Core and Steel Test

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Indian Standard


(Fourth Revision )

ICS 91.10U.30

NEW DELHI 110002
July 2000

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16.5 Concrete of each grade shall be assessed e) thew is a system to verify that thequality is
separately. satisfactory in individual part. of the stlumus,
16.6 Concnle is hable to be rejccld if it is paous espmaUy the critical bncs.
or honcy-combed, its placing has been interropted 17.2 Immediately afw suiwinr: Ihc formwort 111
withou~-providinga Goper Eonstruction join< tbc ~ r b s u b e ~ f u l iri&c&andany
l y &fcetive
reinforcement has been dis~lacedbeyond the work or mall dcfcnr either m o v e d or ma& aood
tolerances specified, or consmction tolerances have before ~ n c mhass thoroughly hardened.
not been met. However, the hardened concrete
17.3 Tatimg
may be accepted after carrying out suitable
remedial measures to the satisfaction of the engineer. In case of doubt regarding the gds of conauc used.
incharge. either due to w0r-u a b r e d o n m u l t s of
cube strength tests, compressive smngth tests of
concrete on IIEbasis of 1 7 A d o r load tesl (see 17.6)
may be carried out.
17.4 Core Tai
To enswe that the conslruction complies with the 17.4.1 'lkp i n u from which corro are to be ULca
design an inspection procedure should be set up and tbc number of wrea required shall be al ths
covering materials, records, workmanship and discretion of tba engineer-in-charge and shall be
conspuclion. qmentptive of the whole of ConcrCtC concrmcd.
17.1.1 Tests should be made on reinforcement and ~. h n o c m c , b m s v e r . ~ M l ~ f n u a ~ c c o r u b e
Ihe consttrucnt matrnalsofconcrelein accudance wth 'CSm'
the relevant standarb. Whaa awlicabk. use should 17.42 c a rbrll ~ behdtutcdudaaibsd
be made of suitable quality assu&cc ac$cmcs. in IS 516.
17.1.2 Care should be taken to s& tbu: 0Concnlc in the member q m e n t e d by a cao
lest shall be considered acceptable if the average
a) dwign and detail arc capable of being executed equivalentcube shsngthof t h e m is e q d to u laut
to a suitable standard. with dut allowance for 8 5 ~ t o f ~ c u b c s h s n g t h o f b ~ o f c m a e t e
dimensional tolerances; specified for ~ I Cccmspnding age md no individual
b) there are clear instructions on inspection core h.s a stnngth less h n 75 pement
nand&; 17.5 In ~ . the g eorc tea results do not satisfy the
C) there a n clear instiuctions on permissible r q u k m a t s of 17A.3 a whcrc such tests have not
deviations; teen done. load an (17.6) may be motled to.
d) .elements critical to worhnanship. smctural
performance, durability and appearance are 17.6 h d l b b for 4rFkna Member
identified, and 17.6.1 Load iwts should be uniai out as sooa u
Table 11 C a a p d n Stragth Cmnpllum Reqni-
( C h 16.1 mul 16.3)


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ACI C o m m i t t e e 318
Structural Building Code

James K. Wight Basile G. Rabbat

Chair Secretary

Sergio M. Alcocer Luis E. Garcia Dominic J. Kelly Myles A. Murray

Florian G. Barth S. K. Ghosh Gary J. Klein Julio A. Ramirez
Roger J. Becker Lawrence G. Griiis Ronald Klemencic Thomas C. Schaeffer
Kenneth B. Bondy David P. Gustafson Cary S. Kopczynski Stephen J. Seguirant
John E. Breen D. Kirk Harman H. S. Lew Roberto Stark
James R. Cagley James R. Harris Colin L. Lobo Eric M. Tolles
Michael P. Collins Neil M. Hawkins Leslie D. art in' Thomas D. Verti
W. Gene Corley Terence C. Holland Robert F. Mast Sharon L. Wood
Charles W. Dolan Kenneth C. Hover Steven L. McCabe Loring A. Wyllie
Anthony E. Fiorato Phillip J. lverson W. Calvin McCall Fernando V. Yanez
Catherine E. French James 0. Jirsa Jack R Moehle

