Practical Research Humss
Practical Research Humss
Practical Research Humss
A Performance Task
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Jacinto P. Elpa national High School
Practical Research Teacher
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Theoritical Framework-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Conceptual Framework------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Statement of the Problem---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Scope and Delimitation------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Significance of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Definition of Terms----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Related Literatures
Foreign----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Local-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Related Studies
Foreign----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Local-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Synthesis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Research Locale-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Research Respondents----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Research Instruments------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Data Gathering Procedure------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Sample and Sampling Techniques-------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Statistical Treatment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
In the world full of challenges especially in life students, nowadays part time
work for students is a very common phenomenon. Those who have suffer for lack of
financial support for their studies and some lack of government support, applying for
part – time job is a way to lightly support heavy financial crisis (Robotham, 2012).
A part-time job interferes with school in many situations. Even if the job is
held after school and on weekends, many beneficial extracurricular activities operate
at times that do not conflict with education. Most employers are hardly willing to a
accordance with a work schedule, hours of school followed by hours of work and
hours of homework may be overwhelming for high school students. All of this
Many high school students are entering the work force. Students are
becoming more and more eager to start working and become independent. Although
he or she should only very minimal and flexible employment (Rhalis 2016).
Many students are wondering whether they should get part-time jobs or not,
depending on their different opinions. Some people say that the main task of
students is studying hard so that after graduation, they may get a decent degree,
which offers them a better opportunity for well-paid jobs (Hamilton, 2016).
Many research studies have investigated the impact of having part – time jobs
and how impact of having part time jobs affects students. In this exploratory, survey
questionnaires will be used to conduct survey and gather information. In this context,
the aim of the research is to examine the views of the students about having part –
time jobs and its impact to their academic performances (Collins, 2015). Specifically
the researchers focus on the impact of part-time jobs in the academic performance
This model includes nine factors hypothesized to affect the learner’s cognitive, as
well as affective, outcomes. These nine factors include (a) ability or prior
achievement, (b) age, (c) motivation or self-concept, (d) quantity of instruction, (e)
quality of the instructional experience, (f) the home environment, (g) the classroom
or school environment, (h) the peer group environment, and (i) the mass media
(Wang, Haertel, & Walberg, 1993). The first five variables that reflect student
aptitude and instruction are found in other educational models, including Carroll’s
(Walberg & Tsai, 1985). The remaining variables involve the educationally
The first three variables in Walberg’s model (ability, age, and motivation) can
each be seen as internal traits to the learner or student aptitude (Fraser et al., 1987).
Ability or prior achievement, for Walberg, includes factors that can be measured by
“the usual standardized test” (Walberg & Tsai, 1985; p. 159). These factors would
include the learner’s aptitude, ability, and IQ, as well as previous achievement (Keith,
2002). Walberg has assessed this variable using students’ mathematics, science,
Progress (Walberg et al., 1986; Walberg & Tsai, 1985; Reynolds & Walberg, 1991;
For Walberg the age variable includes chronological age, but also
development and stage of maturation (Keith, 2002). In his research Walberg has
The next two variables, quantity of instruction and quality of the instructional
is described as the amount of time students engage in learning (Walberg & Tsai,
1985), including the time scheduled, allowed, or assigned for a given instructional
unit by the teacher, as well as the fraction of this time the student actually spends
learning the content (Walberg, 1981). Walberg and his colleagues have measured
(Reynolds & Walberg, 1991; 1992). In addition, this variable has been measured
through effective use of class time, interruptions during class, and teachers’ ability to
gain students’ attention quickly (Mathiasen, Lomax, Schiller, and Walberg, 1984).
(Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). The quality of instructional experience variable has
been measured using a 4-point Likert scale. The scale is used to assess the
instructional focus of the teacher in areas such as teaching lab techniques, including
conducting experiments, and requiring written reports (Reynolds & Walberg, 1991;
1992). Also assessed are the amount of homework number of semesters of science
class (Walberg et al., 1986); if the teacher tells students they are right or wrong,
teacher reviews lessons, students report that they understand the teacher
(Mathiasen et al., 1984); and students report that the teaching is good in their school
and that the teacher offers praise (Ma & Wang, 2001).
factors (Fraser et al., 1987). Home environment refers to the support given to
students while at home. It has been measured in various ways, including family
(Reynolds & Walberg, 1991; 1992), number of times the dictionary is used at home
(Walberg & Tsai, 1985), and home socioeconomic status (Ma & Wang, 2001;
morale (Keith, 2002), refers to the classroom as a social atmosphere and has been
measured through access to classroom materials (Walberg & Tsai, 1985) and the
science classes (Reynolds & Walberg, 1991; 1992). Others have measured
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
the teacher or by other students in the classroom (Ma & Wang, 2001).
