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• Causation: From loss of vital fluid, abuse of quinine.
• Anaemic condition due to loss of blood, especially from haemorrhage.
• Due to anaemia, the patient is PALE and waxy, muscles become flabby and relaxed.
• there is dropsical condition of skin which pits.on pressure.
• The skin is pale, waxy, vet the face shows an appearance of plethora.
• From every little excitement the face becomes flushed.

• A/F : Mental exertion, strong emotion, strong odours, gas vapours, thunderstorm, lightning, sexual excess, loss of uital
fluids, sprains, wounds, lifting, exposure to drenching rain (Rhus Tox., Dulcamara, Gels.), tobacco (Camphor, Ignatia),
by wahsing clothes (Sepia), having hair cut (Bell., Glonoine): excessive use of table salt, etc.
• Haemorrhage. Phosphorus is a great anti-haemorrhagic drug Haemorrhage is caused by degeneration of tissue and
occurs from small injuries or cut.
• Character of blood: Profuse, watery, bright-red blood which iş non-coagulable, Bleeding from various organs and
parts the body. Small wounds bleed much. Pours uut freely and then ceases suddenly for a time, seen as in
metrorrhagia ,haemoptysis,haematemesis, from nose, stomach, anus, etc.

• Ailments from. Trauma or injury, haemorrhage, etc.
• Haemorrhage. It is better adapted to PASSIVE VENOUS HAEMORRHAGE from any orifice of the body; nose
uterus (MENORRHAGIA) etc.
• The character of blood is PROFUSE DARK, GRUMQUS Haemonhage after a fall or rough riding. There is intense sorness
of the affectedports Vicarious menstruațion is also found in it.
• Nose-bleed. Causation: ldiopathic, traumatic, vicarious, of childhood. Flow is passive, long lasting and venous Blood is
non-coagulable (Crot.)profuse, which relieves headache.
• Eye. It hastens absorption of intraočular haemortbage
• Haemoptysis. Ticking cough with taste of blood or suphur. without effort or coughing; sometimes lasts for months or
years. Chest feels sore and constricted. Modality: Aggravation from motion and ittle exertion.
• Haematemesis. Throbbing pain in stomach. PROFUSE BLEEDING, DARK BLOOD, SORENESS IN THE ABDOMEN,
haemorrhage from intestine during typhoid or in dysentery, profuse bleeding, dark blood. Anus feels raw and sore.
Haemorrhage does not cause any mental anxiety. Modality: Aggravation from motion and little exertion.
• Haematuria. Dark blood with increased desire to urinate.
• Varicosity of veins. May be in the oesophagus (Oesophageal varices), rectum (piles), abdomen, legs, pampiniform
plexus of veins of scrotum, etc. Veins dilate, elongatę and become tortuous and bleed easily. Blood is dark; ulceration
of the varicose veins (Fluoric acid).
• Extreme soreness of the part.
• Hamamelis can be used both internally and extemally in solution taking 1 part of mother tincture and 9 parts of aqua
dest for such condition at the same time for rapid improvement.
• Injury. Like Arnica, Calendula, etc. Hamamelis alsoa very good medicine for injury, whére there is continuous bleeding
from the injured surface.
• Bleeding may be internal, or external, the character of blood being PASSIVE, DARK WITH SORNESS OF THE PARTS.
Wounds from which continuous bleeding takes place, be it incised, lacerated or contused, or caused from falls, it
matters little. Hamamelis can bring appreciable results.
• If the mother tincture of Hamamelis is applied on cuts or wounds, it will arrest bleeding, remove pain and soreness
and prevent suppuration.

• Ailments from-Falls (from height). Overexertion. Lift- ing. Suppressed lochia. Suppressed menses. Suppressed
haemorrhoids etc.
• Haemorrhages : from all the orifices of the body ; from wounds or of mechanical origin ; painless haemorrhage
without fever. blood is bright red and fluid.
• Profusely bleeding wound especially after a fall.
• Vertigo when moving slowly, but not when taking violent exercise.
• Leucorrhoea of children from atony.

• Aliments from. Fright, sun, alcohol, foul water, and vaccination.
• Haemorrhage. In malignant diseases of uterus: Great tendency of haemorrhage. The blood discharge ISDARK, FLUID.
• The blood loses all pOwer of coagulation; hence clats are not usually detected in the haemorrhage (Lach., Naja coagu-
lates the blood with long strings).
• In intestinal haemorhage when occumring in typical septic or zymotic diseases where the blood is dark, fluid and
offensive, Crotalus is a wonderful remedy.
• There is haemorrhagic diathesis. The blood flows from all the orifices of the body e.g. ear, nose, eyes, and even from
the pores of skin. In blood poisoning, pulse can scarcely be felt.
• Completely collasped condition with great prostration of vitai force and blood sweat.
• There may also be PURPURA HAEMORRHAGICA, coming suddenly from all the orifices e.g. skin, nails, gums, etc.
• During haemorrhage the skin becomes cold and dry. The patient wants fanning. Usually right side is more aflected.

• Ailments from. Leading sedentary life, exposure to cold, stormy wet weather
• Haemorrhagic tendency; blood becomes fluid, haemny sis and degeneration of R.B.C. take place, and consequentiy
lood has diminished tendency to coagulate and less capacity to carry oxvoen; dark, degenerated, watery, offensive
and non-coagulable blood.
• Epistaxis, WHEN WASHING THE FACE in the morning or after.eatns especially from left nostril.
• Constitution. It is specially suited to women and children. Make up of the body: Stout, fleshy and delicate women who
sedentary life, with a "smelling bottle" always in the hand. Relation with heat and cold:E Very chilly patient. Miasm:
Psora is in the background. Diathesis : Haemorrhagic diathesis.
• Guiding: It is a RIGHT-SIDED remedy.
• Ulcertions tend to ganarene
• Fat patient with weak heart; palpitation and faintness.
• Heauiness in all organs.
• Children dislike washing (Antim.crud., Sulphur). .
• Stopping of nose, mostly at night; must breathe through the mouth

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