Subcommittee Members

Neal S. Anderson Juan P. Covarrubias Michael E. Kreger Vilas S. Mujumdar Guillermo Santana
Mark A. Aschheim Robert J. Frosch Daniel A. Kuchma Suzanne D. Nakaki Andrew Scanlon
John F. Bonacci Harry A. Gleich LeRoy A. Lutz Theodore L. Neff John F. Stanton
JoAnn P. Browning Javier F. ~orvilleur+ James G. MacGregor Andrzej S. Nowak Fernando R. Stucchi
Nicholas J. Carino R. Doug Hooton Joe Maffei Randall W. Poston Raj Valluvan
Ned M. Cleland L. S. Paul Johal Denis Mitchell Bruce W. Russell John W. Wallace
Ronald A. Cook

Consultlng Members

i.Raymond Hays rrichard C. Meininger bnarles G. Salmon

ACI 318M-05 is a complete metric companion to ACI 318-05. ACI 318-05 is deemed to satisty I S 0 19338, "Performance and
Assessment Requirementsfor Design Standards on Structural Concrete:' Reference Number I S 0 19338.2003(E). Also Technical
Corrigendum 1: 2004.

ation for Laboratoly Accrediration (AZLA), AASHTO Mate-
rials Reference Laboratoly (AMRL), National Voluntary
Laboratory Accreditation- Program (NVLAP), Cement and
Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), or thdr equivalent.

5.6.4 - Field-cured specimens R5.6.4 -Field-cured specimens -If required by the building official, results R5.6.4.1- Strength tests of cylinders cured under field
of strength tests of cylinders cured under field condi- conditions may be required to check the adequacy of curing
tions shall be provided. and protection of concrete in the structure. - Field-cured cylinders shall be cured

under field conditions in accordance with "Practice for
Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
Field" (ASTM C 31 M). - Field-cured test cylinders shall be molded

at the same time and from the same samples as l a b e
ratory-cured test cylinders. Procedures for protecting and curing con- R5.6.4.4 - Positive guidance is provided in the cod,
crete shall be improved when strength of field-cured concerning the interpretation of tests of field-cured cylin-
cylinders at test age designated for determination of ders. Research has shown that cylinders protected and cured
f,' is less than 85 percent of that of companion labora- to simulate good held practice should test not less than
tory-cured cylinders. The 85 percent limitation shall about 85 percent of standard laboratory moist-cured c y l i -
not apply if field-cured strength exceeds f,' by more ders. This percentage has been set as a rational basis for
than 3.5 MPa. judging the adequacy of field curing. The comparison is
made between the actual measured strengths of companion
job-cured and laboratory-cured cylinders, not between j o b
cured cylinders and the specified value off,'. However,
results for the job-cured cylinders are considered satisfac-
tory if the job-cured cylinders exceed the specitied f,' by

RS.6.S -Investigation of low-strength test results

Instructions are provided concerning the procedure to be - If any strength test (see of l a b e
followed when strength tests have failed to meet the speci-
ratory-cured cylinders falls below f,' by more than the
fied acceptance criteria. For obvious reasons, these instruc-
values given in if tests of field-cured cylin-
tions cannot be dogmatic. The building ofticial should apply
ders indicate deficiencies in protection and curing (see
judgment as to the significance of low test results and, steps shall be taken to assure that load-carry-
whether they indicate need for concern. I f further investiga-
ing capacity of the structure is not jeopardized.
tion is deemed necessary, such invesdgation may include
nondestructive tests, or in extreme cases, strength tests of
1 - If the likelihood of low-strength concrete cores taken from the structure.
is confirmed and calculations indicate that load-carry-
ing capacity is significantly reduced, tests of cores Nondestructive tests of the concrete in place, such as by
drilled from the area in question in accordance with probe penetration, impact hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity
"Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing or pull out may bc useful in determining whether or not a
Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete" (ASTM portion of the strucmre actually contains low-strength con-
C 42M) shall be permitted. In such cases, three cores crete. Such tests are of value primarily for comparisons
shall be taken for each strength test that falls below within the same job rather than as quantitative measures of
the values given in strengtt~.For cores, ifrequired. conservatively safe accep-
tance criteria are provided that should ensure structural ade-

