E-2029-Standard Test Method Forvolumetric and Mass Flow Rate Measurement in A DuctUsing Tracer Gas Dilution
E-2029-Standard Test Method Forvolumetric and Mass Flow Rate Measurement in A DuctUsing Tracer Gas Dilution
E-2029-Standard Test Method Forvolumetric and Mass Flow Rate Measurement in A DuctUsing Tracer Gas Dilution
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2029 – 99
cU = upstream volume concentration4 of tracer gas (ppb, pitot tube or thermal anemometer velocity measurements are
ppm, ppt) difficult or inappropriate due either to very low average flow
cD = downstream volume concentration4 of tracer gas velocity or the lack of a suitable run of duct upstream and
(ppb, ppm, ppt) downstream of the measurement location.
cI = injection volume concentration4 of tracer gas (ppb, 5.2 This test method can produce the volumetric flow rate at
ppm, ppt) standard conditions without the need to determine gas stream
F = mass flow rate5(kg/s, g/min, lb/min) composition, temperature, and water vapor content.
FI = injection mass flow rate5(kg/s, g/min, lb/min) 5.3 This test method is useful for determining mass or
FU = upstream mass flow rate5(kg/s, g/min, lb/min) volumetric flow rates in HVAC ducts, fume hoods, vent stacks,
FD = downstream mass flow rate5(kg/s, g/min, lb/min)
and mine tunnels, as well as in performing model studies of
f = volumetric flow rate5(m3/s, L/min, cfm)
fstd = volumetric flow rate at standard conditions5(m3/s, pollution control devices.
L/min, cfm) 5.4 This test method is based on first principles (conserva-
fI = injection volumetric flow rate5(m3/s, L/min, cfm) tion of mass) and does not require engineering assumptions.
fU = upstream volumetric flow rate5(m3/s, L/min, cfm) 5.5 This test method does not require the measurement of
fD = downstream volumetric flow rate5(m3/s, L/min, the area of the duct or stack.
cfm) 5.6 The test method does not require flow straightening.
fIstd = injection volumetric flow rate5 at standard condi- 5.7 The test method is independent of flow conditions, such
tions (m3/s, L/min, cfm) as angle, swirl, turbulence, reversals, and hence, does not
fUstd = upstream volumetric flow rate5 at standard condi- require flow straightening.
tions (m3/s, L/min, cfm)
5.8 The dry volumetric airflow can be determined by drying
fDstd = downstream volumetric flow rate5 at standard con-
the air samples without measuring the water vapor concentra-
ditions (m3/s, L/min, cfm)
r = density6(kg/m3, g/L, lb/ft3) tion.
ra = density6 of gas stream without any tracer (kg/m3,
g/L, lb/ft3) 6. Apparatus
rt = density6 of the tracer gas (kg/m3, g/L, lb/ft3) 6.1 The apparatus includes a source of tracer gas, means for
rI = density6 of the injection gas mixture (kg/m3, g/L, distributing the tracer gas in the duct, means for obtaining air
lb/ft3) samples from the duct, and a gas analyzer to measure tracer gas
rU = density6 of the upstream gas mixture (kg/m3, g/L, concentrations in the air samples.
lb/ft3) 6.2 Tracer Gas—See Appendix X1 for information on
rD = density6 of the downstream gas mixture (kg/m3,
tracer gases and equipment used to measure their concentra-
g/L, lb/ft3)
tions. Appendix X1 also contains tracer gas target concentra-
rtU = density6 of the tracer gas at upstream conditions
tions and safety information.
(kg/m3, g/L, lb/ft3)
rtD = density6 of the tracer gas at downstream conditions 6.3 Tracer Gas Injection Source—This normally is a cylin-
(kg/m3, g/L, lb/ft3) der of compressed tracer gas either pure or diluted in a carrier
such as air or nitrogen. Tracer release from the cylinder is
4. Summary of Test Method controlled by a critical orifice or nozzle, a metering valve, an
4.1 This test method describes the use of a tracer gas electronic mass flow meter or mass flow controller, or other gas
dilution technique to infer the volumetric flow rate through a flow rate measurement and control device. A rotameter is not
duct. In practice, tracer gas is injected into a duct at a known recommended for this measurement unless of special design,
mass or volumetric flow rate. Downstream of the injection calibration, and a corresponding decrease in measurement
point gas samples are taken and are analyzed for the resulting accuracy is acceptable.
