Adopt A Heritage Project Guidelines

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“Adopt a Heritage”
‘Apni Dharohar, Apni Pehchaan’


MARCH 2020


Website: Email: [email protected]

Table of Contents
1 Rationale ..............................................................................................................................................4
2 Vision Statement ................................................................................................................................4
3 Objectives ...........................................................................................................................................4
4 Project Approach ..............................................................................................................................5
5 Indicative List of Tourist Amenities under the Project ..............................................................5
5.1 Basic Amenities..........................................................................................................................6
5.2 Advanced Amenities ...............................................................................................................6
6 Management Structure....................................................................................................................7
6.1 Oversight and Vision Committee...........................................................................................7
6.1.1 Committee Composition .................................................................................................7
6.1.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................8
6.2 Implementation Committee...................................................................................................8
6.2.1 Committee Composition .................................................................................................8
6.2.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................8
6.3 Monument Committee ............................................................................................................9
6.3.1 Committee Composition .................................................................................................9
6.4 Monument Mitras.......................................................................................................................9
6.4.1 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities ..............................................................................10
6.5 Project Management Consultant .......................................................................................10
6.5.1 Roles and responsibilities ..............................................................................................10
7 The Project Process .........................................................................................................................10
7.1 Expression of Interest ..............................................................................................................11
7.2 Letter of Intent ...........................................................................................................................12
7.3 Vision Bidding ...........................................................................................................................12
7.3.1 Existing Situation Analysis..............................................................................................12
7.3.2 Vision Development .......................................................................................................13
7.3.3 Operations and Maintenance Plan............................................................................13
7.3.4 Visibility Requirement and Plan ...................................................................................13
7.3.5 Promotional guidelines for Monument Mitras..........................................................14
7.3.6 Evaluation of Vision Bidding .........................................................................................14
8 Memorandum of Understanding.................................................................................................15
9 Comprehensive Plan ......................................................................................................................15
10. Project Monitoring ...................................................................................................................16
11. Grievance Redressal .............................................................................................................17
12. Project Process Timelines ..........................................................................................................17
13. Project Financial Structure ........................................................................................................18
13.1 Capital Investment Plan ....................................................................................................18
13.2 Operation & Maintenance Plan ......................................................................................18
14. Semi Commercial Activities .................................................................................................19
14.1 Joint Committee ..................................................................................................................19
14.2 Roles & Responsibilities of the Joint Committee: ........................................................19
14.3 Accounting Procedure for Semi-Commercial Activities..........................................20
15. Project Duration ...........................................................................................................................21
ANNEXURE I ...............................................................................................................................................22
ANNEXURE II ..............................................................................................................................................36


1 Rationale
India has always been renowned for its rich cultural heritage. India’s glorious past
and cultural diversity make a potent blend which attracts millions of tourists
each year to its tourist destinations. India's rich heritage is abundantly reflected
in the form of numerous temples, palaces, monuments, forts etc. which have
contributed to the growth of tourism to and within the country.

The Government of India, in the recent past. Has taken several initiatives to give
a boost to the tourism sector and the image of India as a destination for tourism
has further been amplified by promotions undertaken under the “Incredible
India” brand line.

In respect of the heritage sites in the country, it is observed that they are facing
challenges primarily related to the creation and operation and maintenance of
the various infrastructural as well as service assets. There is a need to develop a
robust mechanism for the provision of basic amenities in the short term and
advanced amenities on a long-term basis at the sites.

This project is envisioned to synergize with other Infrastructure development

schemes in collaboration with Ministry of Culture, Archaeological Survey of India,
State Governments and other Ministries /Organisations, with the objective of
ensuring provision of amenities and facilities across the heritage & tourist sites,
enhancing overall tourist experience and providing necessary momentum to the
economic development of the region.

2 Vision Statement
The Ministry of Tourism in close collaboration with the Ministry of Culture,
Archeological Survey of India (ASI), State/ UT Governments and the Private/
Public sector companies/ Trusts/ NGOs/ Individuals, etc. envisages developing
amenities at heritage sites, monuments and tourist sites to make them tourist-
friendly and increase the site’s tourism potential by enhancing the tourist
experience in a planned and phased manner.

3 Objectives
Objectives of the project are to:

• Developing basic tourism infrastructure in and around heritage sites,
monuments and tourist sites.
• Develop facilities and amenities to improve the tourist experience at heritage
sites, monuments and tourist sites.
• Promote cultural and heritage value of the country and develop avenues
to create awareness about the heritage sites/tourist sites in the country
• Develop and promote sustainable tourism infrastructure and ensure
proper Operations and Maintenance therein.
• Develop employment opportunities and support livelihoods of local
communities at the heritage and tourist sites.

4 Project Approach
ASI, as on date, protects 3,691 ancient monuments and archaeological sites
including the 22 cultural world heritage properties. There are also more than 4000
state protected monuments and more than 30000 unprotected sites1 across the
country. Additionally, there are 655 wildlife sanctuaries & national parks, 131
marine protected areas, 18 biosphere reserves including 8 natural and mixed
world heritage sites as on date. All these not only provide a glimpse of the sheer
richness, variety and diversity in India but also about its incredible possibilities.
These monuments and natural sites form an integral part of the tourism strategy
for attracting domestic and international tourists.

To tap the true potential of these monuments and sites, it is necessary to provide
basic facilities and amenities including safety and security, to facilitate tourists,
and allow their adaptive reuse to provide new experiences through illumination,
night viewing facilities etc. At the same time, it is to be ensured that these
interventions are within permissible guidelines of the Nodal Department i.e. ASI,
State Tourism Department, State Archaeology & Museums Department, Forest
Department etc.

To achieve the above, the project envisages handing over of

development/construction/upgradation of facilities and amenities along with
their complete operation and maintenance (O&M) for the heritage sites/
monuments/ tourist sites etc. to private and public sector companies/ trusts/
individuals/NGOs etc. who would be known as “Monument Mitras” for their
initiative. This handover shall be initially for a period of 5 years subject to review at
any time, regular monitoring and feedback mechanism from all the stakeholders
including tourists.

