Summary and Conclusions
This paper has examined the financial performance of
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 173


Appendix - 1

Profitability Ratio (Based on Investment)

Name of the Banks Net Interest Margin
Return on Assets Return on Investment Return on Equity
(ROA) % (ROI) % (ROE) %
(BDT in million)
AB Bank Ltd. 0.48 10.49 6.03 4,279

City BanK Ltd. 1.8 7.5 14.7 5,506

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 0.99 11.70 12.82 7,494.99

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 2.08 3.93 16 6,290.88

Pubali Bank Ltd. 1.01 11.64 11.64 6,774.84

Premier Bank Ltd. 0.79 6.33 9.39 2,348.13

Prime Bank Ltd. 0.84 11.80 8.41 1,294

Exim Bank Ltd. 0.88 1.82 9.06 7,854.03

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 1.3 10.4 19.3 9,788

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 0.44 8.20 6.4 19,307.55

National Bank Ltd. 1.43 13.84 12.74 2,933

IFIC Bank Ltd. 0.53 6.48 18.46 3,774.5

Rupali Bank Ltd. 0.08 8.32 2.52 (1,733)

Uttara Bank Ltd. 0.99 12.44 11.42 2,863.59

Eastern Bank Ltd. 1.23 2.25 10.95 3,545

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 0.86 14.83 10.74 2,018

NCC Bank Ltd. 0.97 11.25 9.12 3,090.17

Standard Bank Ltd. 1.83 21.07 18.87 2,168

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 1.04 9.93 17.40 2,864

South East Bank Ltd. 1.23 8.84 11.86 3,265.57

One Bank Ltd. 1.39 11.32 16.60 4,563.15

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 0.98 1.64 10.78 3,567

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 1.16 10.13 12.39 1,617.93

Brack Bank Ltd. 1.13 6.13 13.32 8,716

Trust Bank Ltd. 0.85 11.06 17.45 100.42

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 0.35 0.80 6.44 5,257.78

Bank Asia Ltd. 1.26 7.44 14.36 2,707.44

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 0.79 8.70 9.60 2,304.14

BDT (Bangladesh Taka): The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Bangladesh taka (BDT), the currency for
Bangladesh. The Bangladesh taka is made up of 100 poisha and is often presented with the symbol ó, ò, or Tk. On December
31, 2015, one US dollar is equal to 78.50 Tk.
174 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Appendix - 2

Market Ratio and Value Added Metrics

Name of the Banks EVA MVA
EPS P/E BVPS Overvalued
(BDT in (BDT in Tobin’s Q
(in BDT) Ratio (in BDT) (Based on Tobin’s
million) million)
AB Bank Ltd. 2.12 9.86 38.05 (807) (10,270.55) 0.55 Undervalued

City BanK Ltd. 4.1 5 29.13 1,836 (7,642.72) 0.70 Undervalued

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 2.34 6.28 20.31 2,936.82 (5,315.78) 0.72 Undervalued

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 2.95 4.89 18.42 1,435.74 (2,825.08) 0.78 Undervalued

Pubali Bank Ltd. 3.29 6.57 28.26 486.96 (5,859.04) 0.76 Undervalued

Premier Bank Ltd. 1.55 5.24 16.52 (405.22) (4,912.13) 0.52 Undervalued

Prime Bank Ltd. 2.08 8.71 25.66 (463) (7,784) 0.71 Undervalued

Exim Bank Ltd. 1.55 5.55 17.91 1,057 (13,152.67) 0.48 Undervalued

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 15.1 7.1 83.77 1,821 4,766 1.28 Overvalued

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 1.88 14.79 29.37 (574.62) (2528) 0.95 Undervalued

National Bank Ltd. 2.24 4.20 19.54 1,519.74 (17,411.40) 0.48 Undervalued

IFIC Bank Ltd. 1.76 12.03 23.15 2,451.04 (982) 0.92 Undervalued

Rupali Bank Ltd. 0.98 32.99 5.29 119.74 6,482.44 6.11 Overvalued

Uttara Bank Ltd. 3.76 6.04 32.88 1,388.06 (4,074.39) 0.69 Undervalued

Eastern Bank Ltd. 3.63 7.87 33.54 (526.91) (3,016.35) 0.85 Undervalued

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2.3 8.57 21.41 952 (1,069.69) 0.92 Undervalued

