WSN in Agriculture Using ML

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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

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Wireless sensor networks in agriculture through machine learning: A survey

Md Mohinur Rahaman, Md Azharuddin *
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Aliah University, Kolkata 700156, India


Keywords: This survey paper describes the concept of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Machine Learning (ML) and their
Wireless sensor networks applications on various fields of smart agriculture. Here we first define different types of WSNs which have direct
Agriculture impact on smart agriculture. The ML techniques are applied on data sets which are collected by sensor nodes
Machine learning
deployed on the agricultural field. We also discuss the challenges or problems of the sensors networks and the ML
Deep learning
techniques. We particularly focus on ML techniques and their uses to overcome the WSN’s challenges for agri­
culture. ML techniques are suitable for particular type (i.e. labelled/structured) of data sets to differentiate the
given objects. Furthermore, we also consider the concept of Deep Learning technique for the general type of data
sets that may be in vast amount. Finally, we discuss on various agricultural problems and previously used
different techniques applied for smart or precision agriculture. Our main target is that the agricultural system to
be smarter by using combination of different techniques, such as sensor networks, ML and deep learning. Finally
this survey paper also gives the idea to use IoT and deep learning in agricultural WSNs for next level.

1. Introduction such as, power problems, node fault, localization, object targeting etc.
and to overcome these problems, some techniques are also required.
Technology is more important in smart farming and for precision of After the fulfilment of all requirements for the designing WSN system on
agriculture in this era. The world’s population are steadily expanding, the agricultural field, a massive volume of data which are related to the
therefore much food is necessary for such a huge population. The food field of study, are gathered for further process. This process includes the
must be available at all the times and of high nutritional quality around information of farmers to produce the good health crop in smart/pre­
the globe, while natural ecosystem have to be protected through the use cision agriculture. Because of the very dynamic nature of WSNs, it may
of sustainable agricultural methods. To meets this difficulties, agricul­ be necessary to depreciate non-essential network redesigns; yet, tradi­
tural ecosystem that are complex, multivariate and unpredictable must tional WSN approaches are written in a specific way, and as a result, the
be better comprehend by continuously monitoring, measuring and network does not function well in a dynamic atmosphere.
analysing of variety of physical features and occurrences. This is easier Machine Learning, on the other hand, is a technique by which a
for analysing the big agricultural data using the Information and computer learns or improves without being expressly programmed as a
Communication Technology (ICT). ICT is utilised for both short-term result of a study or practical experience (Kumar et al., 2019). Our
and long-term crop/farm management, as well as large-scale ecolog­ computing process is becoming more productive, dependable, and cost-
ical monitoring. Context scenario and location awareness also improves effective regards to ML. This ML algorithms act on the massive amounts
existing management and decision/policy-making activities. of data generated by sensor nodes of WSN, analysing this complicated
In this regard, One of the most capable technologies is WSN and on data automatically, swiftly, and more accurately. The three primary
the other hand, Machine Learning (ML). The WSN is built up of larger types of ML are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and rein­
number of sensor nodes that are installed on proposed field and collect forcement learning. The power of ML comes in its capacity to give a
data before transmitting it the base station for post-processing. How­ generalised solution via an architecture that can learn to enhance its
ever, for the large number of sensor nodes required scalable and efficient activities. ML is important in a variety of sectors, including agriculture,
algorithms. It is important issues that the WSN evolves dynamically in medicine, engineering, and computers, because of its unifying nature.
response to external factors or the system designer’s objectives (Kumar Recent advances in ML have been used to overcome a variety of prob­
et al., 2019). There are many problems for designing the WSN systems lems in agricultural WSN (Alsheikh et al., 2014). By using ML techniques

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Azharuddin).
Received 20 December 2021; Received in revised form 29 March 2022; Accepted 31 March 2022
Available online 12 April 2022
0168-1699/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

in agricultural WSN, the human activities or reprogram be limited rather 1.1. Organigation of the paper
than the performance improvement. Besides the aforementioned tech­
niques, another techniques i.e. Deep Learning (DL) is also gives the We organise this survey paper as follows. Section 2 states the defi­
momentum of agricultural WSN. Where ML techniques are used in nition and concept of WSN and also usefulness and relation with agri­
structural data, but DL is used in both structural and non-structural data. culture. In section 3, described different challenges in WSN and solution
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a type of DL that belongs to the ML of these challenges. ML in WSNs based on agriculture and their advan­
computational discipline (Kamilaris and Prenafeta-Boldú, 2018). This tages and challenges in agriculture are discussed in section 4. Different
enables for greater learning capacities and, as a result, greater precise in techniques of ML for WSN challenges are briefly described in section 5.
performance. Section 6 presents different types of ML techniques in tabular form. ML
This study focuses on smart agriculture, with the goal of increasing in smart agriculture and their limitations in agriculture through WSNs
efficiency of different technologies like WSNs, ML and deep learning for are discussed in section 7&8. Another advanced data science technology
healthy production of different types of crops. In this survey paper, all i.e., deep learning in smart agriculture with their advantages and dis­
concepts are summarised in appropriate manner based on smart agri­ advantages are summarized in section 9. The most important part of this
culture. Different problems arisen in WSNs for applying in agricultural survey paper is open research issues which we discuss in section 10.
field and their solution through ML techniques are described in this Finally, in section 11, conclusions are formed. The organisation of this
study. Also we discuss the challenges of ML in WSN on agricultural field. study is portrayed in Fig. 1 for clarity.
Then we briefly provide the concept of deep learning and their classi­
fication techniques used in agricultural field with their accuracy. So, a 2. Definition and concept of WSN
researcher can achieve overall idea of the above mentioned techniques
in smart agriculture by reading this survey paper. A WSN is a of dimensionally scattered and dedicated sensors (i.e.,
sensors that convert physical quantities to observable quantities) for
monitoring and reducing environmental variables and organising the
acquired data at a central location (Akyildiz et al., 2002; Mat et al.,

Sec 2.1: Types of WSN’s used in Agriculture

Sec 2: Definition and Concept of Sec 2.2: Usefulness of WSNs in Agriculture

Sec 2.3: Relation between WSN and

Sec 3: Problem or Challenges in Sec 3.1: The category of problems

Sec 3.2: Solution for different problems

Sec 4.1: Advantages of ML in WSN

Sec 4: Machine Learning (ML) in
Agricultural WSNs
Sec 4.2: Usefulness of ML in WSN’s
Sec 5: ML techniques used in WSN’s

Sec 6: Comparison of ML

Sec 7: ML in smart agriculture

Sec 8: Limitation/challenges of ML
in agricultural WSNs

Sec 9.1: DL in agricultural field

Sec 9: Deep Learning (DL) in
smart agriculture through WSN Sec 9.2: Advantages and disadvantages of DL
in agriculture
Sec 10: Open Research Issues

Sec 11: Conclusion

Fig. 1. Organisation of this survey.

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

2015; Balamurali and Kathiravan, 2015; Nitesh et al., 2017; Nath et al., fewer sensors. The sensors and wire could be protected to farming ac­
2019; Nitesh et al., 2018). Temperature, sounds, pollution levels, hu­ tivities in this arrangements.
midity, wind, and others environmental factors are monitored by WSNs.
The purpose of a WSN is to gather data from the field of interest and
deliver it to the internet via a sink node. This sink node is more 2.2. Usefulness of WSNs in agriculture
important in the sense of useful information communication between
the remote field and internet. After that the manager node analyse, Precision Agriculture(PA), is a set of technologies that enables
process, mining and storage of data which are available in the internet. farmers transformation from traditional agriculture to computerised
This system is shown by the following Fig. 2. information-based world where they can access and control factors
connected to their farms manually on a schedule, or automatically (Mat
et al., 2015; Balamurali and Kathiravan, 2015; Goel et al., 2018; Roy
2.1. Types of WSN’s used in agriculture et al., 2013; Sahitya et al., 2016).
In other words, “Precision farming or PA” is a term refers to a
The WSN is commonly utilised to develop decision-making aids that collection of new technologies that are used to manage large-scale
address a variety of real-world issues. Agricultural environment moni­ commercial agriculture (Balamurali and Kathiravan, 2015; Mangla
toring is one of the most fascinating topics with a growing demand for et al., 2018). PA also refers to the use of technology to recommend
decision support systems. It has grown in importance as a central and fertilisers, farming practises and crops to farmers (Xie et al., 2020). WSN
protection tool, allowing for real-time system and control connection is particularly used for PA in glasshouse environment management (Mat
with the physical world. A WSN system can collect information from a et al., 2015). WSN is also used in PA to monitor sugarcane crops by
variety of sources and analyse huge amount of data from the beginning measuring three parameters: temperature, soil PH, and soil conductivity
of monitoring and control of climatic conditions, air quality etc. Using utilising IEEE ZigBee wireless communication (Balamurali and Kathir­
WSN sensors and CCTV cameras, the smart and intelligent WSN collects avan, 2015; Goel et al., 2018; Roy et al., 2013; de Oliveira et al., 2017;
and monitoring information about the outside conditions for agricul­ Banđur et al., 2019). The temperature, soil moisture, and humidity are
tural growth and within glasshouses (i.e., a glass structure in which monitoring on an ongoing basis by the system, and if they exceed the
plants that require protection from the elements are grown). On the required limit, a message is delivered to the farmer through GSM
basis of this concept, WSNs have two variants, a). Terrestrial Wireless network to take appropriate action. This is shown pictorially in Fig. 3.
Sensor Networks (TWSN) and b). Wireless Underground Sensor Net­ Agriculture is a significant sector in many countries. Basically India
works (WUSN), utilised exclusively in agricultural applications. is one of the development country in which 15% GDP comes from
a) Terrestrial Wireless Sensor Networks (TWSN): agriculture, therefore it is the vital source of Indian economy (Mann,
WSNs are networks of wirelessly connected, battery-powered sensors 2018; Goel et al., 2018). According to World Bank figures, agriculture
that are usually set up for a specific application (Ojha et al., 2015). The employs more than a quarter of all people worldwide (World Bank,
nodes of TWSNs are placed above the ground level. These powerful 2011). In terms of employment side, agriculture is an important part in
sensor nodes gathering data from its surroundings with pinpoint accu­ many developing countries like India where more than 50% people are
racy. These nodes then create a network to accomplish the application engaged in agriculture directly or indirectly (Mann, 2018; Padalalu
needs based on the detected data. All of these sensor nodes work et al., 2017). However, in India, the notion of PA is not fully adopted,
together for detection of moisture level of the soil, as well as the time and farmers continue to utilise conventional crop-growing methods that
and length of irrigation scheduling on that particular area. So these do not produce high yields and are prone to failure, while ignoring the
sensors are known as moisture sensors which is embedded in Wireless better alternative of technology-based agriculture (Xie et al., 2020).
Moisture Sensor Network (WMSN) (Mat et al., 2015), best use for pre­ Being an important sector, the agriculture system should be smart and
cision agriculture (PA). reliable, so that it can stand with own features in this era. Thus, agri­
b) Wireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSN): cultural research area has to be explored with technologies such as
Wireless Underground Sensor Network (WUSNs) is a subset of WSNs WSNs and ML etc. to get maximum output using minimum resources
that operate in underground. In this case sensors nodes are placed inside (Mat et al., 2015). For example, a timely delivery of nutritional and
soil. Here, higher frequencies are severely attenuated, whereas lower water content in agriculture fields is one of the most critical factors for
frequencies can penetrate the soil (Ojha et al., 2015). Another thing is growing healthy and productive crops (Garg et al., 2019). The ability of
that the network communication radius is limited, so it requires a larger the solutions integrated with sensors and devices to monitor in real time
numbers of nodes for covering a big area. However, the sensor nodes has made this possible. The sensors are placed in crops fields, where they
connected by wire can improve the network’s reachability by mandating repeatedly monitor the weather and the soil status and transfer these

Sensing Node



Manager Node Sensor Field Sensor Nodes

Fig. 2. Wireless Sensor Network architecture.