Peer group experience refers to how well students get along with each other
outside of the school environment (Walberg & Tsai, 1985). Measures have included
how important schooling and good grades are among friends (Ma & Wang, 2001),
peers seeing themselves are good students, planning on attending college, and
doing well in science (Reynolds & Walberg, 1991; 1992). The mass media variable
refers to the minimum leisure-time television viewing (Walberg & Tsai, 1985; Ma &
Wang, 2001), and the reading of books or magazines (Reynolds & Walberg, 1991;
Walberg and his colleagues have tested his model in a national sample of
high school seniors (Walberg et al., 1986; Reynolds & Walberg, 1991; 1992) and
gender and race. While the initial Walberg model of educational productivity involved
a simple structure with each of the nine factors independent and in a single order
The Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the study. The figure provides
clear outlook on which the study aimed for. The study will be conducted to determine
the impact of part – time job in the academic performance of selected SHS student
of Jacinto P. Elpa National High School. In able to identify results, the researchers
will study about the impact of part – time job in the academic performances of
selected students of Jacinto P. Elpa National High School. Next, the researchers will
conduct survey, gather and analyze data. Upon data analysis the researchers will be
able to determine the impact of part-time job to the respondents and be able to
This study will focus on determining the impact of part – time job in the
1.2 Age
1.4 Gender
2. What are the types of part – time job students have entered into?
This study dwells on the impact of part – time job in the academic
School. The researchers will conduct survey at the said institution, where the
students from selected Senior High Students are the respondents. The researchers
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
will provide a checklist survey questionnaire for the chosen respondents to get the
This study will provide valuable information not only to the students and
teachers but also to the other external stakeholders. The result of this study will help
the school administrators to educate and to formulate more effective plans to the
students about the impact of part-time job to the academic performances of the
students. Thus, this study benefits teachers, students, and other researchers.
Teachers. This study may help them to understand and help part – time job students
Students. This study will develop student’s understanding and concern about having
part – time jobs disadvantages and advantages towards studying at the same time.
Parents. This study will help them to be oriented on how working students manage
Future Researchers. This study will give them more references about the impact of
Chronological age. The age of a person as measured from birth to a given date.
Distal – proximal model. Variables with current life situation in an effort explain
course of study.
Juggling. to keep several objects in motion in the air at the same time.
Leisure – time. Time when one is not working or occupied; free time
Part –time. Involving or working less than customary or standard hours a part time
Self – concept. an idea of oneself constructed from the beliefs one holds about
student, both domestic and international, do part time job after class schedule.
This happens because of the difference of familiarity of work culture between the two
There are two opinions regarding the impact of part time work on students’
academic performance. One group of researchers claim that students gain work
skills and experience from job, other group believe that spending too much time on
job distract students from study which contributes to poor academic performance in
school. But whether the impact of part time work would be positive or negative on the
students’ academic performance depends on the balance of time between work and
study. The research study analyses how part time work affects tertiary students’
According to Akib Khan (2015), in his study entitled ‘’The Effect of Part – time
blossomed in the early 1980s. Steinberg et al. (1982) found that first-time workers
spent less time on homework and had lower GPAs (from a sample of California
10th and 11th graders). On the contrary, on the basis of National Longitudinal
Survey of Youth (NLSY) data (covering the period 1979-1982), D’Amico’s (1984)
improvements in class rank and mitigated dropout rate. In addition, working beyond
20 hours per week was found to have no association with class percentile, but was
responsible for a rise in dropout rates – though for only a very few subgroups.
Similar estimates were obtained by Schill et al. (1985), who estimated that those
working less than 20 hours per week had higher GPAs as opposed to those who did
working student in the Philippines” (2018), he describes the life of working students
as a truly daunting task. Wherein one must keep up of juggling work and academic
requirements and side – hustles while keeping your family, social, or love life.
In one article of The Philippine Star online, it is mentioned that the worker
needs to be good in the performance of his or her job, so that he or she may
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
keep the job. Moreover, at school it is important for the student to do well, too, in
order to justify the hard-earned money spent in his or her studies (Freeman, 2016)
juggling domestic chores, schoolwork and working student assignment are the
Skill and experience that a paid job offers can substitute for pure academic
impact on GPA. Higher work intensity may also work towards decreasing academic
productivity by causing fatigue and/or distraction. Job earnings often increase the
substitute for the leisure time during which they had a higher probability of being
Information included employment status, number of hours worked per week, extent
of extracurricular activities, and ACT test scores of the 477 high school juniors who
were enrolled in regular required English classes. The sample included 196
nonemployee students and 281 employed students. This study found no significant
scored significantly higher on the ACT test. The only variable that showed a
reporting less participation than boys. The findings of the study do not show that
achievement. Also, students in the survey tended to view their part-time employment
in a positive light. The authors believe that teachers need to be aware of these
conclusions and more supportive of employed students (Green & Jacquess, 2015).