5 Indicative List of Tourist Amenities under the Project

At present many heritage/natural/tourist site and monuments lack basic tourist

amenities and facilities. The heritage/natural/tourist sites and monuments shall be
provided with basic and advanced amenities as per the tourists’ requirements
ensuring world-class facilities. The tourist amenities have been divided into two
categories as per the project guidelines:
1 Unprotected Sites - National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA) Research 2016

5.1 Basic Amenities

Basic amenities are an important aspect in tourism as they can augment the
popularity of the place; and facilitate repeated visits and mouth to mouth
publicity as a promotional tool. Basic amenities at any tourist place are first and
foremost right of the tourist as every single visit to the monument gives impetus to
the local economy. Basic amenities are important irrespective of their financial
feasibility in project structuring. The indicative list of basic amenities within and
surrounding areas are as below:
• Public conveniences (Toilet Facilities)
• Drinking water facilities/ water kiosk
• Ease of Access/ Barrier Free Monuments/ Accessibility for All: differently
abled friendly toilets, ramps, wheelchair facility, braille signages,
monument models
• Cleanliness of site/ Swachh Monument (Cleanliness of the monument,
including complete polythene ban)
• Illumination (interior & exterior)
• Signage (Information and Directional Signages)
• Benches
• Dustbins
• Wi-Fi
• App based Multilingual Audio-Guide
• Point of Sale Terminal (PoS) machines at the Ticketing Counters to promote
cashless transactions

5.2 Advanced Amenities

Advanced amenities shall be planned as per the identified monument’s tourist
footfall and financial feasibility of proposed interventions. The indicative list of
Advanced Amenities:
• Snack Counter ( Ready to Eat Snacks & Drinks )
• Basic souvenir shop promoting local art and craftsmanship
• Facilitation of night visits to monuments under adaptive use within
permissible guidelines of the nodal department (ASI, State Government
etc. heritage byelaws)
• Advanced surveillance system (Like PTZ based CCTV cameras)
• Tourist Facilitation cum Interpretation Centre (Tourist Multi-Purpose Centre)
with facilities like museum, shopping/souvenir shop, cloakroom, toilet,
drinking water, money exchange etc.
• Technology based interpretation techniques (Augment Reality, Virtual
Reality etc.)
• Digital Interactive Kiosk, Digital (LED) screening
• Light and Sound Shows
• Cultural shows
• Battery-operated vehicles/Golf Carts
• Advanced tourist flow management system linked with carrying capacity
of the monuments

6 Management Structure

To select and shortlist Monument Mitras, provide approval to their proposals,

monitor the project process at regular intervals and to ensure corrections in
implementation, a management structure has been provided under this project.

The management structure would consist of the following committees:

(The committee representation give below has been prescribed for a monument
with ASI as the Nodal Department. The members of the committees shall be
modified to include stakeholders according to the ownership and nature of the
asset i.e. ASI, State Government, Forest Department etc.)

6.1 Oversight and Vision Committee

6.1.1 Committee Composition

1 Co-chaired by Secretary (Tourism) and Secretary (Culture) Chairperson

2 Director General (ASI) Member
3 Director General (Tourism) Member
4 Joint Secretary (Culture) Member
5 Addl. Director General (ASI) Member
6 Representatives from other Ministries/ State Governments/ Members
Departments who can be co-opted as and when
required for co-ordination
7 Addl. Director General (Tourism) /Joint Secretary (Tourism) Convener

The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism

will support the Oversight & Vision Committee

6.1.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities
• Enunciate the vision and chalk out the road map for the project and
provide platform for exchange of ideas.
• Coordinate to oversee all operations, steer, and review and monitor overall
performance of the project and provide guidance on specific issues relating
to the project.
• Conduct the ‘Vision Bidding’ and select the ‘Monument Mitras’ from the
bidders after evaluation
• Oversee the planning, sanctioning and execution of the project sites and
the overall monitoring
• Power of termination of MoU of Monument Mitras in case of noncompliance
of guidelines, or any other reason of non-performance.
• The Committee would also decide based on recommendations of the
Implementation and Monument Committee for dropping agencies and their
proposed sites/intervention due to reasons such as on non-submission of
documents or non-compliance of timelines.

6.2 Implementation Committee

6.2.1 Committee Composition

1. Co-Chaired by Director General (Tourism) & Director General (ASI) Chairperson

2. Member Secretary, National Monument Authority Member
3. Additional Director General (Tourism) Member
4. Joint Secretary (Culture) Member
5. Additional Director General (ASI) Member
6. Joint Director General (Archaeological Survey of India) Member
7 Director (Monuments), Archaeological Survey of India / Dy. Member
Secretary, Ministry of Culture
8. Director/Dy. Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Tourism Convener

The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism

will support the Implementation Committee.

6.2.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities

• Guide the selected ‘Monument Mitras’ for getting the necessary clearances,
approvals and NOCs.
• Assist the ‘Monument Mitras’ in the ‘joint inspection’ exercise in each of the
heritage sites /monument or tourist site for the ‘Need-Gap Analysis’.
• Recommend mid-course corrections in the implementation tools.
• Periodical oversight and review of proposed/ongoing projects.
• Ensure co-ordination among the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture and
ASI. Review periodic progress/ service delivery reports received from
Monument Mitras every quarter.

6.3 Monument Committee

6.3.1 Committee Composition

1. Director/Dy. Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Chairperson

Tourism OR Dy. Secretary, Ministry of Culture OR Director
(Monuments), Archaeological Survey of India
2. Superintending Archaeologist(s) of the various circles Member
involved / Representative of State Archeology Department
3. Concerned representative of State Government (Nodal Member
4. Representatives from concerned Local Authorities / Bodies Member
5. Concerned Regional Director of the India Tourism Member
6. Representative of Tourism & Travel Industry can be coopted Member
as an when required for Industry Inputs
7. Representative of the Monument Mitras Member
8. Assistant Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Convener

The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism

will support the Monument Committee

6.3.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities

• Providing NOC for executing planned interventions at the selected heritage
sites/monument or tourist site.
• Assisting the Executing/Implementing Agencies (of the selected ‘Monument
Mitras’) in the implementation of works.
• Assisting the Executing/Implementing Agencies (of the selected ‘Monument
Mitras’) in the Operations and Maintenance of the heritage site / monument
/ tourist site.
• Review progress/ service delivery reports on activities received from
Monument Mitra every two months
• Examine grievances received from customers/citizens regarding services
provided by the Monument Mitra

6.4 Monument Mitras

Public/Private sector companies or Trusts or NGOs or individuals successfully
selected through the process of ‘Vision Bidding’, on a competitive basis for the
project shall be known as Monument Mitras.
6.4.1 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities
• Prepare detailed Vision Bidding document for all the heritage
sites/monuments/ tourist sites that they plan to adopt (At least one
monument from each category of the listed monuments forming a package
(as detailed in para 7.1.1 of this document).
• Carry out need gap analysis in each of the heritage site / monument or tourist
site that they are taking up for adoption.
• Get the necessary approvals, clearances, NOCs etc. with the guidance of the
Monument Committee.
• Do the entire end to end work of creation of assets and services of the
required levels and standards as per approved vision, proposal and MoU.
• Carry out Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the assets and services
• Assist the Implementation Committee in the mid-course corrections and
provide feedback in a periodic manner.
• Submit monthly progress/ service delivery reports on activities

6.5 Project Management Consultant

The Consulting team appointed by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for
the Adopt a Heritage project shall be called the Project Management Consultants
(PMC). The PMC shall provide support to the Oversight and Vision Committee,
Implementation Committee and Monument Committee.