tracer concentration. The ratio of the injection flow rate and the 6.4 Tracer Gas Distribution—A single tube or a tubing
downstream concentration represents the dilution volume per network is inserted into the duct to dispense tracer gas. The
unit time or volumetric flow rate in the duct. tube or tubes may have either a single or multiple release points
for tracer gas. For large cross-section ducts a network that
5. Significance and Use distributes tracer gas over a wide area will facilitate measure-
5.1 The method presented here is a field method that may be ment.
used to determine mass and volume flow rates in ducts where 6.5 Tracer Sampling—This is performed using tubing in-
flow conditions may be irregular and nonuniform. The gas serted into the duct downstream of the injection point. A single
flowing in the duct is considered to be an ideal gas. The method tube is inserted into the duct. Air samples are removed from the
may be especially useful in those locations where conventional duct by means of a sampling pump to distribute tracer laden air
to the analyzer either directly or by means of syringe samples.
6.6 Gas Analyzer—This device must be suited for the tracer
Equations in this test method assume that all mass or volume concentrations are gas used and the concentrations expected in the duct being
in the same units.
5 measured. It should be calibrated properly and exhibit a
Equations in this test method assume that all mass or volume flow rates are in
the same units. accuracy of better than 6 3 % at concentrations employed in
Equations in this test method assume that all densities are in the same units. the measurement.
E 2029 – 99
7. Hazards TABLE 2 Minimum Number of Down Stream Sample Locations
7.1 Safety is the responsibility of the user of this test Duct Cross Sectional Area m2(ft2) Number of Areas Number of Samples
method. Tracer gases have safe maximum concentration limits Less then 0.2 (2) 4 5
0.2 to 2.3 (2 to 25) 12 13
due to health and, in some cases, explosive potential. Table 1 Greater than 2.3 (25) 20 21
presents, as a guide, the maximum allowable concentration in
air for some tracer gasses that can be used for airflow
measurements. The tracer gas supplier must provide a Material 8.1.1 If the tracer gas analyzer is field calibrated using a
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that will provide information about single point method, the injection rate, or injection concentra-
health, fire, and explosion hazards. tion, or a combination thereof, should be adjusted to produce a
7.2 Health Limitations—Use current OSHA information on concentration at the sample location that is the same as the
the permissible exposure limit (PEL), or the ACGIH threshold calibration concentration to within 6 20 %.
limit value (TLV) if the particular tracer is not listed with a 8.1.2 If the tracer gas analyzer is field calibrated using two
PEL, to determine the safe concentration for the gas chosen for calibration points, the injection rate, or injection concentration,
the test. Never exceed the maximum safe concentration. It is or a combination thereof, should be adjusted to produce a
good practice to use a concentration that is at most one tenth of concentration at the sample location that lies between the two
the maximum safe concentration. Avoid using tracer gases for calibration points.
which no PEL or TLV exists. 8.1.3 If the tracer gas analyzer is field calibrated using more
7.3 Compressed Gas Equipment—Observe the supplier’s than two calibration points, the injection rate, or injection
safety information and CGA information on the transportation, concentration, or a combination thereof, should be adjusted to
use, and storage of compressed gas cylinders, regulators, and produce a concentration at the sample location that lies at the
related equipment. approximate midpoint of the calibration range.
8.2 Obtain at least N measurements of the resulting concen-
8. Procedure for Measuring Mass and Volumetric trations, CiD, at least ten diameters, or equivalent hydraulic
Flowrate diameters for nonround cross section ducts, downstream of the
8.1 Inject tracer of known concentration, CI(cI), and at a injection at the center of N-1 equal areas of the duct cross
known rate, FI(fI), into a flowing duct using procedures section and one at the center of the duct. The number N is
provided in Section 9. determined by Table 2 depending on the duct size.