ACI 318 Building Commentary


CODE COMMENTARY - Cores shall be prepared for transport and quacy for virtually any type of const~ction?-'~~-~ Lower
storage by wiping drilling water from their surfaces and strength may, of course, be tolerated under many circum-
placing the cores in watertight bags or containers stances, but this again becomes a matter of judgment on the
immediately after drilling. Cores shall be tested no ear- part of the building ofiicial and design engineer. When the
lier than 48 hours and not later than 7 days after coring core tests fail to provide assurance of structural adequacy, it
unless approved by the registered design professional. may be practical, particularly in the case of floor or roof

off,'and if no single core is less than 75 percent of of such a treatment should be verificd by further strength
.',fAdditional testing of cores extracted from locations evaluation using procedures previously discussed.
represented by erratic core strength results shall be
A core ohtained through the use of a water-cooled hit results
in a moisture gradient between the exterior and interior of - If criteria of are not met and if the the core being created during drilling. This adversely affects
structural adequacy remains in doubt, the responsible ,he core., compressive strength.5.Y T ~ Crestriction on the
authority shall be permitted to order a strength evalua- commen~e,nt of core testing provides a minimum time
tion in accordance with Chapter 20 for the question- for the moisture gradient to dissipate.
able portion of the structure, or take other appropriate
iFore tests having an average of 85 percent or the specified
strength are realistic. To expect core tests to be equal tof,' i s
not realistic, since dinerences in the size of specimens, con-
ditions of obtaining samples, and procedures for curing, do
not permit equal values to be obtained_)

The code, as stated, concerns itself with assuring structural

safety, and the instructions in 5.6 are aimed at that objective.
I t i s not the function of the code to assign responsibility for
strength deficiencies, whether or not they are such as to
require corrective measures.

Undcr thc rcquircnicnts of this scction, cores taken to con-

firm structural adequacy will usually he taken at ages later
than those specified for determination ol'f,'.

of deposit of deposit
5.7.1 - Preparation before concrete placement shall Recommendations for mixing, handling and transporting,
include the following: and placing concrete are given in detail in "Guide fbr Mea-
suring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete"
(a) All'equipment for mixing and transporting Concrete reported by ACI Committee 304.5-lopresmts methods and
shall be clean; procedures for control, handling- and storage of materials,

measurement, batching tolerances, mixing, methods of plac-

(b) All debris and ice shall be removed from spaces ing,transporting,and forms.)
to be occupied by concrete;
Attention i s directed to the need for using clean equipment
(c) Forms shall be properly coated;
and for dranina - forms and reinforcement lhorouehlv
- .before
beginning to deposit concrete. I n particular, sawdust, nails,
(d) Masonry filler units that will be in contact with
ulood pieces, and other debris that may collect inside the
concrete shall be well drenched;
forms should be removed. Reinforcement should be thor-
(e) Reinforcement shall be thoroughly clean of ice or oughly cleaned of ice, dirt, loose rust, mill scale, or other
other deleterious coatings; coatings. Water should be removed from the forms.

ACI 318 Building CO;~~:;~~Commentary

Indian Standara
(Fourth Revision )

ICS 77.140.15; 91.080.40

Q BIS 2008


NEW DELHI 110002

May 2008 Price Group 6

6.3 Effective Cross-Sectional Area and Mass of For routine test purposes, a nominal ratio of effective
Deformed Bars and Wires to gross cross-sectional area of barslwires covered
by 6.3.2(b) above shall be declared and used by
6.3.1 For barslwires whose pattern of deformation is the manufacturer..
such that by visual inspectio~the cross-sectional area
is substantially uniform along the length of the barlwire, 7 'rOLERANCES ON DIMENSIONS AND
the effective cross-sectional area shall be the gross NOMINAL MASS
sectional area determined as follows, using a bariwire 7.1 Specified Lengths
not less than 0.5 m in length:
If barsfwires are specified'to be cut to certain lengths,
W each badwire shall be cut within deviations of fz:mm
Gross cross-sectional area, in rmn? =
0.007 85 L on the specified length, but if minimum lengths are
w - mass weighed to a precision of +0.5 percent,
in kg; and
spectfied, the deviations shall be+50-
7.2 Nominal Mass

