6.) Introduction

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Background of the Study

People from the ancient times used plants as medicines (Parra et al, 2001). Numerous of

nowadays drugs have been consequential from plant resources. Factually and historically, medicinal

plants provided a foundation of stimulation for novel therapeutic drugs (Olowa and Nu ñeza, 2013),

whether in the modest form of raw plant constituents or in the refined form of crude extracts, mixtures,

etc. (i.e. latest approximations submit that several thousands of plants have been known with therapeutic

applications in different civilization) (Farnsworth, 1991) as plant consequential medicine succeeded a

great impact to the health and well-being of humans. According to Patil (2013), medicinal plants have

expected a larger significance in modern times; due to its remarkable possibility they proffer in

formulating novel drugs against various diseases and illness that affects human kind. The succeeded use

contributes a remarkable importance, because plants provide drugs to broaden the therapeutic arsenal

(Jaramillo, 1989).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2007), 70-80% of the world’s population

relies on unconventional medicines, mostly in plants bases either in part or entirely for their primary

health care. They are recognized for their capability to yield wealth secondary processes of metabolism,

several of these natural products have been made known to present remarkable biological and

pharmacological actions that would serve as the preparatory idea in the improvement of present medi-

cines (Abubakar et al., 2010).

In acknowledgment, the Traditional Medicine Program in 1992, Department of Health (DOH)

launched the profound accommodated practice of traditional medicine as an alternative modality for

handling and averts diseases in the Philippines. The program was set to uphold and advocate traditional
treatment in the Philippines (Comidoy, 2014). There are numerous therapeutic plants in the Philippines

and there are possibly a great deal more with properties that produce a physiological activities on the

human kind as yet undiscovered scientifically (Jose et al., 2015).

Furthermore, Selected of the customary medicine encompasses the use of crude plant extract

which may hold a widespread diversity of molecules, often with indefinite biological effects. A general

bioassay that seems capable of identifying an extensive spectrum of bioactivity present implant crude

extracts is the Brine Shrimp (A salina.) Lethality Assay (BSLA) (Pisutthanan et at., 2004). BSLA is used

as an indicator for general toxicity and also as a guide for the detection of antitumor and pesticidal

compounds (Meyer et al., 1982). The low cost and ease of performing the assay and the commercial

availability of inexpensive brine shrimp eggs makes BSLA a very useful bench top method (McLaughlin

et al., 1991).This assay has been noted as a useful tool for the isolation of bioactive compounds from

plant extracts (Sam, 1993).

The Pipinong-gubat (M. Pendula) has a long history of use in traditional medicine. The ripe fruit

of Pipinong-gubat is observed and considered as purgative and may cause diarrheal due to its toxicity

effect (Stuart, 2018) and M. pendula mentioned as a wild species of the Cucurbitaceae family in Mexico

that continues without being studied to its full extend. (Lira et al., 1998). Even today not many locals

rely on the administration of plant-derived preparations for the treatment of diversity of ailments. M.

Pendula has been used by folk healer in South America in Surimane, Brazila and Mexico. Surinam in

South America used the infusion of tendrils as a tea or drinks for children’s stomach ache, and also in

Brazil, black ripened fruit accounts as a greatly drastic purgative (Stuart,2018). Moreover, its fruits may

be potential source of nutrients and antioxidants (Basak et al., 2013). Considering that a major challenge

today is the discovery of plants with promising activities, we applied the brine shrimp test (BST) for

general toxicological property screening of the extracts of the plant. Though, utmost of the accessible
information concerning the therapeutic potential of this plant is not provided with credible scientific

data. And according to In addition for this reason, we, the researchers, aimed to conduct a research study

which determines the toxicity of Pipinong-gubat (M. Pendula).

Objective of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to assess the toxicological properties of Pipinong-Gubat (Melothria

Pendula) in Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Evaluate the Phytochemical Components of Pipinong-gubat (M. Pendula);

2. Determine the mortality of Brine Shrimp (A. salina)Lethality Assay (LC50) against

Pipinong-gubat Ethanolic Fruit Extract; and

3. Determine the toxicological properties of Pipinong-gubat Ethanolic Fruit Extract against

Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina)Lethality Assay (LC50).

Significance of the Study

World Health Organization (WHO, 2002), stated that 75-80% of the world’s population relies on

plants either in part or entirely for their primary health care. Toxicity testing is the determination of

potential hazards a test substance may likely produced and the characterization of its action, most of the

toxicity testing is carried out on experimental animals (Cunny, 2001). Yet, Toxicity testing is vital in the

screening of newly developed medicines beforehand it can be used on humans and not just to check the

effect of the test substance is but to distinguish the potential toxic effect it can produce (Arome and

Chinedu, 2014). Later, the researchers want to study the feasible toxicological property of a plant.
Pipinong-gubat (the ripped fruit) is observed and considered as purgative and may cause

diarrheal due to its toxicity effect (Stuart, 2018). And M. pendula mentioned as a wild species of the

Cucurbitaceae family in Mexico that continues without being studied to its full extend. (Lira et al.,


In search for solutions, researchers will focus on the toxicity and analysis of the natural

compounds present in Pipinong-gubat (M. pendula). This plant can be used as an alternative

constituents of drugs from which the plant-based drug discovery resulted mainly in the development of

determining of probable medicinal value that may lead to cure diseases and illness.

Moreover, this plant will be beneficial to the community where the plant is to be found (i.e.

commonly in sandy roadsides and almost in any fence).

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be used Pipinong-gubat (M. pendula). The samples will be crushed and extracted

using ethanol. The plant extract will be subjected to analysis of Phytochemical components. Ethanol will

be used as solvent to determine the toxicity of plant materials in Brine Shrimp (A. salina) Lethality

Assay. The result of the test will observe for 2, 4 , 6, 12, and 24 hours.

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