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928


Remote user

Database & server Gateway node

Farmer SMS alert

On ground Agricultural field with deployment

WSN node

WSN node
Fig. 3. A typical WSN deployed for Agricultural applications.

data to intelligent software that is either cloud-based or locally installed. adulterants, lowering the effect on the environment and enhancing
These programmes are responsible for making appropriate decision and productivity (Shahzadi et al., 2016). “Meteorological sensors, photo­
controlling devices such as sprinklers in order to maintain field condi­ metric sensors, water sensors, dendrometers, biological sensors, weed
tions in an automated manner. The following Table 1 shows the tech­ seekers, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), optical cameras, photo­
nologies are used in agriculture in different country. synthesis sensors, soil respiration or moisture sensors, hygrometers, Leaf
Now in farmer’s hand have good and healthy crops and maximum Area Index (LAI) sensors”, and other sensors can be used to collect this
production by using WSNs and ML techniques. This will be value less for type of data (Shahzadi et al., 2016). Another key subject that can be
them if they not sold their production in proper way and not get proper handled using sensors is machination tracing and monitoring. The eco­
cost. For this purpose another important activity in the agricultural nomic transport activity commodities to customers is referred to as lo­
realm is the market sale of the grown items. This is depended on the food gistics, and it is an important part of the food supply chain. There are
supply chain which is made up with different types of companies. These three types of machination sketch ability i.e., linear, centralised, and
companies act as a mediators between the grower and the end-user distributed (Kassahun et al., 2014; Beulens et al., 2005).
(Sinha et al., 2019). These mediators contribute for approximately From the above discussion, we understand the importance of sensory
75% of overall supply chain net profit margins. A typical food supply data and this is only possible because of WSNs technologies. Now we
chain scenario is depicted in Fig. 4. The entire procedure can be broken discuss some usefulness of salient features of WSNs.
down into several transactions. Seeds and fertilisers essential for agri­
culture production are delivered to farmers by providers. Farmer’s 1) The ability to make sound decisions: The nature of WSNs is that they
agricultural products must be sold in the open marketplace. They can have several hops (Ojha et al., 2015). In a vast area, this function
sell their goods directly to a local merchant or sell it to a market improves the total network’s energy efficiency, extending the net­
designated as a distribution centres. Local traders operate as brokers, work’s lifetime. Several sensor nodes collaborate to accomplish a
bringing together fresh foods from various producers. They manage the common purpose and make the ultimate conclusion using this
essential autos for transportation and sale the combined foods at dis­ capability.
tribution centres. Food products are obtained from the distribution 2) Topology arrangement that is dynamic: A sensor node spends the
centres by retailers, who then sell them to end users. majority of its time in ‘sleep mode’ to preserve battery power. These
In this regard WSNs and ML technology makes easier to farmer for decisions can be made collectively by the sensor nodes using topol­
knowing suitable raw materials suppliers, local traders, retailer and ogy management approaches. The network architecture is config­
customer. WSN (connected to IoT) are the best enabling technology for ured to keep the smallest number of nodes in active mode in order to
tackling different difficulties prevalent in present agricultural practises extend the life of the network.
due to the dynamic character of the agricultural industry (Hsu et al., 3) Fault-tolerance: Sensor nodes have a high failure rate, which is a
2018; Khanna and Kaur, 2019; Jat et al., 2019; Muangprathub et al., typical issue when implementing WSNs (Ojha et al., 2015). In such
2019; Vuran et al., 2018). Sensors combined with intelligent algorithms cases, unplanned node deployment may result in network segmen­
provide the farmers smart advice for maintaining crops field status in tation, affecting the network’s overall performance.
order to produce high-quality crops (Gubbi et al., 2013; Rajput et al., 4) Context-awareness: The sensor nodes learn about the surrounding
2019; Shahzadi et al., 2016). context depend on the perceived physical and environmental fea­
On the above purposes farmers need sensory data i.e. the data ob­ tures information. The sensor nodes’ subsequent judgments are
tained from the sensors node which are deployed on the agricultural context-aware (Ojha et al., 2015).
field. Field and weather conditions is important part of good quality of 5) Scalability: WSN protocols are intended to work in any network
crops. Sensory data provide such type of information to the farmers and environment, regardless of its size or number of nodes. This capa­
they cultivate without any hesitation. On the other hand, understanding bility unquestionably expands the utility of WSNs for a variety of
soil nutrients, moisture content, weed density, and other elements that applications.
influence crop production can aid in decreasing the usage of different 6) Node heterogeneity: WSNs are considered to be made up of identical
types of chemical products like fungicide, insecticides, and other sensor-enabled gadgets (Ojha et al., 2015). However, the apparatus

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Country wise technologies used in Agriculture. Country Technologies used in agriculture Reference
Country Technologies used in agriculture Reference
• Colour grading for lentil
India • PA package i.e., “SPAD, LCC, (Mondal et al., 2009; Dugad harvests was done using
DSS, GIS, VRT, GPS,” etc. are and Sudhakar, 2006; Mat machine vision and various
started to use in plots for et al., 2015; Balamurali and approaches, including K-NN.
combined, crops on plantations, Kathiravan, 2015; Ghosh and For grading crops, online neural
crops with profit. Samanta, 2003; Banerjee classifiers were applied, which
• Integrated PA techniques i.e., et al., 2017; Punn and Bhalla, had a 90% accuracy rate.
On-line sensor, image process­ 2013; Shantaiya and Ansari, United States • GPS direction with automatic (Velandia et al., 2016; Miller
ing, remote sensing (RS), yield 2010; Mustafa et al., 2009) control (83%), GPS action on et al., 2017)
monitoring system, VRT, GPS, sprayer section control (74%)
etc are started to use in orga­ and GPS direction for manual
nized farming sector. control (63%) were three well
• In India, there are 17 Precision known technologies; 82% of the
Farming Development Centres service provider suggest PA
(PFDCs) spread around the services.
country. All these PFDCs mainly • Around 25% of groundnut farms
concentrate on precision employed GPS soil monitoring
irrigation water management. and more than 40% used
• Object-oriented expert system automatic function; variable
(TEAPEST) is applied in tea rate fertilization was used on
fields and get 90% satisfactory more farms in groundnut
result. production than in many other
• Radial basis function networks crops, with over 20% of farms
(Modified TEAPEST), the using it.
system applied in tea fields and • In a 2005 survey, 23% of cotton
get 99.99% satisfactory result. growers employed GPS
But there was testing error is direction; in a 2013 survey, 31%
1%. used automatic control and 59%
• Image processing is used in used auto directing systems.
wheat fields. There are two • Until the early 2000s, the use of
machine algorithms methods i. various PA techniques differed
e., SVM and neural networks are by up to 22% across key field
used for categorisation. The crops. In the last ten years,
SVM accuracy is 86.8%, while tractor direction has grown
neural networks accuracy is rapidly than use of all key
94.5%. agricultural crops at a variable
• Neural networks with back- rate.
propagation are deployed in South Africa • There are now more than 600 (Mondal et al., 2009; Helm,
rice field for categorisation. yield monitors, for lime 2005)
Morphological and colour char­ applications use of variable rate
acteristics were considered is 224, 200 manual direction
throughout the algorithm’s cre­ systems, and 60 auto direction
ation. Images were used to col­ systems.
lects nine morphological and six • PA is expected to be used for
colours features. The classifica­ both agricultural plantations
tion dataset’s accuracy ranged and large farms in section of the
between 74% and 9%. topics.
China • The most widely used (Verma, 2015) Malaysia • Rubber plantations receive site- (Mondal et al., 2009; Ghosh
technology is tractor auto specific fertiliser, whereas rice and Samanta, 2003; Rahman
guidance, which is used to fields do not. and Bala, 2010)
manage around 25% of • The use of PA technology to oil
farmland. palm has begun.
Japan • In 2014, ground vehicles (Liao, 2017) • Fuzzy logic, which is
sprayed around 22% of rice implemented in MATLAB and is
fields, and large-scale UAV used to grade and classify
plant protection reached 36%. various fruits. SVM was used to
Turkey • Yield monitors are installed on (Akdemır, 2016; Say et al., differentiate the various fruits,
approximately 310 combine 2018; Erickson and Widmar, fuzzy logic was utilised to level
harvesters. The farmers 2015) them.
purchased approximately 110 Indonesia • GIS (Geographic Information (Mondal et al., 2009)
automatic steering assistance System) technology is being
systems. There are fewer than utilised to re-evaluate what kind
20 variable rate appliers. of agricultural land should be
• Auto guiding systems based on utilised.
GNSS in the province of Adana. Europe • PA technologies and smart or (Mondal et al., 2009;
Canada • 98% of farmers polled said they (Steele, 2017; Ghosh and ISO-Bus facilitate equipment are Armağan, 2016; Fountas
used GPS direction, 84% said Samanta, 2003) used in fertilising and spraying et al., 2005; Reichardt et al.,
they used at least one PA machine. 2009)
system, 84% said they had a in • PA was used mostly for data
addition to yield tracking gathering approach such as
capacity, 73% said they used GPS-based area evaluation and
auto section management, and soil sample by between 6.6%
75% stated that PA system and 11.0% questioned farmers.
applied in agriculture in the • Nitrogen fertiliser application
future. sensors are employed in around
of 20% wheat fields.
(continued on next page)

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Table 1 (continued ) yield, which farmer is best for specific conditions, detect infections, and
Country Technologies used in agriculture Reference manage machinery, among other things (Capello et al., 2016; Jha et al.,
2019). These system have been elaborated our idea about two things i.e.
• Around 60% of UK farmers now
utilised PA on their fields, albeit
WSNs and agriculture. These are discussed as follows:
this usually only means utilising
GPS tractor steering. • Irrigation control system: In order to maximise water utilisation in
Bangladesh • Artificial neural networks, the (Ghosh and Samanta, 2003; farming, modern agriculture requires a better irrigation management
model was used in jute fields Hernandez-Perez et al., 2004)
system (Ojha et al., 2015; Issad et al., 2019). In water-limited areas,
and accurately predict the
growth of jute crops. irrigated agriculture is more suitable than rain fed agriculture
France and • Artificial neural networks, the (Ghosh and Samanta, 2003; (Sengupta et al., 2021). Mismanagement of water resources can lead
Mexico model was used for dryness of Suganya et al., 2019) to more reliance on groundwater even in the rain abundant areas and
the fruits mango and cassava. also due to uneven distribution of rainfall. Particularly, India is
mainly dependent on the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR),
are diverse in terms of processor and computation power, memory, and weaker summer monsoon can cause droughts. During such dry
sensing capability, transceiver unit, and mobility. periods, water abstracted from groundwater results in a reduction in
7) Tolerance for communication breakdowns in challenging environ­ groundwater levels and thereby can worsen the drought conditions
ments: Due to their vast area of uses in open agricultural contexts, (Sengupta et al., 2021). The alarming reduction of ground water
WSNs are exposed to extreme environmental conditions. The WSN level is another motivation for the requirement of an advanced sys­
protocol stack provides solutions for dealing with network commu­ tem. In this context, micro-irrigation techniques are cost-effective
nication failures caused by external factors. and water-usage efficient. However, micro-irrigation efficiency can
8) Autonomous operating mode: The autonomous operation mode be further improved based on the environmental and soil informa­
(Ojha et al., 2015) and adaptability of WSNs are essential features. tion. In this regard, WSNs and WMSNs are applied as the coordi­
This feature is particularly useful in agricultural applications because nating technology (Lichtenberg et al., 2015; Lorite et al., 2013;
it allows for both simple and advanced operation. Gutierrez et al., 2014; Mat et al., 2015; Sahitya et al., 2016). This
9) Information security: WSNs transmit unprocessed data concerning Moisture sensor measures the value of soil moisture and then con­
on-field conditions’ include access control methods (Ojha et al., verts this value from 0–5 V to 0–1023 (this indicates that whether the
2015) and anomaly detection to prevent accessing sensing data from soil is dry or moisture (Ngajieh et al, 2015), e.g., for 700 the soil is
users who are not logged in. dry). Then the moisture sensor sends out the converted value to the
Arduino (is a simple convenient and flexible software and hardware
open source electronics prototyping platform) (Ngajieh et al, 2015;
2.3. Relation between WSNs and agriculture Wang, 2017; Muangprathub et al., 2019). After getting the value of
moisture sensor Arduino checks these values according to the code
In above section, we have discussed about how can be used WSNs in and takes decision to give water or not. In this section water pre­
agricultural field and also discussed about usefulness of WSNs in agri­ diction algorithm is described in order get accurate result. Soil
culture. That means we get some advantages of using WSNs in agricul­ miniaturization is the important part of this management. Soil
ture in different ways. Our main aim is that the computer based Moisture sensor is deploy at the distance downward of 1 cm to 3 cm
optimization in agriculture. In order to optimise agriculture, farmers (Roy et al., 2013). Following is the equation used to calculate the soil
have enhanced their effectiveness and efficiency by establishing a WSN moisture of different soils (Foughali et al., 2018).
in the field. (Capello et al., 2016; Ndzi et al., 2014). Then for the farmers
some system which are more reliable to implement and easy to detect in Cap. = ∊r DA… (1).where Cap. is the capacitance, ∊r is the dielectric
agriculture and farming by using WSNs technology have included. WSN Constant of the material within the plates, A is the area of overlap of
can be used to track and manage elements that affect agricultural output plates and D is the distance between the plates.
and growth. They may also be used to figure out when the best time is to