6.5.1 Roles and responsibilities

• Coordination with the Monument Mitras for vision presentations and final
preparation of the Vision Bidding Document
• Assist the Oversight and Vision Committee in the shortlisting of Expression
of Interest and evaluation of the Vision Bids from the Monument Mitras
• Assist Implementation Committee in project implementation, periodic
reporting of implementation status and mid-course corrections if any and
provide feedback in a periodic manner.
• Assist Monument Committee in project execution, identifying
stakeholders, reviewing & providing feedback on progress reports
• After completion, compilation and analysis of survey data of tourist
experience and feedback and service level achievement details as
provided by the Monument Mitras.

7 The Project Process

The process for selection of the Monument Mitra, Heritage / tourist sites for
adoption and the facilities/amenities for each site have been designed in a
collaborative fashion so that necessary inputs from all stakeholders are
incorporated and procedures for required approvals are facilitated.

7.1 Expression of Interest

The ‘Proposed Monument Mitras’ would put forth their interest through
‘Expression of Interest’ (EoI), wherein they propose adoption of the following:
• Any heritage site/monument either Centrally Protected, State Protected,
World Heritage site (Indicative list of categorized heritage sites/ monuments
can be accessed from project website
• Any tourist site/natural site
• Promotional trek/trails
• Technological interventions such Audio Guide, AR/VR etc.
• Innovative tourism projects
7.1.1 The heritage site / monument or any other tourist site are categorized as
green, blue and orange based on tourist footfall and visibility.

The Monument Mitras are required to take up as a package or combination of

Green-Blue-Orange heritage sites/monuments/ tourist site as detailed below:


Mandatory selection of Blue or

High visibility and High
GREEN Orange site if Green site
Medium Visibility & No conditions for selection of
Medium Footfall Blue site
Low Visibility & Low No conditions for selection of
Footfall Orange site

(The Ministry of Tourism would provide data on categorization of tourist sites for
the interested Monument Mitras)

The categorization suggested above would not be applicable for Promotional

trek/trails, Technological interventions such Audio Guide, AR/VR etc. ,
Innovative tourism projects

7.1.2 The template for the submission of Expression of Interest is available on the
Adopt a Heritage website:

The form with required details such as sites selected, organization details,
finances and experience must be emailed to: [email protected] & to
the nodal officer email id as provided in the form.

7.2 Letter of Intent
The shortlisting of the EoI shall be carried out by the Oversight and Vision
Committee, post which the Monument Mitra shall be issued a Letter of Intent
(LoI). The LoI, is the initial permission letter for the Monument Mitra to perform the
need gap analysis for their selected site in coordination with the Nodal
Department(s). The LoI also defines the period for preparation of the Vision Bid.

7.3 Vision Bidding

The Monument Mitras (private and public sector companies, Trusts, NGOs and
individuals) who have been issued the Letter of Intent for site(s) are required to
present their vision for development of all necessary basic and advanced
amenities for each of their selected sites.

In case of multiple vision bids received for the same site, the Oversight & Vision
Committee shall select the most competitive and innovative vision as the
successful bidding entity. The interested parties selecting more numbers of
monuments from orange and blue category shall be given higher weightage.
Bids would be primarily evaluated based on capacity of bidders, their success
stories in delivering similar projects and value addition to the selected heritage
sites. This concept of innovative bidding is defined as ‘Vision Bidding’.

The visions from all the bidders would be evaluated on defined parameters. The
bidders would need to do undertake detailed existing situation analysis and
vision development for each individual monument or site. The vision bid should
reflect the assessment of every individual monument/site. Further bidders also
must prepare vision plan for all the opted monuments/sites in a package.

7.3.1 Existing Situation Analysis

Monument Mitras shall carry out need gap analysis of the basic amenities
within and around the monument/site for all the selected monuments/sites
which is a joint exercise. The assessment for requirement of amenities and
their existing service levels would be carried out for heritage sites,
monuments and any other tourist site. Requirement of basic amenities would
be calculated based on the asset wise service level benchmarking. This
assessment would be a joint exercise of the ‘Proposed Monument Mitras’
with Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture and the Nodal Department (ASI
Following studies inter alia shall be imperative part of the existing situational
• Existing and past trend of tourist footfall
• Projection of tourist footfall with short term, midterm and long-term
tourist infrastructure requirements analysis
• Finalization of proposed interventions footprint based on the trend
analysis and projections
• Prioritization of amenities and preparation of architectural area
program for the proposed interventions
• Analysis of available fund versus proposed amenities

7.3.2 Vision Development

Private and public sector companies, Trusts, NGOs and individuals usually
have strategies for CSR expenditures. The ‘Monument Mitras’ need to finalize
the Vision statement and its implementation strategy for each monument/
site they are bidding for. Some of the representative visions are;

• Target balanced growth with increase in domestic and foreign tourist

footfall to the heritage site / monument or tourist site
• Provision of world class tourist amenities at the heritage site /
monument or tourist site.
• Cleanliness- Swachh aur Sundar Paryatan Sthal
• Sustainable tourism development
The vision shall be clearly articulated to a granular detail of the project. The
imperative sections of the vision are mentioned below:
• Transforming Vision into the area program and development
• Concept Master Plan (CMP) of the site area
• Pedestrian and vehicular movement regulations to be introduced (if
• Adherence of Nodal Department(s) norms and guidelines in
construction and development on site
• Implementation Plan, phasing and costing
• Operation and maintenance plan and funding mechanism in the
initial and further phases

7.3.3 Operations and Maintenance Plan

Monument Mitras shall provide detailed operations and maintenance
plan for each monument/ heritage/tourist site. The plan should include
following parameters:
• Details of current operation and maintenance
• Whether Monument Mitras want to take the entire monument/ site for
operation and maintenance or not
• Quantification of Monument Mitras contribution in operation and
maintenance in terms of components and funds

7.3.4 Visibility Requirement and Plan

Monument Mitras shall provide detailed visibility requirement plan. The plan
should include below mentioned details:
• Requirement of visibility
• Analysis on whether the visibility is in accordance with the Nodal
Department(s) owner guidelines and not disturbing the aesthetics,
architectural style and ambience of the heritage site / monument
or tourist site.
• Visuals of the visibility
• Quantifying the interventions and mapping them in the Site Master

7.3.5 Promotional guidelines for Monument Mitras

The proposed promotional material installation shall be strictly in adherence
to the statutory guidelines of the nodal department(s) i.e. ASI, State
Government, Forest Department etc. Visibility to the Monument Mitras
would be within the framework of these statutory guidelines.

