The Rosicrucian Mass

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage include that it describes a Rosicrucian mass ceremony with roles for an Acolyte and Deacon, includes readings of the Articles of Virtue, and discusses concepts like consciousness, intelligence and intuition.

The purpose of the Acolyte and Deacon is to lead the congregation in parts of the Rosicrucian mass ceremony - the Acolyte does the opening invocation and serves at the altar, while the Deacon leads the congregation in reciting the Articles of Virtue and does the blessing at the end.

The Articles of Virtue are principles that are recited by the Deacon and congregation, with responses. They represent virtues and principles to strive for, like seeking light through strife, courage overcoming fear, doing good for its own sake, and maintaining balance.

The Rosicrucian Mass The Mass includes an Acolyte and a Deacon from the Laity to lead the Congregation

in reading of the Articles of Virtue. The Deacon will usher in and seat the arriving Congregation. He or she will then take his seat beside the Altar and wait for the Acolyte. The Acolyte enters from the side door and stands before the Altar at a Podium on floor level. Acolyte: Greetings of Earth & Heaven on this day, Sol in ______, [Station of the Moon] Luna [waxing/waning] in ______. The Acolyte will recite an opening invocation to the Biune God and bless the congregation.

Adoration of the Biune God

Let us adore together the biune Deity, the Father-Mother God who in unity formulates the Golden Child, the eld of humanity. Nature is a system of nuptials and gives us the language of spirit, leading us on to the Divine Life. The crown of immortality is the power of Godhood in the Kingdom of Love wherein the Heart dwells. And here, do we adore the biune God in its unity and in Love. Love is our essence and our nature; it tinctures the pure expression of Will. In the name of this nameless God, and by the zeal of our spiritual Aspiration, are we able to see the soul unveiled that we might know each other in Truth. In Truth, Love and by way of the essence that is the Pure Will of each of us, do we in peace and harmony adore this Golden Child of the Biune God. *** ***** *** The Deacon will then take to the Podium as the Acolyte assumes his seat beside the Altar...the Deacon then leads the Congretation in the Articles of Virtue:

The Articles of Virtue

DEACON: Oh thou who aspirest to Knowledge of the Heart, know that equilibrium is the basis of the work. CONGREGATION: We must always endeavor to seek Light through the strife of contending forces. DEACON: Rejoice therefore that through thy trials though shalt triumph.

CONGREGATION: The Master has said: "Blessed Art Thou!" DEACON: Yet oh Aspirants, let thy victories bring thee not to vanity. CONGREGATION: With the increase of Gnosis should come the increase of Wisdom. DEACON: Be sure that thy Soul is steadfast. CONGREGATION: Fear is failure and the forerunner of failure: and couraage is the beginning of virtue. DEACON: Therefore, fear not the Spirits, but be firm and courteous with tem. CONGREGATION: We are what we make of ourselves, our actions affect each ourselves and also the entire Universe. DEACON: Woship and neglect not, the physical body which is thy temporary connection the outer and material world. CONGREGATION: Knowledge of the Heart starts by strengthening and controlling the animal passion and by disciplining both the emotions and the reason. DEACON: Strive ever to nourish the Higher Aspirations. CONGREGATION: Verily in Heart do we good unto others for its own sake, not for any gratuity. DEACON: Remember that unbalanced force is evil. CONGREGATION: We must ever act passionately, think rationally and each must be thyself. DEACON: Truly also, have the greatest self-respect and accumulate virtue in all that you do. Virtue is the prelude to holiness. CONGREGATION: The Material act is but the outward expression of thoughts, we strive ever to the control of thought and the fixity of intent. DECON: Establish thyself firmly in the equilibrium of forces, in the center of the Cross of the Elements, that Cross from whose cneter the Ceative Word issued in the birht of the dawning Universe. CONGREGATION: Therefore must we be prompt and active as the Slyphs, avoing frivolity and caprice; we must be energetc and strong like the Salmanaders, avoiding irritablility and ferocity; also, we must be be flexible and attentive to images like the Unidines, avoiding idleness and changeability; and finally, we should be laborious and patient like theGnosmes, avoiding grossness and avarice. DEACON: In true relgion htere is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the anme by which another knoweth his God; for if thou do this thing in Jupiter thou wilt blashpeme Jehovah, and in Osiris, Yeheshua. Ask and ye shall have! Seek, and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened unto you! *** ***** *** The Acolyte then takes to the Podium and reads a chosen passage from a chosen sacred text, and gives commentary on the text to serve as a sermon.

The Deacon then takes a collection for donations; sacrifices to be placed on the altar in reverence for the space. Wine is prepared by the Actolyte and the Cakes of Light are set out on the Altar along with the lighting of a candle and incense. The Deacon brings the collection to the Altar and places it in a convenient place or hands it to the Acolyte and returns to his seat. The Acolyte then performs the Eucharist of the 5 Elements facing the Altar. Of course, he consumes the wine and eats a cake along with the smelling of the incense and the waving of his hand over the flame, the sounding of a bell (for Spirit) concludes the rite.