Raw materials Farmer Local Traders Distribution Centre


Local Traders Distribution Centre

Customer Retailor
Different colours arrow
shows different distribution
stages in supply chain. Customer Retailor

Fig. 4. Food supply chain scenario.

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

• Surveillance of farming systems: Farming now employs a variety of Oliveira et al., 2017), it is very crucial to properly utilise the power for
enhanced systems and devices. In this aspect, a better system for many applications such as the “nodes’ lifespan” is determined by their
managing these devices simplifies the overall operation and allows battery power (Saad et al., 2018). The failure of a few nodes might result
farming to become more automated (Ojha et al., 2015). Furthermore, in large topological changes, necessitating packet rerouting and network
such remote monitoring devices aid in the betterment of agricultural reorganization. As a result, power saving and control become even more
land management. Additionally, the system’s performance can be important and researchers are concentrating on developing power-
improved by including new data, such as satellite photos and aware protocols and algorithms for WSNs. In a sensor field, a sensor
weather forecasts. node’s primary function is to detect events, fast data processing, and
• Control of pests and diseases: Pesticides and fertilisers are used in a then communicate the data. Therefore, usage of energy may be split into
controlled manner to improve crop quality while lowering farming three categories: sensing, communication, and data processing (Akyildiz
costs. However, in order to keep pesticide consumption under con­ et al., 2002). The detecting strength varies depending on the applica­
trol, we must keep track of the likelihood and presence of pests in tions. Irregular sensing may use less energy than continuous event
crops. We will also need weather data like temperature, humidity, observing. It’s also true that listening to the channel consumes more
and wind speed to estimate this. Over a field of interest, a WSN can energy than sending (Chand and Kakria, 2015; Pathak et al., 2019). In
monitor and anticipate these events autonomously (Bhargava et al., calculating energy expenditure, the complexity of event observation is
2014). Naive Bayes Kernel Algorithm is used to forecast these events, also important. Increased environment noise levels may create impor­
over the field with different types of input data by the probability tant manipulation and complicate observation. When the sensor node is
density function in paper (Pérez et al., 2009). in the detecting state, the following relationship exists between wireless
• Fertilizers used in a controlled manner: The usage of fertilisers has communication energy usage and communication distance: (Chen et al.,
an immediate effect on plant development and crop quality. The 2012).
usage of fertilisers in agriculture can be managed by keeping track of
the variations in soil nutrition’s such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous E = kdn (2)
(P), Potassium (K), and pH. As a result, soil nutrient equilibrium can where ‘d’ represents the distance between the transmitting and receiving
be attained, and crop production quality can be preserved. The nodes, and ‘n’ represents the signal reduction factor, which is generally
ability of mobile nodes to boost agricultural yield in a intelligent in the range of 2 to 4. Node ’a’ sends ’k’ bytes of data to node ’b’, which
system using “Precision Sprays” (Goncalves et al., 2015). is at ’d’ distant.
• Observation of cattle activity: Using WSN or Radio Frequency
Identifier (RFID) technology, a group of cattle ranging in a pasture 3.1.2. Node fault
may be watched (Voulodimos et al., 2010). As a result, any cattle can Node faults are a regular occurrence in WSN methods (Akyildiz et al.,
be monitored in real time. This device can also be used to track 2002; Xiong et al., 2015). In general, sensor nodes encounter two sorts of
whether or not livestock are approaching the vegetation fields. failures that cause performance deterioration. The most common form is
• Surveillance of groundwater quality: Ground water quality has a system fault, which causes individual node crashes, hardware failure
deteriorated as a result of increased usage of fertilisers and pesti­ or broken connection, failure of communication, battery damage, loss of
cides. Sensor nodes with wireless connectivity can be placed in the packet, error in routing, or segmentation of network. The other kind is
water to help monitor the quality of the water. data fault, in which nodes operate correctly except for their sensing
• Observation of greenhouse gases: Agriculture and greenhouse results, resulting in significant skewed or random mistakes such as de­
emissions are inextricably linked. Greenhouse gases contribute to viation or sound. These defective nodes send inaccurate data to the
rising global temperatures, which has a direct influence on agricul­ program, which might lead to erroneous conclusions.
ture (Issad et al., 2019). Greenhouse gas emissions, on the other Apart from that, WSNs are widely deployed in hostile environments
hand, are produced by a variety of agricultural sources. WSN and a and are susceptible to failures at different levels. Fig. 5 shows a tiered
solar-powered system, i.e., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), categorization of fault-prone components in a WSN. A defect that occurs
monitor and maintain some greenhouse gases such as CH4 and CO2 at any level of the system has the potential to spread to higher levels.
(Malaver et al., 2015; Mat et al., 2015). The following are some of the faults that can occur in sensor nodes:
• Monitoring of assets: The use of wireless technology in cultivation (i) Node Faults, which indicates that nodes have a variety of hardware
devices opens up the prospect of remote asset monitoring (Misra and and software components that can malfunction. (ii) Link Faults, which
Singh, 2012). From his home, a farmer can traces the whereabouts of refers to the fact that communication lines between nodes in WSNs are
his cultivation mediums and irrigation devices. highly volatile. Because the links between nodes are unstable, the
• Remote diagnostics and control: Remote control and diagnostics of routing pathways are constantly changing. When radio interference
cultivation devices such as pumps, lights, heaters, and valves in develops, the link between nodes becomes faulty (iii) Sink Faults are
machinery is now possible with the introduction of the internet of caused by a device (sink) on a network level that captures all network
things (Coates et al., 2013). data and it should be sent to the backend system (Mannan and Rana,
3. Problem or challenges in WSNs
3.1.3. Localization and objects targetting
In WSNs’ design, sensor node power and memory limits, topology The procedure of identifying the co-ordinates of geographical loca­
changes, communication connection failures, and decentralized tion of nodes and equipment of network is known as localization.
administration must all be considered. In other words, WSNs are sub­ Because maximum sensor network activities are generally depended on
jected to two types of defects, both of which have an impact on per­ location, sensor node position awareness is a critical skill. Using global
formance. The first is a system fault, while the second is a data fault. positioning system (GPS) device in every node is cost unfeasible in large-
Some problems are discussed here. scale systems. For certain applications, relative position measurement is
adequate. However, relative positions may be converted into perfects
3.1. The category of problems ones by employing perfects positions for a limited number of nodes.
Extra evaluations based on distance, angle, or a combination of these
3.1.1. Power problems two can be utilized to improve the effectiveness of proximity-based
Due to limited power of WSNs (0.5 Ah i.e., how long it will last when localisation. Various methods, such as RSSI (Received Signal Strength
connected to the item it is powering, 1.2 V) (Akyildiz et al., 2002; de

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

End- to-End Connection
Base Station

Clock Sync. Aggregation Query

Backend Network Interface
Sink Wireless Sensor Network Interface
Power Supply CPU Memory


Fault Propagation

Data Processing Routing MAC

Processing Unit Memory
Nod Sensors Network Interface

Battery Enclosure

Faults & attacks

Fig. 5. Fault classification and fault propagation.

Indication) (Hou et al., 2016; Saad et al., 2018), TOA (Time of Arrival), current market has the highest conversion rate of solar battery. It is
and TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) (Alsheikh et al., 2014; Luo, 2014; about 25% using the single crystal silicon material (Chen et al., 2012).
Shen et al., 2008), can be used to get distance measurements. Development of photoelectric technology is from the initial of silicon
manufacturing to particles deposited on the photosensitive substrate,
this new material can both work indoor or outdoor, light weight and
3.2. Solution for different problems easy to install, and reduced effect by environmental temperature, it is
very suitable to provide power for small, remote sensor.
3.2.1. Solution of power problems
The limited battery power of sensor nodes in WSNs is major issue, The collection of wind energy. The wind is available in envi­
therefore it is necessary to build a sensor node that is comprehensive,
ronment in everywhere. So the undeveloped wind energy is also a
intelligent, and long-term in order to enhance the node’s energy supply.
research topic that the researcher dedicate, they must solve the two
Some popular energy collection methods are discussed below.
problems of technical difficulty and manufacturing costs. Arlington
University of Texas use mature technology of piezoelectric and me­ The collection of vibration energy. Various factors can lead to chanical to solve the two problems well. Such a small generator manu­
vibration in environment, so environmental vibration is ubiquitous, facture using piezoelectric device, can be driven by 8–16 km/h wind
such as hand taping on the table, the table vibration, the vibration ac­ power, which can provide 50 mw of power to node of WSN (Chen et al.,
celeration likely to be 0.02 g. We can collect energy using piezoelectric 2012).
effect of piezoelectric materials (Chen et al., 2012). Piezoelectric ma­
terial under the force will be deformed and produce the polarisation The localization techniques. Managing power consumption ex­
charge. After transforming the charge into the voltage it can be stored
tends the life of a network and assesses the effectiveness of a localisation
through the collection of the circuit (Chen et al., 2012), its principle is
technique (Saad et al., 2018). The average energy setup is a measure
shown in Fig. 6.
used to evaluate the amount of power required throughout the locali­
zation techniques and mathematical equation for calculation is as in Eq. The collection of solar energy. Capacity of electric power, on the

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Piezoelectric Active Storage

Element Switch Buffer

Electronics Charging Circuit

Fig. 6. The block diagram of vibration energy harvesting.