In addition to associated pride in adoption of the heritage monument/

tourist site, the Monument Mitras shall be provided with opportunities for their
brand promotion in lieu of their CSR/investment initiatives under the project
subject to approval by the Oversight & Vision Committee.

The Monument Mitra would also be provided visibility on the Adopt a

Heritage website and Incredible India web portal subject to approval by
Oversight & Vision Committee. Further visibility through print and digital
means would be given to the Monument Mitras in lieu of the amenities

7.3.6 Evaluation of Vision Bidding

Vision bidding would be evaluated based on above-mentioned criteria. In
Vision Bidding, due weightage will be given to the parameters given in the
table below:

S.No. Parameter for selection of Monument Mitras Weightage

under Adopt a Heritage (%)
1 Existing Situation / Need – Gap Analysis 10
2 Vision development 35
3 Adoption of sites having lesser visibility and 10
4 Operation and Maintenance Plan 25
5 Visibility Requirement and Plan 10
6 Credentials of Monument Mitras 10

*Note: It would be mandatory for Monument Mitra, who is opting for a
monument/site from green category to choose at least one site from either
orange or blue category. However, the Monument Mitra will have full
flexibility to choose any number of monuments from orange/blue without
opting in green category. The interested parties selecting more numbers of
monuments/sites from orange and blue category shall be given higher

The PMC would assist the Monument Mitra in categorization and ensure the
vision bid prepared is as per the detailed checklist and for submission and
evaluation of Vision bidding and to make the process clear and transparent.

8 Memorandum of Understanding

Post approval of the vision bid; the finalized amenities would be signed under a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU (template at Annexure I) would
also detail timelines for implementation of both basic and advanced amenities.

There shall also be a provision to add or modify the MoU through an

Addendum/Corrigendum/Amendment based on new requirements on
agreement from all the parties to the MoU.

9 Comprehensive Plan

Post signing of the MoU by all the parties involved, the Monument Mitra is required
to prepare a comprehensive plan for the project within a fixed period, which shall
be defined in the signed MoU (determined as per the complexity of the site).

The comprehensive plan should have the following information:

• Details on design, material, number and location map for installation of each
components post discussion and finalization with the Nodal Department(s)
• Financial estimates for each component which shall include capital
investment and investment required for operation & maintenance for the 5-
year period.

The Monument Mitra must prepare the plan for all the basic and advanced
amenities agreed to in one go or in parts for basic and advanced components
as per timelines for implementation. The Monument Mitra needs to submit the
plan to the Nodal Department(s) for approval.

For the preparation of the comprehensive plan the Monument Mitra is required

to follow the procedure given below. The Monument Mitra shall be allowed to
commence work on execution of amenities at the site under the project only
after approval of the comprehensive plan by the Monument Mitra.
• Monument Mitras are required to meet with respective local site officers of
the Nodal Department(s) (Superintending Archaeologist (SA), ASI / State
Government / etc.), before initiating the process of execution of works. The
purpose is to apprise the local officer about the project and its objective as
well as to ascertain relevant guidelines, designs, material to be used, etc. for
execution of amenities as defined in the awarded MoU.
• Post their meeting and discussion with the respective local officer of the Nodal
Department, the Monument Mitras will prepare and submit the
Comprehensive Plan (Hard + Soft Copy) at their office, with copy to the
Ministry of Tourism and the Nodal Department, for required approval.
• Monument Mitras are required to get all the necessary approvals in writing
from the respective Nodal Department(s), before commencing any work at
the site. The Monument Mitras are also required to document all
communication/ discussion etc. with respective Nodal Department of their
site(s) under the project.

The Monument Mitra may refer to the service level guidelines for proposed
amenities and facilities for preparation of their Vision Bid, provided on the Adopt
a Heritage website . However, the proposed asset
preparation should be as per the heritage and other byelaws of respective
monuments/tourist sites. At any conflicting juncture heritage and other byelaws
will supersede asset service level guidelines.

10. Project Monitoring

The entire program is 'service oriented’. Provision of basic and advanced
amenities would be assured to the tourists visiting the heritage sites by the
Monument Mitra. Targets for service delivery would be pre-set and
benchmarked before being accepted as yardsticks to measure. Monitoring
activities would be carried out during project implementation and throughout
its O&M period.

• Oversight and Vision Committee, Implementation Committee and

Monument Committee would periodically monitor the project through
designated officers and Project Management Consultant (PMC).
• Both offline and online mode monitoring would be done with periodic site
visit & audit of progress will be carried out by the all parties of the MoU and
the PMC
• The Monument Mitras are required to prepare a monthly progress/service
delivery report of the work executed at their respective site which should
be supported with photographs of the work executed and highlighting
issues, if any.
• Monument Mitras shall submit the service delivery report (monthly progress
report) with tourist feedbacks by 5th of every month marking a copy to the
Nodal Department(s), Ministry of Tourism and all other concerned
departments under the MoU. The progress report template for which is
provided at Annexure II.

11. Grievance Redressal

The project shall also address grievances received from citizens and
consumers regarding the basic and advanced amenities including
semi commercial amenities being maintained or operated by the
Monument Mitra.

• Monument Mitra would be required to arrange for capturing feedback

systems/tools (e.g. Smiley Terminal, Smiley Answers etc.) for their services
• Monument Mitra would be required to display a feedback or information
board at the site and inform customers to send complaints regarding
services on the email id: [email protected].
• The receipt and processing of complaints from citizens and consumers
related to standard of services for the activities provided by the Monument
Mitra would be examined and dealt with by the designated Committees.

12. Project Process Timelines

The project timelines have been designed to streamline all the processes of
submission, approvals and implementation.

Accordingly, the following timelines were proposed so that it takes an overall time
frame of 6 months from shortlisting of Expression of Interest to Signing of MoU.

SN Activity Timelines
1 Submission of EoI By the prospective agency
2 Issuance of LoI Post Approval of EoI
3 Submission of Vision Bid Within 2 months of handing over of Letter of
4 Signing of MoU Within 2 months of approval of Vision Bid
5 Submission of Within 1 month of signing of MoU (may vary
Comprehensive Plan depending on the complexity of the sites)
6 Project implementation Post approval of Comprehensive plan
7 Project Monitoring As per agreed schedule in the MoU
The 6-month period also includes convening the Oversight and Vision Committee
for shortlisting Expression of Interest and evaluation of the vision bids by the same.