E 2029 – 99
8.3 If recirculation is possible or likely, N samples CiU in the 9. Procedures for Injecting Tracer Gas
center of duct upstream of the injection point should be taken 9.1 Inject tracer gas at a known, constant rate using metered
within 10 s of the time a downstream sample is taken. If injection. To accomplish this a critical orifice, critical orifice
recirculation does not exist, take at least one upstream sample metering valve, an electronic mass flow meter or an electronic
before and after taking the downstream samples. mass flow controller may be used in conjunction with a source
8.4 At each time a downstream sample is taken, the injec- of pure or diluted tracer gas. The flow measuring device shall
tion flow rate FiI shall be recorded. be calibrated and its accuracy certified by a method that is
8.5 Calculate the following quantities in either mass, vol- traceable to NIST. The calibration shall be performed with an
ume, or dry concentration depending on results desired: injection gas of the same approximate concentration as will be
8.5.1 The average downstream concentration CD: used in an actual measurement.
1 ND 9.1.1 Reliance on scale factors to convert a flow meter
CD 5 N ( CiD
D i51
(1) calibration using one gas to predict the calibration on a second
gas is not acceptable unless the accuracy of the conversion
where ND is the number of downstream sample locations.
factor has been demonstrated experimentally for the type of
8.5.2 The average upstream concentration CU:
meter used.
1 9.1.2 The total uncertainty (uncertainty in flowrate and
CU 5 N ( CiU
U i51
uncertainty in injection concentration) in the tracer gas injec-
where NU is the number of upstream sample locations. tion rate shall be less than 3 %. The bias of the assumed
8.5.3 The average injection flow FI (or the corresponding injection rate shall be no more than 3 % of the true rate.
volumetric flow rate): 9.2 Injection of tracer gas may be via a single tube or via a
manifold consisting of several tubes connected to the flow
FI 5 N ( FiI
I i51
(3) injection metering device. In the case of a manifold, flow
through each branch of the manifold should be approximately
where NI is the number of flow rate measurements. equal. The tube or tubes may have either a single or multiple The mass flow rate in the duct is given by: release points for tracer gas.
~ CI 2 CD !
FU 5 F ~mass concentrations! (4) 10. Procedures for Sampling Tracer Gas
~ C D 2 CU ! I
10.1 Sampling is performed using a single tube connected to The volumetric flow rate in the duct is given by: a pump that draws air samples to the exterior of the duct for
~ CI 2 C D ! r I analysis. Use a separate sampling tube for the downstream and
fU 5 f ~mass concentrations! (5)
~ CD 2 C U ! r U I for the upstream air sample.
cI 2 rnacD 2~1 2 rna!cIcD rIt 10.2 Samples of air may be routed directly to the analyzer or
fU 5 cD 2 cU ! · U · fI ~volume concentrations! grab samples using syringes, sample bags, or other appropriate
(6) containers may be taken for subsequent analysis.
rn 10.3 If good mixing7 is not obtained, enhance the mixing by
where rna [ r is the ratio of the density of the main one of the following procedures:
constituent of the injection gas mixture to the density of the gas 10.3.1 Move8 the sample point further downstream from the
stream without any tracer. If cI = 1, than rna = 1. tracer injection point. When flowing air encounters a rapid
8.6 The volumetric flow rate in the duct at standard condi- change in direction, mixing within the duct is assisted; hence,
tions is given by: moving the sample point to a location past one or more bends
in the flow will enhance mixing.
cI 2 rnacD 2~1 2 rna!cIcD std 10.3.2 Move8 the tracer injection point further upstream
U 5 cD 2 cU ! · fI ~volume concentrations! (7)
from the sample point. When flowing air encounters a rapid
8.7 The dry gas flow rate in the duct at standard conditions change in direction, mixing within the duct is assisted; hence,
is given by: moving the injection point to a location past one or more bends
cI cI in the flow will materially enhance mixing. Often moving the
f~Ud!std 5 · fstd
I if c , 0.001 ~dry volume concentrations! injection point upstream of an air handling fan can enhance
~c~Dd! 2 cdU! D
(8) mixing. Note that centrifugal fans are not as efficient at mixing
as are vaneaxial fans.
where the superscript (d) refers to quantities at dry condi- 10.3.3 Enhance the uniformity of the tracer injection by
tions. increasing the number of injection tubes or the number of
8.7.1 Dry volume concentrations are obtained by drying the injection holes in each tube.
gas sample before analysis. It is important that the drying
technique used should not remove any of the tracer gas. This
can be checked by drying a sample of the calibration standard 7
The lack of good mixing results in an increase in the uncertainty in the
using the drying techniques and comparing the measured dry determination of the duct airflow rate (see Eq 11). Good practice usually results in
a variation in tracer concentration across the duct of less than 10 %.
concentrations with the calibration standard. The two concen- 8
In moving the sample or injection locations, care should be taken so that there
trations should be the same within the precision of the analyzer is no leakage into or out of the duct between the point of injection and the
as determined in Appendix X2. downstream sample locations.