1 ∑N reading of an area despite node failures (Mannan and Rana, 2015; Luo,
Average Energy Setup = (IEi − AEi) (3) 2014), (iii) Ignore Values from Faulty Nodes, which is as usual but
N i=1
effective way to avoid propagating a single node’s failure to the whole
where IEi is the initial energy which is available on node i, AEi is the rest network. These are genetic data. These data are generating and applied
energy which available on node i after setting the algorithm and N is the in that faulty nodes. The identification of the defective nodes is the most
number of unknown nodes. difficult task in this instance. Medium access control (MAC) protocol for energy efficiency. The Passive replication in WSN. When this is used in WSN, it implies
radio is well recognised to be a significant power consumer in a sensor that the primary replicas receive and handle all requests. The backup
node. A MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol is used to operate the replicas are informed of the state of the primary replica as well as the
radio (Forster, 2016). As a result, a good MAC protocol can significantly request details, as shown in Fig. 7(a), in order to ensure consistency
extend the life of a sensor network, and vice versa. There are three between copies. When utilizing passive replication to recover from a
important characteristics for building a good MAC for this fact: problem, there are three key steps: fault detection, primary selection,
and service distribution.
i. Increase throughput as much as possible The key parts here are node selection and service distribution. First,
ii. Minimize the amount of time spent waiting and to recover the network failure, then to pick the node and offer the
iii. Conserve energy for WSNs, it must also be able to turn off needed service to that node. In other situations, the service is already
equipment so that nodes do not waste important energy. installed on the nodes, and all that is necessary is as usual configuration
update to inform the node that it should be started. There are two major
3.2.2. Solution of fault tolarence for faulty node approaches in service distribution: pre copy and code distribution (Bapu
Lower-level errors which interfere the network’s overall perfor­ et al., 2015).
mance are prevented from spreading into system breakdowns using fault
tolerance techniques (Mannan and Rana, 2015). It is the ability of a 3.2.3. Solution of localization and objects targetting
system to continue providing its defined service despite component Localization algorithms are two types - Range Based (RB) and Range
failures (Akyildiz et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2014). The calculation of Free (RF) (Yingxi et al., 2012; Saad et al., 2018). Range based (RB)
fault tolerance (Fk(t)) of sensor node is calculated (Wang et al., 2014) by localization techniques are used for distance calculation whereas Range
using Poisson Distribution within the time period (0, t): free (RF) localization techniques are not used for distance calculation.
Distance-based localization algorithms must place the nodes according
Fk (t) = e− λkt
(4) to the observed distance and angle between reference nodes. This sort of
algorithm, such as the AOA (Angle of Arrival) algorithm, TOA (Time of
where λ k is the failure rate of the sensor node k and t is the time period. Arrival) algorithm, and TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) algorithm,
To solve the faulty nodes issues, we must first discover the problem uses the least squares principle, triangulation technique, and maximum
in the network, then recover or fix the issue using (i) Self-Diagnosis likelihood approach to compute the best predicted position of non-
(nodes can use self-diagnosis to identify potential failures) (Mannan reference nodes. The mathematical equations of these algorithms are
and Rana, 2015), (ii) Group Detection (Only if a reference value is as follows.
accessible can service failure due to wrongly generated values be Dij =(t2 – t1)*v.
detected, and it is proposed to identify the defective nodes) (Bapu et al.,
2015) and (iii) Hierarchical Structure (a defect detection algorithm with And Dij =
(t4 − t1) − (t3 − t2)
*v (5)
scalability is enabled by the definition of a detection tree. It is proposed 2
that the network architecture be used to transfer child node fault
where Dij represents that the distance between ith and jth nodes, radio
detection results to parent nodes and then to the sink) (Bapu et al.,
signal sent at t1 and received at t2, after that acoustic signal sent at t3 =
2015). After the problem has been detected, we must recover the defect
t1 + twait and received at t4 and v is the velocity of radio signal. The
using various fault recovery procedures which are discussed below.
mathematical form of TDOA algorithm is as follows: Active replication in WSN. In the presence of active copies, fault Dij = (v1-v2)*(t4-t2-twait) (6)
recovery is quite simple. Nonetheless, we provide some of these tech­
The non-distance-based localization algorithms determine their po­
niques below for a more uniform survey: (i) Multipath Routing, which is
sition based on network connection and other details, as well as the
desired to avoid the splitting of a sensor network due to a single failed
concern place between themselves and the referable nodes, without the
node. To actively duplicate routing pathways, multipath routing can be
need to take measurement of distance. The centroid technique, the DV-
used (Bapu et al., 2015), (ii) Sensor Value Aggregation, which gua­
HOP algorithm, the Amorphous algorithm, and the APIT algorithm are
rantees that the resultant reading interval contains the proper sensor
the examples of this sort of algorithm. A paradigm for node geometrical

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Fig. 7. Failure recovery in Passive replication mode and Active replication.

layout that is theoretical (Luo, 2014; Wang and Li, 2010), it increased sort of crop to be grown (Prakash et al., 2018). As the water label is being
the precision of node localization and enabled the intended outcomes, dropped day by day, water usage can be optimised to a considerable
but showed significant inaccuracies in the localization of nodes at the extent by monitoring soil moisture. Soil moisture is advantageous for
network’s edge. The main reason behind this is the reflection angles crop production. Therefore, if we can accurately anticipate the soil
connecting nodes to each anchor node are as little as possible. The dampness exists in any area on agricultural field, the crop growth can be
mathematical equation of DV-HOP algorithm is as follows. improved. Farmers can learn about the optimal time to show and
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ cultivate crops, whether the soil infiltration is enough or not, and

(xi − xj)2 + (yi − yj)2 whether sufficient water will be delivered to the crops plantations for
Ci = ∑ (7) growth by understanding the soil moisture content. In the subject of
agriculture, data mining techniques are quite important. For example,
where Ci is the correction factor, it is determines the average hop length, using multiple linear regression, data mining techniques have been
(xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the location of anchor node and di is the distance utilised to estimate tea yields in four locations (these are Cachar, North
between ith node and anchor node (Wang and Li, 2010; Saad et al., Bank, South bank and Upper Assam) of Assam (Prakash et al., 2018).
2018). Now a days, ML is considered one of the most advanced methods for
The convex optimization technique didn’t need distance measure­ predicting unknown values.
ments (Luo, 2014). This approach uses the anchor node’s convex pro­ Decisions may be made at the proper time/place and input at micro-
gramming to identify the node’s location. It offers great position climatic levels using ML and WSN technology. Pest and disease losses are
accuracy when identifying node position, but it comes with drawbacks more severe in semi-arid areas, where they inflict direct crop and yield
like high algorithm complexity, a lot of processing, and a lot of network damage. Temperature, humidity, rainfall, leaf wetness, windspeed, and
power consumption. RSSI is another approach for determining node soil nutrients are the key factors impacting pest and disease occurrence.
locations. To determine the distance, this approach employed target Data are becoming increasingly available from a variety of sources,
parameter for quantifying and related geometrical understanding (Luo, which can be used to gain information in the agriculture sector. Data
2014). The precise solution for node localization was then obtained must be analysed and used for decision-making in order to predict
through iteration refinement. Different types of localization algorithm relevant information and comprehend trends. Computation techniques
are discuss comparatively with range based and range free techniques in must be devised to do appropriate labour and to compensate for farmer
tabular form in the following Table 2. requirements. When ML techniques are implemented, such data can be
used to make productive decisions.
4. Machine learning (ML) in agricultural WSNs ML is a technique that enhances or expands knowledge from a
research or experience without having to be explicitly programmed
Agriculture is the primary source of income for the majority of the (Kumar et al., 2019). Because of its compactness, cost-effectiveness, and
population in many countries like India, Bangladesh etc. In terms of easy of deployment, the ML is the best propitious features for various
micronutrients, Indian soils are deficient. Soil health has been linked to real life applications (Kumar et al., 2019). Recently WSN is applicable in
agricultural sustainability in recent years, and conserving soil fertility different real time fields like agriculture, medical science, defence and
has also been shown to boost existing crop yield levels. Agriculture re­ weather forecasting etc. Here huge amount of data are collected by the
quires a decision support system in a number of aspects, including the nodes and then ML techniques are used on this data, analyse these data

Table 2
Comparisons study of “Range Based (RB) and Range Free (RF)” techniques (Saad, 2018).
Algorithm Type Algorithm Accuracy Scalability Cost Power Consumption

Range Based(RB) AOA Greater Complicate Costly Greater

TDOA Greater Complicate Costly Greater
RSSI Greater Complicate Reasonable Greater
Range Free(RF) Centroid Lower Light Minimum Minimum
APIT Moderate Light Minimum Greater
DV-HOP Moderate Light Minimum Greater
Amorphous Moderate Light Minimum Greater

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

and finally predict the require results. learning tree or decision tree which have two types of nodes, one is
The field of ML is a subset of computer science that employs statis­ called leaf node i.e., finding results and another is called decision node i.
tical methods for enabling computers to “learn” from data without the e., choice options. The major advantages of DT are more clear, decreases
need for explicit programming (Kabara and Calle, 2012). uncertainty in decision making and allows for through analysis.
ML was also defined by Professor Tom.M.Mitchell is “A computer A.3. Random forest (RF): Another logic based classification algo­
program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks rithm of supervised learning is random forest algorithm. This is a
T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured collection of decision trees and every tree in forest has a different
by P, improves with experience E” depending on the foregoing, the categorization (Kumar et al., 2019). RF works in two category, one is to
following Fig. 8 represents the ML model. create random classifier and another is to predict the result. For larger
ML is generally defined by designers who designed sensor network, datasets and heterogeneous data, RF performs well and missing numbers
as a set of algorithmic tools that are used to develop projection models. are accurately predicted using this method.
ML specialist, on the other hand, see it as a vast area with several subject A.4. Artificial neural network (ANN): ANN is a perception based
matter and design. Those who want to apply ML to WSNs can benefit classification algorithm which is based on human neuron for classifying
from understanding such concepts. ML techniques, when used in a va­ data (Kumar et al., 2019; Haykin, 2010). This is made up of a large
riety of WSN applications, offer a great deal of versatility. This section number of neurons (processing units) that process data and deliver
discusses some of the theoretical principals and methodologies for correct outputs. Each ANN consists three layers, these are input layer,
implementing ML in WSNs. one or many hidden layer(s) and output layer. The ANN is exceptionally
The structure of the model can be used to categorise existing ML good at classifying complex and non-linear datasets.
techniques. The three types of ML algorithms are supervised, unsuper­ A.5. Deep learning (DL): It is another type of perception based al­
vised, and reinforcement learning (Kumar et al., 2019; Ip et al., 2018; gorithm which is used for classification and also a subcategory of ANN.
Yau et al., 2015). Another sub categories are the semi supervised Details of this techniques are discussed in section 9 in this article.
learning and computational intelligence algorithms (Yau et al., 2015). A.6. Support vector machine (SVM): This is one type of statistical
These are depicted here in Fig. 9. learning model of classification method of supervised learning and used
In this article, we looked at different ML approaches that have been to find an optimal support vectors to categorize the data. SVM uses
used in WSNs. support vectors and coordinate of individual observation to provide the
A. Supervised Leaning: The purpose of supervised learning is to best classification (Vapnik, 1999). Here support vectors means the
forecast the worth of a result depend on a range of input measures. The points which are used to find the borderline. SVM gives the best clas­
outcome metric might be either numerical or categorical. The learning is sification from the given set of data. As a result, the number of features
done on a set of training examples. The learning is referred to as a observed in the training data have no bearing on the model complexity
classification problem if the output is categorical. We want to know (a) of an SVM. For this features, SVMs are most suited for learning tasks of
which options to live with and (b) which learning rule to adopt to large data.
enhance training perfection for a classification task (Alsheikh et al., A.7. Bayesian: Another statistical learning of classification method
2014; Yau et al., 2015). Based on this learning rule, it has major roles on is Bayesian learning (Pérez et al., 2009). This learning discovers the links
different types of WSN challenges. These are localization, coverage between different data sets by using several statistical methods like “Chi-
problem, anomaly and fault detection, data aggregation and synchro­ square” test. A set of inputs x1, x2, x3, …, xn provide a label α the
nization are solved by the supervised learning. probability of P(α/x1, x2,x3,…xn) will be maximize. Distinct probability
This learning is of two types which are regression and classification. function for different variables of class nodes can be used with this
The classification techniques are based on different types of algorithms. learning. Now, different type of problem of WSN can be solved by this
These are logic based such as decision tree and random forest, percep­ learning.
tion based such as ANN and deep learning, statistical learning based A.8. K-Nearest neighbour (KNN): It is the instance based learning
such as Bayesian and SVM, and instant based learning such as KNN al­ method in regression and classification model. The k-nearest training set
gorithm. These are shortly describe here. is used as feature space input. K-NN classifies data based on the distance
A.1. Regression: The regression method is one of the most effective between training and test samples. It uses different distance method
methods for predicting a value (P) depends on a set of data (X). such as “Euclidean distance”,” Hamming distance”, “Canberra distance”
Regression is a simple ML technique that gives precise predictions with function etc. (Kumar et al., 2019). This is used in WSN for anomaly
the fewest possible errors. Linear regression’s mathematical notation detection, fault detection and data aggregation approaches.
(Montgomery et al., 2012) is shown Eq. B. Semi Supervised Learning: Semi-supervised learning is a subset of
supervised learning tasks and approaches that make use of unlabelled
P = q(x) + ∊ (8) data for training data set and often small amount of labelled data. So the
Here P is the predict value i.e. output, x indicates the independent semi-supervised learning works on data which is combination of both
variables i.e. input, q(x) is function on x, and ∊ represents possible labelled and unlabelled. Even when only a little amount of labelled data
random errors. is used, semi-supervised learning surpasses supervised learning
A.2. Decision trees (DT): It is a structural learning method included (Alsheikh et al., 2014; Yau et al., 2015). Semi-supervised learning has
in classification method of supervised learning. It consists set of ‘if-then’ two clear-cut goals that are to predict the labels on unlabelled data on
rules to enhance the readability. This structural learning included training set and predicting labels on future test data sets (Kumar et al.,
2019). Semi-supervised learning are basically two types, one is “Trans­
ductive” learning i.e., predicts the particular labels for a particular
unlabelled dataset and another is “Inductive” learning i.e., the best
predictor on future data.
Task(T) Performance C. Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning is a method of
extracting inferences from datasets that contain only input data and no
labelled replies. Cluster analysis is the most prevalent unsupervised
Experience(E) learning technique, which is used to discover hidden patterns through
exploratory knowledge analysis or grouping in knowledge (Alsheikh
et al., 2014; Yau et al., 2015). There are two types of unsupervised
Fig. 8. Machine learning definition model. learning, one is clustering which include k-means, hierarchical and

