How To Transform A Traditional Giant Into A Digital One: by Ram Charan
How To Transform A Traditional Giant Into A Digital One: by Ram Charan
How To Transform A Traditional Giant Into A Digital One: by Ram Charan
If you’re not turning your company into a “math house” you’re headed for serious trouble. Every
industry will soon be driven by digitization and every winning company will be using algorithms, or
mathematical rules for processing information, to shape the end-to-end customer experience. Any
advantages you have now will pale in comparison with a great set of algorithms that differentiates
the customer experience. It is the algorithms that will create value for the business. 1/6
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This is not guesswork. Sensors, the cloud, mobile and broadband wireless, and other such
technologies are increasing the flow of digitized information exponentially. Algorithms, run on ever
faster computers, can do amazing things with that information, from detecting patterns and making
predictions to solving complex problems. They can even modify themselves as new information
comes to light. In the hands of a “catalyst,” such as the late Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey
Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, or Mark Andreessen, algorithms can radically alter the consumer experience.
More such catalysts are entering the fray every day. Venture capitalists have their radar out for and
provide ample resources for the catalysts to scale up very quickly. The result is the reconstitution or
destruction of industries, creation of new market spaces, and reshaping of old industry ecosystems.
Some leaders will ignore the trend, as happened at Nokia, or remain on the defensive, as reflected in
Walmart’s delayed response to Amazon. But others know it is not going away and that they have no
choice but to transform the company. That realization creates more anxiety than insight into what to
do. CEOs are on the hunt to understand who has done what, and who has succeeded. They want to
know, does a legacy company really have a chance of transforming itself into a math house? Can it
do so at the speed of a start-up? Yes. On both counts.
Strategies for growth in a connected world. surviving member of the original Dow Jones
Index of 1896, is reasserting its pre-eminence by
reinventing itself in the context of the newly
emerging digital space. It is shaping the new game
of industrial businesses on a worldwide basis and showing other companies, regardless of their size,
complexity, and history, how to proceed. Here are several lessons that leaders of legacy companies
can draw from GE’s transformation:
1. Think like a large-scale entrepreneur. The new game is to think about the business model and
strategy for not just the company but the entire ecosystem. You have to conceive and build a new
platform and reshape partners in the ecosystem in ways that would not be possible without
digitization and algorithms. For example, GE has created a digital platform in the energy sector that 2/6
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its own and third-party software developers can write applications to. The platform allows the
exchange of digital information, services, and products across the power grid, allowing much greater
efficiencies industrywide. The platform can bring wind, solar and other renewable energy producers
— even individual homes equipped with solar panels — into the same ecosystem.
2. Recruit a digital leader from outside to spearhead the initiative. It will be a bold choice to choose
the correct person, because you will be selecting someone with a new kind of expertise and bringing
that person in at a high level. In 2011 GE, the company famous for exporting great leaders, imported
one when it recruited Bill Ruh from Cisco to lead GE’s push into software and analytics. He built a
team to develop Predix, a cloud-based platform that underlies all of GE’s industrial businesses.
Three years later, GE hired veteran software engineer Ganesh Bell to be chief digital officer of GE
Power and Water. Many such leaders are relatively young and highly sought after. GE’s ad campaign
showing GE as a good place for millennials to work is part of its effort to be a talent magnet.
3. Focus where domain expertise and digital expertise intersect. Domain expertise at an automaker
includes things like mechanics, telematics, structural engineering, design, and so on. Elevate the
power and status of digital leaders and create mechanisms to bring them together with the domain
experts. The leader of a financial services firm created a mechanism to bring together the experts in
software and data analytics with people who knew the specifics of the business and consumers.
They met once a week to hash out the details of how the digital platform should work to transform
the consumer experience. “We had to get both buy-in and understanding of how the pieces of the
strategy were going to be integrated,” she explained, “and we had to road test them, so we wanted
the chief marketing officer, the chief digital officer, the head of distribution, the CFO, and so on all
talking about it simultaneously to make sure all aspects were being considered.” When she sensed
that the experts were not listening to each other, she intervened. Those sessions produced a highly
sophisticated system that achieved the end goal: a wonderful end-to-end experience for consumers.
4. Change the dialogue in the senior leadership team to focus on the end-to-end customer
experience. How can algorithms be used to create a better or entirely different kind of experience?
This should be the dominant theme of discussions at the highest organizational levels in place of
things like product quality and sales. CEOs cannot manage their silos via hub-and-spoke and expect
digital expertise to be properly incorporated in key decisions. They have to integrate various 3/6
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perspectives and not give algorithms short shrift for lack of understanding them. It may mean
spending some time in Silicon Valley to learn. Tom Watson, Jr. spent an enormous amount of time at
MIT, the Silicon Valley of his day.
5. Radically cut costs in the old business to fund the new game. Balancing the short-term and long-
term is a dynamic leadership challenge. Find the proper pace for extracting resources from the
legacy business. GE has been steadily reducing its ratio of SG&A expense from 18% in 2011 to a
targeted 12% in 2016, and in fall 2015 CEO Jeff Immelt told CNBC he planned to take out $1 billion
in costs in the next two years on slightly declining revenues. Many leaders err on the side of slow
change, which can be a killer, especially when a competitor from outside the industry jumps in.
Don’t blindly accept assumptions about Wall Street myopia. As BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has said,
“One reason for investors’ short-term horizons is that companies have not sufficiently educated
them about the ecosystems they are operating in, what their competitive threats are and how
technology and other innovations are impacting their businesses.”
6. Make the tough calls on people. Radically reduce people dedicated to the old business. Find new
ways to motivate the legacy people. Redefine criteria for officers and move out those who cannot be
“digital heads.” Immelt elevated marketing and digital media when he promoted Beth Comstock to
vice chair, while other positions, including that of the CFO, are at the senior vice president level. He
also removed a layer of vice chairs to make room.
7. Make the organization team-based and fluid. Cut layers. Change the mindset from “span of
control” to “speed and collaboration.” GE adopted its FastWorks initiative, based on lean startup
principles, to cut bureaucracy around innovation. Drastically change the operating mechanisms to
allow adjustments in real time; for example, eliminate annual strategic planning and annual
performance appraisals in favor of ongoing assessments and feedback. Keep information and
communications flowing internally and externally so people know how their work links to the
overall company direction. Get people aboard through short duration training programs. GE trained
some 40,000 employees on its FastWorks initiative.
8. Communicate often so the board, investors and the media understand the steps you are taking to
become a new company. Connect with major shareholders and potential activists to explain the
reasons for shifting resources. Immelt reached out to activist Nelson Peltz before Peltz’s Trian Fund 4/6
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had invested in the company. Soon after, Trian did due diligence on the company and bought a $2.5
billion stake. While Peltz made suggestions to divest a bigger piece of GE Capital and increase
leverage, he generally supported Immelt’s efforts to steer GE onto the new track. Dialogue took place
without major upheaval to the business.
The key lesson from GE is that transforming a company for the digital age cannot be delegated,
outsourced, or done piecemeal. Rather, it involves many steps that are interconnected. The CEO
should spend at least 50% of the time on the transition to transformation. The CEO must have the
imagination to conceive the reconstituted business and the scope to manage the broad range of
elements in and outside the organization that must change.
Ram Charan has been an adviser to the CEOs of some of the world’s biggest corporations and
their boards. He is a coauthor of Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People First (Harvard
Business Review Press, 2018).