COSC 206 SyllabusRevised

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Babcock University

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

COSC 206: Programming in C++ (3 credits)

Lecturers: Ayite, Miriam (Mrs.) / Ola, Kemi (Ms.)
Email: TBA/[email protected]
Office: Resource Center (near CSM HOD’s Office) / TBA
Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. ( Monday – Thursday)

Course Description and Objectives

A continued exposure to program methodology using the C++ programming language including
computer usage within a UNIX environment, C++ basic parts, problem solving, algorithm
development, basic data types, control structures, arrays, functions, searching and sorting.
Basic class concepts include – constructors/destructors, operator overloads, inheritance,
program style, program design, code documentation techniques, and program correctness.
Emphasis will be placed on Procedural and Object oriented programming. Other topics include
file processing, introduction to stacks and queues and applications.

The prerequisite for this class is COSC 102. ALL students are required to have taken COSC 102
before taking COSC 206.

Textbook: N/A

Dev C++ Compiler. Students can also download to their personal PCs.

Each individual’s effort and grade will be based on the following components.

Attendance 5
Assignments 10
Tests/Quizzes 10
Mid-semester Exam 15
Final Exam 60
Total 100
Grading Scheme

A 80% or above
B 60% – 79%
C 50% – 59%
D 45% – 49%
E 0% – 44%

Attendance is required and does count towards your final grade.

Assignments will consist of Programming Exercises. Programming Exercises will make use of
the material covered in class. The number of homework assignments is subject to change. The
grading criteria for homework will be discussed prior to assignment. It is important that ALL
homework is completed SOLELY by the student. Any impropriety or dishonesty will result in a
failing grade for the course. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Email submission: I must receive your homework on the due date by 11:59pm. No late work
will be accepted. 12:01 am does not count.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests will be scheduled and announced in advance. Unannounced quizzes will also be used to
evaluate your grasp of key concepts. Unannounced quizzes will be administered at the
beginning of class and will as the name suggest, be unscheduled.

There will be two exams, one mid-semester exam and one final exam. Exam layout and AOC will
be discussed one week before the scheduled exam date.

Course Format
Class time will consist primarily of lectures, lab and in-class discussion. Lab time is primarily for
hands- on programming using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) compiler, in our
case, Dev C++ Compiler.

This class has a required laboratory component which will be determined based on your major
and class schedule. It is important that you attend your own scheduled lab session.
Content Breakdown

Week of Topic Lab

Jan 17 – 21 Nothing  
Review of Computer Basics and C++ Review
Consult your lecture notes from last year/semester to
brush up on past knowledge
Jan 24 – 28 Syllabus Overview 
Gauge of Knowledge
Review of C++ Basics
Jan 31 – Feb. 4 Variable Use, Basic Input/Output, Control Structures LAB 1: TBA
Review and Functions
Feb 7 – 11 Functions
Feb 14 – 18 Pointers and Dynamic Memory
Feb 21 – 25 Data Structures: Lists, Stacks and Queues
Feb 28 – Mar. 4 MIDTERM
Mar 7 – 11 Classes: Data Members, Member F(x)s, Constructors,
Mar 14 – 18 Operator Overloading
Mar 21 – 25 Object Oriented Programming :-Inheritance
Base, Derived classes, protected members, public, private
and protected inheritance
Mar 28 – Apr. 1 Object Oriented Programming :- Polymorphism
Apr 4 – 8 Input / Output with Files
Apr 11 – 15 C++ Standard Library and Templates
Apr 18 – 21 Review / Revision
Apr 22 - 28 EXAM

Additional Information
Food or Drinks: Students are not allowed to have food or drinks in the classroom or lab. The cost of
damage to computer equipment can be significant due to a minor mishap.
Cellular Phones or Pagers: Cellular phones and pagers must be turned off while the student is in class.
Students caught using their cellphones will have their cell phones confiscated until the end of the
Recreational usage of Computers: Students in the classroom are to remain on the task at hand.
Browsing the Internet, playing games or working on any other computer project is prohibited.
Computers must be turned off and remain off during lecture time unless otherwise instructed by the

Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated.
 ANY student caught plagiarizing code will be dropped from the class with a grade of F by the
instructor and disciplinary action may be taken by the Dean of Students.
 ANY student caught giving another student there code to copy will be dropped from the class
with a grade of F by the instructor and disciplinary action may be taken by the Dean of Students.
 ANY student caught cheating will be dropped from the class with a grade of "F" by the instructor
and disciplinary action may be taken by the Dean of Students.

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