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928


Semi Unsupervised
Supervised Learning
l Intelligence

Fig. 9. Machine Learning Techniques.

fuzzy-c-means clustering and another is dimensionality reduction which unlike PCA, is capable removing higher order relationships. ICA looked
include singular value decomposition (SVD), principal component at data from a variety of sources, including web content, digital photo­
analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) (Kumar et al., graphs, psychometric measures, corporate intelligence, and social
2019). These are briefly discussed here. networking.
C.1. k-means clustering: k-means algorithm can quickly generate a D. Reinforcement Learning: One of the intelligence algorithms is
particular number of clusters from the given dataset. Here ‘k’ represents reinforcement learning (RL). It is concerned with a situation in which a
the number of clusters. At first, k number of random locations are person acts in order to obtain a reward. Q-learning, a well-known RL
considered and all others points are situated in nearest centres. After technique, allocates a Q-value to each agent, which is updated on a
that all of the points in the dataset have been covered by clusters and regular basis (Alsheikh et al., 2014; Yau et al., 2015). The computation
each cluster’s centroid is recalculated. In each iteration, the cluster’s of total future reward is defined as the Q-value of action at the current
centroid shifts and the method is repeated until there are no more shifts state. Total compensation in the future (i.e., the Q-value) of achieving
in the cluster’s centroid (Kumar et al., 2019). the action ‘at’ at a given state ‘st’ is computed using Eq.
C.2. Hierarchical clustering: this approach organises related objects
Q(st+1,at+1) = Q(st,at) + Y{r(st,at) – Q(st,at)} (9)
into clusters with a top-down or bottom-up order. In top-down hierar­
chical clustering, also called “divisive clustering” a big single division is where r (st, at) implies the immediate benefit of completing a task at ‘at’
split recursively until one cluster of each observation is formed. Bottom- a given state ‘st’, and Yis the learning rate, which defines how quickly
up hierarchical clustering, also called “agglomerative clustering” allo­ one learns (usually set to value between 0 and 1). In a distinguished
cates each observation to a cluster using density function (Kumar et al., configuration like WSNs, this algorithm is simple to implement. It’s
2019). There is no need for prior knowledge of the number of clusters worth noting that in the WSN routing problem, Q-learning has been
with the hierarchical clustering approach, and it is simple to execute. employed broadly and successfully (Arroyo-Valles et al., 2007). This
C.3. Fuzzy-c-means clustering: Bezdex developed fuzzy-c-means method visualized in the following Fig. 10.
clustering, also known as soft clustering, in 1981, utilising fuzzy set E. Computational Intelligence Algorithms: The investigation of
theory, which allocates the observation to one or more clusters (Peiz­ processes that adjust to changes in the environment or promote intelli­
huang, 1983). Clusters are found using this technique based on simi­ gent behaviour in complex and dynamical contexts is known as
larity measurements such as intensity, distance and connectedness. The computational intelligence (CI). These mechanisms provide paradigms
algorithm may be used for one or more similarity measures, depending that may be taught or adapted to new situations, as well as generalise,
on the application or dataset. abstract, discover, and associate (Yau et al., 2015). CI is defined as a set
C.4. Singular Value Decompositions (SVD): This is a dimensionality of process representations and intelligence tools that are capable of
reduction method that uses a matrix factorisation method. The term immediately putting raw mathematical sensory perception into action,
“matrix factorisation” refers to the transformation of a matrix into a delivering authentic and fast responses while exhibiting high fault
product of matrices. The SVD can be effectively utilised to reduce that tolerance.
data dimensionality of a given feature space. The ideal low-rank rep­
resentation of the data is guaranteed by SVD (Kumar et al., 2019). In 4.1. Advantages of ML IN WSN
WSN, SVD is utilised to handle challenges such as routing and data
aggregation. Sensor nodes in WSN collect vast amount of data from required field,
C.5. Principle Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is a dimensionality and extracting valuable information from data is difficult without ML. It
reduction method that uses multivariate analysis to extract features also incorporates with “Internet of Things (IoT)”, “Cyber-Physical Sys­
(Kumar et al., 2019). To reduce dimensionality, the PCA combines all of tems (CPS)”, and “Machine-to-Machine communication (M2M)”
the data and drops the least important data from the feature space. A (Alsheikh et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2019). Here we discuss some of
linear combination of observable variables (principle variables) is the applications of ML in WSN.
result of PCA. PCA is sometimes used in regression as well as to discover
anomalies in data. • ML algorithms can simply use to manipulate the ideal number of
C.5. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): ICA decomposes ob­ sensor nodes to cover a specific area.
servations into additive sub-components and creates a new basis for data • WSNs deployed in difficult environments benefit from energy har­
representation (Kumar et al., 2019). The non-Gaussian observations are vesting because they are self-powered and have a long lifespan. The
the subcomponents in this case. ICA is a more powerful technique than ability of WSNs to predict the quantity of energy consumed to be
PCA, or to put it another way, it’s a more advanced variant of PCA. ICA,

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Initial State(st) Taken Action(at)

Agent (e.g., sensor node) Environment

New State(st+1) Achieved Reward r(at,st)

Fig. 10. Visualization of Q- Learning Method.

gathered within a specific time period is improved by using a ML presented, such as in “Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)”, “Machine-to-
algorithm. Machine (M2M)” communications, and “Internet of things (IoT)”
• Due to internal or external influences, sensor nodes may shift their technologies (Mannan and Rana, 2015; Bapu et al., 2015). ML is
placement. With the use of ML techniques, accurate localisation is crucial in this case for extracting the many levels of abstraction
smooth and quick. required to accomplish AI tasks with little human intervention
• ML is utilised to distinguish between malfunctioning and regular (Alsheikh et al., 2014).
sensor nodes and increase the network’s efficiency.
• Routing data plays a critical function in extending the life of a
network. To improve the system’s performance, the sensor network’s 4.2. Usefulness of ML IN WSN’s challenges
dynamic behaviour necessitates dynamic routing techniques.
• The network will experience transmission overhead if the complete Node power and memory restrictions, topology changes, communi­
data is sent to the base station. At the sensor or cluster head level, ML cation connection failures, and decentralised administration are all
can also help to reduce data dimensionality. factors to consider while designing WSNs in the agricultural area.
Various functional issues of WSNs have been effectively addressed using
The essence of ML can be summed up in the following two standard ML paradigms, including energy mindful and real-time routing, query
definitions: processing, event detection, localization, node clustering and data ag­
gregation. We’ll look at how ML can be used to solve WSN problems in
1) “The development of computer models for learning processes that this part.
provide solutions to the problem of knowledge acquisition and
enhance the performance of developed systems” (Bapu et al., 2015). 4.2.1. Routing
2) “The adoption of computational methods for improving machine Many challenging problems have occurred in routing of WSNs
performance by detecting and describing consistencies and patterns because of the restricted energy generation, inadequate transmission
in training data” (Bapu et al., 2015). bandwidth, memory capacity, and CPU capacity of sensor node. In
WSNs, sensors are distributed at random across the environment, and
When these definitions are applied to WSNs, we can see that ML each node gathers data from its surroundings and sends it to the base
holds the promise of using past data to improve sensor network per­ station for processing, as shown in Fig. 11.The goal of developing a
formance on specific tasks without the need for reprogramming. ML is routing protocol is to lower energy consumption and extend network
very useful in WSN purposes which are listed below: lifetime. A sensor network can learn from its previous experiences with
the help of ML, make the most efficient route decisions, as well as to
• Sensor networks are commonly employed to keep track on quickly adjust new conditions. The following are a few of the benefits:
changing environments. For example, soil degradation or sea tur­
bulence might cause a node’s location to shift. Sensor networks that • Having the ability to discover the most efficient routes for saving
can alter and function well in such circumstances are ideal. energy and extending the lifetime of dynamically changing WSNs
• WSNs can be used in exploratory applications to gather fresh infor­ (Kumar et al., 2019; Alsheikh et al., 2014).
mation about inaccessible or dangerous places (e.g., volcanic erup­ • ML has numerous uses in WSNs, including efficient routing, reduced
tion and waste water monitoring) (Alsheikh et al., 2014). System communication overhead, and delay-awareness (Yau et al., 2015).
designers may construct solutions that do not initially perform as • Divide a general routing problem into smaller sub-routing problems
envisioned due to unforeseen behaviour patterns that may occur in to make it less complicated. Nodes build graph structures in each
such circumstances. ML algorithms that can tune themselves to sub-problem by just considering their immediate surroundings,
freshly obtained knowledge are preferred by system designers. resulting in cut-price, potent, and actual time routing.
• WSNs are typically used in complex contexts where researchers are • Using very easy computations tools and classifiers, meet QoS
unable to create precise mathematical models to characterise the (Quality of Service) standards in routing errors.
system’s behaviour. Meanwhile, while some WSN actions may be
predicted using simple mathematical models, others may require the 4.2.2. Clustering and data accumulation
employment of complicated algorithms to be completed (e.g., the The process of obtaining and combining information from sensor
error in routing (Alsheikh et al., 2014). ML gives lower-complexity nodes is known as data accumulation. The overhead in terms of
estimations for the system design in similar situations. computing power, memory, communication, and computing units of
• Designers of sensor networks frequently have access to vast amounts WSNs are all influenced by data accumulation. Data accumulation acts
of data, but they may be unable to derive useful alikeness from it. The as an effective part in WSNs since it slow down the amount of trans­
WSN application usually contains minimal data coverage standards missions and communication overhead. The power consumption of the
that must be met with limited sensor hardware resources in addition sensor nodes is balanced by an effective data accumulation mechanism,
to assuring communication and energy security (Alsheikh et al., which extends the network lifetime (Ambigavathi and Sridharan, 2018;
2014). ML algorithms which is used to find relevant connections in Lin et al., 2019). In WSNs, Fig. 12 depicts data accumulation from
sense data and suggest better sensor placement for optimum data multiple sources to a base station using clusters. There may be some
analysis. malfunctioning nodes in this situation that need to be taken off the
• With the purpose of enabling smarter decision-making and autono­ internet. These malfunctioning nodes may produce inaccurate readings,
mous control, novel application and integration of WSNs have been lowering the network’s overall accuracy. ML approaches primarily
improve the following aspects of node clustering and data accumulation:

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Base Station

Gateway Sensor Node

Fig. 11. Example of Routing in WSNs.