13. Project Financial Structure

13.1 Capital Investment Plan

The project focuses on active participation of Monument Mitras (Public and
Private sector Companies, Trusts and Individuals) to ensure a sustainable model in
maintaining monuments/sites in partnership with Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of
Culture, ASI, State Governments, this initiative.

Major part of capital and recurring cost for basic and advanced amenities shall
essentially be through private sector and public sector participation, essentially
through CSR. The mode of CSR expenditure can be through Trusts/ Societies/
Section 8 Company set up by the Company itself, directly by company (for
advanced amenities) and by Trust/ Societies set up by Central or State
Government or entities for the purpose of CSR activities.

In the latter phases’ resources can be channelized from various funding routes
and by having convergence of programmes/ schemes of the Ministry of Tourism
and with other ministries.

13.2 Operation & Maintenance Plan

The Monument Mitra would finance activities, operate & maintain the facilities on
their own rather than claim or transfer funds to or from any Government Body or

The tentative operation and maintenance costs of the monument shall be worked
out by Monument Mitras at the time of ‘Vision Bidding’ as mentioned in their ‘Vision
& Financial Structure’ section and emphasis shall be given to working out options
for sustainable operation and maintenance models through innovative revenue
generation options. For maintenance of the assets created, the experience and
expertise of delivering similar projects by the respective Monument Mitras shall be
leveraged. The Monument Mitra shall undertake the execution of the work directly
or outsource the work through any competent agency under its overall
supervision and that of the Nodal Department(s).

The Monument Mitra is required to share the agreements executed with these
agencies with the Nodal Department(s) and Ministry of Tourism for transparency
of operations.

14. Semi Commercial Activities
To ensure active participation and sustenance of the advanced amenities such
as Sound and Light show, Visitor Centre, Interpretation Centre etc., the
Monument Mitra would also be given extra provision to work on a commercial
model to augment their financial resources

These amenities (SEL show, Visitor Centre, Snack Counter, Souvenir Shop etc.)
would be approved by the Oversight & Vision Committee as a part of the vision
bidding process. These amenities are to be called “Semi-Commercial” amenities.

For these amenities, collection of fees would be allowed, however any revenue
generated through the proposed amenities would be put back to sustain
development, operations and maintenance at the adopted monument.

14.1 Joint Committee

The primary responsibility of ensuring compliance to the required standard of the
services of the Semi-Commercial activity would be on the Monument Mitra. The
monitoring or services, decision on costing and grievance redressal would be
undertaken by a joint committee as detailed below (The composition of the
committee shall be modified according to the stakeholders for the site)

1 Nodal Department (ASI/State Archaeology Dept etc.) Chairperson

2 Ministry of Culture Member
3 State Government Representative Member
4 Ministry of Tourism Member
5 Monument Mitra Member

14.2 Roles & Responsibilities of the Joint Committee:

Monitoring of Services: The committee will monitor the standard of services

provided by Monument Mitra & finalize the fees for SEL show and Visitor
Centre for each of the semi-commercial amenity and rates for items under
snack counter and souvenir shop.

Decision on Costing: The Monument Mitra shall prepare a proposal on the

rates and items for Semi-Commercial activities and present it before the
Joint Committee. The fees & rates for the semi-commercial amenities would
be recommended by the Joint Committee for direction and approval to
the Oversight & Vision committee.

Grievance Redressal: The receipt and processing of complaints from citizens
and consumers related to standard of services for semi-commercial
activities would be initially examined and dealt by the Joint Committee. The
Monument Mitra would be required to display the information on the Adopt
a Heritage project at the location of operation of these amenities and
inform customers to send complaints regarding services on the email id:
[email protected].

14.3 Accounting Procedure for Semi-Commercial Activities

Opening of Account: A separate dedicated account will be opened and

operated by Monument Mitra for the project. The Monument Mitra would
be required to open the account before commencing any commercial
activity and share the details of the account with Joint Committee.

Revenue Collection: Any revenue generated through the semi-commercial

activities and from any other associated activity pertaining to the project as
approved by the Oversight & Vision Committee shall be deposited in this
dedicated account.

Revenue Utilization: Residual interest accrued if any will also be retained in

this account. The funds shall be only deployed for sustaining operation and
maintenance activities of the opted sites and will not be utilized to recover
capital expenditures. The Monument Mitra shall provide information all costs
related to capital invested and O&M utilized for amenities with detailed
breakup in their monthly progress reports along with bills to support the

Post operation & maintenance, surplus funds, if any, may be deployed for
future development of tourism amenities only with prior approval of
Oversight & Vision Committee.

In case of termination or completion of MoU tenure or discontinuation of

Monument Mitra post MoU tenure, balance / surplus revenue in the account
(if any) is required to be transferred to Nodal Department(s) and shall be
deployed for sustaining operation and maintenance activities and
developmental activities of the opted sites.

Account Audit & Monitoring: The Monument Mitra would be required to get
his dedicated account audited quarterly by CAG empaneled Chartered
Accountant and shall produce a statement of accounts duly certified and
signed by Chartered Accountant to the Nodal Department. It shall be
verified during audit that the amounts collected for specified semi
commercial activities of a site have been utilized solely for purpose of
operation and maintenance/development of the approved tourism
amenities at the adopted site and not for recovery of capital or other cost.

15. Project Duration

This project is initially proposed to be implemented for 5 years subject to
the review of the performance at any time. In case of unsatisfactory
performance and non-compliance of guidelines the MoU is liable to be

The term period of 5 years shall be from the date of

handover/commencement of work, extendable further for a period
mutually agreed by all stakeholders depending on recommendation of the
Oversight & Vision Committee. The recommendation shall be based on
periodic review of performance of staff, quality of work, operation and
maintenance, tourist feedback, impact on tourist footfall etc. In the event
of delay in commencement of work by the Nodal Department, the term
period shall be extendable by a period equivalent of such delay.

The Monument Mitra is required to inform all the parties of the MoU within a
period of a month in event of commencement of any business changes
such as mergers and acquisitions and other related issues of compromises,
arrangements and reconstructions. In event of delay in implementation
from the Monument Mitra, due to such business change processes the
Oversight & Vision Committee shall evaluate and decide on extension/non-
extension of project duration.