NCC Bank Ltd. 1.54 5.34 17.72 (191.18) (8,350.43) 0.47 Undervalued

Standard Bank Ltd. 2.66 11.35 17.50 810.23 (5,440.69) 0.53 Undervalued

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 3.70 5.27 24.18 514 (1,727.34) 0.81 Undervalued

South East Bank Ltd. 3.35 5.25 29.67 3,561.16 (11,022.83) 0.59 Undervalued

One Bank Ltd. 3.26 4.69 19.63 4,880.06 (2,553.35) 0.78 Undervalued

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 1.76 7.69 16.68 637.38 (2,336.01) 0.81 Undervalued

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 2.67 4.52 25.58 1,873.02 (8,283.65) 0.47 Undervalued

Brack Bank Ltd. 3.43 14.19 26.53 2,989 15,727.70 1.84 Overvalued

Trust Bank Ltd. 3.28 7.35 20.29 828.16 1,786.68 1.19 Overvalued

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 1.18 7.40 14.20 288.07 (3,665.30) 0.62 Undervalued

Bank Asia Ltd. 3.07 5.38 22.61 167.56 (5,128.12) 0.73 Undervalued

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 1.88 7 20.99 369.26 (7,604.75) 0.51 Undervalued

*EPS = Earnings Per Share, P/E = Price - Earnings Ratio, BVPS = Book Value Per Share, EVA = Economic Value Added, and MVA = Market Value
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 175

Appendix - 3

Other Measures of Financial Performance

Net Asset Market Capitalization Dividend

Name of the Banks Value Per Market
Share Market Value Total No. of Shares Cash Dividend
(NAVPS) (in BDT) Outstanding Dividend% Yield %
(BDT in million)
AB Bank Ltd. 38.05 20.90 599,016,546 12,519.45 - -

City BanK Ltd. 29.1 20.40 875,798,031 17,866.28 22 10.78

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 6.36 14.70 946,958,503 13,920.29 10 6.80

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 18.42 14.40 703, 141, 564 10,125.24 15 10.42

Pubali Bank Ltd. 28.26 21.60 880,373,812 19,016.07 12 5.56

Premier Bank Ltd. 16.52 8.6 620,073,703 5,208.62 - -

Prime Bank Ltd. 25.66 18.10 1,029,348,616 18,631 15 8.29

Exim Bank Ltd. 17.91 8.6 1,412,251,068 12,145.36 12 13.95

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 83.8 107.6 200,000,000 21,520.00 40 3.72

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 29.32 27.8 160,99,90,668 44,757.74 20 7.19

National Bank Ltd. 19.54 9.40 1,717,720,000 16,146.57 - -

IFIC Bank Ltd. 23.15 21.20 503,410,000 10,672.34 - -

Rupali Bank Ltd. 52.94 32.30 240,033,750 7,753.09 - -

Uttara Bank Ltd. 32.88 22.70 400,080,337 9,081.82 20 8.81

Eastern Bank Ltd. 33.54 28.60 611,179,785 17,479.74 20 6.99

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 21.41 19.70 625,364,260 12,319.68 6% 3.05

NCC Bank Ltd. 17.72 8.27 883,218,003 7,304.21 12.75 14.01

Standard Bank Ltd. 16.92 9.20 655,740,785 6,032.82 - -

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 24.18 19.50 369,315,967 7,201.66 - -

South East Bank Ltd. 29.69 17.65 27,207,000,000 16,184.18 15% 8.52

One Bank Ltd. 19.63 15.30 589,924,914 9,025.85 12.50 8.17

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 16.68 13.50 734,688,133 9,918.29 13 9.63

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 25.58 12.09 614,119,386 7,424.70 19.50 16.25

Brack Bank Ltd. 26.53 48.70 709,287,321 34,542 25 5.13

Trust Bank Ltd. 20.29 24.1 468,826,971 11,298.73 7 2.90

First Security Islami Bank
14.20 8.8 678,873,888 5,974.09 10 11.36
Bank Asia Ltd. 22.61 16.50 839,300,000 13,848.45 15 9.09

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 20.98 10.7 739,156,701 7,908.98 12 11.21