Fig. 12. An example of data accumulation in a cluster design with source nodes, cluster members, and cluster head nodes.

• ML methods choose efficient data accumulation tasks in the network, • ML makes it easier to build processing queries efficiently strategies
balancing the energy of the sensor nodes considerably. for WSNs, such as determining to look for a specific regionat while a
• ML techniques aid in the data compression dimensionality at the question is received without causing the entire network to be flooded
sensor node level, lowering network transmission cost. To minimise (Ip et al., 2018).
data transmission delays, the reduction might be conducted at sensed • By accomplishing effective duty cycles, ML enhances packet delivery
nodes or cluster heads. ratios (Kumar et al., 2019).
• In the context of data accumulation, ML adapts to its surroundings
and works accordingly without having to reconfigure or 4.2.4. Localization and object targeting
reprogrammed. In WSNs, localization is described as detecting a sensor node’s
physical/geographical location (Kumar et al., 2019). In other words, it is
4.2.3. Event detection and query processing the process of finding the node and component’s geographic coordinates
Any large-scale sensor network must be able to recognise events and in a network (Ip et al., 2018). Identifying the location of the sensor node,
handle queries. This necessitates the use of reliable event scheduling and on the other hand, is a critical task. Sensor node locations can be
detection that requires little human interaction. WSN monitoring can be determined through manual assignment or the global positioning system
divided into three categories: event-driven, continuous, and query- (GPS), with the exception of certain unique sensor nodes which are
driven (Ip et al., 2018). ML, at its most basic level, provides methods known as “Anchor” nodes or “Beacon” nodes. Fig. 13 depicted these
for limiting query areas and evaluating event validity for effective types of localization. Contiguity-situated, ley-situated, angle and
queries processing and detecting events procedures. The following ad­ distance-situated are different types of localization which are more
vantages will emerge from this adoption: common (Kuriakose et al., 2014). Due to the fact that the majority of
sensor network functions rely on location (Ip et al., 2018), sensor nodes
• Learning algorithms allow for the creation of effective event detec­ location awareness are a crucial skill. After deployment, sensed nodes
tion techniques with minimal storage and computing needs. Addi­ may experience alterations in their placement. The following are some
tionally, they can use basic classifiers to evaluate the correctness of of the advantages of utilising ML methods in the sensor node localization
such occurrences. process:

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• Fault identification and categorization in a timely manner.

• Detects errors with greater precision.
A3 4.2.7. Energy harvesting
Power of battery is most common sources of energy for sensor nodes,
and the network’s life span is determined by how much energy the
sensor nodes consume. The majority of WSN applications necessitate
network life spans ranging from months to years. We can either use a
D1 D2 techniques which save energy or provide energy collection technologies
A2 for sensed nodes to extend the life span of WSNs. For energy efficiency,
A1 different types of routing like sleep-scheduling, mobile sink, mobile
(x1,y1) (x2,y2) charger have been implemented. In WSNs, energy harvesting can be low
cost maintenance, long-durability, and own-powered. It provides
continuous power to sensor nodes from sources such as the energy of
radio waves, energy from the wind, energy or power from the solar,
Fig. 13. Example of localization. thermal energy, mechanical energy, and vibrations. To locate efficient
energy harvesting or collection strategies for WSNs, several ML-based
• Using only a few anchor points, convert relative node locations to algorithms have been used. The following are some advantages of ML-
absolute ones. Distance estimations will no longer require the use of based energy harvesting:
range measurement devices.
• Guidance and object tracking systems can utilise ML was used to • WSNs’ performance in estimating how much energy to be gathered
partition the monitored locations into several clusters, with each within a time period is improved using a ML algorithm (Kosunalp,
cluster representing a different location identifier (Ip et al., 2018). 2016).
• Because mobile sensor nodes in WSNs change positions dynamically, • ML techniques lower the difficulty of computing of calculating the
identifying precise localisation in such an environment is more quantity of energy harvested and balancing energy usage appropri­
contented, and it may be done quickly using ML approaches (Kumar ately (Kumar et al., 2019).
et al., 2019).
5. ML techniques used in WSN’s challenges
This Fig. 13 shows that three cluster domains namely D1, D2, D3 and
three anchor nodes namely A1(x1, y1), A2(x2, y2) and A3(x3,y3). These Different ML techniques are effectively handle these tasks which are
three anchor nodes localized a node known as unknown node in the effect in crop production in PA. For handling these tasks through WSNs
intersection area of three cluster domain i.e., N(x,y). Now we can figure technology, some challenges also faces which we discussed earlier. ML
out how far apart they are geographically of anchor node and unknown techniques is reduced the hardness of WSNs challenges. In order to learn
node by the following formula. If geographic distance is Gd, then, more about data assimilation and feature recognition, these techniques
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ were used to higher pixels pictures and sensed data of plants. Identifi­
Gd = (Xi − X)2 + (Yj − Y)2 Unit, where i, j = 1, 2, 3 (10) cation, classification, quantification, and prediction are some of the
processes in which ML technologies can be used (Shirahatti et al., 2018).
4.2.5. Medium access control (MAC) A few ML approaches are briefly explained here.
The network lifetime of WSNs can be extended by designing energy-
efficient medium access control (MAC) protocols. The MAC layer’s main • Decision Tree Learning: A decision tree is a set of guidelines that can
responsibilities are addressing, data transmission, allocation of channel, be used to link particular chemical characteristics and/or descriptors
prediction of errors, and recognition of frame. It is known that data link values to a specific interest zone (Shirahatti et al., 2018). It’s a
layer is the super set of MAC layer. As a result of the changing behaviour classification algorithm that iterates the input data through a
of adding or removing (perhaps dying) sensor nodes, noisy data trans­ learning tree to predict data labels (Ip et al., 2018).
mission, and so on, creating energy efficient MAC protocols for WSNs is • Association Rule Learning: The approach of uncovering meaningful
difficult (Kumar et al., 2019; Kabara and Calle, 2012). The use of ML relationships between variables in a large database is known as as­
techniques in the design of MAC layer protocols ensures energy potency sociation rule learning.
and minimises latency. The following are the advantages of ML-based • Artificial Neural Network: Artificial neural networks, often familiar
MAC protocol designs: as neural networks, are based on biological neural networks (Shir­
ahatti et al., 2018). This learning method could be built by cascading
• Assists in reducing the added load of reconfiguring any network chains of decision units that identify nonlinear and complicated
nodes that have recently joined or died. functions (Muhammed and Shaikh, 2017). As an example application
• Boosts the network’s self-learning efficiency and minimises end-to- of neural networks in WSNs, a sensor node localization problem (i.e.,
end latency. determining node’s geographic area) (Ip et al., 2018).
• Support Vector Machines: SVMs (Support Vector Machines) are a
4.2.6. Node fault detection collection of related supervisory algorithms for classification and
WSNs have been used in a wide range of applications, including se­ regression. It’s a ML technique that uses labelled training samples to
vere, hostile, and unmanned environments. That’s why different types of learn how to identify data points (Ip et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2019).
fault like communication, battery, hardware, software and other things • k-Nearest Neighbour: This supervised learning approach classifies a
are inefficient base stations and topological changes may occur in WSNs data sample (referred to as a query point) using the labels (i.e.,
(Zidi et al., 2017). Detecting a failure in a WSN is difficult for a variety of output values) of nearby data samples (Ip et al., 2018). The k-Nearest
reasons, including resource constraints, differences in atmosphere(for­ Neighbour method is used to recognise patterns. k-Nearest Neigh­
est, indoor), changes in positioning, and detection determinacy between bour is a simple classifier in ML approaches that achieves classifi­
usual and error nodes (Mannan and Rana, 2015; Zidi et al., 2017). Some cation by locating the query samples’ nearest neighbours and then
benefits for using ML are summarised below: using those neighbours to calculate the query class. The k-Nearest
Neighbour learning method is a sort of lazy learning. Euclidean

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

distance (Shirahatti et al., 2018) is a widely used distance metric for Table 3
k- NN. The query processing subsystem is the most important use of ML techniques with advantages and disadvantages.
the k-nearest neighbour method in WSNs (Ip et al., 2018). Machine Advantages Disadvantages
6. Comparison of ML techniques technique

Decision Tree • Ability to choose the most • They are unstable.

The comparably discussion on different ML techniques is shown in Learning discriminatory • As time passes,
tabular form with advantages and disadvantages in Table 3. characteristics. calculations can become
• Ability to work with both exceedingly complicated.
continuous and discrete
7. ML in smart agriculture data.
• A DT method to handle the
Farmers must increase food production while using fewer resources. design difficulties of various
They’ll have to use fewer water and fewer chemicals. Farmers aim to
Association Rule • Creates rules based on • Helps to find sequential
increase their yields while lowering their expenses, while consumers Learning comparable patterns found patterns.
want healthier food. As a result, the agricultural sector is on the lookout in data. • Makes use of mechanisms
for innovative goods, techniques, and technologies. Smart agriculture or • From data, it creates an for data collecting,
association relationship. integration, and integrity
PA can meet these many requirements (Padalalu et al., 2017). Data
collection and analysis are made possible by a set of technologies that Support Vector • Supervised Learning • Less over fitting and
work together to make smart agriculture. These modern technologies Machine Technique. handles noise.
produce enormous amounts of data when used together. Smart agri­ • Assists in classification and
culture is distinguished from traditional agriculture by its emphasis on forecasting.
• A SVM approach for
data collecting and decision-making. But these huge amount of data is
maximising a quadratic
meaningless because data can’t produce a new prediction result alone. function with linear
So, need a meaningful software to analyse these data and get proper constraints (Alsheikh,
result for the farmer. In this regard ML techniques are more intelligent 2014).
• Produces very accurate
than others. Because of the vast amount of heterogeneous and some­
times unstructured data, effective processing and analysis is an extra Clustering/ • To discover natural • Provides end user high
difficulty for ML. Another problem is integrating several data sources. Artificial groupings. level view of what is
The following are the important characteristics of ML in smart Neural • To generate hypotheses going in database.
agriculture: Network. based on data.
• To find a dependable data
i. Large amounts of data necessitate the development of quick and • It may be used to solve a
efficient methods. variety of network problems
ii. Integrating variety of data sources and data types. The data sources with the same
may be sensor data, camera data, GPS data and these data in different model.
• It may simultaneously learn
form such as byte, binary, text, number, image and so on. many outputs and decision
boundaries (Alsheikh,
ML is primarily used in smart agriculture to manage soil and water 2014).
uses, monitor crop health, reduce and optimise natural resource uses, • Very efficient technique.
k-Nearest • Training data that is • Need to determine value
limit the application of contaminants (e.g., pesticides, herbicides),
Neighbour resistant to noise. of parameter of k.
improve production quality, and so on. The strategies for solving various • Useful if there is a lot of • Computation cost is high.
agricultural challenges using ML are explored in this section. training data.
• K-nearest neighbour does
• For Soil Moisture or Irrigation Problem: Water is necessary for the not need high
computational power
growth of plants. Water that is applied in excess or insufficiently has (Alsheikh, 2014).
a negative impact on its growth. In reality, irrigation that is insuffi­ Genetic • It takes less time to locate • It’s difficult for people to
cient or improperly constructed can cause a slew of issues. Salini­ Algorithm appropriate solutions. come up with effective
zation is more likely when there isn’t enough water. Over-irrigation • Coding genetic algorithm is heuristics.
easy. • They might not always
can lead to the spread of infections such as pseudomonas, amoeba
find the best answer to a
cysts, eel larvae and parasite eggs, as well as pollutants (drug resi­ given problem.
dues, biocides, and other chemicals) in crops (Lichtenberg et al., Association Rule • Creates rules based on • Helps to find sequential
2015; Lorite et al., 2013; Gutierrez et al., 2014; Coates et al., 2013; Learning comparable patterns found patterns.
Xie et al., 2017; Kokkonis et al., 2017; Samajpati et al., 2016). In in data. • Makes use of mechanisms
• From data, it creates an for data collecting,
order to determine crop demands according to climate and vegeta­ association relationship. integration, and integrity
tive cycles, many smart irrigation systems based on ML have been checks.
created, as shown in Table 4. A decision support system is required in
smart agriculture in different ways, such as the sort of crop to be
cultivated (Hemageetha, 2016). As a result, ML plays a critical role in arsenic to human body. The risk of arsenic to human health through food
assuring improved irrigation management by evaluating water usage causes cancer. So, it is to necessary to determine the relationship be­
utilising methodologies that include climatic aspects, crop charac­ tween arsenic and soil-crop-food and soil properties and need to eval­
teristics, and economic objectives for smart agriculture. uate lower effect of arsenic to human health. In such cases ML
algorithms, such as K-Nearest-Neighbours (KNN), Random Forest(RF)
Another major problem is that the arsenic in surface water which is etc. are used [156].
important part of irrigation system in agriculture [156]. Huge amount of
water is required for rice cultivation, so surface water is highly needed. • For Predicting Pest/Diseases: Predicting pest/diseases of crop is also
In such way, the soil-crop-food like rice, wheats, potato etc. are transfer vital in smart agriculture or PA. Disease attack reduces the growth of