<DATE><MONTH>, <YEAR> at New Delhi among
MINISTRY OF TOURISM, Government of India, having its office at Transport Bhawan, 1,
Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001 acting through its Secretary, hereinafter called “MoT”
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its
successors and permitted assigns of the FIRST PARTY
NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT (nodal department(s) for a site), Government of ………, having its
office ………………………… acting through its ……………, hereinafter called “……………….” which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its successors
and permitted assigns of the XXXX PARTY
<NAME OF FIRM>, a Company/Trust incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/ Trust Act,
having its registered office at <ADDRESS> acting through its Authorized signatory <NAME OF
AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY> vide Board Resolution dated <DATE><MONTH><YEAR> (hereinafter
referred to as Office) of the XXXX PARTY (to be called henceforth ‘MONUMENT MITRA’).

(a) The Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with Ministry of Culture and ASI has announced a
project “Adopt a Heritage” for adoption of heritage sites/monuments in collaboration with
the Monument Mitras, which enables adoption of heritage sites/monuments and other
tourist sites to provide and maintain various basic and advanced amenities as decided by
the ‘Oversight and Vision Committee’, such as public conveniences, drinking water,
cleanliness of the monument, accessibility for all, signage, Wi-Fi, cloakroom, illumination
and night viewing, snack counter, surveillance system, tourist facilitation cum interpretation
center, digital interactive kiosk, light and sound shows etc.

(b) WHEREAS Monument Mitra through its Corporate Social Responsibility/direct investment at
no cost to Government of India, intends to take up the cause of development and O&M of
amenities at <Name of Site>, <State> under the “Adopt a Heritage” project (hereinafter
called the “Project”).

(c) WHEREAS destinations proposed in this project are under supervision of Nodal Department
[Name of the department(s)].

1.1 “Nodal Department” means [Name of the department(s) under which the monument/site
is protected].
1.2 “Cost” means the cost of preparing a development plan, detailed project report as
contained in the estimate.
1.3 In the context of this MoU, “Development” means the construction, landscaping,
illumination, upgradation, refurbishments, operation and maintenance of activities related
to provision, development and maintenance of tourist amenities.
1.4 “Tourist amenities” means various essential and experiential tourist facilities meant to be
provided for the tourist. The amenities can be bifurcated into below categories as per
project guidelines

A. Basic amenities
Basic amenities are an important aspect in tourism as they can augment the popularity of
the place; and facilitate repeated visits and mouth to mouth publicity as a promotional tool.
Basic amenities at any tourist place are first and foremost right of the tourist as every single
visit to the monument gives impetus to the local economy. Basic amenities are important
irrespective of their financial feasibility in project structuring. The indicative list of basic
amenities within and surrounding areas are as below:

• Public conveniences (Toilet Facilities)

• Drinking water facilities/ water kiosk
• Ease of Access/ Barrier Free Monuments/ Accessibility for All: differently abled friendly
toilets, ramps, wheelchair facility, braille signages, monument models
• Cleanliness of site/ Swachh Monument (Cleanliness of the monument, including
complete polythene ban)
• Illumination (interior & exterior)
• Signage (Information and Directional Signages)
• Benches
• Dustbins
• Wi-Fi
• App based Multilingual Audio-Guide
• Point of Sale Terminal (PoS) machines at the Ticketing Counters to promote cashless

B. Advanced amenities
Advanced amenities shall be planned as per the identified monument’s tourist footfall and
financial feasibility of proposed interventions. The indicative list of Advanced Amenities is
as below:

• Snack Counter ( Ready to Eat Snacks & Drinks )

• Basic souvenir shop promoting local art and craftsmanship
• Facilitation of night visits to monuments under adaptive use within permissible
guidelines of the nodal department (ASI, State Government etc. heritage byelaws)
• Advanced surveillance system (Like PTZ based CCTV cameras)
• Tourist Facilitation cum Interpretation Centre (Tourist Multi-Purpose Centre) with
facilities like museum, shopping/souvenir shop, cloakroom, toilet, drinking water,
money exchange etc.
• Technology based interpretation techniques (Augment Reality, Virtual Reality etc.)
• Digital Interactive Kiosk, Digital (LED) screening
• Light and Sound Shows
• Cultural shows
• Battery-operated vehicles/Golf Carts
1.5 “Semi Commercial Activity” mean any activity ancillary to operation of the site including
Sound & Light Show, Basic Souvenir Shop, Snack Counter, Cultural Events etc. necessary to
sustain Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and developmental activities at the adopted site
under the MoU.
1.6 “Heritage sites” means works of man or the combined works ofnature and man, and areas
including archaeological sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical,
aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological point of view. The definition incorporates below
1.6.1. “Monuments” means architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting,
elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and
combinations of features, which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view
of history, art or science. Monument here shall refer sites of national importance by the
Central Government as per the Ancient Monument Archaeological Sites and Remains Act,
1958 and corresponding states’ acts related to it.
1.7 “Heritage Sites/monuments” mean those that have been identified under the Adopt a
Heritage project by ‘Oversight & Vision Committee’, and other places added as & when the
‘Oversight and Vision Committee’ approves.

2.1 MONUMENT MITRA is interested to take up the cause of adoption of monument under the
Corporate Social Responsibility and accordingly has identified <Name of Site>, <State> and
intends to provide facilities in consultation with the Nodal Department(s).
2.2 The ‘Oversight and Vision Committee’ has consented to the developmental activities
proposed by the MONUMENT MITRA at the monument and agrees to the same.
2.3 For the purpose of this MoU, details of the amenities/facilities to be undertaken by the
MONUMENT MITRA is given below:

A Basic Amenities
B Advanced Amenities
(The MONUMENT MITRA agrees to carryout complete execution, operation and
maintenance of the amenities taken up as a part of the project, including payment of utility
bills for the period of this MoU)

2.4 MONUMENT MITRA shall prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the project within thirty days
of signing of this MoU. The detailed plan is required to be shared with the Nodal
Department(s) prior to commencement of actual work at the site. MONUMENT MITRA shall
undertake the execution of the work directly or outsource the work through a competent
agency under its overall supervision and that of Nodal Department(s).
2.5 MONUMENT MITRA shall prepare regular Monthly Progress Reports regarding
implementation of amenities and submit to all the parties of the MoU in the template
provided under project guidelines
2.6 Details of the work schedule to be undertaken by the MONUMENT MITRA is as per
2.7 Oversight and Vision Committee will acknowledge the contribution by the MONUMENT
MITRA towards developmental activities by way of signage/plaques etc. at appropriate
place. The placement, contents and size of the signage/plaques etc. will be decided with
mutual consent with the ‘Oversight and Vision Committee’ while ensuring that the same is
in tune with the aesthetic value of the monuments and surroundings of destinations.
Details of proposed visibility requirement is attached in Annexure-II.
2.8 The work/execution of the activities by the Monument Mitra or its agencies shall not cause
any hindrance to [Nodal Department(s)] or its representative in carrying out other works in
the monument or in free movement of the visitors.
2.9 MONUMENT MITRA shall not violate the provisions of the AMASR Act, 1958 and Rules,


