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Module 15

Stress Concentrations

Dr. Awais Ahmed

Stress concentration
● For axially loaded bars the stress is assumed to be uniformly distributed
over a cross-section.
● Nonuniform/complex stress distribution occurs due to notches, holes,
grooves, point of application of concentrated loads or other abrupt
geometrical changes

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Stress concentrations

Dr. Awais Ahmed 3

Stress concentrations

Dr. Awais Ahmed 4

Stress concentrations
● Stresses are higher in these regions. These are regions are called as
regions of stress concentrations.

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Stress concentration factors

● In engineering practice, the actual stress distribution need not to be
determined —> Instead only maximum stress at theses sections must be
● This is done using stress concentration factor K

Stress concentration factors have been determined experimentally

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Stress concentration factors

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Design considerations

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Consequences of stress concentrations
● If the material is very brittle
○ Proportional limit may be near the fracture stress
○ crack begins at the point of stress concentration ( )
○ Consequently, high stress concentrations near crack tip
○ Crack quickly propagate causing a sudden failure
Crack near a hole

● If material is brittle or subjected

to fatigue loading then stress
concentrations are important
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Consequences of stress concentrations

● If the material is ductile
○ Stress that exceeds crack will not result in a crack
○ Material will have reserve strength due to yielding and strain hardening
○ Often not necessary to use stress concentration factors

yielding near a hole

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Impact Loading

Dr. Awais Ahmed 11

Impact Loading
● Up to now, all loading applied to a body in a gradual manner

● When one object strikes another, it produces large forces during a short
period of time

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Impact Loading
Conservation of energy requires that
work done by block’s weight falling from
height ( ) is equal to

Work needed to displace the spring by

an amount

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Impact Loading

Solving the quadratic equation

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Impact Loading
If the spring is loaded statically with weight W


n is called the impact factor
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Impact Loading
● Impact factor represents the magnification of a statically applied load
so that it can be treated dynamically

● It is also defined as the ratio of the dynamic force to the static force

● Once impact factor is known, then maximum deflection and stress

can be calculated as

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