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Table 4 Table 5
Many intelligent irrigation system based on ML. ML methods for detecting and classifying diseases.
Intelligent system Used data Objectives Reference Methods Detecting and Precision/ Reference
classifying diseases Accuracy
Naive Bayes Weather predicting Estimation of the (Padalalu
algorithm sites and sensor data precise amount of et al., 2017; Image Apple scurf, Apple spot, 97% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
(humidity, soil water and Perea et al., Processing Apple spoilt, treated Singh et al., 2015; Wu
temperature, and soil suggestion of the 2019) and RF these disease by et al., 2021)
type (PH)) necessary extracting texture and
fertilizers colour features, merging
Decision Trees, Crop, Julian day, Prediction of the (Padalalu two or more
Genetic bank holiday, irrigation events et al., 2017; characteristics, and
Algorithm weekday, and Xie et al., classifying using a RF
climatic data are all 2017) classifier, and
variables to consider segmentation of the
(temperature, afflicted fruit using the
humidity, K-mean grouping
precipitation event) technique.
Support Vector Data on soil moisture Minimization of (Padalalu Image Leaf diseases on 95.7% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
Regression and cloudless irrigation cost et al., 2017; Processing different crops. Treated Padol and Yadav,
method, irradiance, as well as Kokkonis and Genetic these disease by pre- 2016; Applalanaidu
Irrigation numerical weather et al., 2017) Algorithm treatment of the picture, et al., 2021)
estimation (cloud cover, partition using the
algorithm and an humidity, and Genetic Algorithm.
optimization precipitation) and Image Grape leaf diseases: 88.99% (Ip et al., 2018;
model. solar energy. Processing Powdery mildew, Padalalu et al., 2017;
Fuzzy Neural Moisture sensors for Management of (Padalalu and SVM downy mildew. These Kaur et al., 2016;
Network the soil. irrigation et al., 2017; diseases are treated by Kamilaris and
algorithm Goldstein pre-treating the input Prenafeta-Boldú,
et al., 2018) image (i.e., resizing, 2018)
Gradient Boosted Meteorological The weekly (Padalalu thresholding, and
Regression Trees station data, actual irrigation plan et al., 2017; applying a Gaussian
(GBRT), Boosted irrigation records, prediction Samajpati filter), segmenting this
Trees Classifier historical sensor data et al., 2016) into three chunksby
(BTC) and linear using the K-means
regression algorithms, extracting
models structure and colon
features, and feeding
them by the SVM
plants/crop. Overall study about agriculture shows that quality and techniques.
Image Potato Late Blight (leaf 100% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
quantity of agricultural products may be reduced due to various
Processing disease). They treated Yao et al., 2009;
factors of pest attacks and plant diseases. Disease attack may reduce and ANN these diseases by Kamilaris and
the productivity plants from 10% to 95% (Shirahatti et al., 2018). stretching the Prenafeta-Boldú,
These diseases can be more easily identified by using ML approach as decorrelation, 2018)
compared to manual method. For this purpose agriculture intelligent converting to LAB
space, defining
monitoring system is required in the field. Moreover it should con­
characteristic vectors
sists of advanced sensor technology with add-on information pro­ which create groups i.e.,
cessing technology to get real time data from the field in accurate and “Fluffy C-mean (FCM)”,
quantitative manner to solve problem of plant diseases and pest converting clusters to a
related problems. With the help of WSN system decision can be made “Hue Saturation Value
(HSV)” image, and
at right time/place and input at micro-climatic levels (Wani et al., extracting inclination
2017). Crop losses due to pest and diseases are more considerable, in and antepositions ANN
particular, in semi-arid conditions where they cause direct damage to techniques.
crop and yield where temperature, humidity, rainfall, leaf wetness, Image Rice cover defect, rice 97.20% (Ip et al., 2018;
Processing bacterial leaf defect, Padalalu et al., 2017;
windspeed and soil nutrients are main parameters influencing the
and SVM rice snap. Treated these Jiang et al., 2019;
pest/diseases incidence. There is growing amount of data available disease by capturing an Kamilaris and
from many resources that can be used for gaining knowledge in image in a rice field Prenafeta-Boldú,
agriculture sector. In order to predict useful information as well as to using a camera, the 2018)
understand the trends, the data need to analysed and used for taking image is early-processed
and disjointed, after
decision where computation technique need to be designed to that the structure and
perform respective work and to substitute for farmer requirements. size descriptions are
Such data can be used for productive decision making where ML retrieved, and the
technique are applied. There are different methods in ML for classification of the
three diseases is
detecting and classifying diseases discussed in tabular form in
achieved using SVM
Table 5. based on these
• For Nitrogen Estimation: Another thing is that nitrogen estimation characteristics.
in smart agriculture or PA. It is important role to produce good INAR-SSD 5 apple leaf diseases. 78.80% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
quality and huge quantity of crop. Because it is intimately tied to the model and Treated these diseases Boniecki et al., 2015)
other by collecting of “26,377
photosynthetic process, gardeners believe nitrogen to be a significant models images of apple leaves”
mineral nutrient for plant growth and development (Chlingaryan and apply “INAR-SSD”
et al., 2018; Cao et al., 2017). Nitrogen, on the other hand, has a methods.
significant environmental and economic impact. As a result, several (continued on next page)

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Table 5 (continued ) for Indian scenarios with respect the global challenges are listed below.
Methods Detecting and Precision/ Reference
classifying diseases Accuracy • Cost: For various applications in LMICs (Lower Middle Income
Neural Digital photographs of 95.48% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
Countries), the high cost of sensors and accompanying systems is a
Networks pests were used to Yu et al., 2019; serious issue (Ojha et al., 2015).
predict six different Applalanaidu et al., • Climate and soil variability: The most difficult aspect of building a
species of pests in an 2021) WSN-based agriculture system for India is the country’s diverse
apple crop.
climate and soil types. The application parameters must be fine-
DCNN Weed detection using 96% (Padalalu et al., 2017;
photos captured in Kukar et al., 2019; Wu tuned in order for it to work correctly in various places.
various locations and et al., 2021) • Average farmer’s needs: India has a far smaller average land holding
then resized. per farmer than the rest of the world. As a result, smaller, more
Random Prediction of pests – (Padalalu et al., 2017; tailored solutions are in high demand.
Forest, Time (population size and Kamilaris and
series dynamics) based on pest Prenafeta-Boldú,
• Overall strategy: For success in bringing automation to agriculture
analysis: data collection and 2018) and farming, an overall strategy must be developed, taking into ac­
handling of missing data count the segmented land structure and farmer requirements.
(using the k-nearest
neighbours technique).
9. Deep learning (DL) in smart agriculture through WSN

spectrometric experiments have been conducted to optimise nitrogen Deep learning (DL) is advanced image processing and data analysis
fertilisation for various crops (Cao et al., 2017; Goron et al., 2017; approach that has a lot of potential and promise. DL has lately entered in
Quemada et al., 2014). There are two forms of plant nitrogen status the field of agriculture as a result of its success in other fields (Gebbers
estimations: destructive and non-destructive. Chemical analysis, and Adamchuk, 2010). As a result, the agricultural system becomes
which is connected with the Kjeldahl technique (Chlingaryan et al., more intelligent in terms of production, environmental effect, food se­
2018; Vigneau et al., 2011), is the most prevalent form of destructive curity, and long-term viability (Kamilaris et al., 2017).
measurement. It is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. The A significant growth in food production is required while maintain­
non-destructive method of optical remote sensing of plant nitrogen ing global availability and good nutritional quality while also protecting
status is based on canopy reflectance in the visible–NIR wavelengths natural ecosystems through the use of sustainable farming practises. The
(400–900 nm) (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Using remote sensing complicate, multivariate, and inconsistent agricultural ecosystems
technologies, many studies have been dedicated to non-destructive needs to be clarified by continuously reviewing, calibrating, and ana­
monitoring of nitrogen status inferred in plants. That is, we have to lysing many real characteristics and experience to meet these diffi­
use the WSNs technology in agriculture field for collections of sig­ culties. This entails analysing large amounts of agricultural data
nificant volume of data. This is especially true when the data is acquired by photos captured by WSNs (Singh et al., 2016). In several
heterogeneous, meaning it is sensed by sensors with varying spatial, cases, images serve a complete view of agricultural landscapes and can
temporal, and spectral modalities. ML is a new technique that can help with a range of issues. As a result, image analysis is an effective
help find patterns and rules in enormous amounts of data. study field in the agricultural arena, and inventive data accumulation
techniques are being applied in many agricultural applications for pic­
8. Limitation/challenges of ML in agricultural WSNs ture identification/classification, anomaly detection, and so on (Gebbers
and Adamchuk, 2010; LeCun et al., 2015). ML (“K-means, support vector
In spites of lot of advantages, there are some limitations of using ML machines (SVM), and artificial neural networks (ANN)”) are most
in agricultural WSNs. That may be effect in agricultural system. Some prominent techniques for image analysis (LeCun et al., 2015).
limitation are listed below. Brief introduction to Deep Learning(DL) - Aside from the techniques
discussed above, deep learning (DL) (Schmidhuber, 2015) is a new one
• Because ML approaches involve learning from prior data, they do not that has lately gained traction. DL is a type of ML algorithm that is
produce immediate precise predictions (Kumar et al., 2019). The comparable to ANN. DL extends traditional ML allows data to be rep­
amount of historical data determines the system’s performance. resented in a hierarchical way via several layers of abstraction by adding
When data is large, the amount of energy required to process it is additional “depth” (complexity) to the model and altering the input
equally large. In other words, there is a trade-off between the WSNs’ using various functions (Pan and Yang, 2009). Feature learning, or the
energy restrictions and the ML algorithm’s high computing com­ automatic extraction of features from raw data is a key advantage of DL,
plexities (Alsheikh et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2019). ML algorithms incorporating elements from top levels of the hierarchical structure
must be executed centrally to solve this trade-off. being produced by the configuration of bottom level features (Schmid­
• Quality of data- One of the most serious difficulties in data pre- huber, 2015). Because of the more complicated models utilised in DL,
processing and future extraction is obtaining acceptable data qual­ which allow huge parallelization (Sehgal et al., 2017), it can tackle more
ity and data type (i.e. labelled/structured) for ML algorithms. complex problems exceptionally well and quickly.
• Time consuming task- Another issue that ML models encounter is the DL models’ highly hierarchical structure and vast learning capacity
time it takes to acquire data, extract features, and retrieve data. enable them to perform particularly well in classification and prediction,
• No clear objective for formulating business problems- Because this while being adjustable and adaptive to a wide range of very complicated
technology is still in its early stages, another major barrier for ML is (from a data analysis standpoint) challenges (Sehgal et al., 2017).
the lack of a clear purpose and well-defined goal for business Although DL has gained prominence in scan-typed data applications (e.
problems. g. video, photos), it may be applied to any type of data, including audio,
• It is challenging to validate the ML algorithm’s predictions in a real- voice, and natural language, as well as weather data is an example of
time situation (Kumar et al., 2019). continuous or point data (Song et al., 2016), soil chemistry (Demmers
• It can be difficult to pinpoint a specific ML technique for dealing with et al., 2012), and demographic data (Namin et al., 2018). The Venn
a problem with WSNs. Diagram in Fig. 14 depicts the link between Artificial Intelligence, Ma­
chine Learning, and Deep Learning.
In other side, some problems in WSNs used in agriculture, especially