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11. Tracer Gas Analysis Requirements DFI = the uncertainty in the injection flow rate,
11.1 The tracer gas analyzer shall be calibrated using D CD = the calibration uncertainty in the downstream con-
calibration standards that bracket the anticipated measured centration (Appendix X2), and
concentration using the procedures given in Appendix X2. DCU = the calibration uncertainty in the upstream concen-
11.2 Determine the accuracy of the gas analyzer in order to tration (Appendix X2).
estimate the accuracy of a given concentration reading. Cali- 12.2 The precision ]F in the flow is given by the following
brate the analyzer with several tracer gas concentration stan- equation:
dards to estimate bias. Biases of samples exhibiting low tracer
gas concentrations (relative to the ultimate sensitivity of the
analyzer) and deviations in the detector response from the
F 5 t~N 2 1,0.95!
]FI2 ]~CD 2 CU!2
~CD 2 CU!2
14. Keywords
where: 14.1 ducts; flow rate; mass flow; stacks; volumetric flow;
DCI = the uncertainty in the injection gas concentration, tracer gas
E 2029 – 99
(Nonmandatory Information)
X2.1 Detailed Calibration of the Gas Analyzer TABLE X2.1 Two-Sided Confidence Limits T (p, N) for a Student
X2.1.1 At an interval specified by the gas analyzer manu- p 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99 0.995 0.999
facturer, which is not more than one year, a complete calibra-
tion of the gas analyzer should be performed. The specific 1 3.078 6.3138 12.706 63.657 127.32 636.619
calibration procedure for a gas analyzer should be provided by 2 1.886 2.9200 4.3027 9.9248 14.089 31.598
the instrument manufacturer. After the calibration, the gas 3 1.638 2.3534 3.1825 5.8409 7.4533 12.924
4 1.533 2.1318 2.7764 4.6041 5.5976 8.610
analyzer should be adjusted according to the instructions of the 5 1.476 2.0150 2.5706 4.0321 4.7733 6.869
manufacture using certified gas calibration standards. After this 6 1.440 2.0150 2.5706 4.0321 4.7733 6.869
7 1.415 1.8946 2.3646 3.4995 4.0293 5.408
adjustment, the following procedure should be performed. 8 1.397 1.8595 2.3060 3.2498 3.6897 4.781
Using at least five certified calibration mixtures with concen- 9 1.383 1.8331 2.2622 3.2498 3.6897 4.781
trations approximately equally space over the intended range of 10 1.372 1.8125 2.2281 3.1693 3.5814 4.587
use of the analyzer, perform the following:
X2.1.1.1 With each calibration standard Csi obtain at least
preci 5 t~m 2 1,0.95! =~]Cri !2 (X2.3)
three readings Cri,j.
where t (N,p) is the two-sided confidence limits of the
X2.1.1.2 Calculate the average C̄ri and the standard devia-
Student Distribution.
tion ]Cri using the following equation:
X2.1.1.3 Calculate the uncertainty in the reading of the
1 calibration standard using the following equation:
C̄ri 5 m ( Ci,jr (X2.1)
DCsi 5 =~DCsi !2 1 ~Csi 2 C̄ri !2 1 t~m 2 1,0.95!=~]Cri !2
1 (X2.4)
~]Cri !2 5 m 2 1 ( ~Ci,j
2 C̄ri !2 (X2.2)
where t (m−1,095) is the student t-function with a 0.95
where m is the number of readings. The precision of the confidence level; and, DCis is the certified uncertainty in the
analyzer at this calibration point shall be considered as calibration standard.