176 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Appendix - 4
Descriptive Statistics of Variables
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Return on Assets (in %) 28 .08 2.08 1.0254 .44587
Return on Investment (in %) 28 .80 21.07 8.9386 4.42963
Return on Equity (in %) 28 2.52 19.30 12.0989 4.25479
Net Interest Margin
28 .00 19,307.55 4,510.4682 3,807.03127
(BDT in million)
Earnings Per Share (in BDT) 28 .98 15.10 2.9789 2.52600
Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) 28 4.20 32.99 8.2543 5.60808
Book Value Per Share
28 5.29 83.77 24.9568 13.36325
(in BDT)
Economic Value Added (BDT in million) 28 (807.00) 4,880.06 1,069.7882 1,370.60643
Market Value Added
28 (1,7411.40) 15,727.70 (4,078.3375) 6,327.70800
(BDT in million)
Tobin's Q 28 .47 6.11 .9561 1.05186
Net Asset Value Per Share (in BDT) 28 6.36 83.80 26.1382 14.29207
Market Capitalization
28 5,208.62 44,757.74 13,779.5446 8,669.42946
(BDT in million)
Dividend Yield Percentage 28 .00 16.25 6.4939 4.90757
Valid N (listwise) 28

Appendix - 5
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 177

Appendix - 6

Banks Financial Performance (Based on Profitability Ratio)

Name of the Banks Mean Standard Coefficient of
Total Point Score Ranking
Score Deviation Variation
AB Bank Ltd. 42 10.5 8.7 82.84% Rank - 23

City BanK Ltd. 78 19.5 6.76 34.66% Rank - 10

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 79.5 19.88 4.44 22.35% Rank - 5

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 77 19.25 9.91 51.49% Rank -17

Pubali Bank Ltd. 75 18.75 4.43 23.60% Rank - 6

Premier Bank Ltd. 29.5 7.38 0.75 10.17% Rank - 1

Prime Bank Ltd. 40 10 9.56 95.57% Rank - 25

Exim Bank Ltd. 45 11.25 9.74 86.60% Rank - 24

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 95 23.75 4.99 21.02% Rank - 4

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 45 11.25 11.79 104.77% Rank - 26

National Bank Ltd. 80 20 6.68 33.42% Rank - 9

IFIC Bank Ltd. 56 14 9.49 67.76% Rank - 20

Rupali Bank Ltd. 15 3.75 5.5 146.67% Rank - 28

Uttara Bank Ltd. 62.5 15.63 6.52 41.75% Rank - 12

Eastern Bank Ltd. 51.5 12.88 6.88 53.47% Rank - 18

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 52 13 9.63 74.05% Rank - 21

NCC Bank Ltd. 52 13 5.35 41.19% Rank - 11

Standard Bank Ltd. 88 22 10.68 48.53% Rank - 16

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 67 16.75 5.44 32.47% Rank - 7

South East Bank Ltd. 63.5 15.88 3.12 19.65% Rank - 3

One Bank Ltd. 87 21.75 2.22 10.20% Rank - 2

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 42 10.5 6.03 57.41% Rank - 19

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 55 13.75 6.65 48.38% Rank - 15

Brack Bank Ltd. 69 17.25 8.3 48.13% Rank - 14

Trust Bank Ltd. 55 13.75 10.24 74.49% Rank - 22

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 27 6.75 8.92 132.16% Rank - 27

Bank Asia Ltd. 60 15 6.98 46.51% Rank - 13

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 35.5 8.88 2.95 33.29% Rank - 8

178 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Appendix - 7

Banks Financial Performance (Based on Market Ratio and Value Added Metrics)
Name of the Banks Mean Standard Coefficient of
Total Point Score Ranking
Score Deviation Variation
AB Bank Ltd. 74 12.33 10.46 84.83% Rank - 26

City BanK Ltd. 95 15.83 9.06 57.23% Rank - 21

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 89 14.83 5.12 34.52% Rank - 7

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 82.50 13.75 6.18 44.95% Rank - 12

Pubali Bank Ltd. 92 15.33 5.01 32.68% Rank - 6

Premier Bank Ltd. 37.50 6.25 3.49 55.84% Rank - 19

Prime Bank Ltd. 95 15.83 8.42 53.19% Rank - 16

Exim Bank Ltd. 45 7.50 5.62 74.93% Rank - 24

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 144 24 4.69 19.54% Rank - 2

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 103.50 17.25 9.86 57.16% Rank - 20