Prior research suggests that undergraduates employed during term time are
less likely to graduate. Using transcript data from a large multi-campus university in
the United States combined with student earnings data from state administrative
records, the authors find that traditional-age students who worked for pay during
college on average earned more after leaving college than similar students who did
not work. This post-college earnings premium is on par with the benefit from
models that account for selection bias. Implications of these findings for theories of
education and social stratification, and for educational policy are considered.
The majority of today's undergraduates (62%) work for pay while enrolled in
college (Carnevale et al., 2015). A large research literature (summarized below) has
number of credits taken, and graduation. Such studies have predominantly reported
negative effects from student employment (Neyt et al., 2017). This paper argues that
prior research has largely overlooked an important aspect of the working student
university system who worked for pay during college had substantially higher
earnings years later after, compared to counterparts who were not employed while
enrolled. This long-term economic benefit associated with paid employment while in
college held for women and for men; for racial/ethnic minorities; for community
college as well as 4-year college entrants; for those who had no work experience
before starting college; and most notably even among those who did not complete a
conventional regression analyses. Moreover, this wage premium was not a reflection
these covariates also showed the benefit. Finally, the earnings advantage was
evident from immediately after leaving college until data collection ended 15 years
(De Guzman & De Castro, 2015) graduates need to develop personal skills,
qualities and experiences that enable to them to compete in the labor market. The
author advises the need for students to do everything they can for them to grow as
experts in their chosen field while they are still in school. All these trainings and
experiences will just benefit them where the time comes that will be establishing their
own careers. This is related the present study as it gave suggestions to further
expectations of the different industries. The Philippines may go beyond the standing
imperative that greater educational opportunities should be provided for the great
proportion of adult population as well as the large number of youth outside the formal
school system to help them acquire further knowledge and skill thereby improving
their livelihood and strengthening the country. From the book Contemporary Social
Problems and Issues, it states that the educational levels and literacy rates of
workers in the Philippines are among the highest in Asia, but technical, manual and
college graduates that most especially in Manila area were in the field of education,
of AB Journalism curriculum to add the technical; manual and managerial skillswhich
correlates to teaching performance. In their study, all faculty members of the College
respective students were the subjects of the study. Based on the result of the study,
the researchers concluded that the major factors affecting the burnout inventory of
students are: emotional exhaustion (teachers and students are tired out at the end of
the day); depersonalization (teachers students do not want to stay in the campus
after the class) and; reduced Personal Factor (students feel frustrated with their
work). Meanwhile, the major factors that affect the job-related stressors are; physical
organizational structure (funds and other benefits for teachers and students are not
relationship between impacts of having part –time job to the academic performances
of students. Although (Ali, 2017) found that both domestic and international, do part
– time job after class schedules. (Ali, 2017) found that one group of researchers
claims that students gain work skills and experience from job, other group believe
that spending too much time on job distract students to study which contributed too
Steinberg et al. (1982) found that first-time workers spent less time on
homework and had lower GPAs (from a sample of California 10th and 11th
(NLSY) data (covering the period 1979-1982), D’Amico’s (1984) estimations suggest
that working up to 20 hours a week was correlated with improvements in class rank
and mitigated dropout rate. In addition, working beyond 20 hours per week was
found to have no association with class percentile, but was responsible for a rise in
dropout rates – though for only a very few subgroups. Similar estimates were
obtained by Schill et al. (1985), who estimated that those working less than 20 hours
per week had higher GPAs as opposed to those who did not work or worked more
working student in the Philippines” (2018), he describes the life of working students
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
as a truly daunting task. Wherein one must keep up of juggling work and academic
requirements and side – hustles while keeping your family, social, or love life.
In one article of The Philippine Star online, it is mentioned that the worker
needs to be good in the performance of his or her job, so that he or she may
keep the job. Moreover, at school it is important for the student to do well, too, in
order to justify the hard-earned money spent in his or her studies (Freeman, 2016).