E 2029 – 99
DC The field calibration standard should be within the range of
X2.1.1.4 Calculate the uncertainty C in the calibration
standards used for the detailed calibration of X2.1. The single
over the range of use of the instrument using the following point field calibration should be done by taking at least three
equation: readings of a certified calibration gas and adjusting the
C 5 avg
Csi S D 1 t~n 2 1,0.95!std S D
analyzer to read the average of the reading. The standard
deviation of the readings should be less then the laboratory
determined precision at this calibration point.
where n is the number of calibration points and
X2.2.2 Two Point Field Calibration—For use over an
D Csi 1 n
DCsi extended rate range, the gas analyzer should be field calibrated
5n ( Csi
i51 before it is used to make flow measurements using two
is the average of the calibration errors and calibration standards. The two field concentrations should be
within the range of the detailed calibration of X2.1. The
DCsi 1 n D Csi DCsi 2
resulting downstream concentrations should be greater than
5 (
n 2 1i51 Csi
2 avg
0.75 times the concentration of the low calibration standard
is the standard deviation of the calibration errors. and less than 1.25 times the concentration of the high calibra-
tion standard. The two point field calibration should be done by
X2.2 Field Calibration of the Gas Analyzer taking at least three readings of each certified calibration gas
X2.2.1 Single Point Field Calibration—For use at a single standard and adjusting the analyzer to read the average of the
flow rate, the gas analyzer should be field calibrated before it each set of readings. The standard deviation of the each set of
is used to make flow measurements having the resulting readings at the two calibration points should be less then the
downstream concentration within 20 % of calibration standard. laboratory determined precision at each calibration point.
X3.1 Determining Flow Rate tration at a point; however, this dependence usually is very small. Again
no additional complication is caused by including this dependence at this
X3.1.1 The equations for determining the flow rate in a duct stage.
by the tracer dilution method can be derived by considering the
following experiment in which one injects a tracer gas into a X3.1.3 If one selects a volume, V, which consists of two end
duct in order to determine the total flow of gas in the duct. In cross sections and the side surfaces of the duct:
this experiment one will inject the tracer gas mixture of mass ]V 5 S ¯ AD ¯ AU, (X3.3)
concentration CI with a mass flow rate of FI. then, under the assumption that no mass enters or leaves the
X3.1.2 The bases of the tracer dilution equations for a duct duct through the side walls:
are the two integral conservation of mass equations: →
n ·→
n 5 0 on S , (X3.4)
Conservation of mass for air-tracer mixture:
the surface integrals in Eq X3.1 and X3.2 reduce to:
* rdv 2 *
v ·d→
a 5 FI (X3.1)
dt V ]V
* ]V
r→ * r→v · d →a 2 * r→v · d →a
v ·d→
a 5
Conservation of mass for the tracer:
* rC→v · d →a 5 * rC→v · d →a 2 * rC→v · d →a (X3.6)
* rCdv 2 *
v ·d→
dt a 5 CIFI (X3.2)
V ]V
X3.1.4 Using the mean value theorem, the two integrals on
where: the right hand side of (Eq X3.6) can be written as:
r = the density of air-tracer mixture,
v = the air velocity, *AD
v ·d→
a 5 CD *AD
v ·d→
a (X3.7)
C = the mass concentration of the tracer,
FI = the mass injection rate of the tracer mixture into the *AU
v ·d→
a 5 CU *AU
v ·d→
a (X3.8)
CI = the mass concentration of the injected tracer mixture, where:
V = a volume of duct enclosing the point of injection, and CD = the tracer concentration at some point on downstream
]V = the enclosing surface of V. area, AD, and
CU = the tracer concentration at some point on the up-
NOTE X3.1—In normal tracer experiments, the amount of tracer in- stream area, AU.
jected into the duct is so small that the term FI on the right-hand side of
(X3.1) is negligible, in comparison to the terms in surface integral on the
X3.1.5 If one defines the quantities:
left hand side; however, no additional complication occurs by including
the term. Also, in principle the density r depends on the tracer concen-
FD 5 * AD
v ·d→
a (X3.9)
E 2029 – 99
* r→
v ·d→ FU 5 rUfU 5 rstd std
FU 5 a (X3.10) U fU (X3.22)
FI 5 rIfI 5 rstd
I fI
FD = the downstream total mass flow rate through the duct, where:
and fU = the volumetric upstream flow rate at the upstream
FU = the upstream total mass flow rate through the duct and conditions,
also introduces the quantity mv, the total mass in the fI = the volumetric injection flow rate at the injection
volume V is: conditions,
fUstd = the volumetric upstream flow rate at the standard
mV 5 * rdv
(X3.11) conditions,
fIstd = the volumetric injection flow rate at the standard
and uses the mean value theorem to express: conditions,
* rCdv 5 C * rdv 5 C m
V V (X3.12)
= the upstream mass density at the upstream condi-
where Cv is the tracer concentration at some point is the rI = the injection gas mass density at the injection
volume, V, Eq X3.1 and X3.2 can be written as follows: conditions,
rUstd = the upstream mass density at the standard condi-
tions, and
dtmV 1 FD 2 FU 5 FI (X3.13)
rIstd = the injection gas mass density at the standard
and conditions.