Eucharist of the 5 Elements

On the Altar: East: A Rose West: Cup of Wine North: Cakes of Light South: Incense Center: Bells Acolyte: Stands with arms outward, palms upwards giving the sign of Benediction. The Deacon holds the missal for the Acolyte to read as he recites: For Osiris On-Nophris, who is found perfect before the Gods, hath said: These are the elements of my Body Perfected through Suffering, Glorified through trail. For the scent of the dying Rose is as the repressed Sigh of my suffering; And the flame-red Fire as the Energy of mine undaunted Will; And the Cup of Wind is the pouring out of the Blood of my Heart; Sacrficed unto Regeneration, unto the Newer Life; The Bread is the foundation of my Body, which I destroy in order that it may be renewed. For I am Osiris Triumphant, even Osiris On-Nophris, the Justified. I am He who is clothed with the Body of Flesh, Yet in whom is the spirit of the Great Gods. I am the Lord of Life, triumphant over death. He who partaketh with me shall arise with me. I am the manifestor in matter of those whose abode is in the invisible. I am purified; I stand upon the Universe. I am its Reconciler with the Eternal Gods; I am the perfector of Matter; And without me the Universe is Not. I am come in the Power of the Light. I am come in the Mercy of the Light I am come in the Light of Wisdom. The Light hath healing in its Wings. Blessed by Thou, Lord of the universe, for Thy Glory flows out to the ends of the Universe, rejoicing. Through 30 Aethyrs I summon the forces of the Universe in myself. I inhale the perfume of the Rose for the air is the sweetness of Life. I feel the warmth of this sacred lamp, the fire of my very own Spirit. I taste this Cake of Light, to nourish the foundation of my renewed Body. I drink this wine that the body be infused with Spirit. The ringing of the Bell enchants my soul unto to the City of the Pyramids. *** ***** ***

At the conclusion of this, every member of the congregation is invited to approach the altar and do the same in turn. Wine is put in the Chalice with the Chalice wiped between each sip with a Sacred Altar Cloth...and a Cake of Light is distributed to each Congregant. The Acolyte returns to the Podium to conclude the mass by blessing the crowd; first by giving the Doctrine of the 4 Yods:

Doctrine of the 4 Yods

Behold the Doctrine of the 4 Yods: Integrity The integral man and woman seeks always to do that which is benevolent, yearning to do that which is right. Without prospect of profit, he or she dedicates him or herself to what is good, and without pressure from others; he or she redresses his or her errors. Good deeds are accumulated, as it is known that they will be sufficient to create character in us; if bad deeds are not accumulated, they will not be sufficient to disrupt our lives. The petty man or woman thinks that small good deeds are unimportant and does not do them; he or she thinks that small bad deeds are unimportant and does not abstain from them. Thus his or her evil accumulates until it can no longer be disguised, and his or her unconscious guilt grows until it can no longer be suppressed. The noble man or woman strives to harvest virtue in all its forms. Intent Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man or woman succeed when his or her thoughts say that he or she is defeated. It operates in spite of the ones selfindulgence and generates invulnerability and impeccability. He or she then walks the path with heart, and waits for an opening to freedom. Sufficient personal power leads to the mastery of intent. Our reality is completely and entirely based upon our intent. It is a sign of considerable advance when a man begins to be moved by the will, by his own energy self-determined, instead of being moved by desire, i.e. by a response to an external attraction or repulsion. Intent creates your reality-what are you intending for yourself. You can recognize it by listening to your real wishes; the ones with emotional buttons on them. The wishes that make you cry or scare you enough to make you cringe, or bring a huge smile across your face just thinking about them. They are buried deep inside and they are the force that moves you in this life. Intelligence All matter is alive and in its own way is intelligent. Matter is made manifest by its rate of vibration. The frequency of vibration in matter and its density provide for us a key to the level of consciousness indwelling any being or object. Its rate of vibration shows us the degree of its intelligence. Nothing dead or inanimate in nature; everything exists on some degree of animation. Everything is alive and in its own way is an expression of Universal Mind. Only this all-pervading consciousness and intelligence is expressed in a different way in all the diverse beings made manifest. The degree of consciousness in any one thing corresponds to the degree of its density or the speed of its vibrations. The more dense the matter the less conscious it is and the less intelligent. In our bodies we must strive to raise the rate of vibration of our flesh, as we know that flesh contributes to the quality of thought in our brain. Also, the greater the rate vibration of any particular being, the more conscious and the more intelligent the matter. Hence, intelligence is related to adaptation. The more intelligent an individual, the better able he or she is able to adapt to the circumstances of life. He or she then learns to accept the world as it is and is not confounded by finding it not to be what he or she might want it to be. Intuition Every one of us possesses the faculty, the interior sense, that is known by the name of intuition, but how rare are those who know how to develop it! It is, however, only by the aid of this faculty

that men can ever see things in their true colours. It is an instinct of the soul, which grows in us in proportion to the employment we give it, and which helps us to perceive and understand the realities of things with far more certainty than can the simple use of our senses and exercise of our reason. What are called good sense and logic enable us to see only the appearances of things, that which is evident to every one. The instinct of which I speak, being a projection of our perceptive consciousness, a projection which acts from the subjective to the objective, and not vice versa, awakens in us spiritual senses and power to act; these senses assimilate to themselves the essence of the object or of the action under examination, and represent it to us as it really is, not as it appears to our physical senses and to our cold reason. "We begin with instinct, we end with omniscience." -- Blavatsky *** ***** ***

Blessing of the Congregation

And then by extending his right hand and making three crosses over the Congregation and saying: + The Lord Bless You + The Lord enlighten your minds and comfort your heats and sustain your bodies. + The Lord bring you to the accomplishment of Pure Will, the Great Work, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. *** ***** *** The Acolyte then leaves the altar and makes his or her way to the front door to greet the Congregation as it leaves (a donation luncheon may also be held after the mass).

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