L = length measured to a precision of+0.5 7.2.1 For the purpose of checking the nominal mass,
the density of steel shall be taken as 0.007 85 kg/&
percent, in m
of the cross-sectional area per metre.
Table 1Nominal Cross-Sectional Area and Mass 7.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed to between the
(Clause 6.2) manufacturer and the purchaser, the tolerances on
nominal mass sliaii be as in Tabie 2. For barsiwires
SI No. Nominal Cross- Mass per
Sizs S'<tiond ,Metre
whose effective cross-sectional area is determined
mm Area as in 6.3.2(b), the nominal mass per metre shall
m- correspond to the gross mass and the deviations in
(1) (2) (3) (4) Table 2 shall apply to the nominal mass.
i 7.23 The nominal mass per metre of individual sample,
ii) batch and w i l shall be determined as given in 7.23.1
iil) to 7.2.33.
Table 2 Tolerances on Nominal axass
vi) (Clauses 6.2 and 7.2.2 )
viii) SI Nominal Size Tolerance on the Nominal
in) NO. mm Mms, Percent
xi) \
/Batch Individual Individual
xii) ~ a m ~ l e " Sample
xiii) far c0:p
6.3.2 For a barlwire whose cross-sectional area varies (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
along its length, a sample not less than 0.5 m long shall i) Up to and including i O *7 -8 34
be weighed (w) and measured to a precision of 10.5 ii) Over 10 up to and +5 4 *6
including 16
percent in the as rolled and/or cold-worked condition, iii) Over 16 *3 -4 *4
and after the transverse ribs have beenremoved, it shall
"For individual sample plus toleranceis not specified. A single
be reweighed (w'). The effective cross-sectional area sample taken from a batch as defined in 3.1 shall not be
shall then be found as follows: considered as individual sample.
a) Where the difference between the two masses For mils batch wlaancc is not specified
(w - w ' ) is less than3 percent oFw', the effective Individual sample
cross-sectional area shall be obtained as in 6.3.1. The nominal mass of an individual sample shall be
b) Where the difference is equal to or greater than calculated by determining the mass of any individual
3 percent, the eEective cross-sectional area in imn' sample taken at randomas specified in 11.1 and dividmg
shall be taken as: the same by the achlal length of the sample. The sample
shall be of length not less than 0.5 m Batch
whcre The nominal mass of a batch shall be calculated from
iv' - mass of the bar with transverse ribs
removed, in kg; and
the mass ofthe test specimens taken as specified in 11.1
and dividing the same by the actual total length of the
specimens. Each specimen shall be of length not less
L = length, in m. than 0.5 m Coils a) from the cuttings of bardwires; or
The nomlnal mass of a coil shall be calculated by b) if, he so desires, after it has
detennining the mass of two samples of minimum one any
bedn cut to the required or specified size and the
mcne length taken fromeach end ofthe coil and dividing test piece taken from any part of it.
the same by the actual total length of the samples.
8 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES In neither case, the test piece shall be detached from
the bartwire except in the presence of the purchaser or
8.1 Mechanical properties for all sizes of deformed his authorized representative.
bardwires determined on effective cross-sectional area
(see 5.3) and in accordance with 9.2 shall be as specified 9.1.2 The test pieces obtained in accordance with 9.1.1
in Table 3. shall be full sections of the bardwires and shall be
8.2 The barstwires shall withstand the bend test subjected to physical tests without any further
specified in 9.3 and the rebend test specified in 9.4. modifications. No reduction in size by machining or
otherwise shall be permissible, except in case of bars of
8 3 Bond size 28 mm and above (see No test piece shall
Barsiwires satisfying the requirements given in 5 shall be annealed or otherwise subjected to heat treatment
be deemed to have satisfied the bond requirements of a except as provided in 9.13.Any straightening which a
deiormed badwire. test piece may require shall be done cold.
9 TESTS 9.1.i.i For the purpose of carrying out tests for tensile
9.1 Selection and Preparation of Test Sample
strength, proof stress, perccotage elongation and
percentage elongation at maximum force for bars
Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the 28 -indiameter and above, deformations bars
requirements of 1s 2062 shall apply.
only may be machined. For such bars, the physical
9.1.1 A\I test pieces shall be selected by the purchaser p r o p e r t i e s s h a l l be c a l c u l a t e d using the a c t u a l area
or his authorized representative, either: obtained aftw machining.