d d X3.3.2 Using these relations the volumetric flow can be
mVdtCV 1 CV dt mV 1 CDFD 2 CUFU 5 CIFI (X3.14)
obtained from:
X3.1.6 Eliminating the downstream total mass flow from Eq ~ C I 2 C D ! rI
fU 5 f (X3.24)
X3. one obtains: ~CD 2 CU!r U I
d d ~CI 2 CD! rstd
mVdtCV 1 ~CV 2 CD! dt mV 1 ~CD 2 CU!FU 5 ~CI 2 CD!FI fstd
U 5
I std
fI (X3.25)
~CD 2 CU!rstd
X3.1.7 The normal application of the tracer dilution tech- X3.4 Concentration Units
nique is in the case of incompressible or steady total flow, or
both, for which: X3.4.1 The above equations were expressed in mass con-
centrations. There are many other concentration units: volume
d concentrations, molar concentrations (or fraction), mass per
dtmV 5 0 (X3.16)
unit volume or volume per unit mass. The following are the
in which case, (Eq X3.15) reduces to: relationships between these concentrations:
d r tc
mVdtCV 1 ~CD 2 CU!FU 5 ~CI 2 CD!FI (X3.17) C5 (X3.26)
r a ~ 1 2 c ! 1 r tc
X3.1.8 The tracer gas is injected at a constant flow rate until
the tracer concentration does not change with time:
c = the volume concentration,
d C = the mass concentration,
dtCV 5 0 (X3.18)
rt = the density of the tracer, and
in which case, (Eq X3.17) can be solved for FU as follows: ra = the density of the other component (air):
~ CI 2 CD ! xvt
FU 5 c5 (X3.27)
~ C D 2 CU ! I
(X3.19) ~1 2 x!va 1 xvt
E 2029 – 99
ratio of the molecular weights of the gases; therefore, for ideal X3.5.3 The error in using (Eq X3.36) instead of (Eq X3.34)
gases, the mass concentration, C, and the volume concentra- is of the order cD/ cI, which in terms of flows, is of the oreder
tion, c, are independent of temperature and pressure and the of fI/ fU.
volume concentration c is equal to the molar concentration x.
X3.6 Dry Gas Flow and Concentrations
X3.5 Equations in Volume Concentrations
X3.6.1 In many applications, one is either interested in the
X3.5.1 If the injection gas mixture is a mixture of a gas n dry gas volumetric flow (EPA methods), or one must (due to
and the tracer t and the gas in the duct is a mixture of the gas condensation problems) dry gas before measuring the tracer
a and the tracer t, then introducing the density ratios: gas concentrations. If one considers a mixture of dry air, tracer
rt and water vapor then:
rta [ r (X3.29)
rt c5v 1v 1v (X3.37)
rtn [ r (X3.30) a w t
(Eq X3.24) can be written as follows:
c ~d! 5 v 1 v (X3.38)
cI 2 rInt rDta 1 ~rInt · rDta 2 1!cICD rIt a t
FU 5 U D · ·f (X3.31)
ratrtacD 2 cU 1 ~1 2rUat · rDta!cUcD rUt I from which:
where the superscripts I, D, and U mean the properties at the c 5 c ~ d ! ~ 1 2 cw ! (X3.39)
injection conditions I, the downstream conditions D and the
upstream conditions U. For mixtures of ideal gases, the ratio of where cw is the water vapor volume concentration (or
the densities of the gases is independent of pressure and fraction):
temperature: vw
cw 5 v 1 v 1 v (X3.40)
a w t
rDta 5 rUta [ rta (X3.32)
X3.6.2 If the upstream and downstream water vapor con-
and (Eq X3.31) reduces to: centrations are same, then (Eq X3.34) becomes in terms of the
cI 2 rnacD 2 ~12 rna!cIcD rIt dry tracer concentrations:
fU 5 cD 2 cU · U · fI ~ideal gases! (X3.33)
rt cI
U 5 · fstd
I ~ideal gas and ~Eq X3.35!