3.1 MONUMENT MITRA agrees to finance the activities, operate & maintain (O&M) the
facilities on their own as approved by the committee rather than transfer of funds to any
Government Body or Department.
3.2 MONUMENT MITRA agrees to ensure that adequate funding is provided to develop,
improve and maintain the facilities for initial five (5) years.
3.3 The adoption period is for initial five (5) years subject to annual review of performance of
staff, quality of work, O&M, tourist feedback, impact on tourism etc.
3.4 MONUMENT MITRA agrees during period of adoption that no revenue shall be generated
from the public as collection fee, convenience fee etc. However, in case any fees are
planned to be charged it will be subjected to specific clearance of the relevant Government
parties to the MoU. Any, revenue generated through the proposed activities is required to
be put back to sustain development, operations and maintenance at the adopted


4.1 The primary responsibility of ensuring compliance to the required standard of the services
would be on MONUMENT MITRA.
4.2 The reasonability of the rates charged for the provision of services, if any, would be decided
by the Joint Committee headed by Nodal Department(s) and comprising of
representatives of from all parties to this Memorandum of Understanding. The
committee will also monitor the standard of services and redress grievances of semi-
commercial activities undertaken by the MONUMENT MITRA
4.3 A separate dedicated account will be opened and operated by MONUMENT MITRA for the
project. Any revenue generated through the semi commercial activities and from any other
associated activity pertaining to the project as approved by the Oversight & Vision
Committee shall be deposited in this dedicated account. Residual interest accrued if any
will also be retained in this account. The funds shall be only deployed for sustaining
operation and maintenance activities of the opted sites and will not be utilized to recover
capital expenditures. Post operation & maintenance, surplus funds, if any, may be deployed
for future development of tourism amenities only with prior approval of Oversight & Vision
Committee. In case of termination or completion of MoU tenure or discontinuation of
Monument Mitra post MoU tenure, balance / surplus revenue in the account (if any) is
required to be transferred to Nodal Department(s) and shall be deployed for sustaining
operation and maintenance activities and developmental activities of the opted sites.
4.4 The MONUMENT MITRA would be required to get this dedicated account audited quarterly
by CAG empaneled Chartered Accountant and shall produce a statement of accounts duly
certified and signed by Chartered Accountant to the Nodal Department(s). It shall be
verified during audit that the amounts collected for specified semi commercial activities of
the opted site have been utilized solely for purpose of operation and
maintenance/development of the approved tourism amenities at the adopted site.
4.5 It is mutually agreed that this MoU shall not in any way alter the legal status of the
monument/developmental activities that vests and shall always remain vested with the
Nodal Department(s).


5.1 This MoU shall be valid for a period of five (5) years (the “TERM”) from the date of
commencement of work, extendable further for a period of five (5) years depending on
recommendation of Oversight & Vision Committee based on periodic review of
performance of staff, quality of work, operation & maintenance, tourist feedback, impact
on tourism etc.

5.2 In the event of a delay in the commencement of work by the Nodal Department(s), the term
of the MoU shall be extendable by a period equivalent to such delay.

The management structure would consist of the following committees and stakeholders
whose functioning would be as mentioned below:

A. Oversight and Vision Committee:

A.1 Committee Composition:

1 Co-chaired by Secretary (Tourism) and Secretary (Culture) Chairperson

2 Director General (ASI) Member

3 Director General (Tourism) Member
4 Joint Secretary (Culture) Member
5 Addl. Director General (ASI) Member
6 Representatives from other Ministries/ State Governments/ Members
Departments who can be co-opted as and when required for co-
7 Addl. Director General (Tourism) /Joint Secretary (Tourism) Convener
The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism will
support the Oversight & Vision Committee

A.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities:

1. Enunciate the vision and chalk out the road map for the project and provide platform for
exchange of ideas.
2. Coordinate to oversee all operations, steer, and review and monitor overall performance of
the project and provide guidance on specific issues relating to the project.
3. Conduct the ‘Vision Bidding’ and select the ‘Monument Mitras’ from the bidders after
4. Oversee the planning, sanctioning and execution of the project sites and the overall
5. Power of termination of MoU of Monument Mitras in case of noncompliance of guidelines,
or any other reason of non-performance.
6. The Committee would also decide based on recommendations of the Implementation and
Monument Committee for dropping agencies and their proposed sites/intervention due
to reasons such as on non-submission of documents or non-compliance of timelines.

B. Implementation Committee:

B.1 Committee Composition:

1. Co-Chaired by Director General (Tourism) & Director General (ASI) Chairperson

2. Member Secretary, National Monument Authority Member
3. Additional Director General (Tourism) Member
4. Joint Secretary (Culture) Member
5. Additional Director General (ASI) Member
6. Joint Director General (Archaeological Survey of India) Member
7 Director (Monuments), Archaeological Survey of India / Dy. Member
Secretary, Ministry of Culture
8. Director/Dy. Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Convener
The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism will support
the Implementation Committee.

B.2 Indicative Roles & Responsibilities:

1. Guide the selected ‘Monument Mitras’ for getting the necessary clearances, approvals and
2. Assist the ‘Monument Mitras’ in the ‘joint inspection’ exercise in each of the heritage sites
/monument or tourist site for the ‘Need-Gap Analysis’.
3. Recommend mid-course corrections in the implementation tools.
4. Periodical oversight and review of proposed/ongoing projects.
5. Ensure co-ordination among the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture and ASI. Review
periodic progress/ service delivery reports received from Monument Mitras every quarter.
C. Monument Committee:

C.1 Committee Composition:

1. Director/Dy. Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Chairperson
Tourism OR Dy. Secretary, Ministry of Culture OR Director
(Monuments), Archaeological Survey of India

2. Superintending Archaeologist(s) of the various circles involved Member

Concerned representative of State Government (Nodal Member
4. Representatives from concerned Local Authorities / Bodies Member

5. Concerned Regional Director of the India Tourism Member

6. Representative of Tourism & Travel Industry can be coopted as Member
an when required for Industry Inputs
7. Representative of the Monument Mitras Member

8. Assistant Director General (Travel & Trade), Ministry of Convener
The Project Management Consultant (PMC) appointed by the Ministry of Tourism will support
the Monument Committee.