Table 3 Mechanical Properties of High Strength

Deformed Bars and Wires
(Clause 8.1)
SI Property

ii) i2i (3 j iJj (3 (a, (7) (Si (3
i) 0.2 percent proof srrcsd 415.0 415.0 500.0 500.0 550.0 550.0 600.0
yield slress, Min. Nlrnrn'

ii) Elonga(ron, percmt, Min. on gauge

length 5.65\x ushere A is the
cl-oss-sccLionalarea of the
lest piece
iii) Trrlsile strength, ,Millin 10 percent 12 pencnt 8 percent 10 percent 6 percent 8 percent 6 percent
m r e than more than more than more than more than more than morc than
the actual the actual thc actual the actual the acNal the actual the actual
0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent
prmf s& proofseersl pmofshssl pmfmso' pmfJassl poofmersi proof s w
yield sbess yield smss yield smss yield stress yicld sDrvJ yield stress yield stress
but not but not but not but not but not but not but not
less than less than less than less than kss than less than less than
485.0 500.0 545.0 565.0 585.0 600.0 660.0
Nlrnrn? Nirnm* Nirnm' Nlmm3 Nlmml NlmnS Nlmd
IYI 'lT~talelongat~onat maximum 5 .. 5 - 5 -
Mrn onrp.uge length
5 65 uA, where A n the cruss-
scctlonal area of the test piece
(ree 3.9)
"Test wherever specified by the purchaser.
9.1.3 Notwithstanding the provisions in 9.1.2, test alternative is availed, the total strain shall be measured
pieces may be subjected to artificial ageing at a only by extensometer and not by any other means. In
temperature not exceeding 100°C and for a period not case of disputethe proof stress determined in accordance
exceeding 2 h. with IS 1608 shall be the deciding criteria.
9.1.4 Before the test pieces are selected, the 9.2.2 The stresses shall be calculated using the effective
manufacturer or supplier shall furnish the purchaser or cross-sectional area of the badwire.
his authorized representative with copies of the mill
records giving the mass of barslwires in each bundle1 9 3 Bend Test
cast with sizes as well as the identification marks, The bend test shall be performed in accordance with
whereby the bars/wires fromthat cast can be identified. the requirements of IS 1599 and the mandrel diameter
9.2 Tensile Test for different grades shall be as specified in Table 4. The
test piece, when cold, shall be doubled over the mandrel
The tensile strength, percentage elongation, percentage by continuouspressure until the sides are parallel. The
total elongation at maximum force and 0.2 percent proof specimen shall be considered to have passed the test if
stress of barslwires shall be determined in accordance there is no nrpture or clilcks visible to a person of normal
with requirements of IS 1608 read in conjunction with or corrected vision on the bent portion.
IS 2062.
9.4 Rebend Test
9.2.1 Alternatively and by agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier, tor rouhne tesmg, the proof The rest piece shall be bent to an included angie of 13.5"
stress may be determined inconjunct~onwith the tensile (see Fig. 2) using a mandrel of appropriate diameter
strenglh lest and may be taken as the stress measured (see 9.4.1). The bent piece shall be aged by keeping in
on the specimen whilst under load corresponding to an boiling water (IOO°C) for 30 min and then allowed to
increase measured by an extensometer of 0.4 percent cool. The piece shall then be bent back to have an
for Fe 4 15 and Fe 41 5D barslwires, 0.45 percent for included angle of 157%". The specimen shall be
grade Fe 500 and Fe 500D barslwires and 0.47 percent considered to have passed the test if there is no rupture
for grade Fe 550, Fe 550D and Fe 600 harslwires the or cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected
total strain zny convcni;tit gauge !ezg&. '&'hen *is vision on the rebent pnltion.

Table 4 Mandrel Diameter for Bend Test

(Clause 9.3)

SI No. Nominal Sirc Mandrel Diameter for Diiicrent Grades

6 4 1 5 Fe415D Fe500 FeSWD Fe55O Fe550D ~ e 6 a

i) Up to and includ~ng20 34 24 40 3$ 54 44 50
ii) Over 20 40 34 50 40 66 54 66
where b is the nominal size of the lest oiece. in mm.

9.4.1 The diameter of the mandrel shall be as given below:

SI No. Norninal Size of Dia of Mandrel Din ofMandm1 Dia of Mandrel Dia of Mandrel
Specimen for Fe 415 for Fe 4150 for Fe5SO for Fe 5SOD
and Fe 500 and Fe 5000 and Fe 600

i) Up to and including 10 mrn

ii) Over 10 mm 7 4'
where Q is the nominal size of the test uiece. in mm

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