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

9.1. DL in agricultural field ways (Gebbers and Adamchuk, 2010), they don’t generalise
beyond the “boundaries of the dataset’s expressiveness.”
DL in agricultural field is a relatively new, current, and auspicious iv. Data early-processing is sometimes an essential and time-
approach that is gaining traction, while advances and applications of DL spending activity in computer vision, not just in DL, especially
in other fields suggest that it has a lot of potential. DL has been used to when satellite or aerial photographs are elaborated (Gebbers and
solve a variety of agricultural problems with excellent outcomes. On Adamchuk, 2010).
massive agricultural data in several fields of agriculture, DL models and v. Furthermore, existing datasets may not fully represent the prob­
architectures were built, as well as data sources, classes, and labels. Data lem they are attempting to solve (Demmers et al., 2012).
early-processing and/or accretion were used. These models and fields vi. Finally, there are few publicly available datasets which gathered
have applied on agriculture with problem description have been discuss by researchers in the field of agriculture and also create new
in Table 6. datasets of photographs. It could take several times to complete.

9.2. Advantages and disadvantages of DL in agriculture 10. Open research issues

Advantages Different research issues are still now opened and required for
further research in agricultural WSNs through ML and DL approaches.
i. In image processing, most significant advantages of DL is the Some of issues are listed below.
lowered need for feature engineering (FE) (i.e., FE is a time-
consuming and complicated technique that must be adjusted • Agricultural Food Supply: Many of researcher’s works on food
every time the problem or dataset changes.) (Gebbers and supply chain which depends on different companies mediators for
Adamchuk, 2010). the issue of agricultural foods placed in better places with better
ii. DL models seems to generalize well. prices which are encouraged to farmers. Now these mediators
iii. While DL is more time consuming than other standard algorithms contribute approximately 75% of overall supply chain. For further
(e.g., SVM, RF), it has a high testing efficiency. research, it may be hike by using ML and DL techniques.
iv. DL is the ability to create duplicated data items to prepare the • Soil Moisture: It is most important issue on agriculture because of
model, which may then be used to address real-world problems. water level is lowering day by day. Another reason is that farmers get
information about what could be the proper time of sowing and
Disadvantages: cultivating the crops and whether infiltration of the soil is proper or
not. So, better crop yield prediction results can be achieved by
i. A significant disadvantage and obstacle to using DL is the applying data mining techniques under different climatic scenario.
requirement for huge datasets to be used as on input data for the To have good prediction, in future, ML and DL along with soil
training method. There are hundreds of photos required for photo moisture, some more parameters such as soil temperature, soil pH
based classification. could be used in soil health monitoring for better cultivation.
ii. Data interpretation is most important procedure in maximum • Irrigation: This is one of the most promising research issue in
cases. So some activities are more difficult to complete and need agriculture. Recently many researchers work on irrigation manage­
experts for interpretation of input photos. The expert recruitment ment through ML and DL for utilising water usages methodologies
is also difficult. like climatic aspects, crop characteristics and economic objectives.
iii. Another restriction is that while DL models can learn specific On this regard optimum usages of water is also challenging issue.
problems exceptionally well, and even generalise in different

Artificial Intelligence
The theory and development of computer
systems able to perform tasks normally
requiring human intelligence

Machine learning
Gives computers “the ability to learn
without being explicitly

Deep Learning
Machine learning algorithms
with brain -like logical
structure of algorithms called
artificial neural network

Fig. 14. Differences of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning.

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

Table 6 • Greenhouse Gases: Most of the researchers interested of this effect

DL application in agricultural field. in agricultural crops. WSN and a solar-powered system is already
Sl. Agricultural Area Problem Description DL Models Used/ used for monitor and maintain some greenhouse gases such as CH4
No. Classification Accuracy and CO2. The further research is required on this regard to maintain
01 Leaf Classification Classify leaves of CNN(94.55% accuracy ( and monitoring more greenhouse gases like N2O, O3 and water
different plant species Bose et al., 2020; Khattak vapour (H2O).
et al., 2021; Dangar et al., • Weather Forecast: Many works have been done on this issue. But
2021) + RF classifier weather is changing day by day due to global warming which affects
(93.8% accuracy (
Applalanaidu et al.,
the agricultural system. Sometimes farmers needs accurate weather
2021) (Jia et al., 2014), forecast which is very important for cultivation. For some specific
SVM classifier(95.7% cultivation it protects farmers from a huge loss of money. So, there is
accuracy (Liu et al., 2021) a need of more accurate and time to time weather forecast techniques
02 Leaf disease Plant diseases of various CaffeNet CNN (
for better agricultural system and minimum loss of farmers.
detection sorts have been isolated Krizhevsky et al., 2017)
from healthy leaves. • Weed Identification: Weed, in general, raises cultivation costs,
03 Plant disease 14 crop species and 26 AlexNet(95.5% accuracy lower crops yields, promote disease and depletes soil fertility. So,
detection illnesses must be (Liu et al., 2021), farmers need to remove weed from the agricultural land by using
identified (Gebbers and GoogleNet(99.35% labour and by using herbicides. But they faces different problems. To
Adamchuk, 2010). accuracy (Liu et al.,
2021), CNNs (Szegedy
prevent these issues, a combination of image processing and machine
et al., 2015; Douarre learning techniques have been used by autonomous sprayers. Many
et al., 2016) research works have been done on image processing for identifying
04 Crop type Wheat, maize, soybeans, CNN(94.55% accuracy ( weeds. One of the famous ML algorithm, CNN is used in weed
classification sunflower, and sugar Bose et al., 2020; Khattak
identification system. Other works on this issue is vegetable planta­
beet are all classified. et al., 2021; Dangar et al.,
2021) tion using DL and image processing, developed visual methods of
05 Plant recognition Recognize 7 various AlexNet CNN (Szegedy discriminating between vegetable and weed in novel and indirect
plant views: the whole et al., 2015) way and used a colour index to extract weeds from the background
plant, the branch, the under natural conditions. The further research is required for CNN to
flower, the fruit, the leaf,
overcome challenges in weed identification such as different lighting
the stem, and the scans (
Gebbers and Adamchuk, conditions, different growth stages of crop and weed and processing
2010). complex images. Another significant aspect of research is the
06 Plant phenology Using just visual data, AlexNet CNN (Szegedy improved accuracy in vegetable identification achieved by optimis­
recognition classify the phenological et al., 2015)
ing the DL model.
stages of various plant
species. • Aeroponics: To avoid many resources, such as soil, huge water,
07 Segmentation of Identify roots from the CNN with SVM for more time, expensive human labour and machinery, researchers
root and soil soil. classification(75% work on this interesting issue in agriculture for adequate food supply
accuracy (Katarya et al., and agricultural products. Researchers have implemented an auto­
2020) (Szegedy et al.,
mated aeroponic cultivation system using IoT based technology.
08 Crop yield Estimate corn yield of CNN(94.55% accuracy ( Another newly invented Aero-Hydroponic System (AHAS) aims to
estimation country U.S. (Gebbers Bose et al., 2020; Khattak add to the local food supply by utilising IoT techniques to boost
and Adamchuk, 2010) et al., 2021; Dangar et al., productivity. Still, an effective strategy is required to avoid various
sensitive effects such as inability to start water supply pumps,
09 Fruit counting Predict how many Modified Inception-
tomatoes are there in the ResNet(96% accuracy (
nutrient distribution lines, and automatic nozzle plugging from
image (Gebbers and Liu et al., 2021) CNN ( current planting techniques like aeroponics.
Adamchuk, 2010). Patel et al., 2019) • Drone Technology: This is a crucial aspect in PA systems for a va­
10 Crop/weed Using picture data to CNN(94.55% accuracy ( riety of applications including metrology, change detection, disaster
detection and identify sugar beet plants Bose et al., 2020; Khattak
migration, area estimation, smart irrigation, agricultural robots,
classification and weeds in the field ( et al., 2021; Dangar et al.,
Gebbers and Adamchuk, 2021) remote sensing, and mapping. Most of the researchers have recently
2010). established several models on these aspects for precise and smart
farming. However, future experiments could include the use of
wireless IoT technologies such as LoRA and SigFox, as well as rele­
Another critical concern is the minimal impact of arsenic (which is vant agriculture sensors for monitoring farm field climate conditions
found in ground water) on human health, which causes cancer. like wind speed and direction, soil temperature, CO2 concentrations,
• Predicting Pest and Diseases: Many researchers work on this issue. light intensity, barometric pressure, and rainfall.
Pest attack in plants ca be reduced by using different image pro­
cessing techniques through ML and DL. At present, pest attack in
11. Conclusion
plants reduces productivity of crops range from 10% − 95%. The
hike of lower limit of this range is the vital issue for further research
In this survey paper, we have discussed WSNs, ML and their appli­
using more intelligent monitoring system used in the agricultural
cations in agriculture. Firstly, we have focussed on different types of
field through ML and IoT.
WSNs, their use in agriculture and the relation of WSNs to agriculture.
• Nitrogen Estimation: It has an important role to produce good
We have also included the different types of technologies used in PA in
quality and large quantity of crops. Already several spectrometric
developed countries and food supply scenario of the smart farmer. The
experiments have been conducted to optimise nitrogen i.e.,
challenges of WSNs’ on agricultural field is major problem. For this, we
destructive and non-destructive methods. One is difficult, time-
have also discussed the solution of their challenges through ML and deep
consuming and expensive and another is depend on heterogeneous
learning techniques. Secondly, we have presented the concept of ML,
data. So, there is a need of efficient techniques for enormous amount
types of ML and their advantages in WSNs’ challenges. We’ve drawn
of data to optimise nitrogen fertilisation for various crops.
attention to different issues of WSNs addressed by ML such as routing,
clustering & data aggregation, event detection & query processing,

M. Mohinur Rahaman and M. Azharuddin Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197 (2022) 106928

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precision agriculture. Procedia Comput. Sci. 130, 575–582.
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