C.2 Roles & Responsibilities:

1. Providing NOC for executing planned interventions at the selected heritage
sites/monument or tourist site.
2. Assisting the Executing/Implementing Agencies (of the selected ‘Monument Mitras’) in the
implementation of works.
3. Assisting the Executing/Implementing Agencies (of the selected ‘Monument Mitras’) in the
Operations and Maintenance of the heritage site / monument / tourist site.
4. Review progress/ service delivery reports on activities received from Monument Mitra
every two months
5. Examine grievances received from customers/citizens regarding services provided by the
Monument Mitra
D. Monument Mitras

Public / Private sector companies or individuals successfully selected through the

process of ‘Vision Bidding’, on a competitive basis for the project shall be called as
Monument Mitras. Various roles and responsibilities of the Monument Mitras shall be
as mentioned below.

Roles & Responsibilities:

1. Prepare detailed Vision Bidding document for all the heritage sites/monuments that they
are plan to adopt (At least one monument from each category of the listed monuments
forming a package).
2. Carry out need gap analysis in each of the heritage sites/monuments that they are taking
up for adoption.
3. Get the necessary approvals, clearances, NoCs etc. soliciting the guidance of the
Monument Committee.
4. Do the entire end to end work of creation of assets and services of the required levels and
standards as per approved vision, proposal and MoUs.
5. Carry out Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the assets and services created.
6. Assist the Implementation Committee in the mid-course corrections and provide feedback
in a periodic manner.
7. Submit monthly progress/ service delivery reports on activities

E. Project Management Consultant

The Consulting team appointed by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for the Adopt a
Heritage project shall be called the Project Management Consultants (PMC). The PMC shall
provide support to the Oversight and Vision Committee, Implementation Committee and
Monument Committee.
PMC has shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
1. Coordination with the Monument Mitras for vision presentations and final preparation of
the Vision Bidding Document
2. Assist the Oversight and Vision Committee in the shortlisting of Expression of Interest
and evaluation of the Vision Bids from the Monument Mitras
3. Assist Implementation Committee in project implementation, periodic reporting of
implementation status and mid-course corrections if any and provide feedback in a
periodic manner.
4. Assist Monument Committee in project execution, identifying stakeholders, reviewing
& providing feedback on progress reports
5. After completion, compilation and analysis of survey data of tourist experience and
feedback and service level achievement details as provided by the Monument Mitras.


7.1 For the purposes of this MoU, "Force Majeure" means an event which is beyond the
reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party's performance of its obligations
hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the
circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire,
explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other
domestic action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other domestic action are within the
power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by
government agencies.

7.2 Force Majeure shall not include:

a) Any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a Party or such Party's
Sub-contractors or agents or employees;
b) Any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to:
i) Take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement, and
ii) Avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder.


The project guidelines shall remain enforced for the entire duration of MoU.
9.1 This MoU once operative shall continue to be in full force until terminated or expiry of the
9.2 This MoU can be terminated by any party giving not less than six (6) months’ notice in
writing of intended termination to other parties hereto. The non-terminating parties shall
be at liberty to re-negotiate fresh MoU amongst them, as the circumstances may permit,
to the exclusion of the terminating party.
9.3 Under exceptional circumstances and/or in the public interest, the Government of India
through Ministry of Tourism reserves the right to terminate the MoU with immediate


All disputes arising out of MoU shall be settled by discussion and failing which the settlement,
the decision of the ‘Oversight and Vision Committee’ shall be final and binding upon the


The MoU will be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of
India/ rules and law promulgated by concerned State Government. Any action brought by
either party against the other concerning the transactions contemplated by this MoU shall
be brought only in the courts of Delhi or in the courts located in the respective State. All the
parties and individuals signing this Agreement agree to submit to the jurisdiction of such


The Monument Mitra agrees to exercise adequate precautions in executing the Roles &
Responsibilities defined herein. In the provision of the roles and responsibilities defined
herein, the Monument Mitra will indemnify and hold harmless against any claim for
damages, the Ministry of Tourism and Nodal Department(s) as a result of any claims or
proceedings brought against them by a third party, which arises from activities performed
by the Monument Mitra pursuant to this MoU.


The Ministry of Tourism and Nodal Department(s) shall have the right to review within a
reasonable period of time, before issuance of any advertisement, press release, or any other
public statements with respect to the activities contemplated herein; the Ministry of Tourism
and Nodal Department(s) prior to press release / publication shall be provided with a copy
thereof and be given a minimum of 7 (seven) days’ time to comment, modify or restrict the
publication of such advertisement, public statement or press release.




2. SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the NAME OF THE



3. SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the MONUMENT



ANNEXURE I: Time Schedule for <Name of Site>, <State>

A Basic Amenities Implementation Timeline (T0)

B Advanced Amenities Implementation Timeline (T0)


T0 – Date of Commencement of Work

Phase – I : T0 – 3 Months or less
Phase – II : 3 – 12 Months
Phase – III: 12 – 18 Months

(*) Approved subject to notification for the monument under night visit as per provision in the
AMSAR Act, 1958

(The MONUMENT MITRA agrees to carryout complete execution, operations and maintenance
of the amenities taken up as a part of the project, including payment of utility bills for the period
of this MoU)

ANNEXURE II: Proposed Visibility Requirement for <Name of Site>, <State>

Limited visibility on Signage will be prescribed at the monument indicating that the monument has
been adopted by MONUMENT MITRA under Adopt a Heritage Project, Government of India in a
discreet manner and tastefully. Size and design of the standardized signage to be approved by
Archaeological Survey of India prior to the installation at site.


Monthly Progress Report – <YEAR> <MONTH>

Name of Monument/Site/Intervention

Name of Agency

Nodal Department/Stakeholder 1

Nodal Department/Stakeholder 2

Date of MoU Signed

Date of MoU Handover

Comprehensive Plan Submission (Yes/No)



# Name Amenity Type Implementation Date of Status Issues/

of the (Basic/Advanced) Handover/Approval (Started/ Remarks/
Timeline (As
amenity by Nodal Not Support
per MoU)
Department Started/ Required,
(As per
Completed) if any




A. Photographs showing progress of work / installed amenities at site with description


A. Name of the site

SN Name of Capex in Opex in Capex Opex in Total Cost in Attachments

Previous Months (For Reporting Invoices,
(Cumulative) Month) etc.) - For


A. Response/Feedback of tourists at site for amenities and services provided ( reporting month):

SN Name of Site-Amenity Tourist Feedback Source (Website, blog, Smiley

Terminals etc.)


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