or at standard conditions, (Eq X3.33) reduces to: ~c~Dd! 2 ~d!
cU ! ~ 1 2 cw !
cI 2 rnacD 2 ~12 rna!cIcD std
U 5 cD 2 c U · fI ~ideal gases! (X3.34) The dry volumetric air flow is defined as:
NOTE X3.3—Most flow meters assume that the gases measured are f~Ud!std [ ~1 2 cw!fstd
U dry volumetric air flow at standard condtions
ideal gases and correct for non-standard conditions using ideal gas laws. (X3.42)
X3.5.2 In most tracer gas measurements, the dilution con- and therefore:
centrations are several order of magnitudes less than the cI
injection concentration: f~Ud!std 5 · fstd
I ~ideal gas and ~Eq X3.35! (X3.43)
~c~Dd! 2 cdU!
cU , cD ,, cI , 1 (X3.35)
X3.6.3 The significance of (Eq X3.43) is that the dry
In this case, (Eq X3.34) becomes: volumetric air flow can be determined by drying the air
cI samples and measuring the resulting dry tracer concentrations
fstd std
U 5 c 2 c · fI ~ideal gas and ~X3.!! (X3.36) without measuring the water vapor concentration.
X4.1 Accuracy of Tracer Injection Concentration cI TABLE X4.1 Accuracy of Tracer Injection Concentration, cI
Gas Concentration Accuracy
X4.1.1 Gas mixtures can be obtained in various grades of
accuracy and certification. One only should use analyzed gas Pure
Commercial pure 0.2 % wt
mixtures for injection which have a certificate of accuracy, Instrument grade 0.003 % wt
which is traceable to NIST. The level of accuracy that can be >2 % 0.02 % absolute
achieved with current technology is given in Table X4.1. 2 % > 1ppm 1 % of composition
1ppm > 100 ppt 2 % of compositionA
It is possible now to achieve 1 % accuracy in the higher ppb range with special
X4.2 Accuracy of Injection Flow fI instruments, but this is not typical of what is currently being supplied.
X4.2.1 The injection flow meters used in this test method
should have a current calibration certificate traceable to NIST than one year. Typical accuracies, which currently can be
at an interval recommended by the manufacturer but no more achieved, are indicated in Table X4.2.
E 2029 – 99
TABLE X4.2 Accuracy of Injection Flow, fI use analyzed gas mixtures for calibration, which have a
Meter Type
NIST Traceable Typical certificate of accuracy, which is traceable to NIST. The level of
Calibration Manufacturer accuracy, which can be achieved with current technology, is
Sonic nozzles 0.25 % of reading 1 % of reading given in Table X4.3. Noncertified dilution mixtures should not
Electronic mass flow meters 1 % of reading from 20 % 2 % full scale
Full-scale from 0.5 cc/min to to 100 % full scale
100 4 min
TABLE X4.3 Accuracy of Tracer Calibration Gases
Tracer Gas Composition Accuracy
X4.2.2 Injection meters must be calibrated with the mixture > 1 ppm 1 % of composition
of gas injected if cI is greater than 0.1 %. The injection flow 1 ppm > 100 ppt 2 % of compositionA
meters should be calibrated at temperatures and pressures near A
It is possible now to achieve 1 % accuracy down to the ppb range with special
those used in the test. instruments and significantly increased expense, but this is not typical of what is
currently being supplied.
X4.3 Accuracy of Tracer Calibration Gases
X4.3.1 Calibration gas mixtures can be obtained in various
grades of accuracy and should be certified. One only should be used for calibration.
X5.1 Procedure: of a certified zero gas should be made. Then, three readings of
X5.1.1 The potential for interference in the response of the the gas stream should be made without any tracer gas. The
analyzer to other components of the gas stream should be difference in the average of the gas stream reading and the
determined by the following procedure. After the analyzer has average of the zero gas reading should be less than 0.01 times
been field calibrated according to Appendix X2, three readings the high calibration reading obtained in Appendix X2.
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