domestic chores, schoolwork and working student assignment are the advantages
Although (Dhaka Group 9, 2015) found that Skill and experience that a paid
job offers can substitute for pure academic knowledge. In that case, part-time
work intensity may also work towards decreasing academic productivity by causing
fatigue and/or distraction. (Green & Jacquess, 2015) determined that students in the
survey tended to view their part-time employment in a positive light. The authors
believe that teachers need to be aware of these conclusions and more supportive of
employed students. Although (De Guzman & De Castro, 2015), graduates need to
develop personal skills, qualities and experiences that enable to them to compete in
the labor market. The author advises the need for students to do everything they can
for them to grow as experts in their chosen field while they are still in school. All
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
these trainings and experiences will just benefit them where the time comes that will
the research study. In more details, in this part the researchers outlines the research
This study will be formulated as a quantitative type of research that will use
method is used to provide accurate and provides exact information about our
research topic that is mainly about impact of part – time jobs in the academic
The researchers will conduct only in the instituition of Jacinto P. Elpa National
High School. This is the chosen school of the researchers since the students of the
school are fit enough to study and this is where the researchers are currently
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
This study will use the selected students from Jacinto P. Elpa National High
School. The respondents are those who are officially enrolled in Grades eleven and
In order to obtain to the desire data from the students, the researchers of this
study uses survey questionnaires as the major instrument, composed checklist that
will determine the impact of part –time job in the academic performance of students.
The researchers will have two phases upon for the preparation of gathering
data needed by the researcher’s study. The first phase is to make an initial
preparation such as; writing and delivering of the permission and request letter to
respective people that researchers intended them to be part of the research study
and preparing of copies of the research instrument which is the questionnaires that is
needed for the evaluation. The second phase is using google form in conducting a
Purposive sampling will be used in this study so that we could make use of all
the data efficiently. The respondents were selected based on the judgment of who
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
has best qualify in answering the specific questions of the research. Best qualifiers
were respondents who actually often experience the despoiled of the said factors
Statistical Treatment
To interpret the date effectively, the researcher will employ the following
statistical treatment. The Percentage, Weighted Mean and T – test are the tools use
to interpret data.
1. Percentage
Formula: %= ×100
% is the percentage
F is the Frequency
Formula: X=
This will helpful in making comparison of two or more means which enables a
researcher to draw various results and predictions about two or more sets of data
Steps in ANOVA
3. The third step is to compute for the sum of squares within the column
4. Pearson-r
Likert scale
DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully and put a (/) check as your response or
answer for the following questions in the columns below.
1 – 5 hours a day
6 – 10 hours a day
11 – 15 hours a day
16 – 20 hours a day
21 – 24 hours a day
Do you think your working time and studying time is balance now?
Do you think your part –time job can improve your society skills?
Do you think the work affect your study?
Do you participate actively in the course you have entered?
Did you understand the lectures the same time having part –time job?
Did the teachers form your school show genuine concern for part –
time students?
Do you think part – time job has negative or positive impact on your
academic achievement?
Have you ever been absent on class to put your work first?
Did you start working on a young age?
Do your parents let you to have part –time job?
Is working hard makes you not to do school home works?
Is your salary enough to provide your school finances?
Is it good to have a part – time job and be a working student?
Have you experienced stress in doing your job and study at the same
Have you ever think to leave your study to pursue the job you are
Does your employer restrict you from going out to school?
Do you find having a part – time job distracting?
Does your school provide you adequate learning facilities?
Are you worried about having low grades for having part –time job?
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Are you satisfied to study and have a job at the same time?
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Akib Khan, A. (2015). The Effect of Part - time Employment on Academic Evidence
form Dhaka University. Dhaka: Akhib Khan.
Ali, M. (2017). Available literature opines that the Impact of Part-time work on
academic performance is different for domestic students from that of
international students . India: Ali.
Collins, S. (2015). If and how impact of Part-Time jobs affects students. America:
Cruz, D. (2016). National effort to build the nation and to contribute the national
welfare. Manila: Dela Cruz.
Dhaka Group 9. (2015). Skill and experience that a paid job offers can substitute for
pure academic knowledge. America: Dhaka Group 9.
Fraser, B. J., Walberg, H. J., Welch, W. W., & Hattie, J. A. (1987). Syntheses of
educational productivity research, International Journal of Education
Research, 11, 145-252.
Freeman. (2016). The Philippine Star online. Philippines: Freeman. Retrieved from
Green & Jacques. (2015). Part-time employment is increasing among high school
students. New York: Jacquess.
Repulic of The Phillipines
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tandag City Division
Capitol, Hills, Telaje, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Nathaniel, R. (2012). Part -time Job as Finacial Support for Students. Netherlands:
Robotham Nathaniel.
Neyt et. al (2017). Such studies have predominantly reported negative effects from
student employment. America: Neyt et al.
Schill et. al (1985). Estimated that those working less than 20 hours per week had
higher GPA's as opposed to those whodid not work or worked more than 20
hours. Dubai: Schill.
Steinberg et al, (1982). Found that first-time workers spent less time on homework
and had lower GPAs. Dubai: Steinberg.