National Bank Ltd. 46.50 7.75 7.47 96.39% Rank - 28

IFIC Bank Ltd. 117 19.5 7.11 36.46% Rank - 10

Rupali Bank Ltd. 91 15.17 13.53 89.19% Rank - 27

Uttara Bank Ltd. 106 17.67 6.53 36.96% Rank - 11

Eastern Bank Ltd. 110 18.33 8.26 45.06% Rank - 13

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 108.50 18.08 4.25 23.51% Rank - 3

NCC Bank Ltd. 30.50 5.08 2.62 51.57% Rank - 14

Standard Bank Ltd. 75 12.50 6.83 54.64% Rank - 18

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 102.50 17.08 6.2 36.30% Rank - 8

South East Bank Ltd. 92 15.33 10.17 66.34% Rank - 22

One Bank Ltd. 95.50 15.92 8.53 53.58% Rank - 17

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 82 13.67 7.04 51.50% Rank - 15

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 66.50 11.08 9.1 82.13% Rank - 25

Brack Bank Ltd. 150 25 2.97 11.88% Rank - 1

Trust Bank Ltd. 112 18.67 5.39 28.87% Rank - 5

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 56 9.33 6.56 70.31% Rank - 23

Bank Asia Ltd. 78 13 3.69 28.38% Rank - 4

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 59.50 9.92 3.61 36.39% Rank - 9

Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 179

Appendix - 8

Banks Financial Performance (Considering All Types of Ratio)

Name of the Banks Mean Standard Coefficient of
Total Point Score Ranking
Score Deviation Variation
AB Bank Ltd. 163.00 12.54 9.42 75.12% Rank - 24

City BanK Ltd. 240.00 18.46 7.31 39.60% Rank - 6

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 201.50 15.50 6.44 41.55% Rank - 8

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 201.50 15.50 7.48 48.26% Rank - 15

Pubali Bank Ltd. 224.00 17.23 5.08 29.48% Rank - 2

Premier Bank Ltd. 75.00 5.77 3.00 51.99% Rank - 17

Prime Bank Ltd. 194.00 14.92 8.30 55.63% Rank - 19

Exim Bank Ltd. 138.00 10.62 8.02 75.52% Rank - 25

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 303.00 23.31 5.74 24.62% Rank - 1

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 213.50 16.42 9.92 60.41% Rank - 20

National Bank Ltd. 159.50 12.27 8.72 71.07% Rank - 22

IFIC Bank Ltd. 205.00 15.77 7.99 50.67% Rank - 16

Rupali Bank Ltd. 144.00 11.08 11.69 105.51% Rank - 28

Uttara Bank Ltd. 221.50 17.04 6.15 36.09% Rank - 5

Eastern Bank Ltd. 222.50 17.12 7.42 43.34% Rank - 11

Dhaka Bank Ltd. 198.50 15.27 6.33 41.45% Rank - 7

NCC Bank Ltd. 120.50 9.27 7.21 77.78% Rank - 26

Standard Bank Ltd. 175.00 13.47 9.76 72.46% Rank - 23

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 193.50 14.89 6.84 45.94% Rank - 12

South East Bank Ltd. 217.50 16.73 7.19 42.98% Rank - 10

One Bank Ltd. 217.50 16.73 7.00 41.84% Rank - 9

Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 160.00 12.31 6.63 53.86% Rank - 18

Jamuna Bank Ltd. 172.50 13.27 8.47 63.83% Rank - 21

Brack Bank Ltd. 276.00 21.23 6.72 31.65% Rank - 3

Trust Bank Ltd. 200.00 15.39 7.14 46.39% Rank - 14

First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 112.00 8.62 8.30 96.29% Rank - 27

Bank Asia Ltd. 190.00 14.62 4.75 32.49% Rank - 4

Mercantile Bank Ltd. 139.00 10.70 4.95 46.26% Rank - 13

180 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Appendix - 9

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Return on Assets .120 28 .200* .972 28 .630
Return on Investment .116 28 .200* .954 28 .244
Return on Equity .076 28 .200 .976 28 .738
Net Interest Margin .176 28 .027 .820 28 .000
Earnings Per Share .307 28 .000 .502 28 .000
Price Earnings Ratio .253 28 .000 .609 28 .000
Book Value Per Share .219 28 .001 .675 28 .000
Economic Value Added .111 28 .200* .936 28 .087
Market Value Added .169 28 .038 .932 28 .068
Tobin's Q .359 28 .000 .400 28 .000
Net Asset Value Per Share .223 28 .001 .733 28 .000
Market Capitalization .172 28 .033 .772 28 .000
Dividend Yield% .157 28 .075 .928 28 .055
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Skewness and Kurtosis Values of Variables

N Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
Return on Assets (ROA) 28 .290 .441 .564 .858
Return on Investment (ROI) 28 .222 .441 1.015 .858
Return on Equity (ROE) 28 -.098 .441 -.391 .858
Net Interest Margin ( NIM) 28 2.130 .441 7.131 .858
Earnings Per Share (EPS) 28 4.336 .441 21.224 .858
Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) 28 3.459 .441 14.368 .858

Book Value Per Share (BVPS) 28 3.260 .441 14.322 .858

Economic Value Added (EVA) 28 .956 .441 .846 .858
Market Value Added (MVA) 28 .934 .441 2.904 .858
Tobin's Q 28 4.685 .441 23.343 .858
Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) 28 2.717 .441 9.735 .858
Market Capitalization 28 2.226 .441 5.925 .858
Dividend Yield% 28 .060 .441 -.972 .858
Valid N (listwise) 28

The correlation coefficients show the magnitude - strong, weak - , and direction - positive or negative of the relationships.
The higher the coefficient value the stronger the relationship is and vice-versa.
Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return on Assets (ROA)

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .524**
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .004
N 28 28
Spearman's rho **
Correlation Coefficient .524 1.000
ROA Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .
N 28 28

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 181

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return on Investment (ROI)

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .119
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .545
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .119 1.000
ROI Sig. (2-tailed) .545 .
N 28 28

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return on Equity (ROE)

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .645**
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .000
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .645** 1.000
ROE Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .
N 28 28

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Net Interest Margin (NIM)

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .250
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .200
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .250 1.000
NIM Sig. (2-tailed) .200 .
N 28 28

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Earnings per Share (EPS)

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .421*
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .026
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .421* 1.000
EPS Sig. (2-tailed) .026 .
N 28 28

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Price Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)

EVA P/E Ratio

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.384*
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .044
N 28 28
Spearman's rho *
Correlation Coefficient -.384 1.000
P/E Ratio Sig. (2-tailed) .044 .
N 28 28
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
182 Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Dividend Yield %

EVA Dividend Yield %

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .082
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .680
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .082 1.000
Dividend Yield % Sig. (2-tailed) .680 .
N 28 28

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Tobin’s Q

EVA Tobin’s Q
Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .058
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .771
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .058 1.000
Tobin’s Q Sig. (2-tailed) .771 .
N 28 28

Rank Correlation Coefficient Between Economic Value Added (EVA) and Net Profit

EVA Net Profit

Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .340
EVA Sig. (2-tailed) . .076
N 28 28
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient .340 1.000
Net Profit Sig. (2-tailed) .076 .
N 28 28

Appendix -11
Market Capitalization Market Capitalization
Name of the Banks Weight Name of the Banks Weight
(BDT in million) (BDT in million)
AB Bank Ltd. 12,519.45 0.40% Dhaka Bank Ltd. 12,319.68 0.39%

City BanK Ltd. 17,866.28 0.57% NCC Bank Ltd. 7,304.21 0.23%

Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 13,920.29 0.32% Standard Bank Ltd. 6032.82 0.23%

Social Islami Bank Ltd. 10,125.24 0.44% Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 7,201.66 0.19%

Pubali Bank Ltd. 19,016.07 0.60% South East Bank Ltd. 16,184.18 0.51%

Premier Bank Ltd. 5,208.62 0.16% One Bank Ltd. 9025.85 0.29%

Prime Bank Ltd. 18,631 0.59% Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 9918.29 0.31%

Exim Bank Ltd. 12,145.36 0.38% Jamuna Bank Ltd. 7424.70 0.23%

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 21,520.00 0.68% Brack Bank Ltd. 34,542 1.09%

Islami Bank BD Ltd. 44,757.74 1.42% Trust Bank Ltd. 11,298.73 0.36%

National Bank Ltd. 16,146.57 0.51% First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 5,974.09 0.19%

IFIC Bank Ltd. 10,672.34 0.34% Bank Asia Ltd. 13,848.45 0.44%

Rupali Bank Ltd. 7,753.09 0.25% Mercantile Bank Ltd. 7,908.98 0.25%

Uttara Bank Ltd. 9,081.82 0.29% Eastern Bank Ltd. 17479.74 0.55%
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 4(5): 166-184, 2016 183

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